there will be a personsl limits to buy certain items
there will be a personsl limits to buy certain items
current known high priority issues which are being fixed are:
- scavs hitdetection
- helmets and visors ricochet bug
- AI wallhacking and wall-shooting
- zeroing bugs
- meds/consumables infinite animation cycle bug
- 21:9 aspect interface bugsTell your most annoying issues, which are not included in this list, to prioritize more. Vote for it for additional visibility. Thanks.
thanks for replies
Directional audio, laggy audio, "ghost" audio, proximity audio.
whats ghost audio and proximity audio?
Sweety stop saying that. Because thats the biggestproblem of all. Saying things are fixed (even in the official patchnotes) that where clearly not. Just stop doing that.
im getting f*cking tired of such responses. check it again and stop saying us what to do. we fixed night vision of scavs, we saw responses that it was fixed too. if its still not fixed right now - scavs vision is still good at night then give us videoproofs!
I'd recommend you check the vid that he linked, that's from five days ago.
we fixed it less than five days ago
It seems it's back.
Not my video obviously, but an example. It's even worse on maps like Customs and Shoreline. Makes using the expensive night vision painful.
check it again
The stuttering / freezes / terrible frametime. I'm not sure where it come from, i made a bug report about it (#773368) - it's bad, i often get 500ms+ frames offline and it's sometime worst online.
This is what two quick offline interchange look like with an 8 core ryzen at 3.8ghz, 16gb of memory, game + system on different SSD and an RTX 2080:
you understand that if it was widespread everybody would notice that. something is not right on your end. write the ticket number plz