Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

14 Nov

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Increased inner sizes of money case, ammo case, holodilnick food case and mag case.

13 Nov

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of the website is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The maintenance of the official website has begun. It will take about an hour.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Today at 10.30 Moscow time we plan to conduct maintenance of the official website of the game.  It will take about an hour. 

At that time, the launcher and the game may not be available for some users.

12 Nov

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


I was a USEC commander working undercover in the back ;) 

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

Four weeks ago our Community Team presented Escape From Tarkov at Poznań Game Arena 2019 in Poznań, Poland.

Every participant of this event was able to play Escape From Tarkov on the newest PCs provided by Actina, talk with our Emissaries and take photos with awesome cosplayers from Uprzejmi Ludzie group.

Below you can see the great photos from this event taken by Mydlane Fotografie.

We would like to thank all our partners and all the participants, it was a great event!



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11 Nov

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
36 minutes ago, _BeerLover_ said:

No, but it will reduce the number of cheaters because it will make easier to report suspicious players.

It's not a cheap game, so the script kiddies won't risk.

As announced before, there will be after raid report video later in the future. 

07 Nov

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers,

We started the installation of a technical update on all game servers in order to make some minor technical fixes.

The game will not stop. On updating servers, the raid time will be reduced to 3 minutes.

03 Nov

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
17 hours ago, big_guy4you said:

I just want to reset my character and try again, but I can't.

Profile resets are not designed to lose everything is restart. There are many ways you can get back from nothing without needing a reset. In fact, reset is mainly for technical related issues and in the past for package upgrades. 

31 Oct

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct



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30 Oct

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update is complete

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We started the installation a technical update on all game servers to fix the issue with invisible AI. The game will not stop. On updating servers, the raid time will be reduced to one minute

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of servers is complete

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The update of all game servers has begun. The game will not stop. On updating servers, the raid time has reduced to one minute.

29 Oct


Прежде всего - поздравляю! Мы наконец сделали это, и это огромное облегчение как для вас и для нас!

  • Проблемы с перегрузкой (сбои загрузки профиля, длительный матчинг и т. д.) - ДА. мы побили все наши рекорды и получили перегруженные сервера. Сейчас мы работаем над стабилизацией - добавлением новых серверов, устранением причин перегрузки.
  • Исправление различных вещей и загрузка хотфиксов. 
  • Производительность на военной базе - не соответствует нашим ожиданиям (что-то пошло не так, и мы это исправляем).
  • Читаем ваши ответы и занимаемся внесением изменений для улучшения прогресса и баланса (это вполне естественно, особенно с таким большим обновлением).
  • Мы воодушевлены вашими положительными отзывами и готовы идти дальше! Мы будем делать более сбалансированные обновления в течение разумного периода времени. Извините, что заставили вас ждать так долго!

Пусть это будет новым началом в истор...

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28 Oct

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you, Gentlemen!

We will do our best to fix those issues.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

@vvmann @rafis3

Hello Gentlemen, 

can you please submit a bug report about this issue with your game logs from that time? You can do that through the game launcher.

Thank you!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our servers are currently experiencing overload. We are working to improve the situation.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you!


Issue is fixed now. Please, try again. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
4 minutes ago, Cempres said:

this is the thing that's popping out, don't know where to find logs


Inside the game launcher folder. 

3 minutes ago, eth0effect said:

error 208 for me. log files attached


Thank you! But those are the game log files. We need the launcher log files. It can be found in the folder that the launcher is installed in.