3 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s The team on the Road to Masters has been formed!
4s But why did these three come together?
5s I had heard that Nuguri played Eternal Return before, but I didn't know his skill level
11s But after we played together I thought
14s since we already know each other we could perform better
17s I've played a lot of squads with Hoit since Early Access
22s It was hard to play together back then because both Hoit and I were pro gamers
31s But now, we both have more time
33s We were talking about who else to add to our team
35s Ha Gwon (Nuguri) also has the pro gamer background and we had heard he is good at playing Shoichi
40s We all had experience as former pro gamers in the same game
44s That's why we decided to team up
53s June 03, 2:00 PM Guro-dong
56s (A house with an atmosphere of freedom)
57s (Who is the owner of this space?)
64s (It's none other than Nuguri Jang Ha Gwon!)
67s (Logging into Eternal Return as soon as he wakes up)
69s (Checking his score)
72s (And then ready to queue)
77s Q. What are you doing now?
78s I'm practicing Solo queue for Eternal Return to prepare for the tournament
83s Q. What is your tier? N: I'm in Mythril right now
87s My score fluctuates between 6700 and 7000
92s It's not bad for an average player
96s but in tournaments, most players are Titan or Immortal
99s so, at this level, it's just a baby score
104s To enter the qualifiers, I need to pass the rating cut
106s I'm not sure of the exact requirement, since it's based on relative ranking
110s But I think I need to go higher than Mythril
113s Q. Is there a deadline to raise your tier score? The rating cut is until Thursday (June 13) 6 PM
117s By then, I think I need to raise my score to around 7300
122s That should give me a chance
124s (The first hurdle to Masters is the rating cut)
127s I had a tough time farming legendary items in this game
138s Oh, good taunt
146s Wow, I just died because I got stunned against the wall
148s Discord
150s How's it going? Are you doing well?
152s It's tough to raise my score these days
154s Same, I keep bouncing between Mythril and Titan
157s When I play solo queue, I feel like I'm lacking something
160s Maybe it's because I play Shoichi but it's difficult
163s Solo queue isn't as tough as scrims, so it's okay
166s But it's hard to make decisions and strategies in scrims
170s Let's focus on raising our rating for now and practice solo queue hard
175s Okay, let's test the compositions we discussed in today's scrim
180s Yes
181s (Back to Solo queue)
185s (There are only 10 days till the Rating Cut)
191s (The goal is Immortal)
197s (Time to decide the name of the team)
201s (The three players gather on Discord)
202s Does anyone have name suggestions for the team?
204s Since we have you Nuguri, it should be related to money
207s Money???
209s How about something extreme like
211s KimPiTang? (Kimchi, Pizza, Sweet and Sour Pork are foods with strong divided opinions even in Korea)
213s What???
213s How's KimPiTang?
215s (Laughs) Is KimPiTang good?
217s LokeN, what was your team name when you competed before?
220s Carpe Diem's good
222s Yes, I used it when I competed before
225s It means 'seize the day'
230s Can we use that? It's good.
232s I think we can, no one is using it now
235s Carpe Diem is too good
236s It sounds like a name that would attract sponsors if we do well
239s (The name has been decided: Carpe Diem)
243s LokeN: Let's see, their items are weak, we have one legendary
247s Oh, they have items
249s Walk, walk, walk
251s Can you use your ult?
260s (Won the fight and got their Mythril items)
264s LokeN: I'll just go for them
266s (The best team at rushing, LokeN's Tsubame and Nuguri's Shoichi)
269s (They see an opponent and they just go in)
274s LokeN: Our composition is really good!
276s Hoit: It's really good!
277s (They can just dash in) LokeN: We're able to just dash without thinking much
283s I'll go in
287s LokeN: The one in the front
288s Nuguri: I can't
290s (The Fishing Game Strategy is a Success!)
294s LokeN: This time, (I don't have Blink so) I can't do it Shoichi has to do it first
297s I'll tell you if I need your ult
302s Go, go, go! Forward!
304s (Can they get the last win?)
306s Nuguri: Slowly x2
309s Isn't this good?
311s LokeN: I got Hart
325s Nuguri: GOOD! Our 1st first place, nice!
327s (A promising composition and good team work)
343s (Now they just need to pass the rating cut!)
350s (The day of the fateful rating cut)
354s (The ratings will be posted soon)
356s (Will Carpe Diem be able
358s to make the rating cut?)
361s Everyone's so high
364s I didn't think we would fail
366s Why did we fail?
368s (Why did the 3 players get eliminated?)
380s HJ ENTUS's Flame made it
385s How did he do it?
387s I think his score is lower than mine
389s (His teammates had really high scores)
393s (A very disappointing result)
397s (Carpe Diem was eliminated from the Qualifiers Rating Cut)
400s We prepared hard and practiced a lot
403s but we got cut off at the rating cut
407s So...we failed
409s What should we do, everyone?
411s This is an emergency
413s Honestly, I didn't expect to fail...
416s Really
417s Honestly, I thought we might fail the Qualifiers...
420s but I didn't think we would fail the rating cut
425s Honestly, I didn't expect the cut-off line to be so high
430s But I did feel that while scrimming
433s I realized it's a real competition
435s I felt the games were really intense, especially after just Solo queueing for fun
438s I also didn't have a chance to play against official league teams
442s So I felt the pressure in every game like I had to hold my breath
445s Praying for luck with every wolf we killed
450s Hoping it drops something That's what I thought while playing
451s It was surreal
455s Now it's been 2 weeks, right?
457s And I have a new goal for us, that instead of joining now
460s we should first get to Titan or Immortal
462s There are things unique to Eternal Return
465s Like the flow of the game and stuff
467s Once we learn more of those things,
470s I think we can perform better in the next tournament
473s If during the process I feel like I can't do it
476s Like I won't make it, then I'll swallow my pride and switch to Alonso
481s Seriously
482s (Will Nuguri part ways with Shoichi?)
484s If I can't reach Titan in 2 weeks
486s I'll be the Tank
487s Hoit should be the DPS
489s That's right, it's the right choice
491s Hoit, you should be the DPS
493s You deal a lot (of damage) in Ranked games, but did tanking in scrims to match our composition
497s Is it your chance now, Hoit?
498s If you're the Ranged DPS and Hoit his character
501s Then it's better if I am the bruiser or tank
504s If we prepare well, we can do better
507s I needed a wake up call to improve
510s (Eliminated from the rating cut due to an unfortunate score)
513s (This time he needs to improve his score!)
521s (The game that has made the heart of this pro gamer beat fast again)
527s Eternal Return
532s (Can they make it into the rating cut this time?)
537s (A few days later)
539s LokeN: Guys, are you asleep?
540s Nuguri: No, solo queueing
541s Hoit: No
541s LokeN: I've been thinking...
542s Nuguri: ??
543s LokeN: Everyone has a 4p roster, right? But we only have 3
545s LokeN: How about we recruit one more player?
547s Hoit: (Irem emote)
548s Nuguri: (Emma emote)
549s On the next episode
550s Find out who's Carpe Diem's fourth member!