4 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s spe for
85s Kam
102s fore
119s spee
135s fore
149s good
179s for
209s for
239s for
269s for
299s for for
359s fore
377s fore
389s foree
418s for team
449s for
478s for for
532s fore
563s oh
568s do fore
603s chicken
612s chicken wow
633s chicken
658s chicken for
720s oh
769s for
794s cont
838s te
868s for
898s for IM
959s Pro
988s G
1018s for e
1067s fore
1070s foree
1078s spee fore
1133s foree
1138s spee
1147s fore foreign
1150s speech
1152s fore
1156s foree
1159s speee fore spech
1201s all right ladies and gentlemen it's been
1204s another two weeks which means we're
1206s right back with eternal return Masters
1209s welcome back everybody we are here for
1211s season 4 phase number two and I mean you
1216s guys can already see it hey this is not
1217s some uh pink-haired lady on the left of
1220s my side here this is some blackhaired
1222s sword wielding cool guy over here it's
1226s me Speedy yo we got a guest Caster this
1228s week
1230s yeah so super is on a nice well-deserved
1233s vacation out in California enjoying
1235s Anime Expo so I'm here to uh take his
1237s place for the weekend oh heck yeah you
1240s are all right ladies and gentlemen yeah
1242s if you guys have been hearing about well
1244s we talk about this actually I believe
1245s during phase number one where super
1247s isn't going to be available for this one
1249s so a couple of you guys might have
1251s wondered if I'm doing this by myself no
1254s I would definitely not like to do that I
1256s know a lot of you guys do not want me to
1258s go to sleep and also just kind of cry
1260s internally but Nimble neuron was
1262s gracious enough to allow me a coaster
1265s for the weekend so thank you so much
1267s Meek Speedy for joining us here this
1268s weekend no my pleasure I mean I know
1270s it's hard for them to find someone to uh
1272s be up at this hour um I'm sure some
1274s people are nocturnal enough for it but
1276s most of the nocturnal people go to sleep
1277s by now and most of the morning people
1279s are up a little later so that was just
1281s kind of a perfect fit and I didn't I had
1283s nothing better to do anyways hey perfect
1286s thing all right well Meek you are here
1289s for eternal return Masters I hope you
1291s know that right yeah right yeah oh yeah
1294s yeah pro league the highest level of
1296s play of er possible yeah you didn't wake
1299s up for work good good good all right
1301s well it's work in a sense you know oh
1303s okay yeah I see you all righty well yeah
1307s we are here for phase number two we
1308s already had phase one two weeks ago
1310s which means this time around yep we are
1312s back for phase number two and guys there
1315s was a lot of development when it comes
1317s to teams that are going to be playing
1319s here this weekend it's not going to be
1321s the same teams from phase number one
1323s trust me on this one the qualifiers were
1325s quite fun but let's take about what's
1327s going to actually be happening over the
1328s course of the weekend you guys have been
1330s here before everything's going to be
1332s pretty much the same but for those of
1333s you guys who are new we have the group
1335s stages today that is going to be on the
1337s left side here for day number one the
1339s wild cards tomorrow and the finals we'll
1341s talk about how some of the teams is
1342s going to move on in just a moment here
1344s in the center is the prize Pole right
1346s there all displayed out in your
1348s beautiful Korean ju value and of course
1350s all the values that the teams are
1352s fighting for the circuit points for the
1353s season finals on the
1355s right so for someone like me who is um
1358s you know unfamiliar with the currency
1361s exchange rate of Korean W to US dollar
1365s or even Canadian dollar um what would
1367s what would this equate to you shy do you
1369s know so give or take the currency
1371s exchange right now is about
1373s $11 US dollar to about
1376s 1,400 Korean wies so you can kind of
1379s guesstimated as around 1,000 Korean one
1381s to one just just as a rough estimate R
1385s yeah okay yeah exactly and here we go
1388s here is the format for the weekend today
1390s is going to be the group stages which
1391s means we have two different groups
1392s groups A and B four rounds for each of
1395s those two groups top two teams in each
1397s group is going to move on to the finals
1398s while the second while the third to
1400s sixth teams I should say is going to
1402s move on to the wild cards and it seems
1403s like they're just zooming on today
1405s because here's the teams that are going
1406s to be playing in group a jeez that was
1409s uh me time the bottom two teams get
1412s relegated yeah so we have in group a
1415s today we have Miran seang with one
1417s Circle romatic danana Serenity slasher
1420s we are in sjong sponsored right
1423s yeah should we yeah yeah yeah they are
1426s okay who are they sponsored by b
1430s s it's the old lift sandbox if you know
1433s that if you know that
1434s org no I'm not familiar oh my this guy
1439s sler X zika Y Anonymous always
1445s in in inin okay look my look don't worry
1450s I got you cover I'm right here man my
1452s Korean pronunciation is not great uh
1455s Cherry D luminol oh I've heard luminol
1458s and N uh song num rocks like rocks
1461s Tigers
1464s Rock close enough
1467s anysa d Zer and soam oh okay you got
1472s that one right actually okay right right
1474s and these top four teams were the ones
1475s that made it out of the ones that were
1478s invited no no these are the seated teams
1481s seated teams sorry and the bottom four
1483s teams
1484s were uh they're the ones that made it
1486s through from the qualifiers so
1488s qualifiers essentially what ends up
1490s happening is based on the performance of
1493s the previous season finals a certain
1495s number of teams are seated so they're
1497s always guaranteed to get through and
1499s play in the group stages for the season
1501s after okay but all the other teams have
1504s to fight their way through the
1505s qualifiers the week before ERM starts to
1508s try and actually qualify for the group
1510s stages
1514s themselves okay I see yeah you want to
1516s know how many teams play in that thing
1518s and gets cut down to four or I should
1520s say eight teams you can imagine a ton
1524s there is four groups and each group has
1526s eight teams so there are 32 teams that
1528s gets down to
1530s eight wow that's crazy it is it is bad I
1535s always tell people whenever we're
1536s playing the group stages that the teams
1538s that made it through the qualifiers
1539s while you know sometimes they might not
1541s have the best of performances in
1543s comparison to the seated teams of course
1545s the seated teams are teams that played
1546s in the season finals the season before
1549s these guys still have to work and fight
1551s through hell to actually get to the
1553s stage so yeah I mean that group stage
1555s must be Cutthroat it's just like it must
1558s be just absolutely brutal and
1560s Grilling exactly and even on top of that
1563s too I know a lot of I know a couple
1565s people in chat were mentioning this
1566s before we started here so little updates
1569s on the league professional team right
1571s nugy we have um who were the other two
1574s it was
1575s NY oh I'm forgetting the rest of their
1578s names oh my God my brain is just not
1580s functioning right now nug something
1581s something something something ho and
1584s there was one more it's
1586s the lokan lokan there we go that's three
1589s Unfortunately they made it to the
1591s qualifiers this time right during phase
1593s number one they barely didn't even
1594s qualify for the qualifiers during phase
1597s number one but this time they did they
1599s just couldn't make it through um so
1601s they're kind of stepping up they're
1604s progressing
1606s yeah um it's getting better it's getting
1610s there so this is the uh the predictions
1613s yes um wow Miran seang is overwhelmingly
1617s predicted to uh make it through
1619s and slasher has the second highest team
1622s which team has was slasher again who's
1623s on slasher slasher is the one with xboy
1627s and a couple others that team is
1629s actually also sponsored by the way oh
1631s okay this is one of the are they
1634s sponsored by something called
1636s slasher kind kind of this is also one of
1639s the regional teams uh slasher all these
1642s team names that has a Korean City in
1644s front of it right so in hamon all these
1648s teams are going to be the regional
1649s sponsored ones and oh I see yeah I know
1652s slasher doesn't have a team name in
1654s front of them but yes they are also one
1655s of the the sponsored teams they also
1658s used to go by the moniker of Team prey
1661s before the rebranding but yes they are
1664s one of the other teams that are going to
1666s be sponsored here playing today so
1668s something I noticed with the predictions
1670s is they had the seated teams and the
1672s qualified teams uh they're voting
1675s separate yeah yep exactly and that's an
1678s easy way
1679s yeah yeah no for sure it makes sense and
1681s I noticed that Ferry was the highest uh
1684s voted team on the bottom and that was uh
1686s gwor Alto bear and one tool one tool yes
1692s we getting the hang of this already man
1694s what the heck on all righty well we're
1697s going to start diving into the games
1699s immediately from the GetGo and it seems
1701s like we are actually potentially seeing
1704s lumino back on the shuichi now guys I
1707s believe
1709s yes sir I believe we are currently on
1711s the 1.25 patch so it should be the one
1714s that we've been playing on although
1719s H maybe it was just a little bit of
1722s opium would be nice I like the the uh
1725s the current patch a lot I've been
1726s playing a bit and it's very enjoyable I
1728s really like the final Circle changes I
1731s know right the final zone changes and
1733s that's one of the reasons why I should
1735s also mention this as well guys so we're
1737s a little bit far away from that one
1738s right cuz it'll be on Sunday but just a
1740s little bit of a premonition for all of
1743s you we will have the old checkpoint
1745s system back where it'll be the team that
1747s has to win while they're in checkpoint
1750s in order to actually take away the
1751s entire Series right with the new
1753s temporary Zone and the final zone
1755s changes we should be back to our good
1757s bread and butter checkpoint system but
1759s for today and tomorrow just simple best
1761s of fours nothing too crazy
1770s you got cooking there anything um I got
1772s some Gatorade cooking um do you got do
1775s you see anything out of out of the
1777s ordinary here CU I'm not as familiar
1779s with ERM as you are is there any picks
1780s that any of these players have picked
1782s that seem um like not something they
1785s usually play or something that you know
1787s they bust it out yeah I do have I do
1790s have two over here the first one is
1792s going to be the Nadine for team slasher
1795s that character actually hasn't seen
1797s gameplay I think in ER for about a
1800s season now because the entirety of last
1802s season was mostly covered by things like
1804s the Rio the ma right so no real space
1807s for an Adine to really shine through but
1809s we are going to see that character here
1811s today and we are also going to be able
1814s to see Darko today on the side of Ted
1816s and cyers ah interesting has Darko been
1819s played in irm yet um I don't believe so
1823s people in chat might have to refresh my
1825s memory on that one but I think I think I
1828s think Darko wasn't allowed for phase one
1832s I can't I can't promise you on it for
1835s sure
1837s yeah well um I know in ercs Darko has
1840s been played quite a bit in the North
1841s American League so maybe you know there
1844s maybe the Koreans are watching what
1845s we're doing
1846s copium yeah clueless surely surely
1850s surely clueless see the only problem
1853s with Darko right now in my opinion is
1855s that right now the way that this Lobby
1857s is set up yes he can actually flourish
1860s because there's a lot of these
1861s frontliners that he can use intimidation
1862s tactic on but that skill actually took a
1865s hit this patch yes it did it took a big
1868s hit actually lost 5% of its Max Health
1871s damage and I think the base damage went
1872s down as well yeah exactly so I'm not
1875s entirely sure if the dark goes cuz
1878s here's the thing that I thought right
1879s when I was taking a look at the patch
1881s one of the biggest things that I was
1882s thinking about is that intimidation
1884s tactic in it of itself never really felt
1887s as that significant ific of a skill for
1889s me I could I can't tell why but it just
1891s doesn't seem like using it on all these
1894s tanks actually did anything but either
1896s way it's going to be even less effective
1898s now so we'll see if this Darko pick from
1900s the side of teden cybers is going to be
1903s a good one or if it's going to flop a
1906s little bit
1907s magnificently what's interesting about
1909s intimidation tactics is um a lot of a
1912s lot of times I've been against it
1914s personally it's been very hard to deal
1917s with when you when it's used as a peel
1919s tool because it's it's literally just
1920s point and click you can't mess it up and
1922s if you're just next to your carry and
1923s use it on someone that tries to get on
1924s your carry It's very effective as a a
1927s tool to get somebody off your carry but
1928s it also doubles as an engage tool when
1931s using it on a tank so it it's it's
1932s multi-purpose as a tool and it's um so
1936s we'll see what dun cybers wants to do
1938s with it it looks like they're going to
1939s look for more of an engage with Bianca
1941s and um and Darko together which is
1945s interesting I wonder how Carla fits into
1947s this comp I guess it just jumps in
1949s allins with it with her as well yeah
1951s that's the thing I'm wondering here as
1953s well when you think of Carla she's very
1955s limited on her range so I'm kind of
1957s worried if I'm going to be honest with
1959s you with how this comp is going to
1960s orient itself but this is eternal return
1962s Masters I'm most likely sure that our
1964s worries are going to be quell by the
1965s time these fights begin but here we go
1967s the fights will start as a p are going
1969s to start coming into play play chungi
1972s trying to run away from this one
1973s everything being blown by team saber
1976s trying to knock down this Alonzo t he is
1978s just Walling waddling himself away but
1980s of course that is an Alonzo against the
1982s team that has multiple catch up
1984s potential so good stuff coming through
1986s for team saber the first kill of the
1988s game by the way which is extremely slow
1990s in comparison to phase number one
1994s guys in Phase number one people were
1996s getting killed day one oh yeah we had
1998s like 10 plus kills in day
2001s one so this is definitely a lot
2004s different but another fight this time
2005s around it is going to be yeah on going
2008s in on saber saber backing up bser
2011s looking to peel for Dena but Dena is
2014s just getting kind of ran at by this
2015s Estelle on the back we have a 1 V one on
2017s one side and a 2v2 on the other luminal
2020s okay they're grouping up in the middle
2021s they kind of have them pincered looks
2022s like they're committing towards luminal
2024s here yes slash or saber does take down
2027s luminal and
2028s now uh Enon is on the Run yeah Cherry
2031s trying to get away from this one but it
2033s is a ly right with soul stealer as well
2035s should be able to make enough distance
2036s to get on out of there good early kills
2039s for team Savor of course when you have
2040s something like a Cathy as well as an
2042s Adena you are looking for the early game
2044s snowball trying to make sure just get
2046s all that power ramping up as soon as
2049s possible so these early kills are going
2050s to really work out right around hotel as
2053s well so they can even look for an angle
2055s onto the Tree of Life they really chose
2057s to do so in about 30 seconds
2059s here yeah and you can already see
2062s another team Shang looking to rotate
2064s into hotel from Beach we'll see if they
2066s hyper Loop or look to contest Hotel Tre
2069s um it looks like saber's actually going
2071s to look to the archery wolves Rober I
2074s guess they seem to be rotating towards
2076s there do seem like it I don't know I
2079s mean there's still plenty of time before
2081s they really decide on anything at this
2083s point yeah they're going to get a day
2084s scan as well and it looks like Maron
2086s Sang's also looking at the archery
2087s wolves so it looks like yeah saber and
2089s song are going to contest each other on
2090s these wolves it's going to be a bit
2092s awkward duchan looking for an angle but
2095s of course with the Alonzo up in the
2097s front line this is going to be a little
2098s bit difficult for I think both of these
2099s teams to actually maneuver although on
2101s the other side of Team saber there is no
2103s tank there The Shield from Alonzo is
2104s going to get taken down romantic pushing
2106s up a little bit forward both of these
2108s teams looking for those mutant wolf HS
2110s but it seems like it will be me sing to
2112s hold control of that at the start of day
2114s number two and another person goes down
2116s as an Adena from Team cartel will take
2117s it taken down too and you can see right
2120s there the power of having something like
2122s Theodor on your team something that can
2123s it's a backliner that can create engages
2125s while also providing healing for your
2127s tank so they don't get poked out
2128s allows their tank to step up forward
2131s without much worry cuz they know they
2132s can get healed up should be the case
2135s yeah and not get poked out yeah I think
2138s the during phase number one we actually
2140s saw a huge combo between Commander
2143s helmet as well as a Theo healing from
2145s the side of Team Meen Hong I wonder if
2147s they're going to be running something
2148s similar to that today is they're going
2150s to teleport down to the south side or
2152s will be hung n rocks seeing if they can
2154s get any positioning around here I
2155s believe I just saw a gilly suit being
2157s built up by Bob MSA and the energy blast
2160s field is going to be invested from the
2161s side of Team s rocks let's see if this
2163s is going to result in anything one CLE
2165s is just zooming it on out of there
2167s danana trying to come back into this
2168s fight romatic also going to be getting
2170s out magnetic field on the side of danana
2172s actually keeping his team alive for a
2173s little bit longer drone has been popped
2175s from the both sides these Theos are just
2177s going ham the overcharge ended both
2181s theodors were just left unchecked I mean
2183s Yi found his way onto one Circle but as
2184s he said he just zoomed out and they're
2186s going back in for more danana looking
2188s really low he might get taken down here
2190s no he does not y or hungi finds his way
2193s back onto one Circle zoning him out
2194s rattic kind of just left alone on the
2196s backline here and he's going to get
2197s pointed at
2199s yeah okay every ready
2203s wall not even being given the chance to
2205s do so so be and song actually losing out
2207s on the fight early game we'll see if
2209s that means anything for that team but
2211s for team slasher yoha intimidation
2213s tactic is online for Cadmus but nothing
2215s really being done with that skill as the
2217s AOE didn't hit and they just have to
2220s respect this theor gate in the corridor
2222s they just can't step up and it's just
2224s way too risky they have to back out yeah
2226s exactly it's a level two energy blast
2229s field it's not going to be the best
2230s thing across the board but it's still
2232s pretty good and CMV getting jumped down
2234s here by T trying to get himself away
2236s from this fight but it will be this
2238s taunt coming through from Pang anything
2240s else going be done with this there's so
2242s much damage being dealt by both of these
2244s teams onto each respective tank but the
2246s healing from the St isn't going to be
2248s yes it is Cherry carrot Rockets luminal
2251s is going to get jumped on towards the
2253s back will get taken down now has to
2255s completely book it around he has a
2256s shield back up will just get himself on
2258s out of there although whoa the spring
2260s trap didn't land ncmb is actually just
2262s gunning it straight for
2264s Cherry but looks like Terry's going to
2266s go out he sees the blast Ms there
2268s respects it backs off um that looked
2271s interesting because I thought for sure
2273s uh Enon was going to turn it because an
2277s extended with something like Theodore
2279s plus Lenny you can really just heal up
2281s the front line a lot over an extended
2283s course of time and they were getting
2284s that time but um the damage was just too
2287s much oh and it looks like Cadmus is just
2291s dead yeah he's a bit too isolated away
2293s from his baa and Carla quite frankly I
2295s can't even see them on the mini map yeah
2297s there they are I don't even know where
2298s they are just sitting in archery range
2301s but it's just a Darko right it's
2303s completely fine yeah he does have a
2305s 30second death timer but the ones that
2308s actually need to be gaining Mastery
2309s right now which is the Bianca and the
2310s Carla still alive and they managed to
2313s pick up a meteorite from inside one of
2315s those wolves as well so a pretty big I
2317s think Advantage going here despite the
2319s death time they win I guess they felt
2322s comfortable with splitting due to having
2323s school vision and archery Vision they
2325s have you know a lot of control over the
2326s area that they're in they've been there
2327s probably for a while and they felt
2329s comfortable going for a little split
2330s play for some extra
2331s credits and getting into it here we have
2334s cartel versus slasher x boy in the back
2337s he's is completely untouched so far
2339s getting some poke but cartel stepping up
2343s and CMB looking for maybe something no
2346s he's not okay they're just going to back
2348s out a lot of poke being done by both of
2350s these teams but again it is still in
2352s Aden right she wants to scale a little
2354s bit more and despite her Stacks being
2356s kept I mean she can still farm animal
2358s she can still gain Mastery throughout
2360s the course of the game that aspect of
2361s the game has not really changed so I
2364s don't think that NAD wants to fight just
2366s yet especially for a lot of these teams
2368s as well they're kind of hovering around
2370s the level 14 Mark for pretty much every
2372s single one I just see a couple hitting
2374s 15 now also we have four Theos this game
2377s I don't know if you noticed but yeah
2379s we'll be not seeing him next game yeah
2382s no Theo next game no Alonzo next game
2384s but for these Theos they really want
2386s that level three energy blast field
2388s right the Buffs that you get from that
2390s overcharge at level three on that
2392s ultimate is just so
2394s Bonkers it's it's actually nuts because
2396s he has such good burst damage but once
2398s you hit that level three blast wave his
2401s even his Auto attacks are just something
2402s to be respected yep exactly so these
2405s teams just kind of slowly waiting for
2407s that Mark oh my God if that spr trap
2409s that was
2410s dangerous oh and rocks waiting in the
2413s wings they're going to catch out uh
2417s inchon but that force field plus the
2420s yeah just
2422s goodbye combin it with the with the soul
2425s stealer and the force field yeah oh my
2428s goodness yeah these teams really just do
2430s not want to fight right now I mean you
2432s can tell right nobody is really looking
2433s for any angles they're kind of seeing if
2436s they could get any vision checks on
2437s these teams but for team always Inon
2439s managed to actually navigate that
2441s perfectly well so it seemed like the
2443s shock calling at the moment is on point
2445s these teams are communicating with their
2447s team which is always a good thing to see
2449s at the beginning of a
2450s series yeah
2453s definitely I I don't have anything else
2455s to add to that that was perfectly said
2456s Shi
2458s yeah I can't say anything better you got
2461s to find something you're here oh oh no
2464s we found something all right Al getting
2466s caught out but he manages to get out
2469s andon looking for more here one Tony on
2472s the front but he's getting chunk down
2473s quickly gwor looking to find some
2477s poke the Rockets are hitting and yeah
2480s this is huge the rocket for connecting
2482s it just pure Annihilation gwor goes down
2485s but it's not going to matter one to has
2487s nothing else
2489s nothing else he can do here hold on how
2492s strong is Lenox yeah I mean oh he's
2494s trying to get the execution bonus onto
2496s GW work oh gets a blink W fight is not
2500s keeps this team alive and chayon just
2503s barely surviving it looked like things
2505s were going to turn when I saw Alto jump
2507s out but I had to realize oh no good
2512s night
2514s andon luminal goes down and now an Alli
2517s always get alien gas mixed up um they
2520s have we have another fight revu jumping
2522s out barely just barely avoiding getting
2524s taunted by ping yeah but going back to
2526s the previous fight I mean perfect
2528s reactions from alto right I mean he got
2530s caught out Cherry actually had a really
2532s good check with the spring trap inside
2533s the bush so really good kudos to him but
2536s in the end it's alto's reactiveness that
2538s allows him to get out of the fight early
2539s on even dodging out on the damage from
2541s the energy blast wave which means he
2543s keeps himself alive he's able to do a
2545s little bit of damage and provide some
2547s utility with the shackling anchor
2548s towards the middle of that fight too so
2550s great fight from both of the teams but
2552s in the end yeah oingt they're eliminated
2555s already from they didn't see the lenx
2556s get into the smoke oh getting caught out
2559s has to burn his
2561s blank Alto looking for more but I oh oh
2564s another
2567s one one two with an amazing blank play
2572s this is why you run blink L right now
2573s man yeah yeah I've been seeing a lot of
2575s blink Lenox it's it's quite good it's
2578s it's very good actually I think a lot of
2580s people were doubting that thing and
2581s saying hey why would you run blink on LX
2584s when you can run things like Quake when
2585s you can run things like the force field
2587s that right there is exactly why it's the
2589s pick potential on that character that
2591s allows you to go for it and considering
2593s the fact that she isn't a character that
2595s can easily get any kind of Mobility
2596s skills done yeah that blink is going to
2598s catch people off guard just like how
2600s that happened to tushan of all people in
2603s that situation so saber going to be down
2605s minus 500 team Mage is a go you guys can
2608s type it all in the chat if you want to
2610s do so but for now all teams are going to
2613s be alive safer team always in Chun going
2615s into day number four with 17s
2619s alive here we see djun cyers getting
2622s kind of gayed from being able to oh my
2626s God it's just pure
2629s chaos it's a devastating tragedy on the
2633s side of Team slasher the perfect flame
2635s coming through from mangani with the
2636s Bianca Expo just had absolutely no
2639s chance to stay alive from that one yoa
2641s and yeah's going to walk it out he's
2644s going to burn a lot of timer here he's
2649s waddling yeah he's waddling over to the
2651s hyper Loop that's going to be pretty bad
2653s on the side of Team slasher they do have
2656s enough credits from the looks of it as
2658s long as this Alonzo manages to make it
2660s uh make his way over on towards a hyper
2662s Loop there should be some kind of
2664s chances here the fight investment is
2665s going to come through for the side of
2667s team and song duim man on the backside
2669s is actually going to get third parted
2671s caught out from theery
2673s surgery andir song just have to push
2676s forward here they can't back off they
2678s have to keep moving forward into Adena
2680s but should be okay with it being a 2v3
2683s and having Theodor to just kind of heal
2684s them through the Poke damage but oh my
2686s God de junk cyers is here as well and
2689s they
2690s don't I don't think they saw Dena
2694s walking through Dena and Belser I think
2696s they do you think they did they just let
2699s it go I guess they didn't want to get
2700s pined but now they're the ones doing the
2703s pining or okay there's just a lot going
2706s on in the map right now cuz we have um
2709s suam rocks and uh de Jun cyers sorry I'm
2714s having a hard time which team which on
2717s the bottom side and Mir song and uh
2719s slasher on the top or saber saber on the
2721s top yeah and another fight happened
2723s actually inside of allei as well heart
2725s got taken down on the side of Team
2726s cartel now me and said
2728s exactly as you mentioned now getting
2729s surrounded by the members of Team rock
2731s rock Tigers no that s rocks my goodness
2733s I'm even I'm getting messed up around
2735s here as well the fight actually looking
2737s to begin not that badly on the side of s
2739s rocks at the moment Jenny is going to go
2741s into play dead right now denana getting
2743s taken dangerously low romatic has no
2745s timer same thing for danana he's going
2746s to have to step back in eventually it is
2749s nighttime vision so maybe the Alonzo can
2751s do something in just a moment as the
2753s spark n is going to miss no healing done
2755s on the side of the Alonzo a b comes in
2757s from Theo that is going to be two
2759s members of M and S wiped saber also
2761s loses two and this team is down in the
2763s dirt man they have no credits from
2765s calling people over and over and over
2768s poverty yeah and we've all been there
2771s yeah Kathy sitting on Rite the early
2774s start it's just such a bad spot to be in
2777s it's it's a horrible feeling and I can't
2779s imagine it feels any better when you're
2780s on the big stage like
2783s this it's got to hurt it's got to hurt
2785s yeah
2789s okay now we have some downtime finally
2791s it looks like everybody's calming down
2793s finding their own place to be um yeah
2796s Savers just accepted that the corner is
2799s going to be their place of preference
2801s for a little bit they just need
2803s something to come their way and an
2804s opportunity might come their way here as
2806s um slasher and oh he's he's looking for
2809s a flank with the shackling anchor is
2811s this going to work I think it is he's
2814s got two it is expo's caught yeah Expo
2816s first forced to use his blink cadas
2819s looking to find something to punish This
2820s Blink that's down now oh what in
2825s the that was
2827s crazy no time to even use the monkey
2830s Wire yeah that is just dead for the
2833s Nadine we saw her trying to scale
2835s towards the end game but of course
2836s there's a certain limit to that and when
2838s you have Corner checks like that and you
2840s get the flank coming through from a
2841s Nadine and well not the Nadine but the
2844s Carla and you're forced to use your
2845s blink like that too yeah I I think
2847s you're kind of dead to rights and with
2849s that n will take the fall down goes team
2852s slasher the second team to fall they
2854s going to take Seventh Place two points
2855s overall for
2857s slasher and that was just so good you
2859s know they know they got the blank and
2860s the monkey wire out and um the Darko
2864s aled oh hold on before I even do this
2866s we're going for round two on this oh the
2868s exclusive is so
2873s good and manani just stuck in the corner
2876s kind of coughing he's thinking about
2878s going back in but it's not going to work
2881s out and it's just it's just pure
2884s Annihilation oh man that right there
2887s ladies and gentlemen this why m is soed
2890s here we
2892s go oh but another team dude what is this
2896s game Fairy comes out of
2900s nowhere dude team sa has just straight
2902s up never been given the chance to play
2904s the game like they finally got
2907s opportunity they went for the moon um
2910s I'm just going to call it Dorito for a l
2912s words they went for the moon Dorito and
2915s um it it didn't whiff they dodged it and
2919s then they just get third party for even
2920s trying that oh my God D this is just one
2924s of those games where if you get in a
2926s rank game and this happens to you just
2927s kind of take the L's get bad about it
2929s for a few minutes and then move on but
2931s if this happens exactly as you said on
2933s the big stage it's got to hurt even more
2935s for team saber just actively feels as if
2938s the game is targeting them they just
2939s really couldn't find a single chance to
2942s come back ever since the first couple
2944s minutes remember this is a team that
2946s picked up two they had the most amount
2947s of kills going into day number two yeah
2950s yeah they they had a very strong start
2952s and it's just falling apart and the
2953s thing I worry about and this is
2955s something that's happened to me in a
2957s different game is that you know the
2959s Rippling effect where the first game
2961s goes bad it starts to all crumble
2963s throughout the whole series so hopefully
2964s they can bounce back anyways Mir said
2967s looking at a huge engage here very
2969s ambitious Alto in the back line
2970s completely unchecked Don is just going
2972s down here romatic on the side taking out
2974s G work then the bear pops his play dead
2978s okay rtic oh one tool is this wall
2982s now they could both each other Circle
2984s get the route on okay
2987s yeah and romatic is just looking to take
2990s this corpse out while one Circle heals
2992s up
2993s Alto I don't know this he's yeah I don't
2997s think we stick
2998s around but I mean it's now day six I
3003s mean and alto's just stuck as a
3006s solo that could be saber's opportunity
3008s to find something is to is to find Alto
3010s and get something out of this but it
3012s looks like that won't happen as cartel's
3015s wrapping around in red going right into
3017s Alto oh Alto stepping into it too good
3022s alto that was such unfortunate timing
3025s cuz as he check as he walks out he
3026s doesn't Vision over that wall as they
3028s turn the
3030s corner this is not good douchi man
3032s trying to run away from this too one
3034s just going to get yeah goodness gracious
3037s although the Felix is still alive he's
3039s on the south side of the map at the
3040s moment still some hope how much I wonder
3043s how much timer he has I believe they've
3044s been forced to burn a lot of timer so
3047s he's just going to have
3049s to fly in for a lack of better words but
3051s Mar sang looking to take on cartel here
3054s cartel is control of the zone no traps
3056s are anything on the ground but Don is
3058s taking a lot of
3060s damage same thing for CMV can they
3063s actually win this they're kind of
3064s putting themselves into a corner right
3065s now this is prime time for energy blast
3068s wave if they really want to go for this
3070s romatic getting taken down a little bit
3071s on the low end as well one circle is
3073s still
3074s holding stilling doesn't have access to
3077s it actually is
3080s p oh my God he needs assistance now oh
3084s one Circle has the energy blast wave as
3086s well it's still a three three but down
3087s goes the Adena down goes the ma it's
3090s going to be a team white coming through
3092s for team me inone we saw the Felix fall
3094s somewhere towards a Southside inside a
3096s cemetery as well which means going to be
3098s Meed ham rocks our final two teams both
3101s sitting on six looking for that nine
3103s plus first place points you see that it
3105s looked like one Circle tried to call
3107s something in but then you I don't know
3108s if you like realized you didn't have
3109s enough or what happened
3113s there or he just went to call in he's
3115s like wait I'm full build I don't need
3117s anything okay no rodic gets his Force
3120s core that's going to be hisan timean
3124s time piece thank you I even play Jenny
3126s and I can't remember any of these damn
3127s items H wait a second hold up wait hold
3130s on the beak Speedy plays something else
3133s other than sword hold on I'm an enjoyer
3136s of other characters
3137s enjoyer I'm an enjoyer I know I know
3141s guys I think we're getting scamed out
3142s here is it yeah it's my horizons all it
3146s took was four seasons of
3149s squads all right let's see how this
3151s final Zone goes ven song trying to push
3153s in towards sunam rocks looking for an
3154s angle back in very similar compositions
3157s on both sides it's going to be the
3158s Alonzo Theo one has popped the energy
3160s blast field the other one has popped it
3162s as well one Circle trying to back away
3163s from this magnetic field will push one
3165s Circle back in but he's on the safe head
3167s now the back side of the fight is
3168s completely open romatic is going to be
3170s able to snipe down soan down he goes
3172s goes into play look at the healing back
3175s in it is filthy down goes to Camillo Yi
3178s is The Last One Alive he can't One V one
3180s he's just a lonely Alonzo maybe picks up
3182s one absolutely not it's going to be a
3184s clean three for zero on the side of mid
3186s and seong
3188s GG's so the crazy part of that
3190s interaction was you have Jenny passive
3192s healing her plus um the Theodore heal
3197s plus the healing drone heal all at the
3200s same time and it just brought romatic
3202s right back to full that was insane and
3204s that's the kind of thing that allows
3205s Jenny to just go in without fear cuz you
3207s know you're just going to have a full
3209s health heal yeah I think it was during
3212s phase number one we saw a combination
3214s with Jenny and I think it was
3217s a gosh I can't remember for the life of
3220s me if it was a Charlotte or a Lenny it
3222s might have been a Lenny where in the
3224s play dead you can use healing wind and
3227s by the time she comes out she's back to
3228s what 60 70 maybe even 80% of her HP
3231s depending on what kind of augments your
3233s teammates are running but in this case
3235s it's even better cuz you actually have
3237s damage on the back end whereas compared
3238s to Lenny and Charlotte they have a bit
3241s more utility but they're more support
3243s oriented Theo y he got the damage oh
3246s yeah Theo is definitely a carry but you
3249s know the healing is just a cherry on top
3251s for him good Lord that was actually
3254s filthy a great I didn't you know what
3257s that interaction reminds me of this is
3259s for the the old heads that are that are
3261s watching this morning you're an old head
3263s you'll know what I'm talking about Jenny
3265s with veritas
3268s oh back in those
3272s days good
3275s Lord go why do why do you have to bring
3278s up those kind of memories man I'm so
3279s sorry I just you know I love the I love
3283s the repressed memories just bringing
3284s them out see but people in the chat were
3286s already talking about some uh old this
3288s old that and you're bringing up old
3290s memories so I don't know man it might be
3292s reaffirming some of this stuff and it
3294s all comes from an old man
3297s this guy's giving up
3299s man but yeah what a great game number
3302s one a little bit slower as I mentioned
3303s compared to phase number one but
3306s absolutely up in the high tiers of some
3308s of these macro gameplay coming out from
3310s all of these teams fights across the
3311s board were relatively tame if I'm going
3315s to be honest with you but because of all
3317s the third parties that came in so many
3319s teams just coralled into one specific
3321s area no matter where we were and what
3324s kind of phase during the game we were at
3326s too so so the pace felt a lot faster
3328s than I think it should have been in game
3331s one well the thing that happens as well
3334s is you have eight teams alive for so
3336s long eventually everybody's forced to be
3338s congregated into areas with each other
3340s and that's why we ended up seeing a lot
3342s of third parties because none of these
3343s teams went down early so you just have
3345s all the all of a sudden you have four
3347s teams stuck in one zone together and
3348s it's like wow where does anybody move
3350s what do we do decision- making becomes a
3352s lot more difficult and prioritizing
3354s Vision to make those decision becomes a
3356s lot more more important exactly and this
3358s is one of those decisions that also kind
3361s of makes me wonder if these teams are
3363s going to play around how they play
3365s around information right one of the best
3368s ways to deny third party is going to be
3371s Vision information yeah exactly but with
3374s how many third parties there were is it
3376s even going to be enough right cuz teams
3378s got sandwich from the front side and the
3380s back at that point how much information
3382s is going to be enough and sometimes it's
3385s just completely infusible to check
3387s certain things right you have you have
3388s information in the whole Zone and all of
3389s a sudden like somebody just comes out of
3391s red exactly just like why are you here
3396s yeah it's just like it's some there's
3398s some things you just can't even like try
3401s to predict exct anyways we have the uh
3403s results here Mir Mir and seang are
3405s winners from last game bringing in the
3408s top sunum rocks bringing in second
3411s cartel bring in third ferry in fourth
3413s faery was interesting cuz I feel like we
3415s didn't see a lot of them last last game
3417s but they still managed to round up a
3418s good amount of points and six field
3420s kills yeah it's quite interesting are G
3422s already yeah they're kind of smoing
3424s along but for team faery it felt like
3428s their fights were a little bit kind of
3429s on the back end because of how many
3431s fights were there and it's not even
3433s their fault because the way that these
3435s fights actually kind of got oriented is
3437s that the Observer started looking at the
3439s fight that originally started and then
3441s fery kind of came in as a third party
3443s for most of their kills yeah I remember
3447s they had one fight down in Warehouse
3449s early on against who was it Mir sang
3453s maybe oh no no no no no it was slasher
3458s right there you go yeah cuz they wiped
3459s the team down there if I remember
3460s correctly yeah well they almost well
3463s yeah they got two kills and then yeah
3465s yeah okay was it slasher or saber I it
3468s was slasher one of the S teams it was
3470s slasher okay cool I did get it
3473s right small victories baby he remembers
3476s things
3478s yeah I know my mind's not going on me
3480s yet this this weekend is going to be
3482s vile for you man oh I know it's going to
3484s be crazy especially because I'm I'm not
3487s as familiar with armm as I should be but
3490s this is this is good though because this
3491s is going to get me more familiar with it
3492s so I'm I'm excited for this
3496s exactly already we see romatic switching
3498s to the Rio and one they're just they're
3502s not doing this oh yeah right Theo's
3503s banned so they got to play something
3505s else yeah and Alonzo's also banned so
3508s we're going to see a lot of different
3510s compositions here exactly but m s is
3513s kind of well known to kind of pick
3515s random stuff right up until the end so
3517s kind of keeping you on the edge right
3519s never knowing what they're actually
3521s going to run until the Locking phase is
3523s going to be over but if they do run
3525s something like this of course it's kind
3526s of all eggs in one basket over towards
3528s romatic one circle on the priia is going
3531s to be able to do some damage but of
3533s course when you compare it to something
3534s like the Theo that was ran in the
3536s previous game it's not exactly going to
3538s be there but looking at this composition
3541s you got one circle on the Pia you got
3543s danana on the Estelle you got what is it
3546s you got the shield coming through from
3547s the helic attack stat you got the shield
3548s coming in from the flowers you got the
3550s movement speed coming in from the
3551s flowers you cannot make a mistake
3554s against this team otherwise you are not
3555s getting out and the other thing about
3557s this composition as well is they don't
3559s need Theodore's damage because they're
3560s not running
3562s Alonzo does a lot more damage than
3564s Alonzo does so it kind of rounds out the
3566s damage side of things as well it'll beit
3568s worried here for some of these teams it
3570s seems like they're dive oriented but you
3572s know exactly what is able to deny he's
3575s running totem as
3580s well was there any other composition
3583s changes I'm surp you know what I'm
3585s surprised at is I don't see more ma
3587s coming out especially on a round where
3589s Alonzo's banned that is true we're
3592s actually seeing more steals who quite
3594s frankly is actually going to get a ban
3595s in the next game we got three ests yeah
3598s wow okay so I guess aelle over
3601s my noers are noers on that
3605s one no are no are yeah exactly if you
3610s don't know now you
3611s know that's going to be an interesting
3613s game let's see how this Estelle pick for
3615s a lot of these teams are going to work
3617s out she is quite interestingly good at
3620s the moment it doesn't seem like any of
3621s these teams were trying to take
3622s advantage of the healing Factor cheese
3625s that I've been seeing some STS
3626s especially in Solo qu trying to run but
3629s you know this is going to be ERM you
3631s actually have comms with your teammate
3632s for the most part which means healing
3634s drone can actually be organized a little
3636s bit better we saw it earlier with the
3638s Jenny right so yeah this could still be
3642s good oh definitely I mean healing drone
3645s is huge value in a fight in the right
3647s situations and okay I thought Bal musle
3651s was just going to get griefed but no but
3653s XO will be getting griefed oh this is my
3656s kind of this is my kind of game play oh
3659s yeah oh yeah this is
3660s exactly this is this is my kind of game
3668s play if you know you know I I think you
3671s and I are going to bring up so many
3672s memories that a lot of people in chat
3674s are not going to be able to remember or
3676s quite frankly even know and I feel bad
3678s for them I do feel bad for them but the
3680s people that are watching that do get it
3682s they'll know the Veritas sers they know
3685s it's a treasure trove here man you and
3688s I got another character that brings up
3691s bad
3696s memories anyways gor getting forced to
3699s blow the Checkmate Bob MSA in range for
3701s Q3 but Alto is here as well so he's just
3704s going to get taken down oh my God the
3706s whole Squad Is Here Yeah goodbye Bob MSA
3708s you thought you getting a grief no
3710s that's also my gameplay trying to GP
3712s someone and getting ganged up
3713s on that happens way too much atic just
3717s farming up nothing else really going on
3719s right
3720s now what I find interesting is Mir and
3723s song is split up and split farming early
3726s on
3728s well I I don't know about that one
3730s anymore yeah that's going to come to an
3733s end real quick I
3734s think see this is welcome to the Caster
3737s dusk you're you're Caster cursing now
3739s yeah right oh my God this is the power
3741s you hold yeah exactly it's all a part of
3743s the strength the strength you can wield
3745s there's another fight going through
3747s there goes Adena down on the ground
3749s which means the rest of Team what is it
3751s rest of the team of saber is going to
3753s have to completely hi tail it man trying
3755s to get away from one tool it should be
3758s even as long as he doesn't tag the yep
3760s the Gard reverse which the Nikki is
3762s quite frankly not even going to attempt
3765s trying to chase down reu here as well
3766s Shack down on the ground there is the H
3769s tack stat should be safe but the Lenny
3771s comes back alive are they going to try
3772s to reinitiate absolutely
3775s not that was interesting is the Lenny
3777s not alive for that fight to begin with
3778s or did she get picked off really early I
3780s I didn't we didn't get to see the
3781s context of how that all started there's
3784s a
3787s yeah Carlo so it could have just been a
3790s really extended fight where Lenny just
3791s get a revive I'm pretty sure that's what
3794s happened kind of love it when you do the
3796s initial burst damage as a Carla and then
3797s after that you just can't seem to hit a
3799s single Harpoon that's
3802s me fate worse than death
3806s okay uh Fair going to get seen by the
3809s vision
3810s plant but nothing's going to come with
3812s it meanwhile though up in police station
3815s fire station one of the two Avenue for
3817s all the old heads uh slasher and rocks
3821s going at it wait huh I didn't even see
3824s cartel there so we actually have three
3826s teams here everyone's just faltering
3827s this Jenny corpse and Bob m is going to
3830s be the one to pick it up and now the
3832s fight continuing cartel pushing forward
3834s basa already invested uh blank here so I
3837s don't think they're going to look to go
3838s back in they're just going to send oh
3841s wait the speed oh he got tagged though I
3844s think Yi's out yeah so nothing else is
3847s going to come of this down
3850s in church chapel
3853s sorry uh don going in on Athena wait
3857s Elser in the back blinks forward he's 2v
3859s one we have two separate 2v ons going on
3861s on each side The Observer having a hard
3864s time and and yeah both of them are going
3867s to win their 2v ons romatic and one
3870s Circle getting them up and having
3871s control over the meteorite uh that's
3873s unfortunate for the side of Team saber
3875s right pretty much the entirety of their
3877s kits were blown on trying to kill the
3878s Estelle but on the other side the priia
3880s and the Rio they're pretty
3881s self-sufficient even without all of
3883s their and looking at it wasn't even
3885s blown right there is the echo of the
3887s Year still available for that prya Where
3890s cherry is just going to get absolutely
3891s demolished nice SMG burst coming through
3893s from luminol he's actually going to be
3894s able to knock down gor down one tool as
3896s well Alto is going to be able to get out
3899s of here he did use the grappling
3900s maneuver to get himself on out he will
3903s keep himself alive in the mini map
3904s pretty open for him to just walk around
3906s this area completely for free so good
3908s fight coming through for always Inon
3910s does end up losing out on Cherry but in
3913s the end it's going to be a two for one
3914s Exchange in favor
3917s of that's one of my favorite Parts about
3919s having a Carl on your team is you always
3920s feel so so safe like if a fight goes
3923s wrong you can usually count on her to
3925s get out so long as she has the grappling
3926s maneuver available it's a move that
3928s covers a ton of distance and it's a
3930s character who's kiting is topnotch and
3932s is very much able to just keep three
3934s people at Bay if she's running away and
3936s they're forced to chase into
3937s herons and salvages are pretty good to
3940s get herself on out of there but on the
3942s flip side same thing for a lot of the
3945s other teams right the biggest problem
3947s I'm seeing here is that most of these
3949s teams have really good ways to peel
3951s themselves away and while the chasing
3954s potential is good they're kind of used
3955s as initiation tool so the follow through
3959s isn't really going to be there unless
3960s the cool down rotate a lot so kind of
3964s worried for some of these teams again
3965s there is a Pria there's a Lenny there's
3967s a lot of ways to self peel which means
3969s front lines might have a bit of a
3971s difficult time maybe getting some of
3972s those strategies done from the beginning
3974s of the fights but that's exactly why
3976s their tanks they have the sustainability
3977s to actually try doing it multiple
3980s times yeah I think a lot of these teams
3982s that are going to have a hard time I
3983s think Ferry might have a hard time in
3985s this Lobby same with saber just I don't
3988s know it seems like front to back is
3989s going to
3990s be the pref the preferred way of
3993s fighting a lot of these fights against a
3994s lot of these teams because of exactly
3996s like how they how well they're going to
3998s peel people off and kite people
4001s away going to begin inside a cemetery
4003s one to there goes the Estelle not just
4006s yet the healing drone oh is actually not
4007s going to be enough fantastic lock down
4009s towards the end of the fight G work he
4011s has the queen just going to look for a
4013s kill over onto denana there's the
4015s guarden reverse coming through G work
4016s still looking for an angle maybe trying
4018s to get the knock up with the night Fork
4019s but the health bars on the side of Team
4020s faery not exactly looking the greatest
4022s fleeing soul is going to completely
4024s whiff good Dodge coming from the members
4025s of Team Ferry will be a clean one for
4027s zero and on the side of team fery they
4029s might not have the damage to one shot a
4031s tank just yet but they're getting there
4033s rtic you saw he just had the fancy feed
4036s he was just not getting hit by anything
4038s he was dodging absolutely everything
4040s phenominal fre
4043s huh I they get that
4048s what happened what happened we were
4051s watching Bears get farmed
4054s she where did she
4057s die come
4060s back okay well fa pick up another one
4063s you died I guess I don't
4068s know or the pre to come back up now
4071s cartel maybe looking for a little bit of
4073s an angle back towards Cemetery me that
4076s should have made a ping are they going
4077s to Target this down
4080s they're oh no they're actually super
4083s split
4084s here oh punga
4087s oh you're kind of cooked by bro oh but
4092s cartel came back the TA coming through
4094s oh the hardle on the back end two people
4097s stuck in it but nothing's going to come
4099s of it boonga looking to play down some
4101s damage one Circle getting hit by the
4104s enhanced q but it's just too much damage
4108s coming out too much sustainability from
4110s the
4111s priia and Mar s is going to take
4114s advantage and just push them out but
4116s cartel greeting a little bit of timer
4118s they're going to sneak back in the
4120s cemetery no problems nobody's in here
4124s too this is actually kind of weird we
4126s not seeing parties yeah right I wonder
4129s where everyone else is on the map I'm
4130s kind of curious where everyone's kind of
4132s segregated to cuz these teams are just
4135s these are the only two teams on this
4136s side of the map and wow and okay slasher
4139s is the only one over by Hotel there's
4141s nobody around them either so where is
4144s everybody what is the map St like that
4147s we can't see anybody yeah like everybody
4150s has like their own area this is way
4152s different from the pacing of game one in
4154s game one it felt like everyone was
4155s together all the time yeah this might
4158s even more flip the heads of some of
4161s these players I I would really be
4162s confused right cuz in a series like this
4164s if a game one went like that where
4166s there's third party everywhere you can
4167s kind of expect it to be a consistent
4169s thing throughout the series but you can
4171s see that game two is completely on the
4173s flip side the number of kills right now
4175s is extremely low there is no team above
4178s five kills at the moment and that's also
4179s including Battle Zone kills that's a new
4182s one well another thing that helps change
4185s the pacing of the game is the bands that
4187s took place Alonzo and Theodore gone
4189s Theodore was on four of the teams so
4191s it's there's been a lot of composition
4192s changes and that in turn kind of changes
4194s how you want to play the map exactly a
4196s lot of these teams again self peel is
4198s good initiation quite tough for some of
4201s these we're seeing these fights not
4202s really ending out in immediately the the
4204s fight being over right when you see
4206s these initiation coms especially within
4208s Estelle she's really good at isolating a
4210s certain member because of how much
4211s damage she's able to do and how much
4213s lock down she has but here we go another
4215s fight the Bianca still staying alive M
4217s dodging out on all these Rockets how did
4219s they live dude what what I don't
4224s understand
4227s what are we playing the same Series yeah
4231s right we've been playing the same
4234s game yeah we just got a whole different
4237s game out in Korea what the do I need to
4240s do I need to change the category that
4241s we're we're streaming right now
4243s or like you're streaming on eternal
4246s return game these guys are playing like
4248s black Survival
4251s game exactly well on the bright side
4255s yeah we're day three right now with
4257s eight teams alive which means as the map
4259s gets smaller and smaller and Omega being
4261s stuck inside of school we are going to
4263s probably see these teams actually duke
4264s it out and we might start seeing those
4266s third parties that we've been yearning
4268s for this entire Series so far that we
4270s haven't really gotten just
4272s yet and you can see on the side of
4274s dejong cybers here they have a ton of
4277s credits they need to spend if they want
4279s to keep up in pacing here I don't think
4281s they want to take a fight with rocks
4283s they just want to keep them zoned out of
4285s school but
4286s on the back end we have another team
4289s here cartel on Omega already hovering it
4292s and yeah now dejong cyers realizes we're
4294s in the middle of everybody we need to
4295s find a different positioning and give up
4298s Omega the on that this will allow cartel
4301s to easily pick up their own omega as
4303s there is nobody on the flank with gas
4305s station and Alley actually going to be
4307s closing in a few moments here Hotel also
4309s disappearing too so the map definitely
4312s starting to get smaller the entire
4315s western side the map getting choked out
4317s on the restricted area Side school going
4320s to be the only we haven't seen anything
4321s from the Eastern side in a while and
4323s yeah they're just all kind of doing
4324s their own thing over here beler going to
4327s get out doesn't want any of the
4330s smoke but they're in the middle oh this
4333s is tough oh gosh they have to they have
4337s to move back right they have to move
4338s back into Chapel but they don't realize
4340s that there's two teams in Forest right
4343s now okay maybe they don't need to move
4345s back into yeah they do yeah I kind of
4347s figured they need to move back into
4348s chapel and get upwards cuz they see a
4349s team calling in and they saw a team in
4352s Forest they they definitely realized
4353s they're in the middle of something and
4354s don't want to be in that positioning
4356s Rock oh my God Bob MSA going in in for
4360s an angle yiza he already blew the
4362s acceptance speech is going to get taken
4363s down for that one but Bob MSA getting
4365s taking dangerously low on his end too
4367s there's the dend actually tacking up two
4368s so his health bar kind of coming back up
4371s on online but Yi too
4374s isolated yoa is just full health you
4376s just got to run a terror on the fight
4378s just you know they can't deal with him
4380s he's just it's too much of a
4383s Menon is just one of those characters
4385s that even if you damage him just a
4386s little bit he can heal it back up
4388s relatively quickly it's quite
4390s unfortunate here but for Bob MSA too
4392s he's not running a full damage build
4394s right his chest piece is a little bit on
4395s the tankier side everything else he does
4397s have I believe 100% crit with the joyous
4400s I believe it was activated it might have
4402s been something else might have been even
4404s in Star Steel I could tell what weapon
4406s he's actually running but he's on yeah
4408s okay okay then it should be Star Steel
4410s at this point yeah there it is but oh it
4413s actually doesn't have 100% C he's even
4415s running dwarf helmet he's definitely
4417s lacking some damage and maybe that fight
4419s was a little bit of a notion of
4422s that yeah definitely I think he's also
4425s missing out on a little bit of attack
4427s speed that he needs to make his Q at its
4430s low cool down but anyways um and Chon is
4434s trapped
4436s um
4437s uhoh but saber doesn't realize that
4441s they're trapped so okay yeah sa sees
4443s what's going on now they see that
4445s there's two teams they're just going to
4446s look to play the third side here and I
4448s don't oh my God here we go yeah this is
4452s the madness we're waiting for oh
4456s no okay every team just backs off wants
4461s team fairy not even looking for the one
4463s shot on the on the haze there right
4465s because one of the cool things about
4467s team fairy is that they actually don't
4468s need Checkmate to onot anybody at this
4470s stage of the game it's late game off
4472s that gork just a couple combos should be
4474s enough but on the south side I mean you
4475s can look at the at the picture and
4477s picture at the moment fight inside a
4479s school rocket launcher starting to fight
4481s through the Adida still staying alive oh
4482s my God she's still alive and down goes
4485s the Estelle holy crap Peacemaker is
4487s going to buy them a little bit of time
4488s to maybe chase down the haze are they
4490s going to be able to get it Dorito do in
4491s the land oh my God the damage is there
4493s down goes the haze what the the heck
4496s okay here we go this is the game that
4497s we've been looking for the fight inside
4498s Chapel is also going to start check is
4501s good down goes romatic and their exit
4503s one basket now it's all on the ROP but
4506s that goes
4507s gor goes down the soul stealer popped
4510s and chayon looking to find some more but
4512s yeah they're just everybody's going to
4514s back out nobody wants any more of this
4516s that's what happens Uptown there's also
4518s a fight going on Uptown but I don't
4520s think they pulled the trigger on it yoa
4522s was looking but now oh no Mir said joh
4526s gate kept luminal getting triple Soul oh
4531s with the healing
4532s drone the healing drone combined with
4535s the ly healing just barely keeping
4536s lumino alive more damage coming up
4538s though but Mir song's not done they want
4540s more they want blood and they're going
4541s to find it oh no Bar's on the back side
4544s as well with the third party M
4546s seang might go down here romatic still
4550s doing a lot of damage so he's completely
4552s unchecked oh no the queen connects and
4556s oh my
4559s God he was
4562s done I think his team is quite frankly
4564s done though look at the credit count on
4566s this team maybe romatic can move
4569s somewhere but even if he does go up into
4571s fire station and get the Reds back I he
4573s can't make it back into school on time
4575s so yeah that team is quite cooked at the
4577s stage meet and S only picking up three
4579s kills and I believe unless romatic is
4581s able to pull off something in the next
4583s few more minutes here that is probably
4586s all they're going to be able to show for
4587s game two
4589s yeah don't think wait wait he's going to
4595s get wait they're really close to having
4597s enough credits no wait hold on
4600s hold oh wait they're so close no it's
4605s just not
4608s enough just barely under what I think
4610s it's 10 credits there for that team oh
4612s that is actually devastating
4615s do work was flooding that Corridor with
4617s pawns so the team of rocks is just not
4620s going to bother they don't want to get
4621s comboed there Ron song just hiding they
4626s know their place at this point is a
4627s little to M team and if you look at the
4629s kill count Ferry has been popping off
4631s this game they've had far much of a
4633s larger showing this game than any other
4635s or any other there's only been one what
4637s am I talking about anyway oh
4639s my not in range of the trumpet stun
4642s coming through almost getting caught out
4645s dongy
4648s looking just poking both teams poking
4651s but the Poke Advantage is definitely
4653s going to going to go to enchan cuz they
4654s have somebody that can do some
4658s healing each of those Rockets are going
4660s to hurt a lot okay he's going to be able
4663s to dodge out on the second one I don't
4665s know how this game is really going to go
4667s cemetery is closing School forest and
4672s Chapel as our final three zones by the
4673s way so guaranteed our temp for Reon is
4675s going to be school as well as Chapel Isa
4678s getting taken dangerously low she's
4679s about to get taken into play dead cancel
4681s on The Peacemaker down goes yoa though
4684s Zakon just not tanky enough to survive
4686s all the damage coming through from both
4687s the Adena and the hearts and they were
4690s just stuck in this funnel forced to just
4692s sit there as these suns are flying at
4694s them there's nowhere to run nowhere to
4697s go and meanwhile in Chapel we on sang
4701s getting um seen
4705s oh my
4707s God down to the Rapier skill and here
4709s comes the Checkmate as well oh my
4711s goodness the gor Adella is back and it's
4714s looking better than ever and they're
4716s going to get out of this and chayon not
4718s able to capitalize a third partyer in
4720s fact maybe over extending yeah you got
4723s to respect Adella you never know when
4725s that KN Fork is going to come out and
4726s just completely burst somebody and with
4728s alto's followup on it as well the one
4730s shot is very real interestingly enough
4733s the body getting taken down by the
4734s member of what is it I think it was
4736s always int trying to chase that down
4738s actually benefits team Ferry because
4740s they're the ones that knocked down the
4741s body so the execution bonus actually
4743s goes to team Ferry instead which means
4745s they're right back here ultimates are
4746s already all available for all three of
4748s the members pushing the members have
4750s always inch into a corner whereas danana
4752s he's got no timer he's going to try to
4754s buy as much can and getting caught out
4758s and what I think is everyone's favorite
4760s hiding spot in school that oh always
4762s gets checked
4763s somehow no one used to check it back
4765s then but everyone's learned well you
4767s know what it is is one people have
4769s learned two some people like to call in
4771s an archery oh they're sending it oh
4774s they're sending it oh they are sending
4776s it and Dy is just caught out there goes
4779s the blink nck all full
4780s B he's alive oh the checkm been dodged
4784s no way D is still alive in third party
4787s wait a second Bob m is right behind them
4789s hold up G and G work invest the the the
4793s cast yeah the castling blink yeah
4797s he just goes like across a full screen
4799s between castling and blink and he just
4800s wants out completely what they didn't
4802s know is the third party was the Lone
4804s member bald MSA of Team rocks still
4807s scary though right this Camilo is it's
4809s still scary you don't know right you
4810s don't know for sure if it's a full team
4811s or what you just see somebody and you're
4812s like oh God I need to get out
4815s now for the most part I think with Titan
4817s armor and the dwarf hmet at the moment
4819s with how low the members of Fury was
4822s it's going to be kind of unreliable I
4824s think to try Landing all the skills onto
4827s that character immediately but of school
4830s uhoh 1 looks
4833s nostalgic we've seen this very nostalgic
4837s a long long time ago I can't believe
4839s we're seeing all this stuff when you're
4840s coming in now uh Team fery seems to have
4843s a little bit of trouble as the one shot
4845s combo actually not working in favor of
4846s Team Ferry they're taking health bars
4848s kind of low at this point though is it
4850s going to be enough I don't know the
4852s Nicki just barely Staying Alive they
4853s actually got the execution bonus
4856s they're alive they turned it which means
4858s Estella Last One Alive on the team
4860s there's no way she's going to get the
4861s res on anybody in the one shot combo
4863s even without the checkm is enough but on
4865s the North side what the heck is
4867s happening here Bel is going to this
4869s chaotic what they can still turn this if
4872s somehow cartel is able to win out on
4874s this the ma is going to Res they have
4875s timer wait they have timer they can a
4877s huge timer bench they just need to step
4879s in but it's so hard to walk forward
4882s against oh stun coming up boa the damage
4885s is very good they've all got to go in
4887s look at the timer right now NC for
4889s cartel down goes one pop goes to weasel
4891s pop goes to weasel pop goes to weel buys
4894s back new temp Zone baby exactly yeah new
4897s temp Zone brings it back to a 3v3 and
4899s that's exactly why timer is such a
4900s valuable resource and having control of
4902s those zones early is what ends up
4904s winning um teams fights in those
4906s scenarios because if they didn't have
4908s control of the Zone early they wouldn't
4909s have had the timer Advantage the longer
4911s you sit out the worse your the worse
4913s your chances are and the team had
4915s control first was cartel and they were
4917s the ones that came out on top because
4918s they were able to leave the Zone let the
4920s other two teams fight because they knew
4922s they had timer advantage and then just
4924s you know cleaned up now there is a
4926s breath of fresh life on the side of Team
4928s cartel paying back alive which means of
4931s course for the side of cartel they have
4934s access to the exclusive this has been
4936s one of the biggest bane of Team Fair's
4939s existence in the past couple of erms
4941s this one shot combo just getting
4943s completely denied thanks to the work of
4945s that exclusive is it going to be enough
4947s for them to push in it's a tight
4948s Corridor up against nadela a Nikki a
4951s Cara they're going in let's see if it
4952s happens they bite it out the exclusive
4954s is it going to be enough oh my God
4956s damage the NCM is huge they're trying to
4958s turn this around but a lot of their
4960s combo has disappeared at this point
4962s they're going to have to reset Alto
4963s getting taken dangerously to low too I
4965s think these guys just have to back away
4966s and give the zone to team cartel cuz
4968s Pang on his side 10 seconds left on him
4970s 10
4972s two and I'm sure FIS will be F oh
4977s ah oh punga you can't wait wait hold on
4980s a second one tool got taken down to hold
4983s up a little one for one and now Pang is
4987s in a pretty good spot here I think to to
4989s create engage here but oh my goodness
4992s watch out for gwor he will delete you if
4994s he has an
4995s opportunity go are they
4998s going he miss time the exclusive on the
5001s Checkmate so he goes down oh no the Spy
5005s there too many Pawns in this tiny Zone
5008s ncmb can't Dodge everything but he's
5010s doing very well but no there's just too
5012s manys going everywhere and one to self
5015s reses on the side as
5019s well and that's the thing with that
5021s Forest zone is the zone is so small when
5023s you get a large amount of Pawns in there
5025s and you send a night Fork the pawns just
5026s go everywhere yeah there's no dodging it
5029s even if you're on
5030s heart gosh how filthy is that
5035s yeah it's just it's
5037s crazy did jick even miss a single queen
5040s throughout that entire fight and a lot
5042s of those weren't even set up he just
5043s landed it straight up he he he hit most
5046s of his Queens there was one point on the
5050s left side of the final Zone when he went
5051s for a queen combo and something missed
5054s he didn't do as much the queen hit but I
5057s think the no no I know what you're
5059s talking about I think the castling on
5061s the Knight and the queen missed yes
5063s that's exactly weird yes okay this is
5066s why I love having knowledgeable people
5068s on on streams right because on cast
5070s because you caught that exactly so I
5072s know exactly what you're talking about
5073s it was onto the heart right yeah yeah so
5076s what ended up happening there is you
5077s said it perfectly so castling does
5080s damage on the pieces on the bo well it
5082s does bonus damage on the pieces that it
5085s flies through but the castling was just
5089s barely missed I think on the queen and
5091s the KN Fork so you're absolutely right
5093s which means even more so on that KN Fork
5096s knocked up one castling I think can Al
5100s oh wait no no no castling can re knock
5102s up but yeah the damage on the Knight and
5103s the queen didn't reoc on the heart which
5106s means she only took the knockup but out
5108s outside of that she was pretty safe yeah
5110s she only took the queen damage and the
5111s knockup and didn't and a lot of the
5113s damage is actually in that castling
5115s damage repeat um doing the bonus damage
5118s because they take the castle damage
5119s that's going through you and the um the
5121s pawns SL Queen damage um from it proing
5125s so a lot of damage comes from it so it I
5127s saw that and I was like oh whoopsies
5130s that was interesting but it all worked
5132s out um fery took the game pretty
5135s handedly especially off of that one shot
5137s onto the Adena gwor just such a menace
5140s on Adella I'm so happy to see him
5142s playing it again and quite frankly an
5144s uncharacteristic mistake I think from
5146s punga his positioning on the Adena is
5149s actually pretty exceptional even outside
5153s of competitive saw school we saw it in
5155s the school fight where he was just he
5158s just sat beond that wall and spaced
5159s perfectly and only peaked out really
5161s when like when necessary is his timing
5163s and spacing on pretty much everything
5166s was was phenomenal that whole fight a
5168s lot of the times the people fight up
5170s against Nela especially that late into
5172s the game is that you don't necessarily
5175s need the queen in order to lock people
5178s down I think people always forget that
5180s just a pawn night for combo can already
5182s kind of strip you of any advantages with
5185s your health bar that late into the game
5186s cuz Jor Adella is the type to build like
5190s the dragon skills the holy orders
5192s everything that just gives you as much
5193s amp as possible so just a single Pawn KN
5197s four castling combination can already
5199s rip your health bar to like 20 30% from
5202s 100 if you're squishy and that's what we
5204s saw in the initial fight was he he left
5206s a pawn um kind of on the right side
5210s above where the Zone was and they they
5212s moved back and he definitely was just
5214s sitting there looking for an angle on
5216s that pawn and he found it he found the
5218s night fork knockup and just yeah it was
5220s just a full send exactly game number two
5223s working really well in favor of Team
5225s fairy they picked up 18 total field
5227s kills this game by the way and that
5230s first place which means 26 points going
5232s over onto the side of Team Ferry they
5234s are eaten good here during game number
5237s two and a great way to go into the break
5239s that we'll have right after these scores
5241s what a good time to be alive for team
5242s Ferry and they have such a huge lead but
5246s again there's still two more games to go
5248s for this group so lots of time for all
5251s these teams to catch up even slasher can
5252s find their way back I feel like slasher
5254s is having a hard time more so due to
5256s their composition in this Lobby
5259s specifically um in other lobbies the
5261s their composition might work really well
5263s honestly but this Lobby just seems very
5267s very front to back heavy yeah and that's
5270s problematic too right and you say front
5271s to back heavy but even the backliners
5273s are just self peeling themselves the
5275s entirety of the fight whereas slasher
5277s they need to force themselves into the
5278s fight they're getting completely
5280s countered when it comes to these
5281s compositions yeah and you see a lot of
5283s these teams that are that are self
5285s peeling and they're doing it
5286s successfully and it's making it really
5287s hard for for teams like slasher where
5290s they have things like like the Cathy
5292s like the Felix that really want to like
5294s just get in on that backline and just
5296s delete them before they have much impact
5297s on a fight um exactly these backliners
5300s are just self feeling so well exactly
5303s well ladies and gentlemen that was game
5304s number two which means as you guys know
5306s we're going to go on a break so grab
5308s yourself some snacks grab some water and
5310s go take a stretch we'll see you guys
5311s back here in a few minutes
5363s show
5388s spe
5424s coming
5451s for
5453s spe e
5511s spe
5525s speee
5554s spe
5599s chicken
5609s wowen
5657s so
5684s for
5716s oh
5753s PR
5754s all right ladies and gentlemen hopefully
5756s all of you guys had a wonderful break
5759s because Meek and I had a fantastic one
5761s we were talking it up during the break
5763s so welcome back guys welcome back to the
5765s group stages of eternal return Master
5767s season 4 phase number two we just
5770s finished our first and second game which
5772s means we went on break teams can change
5774s up their roster if they really wanted to
5776s do so and then we go to our final two
5778s games of group
5781s a oh yeah we were we were yapping it up
5785s we were talking about we were actually
5786s discussing the Adela thing because they
5787s showed it again on the replay and um
5791s yeah I was pretty close to to analyzing
5793s what happened exactly so the queen did
5796s Miss actually at which I thought hit and
5799s the KN Fork got the knockup but the
5801s castling was a little late so ncmb was
5803s able to walk out of the pieces ring so
5806s it's really really interesting how it
5808s all played out I think there was a part
5811s of the castling that also got stuck in
5812s the wall yeah I think so it was it was
5815s really really different um we're also
5818s yapping about what we're were snacking
5819s on well we were snacking yeah we were we
5823s were snacking please believe we were
5824s snacking oh yeah our F yall know yall
5828s know me with my
5830s snacks yeah usually don't know to be
5832s about his snacks Hey listen usually
5835s people know that sometimes when I come
5836s out of breaks I'm still in the middle of
5838s eating some of my food that I was
5840s munching on during the break but this
5842s time around I got I got snacks right no
5844s no actual food or anything of the sort
5846s so yeah we're we're back eternal return
5848s Masters again phase two group stage
5850s which means now as we go into games
5853s three and four we kind of have to start
5855s thinking about for both you and I are
5858s there going to be any roster changes
5859s right after each of the breaks teams are
5861s allowed to substitute their fourth
5863s member in if they really chose if they
5865s really think that it's going to be a
5866s great idea and we know off the top of
5869s our heads that a couple teams are
5871s struggling this Lobby and you pointed it
5873s out exactly why before we went on break
5876s two and um Theodore's back and so is
5880s Alonzo so we'll be seeing those come
5882s back out uh pretty much
5884s guaranteed yeah and there you go one
5886s Circle instantly hovering Theodore yeah
5889s they're just going back to their Theodor
5890s Jenny uh Alonzo comp and it looks super
5893s strong in game one so I don't blame them
5895s luminal also going back to the Theodore
5899s Sonam also going back to the Theodore so
5902s yeah we've already got three the three
5904s Alonzo so they'll be getting shot again
5907s we won't be seeing them in game four
5909s more than likely it's things are still
5910s subject to change know see one Circle
5914s considering the swap he's waiting for it
5917s what is he looking at wonder what he's
5919s looking at this should be a lock in
5921s though this composition was way too
5923s strong and it will be locked in it's
5925s just going to be the Theo band The
5926s Alonzo band coming through again and
5928s another thing here that I am noticing we
5930s do actually have a roster change coming
5932s in for team SA yeah satin's in on the
5936s heart that's a name that you probably
5938s recognize too right oh yeah not though
5941s but I definitely recognize that name
5943s that wow I haven't heard of sat in a
5946s while yeah quite frankly actually this
5948s is one of the I think this is the ERM
5950s season he's kind of making his comeback
5951s too so perfect timing for you yeah
5955s really and yeah and we have an Estelle
5957s ban this game as well so we're not going
5958s to be seeing any Estelle coming
5960s out um revu is on Martina
5966s okay hey she got who whoa what what just
5970s happened what happened somebody just won
5973s who won anybody catch
5976s that this is
5979s pre-recorded now if not pre-recorded
5984s M
5985s anyways ARA on okay Revue revu is the
5990s type of person to bring out some of
5991s these very fun pics right and it's still
5994s right up in this alley of playing some
5995s of these backline adcs characters but
5998s she did get buffed this patch that
6001s that's the weirdest thing for me right
6002s now I think oh wait no no hold on wait
6005s did she get oh my God now I'm now I'm
6007s forgetting it I might be flipping it
6008s with a different character did she get
6009s buffed or did she get nerfed
6012s I I don't description said something
6016s about her either being good or bad in
6019s high tiers and of course depending on
6021s which one it is she either got buffed or
6023s nerfed I is it nerfed sure they nerfed
6025s I'm pretty sure they nerfed her e
6027s somehow if I recall I can't remember
6029s exactly I'm pretty sure they nerfed her
6031s e somehow I can't remember oh good ridd
6034s her combination with accelerator is
6038s filthy oh yeah the burst damage that
6041s comes out you see a lot of them go uh
6043s Blaster helmet and with accelerator and
6045s he just the initial damage is so high
6048s dongy just going to walk it
6051s out he's waddling out waddling out yeah
6054s it's yukai that walks it
6058s off okay okay you know I'm usually the
6061s type of person to make that kind of joke
6063s but okay you know we're doing it uh
6065s cadas just decided to intimidation
6067s tactic shielded up Alonzo yeah well he's
6071s going to get the kill anyways so the
6073s reward is
6074s found the
6076s uh yeah I anything else to say that Dy
6081s just kind of chill in the bush going to
6084s walk away after getting the board though
6086s oh wait what where' these people come
6088s from Bob MSA on the run now kites it
6090s back to ncmb but R of the vampire queen
6093s going to get sent Bob melsa is going to
6094s go down and there's a kill slasher
6098s managed to pick it up but that R of the
6099s vampire queen they got the kill right
6102s but a little
6104s ambitious holding it a little bit too
6107s long yeah reu oh okay well he's still
6111s he's already sitting on two stacks right
6113s the is on cool down so blink away maybe
6116s need keep himself alive get the timers
6118s reset a little bit
6121s faster he's Jo poor Dy every time we
6124s look at him he's just kind of waddling
6126s around a
6128s team okay gor shooting down luminal
6132s blink Hook from uh tul and down goes Lal
6137s oh they're actually not playing their
6138s one shot comp even with uh even with
6141s none of their characters banned yeah
6144s they actually opted to go back to this
6146s uh Haze comp with Haze
6149s Lenox which I think is interesting I
6151s mean Jar's a great Mage player so it
6153s it's fine I'm sure they have their
6154s reasonings for it maybe they felt like
6156s it works better in this kind of lobby
6160s with
6162s yeah that's a little bit weird I mean
6165s we've seen some things I believe if you
6167s guys were here during phase number one
6169s we saw I think it was team fairy killing
6173s a a late game Eon with full transition
6176s so somewhere around 4.3k HP with no
6179s checkmate with their one shot
6181s combination God yeah I'm not you I I'll
6184s show you the clip for that while we're
6185s on break cuz it's actually disgusting
6188s but crazy up archery range Mir s Jong
6191s just going to pick one off here Nani
6194s going to go down and Cadmus just going
6197s to walk it
6199s off revolu still in record for he does
6204s have four Stacks just needs to find a
6205s corpse but there really isn't that many
6207s right now only four spread around the
6209s map at the moment which means yeah this
6212s Martina might be a little bit stuck just
6214s keep track of her ultimate gaug maybe if
6217s she's able to find that within the next
6219s 20 or so seconds she'll be okay don't
6222s know if you want to hold that until it
6224s gets to the objective spawning though I
6226s know your record is not going to be on
6228s cool down as soon as you transform into
6229s it but it does put you in a really
6231s awkward spot the de oh just going to get
6234s deleted by the one shot combination of
6236s Nikki's and Gage is just
6239s so you know if she can get in range of
6241s your carry and they're mispositioned say
6243s good night was that even I don't think
6246s that was even a misposition from the
6247s Theo it's just that they get caught
6250s up well maybe it's more of a misposition
6252s from their front line not keeping them
6254s further away because all three members
6255s shouldn't be able to get that close to
6257s follow up that
6258s easily she works on the back end has to
6261s Blink over the wall to avoid B MSA Q3
6264s tongam just kind of in the back
6267s unchecked hii taking a
6270s beating and he's just going to go down
6272s they're just going to send him to the
6273s Wolves meanwhile over in the school fire
6277s station Junction we have Mar sang and uh
6281s cartel fighting over meteorite I had to
6284s like scan through the teams and figure
6285s outl I keep wanting to say control every
6289s time it's cartel I have to like freeze
6291s and think they could even they could
6293s actually even add an r in the middle of
6295s it so that it's even more of a control
6297s then yeah right slasher saber just kind
6301s of positioning around each other nothing
6303s happening over here they're just getting
6305s farmed nobody's going to call in I'd
6307s imagine too much
6309s risk this feels really weird to me
6312s though watching a game like this because
6314s phase one across the board was very
6316s aggressive I think the only time that we
6319s saw phase one not being super super
6321s aggressive was a couple games of Group B
6324s during the group stages but eventually
6326s they all started looking for kills cuz
6329s towards the end of the series as we
6331s mentioned seventh and eighth place teams
6333s two teams are going to be gone which
6336s means you kind of have to start picking
6337s up kills starting from this point but no
6340s one's
6341s aggressing yeah it definitely like I
6343s know from experience like when you're
6345s behind and you're down and you know
6347s you're going to get eliminated you get
6348s desperate and you start to do um
6350s desperate plays of
6353s made some desperate plays before that
6355s have gotten me out of
6357s groups and maybe knock some people maybe
6360s knock some people out of
6362s qualifying yeah but you know that's just
6364s the nature of the game it's it's a
6366s Cutthroat game you know you have to if
6368s you want to make it out of these groups
6370s at least into the wild cards even you
6373s have to make something happen oh you can
6376s make something happen R finding the son
6377s on alto but Alto still in the back the
6380s oh wait what
6383s the crossbow skill creating a disengage
6385s I believe it was the crossbow skill
6386s creating that disengage for Fairy and
6389s they just end up taking down mangani
6391s again actually they bullied monani
6392s earlier exposion shot was actually
6394s perfect I think coming from alto the
6396s intimidation tactic was actually really
6398s good onto one tool but it is going to be
6400s that ultimate here we go the Bianca one
6402s Circle stuck in the corner is he going
6403s to get caught out he's still healing
6405s this guy not
6406s ding he's just healing through Expo
6409s damage he doesn't care that he's there
6411s Jesus man and what
6414s yeah look at the way one circle's aiming
6416s his gate he's aiming it behind him and
6418s then running through it to heal himself
6419s that way he can serve it as um self
6421s field against characters that don't have
6423s enough damage to actually dive him
6424s properly like Bianca that's actually
6427s crazy it's insane how is he just able to
6429s walk in front cuz I thought with the re
6432s of the vampire queen one Circle being
6434s stuck in a corner like that as well he
6435s was immediately going to get taken down
6437s but absolutely not his reaction is on
6439s point he's actually able to walk in
6441s front of his energy Shi
6443s so he gets to heal off of his own energy
6446s wave uh energy blast energy Cannon I
6448s should say and that actually allows him
6450s to just kind of sustain throughout the
6452s entire duration of the Bianca ultimate
6455s which is quite frankly really bad if an
6458s if a Bianca is not able to oneshot
6460s somebody with by the way that was a Theo
6462s with no bushes around them so no
6463s Sapphire protol completely out in the
6465s open and the thing that's crazy like the
6467s big counter play is Bianca's alt correct
6469s me if I'm wrong does execute
6471s damage like the second hit does bonus
6473s damage based on how much missing Health
6475s you missing like it ranges I'm pretty
6478s sure correct me if I'm wrong so with
6481s theor with the with Theodore uh because
6485s Bianca's alt the damage is kind of
6487s delayed on the second hit he's able to
6489s heal up and mitigate even more damage
6491s because he's healing up to higher
6494s Health which makes yanca Al do even less
6496s damage to him and he's already higher
6499s Health when it even hits so it's just
6500s like the it just doesn't work against
6502s Theodore I guess so when it when it's
6503s played like that there needs to be some
6505s sort of follow up on the Bianca Al to
6508s ensure that he goes down maybe the
6510s targeting was also a little bit awkward
6511s too that's a bit of a late flinger
6513s coming through from the heart Pang
6514s trying to get some damage on the
6515s backside maybe a little bit of a peel
6518s danana trying to fight in something D
6520s play that is actually going to be popped
6521s on the side of romatic here too oh one
6523s Circle getting tagged by the moon Dorito
6525s that's actually a double moon Dorito is
6527s the star enough yes it is boonga is
6529s going to be able to snipe that down with
6530s the Starfall pay trying to chase to
6533s through ortic looking for something here
6535s as well play that is gone which means
6537s he's just got to get on out of here
6538s moving reload Dorito is going to miss
6540s yet again from Puma nice Dodge coming
6543s through from romatic get a clean one for
6544s zero in favor of Team cartel oh my
6553s goodness I'm bad
6557s Boozled see among oh he didn't pick up
6560s what was in the box it's still open for
6562s him though if
6564s team Deon cybers is able to find this
6566s maybe but revu kind of backing away from
6569s this hungi should be able to secure it
6570s it's a tree of life inside of that bush
6572s quite unfortunate for him but for now
6575s everyone is going to be relatively safe
6577s and just kind ofing
6579s along sure that they're able to get some
6582s of the control inside of beach at least
6585s in the zone there's not that many things
6587s alive inside a beach at the moment
6589s though right cuz all the Amo changes
6592s there's no bats here
6596s yeah there is no bats here you're right
6599s okay we're in Factory the oh okay where
6601s we
6603s going he's trying to figure out which
6605s fight's going to happen first and it
6606s looks like it's going to be this one
6608s rocks and dejon cyers nope never mind
6610s it's the factory
6612s one okay there goes AO that's there's
6615s the one shot we wanted to see yeah
6617s exactly that's exactly what we want to
6618s see coming out of Team slasher they want
6621s to oneshot that iMobile backliner when
6622s they can get onto him the thing is this
6625s time actually what's slightly different
6627s is that the Felix was able to get on to
6630s the Theo right I think they kind of
6632s learned from the fight in gas station
6634s that if xboy manages to get an ultimate
6636s onto a Theo they just have to full send
6638s it onto that team but here we go right
6639s now the vampire queen is actually going
6641s to get denied rev trying to deal some
6643s damage over onto the F right now a
6644s couple aut should do there it is my God
6646s the burst damage from Revol is just so
6649s crazy oh he's bow dude Yi's dead yeah y
6653s is just going to get ran down here
6654s there's absolutely nothing Alonzo can do
6656s in situations like this he has no
6659s defensive Mobility to try and run away
6660s from these situations and he's it's just
6663s he's just in the corner on
6666s timeout well timeout he is going to be
6668s for actually the rest of the game now as
6670s ham Rox unfortunately going to fall zero
6673s kills to the name in Game number three
6675s that is not where you want to be at the
6678s end of game number three too cuz there
6680s one more and that's the end of the
6682s series danana picking up a box for
6684s himself not exactly sure what was in
6686s there cuz I couldn't catch it but oh my
6689s goodness this game is coming really
6691s close a lot of these fights feel like
6693s they're not going to be or they will be
6695s conclusive some of these members just
6697s kind of Barely getting
6700s out SE Jong looking to contest cartel
6704s over this
6706s Omega that's a lot of war and this is a
6708s great funnel for one Circle to try and
6709s play for but it's the same can be said
6712s for team cartel I mean AA in these
6713s funnels is just as
6716s good both backliners offering equal
6718s utility and damage and meanwhile also oh
6724s oh there's just two fights going on
6726s right now I'm just completely split I'm
6727s going to focus on the the Omega fight
6729s Mir sang pushing forward but cartel is
6732s going to disengage they're going to give
6733s up the force Court to Mir
6737s sang side I think the Alonzo got taken
6739s down but they will be able to Res back
6741s so saber losing out on the heart
6743s unfortunately did actually get secured
6745s which means Duan minus 250 going for him
6748s to Res back San one for one trade in
6751s favor of I believe that was
6754s team I think it was always in Chan as
6756s they don't have to rest right so keeping
6759s their credits intact whereas on the side
6760s of Team saber they manag to pick up a
6762s kill minus 250 is always never a good
6765s thing at this stage in the
6767s game especially as you get closer and
6769s closer to day five because once day five
6771s hits teams don't need to worry about
6772s holding on to credits for a revive
6774s anymore it's a full send and the less
6776s you have to full send it on by that
6777s point you know the worse off you
6782s are and okay down in dock we have Alto
6787s setting up his harpoons completely kind
6789s of gatekeeping this side with the brush
6791s so they don't have to worry about that
6792s and they have doc Vision so they can see
6794s everything going on on the right side as
6795s well pushing forward kind of just
6798s inching so oh okay never mind we're over
6801s here and all hell is breaking
6804s duim man will be able to get the jump
6805s over the wall he will be able to walk it
6807s off there is the chase coming in with
6809s the ca energy blast
6813s field and it's such a good disengage
6815s tool okay back and dock same old
6818s original close oh big Hook from one 12
6821s totem coming out with brain of the
6822s vampire queen that's going to be pretty
6824s much just dead and Slot Bianca at this
6826s point and oh dead in game Bianca as
6830s well yeah I think this team just had to
6832s send it right right they were stuck in a
6833s corner Factory was closed which means
6835s the decision has to just be there
6837s immediately to try looking for an
6839s initiation duim man going to get taken
6841s down n trying to chase this down but his
6843s entire team is also getting ran down too
6844s is just going to abandon Theo look for
6846s an angle on to Satan here instead
6848s Revenant is popping Satan will get taken
6850s down which means saber eliminated one
6852s kill on their end our seventh and eighth
6854s place team in this game and not picking
6856s up that many kills that is unfortunate I
6860s hope we can see more of Satan because I
6862s feel like he didn't really get a good
6863s shot here um and back to that fight in
6866s Doc it's really hard for them to okay
6869s I'll talk about it after this never mind
6871s it's really hard for them to to push
6873s forward into a team like faery I mean
6875s Lenox has such huge disengage and you
6878s know Hayes and Carla two of the best
6880s kiting Mages in the game arguably the
6883s best um so it's just too hard for them
6885s to get in anyways back in hotel Pang
6887s getting focused down he's going to go
6891s down here I think yes from finishing off
6893s ping and now just a two on three and one
6897s circle is just on the outside shooting
6900s down ncmp but he's going to get to Blink
6902s out and survive for his team do have
6905s enough credits to does have enough yeah
6908s I was just about to say that does have
6910s enough to revive
6913s so go and the should be able to get the
6916s my back they're transitions are actually
6918s pretty good at this stage yeah they're
6919s actually in a really good game State
6921s here they just have to kind of make it
6923s you know and um they only have one kill
6927s which is worrisome but a lot of these
6929s teams don't have a lot of kills other
6930s than Mir and sedong so it's not too bad
6933s well even for me and sedong they're only
6935s sitting on four kills that actually
6936s matter at
6939s right so yeah the kills in this Lobby
6942s are relatively relatively tame nobody's
6945s really pulled ahead a crazy amount it
6947s seems every oh Point dang is going to be
6950s able to get on out of here round two
6952s between these teams it seems like again
6954s team cartel is on the back end as boa
6956s getting tagged down by romatic one
6957s circle now trying to chase himself
6959s there's the exclusive back in see if one
6961s Circle oh my God they killed him go down
6963s yeah wait the health power on the side
6965s of be his head is really low punga is
6967s already dead theana trying to get the
6969s res can they stop this I don't think so
6971s ncmb do they have enough credits to Res
6974s themselves absolutely not these two
6976s teams are going to be stuck on two
6977s members unless denana he's making a run
6979s for it he's trying to go up theine
6981s school he's going does he have time 10
6984s seconds he can't even take the white ly
6987s CU of his shield oh his shield that's
6989s right four I think he's going to be able
6991s to get it which means yeah back up to
6993s set back up to
6995s three and that was crazy because the way
6997s that Mir song wants to play against this
6999s fight is front to back because Alonzo
7001s versus Mai you definitely always want to
7003s front to back because Alonzo is just
7005s naturally more durable but oh wow gets
7009s wick okay the though
7014s wait that's actually kind of hug that's
7016s a white flag
7019s trade um okay so the blood sample was
7023s actually picked up on the side of ton
7026s cybers it's going to go over to the
7028s Bianca for the retu which means does the
7031s does the Martina already have a blood
7035s camera I I have no idea that's actually
7039s really last I checked I'm pretty sure
7041s she had Canon camera right
7043s but maybe I'm wrong that'd be awkward
7046s cuz I think the upgrade from the middle
7049s just going to move downward to avoid
7051s being
7053s pincered and we also have Team Fair on
7056s it he is on oh he is on blood camera
7059s okay nice but he doesn't have the
7061s Crimson upgrade which gives him the
7062s additional attack
7065s range maybe there's some sort of value
7067s in the CDR that is more important plus
7070s the bonus stats armor pen maybe he's
7073s just looking for the one shot right yeah
7075s to be fair the bonus stats are better
7078s yeah with this kind of composition he's
7080s not poking he's just looking for raw
7082s damage as he's trying to follow up with
7083s the dark and Bianca so kind of get where
7086s he's coming from but he is missing his
7088s chest andon is in a awful position and
7091s they realize it they're just like they
7093s can't run down because they have slasher
7096s there there they can't run behind them
7098s because they have fairy there and they
7099s can't run forward because dejong Sabers
7101s is
7103s bro what I was going to say I he can't
7106s make it what was that I I don't know the
7111s ste's dead too oh no and now it's just
7114s oh when it all when it all falls
7119s down all right down goes T that's a
7122s little bit of an oopsy I'm pretty sure
7124s always in is going to try to get that
7125s out of their memories anytime soon cadas
7128s getting chased down by the members of
7129s mum which means down goes the Darko
7132s Martinez already dead on the north side
7133s of beach as well romatic is going to go
7135s clear that up although although hold on
7138s a second oh my goodness slasher oh my
7140s God and you know if slasher waited a
7143s little bit longer they could have got a
7146s little two for one there but I mean you
7148s know you see a corpse you kill corpse
7150s magnani is just going to get wall
7152s checked here great vision play coming
7154s out from peng and ncmb they're just
7157s they're
7158s just oh no oh no they're not just going
7161s to get that
7163s these are teams oh it's a
7167s tragedy and fairy is just on the outside
7170s they're going to look for the fight here
7172s I think yeah they're actually going to
7173s look to zone out team
7176s slasher because they know if they keep
7179s um if they keep ncmb in this Zone
7182s they're guaranteed that kill yep right
7184s so if they keep everyone else out and
7186s him in they're guaranteed a plus one
7188s kill team slasher too yeah team slasher
7192s understands it too they know that
7193s there's a free kill kind of waiting here
7195s and they might even use that to their
7196s advantage to try and find a good timing
7198s to get into the zone and look for a
7200s fight but gor already scouting this out
7202s looking for the north side to see if
7203s they're here and they have the knowledge
7206s is this the right decision for team
7208s slasher to go up against two kiing car
7211s two kiting Mages on the backside that
7213s has a lot of crowd control they're going
7214s to Target for it gwor all the way on the
7216s back side too far
7219s away and yeah it's just going to be
7223s was dead H to back fight Lenox versus
7225s Nikki and it's just not going to go well
7228s oh
7229s but oh it's a tragedy no work is just
7233s going to gun everybody down here and
7236s ncmb will get taken down at least team
7238s fairy is able to or at least team
7240s slasher is able to get themselves thir
7242s Place fairy just Scoops up every single
7245s kill and they were already in first
7247s place coming into uh game three here but
7250s they have to fight the Mighty team of
7253s Mir and song who has also had a good
7254s showing this game I believe both teams
7256s are pretty much fully stacked out item
7258s wise uh Al probably wants blood Half
7261s Moon here but is not going to have the
7263s luxury to actually have that blood
7265s weapon for himself still does have the
7267s Chinese Opera mask maybe that'll be
7269s enough for him I did see Hellfire on the
7271s side of gwor With It upgraded with the
7273s primordial hex he just needs to land the
7275s damage now these rocket launchers are
7276s going to matter a lot these energy
7278s Shields are of course is going to be
7279s even more important on the side of M and
7282s S one rocket is going to wh the second
7284s one will hit romatic actually getting
7285s tag with the second one the third one
7287s okay he's trying to chase this down get
7289s it oh my God but the acceptance speech
7292s lands wait a second he's still in play
7293s dead no down goes romatic well played
7295s here from work can they recover from
7297s this though I don't think
7299s so oh you're looking danana should be
7303s able to get the kill oh by days wait a
7306s second
7310s ccle that's crazy
7313s that's insane because Ferry has such a
7315s huge range advantage and they utilized
7317s it perfectly they were able to poke out
7319s romatic you were committed but the back
7322s side of the fight just went just went
7323s wrong I I'm not sure what happened cuz I
7325s was so focused on uh what rtic and gwor
7328s were doing because I saw the acceptance
7329s spe charm hit but I think it hit too
7332s early that he was able
7334s to get out of the charm before play dead
7336s proc so he's able to finish him off but
7338s I don't know what happened on the back
7339s side of the fight did you catch it I did
7342s so essentially what ended up happening
7344s was the energy blast field came in right
7346s from the Theo and pretty much that kind
7348s of seals the deal when you're dealing
7350s with a Carla as well as lenx because
7353s there is no way on Earth that without
7354s investing some massive cooldowns the
7358s Carla is ever going to be able to get
7359s damage onto a Theo and this laid into a
7362s game we talked about this earlier level
7364s three energy blast field overcharge dude
7366s it's like 70% additional attack speed
7369s those Auto attacks are going to hit for
7371s a tough ton a ton of damage CU you get
7374s bonus damage on your auto attacks
7376s already when you're in overcharge if you
7377s shoot your auto through Shields it also
7379s gets overcharge and it splits Lennox and
7382s Carla is never going to be able to kill
7384s a Theo if there's an Alonzo sitting in
7386s front of them so I like the idea from
7389s jork I think his kill onto romatic was
7391s absolutely huge there but he sat inside
7394s of the acceptance spee I think he took a
7395s couple more Auto attacks and by the time
7398s the Carlo was dead I mean one Circle can
7400s just kind of have free reain over the
7401s rest of the fight the lenx tried her
7403s best but the healing from the energy
7405s Cannon a little bit too much for the
7407s lenx to actually deal with that lat into
7409s the game yeah for sure do you think
7411s maybe if gork got the kill on romatic
7415s for the play dead Prive and then just
7417s backed off to his team afterwards would
7419s have been better I don't think he was
7421s able to there was a I I saw a red carpet
7424s on there and do remember that if you're
7425s standing on top of acceptance speech
7427s you're still slowed right it might might
7429s have been nerfed a little bit but he
7430s invested pretty much everything to get
7432s on there the blink the shotgun the dash
7436s yeah so I think he no other option for
7439s him at that point mhm he was right on
7441s top of the genuine acceptance speech pop
7443s two so he was smacked da in the middle
7445s of it so I guess going forward for team
7447s Fair playing into Mir and song they
7450s should try to utilize their range
7452s Advantage a little further than than
7455s that I mean but that look good honestly
7457s yeah it looked like a good opportunity
7458s for gwor to go for I think it was just
7461s good decision making from denana that
7463s after a certain point hey let me just
7464s kill this Haze cuz I don't think Carla
7467s sitting at 100 HP is going to be able to
7469s kill my Theo who's sitting at
7471s effectively 80% himself and the lenx
7474s should also never be able to kill him so
7477s yeah I like the CER from meiden seong
7480s really nice attempt from Team Ferry but
7482s this is just a bit of a pat on the back
7484s I think for meiden seong as fairy still
7487s looking very comfortable in this Lobby
7489s just because of that game performance
7490s it's not really going to change anything
7492s for them as we can see in the round
7494s results yeah I mean they still came out
7496s with 10 field or 10 field kills and only
7499s three-point difference between getting
7500s first and uh second so fer should still
7504s be in the lead on the overall
7506s standings um slasher actually had a
7508s really good game that game as well so
7510s they'll jump up in the standings as well
7513s they will here we have
7514s it they manag to get out of that
7517s relegation spot sending s rocks and uh
7520s and Chon down to seventh and eighth and
7523s correct me if I'm wrong but sunam rocks
7525s and inchon they were teams that were
7526s seated correct mhm it's just the way
7529s that the cookie crumble sometimes yeah
7531s these these teams that fought you know
7533s through the group stages they're they
7535s came to play they did honestly the teams
7539s that did come from the the qualifier
7541s stages though let's be real here I mean
7543s they could be seated within their own
7545s rights a lot of those teams just have
7547s such high high level Talent all players
7549s that are just you know not unfamiliar
7552s with this kind of level of play yeah
7554s most of those players uh you and I were
7556s talking about this especially on the
7558s side of Team saber for example and even
7561s for team let's see ton cybers those guys
7564s are all X season finals players they
7567s just yeah left their team and try to
7569s find a new one which means effectively
7572s these guys are still ERM worthy teams
7574s these qualifier teams are not really
7576s they're fake qualifier teams yeah some
7579s of them are even ERM Champions that were
7581s in the he qualifiers I believe M Nani is
7584s won
7585s ANM and among some others so it's just
7588s you
7589s know like you said how the cookie
7591s crumbles these seated teams have their
7592s work cut out for them because these
7594s teams coming out of the qualifying
7595s stages are just that talented and
7598s they've already gone through you know a
7600s rigorous uh qualifying stage which you
7602s know there I'm sure there's teams that
7604s didn't qualify that also have you know
7606s ERM level players debatably ERM
7609s contenders to take the whole thing that
7612s didn't even make it out of the
7613s qualifiers exactly with that we have two
7617s teams in brink of elimination but the
7619s top but the teams right above them is
7622s still pretty close too it was 15 15 13
7625s and 11 for our bottom four teams right
7628s now which means game number four is
7629s going to matter a lot and I suppose for
7632s our bottom two teams they're a little
7634s bit happy about the fact that the
7636s scoreboard is pretty top weighted
7639s because this means that their
7640s opportunity of maybe potentially moving
7642s on from the group stages and going into
7644s the wild cars there is a really really
7646s big chance it could
7651s happen nothing
7654s bad you gave me like an alleyoop and I
7657s just watched the basketball just
7659s drop it's fine it happens it's been a
7661s long time since you cast it so it's all
7663s good you're you're easing back into this
7666s yeah that's it it it's it's hard with
7669s not being familiar with a lot of the
7670s player base in Korea you know my my
7673s general following of it is uh I know
7678s sorin and then I know one
7681s Circle
7682s okay and Alto okay gor okay you know
7687s like the the obvious names and then you
7689s know some of the some of the newer names
7691s that have come in since 1.0 that have um
7695s had really strong performances in Korea
7697s I'm I'm less familiar with them so oh
7701s fortunately you not going to be able to
7702s see some of these oh wait hold up hold
7706s up this going to be a cook always right
7709s yozo is gone again this round so now
7712s we're back to fairy switching back to
7715s this one shot comp also hovering the
7718s Jenny no going back to his trademark
7721s Carla duim man also considering the
7724s Cathy in this one remember three teams
7725s on the brink of elimination right now
7727s always in ch and I believe it was hung
7729s num rocks down at 1311 for those to
7732s while whereas some other teams at the
7734s moment very close to the brink of
7736s elimination themselves and it will be
7738s the shuichi lock in for lumino look at
7740s that
7742s oh baby in 1.25 though and such yeah in
7748s on this patch plus yeah cuz there's been
7751s so many changes to shichi and on the
7754s last game of group stages where
7756s everything's on the
7757s line oh I don't know this is scary on
7762s the flip side their team lacks a lot of
7764s damage yeah but on the flip side it is
7767s going to be the Black Mamba King Eon
7768s which we saw earlier kind of stealing
7770s away a lot of Focus right you leave that
7772s thing alone it's going to rip through
7774s your backline you kill that thing well
7776s there's a shuichi now with Frailty and
7779s falso that is giga cope I mean you know
7781s it's Giga cope he is full Investing into
7785s into damage just trying to burst
7787s something he's not even thinking about
7788s the aftermath cuz a lot of times you see
7790s these shuichi typic running something
7792s like the vampiric uh bloodline so that
7795s they have Remnant damage at left over
7797s after the initial bur but this is just
7800s all in on the ruthless if you can't get
7802s kills with the ruthless he is
7803s effectively useless for the rest of the
7805s fight yeah he has no lasting power
7807s throughout the fight and Frailty does
7810s offer the opportunity of killing tanks
7813s later in the game question or at least
7817s chunking them very hard because like
7819s you're going to you're going to shred
7820s their defense and that's also going to
7821s enable your on to do more damage to them
7823s so they can kind of play front to back
7824s later in a game but the early stages of
7827s the game tanks are just going to be an
7828s absolute menace to that team and I am
7830s seeing from chat that it seems like it's
7833s still 1.24 just with the final zone
7835s changes cuz I know they were kind of
7836s messing around with this in the
7838s tournament client here and there so yeah
7840s I can see why the shuichi could be
7841s coming in right because then phony deal
7843s is actually going to start dropping
7844s daggers whenever daggers themselves are
7846s dropped too so he's still going to be
7848s able to reset it's just in 1.24 shichi
7852s still had a very very tough time
7854s actually dealing damage it's one of the
7855s reasons
7856s why a lot of people I mean I know this
7859s isn't really going to mean much cuz
7860s we're looking at it on the KR side of
7862s things but na Round Table it put shuichi
7865s deep down into the tier list all the way
7867s down towards the lowest tier so I'm a
7870s little bit worried here but it is lumino
7872s right the shuichi X Factor is always
7874s going to exist as long as it is someone
7875s like luminal playing it and I mean
7879s there's anyone who's going to get it
7879s done it's him yeah exactly quite frankly
7882s I think luminal has a lot of things to
7884s show because for those of you guys who
7886s are kind of watching some of the videos
7888s during the breaks there is a part where
7889s luminal is kind of smack talking over
7892s onto nugy or I think it was nugy because
7894s he's been playing shuichi himself as
7896s well and he's been uh what is it lumino
7898s has been giving him tips but he talks
7901s about how no never listens to tips yeah
7903s yeah yeah cuz do is also playing shuichi
7907s at the moment his main account I believe
7909s is mostly played on shuichi
7912s look K it just went right over your head
7914s that was great oh anyways umani is once
7918s again just getting bullied it seems like
7921s the start of every game involves manani
7923s just getting
7924s bullied it's a life of and cartel
7926s running away from
7928s Inon they're they're kind of they're
7930s really respecting this luminal um
7932s potential
7933s here
7935s luminal in place there's one comes out
7940s he's looking for an angle on to Boom he
7941s actually has it all over the place but
7944s oh D's already down to the ground T
7946s picks up
7947s one it's a bit too early he didn't want
7949s to yeah he didn't want to commit any fur
7951s like he definitely could have killed
7952s bnga himself but he didn't want to
7954s commit due to one of his teammates going
7955s down he just wants to ensure that his
7956s team s oh no okay we're okay it's just
7960s rodic alone he's fine it's everybody
7963s everything's good nobody's dying
7964s nobody's dying day
7966s one okay it's fine we saw a a moment
7970s right cuz in that kind of situation if
7972s he had a couple items maybe if he had a
7974s little bit of a better angle yes he had
7976s that you saw his dagger resets are still
7978s on point just cuz he's not playing
7979s shuichi in the Pro stages does not mean
7982s he's rusted on this character whatsoever
7984s it's just we got to wait for the X
7987s Factor to show up but you never know
7988s when it comes to L yeah and well one
7990s thing that is nice is and Chon is is one
7992s of the teams that's you know slated to
7995s be relegated assuming the standing stay
7997s the same um they managed to walk away
7999s with a kill so you know that is a point
8002s gained on the standings for them so it's
8004s it's one step closer to making it into
8007s the wild cards
8008s meanwhile Dy going to get out no he's
8012s not Dina going to clean it up shim finds
8015s narok but of course it's an eon the
8017s Cathy not going to be able to chase that
8019s that easily this early on in the game
8021s which means just going to be a loss on
8022s towards T another 15 seconds of not
8025s having another member on the side of
8026s oing Chun it's going to delay them a
8028s little bit but they are still kicking
8030s alive that one kill trying to snowball
8033s that into the late game it might be bit
8035s cop this early on but it is something to
8037s work off of the big Snowball Effect
8039s already
8041s be and now that I said that they're
8043s going to die it's a cter curse oh please
8045s no don't say that I listen I've G I've
8049s given up all hope I I'm just a har death
8052s yeah it's just just the way it goes okay
8056s Mir song posture for the meteorite fairy
8060s posture for the tree just going to kind
8062s of both grab what they want and leave it
8064s at that don't think they'll aggress onto
8066s each other speaking of aggressing though
8068s sattin going in landing the to on N but
8071s n just now he's just sending it yeah
8074s he's kind of stuck he doesn't have any
8075s resets is he going to use his weapon
8077s skill or is he just waiting for the
8078s resets to actually come through lumino
8079s trying to get the resets there's the
8081s ruus coming in douchan trying to back
8082s away from this he has the dagger resets
8084s but there's another team right behind
8085s him
8086s L coming in on the
8088s flank Lok are just on the Run they do
8092s not want any of this luminal over the
8095s wall and they're safe completely taken
8098s down again too so another few seconds of
8101s them just not having more down time yeah
8103s and and it's so detrimental especially
8105s in these stages of the game where a lot
8107s of these hunt rotations are coming back
8109s a lot of these objectives have already
8110s been contested and gone and you just
8112s have to kind of just have to sit there
8113s and wait while everyone else in the map
8115s is getting things done and it's just
8117s setting you further and further behind
8118s and it's it's tough It's really tough I
8121s mean you get the information on where
8122s people are as a plus side but on the
8124s down side like you're also getting
8126s information on all the things that are
8127s gone pretty
8128s much even more so than that I think the
8131s place where both Nika as well as lumino
8135s were in there was no hyper Loops
8137s anywhere around them maybe the chapel
8138s one but there was another team in there
8140s so even with the information I mean what
8142s are you really getting out there nothing
8143s you can capitalize on it
8146s yeah
8148s oh and fairies I mean they're fairy just
8151s singular not plural they just been
8153s poshed around each other all game and
8156s yeah romatic laying down some damage
8158s onto one tool but Lenox chisel chin as
8162s always
8164s oh Into the Blue Viper romatic taking a
8167s lot of
8169s damage and one cirle alt is going to
8172s Zone up the back line but there's just
8173s so much damage coming out from Alto and
8175s gor
8176s Rockets looking for the blank q but it
8179s does not connect romatic missed the sore
8182s over the wall that's a really tough wall
8184s by the way to line up you need to be
8187s right along the the wall and you need to
8189s place it directly adjacent to the thing
8192s so oh not adjacent sorry perpendicular
8194s to the thing and then you maybe have a
8196s chance assuming it's the right spot as
8198s well so quite unfortunate for romatic I
8200s saw the attempt to trying to get out if
8202s it did manage to come through then he
8203s keeps his life intact otherwise he does
8205s get taken down exactly as we saw which
8207s means m seong not able to take advantage
8210s of a battle Zone at this St in the
8213s night Sanam laying down the damage on
8216s the Pang he's already half Health from
8218s these haste cues but Adena just going to
8221s heal him up and then he's going to get
8222s chunk back
8225s down MSA other also looking at the right
8228s side timer oh wait the
8230s timer and it's just a timer skin Oh and
8234s still gets out wait
8237s what okay that was bizarre I
8241s it looked like they were going to take
8242s down the cell
8244s but
8246s Cadmus on his own it's two characters
8249s that don't really do too much damage but
8251s he's missing a lot of these andimiz yeah
8253s he's going to get taken down
8258s o so going back to that Rio jump thing
8262s um for the whole perpendicular of it um
8265s do you know if elevation plays a part in
8268s where you should be placing your mouse
8269s positioning for the jump I don't think
8272s so and quite frankly a lot of elevation
8274s been gone in this game but I know that
8276s spot right there from Beach into Uptown
8278s is one of them yeah um I don't know I've
8282s made it once before you don't do that
8285s you don't have to do that jump a lot
8286s right cuz a lot of times if you're
8288s sitting in Beach like that you're
8289s looking for other angles to get out
8291s that's a very once in a million kind of
8294s chances that you have to use that
8296s jump it's a tough one it really
8299s is yeah cuz I've I've
8302s personally never been in that situation
8304s where I'm Rio next to the beach wall or
8306s even Rio in
8309s general so yeah I was I was really
8311s curious CU I I know like with other
8313s things like for me personally like
8315s especially here in pond or rather stream
8318s this little excess way it ramps downward
8321s it really affects how you want to throw
8324s your skill shots and
8327s things okay here we go oh my go
8331s one but it doesn't result in anything
8333s boom pretty much still full health as
8335s surviving that burst but NCM be taking a
8338s NCM bullying from the from the Felix
8341s damage it's good though this is not that
8343s bad exclusive has already been invested
8345s by the side of Team control but that was
8347s a once in a million opportunity for them
8348s to try jumping on the backline now
8350s douchan for an angle onto cadm Miss but
8353s all these Moon Doritos kind of missing
8355s the targets at the moment h on Cyber
8357s still looking for an angle back in CAD
8359s Miss he's about to go down his inviz is
8362s about to end his overflow is about to go
8363s down too somehow some way team saber is
8367s able to push away the members of Team
8368s Ted on cyers they'll get themselves a
8370s kill onto the
8374s Jenny and they'll also be rewarded with
8376s a meteorite heading downward towards
8378s this completely uncontested otherwise
8380s too all the other teams on the map are
8381s just I don't know again I don't know
8383s where everybody is everybody seems
8385s pretty well spread out um ah here's
8389s where everybody is over in school we
8391s have
8393s rocks rocks and fery oh down Warehouse
8396s yoa maybe they're going to look to turn
8399s it on some Vision here no they're just
8401s going to look to back out this entire
8404s east side of the map is going to close
8405s in a few moments and I don't even know
8407s kind of animals are alive it doesn't
8408s seem like anything on the east side of
8411s Doc at the moment I think I see a white
8414s dot inside of inside of factory as well
8418s there's nothing for these guys I don't
8419s know
8421s walking into No Man's Land right now Bo
8425s walk getting the moon
8426s online it's always good
8429s upgrade um Omega will be I can't read
8433s Ken I think it's in school oh you're
8436s actually
8437s right just based on where the arrow is
8439s see there school or archery whoa what
8442s what the heck happened to re Ru got
8444s deleted just got CC locked the entire
8447s time nyok now getting chased down by the
8449s members of me sedong he doesn't have a
8451s reset now oh he just got the reset but
8453s then that reset killed him gone already
8456s oh denana just down in Factory there
8459s goes another one yeah de cyber wiped
8464s yeah that's insane I we didn't even
8467s catch that fight we just caught the tail
8468s end of Nikki finishing it off with her
8470s ultimate but and now isn't tun Cyrus
8472s actually in kind of danger of getting
8474s eliminated here too because in very much
8477s danger of getting eliminated um and Chon
8480s is in kind of rough spot right now this
8482s game they really need to find a way to
8485s make this shuichi Pick Pop and I don't
8487s know which team comp would be best for
8489s them to fight into um I would assume it
8493s would
8494s be saber
8497s maybe or maybe just cheese the Omega
8500s right now there's a team right
8501s underneath that my God yeah utilizing
8504s the ruthless is is going to be an easy
8506s kill so they will be able to at least
8507s get a 350 credit um kind of Vantage over
8511s the minus 250 they're going to soon
8514s they're up net 100 that's uh that's
8517s quick stocks for the market people out
8519s there especially for the shichi right
8521s cuz I think he just picked up dragon
8523s skills he needs
8526s that slasher just going to run away from
8529s saber but saber is out here they want
8533s fight just need to not die oh here comes
8536s the r of the vampire queen it's going to
8538s be good saan stuck in the middle of it
8539s they are going to get tagged down goes
8541s Nia down goes another person yoa is down
8545s xboy has no timer left on his side timer
8548s oh team slasher will get eliminated
8551s unfortunately it's going to be our
8552s second team down in this game and ins
8554s side of school there's another fight as
8556s team in they're trying to turn but down
8559s goes Tong naruk and luminal getting
8563s themselves on out of
8564s here seems and now in Forest another
8567s fight oh my God these fights are nonstop
8569s Bob MSA on Al chasing him down but alter
8572s jumps
8573s out everybody's alive right now gor
8576s somehow managed to get himself out
8578s although he's stuck in a little bit of a
8579s corner 23 seconds on his end should be
8581s able to walk himself over to school and
8583s potentially hyperloop on out of here
8584s maybe he's just waiting for his team I
8586s don't know the more time he looking to
8588s turn this he's running out of he's
8591s losing the option to run the other way
8593s he's pretty much out of timer he has to
8594s find a way back in the zone yeah gor
8596s going to go down Alto is now in the same
8599s situation gor was in
8602s run them they're kind of having fun yeah
8606s I think alto's dead I mean they're so
8609s far in the lead that they're not really
8610s at risk they can they can kind of do
8611s things like this and have a little bit
8613s of fun I guess um I mean the consistent
8616s play was definitely for gor to just walk
8618s yeah into school but you know they want
8621s to try something have a little have a
8623s little fun I respect it we'll get the's
8626s already all the way in hospital anyways
8627s they get the reses they're good they're
8629s chilling exact they're chilling too and
8632s the good thing here for S rocks is that
8634s they need these points right now two
8635s additional kills they were sitting at
8637s zero field kills those two kills onto
8639s Alto and gor managed to net them their
8642s first two kills of the game at such a
8643s critical time too that's a lot of reward
8645s credits going over to them on top of it
8648s and this may be a little bit of
8650s metagaming but maybe fair is G you
8654s know them not at risk maybe they're you
8657s know give it you know give it a couple
8660s hello
8661s it's not just me right yeah no it's not
8663s just you it's me too okay well anyways
8666s to continue that thought maybe you know
8668s they get to they get to you know play
8670s King maker and decide who gets in and
8672s gets out and maybe they want to they
8673s want to see more rocks maybe they they
8674s like playing against that composition
8676s they want to let them make it into the
8678s wild card stages all right was Wendy
8680s stepping on the the internet wires over
8682s in KR or something what was happening I
8685s don't know what the hell is going on
8687s that wasn't us guys we that wasn't us we
8689s promise cuz you guys can steal will hear
8691s our voices it was not me
8696s today okay six teams left now in our
8699s final game of group a we have a couple
8701s teams still at the brink of elimination
8703s for team always in Chun and Tung Nom
8705s rocks they're still looking to get out
8707s of that red at the moment ton cybers
8711s they are eliminated same thing for team
8712s slasher I think team slasher I I can't
8715s remember what the score sh actually look
8717s like right now T they were at 15
8721s points I think they were they were they
8725s were in like sixth or fifth but they
8727s were like the thing that the standings
8728s were really close in the bottom four so
8731s it it could Anything could happen I
8733s think dejon
8734s Savers it's it's hard to say they they
8737s might be at risk here on the right side
8739s s num rocks just managed to pick up that
8741s Alpha uh that not that Alpha sorry the
8743s wik line right and they're right around
8745s the school console as well got a ton of
8747s credits by the way earlier on by killing
8749s the members of team fairy which means I
8752s saw I believe it was a Hellfire built up
8754s there's the NOS Fatu coming out for the
8756s Camilo as well they're actually well set
8758s to maybe get some additional points in
8759s the later stag of the game and get
8762s themselves out of elimination although
8763s wao how many teams what is this is this
8767s everybody they're just going to get
8768s picked on it's Anon he can actually get
8771s himself on out of here but that's a lot
8772s of damage and you don't want to take
8774s this m still holding this point here
8776s they just
8778s St oh no and CH is just completely stuck
8781s there's nowhere for them to go they have
8783s to find a way out of here they have to
8785s push through one of these teams they got
8787s do they have to push themselves on out
8789s or do they have to push themselves on in
8791s they're still sitting on two kills too
8792s yeah they're and they're still not in a
8794s good position like this is this is not
8796s where you want to be
8798s sitting at least they don't have to
8799s watch their flank anymore sitting in
8801s that little Bush
8803s yeah and the bright side about this is
8805s no one should try to fight them when
8807s they're over there because then they the
8809s team that fights them risk getting
8810s pincered so it's actually kind of a good
8812s positioning for them to be over
8814s here how this goes trying to get
8817s positioning over team fery they will be
8819s able to do so console is going to be on
8821s the side of me has full vision of most
8824s of the teams inside of that area should
8826s understand what the game stat is like US
8828s 1 2 3 4 five six we actually have all of
8831s our six teams right now within one mini
8834s map vicinity how the heck is this
8839s happening I I don't think anyone's going
8841s to start a fight because it's it's just
8843s way too high risk everybody's just going
8845s to kind of poke around at each other and
8847s one of these teams is going to get kind
8849s of stuck in the middle
8850s somehow it's really just a wor of
8852s positioning and vision rather than
8854s actually making a fight happen because I
8857s mean whoever makes a fight happen
8858s without guaranteeing they have an out
8860s somewhere is just at complete risk of
8863s dying and Fair's is the team that's
8865s probably in highest risk right now oh
8868s uhoh oh no not no please Wendy get off
8871s the fiber get off the get off the get
8874s off the cables get off the cables Wendy
8877s what are you doing I've had
8879s enough I get it you want us buffed but
8882s this is not how you do it uh this is
8884s actually really bad to you by the way a
8886s lot of these teams has to make their
8887s decisions on where they want to go cuz
8888s look at the final zones right now it's
8890s either school or or Aly these two team
8893s these six teams I should say the the way
8895s this is it's it's school and Alley it
8897s can't be gassed because of it being
8898s split yeah so you already know where
8901s yeah okay in the gymnasium
8904s we what's going on here Bob m is really
8907s low he can't contribute to this fight
8908s anymore yeah so they're just going to
8910s you know back out of this cuz Bob m is
8912s way too low but again this is actually
8914s not that bad for S rocks right the more
8916s control they get over school the more
8918s they force the other teams to kind of
8920s push into each other oh my God
8923s W want to be in a funnel like that with
8926s hay cuz you get the the way the Rockets
8928s proc the you you end up taking the
8930s rocket damage and whoever's behind you
8932s takes the explosion damage and the
8934s rocket damage so it just Hino was just
8937s getting destroyed by the Rockets that's
8941s Hellfire Haze for a late game that was
8944s two rockets onto boa by the way that was
8948s just two so he hurts a ton
8955s yeah Lord me seong trying to
8957s force they want school they don't want
8960s to deal with the north side of the map
8962s cuz it's just a mess over there they
8963s want something more
8964s consistent getting Chun down Bob malsa
8967s getting in there he's behind romatic
8969s rtic getting over the wall escaping but
8972s they end up killing one Circle the big
8974s carrier that you want down on this team
8976s and suum looking to take downa finishes
8978s off with the blank in oh my God so good
8981s the SMG burst with the blink is good and
8985s they are going to keep themselves alive
8986s too the Camilo didn't get confirmed
8988s which means he's going to be brought
8989s back alive and now s Rock sitting at
8992s five kills they're looking they're still
8995s cooking holding Soul control wait
8997s actually no they down there wait a sec
8999s oh yeah fairy is down there yeah so
9002s they're not out of the woods yet they
9004s still have to deal with another team
9005s down in
9006s school
9008s cartel kind of trying to find a way in
9012s on saber who's that down in the corner
9013s is that CH still spitting in the corner
9016s oh anyways in school fight's broken out
9019s fairy and Ro
9022s just kind of you know edging each other
9024s feeling it out oh my god really hurt
9028s though both front liners are hurt but
9029s Sonam is Sonam is low enough for uh
9033s fairies to want to take a fight here
9034s they do have a Health Advantage
9036s meanwhile what on Earth is going on up
9038s here this is kind of awkward
9041s alls how did we get here as Cel I don't
9045s know what happened I guess they lost the
9047s fight to inchon and then their timer no
9050s got the third part off that's what
9052s happened cuz they were sitting in the
9053s bush waiting okay here we go the fight's
9055s going to begin here to lumino taking
9057s down dangerously low there's exclusive
9058s he got pulled out of his own daggers
9060s trying to get the resets but no the
9061s shuichi is going to get taken down T is
9063s going to get eliminated nyok unless you
9065s can pull off the miraculous 1v3 while
9067s you're in downtime as a neon I don't
9070s think there is much longer life left for
9072s you pop goes to weasel which means down
9074s they go ham rocks as well as saber the
9077s final two teams alive and I believe with
9080s that me unfortunately in might take the
9083s fall unless their plac points is just
9085s barely enough to get themselves out of
9087s elimination and I mean sonum rocks was
9090s on the cusp of being relegated out and
9092s now look at them I mean eight field
9094s kills going into the final
9096s square and they might just win this
9098s round and I I I'm curious who's going to
9101s be relegated I mean cartel's probably at
9103s risk dejon saers is definitely at risk
9105s and Chon I think is out I think in
9108s Chon's guaranteed out you have see maybe
9111s the placement points off cuz they did
9112s get third I think which means they have
9114s a total of actually that's true actually
9117s so they might they might be okay we'll
9119s have to see how the standings play out
9121s after it'll be really interesting I
9123s think dejon Savers and Chon are at the
9126s highest risk here I think uh we shall
9128s see who was the other team that was it
9130s was suum rocks that was also low but
9133s they're definitely going to make it in
9134s with this game performance they' played
9136s so well they
9138s fin but yeah satum tried to go in but
9142s took a shotgun to the face and just
9143s wasn't able to get the taunt out on
9144s anybody so he just lost half his health
9147s for essentially nothing Bob M also
9149s getting chunked out the ghost light just
9151s kind of lighting him up speaking getting
9153s lit up sunam dropping the Rockets Double
9157s G's going down Vision going down to spot
9159s them out clearing out the traps good I
9161s love the vision control that makes it
9163s easier for looking to play his poke I
9165s mean they definitely have better poke
9166s with Hayes over Adena Dy
9170s looking for something but the Dina
9172s dodging out Rockets coming out oh my God
9176s wait what yeah
9178s the the exclusive from the M on herself
9181s the D is out oh down goes both of them
9184s though it's a 2v2 now they're trying
9187s to already he's got nothing left he's
9189s just in the corner stuck find the way
9191s out and he does
9193s oh this could go to timer scam this
9195s could actually go to timer scam Dena all
9197s he has to do is just stay alive same
9198s thing for so same thing for stay alive
9201s try to reset doui man's resting
9205s up it's Tim SK dude it's a could be
9210s haven't seen this in so long 24 seconds
9212s all Dena has to do is just execute here
9214s all Dena has to do is just execute but
9215s he gets tagged by the Rockets he gets
9217s tagged by the Rockets the execute is not
9220s possible 15 seconds I don't know I think
9223s it might be a possibility wait wait if
9226s he gets
9227s executed please if Dena gets executed
9230s saber wins by timer scam does he get
9233s outus one for the greater good it's
9236s minus one for the greater
9240s for so
9246s crazy no way won this no so nut how long
9254s has it oh my God I haven't seen that in
9257s I don't think I've ever seen someone
9258s take a minus one to win the game for net
9263s plus 2 dude you know what is the
9265s funniest thing by the
9267s way it had Wei I have in my in my what
9272s is it in my entire history of casting
9274s right have not seen a timer scan in any
9279s regions ever since temp zones came out
9281s yeah like really I haven't like I
9283s haven't seen it in so so long and that's
9286s like one of those situations because
9288s ever since they'd made it so you can't
9289s see
9290s um your enemy's timer they you you
9293s almost never see it people get too antsy
9295s and they want to take a fight but
9297s somehow they had some some sort of
9298s calculation that they had a timer
9300s Advantage I guess they kept them out
9301s long enough that they they felt
9302s comfortable about it and um Dina denying
9307s that kill made it so um they weren't
9311s able to restore enough timer they they
9313s weren't able to restore any timer
9315s because they didn't get kill credit 15
9318s seconds was enough which enable douy man
9320s to just kind of chill and take a
9324s look that was crazy I'm
9328s so wow I'm I'm speechless it's just so
9332s crazy how is this all happening when
9334s you're here on the desk all these things
9336s that I haven't seen for seasons and
9339s seasons and Seasons we're all of a
9342s sudden seeing you here when you're
9343s casting with me both of the old boys
9346s when it comes to eternal return I am
9350s honestly flabber Gast it right now I
9351s have no words on how to even describe
9354s that guys for those you guys who didn't
9356s understand what just happened right okay
9358s so if you go into restrict area your
9360s timer counts down yes everybody knows
9361s that if you play eternal
9363s return if you pop you don't give your
9367s enemies timer so what ended up happening
9369s was was now if you pop without because
9372s you can pop and they can still get
9373s killed if they do damage within 10
9376s seconds yep so what ended up happening
9379s was Dena just ran away douchi man had
9381s more timer and they were kind of banking
9383s on it right I don't think they actually
9384s knew since the restricted timer is a
9387s question mark for everyone else that's
9388s not part of your team so you don't
9390s exactly know so part of what it is too
9393s is is once Kathy uses all her cooldowns
9395s she she can't really do much right yeah
9397s so they were just they more or less just
9399s Allin on the timer scam and it it paid
9401s out anyways complete keep going into
9404s detail on it shui yeah so Dena just got
9406s away got tagged a couple times and it
9408s scared me a little bit but he took the
9410s white lily out um managed to buy enough
9413s time before he was able to head pop and
9415s it was just secured as a minus one I
9418s there has never been a ruling I think
9420s where a first place team with a minus
9422s one in between the final two teams so I
9425s have no idea how they're actually going
9426s to do that yeah I have no idea how it's
9429s going to play out in the scores yeah be
9432s really interesting I don't know if they
9433s they'll give the kill credit or minus
9434s one it yeah the minus twos from Sonam
9438s Rox though that will go over to team
9441s saber that is already a rule that is set
9443s in place it's just I don't know what
9444s happens if the first place team gets a
9446s minus one in the last two teams that has
9449s never happened before how how do you
9451s minus one as the first place team it's
9454s such a like Niche scenario that we got
9457s to
9458s witness that was insane that was that
9460s put a smile on my face yeah just if
9464s Justice be served we should give the
9466s plus one over onto sunam rocks for
9468s getting the kill onto Dina right like
9469s effective speaking that should
9472s theoretically count but again I don't
9474s know what the Precedence is this is not
9476s covered in the rule books this is
9477s unprecedented situation this has never
9479s happened before
9482s I I think I don't know when I used to
9485s host tournaments I always left the a a
9487s little disclaimer
9489s rule specific situations just like this
9492s that was just like anything outside of
9494s the guidelines will be at the host
9496s discretion you
9497s know um and I this definitely fits the
9500s bill on one of those situations because
9502s how does this happen I have no idea
9506s again I don't know what it is with me
9508s and my coasters but when lock was here
9511s every single Lock cast we had finals go
9513s to 10
9514s games um when Super's here we just get
9518s cemetery and pawn final Zone literally
9521s every single game at least once during
9524s every single uh series that he and I
9527s watches when cir was here it was always
9529s for final Zone and now that you're here
9532s I'm getting some weird records being hid
9534s that I have in seasons on end what is
9537s with any of my coasters I do not
9539s understand this just the most bizarre
9541s things happen I don't know oh we have
9543s the scores this is gonna be interesting
9545s I can't wait for this to flip over Sabre
9548s got 15 field kills that last game they
9550s actually made it out with the most
9552s points despite not even winning the
9554s round that's no they won the round oh
9557s did they okay never wait what am I
9559s talking about why did I think that was
9561s fairy I'm like losing it I'm
9564s sorry I need I need my snacks yeah I
9567s don't think they gave the minus one I
9568s think the kill credit dick over onto
9570s sunam rocks which means
9572s unfortunately our two teams eliminated
9574s is going to be slasher and always in
9576s Chon by four points against team slasher
9579s deun cyers will be able to make
9581s themselves oh Cy barely made it in I'm
9585s sure they were biting their nails
9587s because they went out so early in that
9588s last game and I knew they didn't have um
9591s like a very high amount of like a
9593s comfortable amount of points to sit on
9595s so congratulations to dejong cybers I'm
9597s sure they had a nice sigh of relief
9599s seeing that they made it into the Wild
9601s Card round sunum rocks also you know
9604s they had such a huge game and they were
9606s they were at the bottom of the standings
9607s I if I recall correctly if maybe maybe
9610s even just in seventh but they managed to
9612s pull through that last game too even
9614s bigger I think for S Rock say yeah this
9618s last game really mattered and I I think
9620s the two kills that they managed to get
9621s on ferry for gwor and Alto towards the
9624s end actually gave them so much leverage
9627s going into those final zones cuz we saw
9629s again the um what was it it was the haze
9633s I think picking up the Hellfire off of
9634s those two kills still had about 250
9637s credits left on the haaste since I think
9639s it was the ma that called it and then
9643s banking on that even further down NS
9645s Fatu online for the Camilo so good in a
9648s lot of those endgame fights
9650s yeah it was absolutely huge that they
9652s had all these crazy powerful upgrades
9655s especially the blood weapon upgrades
9656s because they're just so
9658s powerful oh my goodness
9662s and I'm gonna be honest with you I think
9664s this right here with 1.24 being the last
9668s time being played I think for luminal on
9670s the ERM stage it might kind of close the
9675s curtains on the shuichi arc for luminal
9678s the changes that we saw line in 1.25
9681s makes it a lot more difficult for
9683s shuichi to actually kind of rotate
9685s through his daggers and he will get
9687s punished he has a lot bigger of a window
9689s where you can punish him and we saw in
9691s this game those small Windows of
9693s opportunity were already getting taken
9694s advantage by these teams yeah and making
9697s that window larger I mean it's just it's
9699s just going to get harder and harder even
9700s they buff the numbers like numbers
9703s aren't the problem with shichi at that
9704s point it's it's the windows of time that
9706s he has to do something and it's always
9708s been like that for him too right I
9710s remember way back when they did
9711s adjustments to his timings and everybody
9713s was just like losing their
9716s mind crazy crazy crazy yeah and just and
9719s like giving you know they treat it as
9721s Windows of counterplay but it's it's
9723s really more windows of
9725s weakness on the flip side though fairy
9727s and Maid and sigong I mean these two are
9729s the teams that you just kind of look at
9731s the rosters and say yeah they'll
9732s probably make it straight into the
9733s finals and indeed they did but today in
9736s group a it was team ferry that won it
9739s out team me their incredible performance
9742s with the one shot comp in game number
9744s two it skyrocketed them up to the top of
9747s the leader board and ever since then
9749s after game two they just yeah after game
9752s two I mean tor's amazing performance on
9755s Adella just the team overall all played
9758s incredibly well all all members of the
9760s team and that one shot comp it seems
9762s once Alonzo's out of the picture they're
9764s very comfortable playing it funny enough
9767s too they're actually dealing with these
9769s m
9770s I don't know if you noticed or I don't
9771s know if people in the chat noticed or I
9773s don't even know if you guys remember
9774s quite frankly cuz game two felt like so
9776s long ago after game stream 4 but with
9779s the one shot comp they actually waited
9782s and baited out the exclusive first they
9785s never used to do that
9787s before yeah they they've you know
9790s they've realized what the counter play
9791s is to their comp M ultimate exclusive
9794s and you know instead of playing a
9797s different comp and just giving up on it
9799s they decided Ed to to evolve their
9801s gameplay to play around that cool down
9803s cuz they know people are going to panic
9805s and use it as soon as the one- shot
9807s threat is there because I mean let's be
9809s serious if your carry is threatened on
9811s being one shot you definitely want to
9813s press the button oh yeah and if you just
9816s bait it and then punish it after it's
9819s huge it's going to be even easier for
9821s them I think in 1.25 as well since
9823s shaale is losing some of the defense
9824s stats on that on that skill so across
9828s the board this is a really good setup
9830s for team Ferry not just for phase number
9832s two but for phase three as well there's
9834s a lot of good things going on this team
9836s and I'm so excited to see if even in the
9839s finals they're going to be able to show
9840s us a performance like this because if
9841s they do a lot of teams are going to be
9844s having to worry about just a random
9845s adelo queen Coming Out of Nowhere are
9847s Rand n it's scary you know and and part
9851s of what I would like to see some of the
9853s other teams kind of counter adjust and
9855s kind of evolve this interaction further
9858s is instead of using
9860s exclusive kind of preemptively to start
9862s using it reactively and see if they can
9865s you know build up a reaction time to
9866s react to a queen going down or react to
9868s a
9869s nikiel just deny the initiation
9871s altogether right
9873s yeah oh boy yeah that'll all come down
9876s later though maybe we'll see it this
9878s weekend as fairy they do have the
9880s inkling of potentially bringing out the
9882s one shot comp but other than that their
9884s Hayes Carla and whatever tank they want
9887s to run it was mostly the Len I believe
9889s with that composition too it seems
9891s pretty solid I mean it's not that
9894s bad yeah that I mean and like I said
9896s earlier with that composition it's they
9898s have such a huge range advantage against
9900s all the teams and they're so hard to
9902s engage on Lenox Carla has to be one of
9905s the hardest things to walk into and we
9907s saw it with a lot of the M too they they
9909s would Dash into this team thinking they
9911s can get something and just there's so
9913s many reactable tools that this team can
9915s use to just deny the May engage from the
9919s TA we I remember there was a fight where
9921s I
9922s saw I think it was the last fight we
9924s just watched or one of the last fights
9926s we watched where one of the M dashed in
9929s and just took a shotgun to the face and
9930s was forced to just Dash back to her
9933s team and like by the time that happens
9936s like there's there's no taunt targets
9937s left in range there's nothing you could
9939s do dashing forward gets you killed so
9941s there's there's the engage potential is
9943s lost and you end up taking a lot of
9944s damage and with it being double Mages
9947s the shville loses a lot of Val
9950s you it's quite funny actually now that I
9952s think about it that you're not really
9955s looking a lot of times to initiate in
9957s towards a Carla and a Hayes but teams
9960s are forced to they're never going to
9961s walk up on you it's let up in the front
9963s lines that's that's the power of having
9965s a range Advantage like Hayes is that you
9969s if you don't engage you're just going to
9971s get poked out especially in these final
9973s Zone situations where you have to make
9975s something happen because if you get
9976s pushed out of the Zone you're losing
9977s your timer advantage so ex you have to
9981s make something happen and if you don't
9983s if you can't compete with the Poke or
9984s sustain so you would need something like
9986s Theodore you kind of just have to give
9988s it up exactly ladies and gentlemen but
9991s with that game that was game number four
9993s that is going to be the end of group a
9995s we know which teams are moving on we
9997s know which teams are eliminated but that
9999s means it was only group a we got Group B
10001s coming up after the break we'll see you
10002s guys then peace
10037s on
10068s ATT for
10122s spe
10154s spee
10168s fore spe
10205s spee
10221s chicken
10230s chicken
10248s wow
10251s chicken chicken
10308s C for
10339s oh
10398s made
10427s for for
10482s y
10497s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
10498s back to the eternal return Master season
10501s 4 Phase 2 group stages we just finished
10505s group a which means you guys are now
10507s here for Group B I finished all the
10509s chips on my hands which means we are all
10511s set to go we got Meek Speedy back on the
10514s table as well he'll be here actually for
10515s the entire weekend so yeah don't don't
10517s miss him just yet mhm I'll be here I'll
10520s be here all week
10524s and and yeah group a was just crazy what
10528s a finishing note to end on how do you
10530s top that I mean I mean I know how we top
10533s it let's see what group be's got yeah I
10535s was going to say don't say that just yet
10536s the night ain't over man yeah grp B
10539s might even be crazier somehow I wouldn't
10541s know how you would top that ending
10542s though that was just a honestly you
10545s might not even see that again in Ro Play
10547s That's How rare that kind of situation
10548s is
10549s yep it quite really goes to say I mean
10553s again if you guys know me I've casted
10555s quite a lot even in uh recent times as
10558s well I might not be doing na much but
10560s over on the Korean side I've watched
10562s things over and over and over and over
10564s again but ever since the temp Zone's
10566s being released I have not seen a team
10568s ever timer scamming somebody because I
10572s mean you remember I remember timer scam
10574s way back in the days was a major major
10576s problem and a lot of people had issues
10578s with that that's why the temp Zone
10579s phases were invented that's why all
10581s these time shifts the restricted timer
10584s gains all that stuff was made so that
10586s teams are able to finalize kills before
10588s it comes to the timer scam this is a one
10591s in a million it really was we're setting
10594s records here multiple records with Meek
10597s this guy
10598s is I'm a man of Records I set a lot of
10601s Records myself actually you not to clo
10604s or anything but I won't get into it but
10607s um I remember the first big change to
10610s timers that I like can recall that stop
10612s timer scams was the uh hiding people's
10616s timers back in the day you could see
10618s other people's timer and that was a Hu
10620s you would calculate in your head okay
10621s there's 30 seconds left this guy has 28
10624s seconds I have 58 so that means one more
10626s second and I can leave the Zone I can
10628s just dip and win by one second you
10630s calculate that anyways we got our group
10632s B Teams here um wait sad hand sad hand
10640s que sad hand I
10643s haven't that's my go I love sad hand I
10646s haven't seen his name in a while though
10648s yeah ERM has honestly brought up a lot
10651s of up in the comers and actually not
10654s even in but post the official release
10657s sadan is one of those names that
10659s actually kind of started dying down I
10660s think ever since Post Release happened
10662s so it is really nice to be able to see
10664s him back into the
10666s earms earms e r m stage I was reading
10670s their team name their team name is Auto
10672s Arms the
10674s arms oh no yeah but it's really good to
10677s see s here I'm wondering if they will
10681s bring back the Ry right because if you
10684s guys know sad hand's actual IGN it has
10686s to do with something about short fingers
10688s and Rousy and something like that ry's
10690s sad because she has short hands exactly
10693s there you go so are we going to be
10695s seeing Rousy she has fallen slightly out
10697s of meta right we're not really seeing
10699s her too much in RM and I think her stats
10702s right now are a little bit iffy I'm not
10704s entirely sure about this but we'll we'll
10706s see all we can wait all we can do is
10708s just kind of sit back and wait so
10710s contrast to group a group B's voting
10713s spread is relatively even across the
10716s board with the exception of
10719s CH I don't know how to pronounce that
10721s name um they're the only team that
10723s really has an overwhelming vote for them
10725s Yanagi and and eight also has a pretty
10728s good vote but I mean the the seeda teams
10729s are all pretty even on the votes and the
10733s predictions so this is definitely going
10736s to be a nailbiter group I'm quite happy
10740s about this result though the two teams
10742s that we actually don't see too often
10743s especially in irm Auto arms and tingle
10746s Dobby they are actually getting some
10748s attention from the fans from the looks
10750s of it and that is really good right now
10751s because we know for those you guys who
10753s have been keeping up with the RM we were
10754s just talking about sadand of course on
10756s auto arms but on the side of team tangle
10758s Doby we have sby over there and then we
10760s also have glove on that side who are
10763s also two eternal return Master veterans
10766s so I am ready for Group B are you ready
10769s for
10770s this oh yeah and wow you know what it's
10773s crazy because I know s daby for his Luke
10777s you know that's that's in my head like
10779s the first pick that comes to mind in my
10781s head and the when I look at his name
10782s he's on my kind of hurts me on the
10786s inside but the the composition looks
10789s good we actually see uh Adriana getting
10792s picked I don't think we saw Adriana at
10793s all in group a and that's rori for you
10797s yeah I believe Adriana is pretty solid
10799s overall I mean pretty sure it's pretty
10802s highly rated across the board for a lot
10804s of
10805s people I'm excited about this here are
10808s the character selections going in just
10809s looking at it off the top of my head I
10811s am not seeing any bands we're seeing a
10814s double Lenny a d we're seeing a mirror
10816s match up Asher and te
10819s exact same composition same augments and
10823s everything like it's identical oh yeah
10826s wow that's insane the thing is the thing
10829s is team CH see this is their bread and
10831s butter this right here is their bread
10833s and butter comp they played the during
10834s phase one team Asher is the one trying
10837s to jump on the hype train because they
10838s understand how strong this Lenny and Eon
10841s combination can be and we saw Jenny
10843s being absurdly strong I talked about the
10846s healing wind healing Factor Lenny Plus
10848s Jenny combo earlier too she comes out of
10850s play that she will be Max HP so you
10853s cannot expect think of it basically as
10855s them having four players on their team
10856s you kill one and they going to come back
10858s with full HP on their
10860s end I thank God you cut me off because I
10863s was about to call sisa J
10868s Tang I was like one frame away from
10871s saying it and his name's J Jang I was
10874s like oh no my my brain is getting egg
10876s scrambled right now oh
10880s um somebody wake up JT he's missing his
10887s games Jesus okay J Jen is g to have some
10890s fun with that one yeah oh my
10894s God okay here we go though 24 out of 24
10897s players loaded in all The Observers are
10899s loaded in as well ladies and gentlemen
10900s game one of Group B is underway we have
10903s four games for this group and we are
10905s just at the beginning of it
10909s that's his cousin JJ T I just I saw sis
10914s and I just saw J Jang and I was I I I
10918s don't know
10919s man A J T's cousin
10923s jjang so I I wonder if after this game
10926s if we'll see any roster changes any
10928s maybe any subs coming in well they're
10930s not really as you you were explaining to
10932s me earlier they're not actually really
10933s Subs in Korea they're more or less just
10935s they're on the team just as much as
10937s anyone else they just you know they only
10938s let them play three players but they
10940s allow four players on the team yeah it
10942s all comes down to how the starting
10944s roster kind of goes right cuz with this
10946s with this I think assuming we get to see
10949s some of these teams later down the road
10950s in further ERM phases maybe even in lcq
10953s or even in the season
10955s finals this is going to be all these
10957s teams starting rosters for the most part
10959s unless some of these teams have really
10961s bad performances in the first couple of
10963s games in that case then yes maybe the
10965s starting roster is going to change later
10967s down the road but for for now this is
10969s pretty consistent and it looks really
10972s interesting especially I love the fact
10974s that you mentioned the Adriana here that
10976s is not a character that gets played that
10978s often but it's
10980s rori yeah rori is kind of the goat if we
10984s going to trust anyone to play some
10985s Adriana here it's going to
10988s oh that's three minutes
10993s okay so this team seven how are we going
10997s to pronounce this name
11000s o what are we going to do here I just
11003s want to establish it now because oo I
11005s just said oo cuz they actually used to
11007s be called o no no no they didn't used to
11011s be called o I think they were
11014s umu no that that's umu right there
11016s though yeah what was that so I'm going
11018s to go umu
11021s umu what's going on like we got to
11023s figure this out before this game gets
11025s going like into deeper things please
11028s just look at the team name and tell me
11030s if that resembles anything for you I
11032s told super about this
11034s already a happy face it reminds me of
11038s it's aicon the B is the it reminds me of
11041s it reminds me of McDonald's Happy Meals
11043s what
11045s the uh not not sponsored but not
11049s sponsored by the way not an
11051s advertisement uh but yeah so it it's oo
11054s so that's like the face emoticon and the
11056s B is the thumbs up it's a thumbs I
11058s thought it was an ear anyways let's stop
11060s talking about this we have a fight going
11062s on uh I don't even know what to say
11065s about this fight sebie is all the way in
11066s the back and he's just kind of getting
11069s ignored honestly he's just kind of
11071s chilling here never mind we're done
11072s ignoring him we're going to start
11073s putting some damage down on him he's
11074s about to go into down time though Rosner
11076s finds a way into the back but gets out
11080s out oh God that was filthy
11084s E8 E8 is a monster on the irm oh my
11089s God jeez all right so E8 on one of his
11094s interviews was talking about how cuz the
11096s question is are you interested in
11098s learning any other sub damage dealers he
11100s said he's looking into it I don't think
11102s you have to after that n no I we don't
11105s need to look into anything else at all
11106s and the great part about irm is I mean
11108s this is the only one I've seen all ERM
11110s so far um it's never going to get banned
11114s so if you're playing a pick that's never
11116s going to get banned and you can perform
11117s that well want it why switch Yeah the
11120s funny thing about this is that the
11122s addition of the Fiora is an interesting
11126s take on this cuz a lot of times the way
11128s that bnk FX plays this comp I don't know
11130s if you noticed but irm is actually
11132s running Strider here so her main idea is
11135s going to be the hop in Strider Auto
11137s attack that's going to proc the red
11139s Sprite you know that that's going to be
11140s a lot of poke damage at the start yeah
11143s exactly and their team can Gap close
11145s really really quickly they used to run
11146s something like the Cilla for even more
11148s poke opportunities or the haze
11151s onar this time around with the furer
11154s they're actually a little bit more all
11156s in compared to
11157s before yeah well the interesting thing
11160s about what you just mentioned with the
11161s Strider and an enhanced Auto attack is
11164s that what I love about it in competitive
11165s is it's unavoidable damage anyways um we
11169s have the fight breaking out over for the
11170s meteorite gang Chan getting chunked out
11174s but oh but nothing's going to get
11177s capitalized on they're out jjang looking
11180s correc zoning them out oh no they don't
11184s know about this they don't know about
11185s this they have AB getting collapsed on
11187s they have no idea Sapphire protocol
11189s Shield is not that bad 9 he's trying to
11191s heal back up the auto tag oh it's the
11193s girl in the bubble that actually knocks
11195s on the Theo down and thankfully um their
11199s May was able to take the white lily to
11200s get over the wall so they completely you
11202s know we in the clear at that point
11204s thankfully I mean it's such a scary
11206s situation when you get collapsed on like
11207s that and you have absolutely no idea
11209s it's
11210s happening good stuff good stuff we're
11212s going to be seeing these cillas getting
11214s kills here and there and Wendy is
11215s actually here to witness that for the
11217s for the first time in his life it almost
11219s feels like he's never here during sus
11221s games it's so weird it's like he's
11225s cursed that's okay I brought him a
11228s blessing everything's happening with
11230s meik here guys it's crazy mhhm you
11233s should bring him on as more often what
11235s the heck well I don't want to I don't I
11238s don't want to take
11239s Super's line of work here tell him to go
11243s to more expose it's all good yeah if he
11245s goes on vacation I'll step in like the
11248s like The Substitute Teacher everyone
11250s everyone's happy to see you know I know
11252s he like the cool Uncle too you know well
11255s hold
11257s on going a little bit too far now all
11260s dropping the Unk on me on cast I mean I
11262s am the cool uncle in my family
11265s but H I love it here all right rior
11268s break down some damage just going to be
11269s a little bit of poke right it's still
11270s early game for the Adriana no real big
11272s items just yet don't think even the
11275s blood cloak or even astal helmets there
11277s so debilitation not exactly a factor for
11279s this team just just yet that be looking
11281s for an angle he's got the resets he has
11283s a dash right now going to look forward
11284s actually missed over onto the caros he's
11286s going to be on downt for just a few
11288s seconds unless he decides to full send
11290s it on this
11291s fight level fight here we go sebie still
11294s on the backline oh my God he is just
11298s stoppable as you were saying earlier
11300s with Eon it's just one of those things
11301s where if you ignore it long enough it
11303s will just start shredding your
11305s backliners down and meanwhile we have in
11307s the Battle Zone here in
11309s uptown yeah in the wait are they in the
11311s Battle Zone yes they are okay sorry I
11313s got dizzy
11315s there umu is super low the healing drone
11318s just barely keeping them alive JCP
11321s stepping up
11323s looking oh my God wait the timer oh oh
11329s wait they got
11332s timer who there goes hard yeah now the
11336s 's on the other
11338s side it's I don't even know what to say
11341s here this is just silly U's been kept
11344s alive so long this fight watch like
11346s living on borrowed time pretty much
11349s that's the power of Zuki you know the
11350s healing drone his W just providing so
11353s much healing to umu to keep them alive
11354s to keep doing damage and to keep their
11356s timer up because as soon as goes down
11358s their damage is significantly worse and
11361s they lose the timer Advantage what a
11364s roller coaster what an absolute roller
11366s coaster this entire day just has been so
11369s far I think Group B is also going to be
11371s such a banger me from the looks of it
11373s right now if this is how we starting
11375s game
11376s one and FX is just like I mean they're
11379s the Champs you know they're coming in
11381s hot here they got something to prove
11383s here they definitely want to get a
11384s little repeat action here we shall see
11387s and position is they weren't running F
11389s before what were they running last ERM
11392s it was the Cilla or hay I believe from
11395s and hay right right right so it's
11396s interesting that they're on
11399s Fiora and they're on is it two-handed
11401s Fiora did you see which weapon type it
11402s was it should be a lot of Furs and K
11405s have been running two anos swur just
11406s because all Moss is still really good
11408s right the L grasp on that item is really
11410s good you have the Parry but spear spear
11414s spear what Okay so I hear a certain
11419s Fiora coper all the time complain about
11421s how bad spear is uh I won't drop names
11424s but I'm sure a name popped into
11426s everyone yeah a little Mickey Mouse man
11428s who complains about Fiora all the time
11430s and he's always like spear is so bad
11433s he's just like complaining about it all
11435s the time so I'm shocked that we're on
11438s spear oh my God I dude again it's wild
11442s to me that this is all happening with
11443s you here but here we go accepted speech
11444s is down Peacemaker also out but sebie
11446s has just free
11449s the beauti theaker over the flood gates
11452s have opened and JC falls
11455s down too low gang chance stepping up to
11459s the plate knock zabi back zabi just kind
11462s of all alone getting G down here and
11465s yeah Phenix Park and um yeah they just
11468s got to
11469s leave Park got to go this is one of the
11473s problems I am seeing with the side of
11474s team tanglei but another fight here we
11476s go another piece maker coming through oh
11478s wumu actually gets interrupted here this
11480s is a little bit bad my God viation is
11483s God the damage coming from the AA is
11485s quite massive but she's going to get
11486s taken down okay there she goes roster
11490s still alive but the irm goes down look
11492s at the health bars look at the health
11493s bars is
11495s unchecked oh bomb a little bit more oh
11499s my goodness
11501s going the blinds the blinds
11504s down no it's just not enough once the
11507s blind wor out just wasn't able to heal
11510s enough to keep the damage up umu again
11513s lift on borrow time there you saw you
11514s said he was going to go down you're like
11516s oh hold on a
11520s moment and yeah because he was able to
11522s lift so long get he was able to get just
11524s enough damage out and attract just
11525s enough attention for nuray to really
11527s just shine that fight this is rough
11529s right
11530s now Cinema he's trying to run away the
11534s ma is already dead right now using the
11535s blast to get himself on out should be
11537s able to Escape heart same thing as well
11539s JCP on heart bro we are living in a
11543s world right now are you kidding me what
11546s is happening
11548s seriously setting record dude oh
11553s stealing out they do not want the smoke
11556s from chus how do you pronounce that name
11559s chus I always said CH chose CH seed
11563s that's easier I two sols are better than
11565s three FX k getting back I mean they're
11568s not really finding the angle they want
11570s and this Eon is kind of a menace they
11573s don't really have good tools to really
11575s take him
11577s down the knockup happening on Rosner
11580s Rosner looking for an angle to get onto
11582s gon no but he does can't find anything
11584s misses the charge in Jesus the charm
11588s absolutely huge Jun
11589s omeg getting completely unchecked hasn't
11592s even popped his play dead yet he's able
11593s to just play completely up with such
11596s little health and keep keep the damage
11598s up without fear and speaking of fear
11601s fear X is eliminated eighth place the
11605s ERM Champions going down first that is
11608s crazy he's playing the typical 1.24
11611s build right now as well he has literally
11613s everything he needs safe for his boots
11615s which is going to be the black mama King
11617s upgrade he has the guardian suit dwarf
11619s helmet and the smash totem and a lot of
11622s people were giving me Flack by the way
11624s recently so ha there you go smash totem
11626s is actually really good on Eon right now
11629s because of this I've talked about this
11631s to several people but smash totem at the
11633s moment with the way that 1.24 was
11635s outline and the prevalence of a lot of
11637s these 80 carries Guardian suit slow his
11640s attack speed if if if it pops if
11642s Vanguard pops attack speed is slow which
11644s means eon's going to be in fight for way
11646s longer you have four tank items that
11648s scales off of HP on all of your slots it
11651s heals you and Deals based it deals
11654s additional damage based off of your max
11655s hp% smash totem gets so much value on
11658s this Eon build it's actually insane the
11660s other thing too with smash totem is with
11664s all the patches coming in they've been
11666s buffing smash totem and nerfing
11668s centipedes pldr it's direct competitor
11670s for an equivalent level of ir um credit
11674s um so yeah the gap's been closed on the
11676s arms slot tank items and you think with
11679s echon too like once he goes in his
11682s overflow he only really has two buttons
11685s so you lose half your kit so you're
11687s going to be autoing more you're going to
11688s be working in those Autos to proc the
11690s smash totem you know pretty much off
11692s cool down up you got the slows coming in
11695s from bitter retribution you got the
11696s damage reduction from the bitter
11698s retribution Stacks you got the force
11699s field movement speed you got a lot of
11702s things working in your favor when you're
11704s playing the seon and we're seeing it so
11706s far yeah and with like with some other
11708s tanks they they're more ability based
11710s they don't Auto as much like a smash
11711s totem on something like this jukai would
11713s not be as good because you're not always
11715s going to be able to activate smash to
11717s whenever you want don't always want to
11719s be the fight as a Shai either right you
11721s kind of want to go in and out where's
11724s Eon you're in there and you have enough
11726s Mobility to make sure you can always
11727s proc it love it I love it I love it but
11731s here we go more fights potentially
11732s brewing in team as looking to have a try
11735s at this composition not going to be able
11736s to find anything we'll just casually
11738s back up away here on the other hand CH
11740s looking to be forced into a fight now a
11742s sebie actually kind of in a bad spot
11744s will just be able to casually walk on
11746s that of there great spring tra coming in
11747s from cine to get themselves on out and
11750s everybody will just casually walk away
11752s from the sebie about to go on down time
11754s should be able to reset it in just a
11756s moment there there we go and this Le to
11758s the game that should be a level three VF
11760s weapon skill good stuff and if you look
11763s at the map now I mean we got Wick line
11765s and a red box more or less just on top
11767s of each other like this is going to get
11770s heated um oh o oh
11775s o they have to leave ch app and they're
11778s definitely going to just walk into s we
11780s also have um
11782s gagi Gangi Gangi you got it there you go
11785s it's gungi gungi we we also have team
11788s gungi they were hovering the the jump
11790s pad into Cemetery um they're definitely
11792s going to try and find a way into
11794s Cemetery whether is the jump pad or just
11795s walking in and then the rest of the
11797s teams are all just kind of up here like
11799s they're they're on the opposite side of
11801s the map and don't really have a way to
11802s get to whip line so these are the three
11803s teams that are going to be contesting
11805s these super high priority objectives
11807s here
11808s and yeah as you can see chit is waiting
11812s in the wings
11813s here oh here we go but the problem is in
11817s the middle anduray is just completely
11819s picked off here shom is also getting
11821s picked out here Airline is just he's
11823s having free reain as yukai on the back
11826s he's
11826s just going
11829s insane he was completely unchecked and
11831s nothing was was threatening him can't
11834s stop this I mean there's so many teams
11836s without any sources of easy crowd
11838s control that just locks the seon down
11840s he's still going he's going to get one
11842s more okay it's going to be white ly to
11844s get himself on out of there but nay lost
11846s his entire team just saving himself and
11848s the credit situation is not good for oob
11851s right now Airline was was forced to just
11854s use his Al and not really like didn't
11856s really accomplish anything and oh
11858s goodbye we've all been
11860s here that's one of those man this
11863s happened to me like just the other night
11865s and I was just so mad anyways this just
11867s like brought back a memory H I tried to
11870s repress it in my head
11873s um so what team got Wick did we see has
11875s Wick even gone down yeah yeah yeah so it
11877s wasi in eight they gungi yeah cuz gungi
11880s was on the left side yep of that fight
11883s yeah so they would have just taken they
11884s would have been taking all the spoils
11886s there they would have got the red box as
11887s well I believe I think it was a great
11891s idea from them right so the they got an
11894s inkling of the fact that a fight was
11895s happening they saw seven just barely
11897s starting a fight towards the middle of
11899s cemetery and while that's happening
11901s they're going to do another one theaker
11904s walking away from dropp all bombs
11907s going God oh God what is that fleeting
11910s Soul was also blocked out by hold on a
11912s second who she is going to be able to
11914s get out okay sebie force field Shield
11918s was good and I believe went crazy ze's
11921s been going off this whole game look just
11924s looking like an absolute Menace on uh
11926s eon see that's why they nerfed Eon now I
11929s see it yeah now we see it why can't buy
11932s Eon do that huh this seems like a scam
11935s they're nerfing this character every
11936s single time I play him but seriously
11938s Park just kind of dropping all the
11940s harpoons into this Corridor they can't
11942s really approach without oh he miss oh
11945s never mind he missed his Harpoon and now
11947s HDE goes in he's just in there going
11950s crazy the force field there's no damage
11952s going on him they're not committing any
11954s damage on him cuz they want to commit
11956s the damage on to this Jenny okay and
11959s they do find it but it's only the play
11960s dead going for the one for one but in
11963s the corridor Adriana dropping damage
11965s molotovs coming out but it's not enough
11967s to take narvik down narvik barely
11969s hanging on the heals coming in from jumo
11971s But Here Comes sebie he's oh no oh Play
11974s De was proed
11977s already gosh that is devastating for the
11980s side of Team CH seed I mean wait hold on
11984s oh that's not CH wait what where's the
11986s chy
11988s what why does it say she's
11990s alive why is she alive she's not alive
11994s she's dead on team ash oh it's Asher
11996s dude I'm losing it I'm actually losing
11998s it like like what is he talking
12002s about phix Park forced to flash over the
12004s wall GJ waiting over the wall what how
12008s is he alive no Ryan he's not Curry
12010s shoots him down and Curry is just able
12013s to go crazy here putting out so much
12015s damage in the short bow form and JJ
12017s looking for rori but not going to find
12019s him but guess who is
12021s sebbi but nothing happens huh fortunate
12025s for a lot know that he's alone and be
12029s looking be pushed in oh never mind jeny
12033s should be able to see oh my God no way
12037s what is
12039s this I me there's no way they don't see
12041s each
12043s other what are you doing here as
12046s JCP what does JCP do I don't think
12050s that's a corner that no one's checking
12051s there that's an easy one yeah that's a
12054s that was some White Flag action that
12055s brought me
12057s back that good RoR just stuck in the
12059s corner he has no timer so he has to run
12061s through it's just lights out terminate
12064s on the side of Team Mudkip they will
12065s pick themselves up a kill and now we are
12067s down to five teams CH seat sitting on 10
12070s kills we have a team as a rat there goes
12072s the heart Peacemaker is going to be pop
12074s but of course with the Eon not an
12075s overflow yet this should be heart that
12078s dead to
12082s right man that's a that's
12086s crazy man that's crazy 9 Oh I thought 9
12091s was going he is wait okay so I got
12094s worried because inine dropped to use the
12096s sniper skill right in front
12100s of as they were walking in and I thought
12102s for sure oh he's just going to get
12103s flipper padded and goodbye I think the
12106s problem there was that SEI actually
12108s missed his Q so he couldn't actually go
12111s in overflow even with it okay it's going
12113s to be dodged out nice
12115s Dodge
12118s what Asher is just they're just trying
12121s to find a way out but it's just wait
12123s they're lone they're going to find it
12125s actually wait what wait they just got
12126s the JY back for free the only one in the
12128s zone oh
12130s no no way no way what is happening okay
12136s ju see look looking for a fight angle on
12138s towards D do not Dash across the wall do
12140s not Dash across the wall no
12144s se you can't do that you're going to pop
12148s immediately oh this game I cannot I
12153s cannot what is happened Yi just cleaned
12157s everything up oh s why and it's so easy
12163s to do that as eeko cuz you just you get
12165s so Dash happy and all of a
12169s sudden you saw it coming too I saw the
12172s wall yeah I said it before he even
12175s thought yeah you you saw it you knew
12177s what was going to happen it was just
12178s like oh no it's Eon and there's a death
12180s wall see at least if this happens during
12183s temp Zone you just take a longer death
12185s time and you come back this is final
12187s Zone this is final Zone it's you or die
12189s and you die you do that and it's team
12192s Asher the one that lost darving that
12195s lives out that lost n like I don't even
12199s know how they're in this game but they
12200s are and you know well played to them
12204s great great awareness to run into the
12206s other Zone I mean they saw all the teams
12208s that were there and you know they did
12209s the math and got out narvik is getting
12212s bullied the hard part of Jenny here is
12214s that you don't have much range oh they
12218s have everything that you know there too
12222s much damage coming down from this
12223s Theodore
12225s but that's the
12227s important yeah it's popped their DPS on
12231s the re-engage coming from gungi should
12234s be much lower here we just have to let
12236s Pi here get his overflow and what he
12239s does and what he is going to right here
12241s engage found he's on in9 unchecked he's
12244s going to take down in N unless can find
12246s a way out wait what's happening on the
12249s other side of this fight narvi is going
12250s crazy get the Executioner bonus there
12253s goes the ma and it seems like it's going
12255s to be the Eon jeny and and Lenny comp
12258s quite funny enough team Asher showing
12261s team play
12263s this
12264s Asher they're just the best I don't
12267s know that was crazy they won this game
12271s they were a twom man team sitting in a
12275s little Hut with a heart in the
12277s corner just like coping and they won the
12280s round that's insane that's the beauty of
12283s getting lucky sometimes as these rat
12285s teams right if you're just able to find
12287s an angle where you are The Last One
12289s Alive or you go into an empty temp Zone
12291s that can happen that really can happen
12294s it was a little more than just luck
12296s though because they F they knew all the
12298s teams were in um yep was it fire police
12303s police station police station I'm just
12304s gonna call it Avenue every time we're up
12306s there they knew they were in police
12308s station so you know they did the little
12311s tab check saw okay this team's here this
12313s team's here this wait a minute that
12315s means nobody's over here and they made
12316s made a beine for it and just barely made
12318s it
12319s in gosh what
12322s a
12324s i i i at a loss for words this is there
12327s is right when you think it couldn't get
12329s crazier it got crazier yeah you cursed
12331s it at the start I don't know about this
12335s oh
12336s myness all right what a great way to
12338s start Group B Team Asher taking away
12340s game number one of course they didn't
12342s have as many team kills or field kills I
12345s should say as team ch
12347s but they do manage to turn it around
12348s with all the little um all the little so
12353s well that last the finding a reengage
12355s once theodor's Al is down is huge
12358s because then he doesn't have as much DPS
12360s that he can output next to nothing to it
12363s yeah and Pi got on 9 all alone in the
12366s back and without his damage and utility
12371s they couldn't deal with narvik and and
12376s the healing provided from Lenny it was
12378s just too much to try and take on a 2v2
12381s at that phase in the game and Jenny in
12383s the late phase of the game just does so
12384s much damage and and it's weird because
12386s you feel like you're not taking damage
12388s from her and all of a sudden you just
12390s like die and it's like what just
12393s happened why did I just die yeah and
12396s she's so hard to get on to too she's
12398s very slippery it's it's crazy I think
12401s you're the first person that has ever
12403s said that and I'm not the one that said
12404s it so I am so eternal ly thankful that
12407s is something that I've always said a lot
12409s Jenny is one of those characters
12411s especially ever since they changed her
12412s away from the crit and only allow to
12415s Speck her into amp has become a
12417s character where she really doesn't feel
12420s like she does much but when she start
12422s kind of getting into the middle of the
12424s fight when all of your Vigor Stacks are
12426s set up on your tillian time piece you
12428s still have the photon cannon that is
12429s constantly shooting out from the racing
12431s helmet her damage starts spiking up like
12433s crazy and yes at the beginning of the
12434s fight it doesn't seem like you're taking
12436s that much damage but the thing about the
12438s pistols that she builds she doesn't go
12440s Devil's Marksman anymore she's not
12442s looking for the last shot she goes the
12443s alair she goes to high noon she has so
12446s much ammo that she can you know
12448s constantly throw out and on top of it
12450s she has moving reload too there is so
12453s much consistent damage on that side that
12455s I think I think I think I think the rest
12459s of um I forget which team was duking it
12461s out up against team aser but going onto
12464s the Jenny and the Lenny was the wrong
12467s call there from the mai as well as the
12469s the heart yeah and and it's difficult
12473s too
12474s because to add on to the whole Jenny
12476s thing she goes she goes adrenaline right
12480s and then once you have adrenaline
12481s stacked you basic attack you use Persona
12485s her e to flip to to red dress which
12488s gives you 80% attack speed after and you
12491s break the cap like by a lot and it's
12494s it's hard to deal with because she has
12496s built-in CC on
12498s herself and ways to just like make it so
12500s you can't really get to her as a m or as
12503s a heart because these characters are too
12505s they're they're within her interaction
12507s range on what she wants to do you as
12509s hard if you jump in with the mai you
12512s risk getting red carpeted onto the Alton
12514s Charmed and just dying without being
12515s able to do anything indeed indeed indeed
12517s and that's going to what that that will
12519s be what allows Team master and team Chi
12521s to both be sitting at the top of the
12523s world after game number one 14 and 13
12526s points at the moment for both of those
12528s teams but that's only game number one we
12531s have a long way to go before the night
12533s is over and even if your night my
12536s morning true true even if for team CHC
12541s as well as team ashra having
12542s performances like that right below them
12544s was a team with what I think it was 12
12546s 11 points as well so this series is not
12550s far gone just yet just because teamc did
12552s that well and team as won the game it's
12555s still really close this was not a
12557s topheavy scoreboard at all no well no
12561s and even with Team Asher I mean they
12562s didn't have a lot of kills with that win
12565s you know the kills were all pretty
12567s tight-knit within this Lobby and and
12570s yeah like it's it's anybody's game that
12572s game one was more or less just feeling
12575s each other out exactly exactly exactly
12578s gosh I'm so excited about this it's
12580s exactly as you said we have no idea how
12583s Group B was going to be able to kind of
12584s overtake what the hype was is like in
12587s group a but we are seeing a little
12589s glimpse of it after game number one
12591s which means when it starts going into
12592s game number two I don't believe we have
12596s any bands so yeah no there was no bands
12600s right or do we have a Theo ban like I
12602s don't remember no no there there was no
12604s bands at all um see the same thing I
12607s think there I think we might maybe there
12609s was a my
12610s ban oo that could be a possibility maybe
12615s I I I I don't think think there was any
12617s Bandz though thinking back on it there
12619s could be a heart band as well maybe yeah
12622s there was multiple Hearts I don't think
12624s there was three though because there was
12626s two teams that were identical yeah there
12628s was there was the Jenny Mai and Lenny
12632s teams that were literally mirror matches
12634s the Jenny Eon Jenny Eon sorry it was Eon
12638s yeah Jenny
12639s Eon that's what it was and none of those
12642s characters got banned either yeah this
12643s is going to be an interesting group
12645s really will be
12646s and and we'll see we'll see as well
12648s because some of the teams that feel like
12649s they didn't perform as well they might
12651s bring a roster change which could change
12654s everything during the third and fourth
12656s games so this game still has a lot of
12659s different variables that are going to be
12660s attached to it we're just waiting for
12662s game number two to start and when that
12664s does we'll see if these comps are going
12666s to be the same at least for game number
12667s two since assuming there's no bans every
12671s team should theoretically going be going
12673s with what we saw it is pretty much for
12677s the most part across the board bread and
12678s butter there were interesting picks here
12680s and there like JCP playing Hearts which
12682s is not something that I would normally
12684s kind of see JCP play because he is
12687s pretty much the Fiora player in KR and
12691s then we also saw some funny other picks
12694s too I can't remember for the life of me
12695s who it was but it's just not what they
12697s usually
12698s play yeah I remember seeing I remember
12701s pointing out uh sby on my and and I know
12705s him for his Luke I don't know how much
12707s has changed since the last time I've
12709s really seen him play how much he's
12711s expanded as roster but I've always known
12712s him to play Luke and Luke's been getting
12714s Buffs here and there every patch so I'm
12716s surprised he wasn't on it could be the
12719s fact that maybe tank Luke still isn't
12721s part of the whole KR ecosystem when it
12724s comes to it it was pretty popular for a
12727s bit
12728s but ah they need a tank and my is just
12731s way too good of a tank especially in KR
12733s right now the amount of utilities that
12734s she brings yeah the value is so good
12738s yeah and and her ability to to to
12740s counter engage with the exclusive is
12743s just it's it's unprecedented it's it's a
12746s really just game-changing ability uh the
12748s weakness of ma is of course you know
12749s when you go up against tanks like like
12752s Alonzo for example who are just so
12755s durable that you know you can't really
12757s take front to back fights against
12759s against things like that without a clear
12761s Advantage um that's more or less where
12764s my starts to show weakness but her
12766s strengths are are against are are huge
12769s like it's uh crazy value uh between the
12773s chest slots on her passive um the
12776s ultimate and her taunt shville is also
12779s very good it's just just a solid solid
12782s pick overall and we can expect to see
12784s lots more my within this series thing is
12786s though I believe we are seeing a
12788s slightly less amount of my compared to
12790s before because you do also have to
12792s remember that with 1.24 came the K Nerfs
12796s with 15% CDR getting removed item so
12800s yeah I mean you're still going to use it
12801s right if you are an amp character but
12803s that does mean you have to slot two
12804s cooldown reduction items on other items
12807s unless you're playing Arcana that's the
12809s one sole exception because every Arcana
12811s weapon does have cool down built into it
12813s I guess it's the same now for whips on
12816s 1.25 but we're not playing on that patch
12818s and two the only real character I think
12821s that could use cooldown reduction on on
12824s what is it whip that is also running DPS
12826s alongside the May is going to be Laura
12828s and she doesn't really need that
12830s much we already have some swabs jinho on
12835s the subam in N busting out the
12838s Pio what is that juicy yi yi is
12844s cooking cooking we have cooking why do I
12847s keep adding an A in there what's wrong
12849s with me my white mouth okay yeah they're
12852s just going back okay good I was going to
12853s say subam Abigail jcp's on his Fiora the
12858s the
12859s trademark and S B is now on a
12862s St okay instead of ma as well oh May did
12865s get banned my and heart there it is the
12867s corner oh yeah so we are going to see
12870s some roster changes and this
12872s Lenny okay the the Lenny Jenny Eon I
12876s think those might be just like staple
12879s this whole series unless somebody locks
12881s one of those in to force them off of it
12883s yeah it's really funny because pet and
12885s narvick as well as sebbi and shin
12887s they're actually both Eon and Jenny
12889s players I'm not surprised about that
12891s senine has also been a pretty much lock
12894s in Lenny for the past season or so of
12897s ERM jumo on the other hand playing Lenny
12901s this is a little bit of a weird thing
12902s for me because I think with the
12904s composition that they're bringing to the
12905s table it is absolutely viable for them
12908s to bring something like the Bianca and
12909s force the fight into the hands of the
12911s other team make it so that the
12913s acceptance speech could be a little bit
12914s of an easier way in and that's what I
12917s feel like team AST will be much more
12918s comfortable with but you know all is
12921s well that ends well win yep they did
12923s just win so I guess on one hand they
12925s have an idea with this
12927s comp
12928s yeah and JCP I believe is also actually
12933s let's see what are we on he's Rapier
12937s Fiora no I don't think that's JCP I
12939s think that's still bomb oh oh yeah he is
12941s he's on Rapier Fiora you're right got a
12944s ton of double picks this time around
12945s again
12947s yeah there's a lot of double is anything
12949s getting banned this round
12951s oh no at least I couldn't see it maybe a
12954s stelle we don't well we'd have to wait
12956s for these banners to
12958s disappear yes Bu The Bu The de and Marl
12962s skin it's very good get the emote too
12965s it's very good can't thumbs up you have
12967s to get
12969s the you could you can buy it with enough
12972s money you can buy
12974s anything that's why thing I've learned
12977s all right let's take a look's see ccil
12980s no oh double cillas we got
12984s the double fioras we got double
12987s gen double Carla double there's a wow
12993s Jesus there's a there's even a Lura in
12996s this game what yeah going to get a
12999s little crazy w we got a little Skirmish
13001s happening up in police station well
13003s there's one 9 Cook Way he can't kill
13006s this he's got the shield again it's
13009s really difficult for these characters to
13010s actually lock it down oh but got taged
13013s by the Blue Viper the sh by the revive
13016s as well very revived on top of it all
13019s wow in9 was kind of doing it there for a
13021s second I mean it was a great Blink from
13024s JJ cuz uh the Q2 from in9 I can't
13027s remember the name of it it's like the
13029s Pummel stomp or something I don't know
13031s uh it was going to kill him anyways in
13033s forest
13037s like I'll leave the ability names to you
13039s okay for me it's qwe and Al for p it
13043s would be like Q2
13044s W2 there's a lot going on yeah down goes
13047s Curry is getting lit up Curry
13051s is
13052s down but gangchan gets out they're going
13055s to make it just fine I don't know I
13058s brain lagged I was like looking to see
13060s if gangchan was okay oh yeah yeah and
13063s he's okay just so you know
13066s I see I see okay D just fine he actually
13070s yeah okay surely we're breathing now a
13072s little bit right yeah yeah it's nice
13075s little Breathing Room whole map's open
13077s no never mind no breathing out in Hotel
13080s Phoenix Park they'll contest over these
13082s wolves they're going to kite them back
13083s towards them those are dogs I they got
13085s most of them those are dogs not Wolves
13087s subes of not yet the change hasn't come
13090s yet that's
13090s 1.25 yes those are wolves
13093s soon so you're looking a little ahead in
13096s the future seie getting chased down
13098s Asher does have the leny here should be
13099s able to get it out okay wait a second
13102s cine knocking P out saving sebbi and the
13107s reward with a
13109s bear ooh okay okay okay okay still we
13114s are not seeing the level of aggression
13116s that we actually saw in Phase number one
13118s that's still going to be relatively
13119s consistent seems like I don't know why
13121s Airline tpd into the middle of Aur when
13124s she jumped over but doing damage on the
13126s backside let's see Fenix Park jumping in
13128s shackling Anchor is down but it's going
13130s to be the VF eruption that will
13132s completely disintegrate the health bar
13134s of the car she's going to try to pop
13136s wait a
13139s second one kill okay get Sardi can maybe
13143s turn this around demory it's still early
13145s game
13148s a what a roller coaster right I thought
13153s um umu was going to go down a lot sooner
13155s again that's I don't know I don't know
13157s how he keeps living in these fights so
13160s long it has to be the jukai healing yep
13162s it's the additional defense even early
13164s on it's still wor
13167s yeah okay Curry kind of in a weird
13171s position here in the fight this fight is
13173s very spaced out J Jang is getting
13176s bullied here by spear Fiora Jesus see
13180s that felt so smooth everything that b
13182s did was like half a step ahead of jeny
13184s so well played over there it's going to
13186s bnk FX most likely picking up the tree
13188s of life but inside of Hotel there's
13190s another fight going on JCP trying to
13191s Duke it out up against a n but this is a
13193s poo up against the Fiora you can't
13195s really block anything from the Poo but
13197s the shields are massive although the
13198s fenes are kind of hurting JCP a couple
13201s more hits and he gets it and he gets it
13203s yeah that's the JCP Fiora one trick for
13206s you I mean Jesus it's the one we know
13209s and love yeah the goat umu oh he's kind
13212s of caught out here and he gets taken
13214s down quick from narvi taking out so much
13216s damage Airline on the
13218s run but he's just going to get out
13221s meanwhile what the
13224s heck going for a going for an airline
13228s trip Chino is going to be able to get on
13230s out of here right keeping kungi and
13231s eight still in the game they're sitting
13233s on four kills right now although most of
13235s the kills coming in at night number one
13238s day one means the value of them isn't
13240s that high but it's still something
13246s okay a minute and 20 left before battle
13249s zon's and next objective rotation starts
13251s teams yeah I was just about to say teams
13253s will probably start looking to call in a
13254s little early so they can get good
13256s positioning on the objectives they want
13258s to
13259s contest um Mudkip already on that other
13263s teams still looking to farm up a little
13265s bit more if you look at the credit
13267s score yungi is just about ready to buy
13271s mithrals if they so desired to all the
13274s other teams uh well FX MIP and Asher
13278s have all spent the last four teams here
13280s all looking to spend as well oh sorry
13282s tangle W is spent as well so hopefully
13284s they can all spin so they can stay up on
13286s Tempo here for these next objective
13288s rotations even asides from that at least
13290s be able to be in contention even right
13293s just yeah o if you're fighting battle
13296s zones you need these Transitions and
13298s with about I think that's a 30 seconds
13300s to go before battle zones are going to
13302s begin Airline again spawning in a really
13304s awkward spot yeah I thank goodness he's
13307s out he's reing too hard on sh
13315s Guai battle Zone's about to start 10
13318s seconds they're opting to not go for
13320s itby yeah they're just walking away from
13323s this battle
13324s Zone's here yeah there's literally no
13328s reason to really come down here this is
13329s a weird decision um okay rant's been
13333s popped for E8 that's going to disappear
13335s and this going to go on cool down about
13336s 5 Seconds to go until that cool down
13338s comes back up still holding forward
13339s looking for somethingi looks at a
13341s re-engage the anchor comes down Phenix
13343s park on the back head in the wall get
13346s out of here oh but he gets taken down
13348s for doing all that this a little bit
13350s tough though rori on this Adriana
13352s doesn't have enough good consistent
13353s damage unless he's able to land
13355s everything flies in on the white lily
13358s soby going to split it up with the white
13360s L what is going on in the air
13366s that looks so cool that looks so cool
13368s for a second but yeah I mean this is the
13370s problem with Adriana right you just
13372s don't have the consistent damage if you
13373s the only DPS Left Alive and their health
13375s bars are still at half uh it's
13377s unfortunate for Tang gavi it's a one for
13379s two trade at least rori stays
13383s alive and Airline is kind of on the run
13387s here what
13390s happened oh no EK on time oh he blocked
13394s the knockup too he blocked the walk yeah
13396s C in a little bit of trouble but now U
13398s is the one that gets caught out one for
13399s one trade on the back aine on the Run
13402s he's got to live for 3 more seconds
13403s should be doable as
13406s jukai problem he's exuviate so Eon just
13410s has to back off here huh you're also the
13413s first person that's known that name when
13415s I didn't tell them dude I love you man
13417s what the
13418s heck this is this is this is incredible
13420s it's like I'm seeing a mirror image of
13422s myself this is
13423s amazing who that no one has never told
13426s me
13427s exuviation what the you know
13430s that this is a miracle guys you guys do
13433s not understand this is a first for
13437s me J is kind of in a weird spot here
13440s they're kind of like collapsing
13443s on to rori here but they're not able to
13447s really walk through this Corridor with
13448s the the oil slick
13450s down looking block some
13453s harons finds an angle gets on Phenix
13456s Park forced to jump out SOI looks out to
13458s re-engage but he's split too far from
13460s his backline so he's got to charge out
13463s and A9 is on this flank here they don't
13465s really have anywhere to run Fenix Park
13468s his jump should still be down for a
13469s little longer blinks through the
13471s crossbow skill Fenix Park the jump comes
13474s back up great distance and G's holding
13477s the
13478s line D nine he's able to hold everybody
13481s on the backside just enough time to
13483s knock down rori be a one for zero in
13485s favor of team kungi of course one for
13488s zero might not seem like much but
13490s considering how close the health bars
13492s were yeah they'll take
13496s it
13499s yeah yeah yep yep about right to
13504s me I got nothing else to add to that
13507s yeah you got
13510s it so a little bit of downtime here O is
13513s just North of Mudkip
13516s here they know they're there they
13518s definitely know are aware of each
13519s other's existence here there's there's
13520s not going to be any surprises Happening
13522s Here a jump over he'll be completely
13524s fine little farm you fight chilling okay
13530s fight
13531s over nothing n they're just going to
13534s back out there's nothing to fight over
13535s here spot for are these teams back at it
13538s again well it's two different teams this
13541s time it's being it is two different
13542s teams now well one different team uhuh I
13545s suppose Tree of Life picked up from the
13547s wolf going to go into the hands of
13549s Rosner build up oh it's going to be a
13551s force course so holy orders up and on
13553s line for the sua pretty big and rosner's
13556s already at four items he's looking very
13558s strong this Lobby here we go sebie going
13560s to send it
13563s in the res
13565s G let's see9 trying to get damage butu
13569s is isolated down he goes sh doesn't even
13572s pop it in's dead too oh youo is in such
13576s big trouble there's the reset coming in
13578s from sebbi he's desperately looking to
13579s get the kills there's animals here
13581s there's animals here he's trying to get
13583s the reset there's the bump oh no he's wa
13587s he missed the dash just on cool down oh
13588s he's just
13590s no
13591s oh did not buy enough time and I just
13596s like I was shocked because there was
13598s just no damage happening on the side of
13600s Yi is he always everyone's full or
13604s something I don't know okay here we go
13605s another kill over oh my God what is in
13608s the back just lasering down but Curry
13611s throwing out the damage from Curry yeah
13613s Curry just completely unchecked this
13614s fight
13616s oh and that would have been a WIP team
13618s oh cheeky little
13621s revive and a little head poot into
13623s another cheeky revive yeah and MIP
13626s recognizes that the revive happens
13627s respects it and backs out but not able
13629s to get out
13632s huh wait he's the one that had the
13633s credits to Res Airline
13635s he tried to be a hero well I guess we're
13638s going to revive again they can't no
13640s we're not they can't actually they're
13641s out of money yeah Airline was the one
13644s that had the credits what happened oh
13647s no
13649s well huh arm that team is going to be
13653s down to the pumps for at least another
13655s day yeah I I hope I hope they're kind to
13660s Murray in the coms oh no there's two
13663s corpses them themselves right next to
13665s each other it's so sad see the thing is
13668s it would have worked if he landed the
13669s com c but he missed it here we go
13672s missing the charge has no Mobility left
13674s in this fight he just has to send his Al
13677s to save
13679s rori dies instead
13683s yeah yeah Fenix Park just goes down s
13686s dabby missed his charge so he just got
13688s completely isolated out of the fight and
13690s they were just able to run at the
13691s backline and take down um Carla
13696s I don't even know what to say about this
13697s series anymore dude we're only on gam
13699s it's just a wild ride this still got two
13701s more games after this uhhuh you already
13704s know going to be
13707s good goodness gracious there's so much
13709s happening in these Ser in these games
13711s that I'm already forgetting what
13712s happened for the most part in game
13713s number one but they're all being filled
13715s with memories from this game alone too
13717s so it's a good
13718s thing how are we supposed to analyze
13721s everything for forgetting everything too
13722s though this is It's
13725s right there's just too much going on to
13727s analyze it all
13729s properly and like even as soon as you
13731s think you're going to do say one thing
13733s there's another thing going on like
13735s right here we have Rosner looking at
13737s gangchan gets the knockup lands the
13738s hammer skill gang Chan's defense is
13740s shredded they're looking to take him
13741s down and they
13743s do Curry just gets ran at right after
13746s the soul stealer just providing so much
13748s mobility and jungy is just kind of
13752s Trapped now there's nowhere he can
13754s really go not even close still mudkips
13757s still staying alive right kungi and
13759s eight team that is going to be fully
13761s eliminated as of right now in this game
13764s be pushing the mbers of half his health
13767s instantly couple Auto attacks couple
13770s Spotlight Tes Phoenix Park is just going
13772s to have to put it on out of here Cinema
13774s sitting on the blood Half Moon he's a
13776s little bit better built than Phoenix
13778s Park is at the moment but is that going
13779s to be enough to actually win out on this
13782s rori can still put out pressure with
13784s this Adriana but their credits their
13787s transitions is still in the dirt yeah
13790s they just they haven't been able to
13792s recover dragon fury just built up now
13795s for I believe that is going to be not
13799s it's not cine it's the other L on the
13801s side of Team Asher blood sample just
13804s picked up for bnk furx I wonder what
13806s this is going to go towards it will be
13807s the red shoes for JC no not that be
13811s looking he sees two teams here yeah
13814s everyone's just going to kind ofing
13815s break up well wow yeah okay that's
13818s that's the please stop bothering me oil
13821s slick plus the anchor but it's a big
13823s investment they're willing to just chase
13825s them down at this point and maybe look
13827s for something to happen because they've
13828s already invested a lot into trying to
13830s get away from them sebie looking but
13832s yeah nothing's going to
13834s happen there's too much disengage on the
13836s side of Tangled daby KX on the other end
13839s looking for the angle onto Wile line
13841s team masterer is here again jumo just
13843s picked up a couple really big items for
13845s these team fights I think it was the
13846s dragon fury defense sh is going to hurt
13849s a lot on the side of team bnk furx they
13851s have a lot of good initiation in as well
13853s 3K HP 1kp will get taken down oh my God
13856s it just dropped so fast bur that down a
13860s lot of teams just kind of hanging around
13861s here no real objectives to go for as
13863s Wick line is down Auto arm sees that the
13865s wick is gone and says peace we do not
13867s want to stay here
13870s anymore Asher
13872s looking oh gosh oh and they're going to
13876s find
13878s it P going in and his health bar just
13880s going up down all around like everywhere
13883s between the healing from Lenny and his
13884s ultimate The Shield coming through and
13886s all the damage dropping on him I
13890s wow meanwhile in the fire
13895s station nothing's happening yet Asher
13898s waiting in the wings Mudkip managed to
13901s knock down the lenx there goes King Chan
13903s down on the ground everybody on the side
13904s of Team m kept trying to run to a rest
13906s station right now there are so many
13907s things happening at the moment and it's
13909s going to be another re
13910s match sebie doesn't care he's just going
13912s to send it narvi taken down to about 70%
13915s HP that's healing when gone doing so
13917s much damage done
13921s P there's the pull back in accepted
13923s speech there's no resets down goes the
13928s Eon and none of these other teams
13931s realized what was going on this all
13933s happened unchecked
13935s it's day five team Asher they have to do
13938s something like they did one yeah it's I
13942s not two in a row surely not right surely
13946s gangchan taking a lot of damage I don't
13949s think he has many items invested in cuz
13951s he's just dropping really quick Curry
13953s gets caught out as well and like you
13955s said it's day five and Mudkip has just
13957s had such a rough round umu in the back
13960s has sebie on
13962s him damage is just not Landing this is
13965s just not Landing yeah umu is just stuck
13968s running away he's not able to like sit
13970s down and Laser something he just oh no
13973s damage was able to come down and Airline
13974s gets caught up oh
13978s by yeah he gets caught up by Team Auto
13981s Arms what did he die to he died
13984s to um's still
13987s HS there a ghost light or something I I
13990s don't know I don't don't know what I to
13993s maybe jcp's running ghost light like
13995s knows oh changy oh my
13999s God my God just die and there's nothing
14002s he can do about it hold into the
14004s acceptance speech and lights out for
14008s jenii they're looking though I mean they
14011s know this is a Duo
14013s but they're not willing to chase
14016s inward but F spots it out and that
14022s scatter well okay jumo gets taken down
14025s narvik still alive it's going to be
14027s cemetery and fire State there is still a
14030s world which just going happen look at
14032s the pushing up having a fight with FX as
14034s well and it's a no I thought it was a
14037s two on two for a second but it's not a
14039s two on two it is a three on
14043s two jumping over see you yeah see you
14046s lateran f wait they're jumping over are
14049s they going to try to push into fire
14050s station wait there's no way that team
14053s aser gets this chance again right I they
14055s got to push down they know that the
14057s southide is open bnk FX if they start
14060s moving up towards G uh towards fire
14062s station there is a world for team Asher
14065s again there's no way right like I I
14068s could not have are they going to jump it
14071s into existence oh they're going they're
14073s going to up to they're going to fire
14076s station they see the angles I mean it's
14079s happening they could theoretically be a
14081s world fight still going on if they come
14084s across the third party there's the excep
14086s going down no play dead popped yet
14088s there's the play dead Ying wind is not
14090s available right now there's going to
14093s this out oh
14095s no and they know a fight's
14098s happening here they
14100s come and they got one person down on the
14102s other team so they know this is the only
14104s other full team in the zone what's going
14106s on looking they know cool Downs have
14107s been used they want a fight right here
14109s and now they're running they're running
14111s se's on downtime he's trying to get
14112s resets he's trying to overflow as fast
14114s as he can he gets he gets the ref resets
14116s over on the fours oh my God it's going
14119s to be a double ultimate the FL over from
14122s B to double
14124s backline it's insane the massive star
14128s Annihilation man seb's going to try to
14131s run but this just has to run oh wait oh
14136s okay what is happening Dar F the kill no
14140s wait who got it oh Ash got
14142s it wait Roser wait a
14146s second
14148s wait wait he's dead he's going to pop
14151s bro yo no no right wait where's the
14156s tempone here it's so far away it's where
14158s the cameras are no
14163s Roser no no what is this it's
14168s ACH bnk FX they're holding inside of the
14171s temp Zone at the moment there's not that
14173s much timer on the side of chumo Nar to
14175s go in right now too they're losing timer
14177s bum trying to send it accept bees in can
14179s they get the kills is the question narvi
14180s goes into play that oh it's looking a
14182s little bit Doom what on Earth is going
14184s on is doing so much damage and it's just
14187s noises in my ears oh my God bum Cinema
14190s one onone
14194s oh what was that what happened I can't I
14199s can't this series is I can't this series
14202s is the best I've ever seen in my entire
14203s life hands down is that it's not even
14205s close that was crazy it's not even
14208s close
14212s what I can't
14214s breathe oh my
14217s God that was crazy Rosner running down
14221s the pond Bridge not able to make it to
14223s his team in time not able to make it
14224s anywhere in time and then it came down
14228s to a a a tri a Two on Two on
14231s Two And I I don't even know what just
14235s happened that was
14240s crazyx takes the win
14243s though that one V one at the end between
14245s bum and Cinema was
14249s crazy take over so good huh want to take
14253s over my job or something cuz I feel like
14256s needs you here
14259s every every time I am I can't say
14264s anything I've said everything already
14266s but there's still more that's to be had
14268s how is this happening my vocabulary
14271s isn't enough to cover all
14274s this yeah that was just a mind-blowing
14277s finish to that
14280s game I was just I was looking I was like
14283s oh okay it's you know fix just wins
14285s they're just and then I was like wait
14288s where's
14291s Rosner just up on the bridge there could
14295s go the funniest part about that too by
14297s the way is that Rosner came back after
14300s bum killed
14303s Jenny so he popped but hey guys I'm
14310s here the cheerleader coming back in the
14312s end to support his team but yeah uh bnk
14315s FX managing to pick up game number two
14317s what another game to go into another
14320s break
14322s on yeah honestly and and such a big
14325s swing they needed that after how their
14327s first game went they desperately needed
14329s a game like that and now you know now
14331s they're on cloud n so they're just going
14333s to be you know in High Spirits I'm I'm
14335s excited to see what the scores are like
14337s at this point before we go into the
14338s break but this time around because there
14341s were multiple teams still alive rosner's
14343s minus one will most likely count right
14346s it wasn't the final two teams that's
14348s going to be just one point taken off of
14351s whatever they had which was still quite
14353s a lot so I think being K FX for the most
14356s part yeah Rosner made a slightly wrong
14358s decision and I think he also forgot that
14360s he does get a little bit of timer back
14362s cuz you saw he was at around 8 seconds
14364s when he tried to take the jump pad over
14366s it went up to
14368s 15
14370s yeah I think he I'm I'm pretty sure he
14373s probably should just tried to take the
14374s jump Pad but I don't know it it felt
14376s like a a moment of indecisiveness where
14378s he didn't really
14380s know what to do because of the I mean
14383s the uniqueness of the situation he was
14384s in he didn't really he was he was really
14386s unsure I'm sure if he committed to one
14389s of the two options he had fully it it
14391s would have gone better because he ran
14393s down the bridge and then tried to run
14395s all the way back up and it just actually
14398s I don't know cuz the temp Zone in fire
14400s station now is actually super far away
14403s yeah I think that Rosner was most likely
14407s thinking that it was in the old location
14409s which is right around where the bus
14411s is yeah so when he started running up he
14414s thought I can make it here to where to
14416s the end of the bus and then you realized
14417s oh I it's not there anymore it's way up
14421s there it's like almost in in uh gas
14423s station yeah wow these changes yeah the
14427s players are still hesitating a little
14428s bit here and there but yeah I mean what
14430s a great way it's all fresh to a lot of
14432s these players right I mean these changes
14434s have only been shipped out for what two
14436s days now no no these players have been
14437s playing on their for a while cuz they've
14439s been using Okay they've been using a
14441s yeah okay but even still like you know
14444s you go
14446s from almost a year pretty much worth of
14449s playing on playing the game in one way
14451s and then all of a sudden you get this
14453s thrusted on you it's it's a big change
14455s theid while to adjust to it yeah it
14458s takes a long while to adjust to these
14460s kind of things it doesn't happen
14461s overnight or even over a week or even
14464s over a
14466s month Ah that's why I think the future
14469s of eternal return is going to be even
14471s more fun but I'm looking way too far
14473s into the future cuz we still have to
14474s talk about games three and four when
14476s they come through but of course even
14478s before that we're going to have the
14479s scoreboard come up and then we'll take
14481s ourselves a momentary break which I
14483s definitely need after whatever nonsense
14486s has been going on so far but let's take
14487s a look at the round results for game
14489s number two first bnk FX
14492s 19 total fi kills and it's going to
14496s minus one so
14498s 26 in the end but
14502s wow yeah what a dominant performance and
14505s Auto Arms actually bringing up second
14506s place here with nine field kills and
14509s here's the total scores bnk fck shooting
14511s up to the top of the leaderboards Jesus
14513s to sit at second they they've been
14516s pretty consistent overall I'd say yeah
14518s and Asher and third so those they run in
14520s the same comp CH s in Asher right yep so
14524s hey this comp works so you know take
14527s notes that's that's the new meta echon
14529s Lenny Jenny is what it was or no yeah
14533s the thing is though you have to remember
14535s that Eon did get nerfed a little bit and
14537s a lot of the items that he's actually
14538s running right now in this patch did get
14540s nerfed as well Vanguard up time on that
14543s nerfed cuz cool down was 8 seconds now
14546s it's 10 dwarf helmet also losing Max HP
14549s and ekon himself also on black mamb king
14552s losing Max HP as well so it's a little
14554s bit different maybe in 1.25 don't get
14556s your hopes up and trying to replicate
14558s exactly what's happening over here but I
14560s think for the most part it's just a
14562s combination of sebbi sh om and copine
14566s those three players in tandem has been
14567s making this comp look like an absolute
14570s Beauty yeah they're they're definitely
14573s Specialists and Masters at their craft
14575s like undoubtedly they make the comp look
14577s amazing and another point to bring up is
14579s just the gap between sixth and seventh
14582s was I think 15 points to seven so it's
14585s not an insurmountable gap for the teams
14587s that are in uh seventh and eighth place
14588s they could still climb up into the wild
14591s card rounds um to make out there's still
14594s two more games so they still have a good
14597s shot sir yes sir but ladies and
14599s gentlemen that was game number two and
14600s you know what that means we're going to
14601s go on a break so grab some water grab
14603s some snacks go take a stretch because
14605s this is the last break you'll see until
14606s the end of the series we'll see you guys
14608s back here for games three and four
14642s coming in
14668s spe
14695s spee
14724s you
14773s Dev for
14831s wow Chi
14838s chck
14862s chicken for
14938s foree spe
14944s foree
14952s for
14963s foree spee
14969s foree
14982s speee
14984s for
15012s foree
15042s fore for
15087s and we're cutting m n off as soon as he
15090s starts talking welcome back everybody
15092s hopefully your breaks went fantastic
15094s welcome back to the eternal return
15096s Master season 4 Phase 2 group stages we
15099s just finished Games 1 and two for Group
15101s B which means we got games three and
15103s four last
15104s left yeah I had to get up go to the
15107s bathroom I put on a spare change of
15109s clothes too cuz these games got me
15110s sweating man oh man the action is just
15113s heated yep the Sun's shining down
15115s straight on my face as most of you guys
15117s know my room is hot these games are
15120s incredible I am sweating up a storm over
15122s here as well I'm going to need to take a
15124s shower or something after this but for
15126s now yeah honestly we still have games
15128s three and four Meek which means after
15130s the break roster changes could be a
15132s possibility you talked about this after
15134s game one now it's a
15135s reality yeah I mean we'll see what we
15137s get into here I'm pretty sure some of
15140s these teams will switch up the rosters
15141s but like I said before went on break the
15144s points aren't too far spread apart I
15147s mean most of the teams are even outside
15149s of the bottom too so we might see the
15150s bottom two go for a roster change and
15152s everyone else just kind of hang tight on
15155s what they've got now we shall see here
15157s we go everybody character are being
15160s picked kind of taking a quick scan of
15164s everybody it's actually the exact same
15166s roster for everybody across the board
15168s there's no changes
15170s wow and it's all the same loins it looks
15176s like seems to be the uh gungi went back
15179s to their initial comp that were they
15181s were running they're not going to run
15182s the suame now sebbi should be picking
15185s the Eon in just a moment
15188s here go Cinema on the Carla JCP on the
15192s Fiora WBT on the Nikki yeah this is
15195s pretty much standard when it comes down
15197s to it right it's what we've seen across
15199s the board throughout the course of the
15200s night nothing too surprising everything
15203s as
15205s is yeah exactly
15208s um
15210s yeah there's not much else to say I mean
15212s these guys are just they're they're
15214s running the exact same stuff everyone's
15215s comfortable with they're running and I
15217s like seeing this because they're
15219s confident in what they're playing
15220s they're confident in what they've
15221s practiced they just need to execute on
15223s what they've rehearsed so much right and
15226s nobody's switching up to anything
15228s anything fraudulent because I know I've
15230s I've played in I've played in
15231s tournaments before and and and I you
15233s know I've seen teams falter from what
15236s they've practiced and go on something
15238s completely you know not within their
15241s comfort zone and suffer for it and then
15243s that spirals into you know more problems
15246s so it shows that these teams are all
15247s still confident in their ability to
15249s perform here I'm a little bit concerned
15251s though that confidence can sometimes be
15254s displaced I'm going to be honest a lot
15256s of these teams still really haven't
15257s seemed to figure out a way to deal with
15259s at least SE Eon right there's been a lot
15263s of time where pad actually got taken
15265s down and quite funnily enough it's
15266s actually by their miror match up where
15268s sebie is the one playing a lot more
15269s aggressive typically in a black mamb
15271s king matchup the one that does play a
15274s okay well bum we'll we'll talk about
15276s that later but yeah in the black mama
15278s King miror match up you usually have to
15280s be the one playing aggressive in order
15282s to win the matchup and seie seems to be
15285s much more comfortable on this pick than
15286s pet is at the moment which means in a
15288s lot of these mirror matchup cases yeah
15291s seb's probably going to wait out on the
15292s fight he has access to the back line a
15294s lot faster than p is ever going to
15297s starting from there it just kind of
15298s crumbles yeah for
15301s sure poor bum had some
15304s uh slight uh Mis optimizations I'll call
15309s them I I had that happened to me once
15312s cuz I'm I usually run the exact same
15314s build that sebie is running whenever I
15315s play Black M King does he not have a
15318s dash oh he
15320s might never mind he's got to speak it
15323s okay he's really far
15326s behind yeah this really far behind
15329s actually this is one of my my favorite
15331s parts of the game I don't know I really
15332s like early game day one you know the
15335s griefing that goes on the uh the Looting
15339s optimizations and stuff these are things
15340s that are like really glossed over in a
15342s lot of uh like cast and stuff and I
15346s don't know I really like it and I really
15347s appreciate it and I wish there was more
15348s I could say on it to show my
15350s appreciation for it Cinema on the other
15353s hand is not really appreciating it at
15354s all he's trying to dodge everything but
15356s nope you can't Dodge quite literally
15358s everything it's bunch of skill shots
15362s trying to get on out of here will be
15363s able to do so we'll join up with the
15365s rest of his own teammates he trying to
15367s pick up a kill not going to find
15369s anything on his end so couple kills
15372s going into the hands of tangle Dobby
15374s which is going to be a good Pace uh
15376s change of pace I should say for that
15378s team especially in the early stages
15380s where this kind of composition usually
15382s lacks in a lot of damage I think it was
15384s just a good opportunity taken from the
15386s rest of them to pick
15389s up Rosner going in on cenen cenen great
15393s side step dodging the suq hold the
15397s bluebird I guess oh bum with the cut off
15400s I didn't even realize he was doing huh
15402s oh my God he's got the Fancy Feet okay
15405s yeah all good things must come to an end
15408s and C dodging came to an end
15412s there we'll probably see more of it
15414s later we've seen some funny stuff this
15416s from this Fiora umu gets caught out by
15419s himself this is actually kind of classic
15420s from Team OU up they tend to be a bit of
15423s a solo if n does the same thing bum did
15427s earlier that would have been a little
15428s bit embarrassing memories yeah that
15430s would try to run the trumpet actually
15433s hits dodging out on the spring trap is
15437s number going to be able to get out is he
15438s picking up a kill oh no okay looks like
15440s he's gone yeah I think he's out should
15443s no oh actually decides to run towards
15447s Fire Station instead of further into
15448s school
15449s wait okay never mind I was like there's
15452s no way right trying to pick up kills
15454s King Chon's going to get taken down tazu
15457s and in9 looking for more but everybody
15459s on the side of mudkips is going to be
15460s able to back on away kills still being
15463s being traed between these teams cuzz now
15465s we have another fight inside of
15466s up Phoenix Park is going to get taken
15469s down in just a second now s hold on a
15471s second he can use the strut over the
15473s wall M should be able to keep himself
15474s alive tangle Dobby despite the two early
15477s kills still looking to be in a little
15478s bit of trouble and on the flip side Auto
15480s Arms now on four kills in the early
15482s stages this is a very early proactivity
15485s we've seen from pretty much every team
15488s outside of Auto Arms now being taken
15489s advantage by Team Auto Arms themselves
15500s nothing really going on right now tell
15502s objective rotation about to
15504s spawn gang Chan is going to spot out
15507s seli
15509s here we spawning as well but Phoenix
15511s Park is nowhere near his team I mean
15514s there they obviously can't do anything
15516s here in hotel then we actually have
15518s three other teams in hotel as well it's
15520s a dark gathering for this tree is going
15523s to get taken down down he goes King Chan
15526s there's too many people here and should
15530s be a relatively safe one for team Mudkip
15532s yeah it seems like Auto Arms despite the
15534s early kills they have with the Carla
15536s down can't really take advantage of it
15538s we also said exactly as you said Phoenix
15540s Park even completely isolated away from
15542s his team I don't know I'm a little bit
15545s worried cuz teleport should have been
15547s lined up down goes the heart in just a
15550s second acceptance speech will cancel The
15551s Peacemaker as well down go go
15554s neory be able to pick up the rest of
15556s these mutant walls everybody's the
15558s number of kills is starting to ramp up
15560s slowly but surely in the early stages of
15562s the game for sure I mean Auto Arms
15564s already racked up four kills ji has
15566s three as well I mean for to have this
15568s kind of kill count this early in the
15570s game I mean some teams wion a whole game
15572s without seeing four
15576s kills need to catch up CH needs to catch
15579s up both of those teams on zero but at
15581s least for team Mudkip with the
15583s Cilla they have a little bit of pick up
15586s pick capabilities and for team CHC we
15588s don't really need to talk about that
15589s team's killing capabilities and Chase
15591s down
15596s capabilities looks
15599s like H it's interesting cuz a lot of
15601s teams are still relatively split up a
15604s little bit still and I mean these teams
15606s should be looking to get their cins off
15610s sooner rather than later I mean these
15612s battle zones are going to pop in 45
15613s seconds and trying to get a call- in
15615s near a battle Zone that spop pop is
15617s typically a risky play to go for because
15619s it's very easy to get your your calling
15622s contested so it's kind of interesting to
15624s see here that some teams still haven't
15627s spent their credits like uh Airline here
15630s is holding on to 400 maybe he's holding
15632s to save for his team to maybe get the
15635s blood weapon for
15637s somebody but it looks like everyone's
15639s pretty much spent what they can it's
15641s just a little
15643s has not so I'm a little worried about
15646s them trying to contest a battle zone are
15648s they even going to try to contest for
15649s one there are three teams inside of
15651s Warehouse right now team tingle Doby
15654s trying to get a jump on over towards JCP
15656s remember this is not going to be a
15657s two-handed sword though so there is no
15659s there is no Parry that is going to be
15661s available rior about to get taken down
15663s that Adriana is dead to right Fenix Park
15665s trying to Blink on out of here not going
15666s to be able to find the chance to do so
15668s but this means that team Mudkip they
15670s need to get the execution fast they need
15671s to get the kills they're not going to be
15672s able to stake bite is only going to pull
15674s over on RoR look at the health bar on
15676s JCP he's JCP he can't move oh this is
15681s travesty for the side of Team Auto Arms
15682s it looks so good but they couldn't get
15684s the execute onto the mine down goes cavi
15687s finally he will get eliminated but it's
15689s way too late for the side of Team Auto
15690s Arms be an easy Battle Zone one out for
15692s the side of Team mudkips they're going
15694s to be able to get a four score out of it
15695s but on the flip side there's another
15697s battle Zone inside of gas station
15699s timer's taken timer taken can they get
15701s any kills there's the timer resets is
15703s trying to get the shots down there's one
15704s kill another kill goes in jumo is about
15707s to get taken down that's going to be a
15708s battle Zone one out by kung8 should be
15710s the M picked
15714s up
15716s incredible Mudkip getting just full rain
15719s over that Battle Zone I mean they just
15721s got to third party and and you know
15725s ABC simple that yeah it's and it's a
15728s four score Spike and which is absolutely
15730s huge um for Mudkip what would they build
15733s that Force core at that point if they
15734s didn't already have radar on C could be
15739s so Hermes at the worst right you could
15741s even go
15743s git yeah holy orders I don't think I
15747s think Cilla wants to run something like
15749s the Scotties nowadays right cuz you do
15751s lot the
15752s slow um there's still other options with
15755s the four score that you could
15756s theoretically go even persona's pretty
15758s decent but here we go another fight's
15759s going to begin double stun coming
15761s through from the Nikki everybody has
15764s backed away though Phenix Park in a safe
15766s spot safe
15768s spot Cinema jumped in but was forc the
15771s blink right back out oh everybody's heal
15775s bar oh my oh my God go down but oh Fenix
15781s Park oh the double kill CA has to
15785s leave and thankfully it's only night two
15787s so they are going to get those revives
15789s for free
15790s but that was closer than I would have
15794s liked to see way too close cinema
15797s actually managing to get out of there
15798s now starting to kill the Wolves as well
15801s okay at least he's able to keep his life
15803s intact right
15806s yeah gosh these fights are being decided
15809s by such close factors it's it's never
15811s been like this in group b so far it's
15813s been cut and dry for the most part with
15814s these Eon coms just kind of running
15817s teams over but yeah with ch playing very
15820s passive in this game zero kills for
15822s themselves still it's a completely
15823s different story these fights are just
15825s cutting
15828s dry Asher running oh my god oh sebie is
15833s in there and he is just on narvik but
15836s they're going to kite him back sebie not
15839s taking any damage though he's just
15841s chilling up here narvik is completely
15843s zoned from this fight and yeah they're
15845s going to take down
15847s Lenny ped On The Run seie chasing him
15853s this what I was talking about earlier
15854s with sebbi just being more proactive
15856s than pad right will get the res back
15858s onto jimo take the white Lon out of
15860s there but it's still a fight one on the
15862s side of Team CHC one for zero in favor
15864s of that team and the third party sebie
15866s sitting inside the bush he doesn't have
15868s the Brute Force anything there's the
15869s resets coming through ooh he actually
15871s gets the resets all the way into the
15872s back line it's going to be the explosion
15874s shot also missed out rori in a little
15876s bit of trouble Phoenix Park in a little
15877s bit of trouble sirabi is going to take
15879s jump over the wall but sebbi looking for
15881s more he will not find any angles there
15883s are no animals around here unless those
15885s chickens are going to be enough no
15886s that's too far away from his teamat
15889s angelby escaping what would have been
15891s certain death if they tried to take that
15893s fight
15894s but now Chet is kind of in the middle of
15898s two teams they got to find a better
15900s positioning on the map they can't sit in
15901s this position they know that the another
15904s team has vision of this area as well so
15906s they know another team's around even
15908s without any ping they can gather that
15911s information this is why teams are just
15913s so smart right these macro plays they
15915s have an understanding of what the map
15917s state is going to look like but I don't
15919s know if they anticipate all these number
15920s of teams yeah they don't know what's
15923s going on on the in the other station the
15925s fire station
15927s they they don't know that Doom is
15930s approaching over there top side of the
15932s map is pretty isolated though with it
15934s just I think being alley and Play
15936s Station open at the north side of the
15938s map now those two zones are relatively
15942s qu team from the rest of the map but
15943s se's got the potential flank coming in
15945s cabi is a little bit too far in look at
15947s the backline no one's on the support zob
15950s will rip through this by oh my God
15953s that's the wrong decis and they get the
15955s white lily to follow up on everyone else
15957s too and Phoenix Park on the Run
15961s he yeah he's going to make it out
15963s they're on the chase below him Yi's on
15966s the collapse here Phoenix Park is going
15969s to get out because Gangi is going to
15970s collapse on them I ated now and is just
15973s going to get taken down this is
15975s sometimes the problem with chasing too
15977s far away from your team shom takes the
15978s fall they have credits to Res but that's
15980s an unnecessary minus 250 going towards
15984s the hands of Team CH seat right along
15987s the time I mean I think here I don't
15989s know what kind of item seie is on right
15991s now right he's sitting at 360 credits
15993s you let the Lenny res you have to let
15995s the Lenny res
15997s mhm oh they just picked up the credits
16000s as well oh okay they're sitting on
16001s pretty good items no
16004s yeah there's animals here E's about to
16006s come ACR he should this does he have the
16009s resets there's one but there's no
16010s animals around here he's got nothing
16012s he's trying to overflow does he have the
16015s dash he just used the resets oh my God
16018s the white chicken and then the resets no
16021s but there's is here with the cut off oh
16026s no meanwhile in school Asher looking for
16029s an engage narvi very low but just
16033s wa oh it's a collapsing on Tangled Dobby
16038s and they're just going to run them over
16040s it's just pure Annihilation and Tangled
16042s Dobby is the first team to get
16043s eliminated in round three here's the
16046s third party starting to make a comeback
16048s into this game all these teams thought
16049s that it was going to be a bit better
16051s because game two was a lot more of the
16053s standard 3v3 fights across the board
16055s until the final zone no this time third
16058s party central these teams have to start
16060s paying attention to the map they need
16063s Rec drones telepo cameras you got to get
16065s everything down yeah I mean it's it's
16069s difficult cuz sometimes there's just
16071s factors you can't account for or even
16074s ways you can't even you know there's so
16076s there's only so many vision checks you
16078s can go for and only so many things that
16080s you can feasibly check without burning
16082s too many resources right and some of
16084s these
16085s teams I think pretty much every team has
16087s a way to Vision check with skills here
16090s correct me if I'm wrong
16093s no I think they all have a way they can
16094s check with skills so they should be able
16098s to check everything but sometimes you
16101s can't like there's multiple things you
16102s have to check at the same time and it's
16105s a
16109s 50/50 okay FX looking at
16113s oo Rosner poking down with his q but
16115s nothing really being committed so far
16118s umu looking to utilize this range
16119s advantage to get some damage down but FX
16122s looking at a rrap bum trying to find an
16124s angle
16127s Rosner does not find his Mark nuray
16130s looking to punish it a little bit but ly
16133s oh Lily with
16135s the little bit awkward on the angle bum
16139s the little angle and then the soul
16140s stealer was popped too I think FX will
16142s probably try to just disengage here
16144s after the soul stealer was used yeah
16147s that that white LLY is in a really
16149s awkward spot oh send You Are by yourself
16154s buddy this might be the end of two seats
16157s yeah I think it is and the spring trap
16160s takes him along with the ride trumpet's
16162s Landing but there's the taunt CH see to
16164s eliminate couldn't find the transfer
16166s console look at how many credits SE is
16168s on is just going to go all to the ground
16172s but he's going to be able to use that
16173s one full team gone which means we're
16176s down to
16179s six looks like FX taking Wick relatively
16182s uncontested E8 zoning out Auto Arms from
16185s being able to
16187s contest another time where Auto Arms is
16189s just barely late to the wick line
16193s yeah they need to they need to find a
16195s way to posture early for it because um
16198s as it stands like Wick's been relatively
16201s uncontested every game uh game two it
16204s was contested but two of the teams
16205s fought while the other one just got it
16206s for free which I believe was kungi yeah
16209s kungi during game one yeah game one was
16212s game one yeah
16214s sorry game two I believe it was
16216s uncontested though as well
16219s so this is awkward I think for Team Auto
16222s Arms they can actually burst the wick
16225s line relatively quick but oh definitely
16228s yeah coming to Wick a little bit late is
16230s going to be tough I just saw Chaser
16232s being built here for the irm Strider
16235s level three is online but here we go
16236s team oo are they going to be able to
16238s return this fight umu oh my God good
16241s Dodge on the pulse grenade yeah oh the
16243s damage return is okay VF eruption doing
16247s pretty good damage to the spr here as
16249s well getting some good damage and but
16251s that's post overcharge not going to have
16252s the bonus damage not going to be enough
16254s to knock down Narine or
16258s Airline yeah and at the start of the
16260s fight you saw jinho look for the taunt
16263s just barely missing its Mark and had it
16265s connected it definitely would have
16266s resulted in a kill the easiest way for
16269s Theodore to kind of get a setup just
16271s predetermined control to lock people
16273s down exactly and what better than myON
16276s it's such a long range engage tool but
16279s anyways Auto Arms getting in fight with
16281s FX and FX just steam oh my God the
16285s damage is insane But Here Comes the
16289s third party coming
16293s in but they're not going to commit to it
16296s yungi just going to back off they know
16298s there's a team behind them they know
16299s they could get pincered if they
16300s committed to anything so they just hold
16302s their position for now this is a bit of
16304s an interesting comp here on the side of
16306s Team Yankee FX though they're actually
16308s not super ultimate Reliant or I should
16310s say cool down reliant on their ultimates
16313s bomb might want it for FL but at this
16316s point in the game he doesn't necessarily
16318s need it for the massive amount of DPS he
16321s can use all of his other skills and just
16323s cycle through with how late game this F
16325s is and that W clim blood uh the
16328s buff it just kind of fight whenever I'm
16330s surprised they back away from uh one was
16332s coming up yeah well the thing is some of
16336s these fights are little nuanced their
16337s best poking tool is e8q it's really
16339s their only longrange poking tool so when
16342s they go against these comps with
16343s Theodore any poke they do is really
16345s meaningless when he just presses Q on
16348s somebody and negates it just kind of has
16350s to be sended immediately as soon as the
16352s meaningful poke comes down right The
16355s Strider B triple knock oh my God yo jumo
16360s just ate his entire health bar oh just
16363s got shredded wait seconds left for
16365s narvik he is out he's going to be able
16366s to make it in right
16370s here yay this is the last team you want
16372s to see when you have to collapse into
16374s something like this the absolute last
16377s team yep and meanwhile on the other side
16381s where they just left FX is running
16385s into no they're not they're going to go
16387s to the forest Zone instead that sucks
16389s for Auto Arms that car yes it does that
16392s car is riding solo P going to get taken
16396s down here as well which jumo Last One
16398s Alive on his ending nine sees this jbo 3
16401s seconds left he's going to pop oh that's
16403s a minus one that's a minus one it's is
16407s that worth yeah I don't think it's worth
16409s I'm pretty sure you want to conserve
16411s your own points I don't yeah I'm pretty
16416s sure hard to tell it depends on the
16418s standings I'm not sure
16423s see what ends up happening inside the
16425s bush King Chan do they have Recon oh
16427s Airline is out of the
16431s Bush we we've been there yep some more
16434s than others would have been a cook but
16437s just a little pre premature of a cook
16440s there fortunate for team oo could have
16443s been a potential opportunity to maybe
16444s even burst down kingt look for an
16446s opportunity on the curry but isn't going
16447s to be able to find it this time around
16450s temp Zone near the CCT we talked about
16453s this earlier right yes
16457s yungi has good positioning here they
16460s just need knowledge if they could just
16462s posture for a good spot to use sniper
16464s skill to get vision of this that would
16465s be absolutely huge and that's one of the
16468s biggest advantage of sniper skills is
16469s you can gain Vision super far away
16472s without anybody knowing you have Vision
16473s there drones you like people can see
16475s drones people can see wordss they can't
16477s see the sniper skill Vision provided and
16481s somehow oo has control of this zone out
16483s of all the teams here I don't know if
16486s Mudkip is actually is getting collapsed
16488s on Yi is in the middle here yeah MIP
16491s with a great rotation to wrap around and
16492s put y in the middle oh my god oh no okay
16499s umu actually pull over yeah that's what
16501s I was worried about too I thought it was
16503s going to pull him over the van and just
16504s be lights out this is going to be
16506s interesting one pacemaker was pretty
16509s much canceled out by Curry is neory
16510s going to be able to find an angle in the
16512s third party sandwich coming in they
16514s don't have that much time no timer yeah
16516s two one they get the oh they get the
16518s knock down took one down ooo which means
16521s oh my God one after another the players
16523s are going to start start to
16526s fall Curry trying to deal one second and
16529s the thing that's so important about that
16531s one second is if those timers pop Mudkip
16533s gets the heal from the from the
16536s execution bonus but instead they lost
16538s out on that heal and now they lose this
16540s final Zone they got over zealous that is
16544s brutal on the side of team mudkips they
16546s had it if only the Lennox didn't fall a
16550s gosh but I mean what are you supposed to
16551s do as the lenx there you don't have any
16553s Mobility skills you can't really walk
16555s out of the of the of the Ava ult that's
16558s not how that works yeah no that's
16560s definitely not how that works that sucks
16563s Giga bad for the side of team mkit but
16567s this does give an opening for team oob
16569s that was their first three kills of the
16570s game
16572s oh wow that oh
16575s wow that's kind of tragic and f x only
16578s has six kills to too this is not even a
16581s good spot team struggled this actually a
16584s pretty bad spot for ouo cuz usually when
16586s this thing happens with an AA team you
16588s expect her to have Chase her she's
16589s sitting on
16592s on
16594s Pearl wait out the FL to cool down maybe
16597s waiting for that to reset before trying
16598s to find an angle back in Butner still
16601s looking for po finds the stun aine half
16604s Health already and they're forced to
16606s walk in
16608s here
16609s yeah protocols used triple melee into an
16614s Ava surely this doesn't go well for the
16616s Triple melee right yeah with walls and
16619s everything too it's so hard especially
16621s look at their team I mean Fiora does not
16624s have a wall Dash until she hits her
16625s initial Dash look at bomb there's no
16627s Bush there's no cameras in the bush get
16630s the blank oh there it is oh no oh my God
16634s de no The Peacemaker is good The
16638s Peacemaker is excellent down goes bomb
16642s eh trying to recover this but the
16643s knockup it's too much it's too much oh
16647s that Peacemaker was so good jeez the
16650s White Lies turn it again it's
16653s unfortunate bum had such a nice angle
16655s but it just was not enough team UOB game
16659s number three will be able to pick up six
16661s kills the first place they're recovering
16663s their points at least one way or another
16665s GG's it's it's yeah GG's it's difficult
16668s too for bum because he himself doesn't
16671s have like CC that he can use like Snappy
16674s you know like right away he needs a bit
16676s of setup to access his CC and the only
16680s like the biggest followup you can ask
16682s for there is Rosner Landing a stun with
16685s qrq which is reactable because he can't
16688s Dash in because there's walls he's he's
16690s stuck behind a wall and I believe E8 was
16694s not really in a position to really
16695s follow up either right
16698s so yeah despite the the angle being good
16701s it it just felt a little
16703s mistimed but they had to take the
16705s opportunity while the Eva was in range
16707s for it right so yep damage was so good
16711s and the reason why school is so
16712s unfortunate is that E8 actually has
16715s really good lockdown his his crowd
16718s control is actually slightly instant you
16720s of course you kind of need to get the
16721s Bell on some but that's pretty easy to
16723s do as a irm you just have to Auto attack
16725s them after you step over once the only
16728s problem after that is that those
16730s containers are too fat irm can't jump
16732s over it she can't jump over it yeah
16734s despite having a wall Dash it's a very
16737s very tiny wall Dash she's running
16739s Strider Su might be running blink but
16741s she's already invested it earlier to get
16743s and another another thing with this
16745s Contex is Eva is you know notorious for
16748s her range it's it's kind of hard to
16750s actually get the Bel onto Eva and free
16754s info right with her um amethyst stash
16757s amethyst flow she can get free
16758s information with this and that fight was
16760s nighttime so yeah it's pretty
16767s crazy that game although you know that
16771s game was more a regular paced game than
16774s what we've been seeing these past games
16777s even that final Z was relatively slow
16779s paced too yeah I mean and that was a
16783s textbook play from Mudkip to wrap around
16785s on the top side to um put uh gungi into
16790s a pincer situation where they're stuck
16791s between two teams and just forced to
16792s kind of run and take damage
16796s right uh but I mean man what a
16800s heartbreaker for Mudkip it had one more
16802s second elapsed and the Lenox could have
16804s lived one more second she would have got
16806s a massive heal from the execution bonus
16808s and they might have even been able to
16810s take the fight right away just the way
16812s that the cookie crumbles sometimes for
16813s these players for us it's a little bit
16815s obvious cuz we can actually see what the
16817s timer situation of these players
16819s actually like but they can't it's all
16821s question marks for these guys and yes
16823s you can have a slight idea since most of
16825s those players did walk out but they also
16827s got knockdowns and that's the important
16830s part there the knockdowns are going to
16831s throw off the calculation of the timers
16833s since now you don't need to eliminate
16835s the player you just have to knock him
16837s down to get the timer which now makes it
16839s really difficult cuz you don't know how
16841s many people are down you see somebody
16843s down but is it going to be one two are
16846s they all fully eliminated do they have
16847s enough timer or not do we want to play
16849s around this you don't know that and In
16852s the Heat of the Moment you don't have
16853s time to calculate that yeah you know
16855s even if you have all the information you
16856s can't process it all and and make an
16859s educated decision while managing
16861s everything that's going on it's just too
16862s much so much easier for us to say here
16864s on the casting side oh yeah like for us
16867s you know we got the bird's ey View and
16868s all the information and and we're not
16870s playing we just have to look at it it
16872s right for them it's a whole different
16875s Beast 100% sir but here we go guys
16877s scoreboard is available 14 points was
16880s the highest amount of points gained by
16881s any of these teams and it was by oob but
16884s that still put them in elimination it's
16886s going to bring them a little bit close
16887s to to get on out of there but they need
16890s to have another performance like this to
16892s maybe even have a chance of Barely
16893s getting out playing the wild cards
16895s tomorrow otherwise Dy has their work cut
16898s out for them here but they funny enough
16901s they are not out of the running you know
16903s oob has a bad game here Asher has a bad
16906s game here and they have a good game
16909s could happen you know or even Yuni or or
16911s Mudkip or any of these teams they're all
16913s really close in points past Tangled Davi
16917s the only one who's pulled ahead is uh FX
16920s bnk FX is the only one that has a a
16922s clear distinct lead above everybody sir
16925s indeed ju ringing right above there 27
16929s to 28 holding second place by a thread
16932s at the moment they're also in prink of
16934s elimination as well they got to be
16935s careful they eliminate early like they
16938s did in game number three there's a
16940s chance where oob starts pulling up and
16942s they get thrown down all the way into
16943s the gauntlet I mean if if CH just goes
16946s you know fast eth minus 53 RP or
16949s whatever it's it's just like you
16952s know they could actually get relegated
16956s from the second place positioning yeah
16958s they're about at minus 53
16960s inm yeah oh yeah
16964s hey all right well game four is upon us
16967s ladies and gentlemen this is the last
16969s game that is upcoming and they swapped
16971s right back over to the game okay they're
16973s trolling me now but here we go last game
16975s is up and running no bans going into the
16978s final game which means these teams are
16980s free to pick literally anything they
16983s want oh my goodness bring everything
16986s it's interesting because in in group a
16988s it was
16989s so dominant from Theodore and Alonzo
16993s those were the two like picker Band
16997s characters like four teams are running
16999s each of them I believe I think there's
17000s three Lonzo four theodors or maybe even
17002s four Alonzo four theodors and they were
17005s all paired together typically too but in
17006s this Lobby there's a lot
17008s more I don't want to say there's more
17010s variety because a lot of people are
17012s playing the same stuff here but
17016s nothing's getting banned nothing's like
17018s overwhelming in this lobby as far as um
17021s what these players are gravitating
17024s towards right on the brink of getting
17026s banned two picks literally everywhere
17028s across the board I also saw bum and EA
17030s kind of considering the Eon heart pick
17035s they'll just go back to their bread and
17036s butter bum practicing a little bit more
17038s of the F of course if you guys are
17040s familiar with the Korean seam bum one of
17042s the eons in KR unfortunately relegated
17044s into the Fiora gameplay this time around
17048s although it's been working out for them
17049s you can see it with the point results
17050s they have it's been pretty good yeah I
17053s mean that ending in game two with the
17057s with the blink Q it just barely missed
17059s its Mark and then both of them were just
17061s like one HP and just staring at each
17063s other
17064s and it was just like an old western
17067s movie bum like they both had their guns
17069s on their waist and just ready to shoot
17071s and bum barely pulled forward it it was
17074s so close I'm I'm pretty sure bum might
17076s have hit one HP like it was crazy all we
17080s just need is the tumble weed to start
17082s kind of flying across those two dueling
17084s each other but we're the final game yeah
17087s bum looks totally comfortable on this
17089s spear Fiora and and you know nobody
17090s really rates spear Fiora over two-handed
17093s or Rapier really ever it's usually it's
17097s usually the lowest rated weapon style
17099s for Fior but he's finding good success
17101s on it yeah absolutely it's been working
17103s out the amp drone even making it easier
17105s for both the sua as well as the irm to
17109s actually have even more of an impact
17110s whereas the later stages of the game
17112s they all also if they choose to do so
17115s can play around the exact same range
17117s once the initiation goes in and the
17119s force is there right they're all melee
17121s characters they're all looking to get
17123s those close ranges amp drone can do a
17126s ton of work for these guys so loving the
17129s composition change a little bit sad that
17131s we're not seeing what is it s Sar play
17134s today whether it's the cillo or the
17135s Hayes but it's good to see that even
17137s during the group stages the slight mixup
17139s is working out for most these guys whoa
17143s this might be a bit tough for hold on
17146s uhoh oh
17149s nice
17153s oh here wait this is here this is dual
17157s no it's not it's notable who am I
17159s kidding it's time to go say Cilla is not
17164s even sick so there is no free at last
17165s Cinema gets taken down too everyone's
17168s just starting to take a fall in the
17169s early stages although I see everybody
17171s there's only been two
17173s kills I mean two is more than enough
17175s there's still a minute left of daylight
17176s here it's uh you know more could happen
17180s and everybody's just building up on team
17181s Mudkip they're all squatted up together
17183s just crafting
17187s away I wonder if they run you remember
17189s back in the day when people would run
17191s routes that were like two zoners back
17194s then and you would grab each other's
17195s items people do this in the RM uh very
17199s rarely we do see that I think it's for
17201s the specific three Zone builds that you
17203s want to group up early it tends to
17204s happen a lot when teams group up in dock
17206s there's a lot of teams and compositions
17208s that can do that um I think Meen seong
17211s does it a little bit but I can't
17213s specifically recall if any teams are
17216s actively doing that right now because we
17219s can't pay attention to it everyone's
17220s just killing each other early yeah I
17222s guess I guess it's pretty hard to track
17223s when there's so much action oh 9 with
17226s the I don't know if he broke his own
17227s ankles or theirs that was bizarre oh
17231s alive FY oh the how did that not hit not
17234s connect what
17237s what are you serious how did that H he
17240s literally just
17244s walk you said elevation doesn't
17247s exist there's not even anything elevated
17251s there it's a flat plane
17255s baby oh down goes umu two kills again
17258s for tingle this is the early game start
17260s that they been looking for yeah exactly
17263s what they needed trying to bring up the
17265s rear place to try and make it into wild
17266s cards they need a high kill game here
17269s they're on 13 the point to beat right
17271s now I believe
17273s is four or something right somewhere
17276s around
17277s there something like that they're making
17279s their way slowly but surely no need to
17282s think too much just kind of play your
17283s own game if you get the points cool if
17285s you don't get the points maybe next time
17288s is what team tingle is most likely
17289s looking for but yeah they want another
17291s chance
17293s and pH two looking for an angle onto n
17296s but this is quite early game his gauge
17298s control is a little bit awkward we'll
17300s get the resets there's to knock back
17302s over onto Airline Jin will pop the white
17304s lily early on to not allow the shoai to
17306s try to get this Escape going keep
17308s letting him run away like this though oh
17310s canceled out the walk it off red carpet
17313s no
17315s way the acceptance speeech
17318s Crazy Beautiful combo blinked forward
17320s for it too shomate displaying his
17322s prowess on Jenny was so
17325s slick it was really
17329s like Auto Arms looking at yungi yungi
17334s pushing forward Cinema kind of getting
17335s split off from oh
17338s there's not really any follow up on that
17341s at all in9 going to make it out
17342s relatively never mind he is down JCP
17346s moving forward get your head in the wall
17349s goodbye my God wow JCP actually managing
17352s to get all the stacks set up it would at
17354s the early stage of the game that will
17356s kill you if you let her do that fight
17357s inside of Hotel it's going to be two
17359s it's going to be GRE V3 although OU
17362s looking to maybe get an angle in they
17364s can just telekinesis that tree of life
17366s and get themselves on out of there
17367s Master still looking for an angle back
17368s in rior taking dangerously low Fenix
17370s Park is going to Blink on out get
17372s himself away from that spring trap to
17375s full HP narvik just reveres to die right
17378s now trumpets healing win this narvik
17381s character this narvic player I don't
17383s know man J refuses to die I can't wait
17388s to que up some narvik
17391s true rori on the Run Phoenix Park
17394s looking to buy him a bit more space
17396s white lily going to keep him safe Fenix
17398s Park going to hop over the wall yeah
17399s this is
17402s disengaged angelby going to hold on here
17405s they can't afford to take a death here
17407s this is do or die for them hold on a
17409s second umu was by himself
17412s self I feel always this team always
17415s feels like they're by themselves until
17417s battle zones start I don't know they're
17419s just like they're doing their thing they
17421s they must have some like credit funnel
17422s Stacks he's already have 425 credits
17424s which is weeks ahead of everybody else
17426s meanwhile in alley J going to go
17430s down um tangle Dobby finding another
17433s kill exactly what they need nicely done
17436s everybody slowly getting situated 40
17438s seconds until battle zones is going to
17440s begin oh
17441s now they're fully grouped up together
17443s sitting inside of rer range which is
17445s also quite interestingly enough a quite
17448s a coinky dink if I must stay still
17449s myself a battle zone for these guys
17451s still hasn't really called anything
17453s though 400 credits Al this could be a
17455s little bit dangerous rori in the whole
17457s heap of trouble is going to get chased
17459s down by Nar the fire is going to not be
17462s enough to keep him alive sby it's a one
17464s for zero already oh they're going to say
17466s thank you very much and walk away from
17468s us and it's Mr steio but
17471s Airline scooping up that Colin oh no
17475s this is tragic to see it get taken down
17479s burned to Chris by the ekon zenine
17482s trying to run away from this is he going
17484s to be able to get away the healing plant
17486s oh my God this is insane he's buying so
17488s much time Rosner is going to get taken
17490s down shom was traded it's a one for two
17492s in favor of Team chit they have the
17495s alpha right there inside of Uptown
17497s they're going to be able to pick that up
17498s and happily walk away from that fight
17500s too yeah yeah that is a huge victory for
17502s that team uh e E8 is going to get out
17505s just fine though umu is he's just he's
17509s always on his own adventure I don't
17511s know's team time the camera goes on him
17513s he's just alone
17515s somewhere SOI looking to group up with
17518s his team I'd imagine yep and the bear
17521s changes in Beach have been huge getting
17524s those mutant bears are massive because
17525s there's another bear that spawns right
17527s next to them Alpha going down Curry
17529s looting it loot scoot he's out Asher not
17532s able to
17535s contest still have control over the
17537s console if they want to call something
17539s team Asher they've already called most
17541s of their items looking to be low on
17543s credits as of right now jumo still
17545s sitting on nothing right typically you
17547s do want to see the elf dress on the
17548s character if you are running an eon like
17550s this but fale absolutely nothing Airline
17552s trying to fight it out surprisingly God
17555s aine is just getting deleted
17559s oh to but he missed the wall stun oh my
17563s barely living debilitation JP blinking
17566s for it go down u's on the Run oh
17570s debilitation was just barely not enough
17572s to knock down the Carla but umu stays
17574s alive that is so huge for oob yeah I
17578s mean the airline just dropped
17580s instantly I'm surprised he tried going
17583s in cuz yeah right using walk it off in
17585s like that he has no way out except
17587s walking away from that that's not a team
17589s you can casually walk away from
17592s oh definitely not I mean you saw it
17594s there I mean Fiora is just one of those
17596s characters that's so hard to get away
17597s with or get away from rather especially
17600s when they have blank I
17602s mean it's definitely going to and JCP is
17604s definitely going to execute properly and
17605s finish his food on these fights oh for K
17608s finds the hook onto Phoenix Park that
17611s could have been really bad if there was
17613s more followup for it but fortunately
17615s they're just going to disengage back
17617s here Auto arms and O fighting once more
17620s these two teams are just always going at
17622s it fighting over this purple box but it
17625s looks like Auto arms are just going to
17626s give it up they don't like what they
17629s see Asher's also going to get this
17631s meteorite and
17632s Beach and CH going to get the tree so
17635s yeah everybody's just kind of taking
17637s their own objective not going to contest
17639s anything over each
17641s other what that meteorite's going to be
17643s used for this team actually doesn't have
17645s too many good uses for it unless you're
17647s looking for something like a four score
17651s Jenny already has the blade of boot I
17652s don't think she can use the yeah no she
17655s can't
17656s use kind of forc into this fight pull
17658s back in oh my God JCP is flying
17660s everywhere where you
17663s going dashed out and spring it
17667s back good
17669s Lord man Castle in forced to Blink away
17673s bum found an angle on him but in9 now
17676s unchecked getting so much damage at The
17678s Peacemaker dropping but it seems like
17681s it's doing more harm than
17684s good dasu might have just got his team
17687s killed with that Peacemaker honestly oh
17689s yeah he's trying to dodge out maybe get
17691s one more kill but he's not going to be
17692s able to do it that's a terminate X goes
17694s to gungi inate they will be eliminated
17696s three kills is all they got for this
17698s game three points in alignment with that
17701s too this is rough that's not a good spot
17704s to be kungi and eight do they have
17706s enough points I I think they're mid they
17708s were one of the lower point teams so
17711s they only gain three points they were at
17713s like 22 23 if I recall so they should be
17716s at around 26 points Tangled Dobby could
17719s catch up to that if they have a good
17720s enough game
17723s here and and what was the other team
17726s that was in seventh is tangle D's e and
17728s was it o yeah oob was the one in seventh
17732s yeah one of these teams could definitely
17734s overcome them I'd be worried if I was
17737s going they have to start crunching
17739s numbers in their heads and praying to
17741s God that those numers don't come to
17743s fruition but for the rest of the team
17745s hor feel oh yeah we're looking for those
17748s number changes Tong uh Tong tangu no
17751s that's the tanglei tangu is a different
17753s team from a long time ago my bad uh
17755s tanglei of course looking for that UOB
17758s they're pretty close at this stage right
17760s one point and they're slowly but surely
17762s still scaling into the later stages of
17763s the game crit counts actually not that
17765s bad about to call in a blood sample
17768s right at the start of night number three
17769s too this team is eating good as long as
17771s they can get to that point sebie getting
17773s his reset off the boore but they're just
17776s going to disengage this and take their
17778s take their purple BLX and run good stuff
17780s but Omega their real reward is
17782s completely uncontested and chit is
17785s definitely going to pick that up for
17788s cor there is no tan time piece yet this
17791s is a huge pickup if there is already a
17793s tan time piece I'm sure what this could
17796s actually go into because oh yeah look at
17798s that it is aan yeah
17801s and that's so interesting I'm noticing
17803s this throughout the course of the night
17804s these genes are actually prioritizing
17806s the holy orders before T you know what's
17808s funny is I've been dabbling a little bit
17810s of Jenny and every time I've went holy
17812s or holy orders first has always felt
17814s better to me really so I'm really glad
17817s to see that they're doing this in ERM as
17819s well yeah I I don't know if you look at
17821s the numbers between sports watch and tan
17823s it's not that much it's not that much
17825s and and what's more important is that
17827s the passive numbers are good but the
17829s passive numbers require you have high
17831s amp to scale it which you know and what
17833s item gives you high amp it's going to be
17835s holy orders yeah so yeah holy orders the
17838s taunt came in curry is dead that's not
17841s good they got Vision checked but Phenix
17843s part they've
17844s been wait X is on the rear end of this I
17848s didn't even notice them coming in E8
17850s looking for more but they're not going
17851s to find it they're just going to clean
17853s up G oh they are going to find it E8 is
17855s still pushing forward into three people
17857s all alone and manages to get a Kill
17861s jeny just barely managed to get out but
17863s there's people around here he saw the
17865s Ping so he's going to play it a little
17866s bit safe but that zone is closing right
17868s now Phoenix Park is going to have to run
17870s away this is a long run for Phoenix Park
17874s oh my God where do you go rori has to
17878s TPL out but bnk FX is not going to let
17880s this happen for free most likely he
17881s knows they understand this Airline
17883s trying to chase down jcp2 water wars in
17886s a whole heap of trouble everybody in the
17889s red what is this game wait JCP hasor
17894s White Flag White Flag White Flag white
17896s flag at the
17898s no that's PR
17902s no where's your white flag OT don't you
17906s know
17908s politics politics player man everybody's
17913s got to be a politics player
17915s eh what I didn't realize is that
17918s airline's whole team was alive I thought
17920s they were just two solos trying to die
17921s for the no if that's the case I don't
17923s think Airline would have even attempted
17925s that his timer was Sol
17927s low oh man that was a papa moment for me
17933s anyways
17935s Rosner yeah they're just going to back
17937s out so
17939s Asher was looking to gatekeep FX into
17943s hospital but they're just going to back
17945s out hyperloop to a different Zone
17947s they're not going to mess around with
17948s all that maybe even go to contest Wick
17949s line but while in school oh W that hurts
17953s that hurts looking for an engage soab
17954s taking a lot of damage push into a
17957s corner they don't really have time this
17958s is a great spot for Adriana to look for
17960s a fight yeah look at the oil slick just
17962s creating so much space but oh my God
17966s huge laser for muui still low the who's
17970s not in range to tag anybody with the V
17973s yeah nobody's able to follow up off The
17974s Peacemaker n Murray looking to kill
17976s Fenix Park good side step on the
17978s knockback
17980s Airline full health he's ready to go
17983s slow rori rori getting burnt to a crisp
17986s SOI going to go down Phoenix Park how
17990s did what you teleported in rori you got
17993s to run man it's night number four do
17995s they have credits to Res yes they do but
17998s this was credits to try calling in a
17999s blood sample for the Chaser now this
18002s Adriana is not going to even have
18004s that yeah we're just in the
18008s struggle I
18012s I can't believe Phoenix Park hyper
18014s looped in there that was a very
18016s ambitious
18019s hyperloop and they're still on the run
18021s so taking so much damage he has no slots
18024s he only has 100 defense actually it's
18026s actually very squishy for am I but wow
18028s the return damage is coming through Oho
18031s has to respect this but wait a on the
18034s flank and that is curtains for Tangled
18039s Dobby I think their tournament run is
18041s over with that four points that's all
18044s they get actually it's going to be five
18046s they did end sixth place I believe they
18048s should be able to pick up one but all
18050s they got only at 11 they were only at
18053s what seven or 11 yeah so they're they
18055s not going to be able to
18058s overt not sponsored not sponsor not
18061s sponsored not
18065s sponsor um but yeah they're they're not
18067s going to be able to overtake any of the
18069s other teams I believe six place was over
18071s 20 points so well out of the grass for
18073s tingle Dobby which means now it all
18075s comes down to oob right this is the team
18078s that we got to be looking out for how
18079s well and they've been performing well
18081s this game really well and they have a
18083s really good angle here on these two
18085s teams oh meanwhile in Factory
18088s Asher looking like they're in trouble
18090s but ped is just so tanky and just
18093s causing so much havoc on the back line
18096s here butk FX oh procs the mark misses
18101s the second
18102s Q jumo looking to disengage but he's all
18105s alone up front here narvik looking in
18108s trouble Rosner going forward going to
18110s Dro
18111s down EA lands the knockup but it's not
18115s enough and the longer this fight goes
18116s the more this Lenny gets to heal up yeah
18118s there's the healing win and it's just
18120s going to be too much of a Health
18121s Advantage at this point Asher going to
18123s be able to take them to wa oh I stand
18126s correct no way he's in overflow he's an
18128s overflow is actually oh you got to do it
18131s again BM you got to do it again man here
18135s we go here we go can bum do it P he just
18137s misses the on the outer ring there's two
18139s stacks bum's looking for this he wants
18142s this kill desperately right now there's
18144s the fourth proc Roser came back alive oh
18147s my God and bnk FX maintains all of their
18151s players Rosner went in the bush and he
18153s self
18154s resed no trying to play around eat's
18158s corpse to try and get healing off of it
18161s but he has to respect bum's damage and
18165s there's just no way for him to position
18166s properly and Roser gets the selfes 2 as
18169s extra insurance over it
18171s all this is the strength of the laking
18173s fura you don't need to pop anything with
18175s FL anymore it's
18177s mostly
18179s goag my God he's just dead and he's
18183s cooking in The Peacemaker as well with
18184s the laser going it's just a full
18186s Peacemaker combo but bomb misses Oh by
18190s takes down to Murray than snapped him oh
18192s big bom come on bomb you got to get a
18195s little bit moreu no he left oh no BB is
18201s going to be able to single-handedly
18202s carry this fight yet again airline has
18204s to book it on out of here spear Fiora is
18206s ripping people to shreds is this the
18209s duon or what she gets access to backline
18212s she just does not die and you see bum as
18215s soon as he gets in range he combos spear
18217s skill into a Tipper q and it's just does
18220s so much damage oh and there's a that
18224s fight he missed a couple qes and just
18225s still did so much oh but Auto Arms on E8
18229s wait they can turn this remember bum's
18231s alive hold on a second no way rosar and
18234s bum 2v3 here the
18237s damage he gets the kill he gets the kill
18239s there's no reason defent is good hold up
18242s a second E8 is dead though they finally
18244s wiped him out ju see the last team oh my
18247s God second Fiora versus Fiora JC can you
18250s turn it oh my God
18252s thees
18255s no JCP JP difference that's the Fiora
18261s God man oh I don't even know what to say
18265s that was just pure Madness and that
18267s fight started as a 2v3 mind you E8 was
18271s totally caught out and they still
18273s managed to bring it that CL Airline
18275s hello he dude imagine if Auto Arms walks
18279s out and goes to four it would be so wait
18283s they're going to Chapel airine he's
18286s going to no
18288s way no way surely they P back surely
18292s they P back no no they're not no they're
18295s not they saw the calls they saw the
18296s calls ju sticking it ju is sticking it a
18300s gets his teammates back oh my sh back in
18304s this game what they may actually win
18306s this game and make it out of relegation
18308s slot because of this what the heck okay
18311s here we go the fight between CH seed as
18312s well as Team Auto Arms is on full blast
18315s shackling anchor has already been
18316s invested there's a spring trap not
18317s really doing anything knock up on
18318s towards no knock up on towards WTB
18321s accept the speech is good lands on a two
18323s guard reverse is going to block out on
18324s one down goes to Jenny into the play
18326s dead but the zon is still half HP C CA
18330s is got to run he has nothing left on his
18333s front line as WBT takes the fall JCP The
18336s Last One Alive on his team 9 seconds on
18338s his timer it is J he ruined the hopes
18341s and dreams of bomb and now his hopes and
18344s dreams will be cut off early CH to
18348s versus UOB six kills for both looking
18351s for nine what on Earth is transpiring
18355s Meek I don't know man I almost lost my
18360s voice of that whole like Chapel Fiasco I
18364s don't even know what to call it
18366s like okay so oo has control over the
18370s area which is huge for their team they
18372s definitely have a big range Advantage
18374s coming into this fight and honestly they
18377s have equal sustainability in a poke War
18380s so this is great this is exactly where
18382s they want to be a nice funnel for Eva to
18384s just laser down would be perfect Airline
18387s just kind of chilling aine you never e
18391s in here you never wait for to go in and
18395s then you cancel his Dash make him so
18397s that he goes on cool down and then let
18400s NE and umu just do whatever he wants
18401s here we go Airline he's trying to hold
18403s the back line actually not even
18404s attempting to support the backside oh my
18407s God Shai he's still alive wait a second
18411s Jenny goes into the play there too
18412s exceptional damage coming in sh will get
18415s taken
18417s down just barely gets taken down but
18419s it's still never alive on the back
18422s side to do the damage needs to stick in
18424s he needs to stick in and veniz can he
18426s land anything not just yet no he goes
18430s down which means oh will off of the
18433s miracle res coming from Airline they're
18435s going to take game four and get
18438s themselves on out of
18439s groups oh my God that's crazy they went
18442s from having one person alive being on
18445s the cus being relegated to winning this
18447s game twice now we've seen just a pure
18450s highway
18452s robbery happen first with Asher in game
18455s one and now to close up the series in
18457s game
18458s four what yeah and that was such a good
18462s like I like it was such a good place for
18464s them to fight Forest is like the perfect
18466s area for them to try and make a fight
18468s happen but nuray's ability to just go in
18471s finish off the backline and then kite
18473s out sebie at the end was just crazy he
18476s played that so well thenon you need to
18479s upload this VOD somewhere this this VOD
18482s of the entire day itself cannot
18484s disappear into the Nethers of the
18487s internet I I refuse to believe that can
18490s ever happen today
18492s was straight up I I'm going to admit it
18495s I say this a lot but I think this might
18497s be straight up the hands down best
18500s series I have ever seen in my entire
18502s career that was it's by such a long shot
18506s yeah that was absolutely amazing such
18509s lightning group stage
18511s matches my God we're just at day one
18515s we're just getting started we still at
18517s the wild cards tomorrow the finals on
18520s Sunday oh my
18523s God holy crap what an amazing day of
18527s eternal
18529s return oh good
18533s lord I need to drink some water man I
18537s am I'm
18540s dying get some sleep out of this so I
18543s don't know I might take a little
18545s afternoon nap you know as as old people
18548s do
18551s wow wow wow wow wow wow what an
18555s absolutely amazing day season 4 phase
18558s two group stages I will remember you for
18560s a very very long time until another
18562s series comes around and somehow by God's
18565s will yeah Tops This which I don't know
18568s if it can happen we saw literally
18570s everything today with the new temp zones
18574s the new Final zon we even saw a timer
18576s scam we saw timer scam a timer scam
18581s when don't even remember seeing one of
18583s those like even in even in ranks like I
18586s don't remember seeing any
18588s like just absolute Madness today like uh
18591s these people these players came to play
18593s all of these teams played their hearts
18595s out and I am just I salute them for
18597s these games this was a spectracal I have
18600s no idea how the scoreboard is going to
18602s look after this game too cuz O's making
18605s it out and what's the team that's going
18608s to be taken down tangle tangle DB out
18611s but then there's one other team that
18612s gets taken out and I feel like all the
18614s other teams played pretty well and had
18617s all like good showings so like one of
18620s these teams just has to get eliminated
18622s and I just I don't know who it's going
18623s to be maybe it's um uh
18627s Gangi which would be insane if that
18630s happens it's a possibility devastating
18633s wouldn't it that would be insane if
18636s Gangi got eliminated yeah because Auto
18638s Arms also managed to pick up 12 kills
18640s this game yeah and they ended third I
18643s think it was cuz they lost a fight
18646s inside Chapel up against team
18648s chit yeah CH it's either it could be um
18652s it could be Mudkip out as well because I
18654s don't think they had a great final game
18656s did they they got eliminated relatively
18660s early so it's either Mudkip or gungi is
18663s what I'm putting my money on good Lord
18666s two seated teams man are you kidding me
18669s and I'd hate to see either of them go I
18671s mean in9 is so good and Curry's one
18673s always been one of my favorite players
18675s my boy water gun man I just I love
18678s watching him play and it's another day
18680s where it seems like the Rio is just not
18683s able to overcome the pressure that is
18685s going to be all the eons but ladies and
18687s gentlemen here we go round results for
18689s game number four 17 for UOB 16 and 16
18694s for bnk FX and Auto Arms chew seat
18697s sitting on 12 which team te is the one
18700s to get knocked down oh my God it's going
18704s to be so close tanglei of course is
18707s guaranteed mudkip and kungi and eight
18709s which one is it let's see it is Mudkip
18712s by one point by one point
18717s no
18719s no
18721s no it is another travesty for team
18724s Mudkip as the Rio is just not able to
18728s overcome the EO kungi inate Asher UOB
18731s Chui we will see you tomorrow Auto Arms
18734s moves on to the finals by three points
18737s over team two seat what a day AO arms
18739s Auto Arms was the sadand team they still
18741s got him in the pocket for the finals
18743s they didn't even show everything they
18745s got
18747s oh what a day what a
18751s day that's tragic that's so tragic oh no
18756s by one
18758s point and Yun is a seated team as well
18761s right yeah yeah were they the were they
18763s the top seated team I think so they just
18766s didn't have a good day today at all yeah
18769s like they just they really struggled
18770s today it looked tough I mean this was a
18772s rough group Lobby yep like yeah like
18775s this is a really rough group and a lot
18777s of these teams weren't like a lot of
18779s them are playing Comfort which is which
18781s is hard to play into sometimes because
18782s people know different nuances and things
18785s they're not playing like off picks for
18787s compositions these people are all on
18789s comfort picks and forming good
18790s compositions through it so it's such a
18792s tough tough
18794s group good God
18796s me Devastation for team mudkips I mean
18799s this is a team that kind of brought
18802s themselves up I think when this team was
18804s originally
18805s founded as a team that pretty much
18807s stopped me and song on their traps every
18810s single finals in an eternal return
18813s tournament this team was the one that
18815s could stop Meen song the
18817s Unstoppable team back in the days during
18820s what post Rel season one and two but now
18822s they're just constantly on the back end
18825s as the Rio starts to fall apart the m
18827s just not able to do that
18829s much I don't
18831s know like I pointed out earlier they
18834s might had I remember seeing my have like
18836s 104 defense I think was the number it's
18839s not very high it is NI um you're
18842s actually quite squishy on that level of
18844s defense and and what's happening is
18845s they're they're funneling they're
18846s funneling all the credits into the
18848s carries so they could do that but it's
18851s you need to have some sort of investment
18853s on your front line so that way they can
18854s at least buy you some more time to
18857s actually utilize you know a funneled
18859s carry some of the nuances that come
18862s through from that as well is that you
18863s actually Force the exclusive on yourself
18865s right yeah because you're getting taken
18867s down so fast yeah if people are willing
18869s to just play front to back you have to
18871s exclusive yourself which is an out that
18873s your
18874s carry just doesn't have anymore and and
18877s and car's like
18878s Rio which are you know sacrifice a lot
18882s more safety in their mobility in for uh
18886s you know more damage things like that
18888s things like Theodore things like William
18890s comes to mind as well where you don't
18892s have as much utility as you do more
18894s damage oriented you need things like
18897s exclusive to be able to keep you safe
18899s from these compositions from these
18901s things that don't really have
18903s counterplay that you can you know do
18906s yourself like if if Rio gets Nikki aled
18908s the the
18910s what's the counter play right y there's
18912s not that much especially considering the
18914s fact that a lot of these nikkis nowadays
18916s are getting the garden reverse up so
18917s that the fury jab afterwards immediately
18920s stuns yeah so and that and that's just
18923s one character there's there's a whole
18925s roster of problems that these that these
18927s backliners have to try and find a way to
18929s deal with and if you don't have like
18930s top-notch self peel
18932s tools you're verely relling on on my
18936s exclusive and you know when she's forced
18937s to use it on herself
18940s there it goes it's hard it's tough right
18942s It's just tough off into the win but
18945s ladies and gentlemen that was the last
18946s game of the night group stages is over
18949s for today but of course with the group
18950s stages over that means the wild cards
18952s are going to be here tomorrow same time
18955s when we start at 5:00 a.m. Central 6:00
18957s a.m. uh eastern time and 300 a.m.
18962s Pacific time it's going to be here right
18964s here on the eternal return games channel
18965s for the wild cards of season 4 Phase 2
18968s we have 18 teams that are going to be
18970s joining us it's going to be CH seat oob
18973s team Astra and kungi in coming in from
18975s Group B and the other four teams are
18977s going to be cartel saber hungnam rocks
18980s and the deun cybers we will see those
18983s eight teams tomorrow in the best of six
18985s to decide which teams are going to be
18987s the ones to move on into the finals and
18989s which teams will take the fall at the
18991s Wild Card
18992s stages can't wait to see you then it's
18995s going to be great it's going to be
18996s absolutely incredible ladies and
18998s gentlemen I don't know if you guys had a
18999s much fun as I had here today if you guys
19001s understood all the references that Meek
19003s and I have said thank you so much for
19005s sticking with the eternal return
19007s Community for a long time cuz we brought
19009s up some old there oldies memories there
19012s were some real oldies oh yeah do expect
19016s more of that throughout the course of
19017s the weekend though because Meek and I
19019s have also had some of our little uh
19021s connections with these kind of
19023s tournaments in the past and you know
19025s there's a reason why I still call This
19026s Man Captain here and there oh my God
19030s that's a throw that's another throwback
19033s baby we're we're bringing all the old
19035s time sakes back now wherea
19039s holy Captain I forgot about that
19042s honestly holy if someone said that to me
19045s that wasn't you I would be like how do
19047s you know
19049s that that's like yeah that's something
19053s that that's like an inside joke that's
19054s not even a reference yep it's an inside
19056s joke that he and I knows ladies and
19058s gentlemen we'll see you guys back here
19060s tomorrow hopefully all of you guys had
19061s fun I definitely did I know meek for the
19063s first time in a long time he has casted
19066s he's been thrown straight into the
19067s ganlet I hope you had fun today too man
19069s we'll see you BL this was great this was
19072s awesome and and you know I don't follow
19074s ERM that much so this has been it's been
19076s a good learning experience for me to to
19079s get to know the the competitive scene
19081s for ERM on a more intricate level
19083s because I usually just catch like the
19085s finals so there a lot of these players I
19087s I don't see as much there we go tomorrow
19090s we'll have a lot more fun just the best
19091s of six not going to be as ex strenuous
19093s as today with the best of eight but yep
19095s we're going to have another good good
19097s rotation tomorrow but with that guys we
19099s are going to call it for the morning
19101s yeah it's almost 10:00 a.m. here 11:00
19102s a.m. for you over there Meek thank you
19104s all so much for watching we will see you
19106s guys back here tomorrow for the Wild
19108s Card stages hope you guys have a good
19110s rest of your Friday enjoy get something
19113s to eat for lunch