
Elvenar Dev Tracker

31 Dec

    Rilian on Forums - Thread - Direct
Since 'old' is twice your age, wherever you are is 'middle age.' ;)  

30 Jan

    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the upcoming Fellowship Adventures and the changes made to Fellowship Adventures to this round. The announcement regarding these changes can be found here.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team  

24 Nov

    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
If you close something and then see it pop up again afterwards as if nothing had happened, that would indeed not be intended. We will look into that for sure. Our apologies for the inconvenience this is causing you.

Edit: If you're experiencing this, you can try to reload the game. It'll most likely resolve the problem. Again, apologies for this rather annoying bug.  

22 Sep

    Valania on Forums - Thread - Direct
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } Top_Bar.png
Hello, my fellow Elvarian!

I'm very happy to see you want to know a bit more about the Ideas and Suggestions forum! Please allow me to give you some tips on how to use this section of the Elvenar forums!

IDEAS AND... Read more

19 Sep

    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
As of right now, we can confirm that the changes to the Crystal Lighthouse / Bell Spire will come to International with next week's update, and that there is only a very small chance that this will be changed. We will, of course, monitor the effect(s) of the changes and iterate on them if we see a need for that. Your feedback is being heard, and is being forwarded as well.

For those who're reading along now, but are unsure what exactly the changes will be, see the spoiler below:
Spoiler The Crystal Lighthouse / Bell Spire Ancient Wonder gives an amount of Goods each time you help one of your Neighbors. With the update, this will change slightly: the Goods you get from the Ancient Wonder effect will not be added automatically, but will be added to the Treasure Chests that can spawn in a player's city when you help them. To compensate for the lower occurance, you will 10x the current a... Read more
    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
conqueror9 said: It is interesting to say it is relatively small change
Again, the "relatively small change" referred to having a single thread to discuss Beta-related topics on this forum, not to changes of the Crystal Lighthouse / Bell Spire Ancient Wonder that were made on Beta.  
    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
Dizzy Lizzie said: I believe this was referring to the creation of this thread not any possible changes in-game.
It was indeed. :)  
    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct
Of course we thought of that, and we agree. Hence this thread. ;)

Do realize, though, that not everything that comes to Beta will also be seen on the International version in the exact same way. There is always a chance that things change on Beta, it's the nature of it. The purpose of this thread is to offer the possibility to discuss Beta on the International forums, be it in a more concentrated way than we have been used to until now. As also mentioned in the first post, these forums are here to discuss Elvenar International, and we have dedicated forums for the Beta version. Still, we see the desire to discuss Beta here on the International version too, and that's of course fine. We do think it's best if that's done in one place that is easy to find for those who want to find it, and at the same time easy to avoid for those who like it better to only read about news on... Read more
    Muf-Muf on Forums - Thread - Direct

News from Beta

Dear Humans and Elves,

Since we are seeing a desire to discuss Beta-related topics on our Elvenar International forums, we've decided that we will be creating this thread solely for that purpose, in which we will be able to allow discussions for Beta-related topics. This also means that, from now on, all other threads attempting to discuss our Beta version will be either merged with this thread, or will be locked and redirected here. That way, we have a single point on the forums where beta can be discussed.

This ensures that:
  • anyone who does...
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