over 2 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
Hi @Sir Derf yes this has become quite a prominent subject in recent days. So I shall attempt to explain why we would be quite unable to facilitate manual/sudden movements.

Firstly, as most of you know, this is an automated process and as discussed before, this is something we are unable to override. It occurs once a week (normally on a Monday) so you may notice the appearance of new neighbours around that time.

Secondly, there are quite a few things that need to be taken into account when moving Cities across the world map. Of course the main objective is to bring all cities towards the centre and therefore moving the inactive cities to the outskirts. Thus giving everyone some nice new active neighbours to trade with and help. The issue the system has of course, is making sure there is room. For example... if you have a Marble/Crystal/Gem Boosted City surrounded by lets say 500 Completed/Scouted Provinces... the system needs to ensure that when moved, that's EXACTLY what you continue to have. Once there is a space that ticks all of your boxes, of course you will be moved, but meeting all of this criteria does take some time.

There are Thousands of active players across each world, and like the Butterfly Effect, one City move affects those around it, hence the reason that this is done via an automated process, and not manually. Unfortunately attempting to push that process along with premium game currency would not be possible :confused:

Kind Regards
