almost 4 years
ago -
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Dear Humans and Elves,
We wanted to cover a few aspects about keeping safe and having fun in Elvenar.
As a company we take our player security very seriously, which is why we ask that you NEVER share your password with another player in our Game Rules and all players need to be aged 16 or over as per our General Terms and Conditions.
We live in an age where Cyber Crime is a very real thing and whilst we have incredible security systems in place to protect you as players. We do ask you to be most mindful, if you are asked for personal information by other players that you do not really know in real life.
Did you know that we also have a system in place from within the in-game messaging system to report messages and players to us? Simply click onto the red exclamation mark (!) which is next to the message avatar, to report to us. This also gives you the opportunity to block the players messages so you will never have to hear from them again.
We are more than happy to receive reports from you about players who are rule breaking, causing offence, trying to prise personal information from you or even spamming you.
Support will then take over and take any action/s needed as the message/s and information is reviewed and investigated.
We should also add that Support is always here to help you for all of your game queries and please remember the only stupid question, is the one you do not ask.
*** Please know that any bold words, link to greater information, should you wish to read further.
If you would like to discuss this further, please head over to our discussion section.
Kind regards
Your Elvenar Team