Sorry, but as a software engineer, your job also requires testing major features. Not sure if you knew that.
you know - piss off, please
Sorry, but as a software engineer, your job also requires testing major features. Not sure if you knew that.
you know - piss off, please
Have you considered adding all ammo types at least to the loot tables? Ideally, everything would be lootable, but ammo especially needs to be lootable.
Also, make things that are unlocked from level 1 with no quests not be affected by the market as there's really no reason for them to go anywhere but down in price.
they were added yesterday
seriously. we are working on the changes and additions.
External link →Read more1) Patch 0.11 will be released this year, for sure. But it will be downsized a little bit. For example there won't be UP/DOWN outfit change, transfered to the next patch.
2) Patch 0.11 content: New Map; Killa; Guns (RPK 16 / HK-416 / Mosins / Remington 700 / AR-15 civil version ADAR / VEPR Hunter / SVD maybe / New Melee; New NPC "raiders" likely.
3) Hideout is 98% ready. Highly likely next NY patch.
4) Voice Chat - 90% ready. Highly likely next NY patch
5) Arena - this is release endgame content. Nikita designed it a year ago, but it will be added with release of the game. Will be 1 on 1 / 2 on 2 / 5 on 5 / PVE mods and couple unique game mods. Will include 5 special Arena locations. One is ready 4 to go. Player will recieve "reputation points" for it.
6) New antialiasing very soon
7) Next scav boss after Killa will be on woods. Hunters gang.
8) New maps will be realised much faster. Almost all content is ready. 2 maps in 2-...
correct, thanks for wrapup
this was bullsh*t some time ago, and right now its bullsh*t. sh*t of bull 100% sh*tty
That's a modernized version of it, so I'd assume that they will either make two versions, or let us mod it.
it will be fully customizable
Read moreMany of us in the community want to see Tarkov be more survival and less arcadey shooter. I'm personally on board, but I want to express to the devs why "survival" mechanics need to be implemented carefully.
The biggest thing to avoid are bar-filling mechanics. Many survival games are set up so you just have a bar with a food value, and you simply need to eat every 10 minutes of gametime or something to stay alive.
I think me, and the entire Tarkov community, collectively say: f**k that. If food is just going to be a thing which does nothing but add a pointless menu requirement, we would be better off not having it.
However, food can be implemented in a way which is really cool. Some ideas:
When well-fed, the rate of strength gain should increase. In real life, you don't just work out to gain strength, you also eat a bunch of food.
It should be relatively easy to stay at "normal" levels of food, but strength training lev...