2 months
ago -
Eternal Return
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | fore |
3s | [Music] |
59s | so |
66s | [Music] |
89s | oh for |
98s | [Music] |
109s | [Music] |
150s | X |
152s | [Music] |
179s | for |
192s | [Music] |
203s | [Music] |
209s | for |
213s | [Music] |
239s | for |
269s | for for |
279s | [Music] |
312s | [Music] |
315s | for |
359s | Wild |
366s | [Music] |
389s | for |
419s | for |
449s | for for |
459s | [Music] |
489s | [Music] |
493s | for |
532s | [Music] |
536s | C |
569s | w |
584s | [Music] |
598s | fore |
617s | [Music] |
624s | [Music] |
628s | for for |
675s | [Music] |
677s | spe |
681s | [Music] |
718s | SA for |
769s | [Music] |
778s | n for |
821s | n |
848s | down |
890s | [Music] |
898s | spe |
928s | for for |
946s | [Music] |
987s | pnx pnk PX |
1018s | for for |
1070s | la |
1104s | speech |
1108s | spee fore |
1159s | all right ladies and gentlemen welcome |
1162s | back welcome back it is a Sunday of an |
1165s | eternal return Masters week you know |
1167s | what that means I know know what that |
1169s | means we are here for the finals guys it |
1172s | is the eternal return Master season 5 |
1174s | Phase 1 finals the first one of season 5 |
1177s | welcome welcome welcome I hope all of |
1179s | you have been having a wonderful weekend |
1181s | so far let's finish it off with a bank |
1185s | yeah I'm so excited today shuy it all |
1186s | comes down to this over the past uh two |
1188s | days for some of our competitors uh for |
1190s | our other competitors who did have to |
1192s | play the qualifiers the past two weeks |
1193s | so yeah they're all going to come out |
1195s | here uh for the finals and yeah |
1198s | hopefully they give it their all right |
1200s | they there's a lot on the line here a |
1202s | lot of circuit points and a lot of money |
1203s | to be won for for some of these teams |
1205s | yeah 100% this is going to be quite an |
1208s | interesting way to I feel like start the |
1210s | season or at least a competitive season |
1212s | off for the turnover return Masters |
1214s | circuit for season 5 we've had a we've |
1217s | had a really really fun weekend so far |
1220s | you and I and I'm hoping that a lot of |
1222s | the people watching for the past couple |
1223s | of days have been having a lot of fun |
1225s | too because my goodness the quality of |
1228s | these games have been abs absolutely |
1230s | incredible yeah the mechanics chin know |
1232s | shown from some of these players and the |
1234s | macro play as well and now it comes down |
1236s | to our top eight so you know the quality |
1238s | is going to get even better absolutely |
1241s | but super really quickly I just wanted |
1243s | to get this out there right before we |
1245s | started um guys there is a really really |
1248s | big announcement I know this is not |
1250s | exactly eternal return Masters related |
1252s | but I just really wanted to extend a |
1254s | sincere congratulations to one of our |
1256s | fellow casters over on the Korean side |
1260s | of things if uh you guys haven't heard |
1262s | we do have one of our Korean casters sha |
1265s | getting married very soon so first of |
1267s | all I just wanted to extend a very very |
1270s | sincere heartfelt congratulations over |
1272s | to her she has been working so hard for |
1274s | eternal return in the past couple of |
1276s | years and you know what she deserves |
1278s | everything that is coming her way so |
1280s | really really big |
1281s | congratulations yeah she just graduated |
1283s | as well so you know everything I think |
1285s | is going you know kind of perfect for |
1287s | her so I I'm very happy as well cuz uh |
1290s | we do know um you know how much work she |
1292s | puts in you know for the K side so yeah |
1297s | absolutely but let's get back into the |
1299s | program super it's the finals we need to |
1301s | talk about what kind of teams are |
1303s | actually going to be playing here today |
1305s | so let's take a look at the list if you |
1306s | were here yesterday right when we ended |
1309s | we took a quick look at this yesterday |
1310s | but in case you weren't there here is |
1313s | the roster for today we got team cartel |
1315s | maid and seon coming straight in from |
1318s | group a on F on Friday Auto arms and |
1321s | Tong D Rocks coming in straight from |
1323s | Group B on Friday as well Asher bnk FX |
1327s | DH cnj and Sparkle Esports the four |
1330s | teams that made it into the finals after |
1331s | the Wild Card stages yesterday this is |
1334s | the eight teams we will be watching for |
1336s | whatever number of games we got coming |
1338s | on today yeah it is a stacked Lobby |
1342s | cartel you know placing first you know |
1344s | over song in you know the first uh or |
1348s | the group stage so they're definitely a |
1350s | team to look out for Auto Arms obviously |
1352s | we've seen you know sad hands on that |
1353s | Rousy pick he has been uh kind of a |
1356s | menace and then we have you know DD DDO |
1358s | on that William from sangam rocks and |
1360s | you know all even all of our teams from |
1361s | the qualifiers as well all them playing |
1364s | uh really really well yesterday so this |
1366s | is uh quite the finals to watch I would |
1369s | say mhm 100% there is going to be a lot |
1371s | of fun things to watch and quite |
1374s | honestly you to begin with are we even |
1375s | gonna be seeing DDO today h rocks head |
1379s | incred oh yeah that is a good point that |
1380s | is a good point because he didn't really |
1382s | uh show up I think in the group stages |
1384s | right they were playing that bernes |
1386s | theor Alonzo com |
1388s | so yeah maybe dto does even pop out for |
1391s | today or maybe they bring him in for |
1393s | that William because I think William is |
1395s | in a pretty uh pretty good spot right |
1396s | now we did see uh bum on that William |
1399s | pick and I think it was romatic uh |
1403s | during the group stages as well so |
1405s | exactly there is still a lot of William |
1407s | that could theoretically be played here |
1408s | today and even besides from that there |
1410s | is a lot of possible Rosies that could |
1412s | be played here today she has been a very |
1415s | very big star throughout the course of |
1417s | the weekend and on top of it we got the |
1419s | William players that are not exactly the |
1421s | traditional ones that we would normally |
1423s | expect also bringing that to the table |
1425s | tonight as well it's going to be a fun |
1427s | weekend it's going to be a fun way to |
1429s | finish out the weekend as well super I'm |
1433s | very very excited although be honest |
1436s | with you it's a finals so the number of |
1438s | games that that we have is a question |
1441s | mark at the moment get a feel for how it |
1443s | might go after the game after game |
1445s | number one but it's always up in the air |
1448s | man yeah could be five games it could be |
1451s | 10 games could be seven could be eight |
1454s | we don't really know because if you guys |
1455s | don't know how this format does uh work |
1457s | it is a checkpoint format so teams will |
1459s | have to get 55 points before winning |
1461s | that extra game at the very end once |
1463s | they do hit that checkpoint break point |
1464s | so yeah it is up in the air if the teams |
1467s | are really competitive today and this is |
1469s | pretty close you know we could be seeing |
1471s | you know maybe a game eight maybe a game |
1472s | nine yeah mandatory obligatory 10 game |
1476s | minimum chats already popping up here |
1478s | and there you guys never want me to |
1480s | sleep I get it I'm just chained up in |
1483s | the basement forever I get it I get it |
1485s | you guys are funny but no I'm super |
1487s | excited to watch everything that's going |
1489s | to happen here today I think especially |
1491s | just watching back some of the teams |
1493s | from the group stages is going to be my |
1495s | highlight of whatever's happening |
1496s | tonight because unfortunately we didn't |
1498s | get to watch them yesterday right that |
1500s | is one of the benefits of going straight |
1502s | to the finals but the bane of us casters |
1504s | cuz we don't get to watch them they did |
1506s | so good during the group stages but we |
1508s | only treat it to another set of series |
1510s | with them and that's it yeah I'm very |
1512s | interested to see what what bands might |
1514s | come out here CU we did have the Yan you |
1516s | know being banned a lot this weekend |
1519s | maybe we might see the rosy ban the |
1520s | William ban like we were talking about |
1522s | because we do have a lot of those uh |
1523s | picks coming up and I think a lot of |
1525s | those players did end up making it into |
1526s | the final so yeah very excited to see |
1529s | you know how that does end up changing |
1530s | the lobby uh maybe some teams might end |
1532s | up you know subbing out certain players |
1535s | if certain characters do get uh do end |
1537s | up getting banned or maybe they just you |
1539s | know swap up their team cop entirely |
1541s | yeah 100% it's again a series that we |
1544s | don't know how many games there are |
1545s | actually going to be which means every |
1548s | single two games when possible |
1549s | substitutions come in you and I are |
1551s | really going to wonder what kind of |
1553s | plays what kind of cards these teams |
1555s | really have hidden in the back of their |
1557s | hands is a finals after all having more |
1560s | cars available to you is going to be the |
1562s | best when it comes to strategy and |
1564s | ladies and gentlemen look at this I |
1567s | don't think I've ever seen marong not |
1569s | take most of the votes and for the first |
1572s | time ever it's Auto Arms actually having |
1575s | a favorite uh to win for the finals here |
1578s | over Mir seong yeah and you know what |
1580s | look at the bottom side too wild card |
1581s | teams bnk FX also popping off with a 43% |
1585s | win over team Asher these are two teams |
1588s | that are bringing some very very fun ADC |
1591s | style characters into the play right bum |
1594s | sitting on the William you mentioned it |
1595s | earlier and for auto worms we have Sanam |
1598s | playing the razi over the course of |
1599s | today and T young as well if you guys |
1602s | haven't seen the most recent thumbnail |
1604s | for the uh for the group stage I believe |
1607s | video on the Korean eternal return game |
1610s | channel well yeah I think there's a good |
1614s | good reason why Auto Arms might be |
1616s | having a very very high percentage when |
1618s | it comes to the afria TV votes over |
1620s | there yeah they got a lot of publicity |
1622s | thanks to the work the 16year olds have |
1625s | been pulling off in Team Auto Arms they |
1627s | got that young Talent there that fresh |
1629s | blood I'm ready I'm excited to see uh |
1632s | exactly you know how they do in a Lobby |
1635s | like this cuz yeah the competition is |
1638s | definitely uh really Fierce absolutely |
1640s | but they are not they are not newcomers |
1643s | to this kind of pressure at all those |
1645s | two players have been playing |
1647s | competitive for such a long time and you |
1649s | know what this almost should feel right |
1651s | at home for them no matter how young |
1653s | they are they've been here in this scene |
1655s | for such a long time very excited to see |
1657s | what it will be happening here today so |
1659s | let's send it straight into game number |
1661s | one characters like super what have we |
1663s | got on our hands yeah let's see if we |
1666s | have any bands coming out here I don't |
1669s | know if we will we do see two yawn picks |
1671s | we have two Emma as well could see an |
1673s | I'm a ban here if another team does end |
1675s | up deciding to swap to it one Circle |
1677s | hovering that not the bond but I don't |
1680s | think that's going to get locked in but |
1682s | uh maybe that'll be a real blast of the |
1685s | past if he does end up picking this but |
1687s | we yeah we got romantic covering the |
1689s | William I think if you are going to be |
1691s | going something like the nathapon |
1693s | William might be a little bit of awkward |
1695s | unless you're mainly thinking about |
1697s | starting out with the nathapon for your |
1699s | initiation so okay you have that my bad |
1702s | my being that tank still prominent you |
1705s | know in this Meta Even after the Nerfs |
1707s | to her ultimate |
1709s | we do have four teams picking up this |
1711s | character so yeah might well be off the |
1713s | table for game number two indeed and |
1716s | some interesting picks coming through |
1718s | yet again the first time we're going to |
1720s | be seeing bum on his echon for season |
1723s | five and you know what it's an |
1725s | interesting way to kind of start out the |
1727s | series this could be a bit of an eon |
1729s | testing the waters kind of situation we |
1731s | do see the force field coming in so this |
1733s | is most likely going to be the Black |
1736s | Mamba King play style that bum is going |
1737s | to be bringing to the table not usually |
1740s | one for that type of gameplay style |
1741s | especially with E8 back on the table |
1744s | after yesterday not really finding too |
1746s | much success on the irm they're going to |
1748s | be testing the waters with him again as |
1750s | well Rosner on the sua a classic classic |
1752s | double double setup for team bnk FX |
1756s | we'll see if this seon pick is going to |
1757s | be able to complement the and the irm |
1759s | pretty well today yeah I'm a little |
1761s | surprised bom is not playing that y to |
1763s | maybe force to bat out but I think or I |
1766s | don't think they did relatively too well |
1768s | yesterday on that Yan pick so maybe |
1769s | there's deciding you know we're going to |
1770s | go with this seon there's a lot of |
1772s | backliners so maybe uh this seon is |
1774s | going to get a lot more value in this |
1776s | lobby as we do also have another unique |
1779s | pick I think team Asher completely |
1780s | changing up their team comp here gwor on |
1782s | that Priya don't think I've seen them |
1784s | play uh that that uh PR character uh you |
1788s | know Inc competitive just yet usually |
1790s | he's going to be the one that's setting |
1791s | up a lot of fights this time around he's |
1793s | going to be the one that responds to a |
1795s | lot of fights very very interesting team |
1797s | Dynamic coming through for team Asher |
1799s | much more of a standard front to back |
1801s | comp that we've seen quite often I will |
1804s | say in this weekend it's a lot more of a |
1807s | split between a lot of teams running |
1809s | some very unique compositions versus |
1811s | what we usually know to be standard |
1813s | compositions Asher just at least for |
1815s | game number one you don't know what's |
1816s | going to happen for the rest of the |
1818s | series just will be taking it pretty |
1820s | pretty nice and slow it's all good and |
1823s | dandy yeah and then also mang they're |
1826s | playing a double uh double front line |
1828s | but running an Adriana for their damage |
1830s | so feel like m s might be lacking a |
1832s | little damage but I do know Adriana can |
1834s | do a lot especially if there is a lot of |
1836s | CC they do have that M they do have that |
1838s | Lura ultimate to maybe pull you know the |
1840s | enemies together and that Adriana you |
1842s | know providing that lot of AOE providing |
1845s | that defense sh as well I think it |
1846s | should be |
1848s | enough kind of interested to see you |
1849s | know how mirun does end up playing this |
1851s | team comp as well absolutely oh boy I am |
1854s | so excited I wonder if we're going to be |
1856s | seeing something similar to I think the |
1859s | Wild Card stages every now and then |
1861s | where it was a slower paced early game |
1863s | or are we going to be seeing a lot more |
1865s | of the early game aggression like we saw |
1867s | quite often during the group stages |
1869s | might be biting my words on that because |
1870s | we're already seeing punga and E8 |
1873s | jumping on top of each other the irm and |
1875s | the Adena there is quite a lot of good |
1877s | sustain from the Adena |
1880s | this I don't there's enough damage here |
1882s | both uh players they made a lot of uh or |
1885s | they made the bread inters and just |
1886s | going to be chugging that down just |
1887s | going to be able to regen it but back up |
1890s | but on the other side Roser does end up |
1892s | getting caught by team Asher so that is |
1894s | going to be one point going over to team |
1896s | Asher already and in Forest here kcw |
1900s | might be getting caught here but a great |
1901s | double wall stun from |
1903s | kcw mtmp trying to finish kcw here but |
1907s | actually going to use the bush to get |
1909s | that uh hidden vision and then they're |
1911s | just going to walk on out of there so it |
1913s | will be team dcj going to be able to |
1914s | pick up that one kill that right there |
1916s | is how you're going to win games as d |
1918s | C&J these individual picks and the early |
1920s | game kills as per usual another fight |
1923s | inside of schools hunam will take the |
1925s | Falls ham rocks unfortunately a l topen |
1927s | split apart Ry starting to join the |
1929s | freight too Auto Arms they're going to |
1931s | pick up the kill onto the Alonzo |
1932s | everybody from Mong backing away as |
1935s | denana a little bit too low one Circle |
1938s | though looking for something he is |
1939s | farming for kills not going to be able |
1941s | to find anything on S hand just yet |
1942s | Cinema looking for an angle potentially |
1945s | backing on towards one Circle San just |
1947s | stking all the fires out as much as |
1949s | possible one Circle should have the |
1951s | speed gate there he goes and he is out |
1953s | of there yeah then on the top side there |
1956s | did have bnk F going to try to kill with |
1957s | Asher jumo also getting caught by uh by |
1960s | E8 as well so bnk F actually going to be |
1962s | able to get two kills so a lot of early |
1964s | game aggression again it looks like for |
1967s | uh this uh series starting for today |
1970s | here as a OG work also going to be |
1972s | getting caught here by roxs I think he |
1975s | might have the white lily here so he |
1977s | should be okay yeah uh s rocks just |
1979s | going to back away there gwor going to |
1982s | pat down maybe to try to get these uh |
1984s | bors but there is a lot of people nearby |
1986s | so it does have to be a little careful |
1988s | pcw trying to look for an angle on |
1990s | to the team is kind of split here o a |
1993s | great double knock up from kcw and Faun |
1995s | is going to be the one to fall Sarang |
1997s | going to be the one to fall right after |
2000s | as it will be team spe it's going to |
2001s | lose two members and DC andj starting |
2003s | the series off once again getting these |
2005s | early game kills getting these points |
2007s | getting themselves closer and closer to |
2009s | that checkpoint break point I do like |
2010s | the aggression that team DHC andj is |
2013s | showing already right the flank coming |
2015s | through perfectly from uh pubba allowing |
2018s | them allowing all the melee players to |
2020s | actually get even better angles on |
2021s | towards these range squishy characters |
2024s | it's not late game for Sparkle Esports |
2026s | they don't really have the big burst |
2027s | damage they need in order to respond to |
2029s | anything just just yet more fights |
2031s | though as Chaple becoming a little bit |
2034s | of a blood bath team Asher and team |
2036s | Sparkles looking for a little bit more |
2039s | as the fleeing Soul goes completely wide |
2040s | I think that will be a disengage 40 |
2043s | seconds to go until the first set of |
2044s | objectives spawn everybody needs to calm |
2046s | down a little bit now now look at the |
2048s | inventories of these players they have |
2049s | got no food they've been fighting |
2051s | non-stop they're probably going to have |
2053s | to look for a campfire maybe just |
2055s | calling some chicken for that early game |
2057s | contest we do have the hcj on the bottom |
2058s | side here might take a fight into |
2061s | another team VX going to posture up for |
2064s | this tree in Temple here rest on here |
2066s | bomb just going to Al in is he going to |
2069s | find any knockups no but he going to get |
2071s | a little bit of damage on the backliners |
2073s | danana going to get caught as well by |
2075s | The Bookmark going to get slowed here |
2077s | going to get a taunt back in is that |
2079s | going to be enough they are doing a lot |
2080s | of damage roer does end up f a knock up |
2082s | into that wall stun with that bat skill |
2084s | I think danana is going to fall here one |
2086s | one Circle trying to go back in does end |
2087s | up using ultimate and a double stun from |
2089s | Rosner is going to seal the deal for M |
2091s | are they going to wipe though BM going |
2093s | to try looking for romatic romatic just |
2094s | going to walk away should be fine as the |
2097s | Eon does go into exuviation yeah it's |
2100s | still pretty early game for bum to find |
2102s | any kills especially when he is on |
2104s | downtime like this no flame barrier |
2106s | means that the kill potential a little |
2107s | bit on the low down side whereas in |
2110s | Cemetery we also had a couple people |
2111s | falling down as well team Asher two |
2113s | members down Sparkle Esports will be |
2115s | able to pick up the tree of life soam |
2117s | picks it up that should be going into |
2119s | the |
2120s | Scotties yeah and we do have DHC andj |
2123s | going to get their buys as well so a lot |
2124s | of teams just going to slowly get their |
2126s | transitions here after the fight |
2128s | from uh the first objective and then |
2131s | they're going to prepare for the next |
2132s | objective coming up which is going to be |
2134s | the Battle Zone or the alpha we do have |
2136s | we do see one of the battle zones it is |
2137s | going to be |
2138s | hotel and yeah it looks like the game |
2141s | pace is going to be slowed down quite a |
2143s | bit it's okay it's okay this is pretty |
2146s | standard for all of these players right |
2148s | since we are seeing the early game |
2150s | aggression for this game I would have to |
2152s | assume it's going to be similar to the |
2154s | group stages here we go soam finding an |
2156s | angle in the back but maybe it's pick |
2158s | who actually finds an angle onto the |
2159s | thei Fantastic striken tiger and uh-oh |
2163s | look at this hungi on the Beres he's in |
2165s | a little bit of trouble kcw not finding |
2166s | an angle just yet they do want to try |
2169s | chasing this Alonzo down so even if they |
2171s | don't get the bernes Alonzo at least |
2173s | should take the Falls h n rocks not on |
2176s | the greatest start here as DHC NJ five |
2179s | kills they're starting to rack up those |
2181s | early kills like we saw in the Wild Card |
2183s | stages yeah they're all sitting on about |
2185s | 350 credits so all about four scores |
2187s | worth as as well so you know maybe maybe |
2190s | them not not buying there for that fight |
2192s | you know kind of cost them but you kind |
2194s | have to wonder you know they had that |
2195s | angle they had that flank angle but you |
2197s | know when they when they are positioned |
2199s | like that they leave their backside open |
2201s | uh for that deodor to get jumped on and |
2203s | that's exactly what happened the finding |
2204s | that angle going to be able to lock down |
2206s | that Theodor and you know dcj were able |
2210s | to pull ahead in that fight here we go |
2212s | they're looking for a little bit more |
2213s | though Battle Zone starts in about 10 |
2214s | seconds echo of the Earth has already |
2216s | been invested from the side of team are |
2219s | they going to get the kill yes they are |
2221s | Char has absolutely no way he can deal |
2225s | with that one it's going to be a free |
2226s | Battle Zone one out by team DHC andj |
2229s | whereas on the other side of the map |
2230s | we're going to see a fight over the |
2231s | Alpha Team Sparkle in a little bit of |
2233s | trouble but Fantastic Four stack from |
2235s | song is going to net them the kill at |
2237s | least onto one but there's a lot more |
2239s | where that came from T young just goes |
2241s | straight into his death doesn't have |
2243s | information inside the bush and F says |
2244s | hello and goodbye yes uh s Harang there |
2248s | getting that nice blast wave pushing him |
2250s | in right into the hands of Faun and Fa |
2251s | just going to be able to get one or two |
2252s | Auto attacks and that will end up |
2255s | sealing the deal but yeah DHC andj that |
2257s | fight from earlier very good |
2258s | coordination from the dial and Theon to |
2261s | just jump onto that Rio and then that |
2262s | ended up winning them the fight here bnk |
2264s | FX they don't have timer great onto Raza |
2267s | here but a great bat skill to disengage |
2268s | them but the but the lock down from the |
2271s | from the Moon stun there is just going |
2274s | to kill Rosner off and I think that's |
2276s | going to be it I don't think they're |
2278s | going to be able to win this battle Zone |
2279s | here they're going to try to look for an |
2280s | angle onto the m the m is taking a lot |
2282s | of damage going to get that shield and I |
2284s | think they will end up falling here buom |
2286s | trying to do as much as he can but it is |
2287s | an eon the tank Eon as well just not |
2290s | enough damage there will end up falling |
2292s | and it will be cartel winning our Battle |
2293s | Zone in hospital here going to claim |
2295s | that nice M thrill for thems really |
2297s | quiet game so far from Team cartel but |
2299s | in the end they do win the Battle Zone |
2301s | as you mentioned three team kills |
2304s | overall of course zero field kills as I |
2306s | said they've been playing a relatively |
2307s | quiet game but we have seen this from |
2309s | some teams in the past so far where they |
2312s | just play very quietly through the early |
2314s | stages of the game and just immediately |
2316s | pop off towards the end where the real |
2318s | points start flooding in with the |
2319s | placement points good start for team |
2321s | cartel myth secur for that team and myth |
2324s | will secure for another battle Zone as |
2326s | we saw earlier too it's a you know it's |
2329s | a pretty standard game of eternal return |
2331s | I'm going to say we're not going for |
2333s | anything crazy in game number one as |
2335s | Rosner getting caught out by himself |
2337s | rest of his team on on the south side of |
2338s | fire station down goes the sewer yeah |
2341s | and here is the engage trying to get on |
2343s | discard but listen Emma Emma is going to |
2345s | instantly use their change to get on out |
2346s | of there ma in the backside taking a 21 |
2349s | in and S herang but just going to get on |
2351s | out as Team Auto Arms is going to look |
2353s | to disengage here Auto Arms looking |
2355s | pretty strong for themselves they do |
2356s | have that double AO die already built up |
2358s | AO die is such a strong item uh it just |
2362s | has so many stats on um you know you |
2365s | know for like on my item here as we do |
2367s | have team going to chase down the dial |
2369s | here Babel going to try scking the tree |
2372s | looks like they're getting triangulated |
2373s | by team dcj if if if they can find an |
2375s | angle here onto either the priia or the |
2378s | Rio but the Pria does have the EOS of |
2380s | the earth to maybe cancel them out here |
2382s | as jumo does end up getting poked down |
2383s | to half HP they will just use the |
2386s | catwalk to get on out of there and it |
2388s | will be a win for Asher as they do claim |
2390s | the Tree of Life for free what a |
2391s | fantastic positioning from Char and gwor |
2395s | jumo soaking up most of the damage from |
2396s | the Emma and they know that the yen is |
2398s | inside the bush so Char and gork brute |
2401s | forcing playing really aggressively |
2403s | against the diin that they know is going |
2405s | to be forced to take some damage if she |
2407s | even tries to initiate it was such a |
2409s | great spot for them to go just end up |
2411s | securing the Tree of Life thanks to it |
2413s | just going to casually walk back in |
2415s | towards Chapel inat a few seconds of |
2417s | timer but they're safe and got the tree |
2419s | really really big win for them in day |
2420s | three yeah I think I think DHC andj just |
2423s | can't really find an angle in even even |
2425s | though they have that uh that triangular |
2427s | ation that flank angle just because of |
2429s | that preal if the pre does drop their Al |
2431s | down no there's really not much he can |
2432s | do but oh my God a great taunt coming |
2435s | out from Cinema going to drop F all the |
2436s | way down to one HP forced to pop the S |
2439s | link here as a third party is in the |
2440s | area as well s Harang is seen on the cam |
2443s | here as team Asher is going to take the |
2446s | flank angle here and maybe force them in |
2450s | looks like team Asher is just going to |
2451s | disengage I think they know there's |
2452s | another team nearby and they don't want |
2453s | to take the fight they don't really have |
2455s | information that F doesn't have their |
2457s | ultimate as as well so yeah it looks |
2459s | like |
2461s | team uh Sparkle Esports is just going to |
2463s | walk away as |
2465s | well there is a lot of teams there's |
2467s | three teams it looks like they want to |
2468s | hover maybe they think there's going to |
2469s | be another team here as team cartel is |
2471s | also on the bottom side of the map |
2474s | you're probably going to play for this |
2475s | box and this Omega Sparkle Esports they |
2478s | don't really want any of it they they |
2480s | know there's way too many teams hereby |
2482s | we can't take any fights here or you |
2484s | know it's an easy third party for |
2486s | another team there is a lot lot of blood |
2488s | being shed by these teams but overall |
2489s | they're playing relatively passive |
2492s | understanding what the situation around |
2493s | the map is team Sparkle is actually |
2495s | going to back away from an objective |
2498s | this is not something that you see quite |
2499s | often from Team Sparkle they actually |
2501s | like really going in and contesting for |
2503s | some of these objectives to make sure |
2505s | they can get these small lead over the |
2507s | course of the game but they're pushed |
2509s | out and I like this decision making |
2511s | coming in from Sparkle Esports we know |
2513s | that they're able to succeed as long as |
2515s | they get to the late stages of the game |
2517s | this is pretty good pacing on them right |
2518s | now as is four kills on hand some really |
2521s | nice transitions a lot of good amount of |
2523s | credits as well they just rather play |
2525s | for the credit calls then risk |
2527s | everything for one Omega four score yeah |
2529s | I think they understand that uh their |
2531s | their team comp is really susceptible to |
2533s | getting third partied because they are |
2535s | playing that triple back line so they |
2536s | don't want to take any any any |
2537s | unnecessary risks they're just going to |
2539s | back away they're going to make sure you |
2541s | know their backs aren't against any |
2543s | walls as they do end up walking they are |
2545s | in Forest now so maybe they could maybe |
2547s | could find a third party here um between |
2550s | Mira song and Pinky fix but look like |
2552s | song they're just going to walk away as |
2553s | well things are being made Mir and song |
2555s | does end up seeing that one which means |
2557s | Sparkle Esports not really finding any |
2559s | random picks out in the middle of the |
2560s | open at night number three we are still |
2563s | 18 te strong 24 players all alive I |
2565s | don't think I've seen a minus 5 - 250 |
2569s | just yet blood items coming through Bob |
2571s | Mossa has a prominence on him uh maybe a |
2575s | uh maybe a flare gun was used up here |
2577s | and there every now and then yeah nobody |
2579s | on this team can really use prominence |
2581s | but for him so might as well put it on |
2583s | somebody I |
2584s | guess yeah I don't I don't really like |
2586s | prominence on tanks just because you do |
2588s | lose that defensive uh value from your |
2591s | arm piece but D hcj is going to get |
2593s | engaged on the the Emma is just going to |
2596s | use their change to get on out of there |
2597s | Emma is such a slippery character if |
2599s | they if they are going to be able to use |
2601s | their ultimates D's going to use her Al |
2603s | as well romatic going to Blink on |
2605s | forward there try to use that oil slick |
2607s | it's not going to be enough as it looks |
2609s | like team dcj going to be on full |
2611s | Retreat here they are split up but they |
2613s | could just regroup from the teleporter |
2615s | and they should be golden heav |
2618s | investments from both teams though re |
2620s | song still sitting inside a squad I |
2622s | don't think they have an idea that bnk |
2624s | FX is also inside of this area too |
2627s | everybody just kind of weaving in and |
2628s | out of vision at the moment M and S just |
2630s | kind of playing off of all the |
2631s | information they have think they |
2633s | understand now yeah I think they know |
2634s | their console got taken so they know |
2636s | there's another team that's in school we |
2638s | don't know where fall just yet I really |
2640s | like this Vision play from Mir they do |
2643s | end up jumping in onto Rosner here is |
2644s | that going to be enough they're trying |
2646s | to kill bomb but bomb is way too tanky |
2647s | and one Circle finds the Three Man |
2649s | ultimate he is going to be able to kill |
2650s | both E8 and Rosner and bomb I think is |
2653s | going to fall here as well a great knock |
2654s | up again from one Circle and that is |
2657s | going to be it for bnk FX going out in |
2659s | eth place with five kills what a |
2662s | fantastic Vision play from Mira seang |
2664s | able to hear that footsteps danana going |
2666s | to be able to send it get that ha in and |
2668s | then one Circle finding that two man all |
2670s | I think bum missed his dry bite at the |
2673s | end there and he couldn't get a reset |
2674s | trying to get another Dash towards the |
2676s | white lily and maybe even if he took it |
2678s | there would have been a third party but |
2680s | he just misses that Dash doesn't get the |
2682s | reset out of it and will take the fall |
2684s | really nicely done there from Meen H |
2686s | five kills on hand at the moment first |
2688s | team has been WIP BN ke FX also sitting |
2691s | on five that will be all the points they |
2693s | getting for game number one pixu in a |
2695s | little bit of trouble as |
2698s | lock down okay well there goes the dial |
2702s | Inus 250 for DHC NJ it is still day |
2705s | number four so they can't get the calls |
2706s | back in but look at what is happening |
2708s | around the map everybody is getting |
2710s | giddy with it as another fight inside of |
2712s | Hotel Auto arm is getting team Sparkle |
2714s | Esports here we go to forc going there |
2718s | it is and San is just going to go in |
2721s | going to try killing the okay uh chlo |
2724s | and they will end up going down the S |
2725s | link was pop but it's just in too much d |
2727s | here sad hand's dodging out on the four |
2729s | bomb as well so they should be able to |
2731s | clean this up on Tong song is going to |
2733s | be by himself here but wait a second |
2734s | they don't have any Vision they don't |
2735s | know where he's going s hands is going |
2737s | to look to the TP will he be able to |
2739s | stop this cancel here I don't know if |
2740s | they're going to have any timer but I |
2741s | think they can just go back into Beach |
2742s | here s actually hovering the TP s hand's |
2745s | going to Blink for bomb going to try |
2747s | going in but that smoke screen it might |
2749s | be enough here but no he gets it but he |
2753s | falls as well he's just going to blow |
2754s | himself up and they're going to have to |
2755s | buy him back I think in Beach |
2758s | oh what a really really big play from |
2760s | sadan he is able to at least play around |
2762s | the smoke screen usually that is going |
2764s | to be the death of a lot of these adcs |
2766s | he unfortunately used the gun vault over |
2768s | at the worst time possible straight into |
2771s | the smoke screen but he is able to react |
2773s | fast enough with the fluts just weaving |
2775s | in and out of the skills that's song |
2777s | through nicely done it is a minus 250 |
2780s | but they are going to be able to wipe |
2781s | the entirety of Team Sparkle Esports |
2783s | that is a really really big achievement |
2785s | for Team Auto arms especially in a |
2786s | situation where we could have |
2788s | theoretically gone into our final zones |
2791s | with seven full teams on hand in the |
2792s | finals game one that would have been |
2795s | terrible yeah a lot of nice uh kills |
2798s | going over to Auto Arms three kills for |
2800s | themselves the only problem is Sparkle |
2802s | Esports they all died in the red zone so |
2805s | AO Auto arm is not going to be able to |
2806s | get I I don't think any of the credits |
2808s | for that so they do fall a bit behind |
2811s | with that minus 250 but um you know it |
2814s | is pretty late into the game I think |
2815s | they're already in a good spot here m |
2817s | seang they do end up taking Wick fors |
2819s | they you do see that Chaser built on |
2821s | Adriana so that Adriana is going to be |
2823s | doing a lot of damage you're going to |
2825s | need to see a lot more kills coming from |
2827s | these teams look at the amount of timers |
2829s | these teams have it is really not that |
2831s | much arms I think also sitting only on |
2833s | like 10 seconds each or like less than |
2835s | 10 seconds |
2836s | so yeah they're going to have to look to |
2839s | be a little more aggressive to maybe get |
2840s | recoup some of their timer back before |
2841s | going into final Zone yeah a lot of |
2843s | teams are going to have to do it we'll |
2844s | see which teams are going to be the ones |
2846s | to actually be a ble to do |
2849s | that there's a lot of damage my goodness |
2853s | the wick line bleed is just |
2855s | deating everybody on team Asher romatic |
2858s | goes in one Circle goes in denana goes |
2861s | in and nobody else steps out of this |
2862s | fight Asher eliminated clean three for |
2865s | zero for me Z they're sitting on eight |
2868s | yeah rtic just blinking forward as well |
2869s | finding that angle did I see Dan on that |
2871s | blood Ripper I'm surprised they actually |
2873s | uh they're actually using that item cuz |
2875s | they are going to be losing a lot of |
2875s | tank stats a great lock down coming in |
2878s | from Pang and the Felix going to get a |
2880s | lot of damage onto the M but it's not |
2881s | going to really be enough o a great find |
2884s | from ncmp going to be able to Blink onto |
2886s | sad hands are to finish him off here sad |
2888s | trying to Juke out there is exclusive |
2890s | and he gets pulled right back into the |
2892s | sun conjunct cartel playing out of their |
2894s | mind great follow-ups from the CC on |
2898s | both uh the Felix and the m just able to |
2900s | combo off each other so well it was such |
2902s | a nice attempt from sadan trying to get |
2903s | away but you can't Dash over a wall as |
2906s | razy that is not a aailable to you |
2907s | within your move kit uhoh I think he |
2910s | heard him okay nicely done nice attempt |
2913s | from beu but it's not going to work |
2915s | quick spin does not save the Yan down he |
2917s | goes pting on 5 Seconds team DHC andj |
2921s | also in shambles it is night number five |
2924s | which means the only way to get your |
2925s | teammate back is going through Lumi but |
2927s | we saw yesterday that Lumi could |
2929s | honestly be a death trap for some of |
2930s | these guys buba gets found out by the |
2932s | ballistic Advantage he does not have |
2934s | that much time left he's going to have |
2935s | to walk back in and this will be the |
2937s | death of the Emma DHC andj in a lot of |
2940s | trouble energy blast field goes through |
2943s | he's dead indeed you got the dial in |
2946s | sitting Lonely by himself but uh at |
2949s | least they're alive I don't know by how |
2951s | much uh their timers should be pretty |
2953s | pretty low at this point so I don't know |
2954s | how much of a thread they're hanging on |
2956s | by but I guess the white lily is what |
2958s | they're hanging on by yeah a great side |
2961s | step from that Bernice just you know |
2962s | when you are going to be uh you know |
2964s | walking up to these bushes that you have |
2966s | no vision of you got to make sure you |
2967s | know you're you're kind of bobbing and |
2969s | weaving uh just for situations like |
2971s | those where you know you get Vision |
2972s | cheese the DI tried to use her ultimate |
2975s | but the m is you know able to dodge out |
2976s | on that so very very nicely played and I |
2979s | think it's going to be uh dasu just |
2981s | going to fall here are they going to be |
2983s | able to find it it is nighttime vision |
2985s | here yungi maybe going to rip the Bola |
2988s | could blink baola here but don't think |
2990s | the the Theodor is in range to follow up |
2992s | and the DI can just use her ultimate |
2993s | away so yeah there is Lumi being forced |
2997s | into red here Auto Arms they really |
2999s | wanted to get that by but unfortunately |
3001s | I don't think any team is going to allow |
3003s | that to happen cema three seconds left I |
3005s | think this is just going to be it here |
3007s | does get them getting the T onto the |
3009s | Adena but a great exclusive coming out |
3011s | for that team and wait a second it's |
3014s | going to be S Down rocks finding the |
3015s | flank angle I think they went into red |
3017s | on the bottom side so a nice macro play |
3019s | from them going to take some red timer |
3022s | from school into hotel and they're going |
3023s | to get the flank onto cartel but cartel |
3026s | is just going to disengage as the sniper |
3028s | shots are coming in they're going to try |
3031s | killing any of these members but is |
3033s | going to be aor that does end up |
3034s | claiming that kill and cartel going to |
3036s | be forced down here I think they |
3038s | definitely want to kill these two uh |
3041s | members of Auto Arms before team sangam |
3043s | roxus end up coming into the Zone |
3045s | because uh it's going to be a disaster |
3047s | otherwise there is not that much damage |
3049s | coming through from both the sien and |
3050s | the mai but the amount of disruption |
3051s | they can have in this fight is |
3053s | absolutely insane that's why they want |
3055s | to really get this kill and the Yang |
3056s | gets locked in he's going to get taken |
3058s | down exclusive as for style down goes |
3060s | teg young unfortunately to the ground 5 |
3062s | seconds left for Cinema he should get |
3064s | taken down in just a moment too H rocks |
3066s | taking control of the temporary |
3068s | everybody in champ there is the kill |
3070s | coming through pay he uses exclusive |
3072s | ncmb trying to jump in but he is getting |
3074s | taken way too low this Theo and bernes |
3077s | combination a tail As Old As Time 1 2 3 |
3080s | and the pop hrock sitting on nine they |
3083s | are looking for 12 mid song Meanwhile |
3086s | inside of gas station they are looking |
3088s | for their 11 final zone of school yeah I |
3091s | think nmp's uh blink engager was just a |
3093s | little short so wasn't able to hit |
3095s | anything and you know when you're in |
3097s | there versus a Beres and a deodor and |
3099s | you don't you know you don't really uh |
3100s | CC them they could just use their CC |
3103s | right on top of you and yeah you could |
3105s | just get locked out which is exactly |
3107s | what happened the damage from suum rocks |
3109s | is a little too big but uh this is kind |
3113s | of exciting you know we see Mar going to |
3115s | verse you know their old team comp that |
3117s | used to always run with this bernes |
3118s | Theodor and Alonzo and we're going have |
3121s | to see you know if they do have the keys |
3123s | and the answer to you know how to |
3125s | counter if any team has it it should be |
3127s | be and seong but they also know how |
3129s | strong this composition can be if |
3131s | anything I'm actually quite surprised |
3133s | that they're trying to fish for |
3134s | something like this because bistic |
3136s | Advantage should be a thing they |
3139s | understand can give free information to |
3141s | H rocks danana up on the top side a |
3143s | telephoto is going to get put down there |
3145s | is the check on to danana as well well |
3147s | everybody is just looking to get |
3148s | positioning outside of the final Zone |
3151s | there's the lock the spark there is the |
3153s | explosive |
3154s | bage denana exactly there's the energy |
3157s | blast field also being invested they |
3158s | really want to go for this there's a |
3160s | lock up with the spark de how the hell |
3162s | this ham get that down goes one Circle |
3165s | and now ham rocks in such good position |
3167s | to win game number |
3168s | one yeah I'm surprised one Circle just |
3171s | let that happen he didn't use uh his |
3172s | Dash or his blink on out of there and he |
3175s | will immediately play pay the price as |
3177s | as soon as you get locked down by that |
3179s | uh by that Theodor there's really not |
3181s | much you could do with the followup from |
3182s | seum rocks and oh my God it is a |
3185s | shooting range they are trying to kill |
3187s | romatic with the ballistic Advantage not |
3189s | going to find it though and it will be S |
3191s | rocks going to close out this game with |
3192s | 12 kills for themsel fantastic game from |
3195s | T rocks and this is what I was talking |
3197s | to you about right before we |
3200s | started okay oh man what a great game |
3202s | from these guys energy blast field felt |
3204s | a little bit forced out but that Sparky |
3207s | landing on the one Circle sealed the |
3209s | deal GG well played 12 kills in first |
3212s | place for S rocks that is 20 points for |
3215s | a first place team after game one yeah I |
3218s | mean one Circle you know he still he did |
3220s | have his Dash as well so he could have |
3222s | Dash into that wall on the bottom side |
3224s | of school so I'm surprised he had just |
3226s | let that happen I think he just thought |
3227s | maybe he was out of range just slightly |
3229s | out of range but yeah that spark just |
3231s | you know at the very tip did end up |
3233s | connecting and yeah he did did get did |
3235s | end up getting locked down there yeah |
3237s | the projectile hitbox on spark nade is |
3240s | really really lenient so you do have to |
3242s | make sure especially when it goes |
3244s | through the shield I have noticed that |
3245s | it's a lot more lenient than what you |
3247s | would normally see you saw you heard how |
3250s | I how surprised I was that that actually |
3252s | hit it it didn't really seem like it did |
3254s | and I'm pretty sure one Circle also got |
3255s | caught out by that as well but that that |
3258s | doesn't mean that it was a bad game from |
3259s | MAA and sedong either right eight kills |
3261s | as I mentioned earlier second place |
3263s | that's 13 points for those guys on top |
3265s | of it not a bad game for either one of |
3267s | those two teams but for S rocks they got |
3270s | a fantastic start man they didn't get |
3272s | wickline in game number one but actually |
3273s | winning away a game like this this is a |
3276s | whole different side of s d rocks what |
3277s | happened yeah a lot of kills for themsel |
3280s | a lot of points you say it's a different |
3281s | side but you know if were watching the |
3283s | national league they did end up winning |
3286s | uh there like the last week |
3288s | so uh it's a very nice um Team you know |
3292s | very consistent gameplay from them once |
3294s | again coming out with this Theodore B |
3296s | Bernice Alonzo comp able to secure that |
3298s | win and yeah I mean it's no |
3301s | surprise I'm very excited you know to |
3303s | see maybe how other teams maybe shape it |
3305s | up maybe we might see mar mar seang |
3308s | going to match them with uh the their |
3310s | signature team comp that they they were |
3312s | the ones who actually you know crafted |
3314s | yeah this is ah this is the reason why I |
3317s | told you I why why I said before we |
3319s | started here that we might honestly see |
3321s | more of these Alonzo Bernice and Theo |
3323s | comps coming in because it seems so |
3325s | solid again there is a reason why that |
3327s | composition kind of fell away after |
3329s | somewhere around season 3 where it was |
3330s | really really popular and that's because |
3333s | Bernice and Theo kind of got nered to |
3336s | make sure that this kind of composition |
3337s | doesn't flourish again but through all |
3339s | the changes it's been a while since |
3341s | we've seen this composition really make |
3343s | its debut back into the competitive |
3345s | scene a lot of things have changed super |
3347s | and it seems to be extremely extremely |
3349s | solid team hung num rocks with hunam on |
3352s | him DDO is just put to the benches |
3354s | unfortunately no William here today for |
3356s | the looks of it cuz goodness gracious |
3359s | that composition looks so difficult to |
3361s | stop right |
3362s | now honestly I feel like M S Young I |
3365s | feel like if one Circle didn't get |
3367s | caught there they would have had a |
3367s | really good chance because if one Circle |
3369s | can find that angle he could just one |
3371s | shot any of the backliners so if B or |
3373s | Theodor cuz both are you know |
3376s | immobile uh you know backliners or |
3379s | damage dealers so you know it is really |
3381s | easy for Lura to have that access you |
3382s | know to maybe jump on them if they do uh |
3384s | or or if he does you know find that uh |
3387s | angle off like a wall but um speaking of |
3392s | of that we could just jump straight into |
3394s | the standings here as we do have sangam |
3396s | Rocks coming out on top with 20 points |
3399s | for themselves there so already about a |
3401s | third away uh a third of the way there |
3404s | to make it into that checkpoint break |
3405s | point these teams only need 55 points to |
3408s | get to that checkpoint Mark and then |
3409s | they just need to win uh or they just |
3411s | need to get that final win yeah but |
3414s | thanks to the fact that Sonam rocks took |
3415s | away a big big big portion of the points |
3418s | that were distributed in this game third |
3420s | place to eighth place is extremely |
3422s | extremely close you do have to say that |
3424s | looking at the roster of the teams that |
3426s | are playing here today just a little bit |
3427s | of an overview again all of these teams |
3430s | are definitely topnotch when it comes |
3432s | down to how well they were able to play |
3434s | we know the histories of a lot of these |
3436s | teams in the past for eternal return |
3437s | tournaments as well we can see these |
3440s | scores changing dramatically between |
3443s | each of the games so just because we got |
3445s | sunam rocks getting 20 points in game |
3447s | number one don't think that the series |
3449s | is over ladies and gentlemen far from |
3452s | it yeah um and remember teams still have |
3456s | to get that win once they hit that |
3458s | checkpoint break point so if they don't |
3459s | get that win and you know teams do end |
3461s | up maybe ratioing them maybe maybe |
3464s | there's going to be some some handshakes |
3465s | going on for these uh temporary final |
3468s | zones right they're going to look to |
3470s | shut down the uh checkpoint team cuz we |
3472s | did have it in the past obviously it is |
3474s | a lot harder to do with the new um |
3476s | temporary zones as you know a strong |
3478s | team will try to maybe secure uh their |
3481s | their zone for themselves first but um |
3484s | you know it could happen and we could go |
3488s | to maybe a game uh game eight game nine |
3490s | we could have you know a lot of games on |
3492s | our hand today don't don't do this to me |
3496s | man listen what's your prediction JY on |
3499s | how many games we have today you heard |
3500s | me I said five games before we started |
3503s | don't try don't try to weasel you're on |
3505s | way out of this one I think five games |
3507s | is a little too low but I mean maybe if |
3510s | sangam rocks or Mir S Young you know |
3512s | they have you know another couple pop |
3513s | off games cuz they won the first one uh |
3515s | and then Mir s Jang they didn't get a |
3517s | lot of points they got that second place |
3519s | with I think about eight field kills so |
3521s | they got 13 points for as well honestly |
3524s | for me I would probably I would probably |
3526s | guess about like maybe seven games |
3528s | that's a that's a safe hedge honestly |
3529s | with the teams that are playing today |
3532s | again it can always change so much with |
3534s | the teams that are actually being the |
3535s | ones that are Domin in each of these |
3537s | lobbies that unless ham rocks get maybe |
3540s | another game win at least I would be |
3542s | hard pressed to think that it could be |
3544s | ending in anything less than six quite |
3546s | honestly if I'm going to be uh realistic |
3549s | here and I know there are some people in |
3550s | the chat already still saying shuy |
3553s | there's going to be 10 games don't worry |
3554s | you're never going to sleep it's |
3556s | obligatory guys I get it you guys are |
3558s | you guys are hilarious I'm sitting here |
3561s | I'm laughing everywhere oh my goodness |
3564s | you guys are pranksters now um yeah |
3566s | should be around 6 to 7 I would assume |
3568s | today the checkpoint format just always |
3571s | kind of gives us a really really nice |
3572s | showing as to how these series are going |
3574s | to go but the one small caveat to that |
3577s | super is how aggressive these teams were |
3578s | in day number one we might honestly a |
3581s | see a lot of points that are actually |
3583s | distributed which might truncate the |
3585s | number of games that we actually might |
3586s | see here today yeah and we do have that |
3589s | my band going forward so I wonder how |
3591s | you know some of these teams will end up |
3592s | changing their |
3594s | comps cuz uh my is such a pivotal tank I |
3597s | think in a lot of these comps you know |
3598s | able to use exclusive able to be uh so |
3601s | tanky and provide that uh or those extra |
3605s | transition items for their teams you |
3607s | know those chest pieces those AO dies I |
3608s | think for Team Auto Arms is really |
3612s | pivotal you know for the strength of |
3613s | their team so you know them having to |
3616s | basically lose that for game number two |
3618s | possibly game number four as well |
3619s | because you know we didn't have four my |
3621s | picks so I'm guessing a lot of teams |
3622s | will probably it back over into going |
3625s | into game number three once it's back on |
3626s | table Yeah if anything I actually wonder |
3628s | if any of these teams expected the May |
3630s | ban and also we're going to see the |
3632s | scores again real quick I guess there |
3633s | was a tiny change I don't know what it |
3634s | is but yeah I I wonder how many of these |
3637s | teams actually anticipated the May band |
3639s | even potentially come in today cuz I |
3642s | feel like I could count on my fingers |
3644s | how many times we saw May over the |
3646s | course of this weekend outside of today |
3649s | which is why I'm honestly surprised we |
3651s | saw four of them in game number one yeah |
3654s | I'm guessing they all s of made it their |
3657s | way into finals because we did see a lot |
3659s | of different my picks but they're all |
3661s | pretty spread out between you know group |
3663s | a group b and the wild cards but I guess |
3666s | you know all the teams that did end up |
3668s | making it here or half the teams at |
3670s | least you know were playing that my pick |
3672s | because you know there were four teams |
3673s | that did un pick it so yeah looks like |
3675s | we're going to just jump straight into |
3676s | it though for game number two my is off |
3679s | the table as you can see on the bottom |
3680s | right we're going to see what some of |
3682s | these teams PIV it to sir yes sir more |
3684s | than three M selected in game number one |
3686s | means she is going to be banned for game |
3687s | number two she will be back again for |
3689s | game number three though but that'll |
3690s | become something that some of these |
3692s | teams to potentially talk about what I |
3695s | think I see Emma ban is that going to be |
3698s | an Emma ban no way is Cinema actually |
3700s | making this happen yeah okay he's he's |
3704s | just uh playing with with babo and |
3706s | Scarlet Hearts there what I'm more |
3708s | excited about is romatic potentially |
3710s | picking up the zami right now that could |
3711s | be a really really big game changer but |
3714s | nah he's just going to play the safe |
3715s | game cons the Rio and there's a lock in |
3718s | subam in a Lobby like this would be |
3720s | extremely tough I think especially with |
3722s | double Ries coming into Frey Ry would be |
3725s | really really good at actually dealing |
3726s | with the suami who wants to make sure |
3728s | she wants to get back into that backline |
3730s | try to snipe away some of those squishy |
3732s | targets Rosy is not one to take that |
3735s | lightly she will obliterate you if she |
3737s | even gets into Range close range ADC |
3740s | into a close range ADC well I I say |
3742s | close range for saabi she doesn't have |
3744s | to do that anymore but yeah |
3746s | nice pick away from the saami into the |
3748s | Rio I think that is definitely the right |
3750s | call here yeah we're going to be on that |
3752s | Rio skin as well that Rio skin is so |
3754s | good like I don't know if you saw the |
3755s | effects on it and everything but it is |
3757s | such a nice skin and yeah we do have a |
3760s | lot of duplicate picks and no real bands |
3763s | we have like two two asels two Alonso |
3765s | two |
3767s | EMAs I yeah two two Rosies as well wow |
3770s | okay we do have Asher on that Rosy pick |
3772s | as well but they are going to be playing |
3774s | that Alonzo with the RI which I don't |
3777s | really like personally because I feel |
3778s | like Alonzo is more for that front to |
3780s | back comp but Rousy you know needs to |
3783s | jump on in there but I think the Alonzo |
3785s | is more paired with that Adela cuz |
3787s | Adella is going to be able to maybe |
3788s | Queen combo or get their combos off uh |
3790s | the N CC from the Alonzo indeed indeed |
3793s | indeed a lot of cool Team Dynamics in |
3795s | this one unfortunately we did not see |
3797s | the Emma ban coming through for game |
3799s | number three that would have only |
3801s | happened most likely if Shan was still |
3803s | in the tournament scene our third |
3805s | prominent that was to be back in the |
3808s | days not in the competitive scene |
3809s | anymore I don't think he's even playing |
3811s | eternal return anymore which is an |
3812s | absolutely devastating thing to hear |
3814s | from me but it is what it is we're going |
3816s | to go straight into game number two and |
3818s | we'll see how many of these teams that |
3820s | we saw in game number one being able to |
3822s | succeed specifically me song and ham |
3824s | rocks even a couple of the teams that |
3826s | were sitting on nine points at the end |
3828s | of that game how they're going to be |
3830s | able to stand up to the test of game |
3832s | number two cuz bum already is not having |
3834s | it Asher yeah Asher Tred to kill an eon |
3837s | early game but Eon you know having those |
3838s | resets still has those items as well you |
3841s | know Eon is able to build relatively |
3844s | quickly so you're going to drop their |
3845s | Chase here romantic just going to get |
3847s | his build up and TMP as well going to |
3849s | have a lot of early grouping here gor |
3850s | having the queen maybe they can look for |
3852s | an angle on bomb going to dodge out on |
3854s | that Queen though bomb going to get the |
3856s | reset here already almost fully built |
3858s | but is going to get locked down by this |
3859s | Alonzo the zzo does get the stun but it |
3862s | was buffered by bum's Dash and a nice |
3863s | side step from bum coming out once again |
3865s | I think he out of there with the speed |
3867s | gate very good uh very nice fancy feed |
3870s | from bum there slipstream helping out a |
3872s | little bit there as well right right at |
3873s | the edge of the the queen that would |
3875s | have been really bad if well I don't |
3877s | think that was a queen actually maybe it |
3878s | was a night Fork that almost caught him |
3879s | out but either way bum does end up |
3881s | getting out but we have seen these eons |
3883s | with these two zoners actually getting |
3885s | bullied a lot inside of pond through the |
3888s | weekend which is quite surprising right |
3890s | a lot of teams I guess are just really |
3891s | optimized on their build meeting in pond |
3893s | of all places which is not somewhere |
3895s | normally anticipate a lot of these |
3897s | builds to actually finish but they're |
3898s | getting things done they're really |
3900s | putting the pressure down onto whereas |
3903s | is dead to rights man that guy has no |
3906s | way out yeah and it's going to be kcw |
3909s | following just very shortly there we' |
3911s | seen you know these two teams going at |
3913s | it and the wild cards and they're going |
3914s | to go out in the finals once again going |
3916s | to be able to get a lot of kills off of |
3917s | each other we do have donana getting |
3919s | caught out from Team Rox a |
3922s | nice uhola there going to be able to |
3925s | lock down danana and yeah it's going to |
3927s | be him fallen so will be Team sunam |
3930s | rocks and to score another kill for |
3931s | themsel as they do March closer and |
3933s | closer to hitting that checkpoint good |
3935s | stuff good stuff great starts for S The |
3937s | Rock and Sparkle Esports everybody else |
3939s | just slowly playing it through the game |
3943s | night one hits and a bunch of the |
3944s | animals are going to spawn Mutant |
3946s | Chickens I think that was going over to |
3948s | Auto Arms there's the kill on depu |
3950s | coming through from E8 the irm is going |
3952s | to be able to beat it out over the diin |
3954s | in night number one still picks |
3956s | happening at the stage in the game which |
3958s | is quite surprising tan also in an |
3959s | awkward situation he's going to try to |
3962s | get himself away beautiful Tom round us |
3964s | the plink is going to have to be |
3965s | invested too Auto Arms sadan is looking |
3968s | for something SW I'm taking down the |
3970s | dangerous level beautiful D maab just |
3973s | completely denies any attemp coming in |
3977s | nice change over from Scarlet that |
3978s | should be an out for that team but my |
3981s | goodness what a beautiful fight oh |
3982s | double knock up oh it's not going to be |
3985s | enough as dasu is already down but yeah |
3987s | I don't know if you saw but sadan using |
3988s | the body there to actually Dodge out an |
3990s | ability going to be able to use that uh |
3992s | Vault onto them to you know get themsel |
3995s | into safety there so yeah aarm is going |
3997s | to be able to claim two kills for them |
3999s | there very nice as uh we do |
4002s | have I think uh bnk FX are kind of |
4005s | grouped on the bottom side here probably |
4006s | going to walk up to play for this uh |
4008s | Temple Tree as M sang also going to be |
4011s | probably playing for this Temple Tree as |
4012s | they are going to walk up for the |
4013s | console in Temple Temple Tree a little |
4016s | dicey and a little scary to play around |
4019s | as you know once you're in here you are |
4020s | locked in and if a team does end up uh |
4023s | coming to third party it is it is it is |
4026s | really scary because |
4029s | uh yeah if they if they find you while |
4031s | you're taking the tree and there's a |
4032s | team behind you uh it is really hard to |
4035s | get away ooh a nice uh e shift from to |
4037s | dodge out on the knock up from E8 and |
4040s | yeah just going to die there that's on |
4041s | the backside buom is getting taken down |
4043s | by romatic n one Circle as roner is |
4046s | going to be forced to Blink on out of |
4047s | there the spirit arrow is going to come |
4049s | down I don't know if it's going to |
4050s | connect the other side we do have |
4051s | another fight here bnga going to get |
4053s | some damage onto Cinema there is it |
4055s | going to be enough a nice knock up and |
4058s | oh my God a great groundhouse chck kick |
4060s | into the wall and S hands is going to |
4062s | look for some more will find another two |
4064s | kills it is so fluid it is so fluid from |
4067s | Team Auto Arms they were everywhere |
4069s | around the map and none of these teams |
4070s | are able to just even get a footing up |
4072s | against Team Auto Arms they're going to |
4074s | be able to win out on a fight on the |
4075s | south side of the map I don't think the |
4077s | objective was taken from this team |
4079s | though cuz I do see s Rock sitting |
4080s | around that area yeah there's a deadly |
4082s | Ray picked up by the Theo as well that |
4084s | should have been the meteorite coming |
4086s | through nicely done from Team Auto Arms |
4088s | it does sacrifice their potential for a |
4089s | transition item at least that's a lot of |
4092s | really good Mastery cartel the flip side |
4094s | is just absolute Shambo |
4097s | yeah yeah Keem cartel on the back foot |
4099s | here their respawn timers are unlink so |
4103s | yeah it's really awkward for them as |
4104s | team Auto Arms is just you know able to |
4107s | farm kills off them they're able to get |
4108s | so much Mastery able to get so many |
4110s | credits they're probably going to get |
4111s | their buys here as well so they're |
4112s | they're going to be looking in a pretty |
4113s | comfortable position bomb trying to look |
4114s | for an angle onto marang but their team |
4116s | is nowhere to be found there so they're |
4118s | just going to back on out of there as |
4119s | they do use the ultimate so they will be |
4121s | into exuviation very shortly Mar sang |
4124s | they are also floating on about 700 |
4127s | credits they probably want to get their |
4128s | four score buys here before the Battle |
4130s | Zone starts as we have another fight on |
4133s | our hand here as Alonzo On The Backs |
4135s | side the Bola does end up hitting on gck |
4138s | but gck just going to jump straight on |
4139s | in there with the Rook combo into the |
4142s | Checkmate and they will find yungi as |
4146s | the Theodor also goes down so bamasa is |
4148s | going to be forced to back on out of |
4149s | there t rock is struggling quite a lot |
4152s | but all the Kudo all the credit going |
4154s | over to team Masher gork is really |
4157s | locked in today man he is landing a lot |
4159s | of these crucial skills he's making sure |
4161s | that every single one of these comom |
4162s | rotations are landing you know what you |
4165s | kind need that to happen right we saw |
4167s | what happens exactly when the nadela |
4169s | ends up missing a couple of her combos |
4170s | in game number one this time around they |
4172s | need to get things done especially with |
4174s | Char sitting on Ry he needs to find |
4176s | openings and gwor needs to make sure |
4178s | that happens bum running in towards team |
4180s | me and sedong he's looking for the |
4181s | backline and he does get access to it |
4183s | there's the retest coming in he's still |
4184s | trying to stay alive getting taken down |
4186s | to about a quarter of his HP E8 the same |
4188s | thing everybody on me and S relatively |
4191s | healthy safe for the Estell backing away |
4193s | is the right call here yeah bum getting |
4195s | shed down there trying to take as much |
4197s | damage as possible now not going to have |
4198s | any bar for this upcoming team fight as |
4201s | the reset was called FX going to be on |
4205s | that uh Advantage for that timer as they |
4208s | do have the Drone for themselves here |
4210s | here's one Circle getting some poke down |
4211s | is going to be enough bomb does end up |
4213s | getting his bar up he does have his |
4215s | ultimate up here maybe he's going to try |
4216s | looking for an angle Dan taking some |
4218s | poke damage but bomb just getting chunk |
4220s | down to 25% HP as they try to look for |
4223s | an angle on E with the soul stealer now |
4225s | they're Y is completely split they don't |
4227s | have timer I think they might all |
4228s | explode here oh kill Rosner they do and |
4232s | they get the timer but then Anna falling |
4234s | on the other side for the 1 V one in uh |
4237s | E8 and it's going to be it's going to |
4239s | come down to one Circle and romatic |
4241s | versus E8 and B doesn't have any of his |
4244s | Gates though he's trying to put pressure |
4246s | down and the knockup comes in but the |
4248s | SMG burst is there and bom also gets |
4251s | cleaned up what a beautiful shotgun SMG |
4253s | burst from romat from one Circle and |
4256s | they're going to be able to clean that |
4257s | Battle Zone up I honestly thought that |
4259s | bnk furx had it but the Gau just isn't |
4261s | there and the resets can't come through |
4263s | for bum he gets taken down the mythal |
4265s | picked up for team mid and |
4267s | S yeah I thought uh FX had it as well |
4269s | with that knockup from E8 but it just |
4271s | wasn't enough as it just shred through |
4273s | uh both the irm and the Eon and yeah |
4277s | that's going to be it it looks like on |
4278s | the other side though TX going to |
4279s | respawn in hotel and they actually do |
4280s | find a nice pick for themselves babo |
4282s | goingon to fall BK FX sitting on four |
4284s | field kills so not too bad for them |
4287s | quite interesting on the north side of |
4288s | the map a lot of teams hanging around |
4290s | this meteorite as well me hedong trying |
4292s | to Duke it out up against team cartel |
4293s | they're going to start duking it out |
4295s | rocket launcher is already being eaten |
4297s | up by the Estel Shield they're going to |
4298s | try reinitiate but I think a little bit |
4301s | of an overstep by ping oh my goodness |
4304s | denana didn't even put up a shield |
4305s | throughout the entire course of that |
4306s | fight but pangs was running out he |
4308s | decided to go back in and gets |
4310s | immediately punished for it yeah M |
4313s | they're set up to take both the meteor |
4315s | and the purple box on the top side there |
4317s | so they're going to be looking pretty |
4318s | strong Auto Arms they want to posture up |
4321s | for this team fight here but looks like |
4323s | they're just going to give and they're |
4324s | just going to walk down into Factory not |
4326s | going to be able to contest anything on |
4328s | that cycle here as we do have D hcj |
4330s | they're going to respawn back up into |
4332s | gas station maybe look for an angle to |
4334s | take some team fights here I think that |
4335s | d d is on that battle suit so they are |
4337s | playing a more tankier build uh this |
4340s | time around mhm definitely going to be |
4342s | playing it a lot more safe I think she |
4344s | definitely needs it in a lot like this |
4346s | there |
4348s | so teams Bubba is the first one here so |
4351s | at least em is able to get a little bit |
4352s | of poke down I don't know if DHC andj |
4355s | really want to take this fight though |
4356s | look at the amount of credits that Yan |
4358s | has he is sitting on a lot it's a thing |
4360s | that DHC andj has been doing |
4361s | consistently throughout this weekend but |
4363s | another fight on the North side Team |
4364s | Auto Arms trying to do it out up against |
4366s | hung rocks the energy blast field hasn't |
4368s | even been invested yet runs away for |
4370s | theena here we go trying to fight the |
4373s | angle she gets one okay down he goes |
4375s | also finds the angle with the tomok |
4377s | round now down goes to S rocks the early |
4382s | game falter is really affecting them in |
4384s | this one because it was such a close |
4385s | fight yeah that's a minus 500 from sunum |
4388s | rocks and that's devastating for a team |
4390s | like uh them themselves as they are |
4392s | playing that deodor BR they need these |
4394s | items they need to you know kind of stat |
4395s | check these other teams but Auto Arms |
4398s | sad hands finding that angle able to |
4399s | trade one for one and it and it just uh |
4401s | was enough for the Yan to clean up that |
4404s | Bernice at the very end dude I swear |
4406s | Auto Arms is Farming Farming Clips we |
4409s | saw a lot of teams farming Clips |
4410s | yesterday too Auto Arms saying hey guys |
4413s | we made it through from day number one |
4414s | we we kind of want to have some more of |
4416s | our Clips we want to have our thumbnail |
4418s | be we want to have the video thumbnail |
4420s | be us as well again yeah they're |
4422s | absolutely getting it sadan absolutely |
4424s | popping off taken with a beautiful |
4426s | followup usually it's the other way |
4427s | around but in that fight in hospital it |
4430s | was a nice followup from Tong to at |
4432s | least secure the kill onto the Bernice |
4434s | two for one I believe it was overall |
4436s | it's still fine though at least for team |
4439s | Team Auto Arms as they managed to pick |
4440s | the Raz back yeah nice roundhouse |
4443s | kicking into the wall and on the other |
4444s | side we do have sparkle Esports finding |
4446s | dasu here another minus 254 another team |
4450s | and it's team DHC andj they need these |
4452s | items like they're a team that usually |
4453s | struggles you know going into the mid to |
4455s | late game as they always start falling |
4456s | behind and you know this minus 250 is |
4458s | definitely not going to help their case |
4460s | here F might be able to find another one |
4462s | here kcw stuck in the middle between |
4466s | uh the full team of Sparkle Esports just |
4468s | going to walk on down think Bob uh babo |
4471s | is going to try getting nice blast waves |
4474s | from sang Here I think that's going to |
4476s | be it for kcw going to try looking for a |
4478s | one kill on the Seline it's not going to |
4481s | be enough as it will be Sparkle Esports |
4484s | claiming yet another victim blink was |
4486s | actually pretty good from the end cuz he |
4487s | dides manage to dodge out on the four |
4489s | stack bomb from Swang and the attempt is |
4491s | there too but just not enough damage |
4493s | just just yet unfortunately for this |
4496s | although this is a little bit |
4497s | problematic team Sparkle they're walking |
4499s | up Cinema |
4500s | just here we go oh the Quake is not good |
4503s | 15 seconds to go before f is going to |
4505s | pop and early blink invested by this |
4507s | Chloe he's trying to get himself away |
4508s | but there is way too much from this |
4511s | Elena down she goes and that's minus 250 |
4513s | going to team Sparkle Esports off of a |
4515s | very very beautiful fight and a |
4517s | beautiful pick onto aen they get killed |
4519s | by a Yan team |
4521s | instead yeah great vision play there |
4523s | from Team Auto Arms is arms they defin |
4526s | want to contest this as well they're |
4527s | just going to send it straight onto team |
4528s | dcj dcj they are going to try locking |
4531s | down Cinema here there's the Striking |
4533s | tiger it's not going to do enough damage |
4535s | as this St is on full tank San's going |
4537s | to forward going to be able to secure |
4539s | that D and going to try looking for babo |
4541s | as well going to jump on over but it |
4543s | will be babo just going to use that |
4545s | change to get on out of there as Team |
4546s | Auto Arms they pick up yet another kill |
4549s | and they claim the Omega items for |
4551s | themselves how the heck did Cinema Live |
4554s | man that guy just ate all the damage |
4556s | coming through from what I think two |
4558s | members of DHC andj but he's still stuck |
4560s | it he got his initial pickup opportunity |
4562s | to cancel because of the buor but he |
4564s | still sat in there even went back in by |
4567s | the way that is the power of solar |
4569s | system miniature I think the shield came |
4571s | back up during the middle of the fight |
4572s | too that is the power of these fource |
4575s | core items in this game now a lot of |
4577s | useful item passes that really allows |
4580s | things like Elena to do things like that |
4583s | without getting punished that hard my |
4585s | goodness is force score secured kill |
4587s | secured Chapel secured they're getting |
4589s | everything in game two yeah is looking |
4591s | really strong here we do have a red box |
4593s | coming in from Cartel kind of interested |
4595s | to see what they get they have a lot of |
4596s | slots open it will be the Opera Mas I |
4600s | think that is probably the worst one |
4602s | actually I guess Felix can use it here |
4603s | so not too bad for them as upper mask |
4607s | it's actually a really good item for you |
4609s | know these melee uh uh front liners |
4612s | because you know it does give some |
4614s | defensive stats as well does give that |
4615s | 10 extra defense so it's kind of like uh |
4618s | having an Halo here T just going to |
4619s | completely send it and get blink away as |
4621s | well so yeah uh pull the trigger a |
4624s | little too early I think they realize |
4625s | you know team cartel is also a little |
4627s | strong they just got that blood item so |
4630s | they don't want to send it too hard |
4632s | blink is invested onto the Yan so not |
4634s | going to be able to have that for the |
4635s | next upcoming team fight if they do end |
4636s | up deciding to take that in the next 80 |
4638s | Seconds he better than blinking in with |
4640s | the Yan and not finding an initiation |
4642s | and being stuck like you saw a couple |
4644s | teams having to deal with yesterday kcw |
4646s | instead of Chapel yeah I remember that |
4648s | one buddy this time around for Auto Arms |
4650s | T young he's a bit more smart with it |
4652s | he's going to just close the Distance by |
4654s | right clicking Bob and weave front kick |
4656s | if he doesn't get anything done then |
4658s | just blinks on out of there you oh never |
4661s | mind I I was about to say I thought the |
4662s | DH DHC andj was was a full team and |
4664s | they're positioned for the wick contest |
4666s | they're going to go like around into red |
4668s | I've seen a lot of teams do that before |
4670s | but looks like they are just running it |
4671s | out there they don't have their dial in |
4673s | so looks like um yeah they're just |
4675s | waiting on the other side though team |
4677s | Asher they're going to look for an angle |
4678s | onto there's a soul sealer proc are they |
4680s | going to be able to get any more damage |
4682s | in the Rio is able to Pelt a lot of |
4685s | bullets here there is the spirit arrow |
4687s | does end up connecting onto the Rio but |
4689s | there is the angle from G he finds it |
4691s | once again the queen combo is going to |
4694s | take down romatic and I think that's |
4695s | going to be it for I think oh it's |
4698s | actually not going to be it as team |
4700s | mirang do they have enough credits they |
4702s | do they are going to be able to buy back |
4703s | into Hotel they're going to be able to |
4705s | get these red boxes so it's not the end |
4707s | of the world as they do get some items |
4709s | back but gwor finding that Queen onto |
4711s | romatic this time romatic I think uh |
4714s | getting a little to overzealous trying |
4715s | to look for that angle trying to get a |
4717s | little bit more damage and immediately |
4719s | pays for it I don't know was it |
4720s | overzealous or was it the fact that gork |
4722s | actually ended up using Vision |
4724s | excellently he was inside the bush |
4726s | waiting for somebody to walk up and |
4727s | everybody else did without checking it |
4729s | but another fight here we go bum sitting |
4731s | in the backline hungi is going to get |
4732s | knocked up into the air but there is |
4734s | just no damage coming down onto Theo |
4735s | down goes the Eon down goes the oh |
4740s | the they're trying to get something done |
4743s | the auto attacks look at this the body |
4745s | block is excellent too we've seen teams |
4748s | do this over and over again it's usually |
4751s | on towards the Bernice to block the bug |
4752s | shots but this time around it's to block |
4754s | the EST from going in so well play from |
4758s | some rocks BK FX eliminated five kills |
4761s | Again by the way for that team but |
4763s | that's all they're going to get eighth |
4764s | place once again |
4765s | that exactly how you need to play into a |
4767s | though you need to block those donot as |
4769s | you know the donot they do do a lot of |
4772s | damage and it does add up so very nicely |
4774s | played from Team sangam rocks here they |
4775s | have another fight between mirang and |
4777s | team Asher here's the queen combo oh The |
4779s | Shield was placed at the wrong direction |
4782s | and that is not what you want to see |
4783s | from your tank they do lose a lot of |
4785s | damage but wait a second rantic is doing |
4786s | a lot of damage back here one Circle |
4788s | doing some damage too they do actually |
4790s | end up finishing the there but work does |
4795s | end up finishing one Circle and wait a |
4797s | second Lumi is coming back maybe they |
4799s | can get the res here vertic still has a |
4801s | huge HP Advantage maybe they could look |
4803s | for jumo jumo is going to use her soul |
4805s | sealer out the body is going to get |
4806s | finished and oh no both teams are going |
4809s | to lose some members here romatic going |
4810s | to try looking for jumo the Solo System |
4812s | miniature is back up and gor going to |
4815s | try looking they don't have any timer |
4817s | they have to come back into the Zone |
4818s | here romatic just pelting bullets jumo |
4821s | just going to walk forward with their W |
4822s | the ghost light is actually proed as |
4824s | well I think romatic is going to be |
4826s | forced to back on out of here very |
4828s | unfortunate fights as uh yeah they're |
4830s | going to lose members maybe they can get |
4832s | the res off actually Lumi can they make |
4834s | it in time before it goes into red oh |
4836s | God just barely but they can only get |
4839s | one res anyways and gor is here to deny |
4842s | any reses from mirang and I think that's |
4845s | going to be it for one Circle or or team |
4848s | team team oh my God the KN Fork but |
4852s | Asher they couldn't pick up Char |
4853s | unfortunately look at that Lumi just |
4855s | dipped out out of uh schol they didn't |
4858s | have any credits either so oh yeah right |
4861s | that's unfortunate but they do end up |
4863s | knocking down their adversaries of Team |
4864s | Meen so only four kills by the way so |
4867s | that will most likely extend the series |
4869s | a little bit longer unless ham rocks has |
4871s | something to say about it everybody else |
4873s | on the other hand though fighting on the |
4874s | opposite side of research center |
4876s | Cemetery looking to be a bit of a hot |
4879s | tub of players just trying to fight it |
4881s | out at this point nothing really Landing |
4884s | though between these |
4885s | teams yeah I think uh oh here comes the |
4888s | angle and oh my God you are getting |
4890s | instantly killed it is only two members |
4892s | so this just going to be clean up from |
4893s | team cartel team cartel going to be able |
4894s | to pick up two kills for thems not bad |
4898s | they are sitting uh pretty comfortably |
4900s | as well they just spent all their |
4901s | credits so yeah they're looking to close |
4903s | out this game here as we do have team |
4904s | Auto Arms versus Team Sparkle Esports in |
4906s | Cemetery it's really hard for uh Team |
4908s | Auto Arms to find an engage here as you |
4911s | know alinaa and Yan they're not really |
4913s | as tanky as these other tanks and if |
4915s | they do send an engage they could get |
4917s | completely you know comboed by team |
4920s | Circle Esports and it's really easy to |
4922s | you know Focus Target either an alinaa |
4925s | or a y that's going in exactly we saw |
4927s | that yesterday right in Chapel I |
4929s | mentioned earlier where kcw struggle a |
4931s | little bit and you know I give him a |
4932s | little bit of fact for that just for the |
4934s | funsies but that is a very very |
4936s | difficult comp to jump into as a Yan you |
4938s | really need to guarantee that initiation |
4940s | otherwise you're never really going to |
4942s | be able to get anything done and it's |
4943s | not like they're going to give free |
4945s | distance to you either if you try |
4947s | walking in you're going to get punished |
4949s | if you try blinking in and you miss then |
4950s | you're going to die it's a real lose |
4952s | lose situation you have to get things |
4954s | done on the first go otherwise you're |
4956s | get this happens no soul link again from |
4960s | fa we saw it over and over in season 4 |
4962s | he's going to have to deal with it again |
4965s | down goes Sparkle Esports team cartel |
4968s | fantastic catch on the three players |
4971s | yeah and the followup from the Estelle |
4973s | um just see and oh my God there's the |
4976s | cleanse coming out from bung but he's |
4978s | going to die to sad hands hands easily |
4981s | able to follow up on that going to be |
4983s | able to just Auto him down and that is |
4985s | going to be it that's Auto Arms coming |
4987s | out big going to be able to get the |
4988s | really nice third party here and we do |
4990s | have dhj also in the zone but we saw |
4992s | their items we saw them riding for the |
4993s | whole game they're going to pose no |
4995s | threat to UT arms as utor is going to be |
4998s | be able to clean up and get most of |
5000s | these kills in the zone I think by the |
5002s | way now that I think about it as well uh |
5005s | wait there's actually third party though |
5006s | if they come for a nice third party |
5008s | angle they're all three they're three |
5010s | man strong Auto a little bit of trouble |
5012s | Tong is in trouble sadams trying to Duke |
5015s | it around as much as possible the Roy |
5016s | sitting in the corner gets tagged by the |
5018s | hatrick down they go oh what a |
5021s | devastating loss for Team Auto Arms 10 |
5022s | kills is all they're going to get two |
5024s | players down for each wait actually no |
5026s | one player down for each of the teams |
5027s | what happened where the heck did the |
5029s | Gango he is dead which means cartel |
5031s | there is a chance where they could turn |
5033s | this around but I don't think team DHC |
5034s | andj is really going to let this happen |
5036s | for free ncmb has to go strong here |
5038s | there's the shield coming in but the |
5039s | Buddy morph is good DHC andj they thrive |
5043s | on the chaos and they're going to take |
5044s | away the battles the temporary Zone |
5047s | there's the Y back that is so |
5049s | unfortunate for team UT like look at the |
5051s | items of DHC they have nothing but they |
5053s | just get the perfect third party angle |
5056s | and yeah they just win that Battle Zone |
5058s | and uh they I think they're just going |
5060s | to follow the sangam rockes I don't |
5062s | think they have enough battle power here |
5064s | but they are going to be to get a lot of |
5065s | credits so maybe they do get some buys |
5067s | they are going to get some for scores |
5069s | going here they're going to split the |
5070s | split these credits among this teams but |
5072s | seen sangam rocks they do see that |
5074s | console being used they're going to set |
5076s | up for a nice engage at the very end |
5079s | here will they be able to find this |
5080s | Vision play will they check is DHC andj |
5083s | disciplined enough to check this corner |
5084s | I don't think they are yeah Di's going |
5087s | to walk right into that but a nice |
5089s | ultimate reaction from the backside |
5092s | there and yeah they tried looking for |
5095s | onto the Theodor but Theodor is able to |
5096s | get away going to be able to Blink on |
5097s | out of there and it looks like it's |
5099s | going to be JJ maybe going to be able to |
5101s | get the Zone first but they are going to |
5104s | have to face into sangam rocks |
5107s | here sang rocks just going to look for a |
5109s | different angle as yeah they don't want |
5112s | really want to push into that I like |
5114s | this play from s rocks though they have |
5116s | a lot of time to wait for the Theo to |
5118s | come back about 25 seconds to go they'll |
5120s | have 20 seconds left in their red timer |
5122s | by the time that happens kcw looking for |
5124s | for flank but oh cameras are already |
5126s | placed down yungi is going to lock that |
5128s | way back in Bob MOA sitting inside the |
5130s | final zones hunam also starting to step |
5133s | on it and now it's Theo sitting inside |
5135s | of a very very tight Corridor look at |
5137s | these spark Nate shots going through |
5138s | look at these shields coming down as |
5140s | well he going to have that Shield back |
5141s | up in a couple seconds there it is down |
5144s | again over and over and over how do DHC |
5146s | andj do this they're looking for a flank |
5148s | but again Yi knows exactly what it is oh |
5150s | they catch out Bob mosa with the |
5151s | Striking Tiger but kcw sitting in the FL |
5153s | side he's going to get taken down P |
5155s | trying to get something but I don't |
5156s | think it's going to happen down he goes |
5158s | and I think the wallets are too big I |
5161s | think the wallets are too big and the |
5162s | Striking tiger hitting the tank that's |
5165s | not a priority Target that you want to |
5166s | be using that ability on so yeah it will |
5169s | just be sang rocks taking another game |
5171s | there uh and coming out in first place |
5173s | with eight field kills for thems really |
5176s | really unfortunate but GG's to Hung |
5178s | rocks they managed to turn around an |
5179s | atrocious early game into a victory for |
5182s | themselves not too many kills overall |
5184s | but you will definitely take that I |
5186s | think it was eight compared to what |
5187s | they're 12 from game number one slightly |
5190s | less but it's not that little right |
5192s | eight kills is still a lot and they get |
5194s | that first place spot as well they're |
5195s | going to bump themselves up really |
5197s | really high in the leaderboards |
5199s | especially considering the fact that |
5201s | remember be zong only four kills and not |
5205s | that many placement |
5206s | points yeah two wins for themselves |
5209s | already showing such a dominant |
5211s | performance I'm a little sad that so we |
5212s | didn't get to see you know Auto Arms you |
5214s | know facing up into them at the very end |
5216s | there you know that's uh that rat team |
5218s | able to uh to get that nice third party |
5222s | uh and then yeah just kind of sealed the |
5224s | deal because uh I don't think you know |
5226s | DHC andj had enough items really to uh |
5228s | you know compare to uh sang rock at the |
5231s | very end but um yeah nice pick up from |
5234s | them they were able to get three field |
5236s | kills for themselves able to get some |
5237s | more placements so dhj you know picking |
5239s | up a lot of of points at the very end |
5241s | there beautiful beautiful beautiful all |
5244s | right well that's game number two over |
5246s | super and we have a team that has won |
5248s | two games in a row that means you know |
5251s | the amount of games we might have might |
5253s | have trunked even further but of course |
5255s | that also means that other teams are |
5256s | going to be very much aware be aware of |
5259s | tum rocks although this is a team that I |
5261s | feel like is very difficult to punish |
5264s | because once they start to get going |
5266s | they'll get going but until then they |
5268s | really don't have that big of a presence |
5271s | around the map if I'm going to be real |
5272s | with you I've noticed that uh this |
5274s | weekend so far yeah I mean we've seen |
5276s | how strong this uh Theodor Alonzo Bice |
5278s | comp is Right we've seen it in the |
5280s | previous seasons and know it's come out |
5282s | once again it's it looks like it's found |
5284s | you know it's placed back in the meta |
5286s | and sangam rock is able to utilize this |
5287s | comp so |
5289s | well and yeah I'm I'm kind of excited or |
5292s | I'm kind of curious to see you know how |
5294s | teams end up maybe changing up for game |
5296s | number three and four m is going to be |
5297s | back on the table maybe we might we |
5299s | might have some roster stops maybe these |
5301s | some of these teams uh you know might |
5302s | have to go to back to the drawing board |
5304s | as yeah it's just it's just sangam rocks |
5306s | you know kind of dominating uh the lobby |
5308s | here and uh you know Team Auto Arms as |
5311s | well they've been kind of just able to |
5313s | you know run over every team they're |
5314s | able to win all these team fights had |
5316s | that unfortunate you know uh final Zone |
5318s | at the very end there kind of interested |
5320s | to see you know what's these teams do |
5322s | end up swapping to for sure if anything |
5324s | you know you mentioned that the ma is |
5325s | coming back in the next game as well I |
5327s | actually liked this game alone because |
5330s | the substitutions that came in for the |
5332s | mai herself really make makes good looks |
5335s | for these teams I think in future games |
5338s | even if ma do get banned in game number |
5339s | three a lot of the team substitutions |
5342s | for that specific character were |
5344s | actually pretty valuable like the Elena |
5347s | coming in for Team Auto Arms she had |
5350s | such high value in game number two so |
5352s | you know what I think I'm going to be |
5354s | looking forward to game number four but |
5355s | here we go guys that's a little bit |
5356s | further into the Future Let's Take a |
5358s | look at the scores for game number |
5360s | two yeah it's going to be sang Dum Rocks |
5362s | coming out on top with 30 six points |
5365s | already only 19 points away so they |
5367s | could definitely hit that checkpoint |
5368s | break point for game number four if they |
5370s | just have you know a decent game number |
5371s | three they just need about uh it would |
5375s | be 11 field kills and they have to win |
5377s | as well so it's definitely doable maybe |
5379s | we see a four game series like we did uh |
5381s | see you know in on on the on the North |
5384s | American side Chuy yes sir yes sir oh my |
5388s | goodness game three is going to be an |
5389s | absolute banger but of course that also |
5391s | gives these players a little bit of time |
5393s | and teams I should say I always say |
5395s | players but they're teams before |
5397s | anything else a little bit more time to |
5399s | discuss their strategies just talk about |
5401s | whether or not substitutions are needed |
5403s | I think it's a little bit early for that |
5405s | but you never know what's going to |
5407s | happen especially for a team like bnk FX |
5410s | We sawell Them substituting in SAR |
5412s | yesterday and just immediately popping |
5414s | off although they're having a little bit |
5415s | of Team saber treatment today too look |
5418s | at that 10 kills and that's all the |
5420s | points they have cuz they went eighth |
5422s | twice in a row so that |
5425s | you that is uh that is a really good |
5427s | point and yeah the teams between second |
5429s | and eth they're all pretty close you do |
5430s | have Auto Arms coming out in second now |
5432s | so you know a nice performance from them |
5435s | from that second game and yeah looks |
5437s | like they are you know having you know a |
5440s | lot of these uh a lot of these or or |
5442s | they're getting a lot of these kills and |
5443s | you know they're winning a lot of these |
5444s | team fights but I think with that Chuy I |
5446s | think we are going to go on to our break |
5447s | here we will have a break every two |
5449s | games so yeah sir yes sir guys we will |
5453s | see you guys back here for games three |
5455s | and four so go grab yourselves a snack |
5456s | go grab yourself a little bit more water |
5459s | go take a stretch we'll see you guys |
5460s | back here for the next two games take |
5462s | care take care |
5486s | com |
5532s | spee |
5572s | spee time |
5603s | e |
5625s | fore speech |
5663s | la |
5693s | could some |
5711s | spee |
5714s | speech |
5723s | fore |
5736s | for |
5737s | [Music] |
5751s | [Music] |
5753s | foree |
5767s | [Music] |
5783s | foreign foree |
5824s | fore |
5830s | spee for |
5834s | spee |
5843s | spee |
5846s | [Music] |
5853s | for |
5855s | [Music] |
5866s | [Music] |
5872s | foree |
5883s | foree fore |
5906s | welcome to the era of the AI PC powered |
5909s | by the world's most advanced processor |
5911s | of its kind images come to life in an |
5915s | instant emails write themselves |
5918s | languages translate in real time wait |
5920s | are you joking and with AMD ryzen AI |
5923s | built in you can create from anywhere |
5925s | the unbelievably thin and light AI PC |
5928s | Advanced by AMD ryzen AI the biggest |
5932s | innovation in personal computing |
5952s | ever all right ladies and gentlemen |
5954s | welcome back from the break hopefully |
5955s | you guys had a fantastic one again just |
5958s | a classic five minute break for you guys |
5960s | hope you guys got some snacks and some |
5962s | water because we are back for games |
5963s | three four of the finals of the Season 5 |
5966s | phase one eternal return Masters we got |
5968s | some bangers underwe for you guys cuz |
5970s | holy crap have we had some really really |
5972s | good games coming through from sunam |
5974s | rocks in games one and two yeah s rocks |
5976s | winning two games already already |
5979s | sitting on 36 uh points for themselves |
5981s | so they are kind of poised and ready to |
5984s | get into that checkpoint break point for |
5986s | game number four as long as they have a |
5988s | good uh consistent game number three uh |
5990s | once again mhm just about I |
5994s | 17 points away from checkpoint right now |
5997s | I think they were sitting on 38 before |
6000s | 38 I thought they on 36 oh well there |
6003s | you go then 19 points instead if they |
6005s | are on 36 I'm not doing my math |
6007s | correctly I don't remember stuff it's a |
6008s | Sunday morning I'm not here to remember |
6009s | things I'm here to watch things and see |
6011s | it live super but here we go going |
6014s | straight into game number three no funny |
6016s | business here today we're just sending |
6017s | it straight on |
6019s | in oh it looks like team aut is actually |
6022s | going to swap up their comp they're |
6023s | going to go to to |
6024s | the Isaac comp surprisingly even with |
6027s | the my open I'm actually a little |
6028s | surprised they're actually not going to |
6030s | play the theay Yan Ry or maybe maybe |
6034s | they'll maybe they're going to swap back |
6035s | maybe they're trying to bait out some my |
6037s | bands here this is locked in on the side |
6039s | of auts though so they are going to be |
6042s | playing this one maybe ton got a little |
6044s | bit of coaching from NX |
6047s | there jumo is also going to probably |
6050s | lock that in bnk FX did end up swapping |
6052s | no the Alonzo |
6055s | so yeah theana was hovering the garnet |
6058s | as well but I didn't expect them to lock |
6060s | in as well so they also swap back so a |
6062s | lot of Mind Games from these teams are |
6063s | trying to maybe bait out the my ban they |
6065s | want they don't want this character to |
6066s | be banned but at the end of the day |
6068s | there are three my picks so my will be |
6070s | getting banned here we do have bomb on |
6072s | that William so we have two William |
6074s | picks again so a lot of duplicates |
6077s | coming out for this game and only one |
6079s | ban coming through this is going to be a |
6081s | fun one you do also uh we do also see |
6083s | that bnk FX is going to substitute solur |
6086s | into this game this is exactly what I |
6089s | mentioned right before we went on break |
6090s | right bnk FX this is the idea they had |
6093s | yesterday when it came to the wild cards |
6094s | and it's this pick right here this |
6096s | change right here that net themselves a |
6099s | spot in the finals I believe this pick |
6102s | right here is the great time to do it |
6103s | cuz they know it worked yesterday you |
6105s | might as well give it a shot earlier on |
6106s | in the series today as well Hayes was |
6109s | really really good in Games 1 and two |
6111s | from what we've seen on team M song |
6113s | there they're going to give their hands |
6114s | at it we'll see what ends up happening |
6116s | game three has loaded in and we are |
6118s | going straight into it yeah M as well I |
6122s | think that pick the William coming in |
6124s | you know in game number three and four |
6126s | for them on you know the the Saturday |
6130s | during the group stages was definitely |
6131s | you know the stand out pick as well so |
6134s | both uh teams you're going to bring out |
6136s | the William for game number three here |
6137s | we going to have to see you know how it |
6138s | shapes up into this Lobby I'm very |
6140s | excited because William we we know |
6142s | William he's like probably one of the |
6144s | flashiest uh you know adcs in the game |
6147s | aside from Rousy right so just able to |
6150s | you know weave in and out of these |
6151s | fights get that fast ball just able to |
6153s | you know pump so much damage so going to |
6155s | be able to see you know how these uh |
6157s | players are going to be able to utilize |
6159s | this uh this character from what I've |
6160s | seen throughout the course of the |
6162s | weekend though when it comes to microing |
6165s | William I think romatic is way better |
6167s | we've seen him do some really flashy |
6169s | things by going inside of a fight using |
6171s | the signature Fireball whereas bum is a |
6173s | lot more consistent with being in the |
6176s | back of the fight right that is also a |
6178s | very important thing as an ADC to have |
6180s | you don't always just want to be a very |
6183s | character no way do we have okay okay |
6187s | they're going to check it there we go |
6188s | Auto Arms just completely surrounded it |
6190s | I thought I was seeing something from |
6191s | what is it you remember in ercs where |
6194s | there was uh there was this guy sitting |
6195s | in that police station push and nobody |
6198s | checked it yeah I thought I was see that |
6200s | for a second bu's going to get taken |
6201s | down as well a lot of players getting |
6203s | picked off early on this is not too |
6205s | surprising as we have seen this over and |
6207s | over again throughout the course of this |
6208s | weekend Tong rocks now trying to find an |
6210s | angle onto one Circle but there is the |
6212s | jump back in with the as well as |
6215s | everything else romatic also doing the |
6216s | fre there's the blink on now H is going |
6218s | to get out but I don't think Bob alsoa |
6220s | will cuz he now finds Rosner the white |
6222s | willly is here is it going to be Tak |
6225s | very nicely played from Rosner yeah very |
6228s | nicely play from Ros they're actually |
6229s | able to get that auto attack out of or |
6232s | or in range get able to get that range |
6235s | Auto attack from uh that Lenox and going |
6238s | to be able to deny the white lily and |
6241s | going to be able to secure that kill for |
6243s | them's in a little bit of trouble |
6244s | himself he will get taken down in just a |
6246s | moment romatic is going to be the one to |
6247s | secure that one nicely done from denana |
6249s | finding the angle on that one bernes |
6251s | absolutely no Mobility to speak of in |
6253s | this situation or quite literally ever |
6256s | outside of blink Auto Arms looking for |
6258s | an angle over on towards me and seding |
6259s | of course they're not going to find it |
6261s | the windup is going to lock that down |
6262s | but we got ourselves a first team fight |
6264s | here peku about to get taken down the |
6266s | damage reduction from drink up is pretty |
6268s | good kcw just jumping over the wall I |
6270s | say a team fight but pubba is a little |
6273s | bit far away he's not going to be able |
6274s | to support this fight at all kcw he |
6276s | finds Rosner his reaction times are a |
6279s | little bit fincky for this one should be |
6280s | able to get on out of there unless that |
6281s | shotgun is good he's just going to use |
6283s | the blank on out of there too everybody |
6285s | just using their tactical skills for fun |
6287s | today hey he's going back in and he runs |
6289s | straight into the hands of the hay as |
6291s | the kill will just go over to BN |
6294s | FX he heard the Footsteps in school |
6296s | right uh I think he should have but |
6299s | maybe maybe they tried to look for an |
6300s | angle back in maybe they want to try to |
6301s | get a pick onto the backliner is my |
6303s | guess but yeah melee gets punished and |
6305s | will instantly fall there as we do have |
6308s | uh Team Asher to bring up in Temple here |
6311s | probably going to play for this Temple |
6312s | treeck already at half HP probably just |
6315s | respawned maybe did some |
6317s | animals and now it looks like the game |
6319s | state for this game is going to be |
6321s | slowed down but we do have Rox maybe |
6323s | going to look for an angle on Team Auto |
6325s | Arms here dong or Tong just going to |
6327s | Blink on forward but going to get |
6328s | immediate locked down by that explosive |
6330s | baola Satan's going to get pulled back |
6332s | by uh the ultimate from the Alonzo good |
6337s | side step from coming out from Cinema |
6338s | going to dodge out on that uh that spark |
6342s | nade and yeah they're going to be able |
6343s | to get out of there on the other side |
6344s | though Asher is going to be able to find |
6347s | Rosner going to be able to get that |
6348s | Checkmate and instantly kill that Lenox |
6350s | but the HP bars are looking a little no |
6352s | great St |
6355s | coming in from team as going to be able |
6356s | to kill two members from bnx yeah B got |
6359s | really greedy with the attempted res |
6361s | even if you do get the res as soon as |
6362s | you see the Adela walking in I mean you |
6364s | know you're dead to right even if you do |
6365s | get the res that's just beating another |
6367s | kill onto team Asher in the end it's |
6369s | going to be a fall down for the William |
6371s | but another fight in hospital kcw still |
6373s | trying to stay alive but it will be pay |
6375s | to finish it off with the drape one for |
6377s | one trade over in hospital and we're |
6379s | going to go into day number two mutant |
6381s | wolves are alive and for right now |
6384s | cartel still down two members by the way |
6386s | paying waiting on his Adena toes they |
6388s | are just going to back away from this |
6390s | one objectives wise it will be a win out |
6392s | for team DHC andj as they are going to |
6394s | secure those mutant wolves for |
6396s | themselves and maybe try to pick up |
6397s | objectives and the weapon Mastery yeah |
6400s | Scarlet Esports going to look for a |
6401s | fight here but fa nowhere to be found I |
6403s | think they are on the TP on the on the |
6405s | chapel side there is the totem but there |
6408s | is the oh they do end up missing some |
6410s | abilities there but do end up taking |
6411s | down Scarlets the throw skill is just |
6414s | too much for oh my God wait a second FAA |
6418s | and uh Sarang are going to be able to |
6420s | trade it two back onto the onto bnk FX |
6424s | and yeah it looks like the Haz is just |
6425s | going to be is just going to walk away |
6427s | here as the tree is going to go over to |
6429s | team Sparkle Esports they got to get it |
6430s | quick though there's a lot of teams |
6431s | starting to file on in from the north |
6433s | side everybody sees that the Tree of |
6434s | Life in cemetery is still up so unless |
6437s | SW picks this up quick this is going to |
6439s | be what happens DHC andj they're looking |
6441s | for something this time around |
6443s | potentially grouped up we do see szer |
6445s | slowly starting to make his way back in |
6446s | on over as well they still see the tree |
6448s | up this could become an absolute Fiesta |
6451s | if this does not get resolved quickly |
6453s | kcw looking for a flank angle SW on |
6455s | lands a four stack onto the pxu but |
6457s | that's not the prior Target you're |
6458s | looking for kcw goes in again and |
6460s | another missed initiation down he goes |
6463s | as a y and the third party starts to |
6464s | Pilot him bnk FX says hello that's my |
6468s | tree my goodness this is terrible I |
6471s | think probably get a pull here but the |
6472s | Nina is going to block it and they're |
6474s | all going to be able to get on out of |
6475s | there but yeah kcw trying to look for |
6478s | that engage once again with that blink |
6480s | but great reaction coming out from Team |
6481s | Sparkle Esports they all going to be |
6483s | able to back on out of there and |
6485s | instantly lock him down this is really |
6487s | rough we know kcw every single time he |
6489s | has these kind of Series where he gets |
6491s | constant initiations in he gets really |
6494s | good ones but not for this series from |
6496s | the looks of it so far me Z duing it out |
6498s | up against team aser they're trying to |
6500s | get the damage in romatic has the fast |
6501s | balls but danana is the first one to |
6503s | fall one Circle trying to get something |
6505s | down goes the gor still alive on the |
6508s | back jumo looking to lock somebody down |
6510s | maybe the finger point is going to be |
6512s | enough to get the queen guarantee but no |
6514s | it's just going to be a disengage from |
6515s | the looks of it one Circle still looking |
6517s | for something too he's got the landed |
6519s | over onto gor toage of it jumo in a |
6523s | little bit of trouble he's going to get |
6524s | rest but there's the kill back in Char |
6526s | just stands up and Feats another kill |
6528s | over on the team me and song Beautiful |
6530s | back step coming through from one Circle |
6532s | but will get taken down by romatic we |
6534s | should see the my resing in just a few |
6536s | seconds yeah gworks going to have to |
6537s | back away from this one yeah just going |
6539s | to use their Rook to get on over the |
6542s | wall there nicely played from marun they |
6544s | do end up taking I think about three |
6545s | kills there as they did end up getting |
6547s | the kill on that res instantly but |
6550s | they're not going to get that Alpha as |
6551s | team SP Sports will be able to claim |
6553s | that forsel ooh this is getting really |
6555s | awkward for these teams they're getting |
6557s | really risky when it comes to these |
6559s | plays at the moment blink away from |
6560s | fauna he's a little bit isolated from |
6562s | his team nice r reaction time from him |
6564s | no slide step opportunity from one |
6567s | Circle H game three everybody just came |
6570s | back from the break and now are just |
6571s | really really looking for these points |
6573s | because they know hung rocks is so far |
6575s | ahead that they need to make plays like |
6578s | this otherwise they're not going to be |
6579s | able to catch up at all yeah a lot of |
6581s | field kills for each of these teams here |
6583s | Scarlet going to get the double poly |
6585s | onto the D going to get a lot of damage |
6587s | off but no followup there bong just |
6589s | going to be able to heal from off heal |
6591s | himself with the star conjunction and |
6593s | Scarlet going to actually go onto ncmp |
6596s | there ncmp completely from his team so |
6598s | he is going to have to back away as he |
6600s | knows that scarlet and F can both combo |
6602s | off each other it is going to be a |
6604s | little tough to maybe find an angle here |
6606s | on the backside though they do find |
6607s | Sarang and it will be team cartel going |
6609s | to be able to pick up a nice kill for |
6610s | thems Sparkle Esports I think they were |
6612s | just trying to pressure the Felix to |
6614s | make sure they secured a route out into |
6615s | safety and will allow them to at least |
6618s | do something around here M Hong also |
6620s | looking for a possible tree that will |
6621s | spawn inside a stream initiation comes |
6623s | in ncmb taken down to about half HP |
6625s | already signature Fireball is down |
6628s | there's the blink on in from romatic he |
6629s | is going to be out of range to use most |
6631s | of his fastball Stacks now though look |
6633s | at where the Adena is she is in Prime |
6634s | position to go for the objective she is |
6636s | a bit split away from the rest of the |
6638s | team though and now cartel in a little |
6639s | bit of an hardore spot cuz they're going |
6641s | to have to Duke it out up against team |
6642s | Sparkle oh this is bad the catwalk gets |
6645s | canceled as well P's going to get taken |
6647s | down it is a night to death but look at |
6648s | where the Felix is he is in trouble pxu |
6651s | gets taken down on the opposite side of |
6652s | the map archery range is an absolute |
6654s | Fiesta that totem is not going to save |
6656s | you my friend down goes the Emma two for |
6658s | zero into the hands of Team Asher and |
6660s | even more fights Brewing as a purple box |
6662s | spawns Chapel ooh the the pull is going |
6665s | to go wide here oh no I think it's going |
6666s | to be day three death for team DHC andj |
6669s | wait a second they're completely wiped |
6670s | off the game oh no they got karma for |
6673s | doing whatever they did to Team Auto |
6675s | Arms in the last game they're going to |
6676s | be the ones to take revenge this time |
6678s | kcw getting taken down by one of his |
6681s | adversaries they counter Yan team coming |
6683s | in clutch knock downa isolated too what |
6687s | is going on everybody is just getting |
6688s | picked off at this point another fight |
6690s | in Chapel it is an absolute blood paath |
6692s | will versus will B balls everywhere 1 2 |
6695s | three and a strike maybe strike two |
6697s | maybe strike three I don't even though |
6699s | what's going |
6700s | on B mosa he's trying to run he's got |
6703s | the white lily access but my goodness he |
6705s | is in a whole lot of trouble he's going |
6707s | to be able to at least make it inside a |
6709s | warehouse hopefully he enough credits to |
6710s | rez but that was our very first I think |
6713s | that's the first time I've ever seen a |
6715s | William One V or counter matchup ever in |
6718s | ERM ever yeah the William just able to |
6722s | find an angle onto the backline there |
6724s | just finding Theodore finding the Bice |
6726s | just dealing so much damage very very |
6728s | well played from Team bnk FX to close |
6731s | out that uh that fight oh goodness |
6735s | gracious that is absolutely insane I'm |
6737s | honestly surprised the William was able |
6739s | to get that much damage down considering |
6741s | the lockdown and the range four teams |
6743s | hung them Rock should have been enough |
6745s | to at least disuade the fight but not he |
6747s | says hey my God |
6750s | just oh the target fire is good but look |
6754s | at this Scarlet jumping into the back |
6755s | totem is forced out and oh that's not |
6757s | good that is really bad he doesn't have |
6759s | bunny morph anymore he's going to get |
6761s | get taunted oh no there's no way that |
6764s | there's no way L can escape here and |
6766s | it's going to be Sparkle Esports Fallen |
6768s | two team gosh fa looking a little over Z |
6772s | thought he had the angle to maybe solo |
6773s | kill romatic it was a little close if he |
6775s | had maybe just one more item would have |
6776s | been able to do it and then Scarlet |
6778s | following up a little too late it was |
6779s | already uh doomed I think at that point |
6782s | and you know gets immediately punished |
6784s | and Sparkle Esports just going to fall |
6785s | down in seventh place not that many |
6787s | kills for those two teams either right |
6789s | DHC andj sitting on three Sparkle |
6791s | Esports 6 yes not bad but it's not going |
6793s | to be enough right now against hung Rock |
6796s | still alive they're sitting on two kills |
6798s | and now is the point where I said |
6799s | earlier they're just going to play |
6801s | quietly until the until the end of the |
6803s | game they're looking for the wickle line |
6805s | most likely soon not really going to |
6806s | contest for the Omega cuz they've |
6808s | already gotten the pace that they wanted |
6810s | and then later on they're going to try |
6811s | to play for the wickle line and once |
6812s | that happens da s rocks is a team that |
6815s | really really lik to take that objective |
6818s | into Victory flare gun going to be |
6820s | activated four Team Auto Arms inside of |
6821s | archery range they pick up an Omega on |
6824s | top of a blood sample item hopefully |
6826s | it's actually a good one I saw a lot of |
6828s | transitions on those members yeah I |
6830s | don't know if they have any slots open |
6832s | so might be a little tough for them but |
6834s | I think their best I think their best |
6837s | uh uh get would probably be a top routs |
6840s | cuz then the M can probably transition |
6842s | into a commander headset Commander |
6844s | headset is really strong I think in the |
6846s | or four Team Auto Arms just because they |
6847s | do have uh you know that yawn Auto |
6849s | attacking and that Ry as well see the |
6851s | thing is I think Team Auto Arms is also |
6853s | one that can really use blood Crown as |
6856s | an upgrade onto sadan we'll see let's |
6859s | see here it is |
6860s | a think that is probably the wor one I |
6863s | don't know if anything any of them can |
6864s | use it maybe they yawn because he was |
6866s | sitting on that yeah they were sitting |
6868s | on that mid shield and mid |
6870s | Shield uh I mean it's it has the like |
6872s | the tank stats so you're are going to be |
6873s | losing on of tank stats but you will be |
6875s | getting a lot of damage with that |
6877s | Necronomicon I I feel like if anything |
6879s | even more so than the tank stats I think |
6881s | he's going to be missing out on the |
6882s | Streamline a lot we know how aggressive |
6885s | taken really likes to play in the Stream |
6886s | line in these fights really allowing the |
6889s | reposition for some of these crucial |
6891s | crucial Tomahawk rounds as we've seen |
6893s | from him over and over |
6895s | againu on the and G work here so they're |
6900s | looking pretty strong they're going to |
6901s | be contesting for this box let's see ifx |
6904s | has anything to say about it they're |
6905s | just going to back away here I think |
6906s | they do see the strength of Team Asher |
6908s | and just going to give this box Al fire |
6910s | activated for sonur too though I mean |
6912s | they're not weak by any means but maybe |
6914s | not comfortable enough especially after |
6916s | losing that priority inside of the the |
6918s | sand plant right that's the that tends |
6921s | to be a killer for for a lot of teams |
6924s | they they just don't have Vision inside |
6925s | of it like for example a Recon drone is |
6927s | used to get control and then it |
6929s | disappears but you're not inside of it |
6930s | now you don't have Vision it happens a |
6932s | lot it's a Tor time looks like T decided |
6935s | not to use a Necronomicon I'm a little |
6936s | surprised I feel like Necronomicon I |
6939s | mean sure it doesn't uh give you any |
6942s | tank stats but it does give you 45 AP |
6944s | which is I think a lot oh it looks like |
6946s | they are going to put it back on after |
6947s | getting the M shoes I like that so they |
6949s | actually get the the defense from that M |
6951s | shoes so actually be relatively about |
6953s | the same amount of tank but just going |
6954s | to be able to do a lot more damage Here |
6956s | Comes engage from Team s rocks are they |
6958s | going to be able to find an angle on |
6960s | ncmp ncmp is going to lose about half of |
6962s | their HP but um no more pressure from s |
6965s | Ross they did use their ultimates and |
6968s | they're just going to back away not that |
6970s | bad not that bad a lot of timers |
6972s | invested by team cartel no real |
6974s | counterplay in that situation too boo |
6976s | was way too split from the rest of his |
6977s | team couldn't really find a way back in |
6979s | thinks that Shield positioning really |
6981s | locking out that Entry Way Out of that |
6983s | little building good stuff for teams |
6984s | hung on rocks they were finding little |
6986s | victories small but sure victories for |
6989s | themselves now they're in position to |
6991s | look for an opportunity maybe try get |
6993s | the jump on towards this Wick line not |
6994s | going to opt to go for the CCTV though |
6998s | this is going to create a little bit of |
6999s | false sense of security I think for Team |
7001s | Auto Arms they haven't really checked |
7003s | anything there's the Recon drones coming |
7004s | in are they going to find anything in |
7006s | this situation there's the lock down |
7007s | going on towards Tong no energy blast |
7009s | can just yet but down goes hunam |
7013s | completely caught out by everything else |
7015s | Sanden is going to lock down going be |
7017s | rocks going to fall indeed they're not |
7019s | going to be able to get any more points |
7020s | so that will be only what I think 38 |
7024s | going towards T rocks after this game |
7026s | maybe 37 including the yeah one place |
7029s | they're going to be able to get but yeah |
7030s | I mean it's going to be T young fing |
7032s | that angle and going to be able to lock |
7034s | down that deodor and looks like Auto |
7036s | Arms I think they know that the wick |
7038s | line I already got pulled it's going to |
7039s | be a little too low for them to contest |
7041s | so they're just going to back out out of |
7042s | there |
7043s | I think they are giving |
7045s | that uh those credits going to f the |
7047s | credits into the m going to get that |
7048s | blood sample probably for the top routs |
7049s | cuz I think they had that meteor |
7050s | inventory as well oh my God danana |
7053s | getting the catch onto the haze uh back |
7056s | step a great prediction from Dan and |
7059s | going to one CLE going to get going to |
7060s | get pulled back in oh but a great double |
7063s | FL is that going to be oh oh does end up |
7066s | Fallen no way as he tried dashing over |
7069s | the wall but Auto ATT connected and it |
7070s | will be songer going to be able to |
7072s | clutch it up for bnk FX SAR what the |
7075s | heck I thought a lot of his priority and |
7078s | a lot of his targeting was really |
7079s | mismatched but he was prioritizing these |
7081s | low Health targets over and over and |
7084s | over again there's somebody right in |
7085s | front of him who cares just throw a |
7087s | grenade launcher right on top of |
7088s | somebody who's a little bit further away |
7090s | but is super low HP down goes one he |
7092s | gets jumped on by a my who the heck |
7094s | cares throw out an auto attack over to a |
7096s | William who's jumping over a truck okay |
7098s | good and good the last one up my she's |
7101s | already nearly dead she just Auto |
7102s | attacker once grenade launcher and she's |
7104s | dead too beautiful play from solar he's |
7107s | going to keep the dreams alive for bnk |
7108s | FX and this right here is why I wanted |
7111s | to see SAR subbed him for game three his |
7114s | decision making is |
7115s | immaculate yeah and Roser able to get |
7117s | that double flet as well I think that |
7119s | was the key for them to win but bnk FX |
7120s | are teing down to warehouse this is not |
7122s | good there is cartel having a double |
7125s | blood on this Adena I think they |
7126s | probably have a blood on the Felix as |
7128s | well they got the wick buff and look at |
7130s | the items onto uh FX look at Rosner |
7133s | Rosner doesn't really have much I know |
7135s | uh the haze is already fully Ked out and |
7137s | it looks like Keem cartel they know |
7139s | there's a team behind them they have the |
7140s | console Vision they don't really want to |
7141s | take this fight as they don't want to be |
7142s | put in the sandwich potential here as |
7144s | cartel is actually just going to send it |
7145s | straight onto Team Auto Arms here Auto |
7147s | Arms just going to back away they don't |
7149s | want to take anything here soul stealer |
7150s | is proed here to going look for a turn T |
7152s | young going to get pulled away with the |
7153s | exclusive ultimate does end up coming |
7154s | down are they going be able to get out |
7156s | out of here here is the the moon stuns |
7160s | Cinema going to look for an angle back |
7161s | in maybe they find an angle o a great |
7163s | exclusive though on the knock up from |
7165s | the Yan but Satan is going to get get so |
7167s | much damage down onto NMB and they're |
7170s | going to trade one for one it looks like |
7171s | Tong actually going to actually not |
7174s | explode his body does take s does lose a |
7177s | lot of HP from that sun conjunct here |
7180s | and uhoh here comes the third party they |
7181s | see the body with the Recon drone that |
7184s | is not good both members or both teams |
7186s | are going to lose one member oh that's |
7188s | really bad Auto Arms does have the |
7190s | credits to at least get the res if they |
7192s | do in the finding Lumi same thing for |
7194s | team cartel can't really see it on the |
7196s | map right now though so I'm not entirely |
7198s | sure probably on the top side then so I |
7200s | thinks needs to start going into Forest |
7203s | cartel's getting Cel they're stuck |
7205s | they're really stuck in the corner now |
7208s | yeah I think looks like team autum just |
7210s | sitting on the top side cartel they find |
7214s | yeah FX finds the Adena they're going to |
7216s | follow there Auto Arms sitting in that |
7219s | top Corner surpris they're actually not |
7221s | moving over towards Lumi but I don't |
7223s | really know where Lumi is and uh oh Pang |
7225s | Walking In by himself Team Auto Arms |
7227s | they do get that ultimate on but Auto |
7231s | Arms they do know that team FX is also a |
7234s | full team so just going to full |
7235s | disengage here where is |
7238s | Lumi he's just not making a showing at |
7241s | all if anything I would have to assume |
7242s | Lumi is on the actual north side of the |
7244s | map maybe towards stream or Temple at if |
7247s | aut is pathing down here I'm guessing |
7249s | maybe Lumi is going counterclockwise and |
7251s | it's probably going to come back |
7253s | but team Asher is going to be in the Z |
7255s | toy any Lumi Shenanigans so I think it |
7259s | might be a little doomed for Team Auto |
7261s | Arms as [ __ ] FX they're going to take |
7262s | the Zone in force as well so don't think |
7265s | any of these teams will be able to get |
7266s | any of those these reses off looks like |
7268s | Auto Arms got sniffed out by team Asher |
7271s | maybe sad hands can look for a turn here |
7274s | they I mean they're going to have to |
7275s | they're not going to be able to walk |
7276s | into red they already burn a lot of |
7277s | timer here if Sadam wants to make |
7279s | something happen he needs to make it |
7280s | happen now up against Char the 1 W the |
7282s | sex land over it's not happening right |
7285s | now sad hand bam he goes Checkmate is |
7288s | the end deal for that team down it goes |
7290s | and Cinema should take the fall in just |
7291s | a moment team aser now looking in Prime |
7294s | position to take away this game possibly |
7297s | as bnk FX also looking for something |
7299s | else maximum number of points that bnk |
7301s | furx can get off of kills this game is |
7303s | going to be 14 if they do end up finding |
7304s | the ma but she is sitting inside of |
7307s | factory it's going to be 10 for Asher |
7308s | and 10 for bnk FX both looking for 13 by |
7311s | the end of this |
7313s | game yeah uh it is going to be your |
7315s | typical front to back teams as well so |
7318s | no dive Shenanigans maybe gor finds that |
7320s | oh wait a second p is going to be able |
7322s | to get the R's off here okay cartel |
7324s | given a little bit of breath of fresh |
7326s | life team Asher a little bit on the back |
7329s | end though this they got caught slacking |
7332s | yeah I'm surprised team Asher they |
7333s | weren't prepared for this Lumi res as |
7335s | now they're going to have to take this |
7336s | fight team cartel they're looking pretty |
7338s | strong as well Thea I think was sitting |
7340s | on a double blood but they are going to |
7341s | have to play to Adella here the |
7344s | Checkmate combo does end up going wide |
7345s | they do using the rook and gor is forced |
7348s | to use ultimate is going to hit no one |
7350s | and they do find the angle onto jumo |
7352s | just going to try getting as much damage |
7354s | as possible and TMP going to be able to |
7357s | oh a great exclusive coming out from |
7359s | ping going deny any more damage from |
7362s | that uh Adela comb yeah the timers are |
7366s | looking low and uh looks like they just |
7368s | explode here and it's actually going to |
7370s | be team Asher coming out letting them |
7371s | rest so they can CL |
7372s | three kills or two kills brutal that is |
7375s | really brutal for that team it was a |
7377s | nice attempt but in the end it's going |
7378s | to be the timer that is going to call |
7380s | the end for team |
7383s | for is that a tap rots and a prominence |
7386s | that doesn't seem right yeah I think |
7388s | it's mostly just because he wants the |
7389s | bonus HP coming through from tap rots |
7391s | and at this point he already had the |
7392s | prominence from earlier in the game |
7394s | probably tossed out his purple purple |
7396s | item for that so it's a bit unfortunate |
7397s | a wasted line of St but it is what it is |
7400s | bnk FX now trying to turn things around |
7402s | round team Asher looking for a kill over |
7404s | onto bnk F there's a s Fireball already |
7407s | coming in night for has been invested |
7409s | but Alonzo sus up a lot of damage from |
7411s | that fast ball it's going to be a fight |
7412s | reset which means bomb he's got about 30 |
7415s | seconds to go before signature Fireball |
7416s | comes back up again priority goes over |
7418s | to team Asher yeah a lot of cool down |
7420s | spent onto FX Alon just able to soak up |
7423s | so much damage with their damage |
7424s | reduction and here's a combo onto Ros R |
7426s | get inst shed down by the Checkmate and |
7430s | it's going to come down to the one one |
7431s | between uh Roi and bomb and looks like |
7434s | RI is going to be able to connect that |
7436s | and it will be the hay shortly falling |
7438s | here there's a soul sealer there's the |
7440s | the proc on the W from the Alonzo and |
7442s | will be team Asher coming out on top |
7444s | with 15 field kills G work's like nah |
7446s | you're not getting that scene from |
7447s | yesterday it's in the exact same Zone |
7449s | too by the way for SAR and gor it's like |
7452s | nah n n nah you're not going to get the |
7454s | shotgun shotgun grenade launcher SMG |
7457s | burst on me today he's going to play it |
7459s | safe use the Rook to get the safety and |
7461s | allow the the alonza to finish it off |
7463s | GG's to team asra I think this is the |
7466s | first win that they've had in quite a |
7467s | while I don't think they won a single |
7469s | game yesterday did they I I'm not sure |
7472s | but yeah very very nicely played I do |
7475s | kind of uh see their Vision now with |
7476s | this comp they just send the Lonzo in |
7478s | combo it off um you know the Adela combo |
7481s | and they just one shot the tank and then |
7483s | you know once the tank goes down it's |
7484s | easy pickings uh for uh for their team |
7487s | indeed indeed indeed pretty |
7488s | straightforward for that team |
7489s | composition although it does seem like G |
7492s | work wants to kind of play by himself as |
7495s | well he is really fishing for a lot of |
7496s | these stray Pawn night Forks that leads |
7499s | into a a queen I know he's always been |
7501s | the type to look for those kind of |
7503s | opportunities but once you have an |
7504s | Alonzo you it does make your job a |
7506s | little bit easier but I guess it's that |
7508s | X Factor of trying to find something by |
7510s | himself that nobody's going to |
7511s | anticipate right because you look at |
7513s | that composition and it's exactly as you |
7515s | said you take a look at it and it's |
7516s | immediately hey Alonzo goes in and then |
7518s | the Adela follows up so everyone's |
7520s | looking for the Alonzo to going first |
7522s | and not really paying attention to the |
7524s | to the Adela as much as they should be |
7527s | which is why he's finding some of these |
7528s | really nice night Fork combinations and |
7531s | actually knocking up some of these |
7532s | priority targets as well yeah the |
7534s | ultimate just able to secure and uh |
7537s | do over like maybe like 1K damage onto |
7540s | the tank just instantly be able to drop |
7541s | the tank out of the fight the only |
7543s | downside I guess uh to you know their |
7545s | comp and you know to J committing |
7546s | everything is once he does end up using |
7548s | you know that Checkmate combo onto the |
7551s | tank he's very honorable so if um if the |
7554s | HP Advantage isn't you know onto Asher's |
7557s | side you know the two backliners or the |
7559s | other two characters uh from the enemy |
7561s | team can definitely maybe look to uh win |
7564s | that 2v3 for sure but all we know for |
7566s | game number three is that team asra did |
7569s | end up stopping the killing spree and |
7571s | the win streak of Team sunam rocks it |
7574s | should at least close the gap for a lot |
7576s | of these teams right I'm not going to |
7578s | say it's going to shift things around a |
7579s | little bit too much because H rocks did |
7581s | end up win two games in a row they have |
7583s | themselves a very nice comfortable Point |
7586s | cushion that they could be working off |
7588s | of especially going into game number |
7589s | four of course it's not exactly the |
7591s | result they were looking for a bit of a |
7593s | slower paced early game into a lost team |
7595s | fight means they only managed to get two |
7597s | total kills out of that game I believe |
7599s | yeah not too much I think the points are |
7601s | going to be really close now because Lam |
7603s | rocks didn't really get any points in |
7605s | that last game so we're guaranteed to |
7606s | get or go to a game number five for sure |
7609s | but um yeah all these teams I think |
7612s | they're probably going to be sitting at |
7613s | around 30 in the high 30s amount of |
7616s | points in the mid-30s to high 30s so all |
7619s | these teams are still pretty far away |
7621s | from hitting that checkpoint breakpoint |
7622s | so maybe we're even ke guaranteed at |
7624s | game number six indeed indeed indeed |
7626s | great game so far Team master meaning |
7629s | managing to get themselves a win I think |
7631s | this is also going to Skyrocket them in |
7633s | terms of points to remember third to |
7635s | eighth plays had relatively close points |
7638s | even after game number three or game |
7640s | number two I apologize and yeah this |
7643s | should at least give a little bit more |
7645s | of a cushion to team Asher now instead |
7647s | in comparison to a lot of the other |
7648s | teams but it does not change the fact |
7650s | that there have been a lot of kills |
7651s | going around in these lobbies we saw how |
7653s | aggressive teams were at day number one |
7656s | there is a lot of points to go around |
7658s | the scoreboard is going to rise in the |
7660s | coordinance yeah despite going out you |
7662s | know somewhat early they still had 11 |
7663s | field kill so they also got a lot of |
7665s | points I think um yeah like you said |
7668s | there were a lot of kills to go around |
7670s | in the last game so I think the |
7672s | scoreboard is definitely going to you |
7674s | know shift up here everyone's going to |
7676s | get closer and closer to hitting that |
7677s | checkpoint break point and you know |
7679s | we're going to have to see who is which |
7681s | team is going to be able to you know |
7682s | close out the series sir yes sir |
7685s | substitutions working out in Team B andk |
7687s | FX they also had a pretty solid game so |
7689s | we'll see what ends up happening to the |
7690s | score sheet as it should be coming out |
7693s | in just a moment a lot of teams making |
7695s | some executive decisions on their |
7697s | compositions what is the result of that |
7699s | here we go gain three standings what |
7701s | have we got |
7703s | yeah it's going to be sagam rocks still |
7704s | in first place but team Asher not too |
7707s | far behind only a five-point difference |
7708s | now sagam rocks with 30 39 points Asher |
7711s | with 34 AO arms coming out uh you know |
7713s | getting some more points for themselves |
7715s | and m s as well so not too much of a |
7717s | shift in the leaderboards aside from you |
7719s | know team Asher jumping all the way you |
7721s | know from the bottom of the scoreboard |
7722s | all the way down all the way up into |
7724s | second place as they got a nice game |
7725s | from them I think it was about like 15 |
7727s | or 16 field kills which is a lot you |
7729s | know for you know a tournament like ERM |
7731s | so |
7733s | yeah the points are still relatively |
7735s | close eth Place uh they're sitting on 20 |
7737s | points for themselves they only need |
7738s | about 35 just two good games from them |
7741s | and they should be in checkpoint as well |
7742s | good stuff good stuff everybody slowly |
7744s | coming the Rings it's not that bad of a |
7747s | spread distrib uh Point distribution |
7749s | compared to before remember yesterday it |
7751s | was a little bit tough on a couple of |
7753s | our teams that is not what is happening |
7754s | here today and rightfully so again these |
7757s | teams are absolutely High Caliber when |
7759s | it comes to their amount of skills in |
7761s | eternal return and we are seeing it just |
7763s | from the leaderboards post game number |
7765s | three a close series for every single |
7768s | one of the teams we cannot count out any |
7770s | of them especially after game number |
7772s | three yeah I'm very excited we do have |
7775s | the my ban coming out once again for |
7778s | game number four so I'm kind of |
7779s | interested to see you know what these |
7780s | teams swap to once |
7783s | again wow what's a series so far three |
7786s | games already uh we might have a lot |
7789s | Morey mhm absolutely I hope we do |
7792s | because goodness gracious games one two |
7794s | and three have been absolutely amazing |
7796s | but at the same time I really do hope |
7798s | that some of these teams are getting |
7799s | results that they are been that they |
7800s | have been looking for right after all it |
7802s | is a new season a lot of teams still |
7804s | kind of in the testing phases of what |
7806s | kind of compositions they want to run |
7808s | and even maybe scouting for other |
7809s | compositions to run as well the Alonzo |
7812s | Bernice Theo composition was extremely |
7814s | extremely popular back in season 3 that |
7817s | as soon as it was successful by one team |
7818s | we saw other teams multiple teams |
7821s | constantly trying trying to pick it up |
7822s | to the point where we saw multiple Theo |
7825s | Bernice and Alonzo bands constantly |
7828s | afflicting curse onto teams that ran |
7830s | that competition so yeah there's still a |
7832s | lot of time left in the season but for |
7833s | right now in the finals time is running |
7836s | out for some of these teams they just |
7837s | need to make sure to secure every last |
7839s | one of those points within these games |
7842s | yeah and considering we have you know |
7843s | some of these sponsored teams these |
7844s | these sponsored teams are forced to play |
7846s | you know three different comps so it's |
7847s | really exciting to see you know these uh |
7849s | teams you know kind of shifted up |
7851s | depending on the lobby depending on you |
7853s | know how uh how they do you know in the |
7854s | previous games going to jump straight |
7856s | into it though for game number four you |
7859s | as you see in the bottom right my is off |
7860s | the table for this game well we have any |
7863s | swaps any changes we might have uh Team |
7867s | Auto Arms maybe they're going to play |
7869s | this Isaac comp now that Ma is banned |
7872s | yeah tay young is having a little bit of |
7873s | fun there pressing that random button I |
7875s | don't think he's playing anything else |
7876s | we should theoretically see the demo |
7879s | coming through if San is opting for the |
7881s | Isaac absolutely not they're just going |
7883s | to go back to the Yan yeah they're going |
7884s | to go back to the Yan |
7886s | my and or so not my Alina and Ry this is |
7891s | the pick that they picked up in game |
7893s | number two and as I said game number two |
7895s | really allows me to really believe a lot |
7898s | in game number four I see what you're |
7900s | saying yes sir there's the kadia coming |
7903s | out the debut of kadia andm for season |
7906s | five yeah kardia and Alonzo so they're |
7909s | actually going to force the Alonzo band |
7910s | to get stum rocks off their come for a |
7912s | comp I think without Alonzo uh you know |
7915s | the Theodor Alonzo or the Theodor and |
7917s | bres they they kind of fall cuz um you |
7920s | know you don't have that lockdown cc to |
7922s | follow up with uh the points and you |
7925s | know the stun from Alonzo and Alonzo is |
7928s | not able to live or or sorry Alonzo is |
7930s | one of those tanks that's able to you |
7931s | know outlive a lot of these other tanks |
7933s | and then if you don't have that you know |
7934s | safety net you know it could be pretty |
7936s | bad for you know the the backline of |
7939s | Theodor and Bernice but |
7942s | they will be or the band will come in |
7944s | going into game number five so they |
7946s | could maybe have a roster swap uh as the |
7949s | ban is uh is going to take into or or is |
7951s | going to come into f it is either that |
7954s | or you know it could be a bit of a blast |
7956s | to the past I highly doubt it's going to |
7957s | happen because this composition has |
7959s | definitely been a lot weaker in |
7960s | comparison to its prime time the shuai |
7963s | for Bob M remember that |
7965s | one could theoretically come in but I |
7968s | highly doubt it shukai hasn't really |
7970s | been too much of a solid front line |
7972s | especially when you have a Lobby like |
7974s | this there are so many Bonafide front |
7976s | lines that are extremely extremely |
7978s | strong in the current meta in this Lobby |
7980s | that I don't exactly know if a Sho Kai |
7982s | is going to be able to hold up to it but |
7983s | it is a possibility that is out there it |
7985s | is a composition that s r used to run so |
7988s | many times back in their heyes with this |
7990s | exact thees composition they shouldn't |
7993s | be uncomfortable with it but that'll |
7995s | just yeah there I think there's a lot of |
7997s | characters as well in this Lobby that |
7998s | just have you know these little micro |
8000s | dashes and chukai you know if you're not |
8002s | hting your e he's he's really he's |
8004s | really not too great of a character I |
8006s | would say and you know Sho guy |
8008s | competitive you know he's kind of |
8009s | falling off especially after all the |
8011s | Nerfs so yeah I would be surprised if I |
8013s | did see the shoe guy coming out but uh |
8015s | you know it is a comfort pick for um you |
8018s | know the players so maybe we will see it |
8022s | they know how to run it but maybe it's |
8023s | just not enough we'll see what that time |
8025s | comes right game five as you mentioned |
8027s | is going to be guaranteed at this point |
8029s | because no teams are in checkpoint so |
8031s | we'll see what the decision making from |
8033s | s rocks is going to be they know what |
8035s | the situation is but they got to focus |
8036s | on this game for now Rosner I think he |
8038s | bit off a little bit more than he could |
8040s | chew hungi is going to just ripped in |
8041s | his stret with the Frailty on hand down |
8043s | goes to Lennox and that's going to be |
8045s | our first kill of the game going over |
8046s | onto tongam rocks trying to turn their |
8049s | Destiny around after what happened to |
8050s | them in game number three oh there is |
8053s | the poly but completely denied so the |
8054s | double FY got denied by that stun on the |
8057s | the top side here they do actually find |
8058s | Pang team dcj they have this aggressive |
8061s | play style able to find these early game |
8063s | picks will they be able to find uh the |
8066s | Felix they do a nice roundhouse kick |
8068s | into the wall and the Felix will end up |
8069s | falling as well so team cell to lose two |
8070s | members but it's just a day one death so |
8073s | the respawns are less than 5 Seconds all |
8075s | these teams are just able to get all |
8077s | these early game kills not the end of |
8079s | the world for the other teams that are |
8080s | dying here as uhoh we do have SP LE |
8083s | Sport teing right onto the HC andj but |
8086s | it's going to be kcw actually the one to |
8088s | fall here and uh oh wow the lead out in |
8092s | does end up taking the sandstorm and |
8094s | dosu maybe going to try looking for an |
8095s | angle back in going to try to get some |
8096s | extra kills bble going to get knocked |
8098s | into the wall but going to be able to |
8099s | use that change on out of there F going |
8100s | to Blink on forward there does actually |
8102s | get the knock up and it will be bab |
8104s | that's going to fall and yeah Sparkle |
8105s | Esports going to be able to to get two |
8107s | kills for himself the slow from the |
8109s | Puppet Theater Landing actually did end |
8110s | up securing the knockup so well done |
8112s | there from fauna it's going to be a |
8113s | couple additional kills going into the |
8115s | hands of Team Esports so two and two for |
8117s | both DHC andj and Sparkle Esports |
8120s | luckily for youru he was level seven so |
8123s | lower cool down on his res timer I did |
8126s | see the Theo from sunam rocks |
8128s | unfortunately falling at level eight so |
8130s | his I think was the first death timer |
8132s | that was the longest in the game hands |
8133s | down which is quite brutal but they |
8135s | might find something else in exchange as |
8137s | kcw gets taken down instead pxu looking |
8139s | for something he's actually striking |
8141s | tiger he's on the chaku what is |
8144s | wait wait he's using amptron on |
8148s | glove yeah I'm a little surprised he |
8149s | didn't maybe try committing there at the |
8151s | very and he maybe could have got that |
8153s | ber skill maybe traded one for one but I |
8155s | think it's because babo did end up |
8156s | falling they don't want to get that |
8158s | early game wipe would have been a little |
8160s | devastating for DHC andj but um yeah |
8163s | very interesting choice in their augment |
8165s | selection they are playing that uh tank |
8168s | amp drone but it's probably uh maybe to |
8170s | support the Yan cuz Yan is on that full |
8172s | app if you know di is able to land a |
8175s | striking tiger should be able to follow |
8176s | up and they should be able to instantly |
8177s | burst down their target we also do know |
8179s | POA is pretty aggressive with his Emma |
8182s | so maybe if he's able to find somebody |
8183s | out with the Striking tiger then the |
8185s | bunny morph comes in you have the hat |
8187s | trick into the change there's a lot of |
8189s | crowd control a lot of opportunities you |
8191s | can take with the amp drone if your team |
8193s | plays along with you but we'll see if |
8195s | that actually comes to fruition this is |
8196s | a pretty unique type of play style that |
8198s | you're probably only going to see in ERM |
8200s | I highly doubt you would see this in |
8202s | ranked or anything like that we'll see |
8203s | if it actually works out DHC NJ couple |
8206s | of kills already on hand looking for a |
8208s | little bit more maybe to buff up their |
8209s | early game prowess but not going to find |
8212s | any just just yet have to Duke it out up |
8214s | against team Sparkle Esports if they |
8215s | want they don't know they don't know |
8217s | sparle Esports in this bush But Here |
8218s | Comes Sal scan it is going to be shown |
8221s | onto the screen of all the teams and |
8224s | they're just going to send it on to team |
8226s | uh segum rocks here and it is going to |
8229s | be two members of DHC andj going to be |
8232s | the ones to fall butas going to get |
8234s | lasted back in but Scarlet overextending |
8236s | here are they going kill him they do I |
8239s | think the sniper shot actually connected |
8240s | onto the change at the very end there |
8242s | junky finding that and predicting |
8244s | Scarlet's uh change very nicely played |
8247s | and a nice link on forward from Theodor |
8249s | going to be able to land that spark but |
8251s | nothing going to come out of it as s |
8254s | Harang just going to use their blast |
8255s | wave away tree of life was still secured |
8257s | I Believe by most of the members of Team |
8259s | Sparkle Esports yeah there's the glacial |
8261s | light coming in Scotty is locked in and |
8263s | secured for swanang but end up losing |
8265s | the Emma I think it was actually a fade |
8267s | away Auto attack through the shield from |
8270s | the field that the locker down down |
8271s | after the change came through a little |
8273s | bit unfortunate for Sparkle Esports but |
8274s | again they do end up securing the |
8276s | objective they do get a couple of kills |
8278s | from third |
8280s | party also had a tree in his inventory |
8282s | I'm guessing he got a tree from the |
8284s | woles so nice um nice pick up from them |
8288s | spark uh Scarlet going to have to walk |
8290s | into red here but I think they're going |
8293s | to get intercepted by the Beres and |
8295s | Alonzo but on the top side yeah fa and |
8299s | tangarang are there as well deodor is |
8301s | completely isolated not with his team |
8304s | and it's going to be the Beres that's |
8305s | going to instantly fall Bob Masa going |
8307s | to fall very shortly here going to use |
8309s | the white lily is it actually going to |
8311s | be able to get away and there's going to |
8312s | be no more for steam Sparkle Esports |
8314s | this is really rough though we saw where |
8316s | the Theo was he's inside of forest we're |
8318s | not playing on the midseason patch so |
8319s | there is no hyperloop of forest he is |
8321s | completely isolated away from the rest |
8323s | of the map at the moment with not that |
8325s | many easy prospects to get the hyperloop |
8327s | in either this steo is in a lot of |
8329s | trouble and I think s ra a very very bad |
8332s | miscommunication coming through for both |
8334s | of these teams he should have made the |
8336s | call that the Emma was coming but the |
8338s | Bernice and the Alonzo kept going so |
8342s | hopefully they're going to iron iron |
8344s | things out they're sitting inside a |
8345s | beach now trying to get a couple of |
8347s | objectives never mind it's just the |
8349s | Bernice maybe looking for a free I think |
8351s | they're going to be able to get that |
8352s | free oh no B is just going to leave as |
8354s | Auto Arms is in the zone here second |
8357s | rocks they're floating on about, credits |
8359s | so they don't probably don't want to |
8360s | take any fights until they get their |
8361s | buys cartel going to be able to get this |
8364s | free Alpha for themselves in Cemetery |
8366s | you can see on the mini map where all |
8367s | these teams are situated here yeah s |
8370s | Rock going to get their Buys in |
8371s | Warehouse probably going to get the the |
8373s | Bears down here as well and actually |
8374s | going to claim an alpha forsel too |
8377s | really really big as the racing helmet's |
8378s | going to come online for the theore |
8380s | here's the initiation coming in it's |
8382s | going to be team bnk FX trying to do get |
8384s | out up against team Astro a lot of |
8385s | damage taken he's going to live Blue |
8388s | Viper not going to be enough down goes |
8390s | huner that's not not good but down goes |
8392s | the Alonzo as well G now trying to stay |
8394s | alive by himself up against bum he has |
8396s | the queen set up but I don't know if |
8398s | he's going to be able to find anything |
8399s | he will not and there will be a fight |
8401s | disengage spona getting tagged down by |
8403s | these Mutant Chickens there's a blink on |
8404s | him from T he gets the lock down but no |
8406s | walls whatever to speak of the bounce |
8408s | that OFA back and CMB trying to kite as |
8410s | much as he can but how much can he kite |
8412s | he's so hard Shadow stab is good down |
8415s | goes to Yan down goes to Felix it's a |
8417s | one for one trade so far sadan he's |
8419s | trying he's dodging out all the moons |
8420s | but another fight the north side of the |
8421s | map one Circle he is low as heck dhdj |
8425s | down goes the yam PBA trying to run away |
8426s | pix same thing as well oh sad hand is |
8430s | down Auto Arms down to two members again |
8433s | they can't fight this for too long |
8434s | because the res timer should be coming |
8436s | up soon down goes pxu to the ground is |
8438s | the Emma out I think so but there's |
8440s | another flight coming in another third |
8442s | party one Circle put in the corner down |
8444s | goes the haze thanks the work from the |
8446s | William pubba standing on the backside |
8448s | Blue Viper lands romatic should get |
8450s | taken out the kill credit goes over to |
8452s | Bubba with the passive Auto attack Dodge |
8454s | is out on the pole he is trying to keep |
8456s | himself alive what is going on Cinema |
8459s | uhoh down he goes as well how many kills |
8461s | did we just see in the past minute yeah |
8464s | a losing two members but looks like s is |
8466s | going to be able to respawn here and |
8468s | yeah what a fiesta of fights going on |
8472s | between two teams I think Auto arms and |
8475s | I think that was uh DHC andj they're |
8477s | fighting out oh sorry cartel they're |
8478s | fighting out for so long and edong they |
8481s | were fighting uh another team and then |
8482s | they got third partied and yeah it was |
8484s | just a bunch of exchanges of kills |
8486s | between these players and oh I like this |
8489s | I really like this play from sple |
8490s | Esports this is a spot that no one |
8492s | really checks and he yeah yeah Ry walks |
8496s | right in into the hands of Team Sparkle |
8498s | Esports very nice head of play from |
8500s | Sparkle Esports able to use uh you know |
8503s | Vision to your advantage we see it all |
8504s | the time from this team cuz they are |
8505s | playing that that triple range if they |
8507s | are able to get the jump onto these |
8509s | other teams are able to get that lock |
8510s | down and it's just going to be enough |
8511s | and that is a corner that I don't think |
8513s | a lot of people know |
8515s | about and a lot of teams or a lot of |
8517s | players are disciplined uh enough to |
8519s | check that spot absolutely but luckily |
8521s | for team Asher it was a night two death |
8523s | the last one we're going to get for game |
8524s | number four which means we should see |
8526s | Char coming back in just a couple more |
8528s | seconds here everybody else now starting |
8530s | from this moment forward any kills it's |
8533s | going to result in a minus 250 for that |
8535s | team trying to get the rest for any |
8537s | players down that is the classic eternal |
8540s | return way now let's see what the |
8542s | situation around the map is a minute and |
8543s | 30 to go until Omega is going to spawn |
8546s | we're going to see gas station actually |
8547s | opening back up you can see it on that |
8549s | mini map a couple of teams on the North |
8551s | side we do see Team Asher cornered in |
8554s | the top side of the map the initiation |
8557s | going to come through from denana he's |
8558s | going to try finding an angle onto Roser |
8560s | the return fire is pretty good as |
8561s | romatic taken down to about half of his |
8563s | HP soer constantly putting down the |
8565s | pressure with these lach coming in |
8568s | there's the force field being activated |
8570s | by Rosner he's trying keep himself alive |
8571s | but frozen into Oblivion down he goes |
8573s | minus 250 underway and another third |
8576s | party coming in as another team from the |
8577s | top side start the file on in but that |
8580s | will be it everybody disengages and the |
8582s | only casualty we had was the Lennox yeah |
8585s | Ros going down there I think M was the |
8587s | one that was able to pick it up so a |
8588s | nice kill over to teamang there is a lot |
8592s | of uh you know stuff spotting in the |
8595s | fire station here we got the Omega and a |
8597s | purple box so it's a pretty high |
8599s | priority uh place I I think a lot of |
8601s | team are probably going to try |
8602s | contesting for this uh-oh and TMP |
8604s | getting caught way too far up from his |
8607s | team not checking these bushes once |
8608s | again Sparkle Esports getting the uh |
8611s | jump onto a lot of these teams that just |
8613s | aren't disciplined to check and uh you |
8616s | know the these other teams are |
8618s | immediately paying the price for it |
8619s | Recon drone saves lives man here we go |
8622s | fight for the purple box that will be |
8623s | spawning in about 15 seconds romantic |
8625s | does end the blue Landing a sharpshooter |
8626s | but not going to be able to get a |
8628s | passive off with the Ashen Reaper Auto |
8629s | ATT attack that hand still sitting in |
8631s | the back Tak on needing a couple of Auto |
8633s | attacks a couple of rockets here and |
8634s | there he's going to heal back up 3 |
8636s | seconds to go before the Box opens up |
8638s | and with the |
8639s | sand should be be and going to look they |
8643s | do have a ward there so they do end up |
8645s | looking D actually going to GRE the box |
8647s | and going to instantly die oh my wow |
8650s | through the shield too holy crap that |
8652s | damage is insane purple box was Secure |
8655s | but for what absolutely nothing yeah it |
8657s | was three the damage but at the same |
8659s | time it wasn't because the damage |
8660s | reduction is only applied when um you |
8663s | know or it's only applied to the |
8665s | direction you're facing and I think both |
8667s | um the ri and the the Yan was able to |
8670s | find an angle to do damage to the to the |
8674s | Alonzo you know at um at a different |
8677s | angle so you know the damage reduction |
8679s | didn't really get applied there as gwor |
8680s | does end up finding one Circle does get |
8682s | the Knight combo onto one Circle well in |
8686s | the F so that's going to be a minus 500 |
8687s | for |
8688s | team serious they Prett pretty rough |
8691s | situation for me some of our top teams |
8694s | in the scoreboard are really struggling |
8696s | to keep themselves intact right now |
8698s | minus 500 is done but at least they are |
8701s | able to at least get it done right the |
8702s | portable kiosk going to be activated |
8704s | maybe to mitigate the risk instead of |
8706s | going into school oh this could be a |
8708s | little bit problematic Cinema just |
8709s | jumping straight into the bush the |
8710s | initiation is going to come through |
8712s | Cinema still sitting up in the front |
8713s | sadan not really getting any damage down |
8715s | but instead it's the Elena just pumping |
8717s | damage over and over to these double |
8721s | and they are going be able to lock up |
8724s | the AL they do have mement speed so is |
8727s | going to get out of there and yeah it's |
8729s | just the alinaa and the Yan alinaa is |
8732s | really good into these melee characters |
8733s | cuz they're forced to eat the freeze and |
8735s | the combo you know follow up from the |
8737s | Yawn is a lot of damage so looks like |
8739s | it's going to be D HG andj just going to |
8740s | respect uh those two characters and |
8742s | they're going to back away seems like it |
8744s | was a good idea too man dxu he might be |
8747s | running tank but he's getting taken down |
8749s | extremely extremely quickly even without |
8751s | the sex bomb coming from the rousi she |
8753s | is taking a lot of damage from the |
8755s | double well not the double Bruiser but |
8757s | the double front line from the side of |
8759s | Team Auto Arms good stuff good stuff but |
8762s | we're still seeing all 24 players still |
8764s | alive right it is day number four which |
8766s | is quite interesting this is definitely |
8768s | a slower game than what we've seen |
8769s | before even without all the kills being |
8772s | factored in everybody being alive means |
8774s | the map is going to feel so much smaller |
8777s | than ever |
8779s | before yeah all the teams that you are |
8781s | correct all the teams are alive it's day |
8783s | four already what Cline's going to spawn |
8785s | very shortly it is going to be a little |
8786s | scary for these teams as you know these |
8789s | teams are going to be forced basically |
8791s | uh into each other there's not going to |
8792s | be much room for these teams to really |
8794s | work with all these teams around the |
8796s | bottom side they're forced to funnel |
8797s | into Forest here maybe some of these |
8800s | teams end up teing out from Chapel we |
8803s | might have a fight here between team DHC |
8804s | chain team cartel team cartel maybe |
8806s | going to look for an angle BNG does have |
8808s | the stud available but there is another |
8810s | team team |
8811s | I think they see the Rockets team cartel |
8813s | is just going to call for the disengage |
8814s | cuz they know there's another team |
8816s | nearby they they want to make sure they |
8817s | don't get third parted such good macro |
8819s | play coming from these guys no need to |
8821s | Brute Force anything right no need to |
8823s | pressure anything if they don't have the |
8824s | leniency to do it with the rocket |
8826s | launchers filing in they didn't have the |
8828s | leniency so immediately just backs on up |
8831s | I love the macro plays coming from these |
8832s | teams right now with all eight teams |
8834s | alive you are absolutely going to need |
8837s | those macro plays 100% bnx TX they |
8841s | recognize as well I think they know |
8842s | their console was taken so they know |
8843s | there's about two to three teams in this |
8845s | Zone as well so they just going to sit |
8846s | in this corner and it's going to be team |
8849s | sangam Bronx they're going to be the |
8850s | ones to funnel up to this quick line |
8852s | Sparkle Esports they're already set up |
8854s | though and they're playing this triple |
8855s | range comp will they be able to get this |
8857s | Vision play they do get a bunny morph |
8859s | onto the Alonzo but Alonzo just going to |
8862s | use their damage reduction back away |
8864s | there this really convenient this L into |
8866s | the game for the Seline right she is |
8868s | able to just use the blast wave almost |
8870s | for free cool down is going to be pretty |
8871s | low at this point they be forced back |
8874s | into the fight but rest of the team |
8877s | nice pushes away to checkm not going to |
8880s | get any damage done with that one jumo |
8882s | is going to get taken down beautifully |
8883s | played blink over the wall from sadan |
8885s | there is the Don mob going to get the |
8887s | kill over on to char they're going to |
8888s | secure it 15 seconds on their timer but |
8890s | who the heck cares they got the two |
8892s | kills they needed and now they're |
8893s | chilling in Temple completely for free |
8896s | whereas on the South Side team cartel |
8897s | and team bnk FX looking for a fight to |
8900s | get get the control over Beach some of |
8902s | these zones are the only few left here |
8904s | we go there's the jump in there's the |
8905s | blink in there's the thunder strike is |
8908s | Tak down NY MBA textbook Felix play |
8912s | absolutely incredible caning bum somehow |
8914s | turned this around though he's getting |
8915s | free auto attacks onto boa the last one |
8917s | just isn't there there's the one but |
8918s | it's the death of the William down TMP |
8922s | playing so well just able to completely |
8924s | solo that Haze in the back there able to |
8927s | utilize their their dashes you know |
8929s | dashing on backwards with their uh with |
8931s | their e and then you know hitting that |
8934s | final route with that W to follow and to |
8936s | connect and then yeah just locked uh |
8939s | locked up the haze and sealed the deal |
8941s | very very well played from ncmb but yeah |
8943s | I think um the team or the team fight in |
8946s | Temple there I think I think Asher |
8948s | thought T young was split and |
8951s | solo uh and and he was but then you know |
8954s | the ri coming in from Red Zone and then |
8957s | the Alina TB in they were able to turn |
8959s | in gwor think Ed way too much used the |
8961s | Checkmate oh my God basa going to follow |
8965s | the DI with his ultimate there and uh |
8968s | bab completely caught out and going to |
8970s | be the one to fall here yeah I don't |
8972s | think that striking tiger it was it my |
8975s | guy I I see taxi the Alonzo there I |
8979s | think the Striking tiger was just |
8980s | slightly late and yeah if the Alonzo is |
8984s | able to connect that uh that initial |
8986s | Dash no matter where you go he'll always |
8988s | follow unless you hyper Loop out that |
8990s | that's that's the that's the only |
8991s | exception cuz imagine alono just flying |
8994s | halfway across the map but unfortunate |
8996s | for team DHC andj they're going to be |
8999s | down in Emma credits are in the absolute |
9002s | dirt right now for that team too they're |
9003s | not going to be able to get that rest |
9004s | for a long time we've been assuming that |
9007s | Lumi is an opportunity right we've seen |
9009s | time and time again where these teams |
9010s | are constantly denying the Lumi and when |
9012s | there is six other teams alive other |
9014s | than your own you know someone is going |
9016s | to be blocking that it's not going to |
9018s | matter has kcw taken down pixu stuck in |
9020s | the middle of nowhere he is an absolute |
9022s | hell right now striking tiger as a |
9023s | desperation attempt he will at least |
9025s | make it to safety for the time |
9028s | being yeah and you saw the enems on team |
9030s | cartel bong sitting on that Queen of |
9033s | Hearts we got the burgundy on the Felix |
9036s | as well and dasu he's just going to sit |
9038s | there going to wait probably to TP on |
9041s | out but all these zones are taken look |
9043s | at how many teams he are in school by |
9045s | the way and right into the hands of Team |
9047s | Asher oh the combo actually not |
9050s | connecting from jreck I think that was a |
9053s | uh misinput there as um yeah I think he |
9056s | should have waited like a second longer |
9057s | for the Alonzo to get that route and |
9059s | that stun but use their Queen combo a |
9061s | little too early so is going to be a |
9063s | dropped Kill from Team Asher the one |
9064s | Saving Grace for all these teams right |
9066s | now is that our three final zones are |
9068s | some of the biggest zones within the |
9070s | game at the moment right School Forest |
9072s | as well as Beach it can actually help |
9074s | keep the members the end oh Scarlet |
9078s | Esports oh no oh I'm surprised they okay |
9083s | I'm surprised they didn't pull the |
9084s | trigger a little earlier but I think |
9085s | they didn't want to do it because it |
9086s | would have been right under cams oh and |
9089s | they oh |
9091s | yeah there you go but yeah if they if |
9094s | they pulled the trigger you know a |
9096s | little earlier there would have been |
9097s | right under cams and Mir s would have |
9098s | seen everything and maybe they would |
9100s | have uh came over to third party so |
9102s | that's probably why they didn't want to |
9103s | do it I could I could kind of see uh |
9106s | their Vision but they did end up getting |
9107s | kill anyway so you know didn't really |
9108s | matter that much indeed indeed |
9110s | all right we are down to six teams for |
9112s | our final couple of zones it's going to |
9114s | be how many teams are in schol five oh |
9117s | yeah the only team that is not here is |
9119s | hung n rocks they're going to be |
9120s | chilling by themselves down in beach so |
9122s | this should probably be a game where |
9124s | they're not going to make it a |
9125s | checkpoint again as they needed 19 or |
9128s | something no they don't needed like 16 |
9131s | so yeah as long as they get the win here |
9133s | like they should be okay oh actually |
9135s | you're right because they get three |
9136s | kills they're going to bring themselves |
9137s | up to eight and then in okay there is |
9140s | still World in which we do see a team |
9141s | and checkpoint after this one but here |
9143s | we go Team master dking it out up |
9144s | against team auts jumo is going to soak |
9146s | up a lot of damage Checkmate is going to |
9148s | completely whff though unfortunate for |
9150s | gor they're going to have to reset off |
9151s | of this where can they really reset off |
9154s | to do they even know there's five teams |
9155s | in this Zone yeah I like I like how they |
9157s | took I like how they decide to take the |
9159s | fight right after the cam Scots taken |
9161s | out oh no sad hands that is not what you |
9164s | want to see from your main man he gets |
9166s | caught by the Adela Queen and they're |
9169s | just going to instantly fall here here |
9171s | but this is not where you want to be |
9172s | they see the third coming |
9174s | in down Tong he's going to deny the |
9177s | opportunity for team aser to actually |
9179s | capitalize on that win and now they're |
9181s | in a whole lot of trouble getting chased |
9183s | down by denana he has the soul stealer |
9185s | there is the finger point of the follow |
9187s | through Queen is gone he's not going to |
9189s | be able to get anything done either |
9190s | night Fork isn't really going to save |
9192s | thatall lock wait going to go on |
9197s | to and they're just going to get two |
9199s | more kills here Sergeant getting all the |
9201s | kills in the zone going to be able to |
9202s | claim another two for themselves jumo |
9205s | going to have to walk in doesn't have |
9207s | any timer left as another two teams are |
9209s | fighting for the final Zone in uh in |
9213s | school here m s they have the most |
9215s | amount of timer cuz they got all the |
9217s | kills and they're just going to come in |
9218s | they're going to reap all the rewards |
9219s | they're going to get the third party |
9220s | here cartel isn't going to be able to |
9221s | get the WIP so they get a bunch of timer |
9222s | back is Ping going to find an angle is |
9226s | will we see another miracle play from |
9228s | ncmp it looks like uh C has more time |
9231s | right now cuz they were able to get the |
9232s | three thirst and there is the engage for |
9234s | MP he does get the knock up onto one |
9236s | Circle the getting chunk very low as |
9238s | seconds yeah the timer isn't there for |
9241s | team M and one Circle will end up |
9243s | popping and that's going to be it it is |
9244s | going to be team cartel coming out on |
9246s | top claiming almost all the kills in the |
9249s | zone with 14 field kills for themselves |
9251s | so far goodness gracious 14 field kills |
9253s | indeed the items are looking good on the |
9256s | side of Team cartel I believe that is |
9258s | even a burgundy on the Felix I see the |
9261s | shield cool down right now that is an |
9263s | item I haven't seen in a while but it's |
9264s | a forest final Zone up |
9267s | against dude segum rocks they take Zone |
9271s | control here it's going to be an uphill |
9273s | battle for team cartel look at the items |
9275s | from the Dior that blood weapon and that |
9278s | red shoes it is going to be a little |
9279s | rough but sangam rocks they are |
9282s | funneling some more items into thata I |
9284s | think the Adena is going to be able to |
9285s | get a lot of poke damage onto the |
9287s | backline if they can look for it the re |
9289s | traps are already set up here as uh Team |
9292s | cartel is going to be forced in but look |
9294s | at the timers from Team cartel they're |
9295s | only on 30 seconds so they can't really |
9298s | stall them out here for too long they |
9299s | have to go back in N CMB has to go |
9301s | massive in the situation hungi actually |
9303s | now putting the third trap down to |
9304s | completely block out the entrance into |
9306s | Forest they don't know what the |
9307s | situation the timer is looking like on |
9309s | the side of Team cartel there it is the |
9311s | refill is going to come back up 60 |
9313s | seconds now for team cartel they have |
9315s | all the time in the world the only |
9316s | question is how well are they actually |
9318s | going to be able to use it oh |
9321s | oh no the thunder strike is going to |
9322s | miss though it actually allows to get |
9324s | out okay here we go energy blast field |
9326s | not invested just yet Ghost Fire the Tim |
9329s | look at the timers look at yeah they got |
9330s | to go back in they have to absolutely go |
9333s | back in only on 10 seconds they're going |
9334s | to send it here find an angle get a lot |
9337s | of damage to lock down but the angle |
9339s | from ncmp it's not going to be enough |
9341s | ncmp is trying to do as much as he can |
9344s | but they trade two for one now they have |
9346s | the timer to reset here bung trying to |
9348s | look for an angle he tries to get some |
9349s | damage it's not going to be enough and |
9351s | it's going to be sang rocks able to win |
9354s | it out here with eight kills and I think |
9356s | that's just enough for them to get into |
9357s | checkpoint perfectly enough as well |
9360s | eight kills and first place they get 16 |
9362s | points 39 to 55 our first place team |
9366s | into the checkpoint slot what an |
9368s | incredible game and an incredible final |
9370s | Zone fight from the side of Team sunam |
9373s | Rox man oh man oh man if that thunder |
9375s | strike landed from ncmb that would have |
9377s | been the death of them but just barely |
9380s | just barely getting out of it thanks to |
9382s | the work of the soul stealer that is the |
9384s | power of that tactical skill ladies and |
9387s | gentlemen use it if you get the chance |
9388s | in a pre-coordinated environment good |
9391s | Lord that movement speed bonus is insane |
9394s | huge game to team ham Rox and now |
9397s | they're going to be the only team |
9398s | sitting inside of checkpoint I don't |
9400s | know how many games they're going to |
9401s | have of that but it is definitely a good |
9403s | good way to start game number five after |
9405s | the break yeah sdom rocks winning three |
9408s | out of our four games showing such a |
9410s | dominant performance and you know even |
9412s | winning the national league as well this |
9413s | week so yeah I mean they're just coming |
9416s | out they're showing why you know they're |
9417s | currently the best team right now in |
9419s | Korea and uh we're going to have to see |
9421s | you know if these other teams are going |
9422s | to be able to shut them down going into |
9423s | number five indeed indeed indeed but you |
9425s | have to remember that Alonzo is banned |
9427s | for game number five right this is going |
9428s | to be a little bit that buffer game for |
9431s | team hungnam Rox but I don't know how |
9433s | big of a buffer it is going to be and |
9436s | looking at Team M and seong actually |
9438s | picking the Alonzo it might have been |
9440s | the Saving Grace of the entire Lobby it |
9442s | will deny the full composition of s |
9445s | marox from coming back into play for |
9447s | game number five but aside from that too |
9450s | I feel like there are easy ways for the |
9452s | entire Lobby to Target down the members |
9456s | of Team Sonam marox Bernice can be |
9458s | easily picked up by another team Theo is |
9460s | also another character that can be |
9462s | easily picked up by other teams we could |
9464s | see very very strategic character |
9467s | selections from teams that can run those |
9469s | two characters |
9471s | yeah we'll have to see you know maybe |
9472s | suum rocks maybe they sub DDO for that |
9474s | final game to close it out uh to close |
9476s | the series out or uh maybe they just |
9478s | decide to just play a different tank and |
9481s | they still you know stay on that dor and |
9483s | the B I think that D have definitely |
9485s | been working wonders for them but maybe |
9487s | it could have been because of that |
9488s | Alonzo pick that's you know no longer |
9490s | going to be on the table for them so |
9491s | we'll have to see you know what they do |
9494s | or what their strategy is going into |
9495s | game number five they do have that um |
9498s | checkpoint |
9500s | uh break point right now so they do have |
9501s | that break to maybe think about you know |
9503s | what they want to decide on going into |
9506s | game number five in the end Theo Bernice |
9508s | is just such a strong core that as long |
9510s | as they have a solid front line which |
9512s | Bob mosa should be able to play almost |
9515s | every single one of them listen man if |
9517s | he randomly just brings out a Camilo out |
9520s | of nowhere then I am going to be blown |
9522s | away because that is used that used to |
9524s | be one of his main main characters but |
9526s | when you're running something like Theo |
9528s | Bernice you need a Bonafide front mind I |
9530s | would really not expect even a tank |
9532s | Camilo to come through in a situation |
9534s | like this either way there are a lot of |
9537s | options that Bob mosa can pivot towards |
9539s | instead of the Alonzo that is just one |
9541s | of the benefits of running this double |
9542s | backline core composition any tank will |
9545s | do as long as you're able to find |
9547s | transitions as long as you're able to |
9548s | stay up in the front side and block |
9550s | damage from coming in and people getting |
9551s | through you oh yeah you got your job |
9553s | done and my guess is it might be the |
9555s | Estel but at the same time you know I |
9557s | like Alonzo is just such a great tank |
9558s | for that comp cuz you know you do have |
9560s | that lockdown CC and then you have that |
9563s | damage reduction just you know just |
9565s | being able to live for so long compared |
9566s | to other tanks but here is the standings |
9570s | as sangam rocks they are our first team |
9572s | into checkpoint winning three out of the |
9574s | four games with a dominant performance |
9577s | with 55 points but there are some teams |
9579s | that are getting pretty uh pretty close |
9580s | as well team cartel 44 points only 11 |
9583s | points needed for them to get into |
9584s | checkpoint as well Auto Arms 41 and Mar |
9587s | sang with 40 this could really turn bad |
9590s | for team s rocks if they let game number |
9592s | five go by any means Cartel Auto arm SMA |
9595s | and seon look at the number of Team |
9597s | kills they have as well they have not |
9599s | been slacking in the series by any means |
9601s | absolutely a Powerhouse for all of those |
9603s | teams coming up we have to see ham rocks |
9606s | seeing what they can get in game number |
9607s | five what are they going to pick as |
9609s | their front line what is a substitution |
9611s | coming in instead of the Alonzo what |
9613s | will be their pivots but that will all |
9615s | be decided after the break super we need |
9617s | to get ourselves a little bit of a break |
9619s | ourselves |
9621s | yeah uh I'm excited I really want to see |
9623s | you know what roster changes we might |
9625s | have or what uh character swaps because |
9627s | obviously we do have that Alonzo band |
9628s | this time around maybe you know these uh |
9630s | teams are going to swap back onto the |
9632s | mai or maybe they play the Estelle or |
9634s | maybe they play an entirely different |
9636s | team comp but I think with that we will |
9638s | send you guys over to the break here sir |
9641s | yes sir all right what a great Series so |
9643s | far yes sir yes sir all right ladies and |
9646s | gentlemen we'll see you guys after the 5 |
9647s | minute break go grab yourselves a snack |
9649s | again go grab some water go take a |
9651s | stretch cuz it might be the last one for |
9652s | the weekend in terms of eternal return |
9654s | Masters we'll see you guys back for |
9655s | games five and six take care take care |
9699s | spee spe |
9738s | s e |
9781s | in |
9820s | fore |
9850s | spee |
9858s | fore |
9862s | fore |
9867s | foree fore |
9882s | [Music] |
9918s | foree nice |
9921s | fore |
9934s | fore fore foree |
9951s | you're ready to get in the game now the |
9954s | last thing you want is to wait WD Black |
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9964s | times performance to transform your game |
9967s | expanded capacity to store more |
9970s | customizable RGB WD black because the |
9974s | game never Waits WD black drive your |
9979s | game |
9983s | [Music] |
9992s | [Music] |
10002s | [Music] |
10008s | foree |
10018s | foree |
10020s | fore fore |
10043s | welcome to the era of the aipc powered |
10046s | by the world's most advanced processor |
10048s | of its kind images come to life in an |
10052s | instant emails write themselves |
10055s | languages translate in real time are you |
10057s | joking and with AMD ryen AI built in you |
10060s | can create from anywhere the |
10062s | unbelievably thin and light AI PC |
10065s | Advanced by AMD ryzen AI the biggest |
10068s | innovation in personal Computing |
10081s | ever all right ladies and gentlemen |
10083s | welcome back from the break hopefully |
10085s | you guys had an excellent one this time |
10087s | around I said a good one earlier I hope |
10090s | you had an excellent one because that |
10092s | might as well have been our last break |
10095s | potentially because my goodness the |
10097s | first four games have created a really |
10099s | really unique situation where we have a |
10100s | team right now in perfect sync with the |
10104s | amount of checkpoint points required to |
10106s | put yourself in that situation hung Rock |
10109s | sitting at 55 points looking to |
10110s | potentially end the series within the |
10112s | next two games before we go on another |
10114s | break for game seven and eight yeah |
10117s | usually you don't have you know a team |
10118s | that's just in checkpoint usually it's |
10121s | always the opposite where they're like |
10122s | one point away or two points away but uh |
10125s | this time around sangam rocks perfectly |
10127s | in that checkpoint break point with 55 |
10128s | points will they be able to close it out |
10130s | here is the question I'm excited going |
10132s | into game number five let's see if these |
10134s | teams do end up uh maybe changing their |
10136s | team com to maybe try shutting down this |
10138s | team as also we do know that uh s rocks |
10142s | they were playing that Alonzo it is off |
10144s | the table now and looks like they're |
10146s | going to swap into the my and D is going |
10150s | to get subbed in okay he is hovering the |
10153s | subam as of right now bom is hovering |
10155s | the William if subam is picked TI for D |
10159s | it's going to create a little bit of an |
10160s | opening I think M and seong is waiting |
10162s | for that William to theoretically be |
10164s | swapped back in towards romantic |
10166s | hovering right now with r he should no |
10169s | he's going to go for the William oh |
10172s | William ban in the ERM this is the first |
10176s | time I have seen it in my |
10178s | life and a half years of casting super I |
10182s | am in Bliss and look at them they're in |
10184s | like a diagonal formation too it's it's |
10186s | beautiful it's beautiful yeah just why I |
10188s | pr d is going to get subbed in because |
10190s | of the Alonzo band so they don't really |
10191s | have you know that Alonzo comp but maybe |
10194s | DDO is going to be here he's going to be |
10196s | the pitcher he's going to be closing out |
10197s | the game at the very end here I'm very |
10200s | excited to see if they are going to be |
10202s | able to uh you know pop off and um you |
10205s | know close out the series he's got to |
10206s | throw a perfect game super it is the |
10208s | only way that this game can |
10209s | theoretically end after a game number |
10212s | five can sunam rocks taking it over the |
10216s | national league win themselves another |
10218s | tournament or early on into season 5 |
10220s | competitive or is it going to be a |
10222s | situation where other teams are able to |
10223s | quell this monster of a William player I |
10227s | know a lot of people have been waiting |
10228s | for this I've been hyping it up to a |
10230s | friend of mine I just haven't been able |
10231s | to show it to him yet now he's going to |
10233s | be able to witness The Genius of William |
10236s | that is DDO we'll see if he gets things |
10238s | done you saw the slides there just now |
10240s | too expect to see more of that in the |
10242s | game here we go game five is on yeah the |
10245s | cers are hovering over him I think they |
10247s | know as well obviously there are two |
10249s | other Williams in lobby though you |
10251s | definitely can't count them out we do |
10252s | know romatic is pretty good on Williams |
10255s | same thing with bomb they got uh quite |
10257s | the ways to climb here but yeah we're |
10259s | going to have two bands going into game |
10262s | number six we're going to have that Mai |
10264s | and that William both off the table the |
10266s | thing is with DDO now on the William in |
10269s | this game I feel like we are in a |
10271s | situation a very very unique situation |
10274s | where we can finally see all three |
10277s | different play styles of the William and |
10278s | now I say three but one is a little bit |
10280s | of a cheat and I'll explain why where we |
10283s | have a very micro intensive William |
10285s | player of romantic he is very in the |
10288s | fight he's very up close and personal |
10290s | trying to get those fast ball Auto |
10291s | attacks onto priority targets over and |
10293s | over again whereas bum is the type to |
10295s | sit in the backline and get those |
10297s | consistent Auto attacks in I talked |
10299s | about it earlier and now DDO he does |
10303s | both perfectly this man can do no wrong |
10306s | when it comes to William he can go in he |
10308s | can stay in the back he can position he |
10310s | can play aggressive you name it he can |
10312s | do it we have all three play Styles all |
10315s | clashing in one specific game we need to |
10318s | see DDO somehow overtaking both of the |
10321s | play styles that are divied up into two |
10323s | different players if he wants to take |
10325s | this game and win it for his |
10327s | team yeah I'm I'm very excited I want to |
10330s | see if he is going to be able to close |
10331s | out this game you know it's basically |
10333s | the the the ninth inning all he has to |
10335s | do is uh you know get get three |
10338s | strikeouts and and uh they should be |
10340s | able to claim their victory for you know |
10342s | uh ERM phase one for season 5 sir yes |
10346s | sir yes sir we also know that if a game |
10349s | six could theoretically come through he |
10350s | was hovering this tamei which would also |
10352s | be a really really fun pick just to |
10354s | watch ddl on but of course for team hung |
10356s | rocks their main goal is to not let that |
10359s | ever become a thing that can happen in |
10362s | this universe here we go though a couple |
10363s | of fights happening early on S gunam he |
10365s | is just bounced around everywhere he is |
10367s | not having a good time Al here we go DDO |
10370s | already sliding in pxu is already down |
10372s | there's the first kill for D he is |
10373s | sliding in all over the place 1 two |
10375s | three the fast there is another kill |
10377s | coming in for DDO it's a two for two at |
10379s | the moment Bubba I don't think you want |
10381s | to chase this one man dude DDO he is |
10383s | online he is ready to fight he is ready |
10386s | to throw those baseballs two for two for |
10388s | DHC NJ and some rocks yeah and if you're |
10391s | in a position like DHC andj you would |
10393s | take that any day because you're giving |
10394s | points over to the Checkmate team so you |
10396s | know s rocks the points really don't |
10398s | really matter for them they do get some |
10399s | credits off getting those kills but you |
10401s | know it's only about maybe like 10 20 |
10403s | credits it's not really the end of the |
10405s | world to feed over to them as you do |
10406s | have a 1 V one between t young and team |
10409s | ncmp |
10410s | ncmp be masterfully played on this Felix |
10413s | going to be able to Blink on forward |
10414s | able to dodge out on a lot of the combos |
10417s | from that ywn and yeah Team Auto Arms |
10419s | going to lose two members as it is going |
10421s | to be team cartel going to be able to |
10422s | pick up those two kills look at the |
10424s | blood bath that is happening right now |
10425s | everybody is fighting at the moment same |
10427s | thing for team Sparkle East they're just |
10429s | going to have to back away from this one |
10431s | roll playing extremely aggressively up |
10433s | in the front line same thing for Soler |
10434s | too much punish means that the enity of |
10437s | the triple range backline composition is |
10439s | going to have to back away from that one |
10441s | oh my goodness we are starting off game |
10443s | number five strong it almost seems like |
10445s | a pattern at this point where everybody |
10447s | just comes back from a break and |
10448s | instantly just decides to pop everything |
10450s | they have in their Arsenal for |
10452s | kills CMP going to get caught out here |
10455s | trying to get some extra Farm in the |
10457s | beach but going to get completely locked |
10458s | up by team dcj great double ply great |
10462s | knockups from the Yan and yeah it is |
10465s | going to be lights out for that Felix |
10467s | but it is still an early game de the |
10469s | timers are getting a little longer but |
10470s | they will be back up just in time for |
10472s | that first objective contest that is one |
10474s | of the reasons also by the way why DHC |
10476s | andj is such a good pick comp they have |
10478s | crowd control that can stack one after |
10480s | another really really well to the point |
10482s | where even tanks sometimes can't even |
10484s | deal with it they're going to be sitting |
10485s | on three kills now again two kills came |
10487s | from s d rocks |
10489s | they actually need the points so these |
10491s | three kills are going to really benefit |
10492s | them we also know that this team is one |
10494s | that can snowball pretty quickly here we |
10497s | go this could be bad nice check hatrick |
10500s | fantastic game sense from scarlet and |
10502s | this should allow them to at least get a |
10504s | sense of what's going on here it's going |
10505s | to be a double prong two pronged attack |
10508s | there the double knock up another double |
10510s | stun into the wall too that is a lot of |
10512s | damage taken by F sing has been invested |
10514s | and there's the totem pop out from |
10516s | Scarlet immediately taken down into a |
10518s | death another fight right around the |
10519s | tree of life DHC and J are looking for |
10521s | kills are they going to go up nah |
10523s | they're just going to back away yeah |
10525s | great hat trick there from babo timing |
10526s | the emmo coming out from the totem and |
10528s | then the CC combo again coming out from |
10530s | DHC andj just able to lock up that emmo |
10533s | and looks like dhj were actually able to |
10534s | get a meteor off the walls in beach so |
10537s | maybe maybe they're going to quickly use |
10538s | this they going to quickly craft and |
10540s | they're going to come to contest here s |
10542s | up Auto Arms taking the fight into |
10544s | Cartel into Hotel here here comes a |
10546s | third party from DHC andj there looks |
10548s | like they're just going to set their |
10549s | eyes off uh eyes on this tree I think |
10552s | they're going to be able to grab it here |
10554s | what a huge huge win for DHC andj at day |
10557s | number two meter right on top of a tree |
10559s | of life this Emma is going to be |
10560s | absurdly strong assuming she also got |
10562s | the meter right on top of it if she went |
10564s | the moon yeah that could definitely be a |
10566s | possibility whereas FAA not really |
10568s | having it at all oh I didn't even |
10570s | realize that we do have a Bianca pick |
10572s | coming up from team Ash here so they |
10573s | have a more like a a more dive es comp |
10577s | with this Alina is that on Bianca it is |
10581s | yeah dude I am seeing everything man I |
10584s | dude so I somebody in the chat yesterday |
10586s | said this I swear we are seeing |
10587s | everything whoever said it in the chat |
10589s | my God look at the Ys |
10592s | dude knock up each other uh sad hand's |
10596s | going to try maybe killing uh babo but |
10598s | the totem lasting long enough for that |
10600s | ultimate not to connect here Cinema |
10601s | going to look for an angle trying to |
10603s | kill the diin does get the DI does end |
10606s | up using the damage reduction this going |
10607s | to be enough though B sh into the wall |
10609s | and the great double Dove going to be |
10610s | able to lock them down there and it will |
10613s | be to lose two members for one here's |
10615s | for the B Queen it will end up |
10617s | connecting onto Rosner the Ry is going |
10619s | to be able to finish that off but bomb |
10622s | going to be able to find an angle to |
10624s | kill the ri and it's going to and the |
10626s | fight's going to swing into B |
10628s | bnk uh fx's favor oh man it looks so |
10632s | good for a second the initiation was G |
10634s | re of the vampire queen perfect split |
10636s | but it just de buies time for bum to get |
10638s | his fast ball up and it just doesn't |
10640s | seem like the fight was determined too |
10642s | quickly enough for the side of Team |
10644s | Asher at least the is stay alive they |
10646s | are going to be alive in just a few more |
10648s | seconds not going to be able to take |
10649s | advantage of any objectives |
10652s | or they getting these items for free |
10654s | they got the School Battle Zone and |
10656s | they're going to be able to get the |
10657s | alpha here look at their items double AO |
10662s | die ready for the adc's bomb or sorry DD |
10664s | already on four items you're going to |
10665s | get this mythal as well so they're going |
10667s | to be sitting in a really nice |
10668s | comfortable position |
10669s | when when you are in checkpoint all that |
10670s | matters is for you to win the game so |
10672s | you just need to you know transition as |
10675s | fast as possible so you could you know |
10677s | kind of secure these uh zones for free |
10680s | you're going to be able to back off a |
10681s | lot of these other teams and yeah they |
10683s | are definitely on well on their way to |
10686s | winning out this game this is exactly |
10688s | the pacing they want too it was |
10690s | something like they something like what |
10691s | they had in game number two but it's |
10693s | even faster paced now because of the |
10695s | bonus objectives they able to pick up at |
10697s | night number two compared to before |
10699s | where they really didn't have that many |
10701s | items but had two kills early on this |
10704s | time around they're actually getting |
10705s | items which is absolutely massive for |
10708s | team sun rocks they are looking to |
10710s | potentially fight nope it's just oh |
10711s | they're going to get another Alpha oh my |
10714s | God double Alpha are you Ser no one is |
10717s | stopping this team right now archery |
10719s | range and they're going to get another |
10721s | one battle Zone and a double Alpha on |
10723s | the night two uh swing that is a crazy |
10728s | turn of events for team Rox here I don't |
10731s | know what they're going to do with this |
10732s | other mythal though maybe they give it |
10734s | to the M for myth crop here I think that |
10736s | would probably be their best cuz myth |
10737s | crop is uh quite the item oh they're |
10740s | actually just going to use into the myal |
10741s | armband so both adcs are sitting on |
10743s | about four items a piece at night two so |
10747s | yeah they are they are looking really |
10750s | really good here can you even stop this |
10752s | team anymore they're so accelerated |
10754s | right now and know I might honestly bite |
10756s | my words at this point because I just |
10758s | said that but they are so accelerated at |
10761s | this point that it is really difficult |
10763s | to even stand against them in terms of |
10765s | DPS Auto |
10767s | attacks really hurting a lot those |
10769s | rocket launchers taging taking a lot the |
10770s | bear is going to be able to block out |
10772s | all the damage be hedong trying to jump |
10773s | it out up against BK FX signature |
10775s | Fireball |
10776s | grounds oh my God it is tough bom is |
10779s | going to get taken down 7 seconds |
10781s | before Rox they saw everything under the |
10784s | cams they're just going to look to send |
10786s | it here Rox yeah I think they're in a |
10788s | position where they could just beat |
10789s | people with their wallets they have so |
10791s | many items I don't think any team is |
10793s | going to be able to contest for them but |
10795s | it is still a battle royale at the end |
10796s | of the day they could get third partied |
10799s | Rosner here completely isolated from his |
10800s | team it looks like oh wait a second |
10802s | they're going to wipe as I looks like |
10804s | dcj found a nice angle onto their |
10806s | backline Ros was the last one left and |
10808s | BK FX going to go out in eighth place |
10810s | with only four field kills that is |
10812s | devastating if you are bkx fan |
10815s | another another eighth place for team |
10818s | bnk FX they really just they just got |
10823s | another they got a meteor they got a |
10826s | meteor in Chapel and they got a purple |
10827s | box so they are they're going to be |
10830s | really scary like they just got like |
10833s | five extra items I think on both |
10836s | rotations or sorry like five extra items |
10838s | in total like three three extra items on |
10840s | the first rotation and then two extra |
10842s | items on the second one so it was |
10844s | unfortunately just a tactical skill but |
10846s | I think I already saw the BD sitting on |
10848s | tactic skill to for for Blink he's |
10850s | probably going to give it over onto the |
10852s | the William just for fun at this point |
10854s | cuz they getting so many things we might |
10857s | honestly have ourselves a game where |
10858s | we're going to see |
10860s | all blood sample we might see bloody nin |
10863s | tales for Ma on song n rocks that's how |
10865s | that's how rich they are right now for |
10867s | free at this point no one really giving |
10869s | them the benefit of the doubt no one |
10870s | really stopping them at this point I |
10872s | don't think half of these teams actually |
10873s | even know how far ahead teams at the |
10875s | moment looking for an angle touch maybe |
10877s | try to solo the but I think Ado should |
10879s | be able to outlive this Alina here with |
10882s | the shields as Asher is nowhere to be |
10885s | found oh great stun onto jumo there |
10889s | completely canceling out the r of the |
10890s | vampire queen and they're going to have |
10892s | to they're going to be forc it back away |
10893s | there but a great find from ncmp able to |
10895s | connect that route and they're going to |
10897s | be able to kill jumo there great play |
10899s | from Team cartel and a great team fight |
10902s | and on the other side though seum rocks |
10904s | they find Auto Arms I think it is the |
10906s | wallet diff we're talking about look at |
10907s | the items on D sad hands only sitting on |
10911s | the AO die it's it's not looking good |
10913s | for this Lobby it is actually |
10915s | devastating for these lobbies Auto Arms |
10917s | Now understand what the lobby situation |
10919s | is I think they're in despair right now |
10921s | although some of the other teams still |
10922s | looking for fights around the map fana |
10924s | sitting at the backside Sparkle Esports |
10926s | in a little bit of trouble good |
10928s | disengage coming from fa he is alive |
10930s | purple box is lost but the lives are |
10932s | maintained minus 250 saved yeah great |
10935s | blast wave there from sang able to push |
10937s | one Circle out of there and it is going |
10940s | to be team Asher they didus 250 but they |
10943s | are going to be able to get this free |
10944s | Omega fors the inside the purple box by |
10947s | the way as well was a flare gun for M |
10949s | and song so they already activated it I |
10951s | see a blood sample being called by |
10953s | denana should be going over onto the |
10954s | Lura that's going to be a bloody net |
10955s | Tales upgrade with the dawn upgrade on |
10958s | top of it really really good transitions |
10960s | coming through for so many of these |
10961s | teams at night number two night number |
10963s | three I apologize cartel losing ncmb |
10966s | he's completely isolated away from his |
10967s | team minus 250 for that Felix as well |
10971s | now blood is called for team Rox there I |
10975s | think they are going to go for that |
10977s | Chaser already on night three rotation |
10980s | for |
10981s | Rox and yeah they are looking really |
10984s | really strong here I don't think any |
10985s | team is going to be able to contest |
10986s | maybe team though they did just get a |
10989s | red box they is going to be a blood |
10990s | Crown can anyone use this uh I don't |
10994s | think so romatic is on the crit |
10997s | headpiece already he's going to put it |
10998s | on though so he will drop some of his |
11000s | crit rate I don't think he can really |
11002s | get any crit in any other pieces so he |
11004s | will just be sitting on that 60 66% once |
11006s | he does get that radar going yeah the |
11008s | only way he can get it I think is if he |
11011s | goes what I think no flette is a is a |
11014s | shuriken weapon I SW there was a crit |
11016s | throw weapon is there not maybe is there |
11018s | I don't I don't think so it is there's |
11021s | like the the prism I think oh but that |
11024s | gives you Vigor oh yeah you're right |
11026s | there is no crit throw weapon so he is |
11028s | going to be perpetually at least Max |
11030s | maybe 67 68% crit it's not bad which is |
11033s | not which is not bad for adcs cuz there |
11035s | is pseudo R in this game so you are able |
11037s | to guarantee you know crit on your every |
11040s | Auto every other Auto attack yeah if you |
11041s | do end up missing so it's not the end of |
11043s | the world and blood Crown does have that |
11045s | defensive stat I think is which is |
11047s | really good you know having that extra |
11049s | 10 defense uh can definitely save you |
11051s | know an ADC especially on a character |
11052s | like William hey super we've been we've |
11055s | been we've been tossed down the bridge I |
11057s | forgot a stopping exists in this game so |
11059s | there is theoretically a world where |
11060s | this William could at least hit |
11062s | somewhere around 98% crit with those |
11064s | three items but have to go out of his |
11066s | way A strapp A it's another throw item |
11069s | that's the thing that I was that I was |
11070s | thinking about cuz I could have sworn |
11072s | there was one it is a strapp a so if he |
11075s | really wants to go for it and sub out |
11077s | the I think it was the smoke grenade |
11079s | that he had in his inventory he could go |
11080s | for that but just to use the blood Crown |
11083s | I'm not entirely sure if that's going to |
11085s | be worth it we'll see what his items |
11086s | look like later down the road maybe just |
11088s | skips that entirely and goes straight to |
11090s | Chaser who |
11091s | knows yeah and we do have 500p there's a |
11094s | lot of teams nearby here I like the |
11096s | positioning from Team Asher here they |
11098s | might play into hands of a team f and MP |
11100s | it looks like both teams are going to |
11102s | walk on out of here team Rox they're |
11106s | positioning for this Wick line that's |
11107s | going to be spawning and this red box uh |
11110s | that's going to be spawning in fire |
11112s | station and in school there's a lot of |
11113s | teams already coming into school to |
11115s | probably deny uh any of these other |
11117s | teams from taking Wick they know they |
11119s | need to look for team Rox they have to |
11121s | make sure Rox is not going to be able to |
11123s | win this game as they do end up coming |
11125s | into the Zone RX is definitely the |
11126s | strongest in the lobby we we saw their |
11128s | items we saw how many transitions that |
11131s | uh how many transitions they had in the |
11132s | early game they were able to get a |
11133s | couple buys as well as I'm surprised |
11135s | that uh you know the M maybe looking for |
11137s | an engage there there is a lot of teams |
11138s | nearby they definitely don't have any |
11140s | Vision just yet so they they definitely |
11142s | need to make sure they uh they clear out |
11144s | and they're safe they here we know we |
11147s | know exactly what happened happened to |
11148s | non-responsible yesterday for oh no |
11151s | they're not going to check this uhoh |
11154s | that is so bad they got a cancel the |
11156s | Bianca down goes to Bernice exactly what |
11159s | I said the over confidence gets them K |
11162s | jumping over into the gymnasium DDO is |
11164s | going to try to get the blink over going |
11166s | to make the distance and he will at |
11168s | least be able to get the res but that |
11170s | right there again is the overconfidence |
11172s | breaming for that team 525 credits for |
11175s | the prise gone just like the wind yeah |
11178s | they have the sniper skill as well they |
11180s | didn't use it at all to check that that |
11182s | corner they just got a little too |
11183s | complacent they had so many items they |
11185s | probably just stop you know we're just |
11186s | Unstoppable and they immediately play |
11188s | pay the price for it Asher great vision |
11190s | player from them able to sit behind that |
11192s | wall and yeah RX not checking that and |
11195s | they will end up falling there but it's |
11197s | a great wakeup call this is like the |
11199s | perfect time for them to get that kind |
11200s | of wakeup call Cuz outside of that |
11202s | everything else is going to be |
11203s | catastrophic if they die any anytime |
11205s | further in they're going to start |
11207s | playing a lot more safe for now they |
11208s | know that the wick line is gone there is |
11210s | no more objectives to play off of |
11211s | anymore so I love this TP into up town |
11214s | it's going to be a Zone that's going to |
11215s | close in a few seconds here that all |
11217s | they have to do is just step into Beach |
11219s | they know there's nobody on their flanks |
11221s | and this is exactly the type of macro |
11223s | play that you need to start doing as |
11224s | hung on rocks this is the type of game |
11226s | playay that they always try to go for |
11228s | where they secure themselves a free |
11229s | final Zone and then go into final Zone |
11231s | after great T in a whole heap of trouble |
11235s | jumo not really getting anything done |
11236s | with the reing of the vampire queen and |
11238s | there goes down to the ground sadan |
11240s | going to stay alive Bianca's going to |
11242s | get stunned into the wall there she goes |
11244s | into the sanctuary I don't know if there |
11246s | going to be finish the body here for the |
11247s | heal they do end up getting The Thirst |
11249s | he and Satan should be able to kill both |
11252s | oh my God is is going to be able to kill |
11254s | jumo and I think gor is going to shortly |
11256s | fall here gor does have the dash away |
11258s | San's going to try chasing does have the |
11260s | pistol skill as well but there's a white |
11261s | lily he's going to be able to get on out |
11263s | of there look at the timers oh no s's |
11264s | going to explode oh no going to explode |
11267s | wait it's close |
11268s | oh oh no that's a minus two 14 te mods |
11272s | was that really worth it as they had |
11274s | they got the two kills but they just |
11276s | lost it and it will be team Asher as |
11279s | well gor getting caught by team Mar m be |
11283s | able to pick that one up and that is a |
11285s | devastating loss for Team Auto Arms I |
11287s | thought Temple was open man I thought |
11289s | that's why they were staying but no it's |
11292s | really unfortunate DHC andj they're |
11294s | going to be able to at least catch out |
11295s | the Emma change put the stun I don't |
11298s | think yeah he's dead he's absolutely |
11300s | dead oh H rocks they have so control |
11303s | over Beach that's one of the final zones |
11304s | big yeah that is so big for S them rocks |
11307s | because you want to kill as many teams |
11308s | as possible make sure you eliminate your |
11310s | competition here cuz uh the more teams |
11312s | that are alive at the very end you know |
11314s | or they're going to try raoing you to |
11316s | make sure you don't get this win so a |
11318s | great pick onto that Emma and they're |
11321s | probably going to try looking for some |
11322s | more here Mind Games have to be done |
11324s | right now by this Lobby if they don't |
11325s | want it to end in game number five cuz |
11327s | hung rocks sitting in Beach right now |
11329s | the sole controlling team over this |
11332s | temporary Zone that is about to pop at |
11334s | this rate we might see some rocks |
11336s | actually going into the finals and at |
11337s | that point it is all up to the final two |
11340s | teams pixu he's going to get taken |
11343s | down like this |
11345s | way yeah heink on forward there and then |
11347s | walked in front of the diin so the DI |
11349s | can't Al away so cartel's coming yeah it |
11352s | will be the uh dial fallen and he is |
11355s | also on blink three so the blink's going |
11357s | to come back up uh you know in just |
11359s | about in like about 40 seconds so it's |
11361s | actually not the end of the world for |
11362s | them to invest your blink there we might |
11364s | have a fight between CLE Esports and |
11366s | mung here cartel I think they want to |
11369s | contest for S rocks they need to they |
11371s | need to try you know to shut them down |
11373s | or are they really going to walk back |
11375s | into school here and give s a free zone |
11378s | I think they might be okay that's a |
11380s | little B oh look at the damage from |
11383s | romatic he's going to drop the smoke |
11385s | screen on top of the Emma and that's a |
11387s | complete counter there's nothing really |
11388s | Emma can do once the smoke screen is |
11390s | down after you to him and one Circle and |
11394s | then going to be able to clean up S |
11395s | Harang there and that's going to be |
11396s | Sparkle Esports going down so it's only |
11398s | down to four teams left oh this is crazy |
11401s | kcw gets taken down too we are down to |
11403s | three teams team cartel has to do it |
11406s | otherwise it is only up to be HED to |
11408s | Duke it out but the items the wallet the |
11410s | double stun coming in from s they're |
11413s | looking for it the signature Fireball |
11414s | isn't necessarily the greatest in the |
11416s | world they're still looking for the |
11417s | fight but potential you got 50 seconds |
11419s | until the temporary zone is going to |
11420s | spawn dude if Ma and S understands this |
11423s | Lobby right now they need to hyperloop |
11425s | it to beach now they need to try finding |
11427s | something P's looking for an opportunity |
11429s | to go in there's a stun over onto DDO |
11431s | the the moon Dorito is going to get |
11432s | dodged out and the reset the goes wi |
11434s | explosive buet does go wide you're |
11436s | absolutely right and so fight reset Ma |
11438s | and song they need to press tab now they |
11441s | need to press tab at this moment they to |
11443s | figure out that that tongam RIS on the |
11446s | south |
11448s | because if Rox |
11450s | does back here they do find an anle is |
11453s | forced to Blink away and they focus the |
11455s | target onto Pang there going to be |
11456s | enough damage I think it is just going |
11458s | to barely be enough T in RX does end up |
11461s | losing a member I think game six oh no |
11466s | me song denies the win over |
11469s | on the TP I told you I told you this is |
11473s | what they needed to do cartel they're |
11475s | going to fall but they've done it they |
11477s | bought themselves enough time game six |
11480s | is happening ladies and gentlemen down |
11482s | goes |
11485s | punga they I think they basically W the |
11488s | 2v or the 3v3 there but unfortunately it |
11490s | wasn't clean ma ended up falling there |
11492s | and then M keeping at the perfect time |
11495s | oh dude that is actually devastating for |
11497s | S Ross they had it they could taste the |
11500s | end but they couldn't cross the |
11501s | Finishing Line well done to Meen SED |
11504s | they made the right play 100% they made |
11506s | the right play in that situation waited |
11508s | to see if there were any maybe teleports |
11512s | is kind of off is a little bit off |
11514s | because it is Beach but um they were |
11516s | waiting to see if there were any other |
11517s | teams in that area and then immediately |
11519s | hyper looping right before the final |
11521s | maybe looking for a third party in the |
11522s | fight too the decision making was on |
11525s | point and they extend their lives in |
11527s | this tournament by an extra game at |
11529s | least yeah great heads up play for M I |
11532s | think they actually might be in |
11533s | checkpoint as well with that game they |
11534s | did end up getting eight field kills |
11536s | forsel I don't know if they |
11538s | 39 or not so they might be really close |
11542s | so we might have a couple more teams |
11543s | maybe trickling in onto the checkpoint |
11546s | after that one but yeah very very well |
11548s | played from Mar Jang nice uh recognition |
11551s | to TP in at the last second there to get |
11553s | that nice third party onto that team cuz |
11556s | I think uh cartel would have known the |
11557s | mission is to make sure sangam rocks |
11560s | wouldn't be able to win and that's |
11562s | exactly what happened yeah absolutely |
11564s | this is this is a series and a half now |
11567s | and ham rocks they were so close and at |
11570s | this point you really have to think for |
11572s | Team hungnam rocks we did everything we |
11574s | could and we still really couldn't win |
11576s | that game what more do we have to do I |
11579s | think in that final fight they shouldn't |
11581s | really have split up too much the resets |
11583s | were already coming through I think they |
11584s | greeted for the kill onto punga and the |
11586s | signature |
11587s | Fireball what ended up happening I |
11589s | believe is he completely whiffed it |
11591s | right DDO he was trying to throw it over |
11593s | the wall but because of the range of it |
11596s | it ended up not Crossing ing the halfway |
11598s | point so the signature Fireball getting |
11600s | pulled back to the opposite side of the |
11602s | corner and you couldn't actually land |
11603s | the center onto the Adena that is the |
11605s | reason why he couldn't get a good |
11607s | signature Fireball his baseball dashes |
11609s | weren't exactly in Prime Point either it |
11611s | bought enough time for the Adena to back |
11614s | away get the kill onto the uh onto the |
11617s | my oh man oh man oh man oh man yeah now |
11623s | both William and Meer Ban two uh |
11626s | characters that you know were using same |
11628s | thing with marang though they also were |
11630s | on those two picks but we know marang |
11633s | they have a really versatile roster but |
11635s | I wonder what DDO is going to play since |
11637s | DDO you know is just so well known for |
11639s | his William and you know only for his |
11640s | William alone but we did see him hover |
11642s | that subam so maybe he does uh swap on |
11644s | over to that it was a fantastic |
11647s | representation of why DDO is considered |
11649s | the best William in the world though he |
11651s | was so dominant in the game itself it |
11654s | might not be the it might theoretically |
11656s | be the last game of William we see on |
11658s | him at least for phase number one but we |
11660s | saw exactly why so many players fear DD |
11664s | O's William he is so good on this |
11666s | character again can play both the |
11667s | backline and the aggressive version of |
11670s | the of William 100% but let's take a |
11673s | look at the score sheet and you were |
11674s | right oh no it's heartbreak for cartel |
11678s | 54 points that is probably the worst |
11681s | feeling uh to ever have if you are |
11683s | playing you know in a competitive |
11685s | especially for like a checkpoint format |
11686s | is you just being one point away because |
11689s | you know you know those questions go |
11692s | into your head where you know what if we |
11693s | got an extra kill you know over here |
11695s | maybe we dropped a kill earlier on in |
11696s | the series and now we just don't have |
11698s | that um you know that cushion that one |
11701s | game cushion they will have to you know |
11703s | just get one more point in the next game |
11704s | but maybe they could look to start maybe |
11706s | targeting marjong and SE Mar as soon as |
11709s | they do enter into that break point but |
11711s | it does become a little bit harder now |
11712s | right instead of one team that you have |
11714s | to focus fire now now it is two two |
11717s | teams that have been playing incredibly |
11719s | well throughout the course of today hom |
11721s | rocks again the silent assassins of the |
11724s | lobby playing very quietly until the end |
11726s | and then explodes in the amount of power |
11728s | they have whereas maida and song they |
11730s | are just a consistent Powerhouse |
11733s | throughout the entire course of the game |
11735s | those two are going to be extremely |
11736s | difficult to stop even with the power of |
11738s | six teams combined we have to hope that |
11741s | the rest of the lobby is able to do |
11742s | something cuz otherwise game six that's |
11744s | going to be the last one we're not even |
11745s | going to another break |
11748s | yeah two teams in checkpoints I'm very |
11751s | excited uh Mira SE young They just won |
11754s | our last game so they do have that Tempo |
11756s | swing and obviously we do know you know |
11758s | sangam rocks they won three games out of |
11761s | five so maybe they're going to be able |
11763s | to close it out for this last game |
11765s | Alonzo is going to be back on the table |
11766s | but DDO got subbed in so they don't have |
11769s | that um you know that player for that a |
11771s | Theodor comp I wonder you know if they |
11773s | will end up maybe putting Theodor on DD |
11776s | I don't think I've ever seen Doo play do |
11779s | so yeah yeah they might just play |
11783s | some some random comp maybe they I don't |
11786s | even know what they're going to play |
11787s | here cuz I don't think they want to play |
11788s | Alonzo cuz I don't think they want to |
11790s | get the Alonzo banned cuz if they do end |
11792s | up losing their next game they can maybe |
11793s | sub you know their te player back in and |
11795s | then they could play you know the comp |
11796s | that they've been so comfortable with |
11798s | exactly in the end he was hovering the |
11801s | subam earlier so I would assume the |
11803s | subam could theoretically be |
11806s | played I I don't think that Theo would |
11808s | be a good idea exactly as you said too I |
11810s | just don't know what his history is on |
11811s | it subam at least it kind of fits in |
11813s | line with the micro intensiveness of the |
11816s | William it's just a little bit more |
11818s | risky because you are going to be |
11819s | sending yourself in it's not the lobby |
11822s | like yesterday where subam is just |
11824s | completely countered by most of the |
11826s | compositions now you have a little bit |
11828s | of Thea and what you can do as that |
11830s | character but either way no matter what |
11832s | Dio plays it is going to be inherently |
11834s | risky in comparison to the William but |
11836s | on the flip side too romatic is also |
11838s | going to be barred from the William on |
11839s | top of it although for romatic he has so |
11841s | many other ADC picks and even some Mages |
11844s | as well he's played them in the past for |
11846s | turnover turn Masters that I'm not |
11847s | worried about M and song yeah m s I |
11850s | think will be totally okay you know |
11851s | we've seen how many rosters they have |
11854s | how many different team comps they have |
11856s | with one Circle able to play like all |
11858s | the Mages then on able tanks and romatic |
11861s | able to play like almost every ADC so I |
11863s | think they should be okay kind of |
11864s | wondering what they're going to cook up |
11865s | though for this last game as we do have |
11867s | the William and the Mayan able to see |
11869s | that when we do jump into the lobby |
11871s | right here at the bottom right both of |
11873s | those picks are off the table and he's |
11876s | going to be playing the heart whoa okay |
11879s | we saw the heart yesterday dur the Wild |
11881s | Card stages we didn't really see any |
11882s | good results from it I believe it was a |
11884s | heart plus of Felix and something this |
11886s | time around DDO is going to try to |
11888s | handle it and see if that's going to be |
11889s | the W who Victory hunam going to be |
11891s | flipped on the opposite side as hungi |
11894s | going to be on the Estelle this is a |
11895s | classic pick from him which is I was so |
11897s | confused as to why I was seeing a tank |
11899s | not on yungi uh so's gonna now be on |
11903s | wait a second are we gonna have M take |
11905s | their C I think they are going to take |
11908s | oh my God this is the biggest oh dude I |
11911s | can't say that word dude this is the big |
11914s | disrespect |
11917s | to if spe win with this cop I swear to |
11921s | God I am going to freak s rocks that is |
11923s | crazy takes their C right under the nose |
11926s | as T rocks isn't to play it because G |
11928s | subed in oh goodness gracious okay let's |
11931s | take a look at the rest of the lobby |
11933s | though we are seeing the double Ry again |
11935s | double Estelle in this game Kia is going |
11936s | to be brought out from bum because the |
11938s | William is bad what the |
11941s | hell yeah a lot of interesting uh |
11944s | changes here because of the of the band |
11946s | Dynamic here we do have a lot of |
11948s | duplicates like two Alonzo two estels |
11950s | two |
11951s | Ries but no real bad two hazes as |
11955s | well okay I I I need to breathe I |
11958s | absolutely need to breathe I this ERM |
11960s | this ERM season 5 Phase 1 has been |
11963s | something that has reminisced me of my |
11965s | past ERM view parties of eternal return |
11969s | Masters for like some of the older |
11971s | versions of these players that I missed |
11974s | a lot of I'm seeing sad hand on Rosy I'm |
11976s | seeing DDO bring out the William again |
11979s | I'm seeing romantic bring out the |
11980s | William I saw some crazy picks coming |
11983s | through from these players that really |
11984s | made me think of the past jumo on the |
11986s | Bianca even if it didn't do well the |
11988s | fact that I got to see an homage of the |
11990s | past jumo the OG |
11993s | jumo oh my heart can't take it anymore |
11997s | man I think it's just so funny that M |
12000s | just took their cop right on the nose |
12001s | because obviously we know Mir s was the |
12002s | originator you know of this uh Theodor |
12005s | Bernice Alonzo comp and you know as soon |
12007s | as sangam rock isn't able to play it and |
12010s | as soon as soon as it's back on the |
12011s | table they just uh they just rip it from |
12013s | their hands and let's see if it is going |
12016s | to be the key to Victory here it was |
12018s | what allowed them to win so many phases |
12020s | in the past during season 3 guys this |
12023s | has been a honor to watch really these |
12026s | Mind Games these character picks the |
12028s | history of these players colliding with |
12030s | one another if game six isn't the end |
12032s | all be of season 5 Phase 1 I don't know |
12035s | what is going to be bringing for us game |
12037s | seven is going to have to be something |
12039s | incredible to round out the series for |
12042s | now one Circle little going to be enough |
12045s | time is out yep gunvolt I think was the |
12047s | best use of his |
12049s | time yeah I don't think sad hands I |
12051s | don't think they had enough damage here |
12052s | look at their items theay is literally |
12054s | or S not the my but the alinaa was |
12057s | sitting only on one purple and M is |
12059s | going to group up in an archery |
12064s | here Archer being a Zone where it has |
12066s | like some decent early game farm so will |
12068s | they will be able to just scale up here |
12070s | think M Jun they know they need to play |
12072s | the scaling game they are in checkpoint |
12073s | they need to get as many items as |
12075s | possible they need to be as strong as |
12076s | possible for this final Zone we do have |
12078s | a lot of early game picks here dcj once |
12080s | again going to be able to get a nice |
12082s | kill for themselves sply Sports on the |
12083s | other side and Asher in Temple you |
12087s | didn't get to see The Peacemaker coming |
12088s | out from DDO it wouldn't really have |
12090s | done anything but for now he is level |
12092s | seven so really really little death time |
12094s | for him he's going to be up in just a |
12096s | moment for himself and just a little bit |
12098s | of statistic for you super it's not |
12099s | exactly the greatest statistic I could |
12101s | tell but I was I was flipping through |
12103s | the bnk FX Discord server again 88 |
12108s | 288 has been their placement this entire |
12111s | series they went a four times that is |
12114s | not what you want to hear as Sparkle |
12117s | Esports looks like they get caught out |
12119s | by team uh or sorry DHT andj is the team |
12121s | that gets caught out by team Sparkle |
12123s | Esports they get a nice two kills for |
12125s | thems a lot of teams they're getting |
12127s | pretty close to checkpoint to breakpoint |
12129s | we saw a lot of teams in the 40s some |
12131s | teams in the high 30 so you know if this |
12133s | game does go to a game seven we might |
12134s | even have four maybe five teams uh |
12138s | getting into that uh that checkpoint yes |
12140s | sir it's night number one let's see if |
12142s | any teams do decide to fight but it's |
12144s | the game after a break right |
12146s | statistically speaking from this Lobby |
12148s | and just looking at how this Lobby has |
12150s | gone we haven't really seen too many |
12151s | deaths after what is it after night |
12154s | number one or I should say I should say |
12156s | after day number one during night number |
12159s | one would make a little bit more sense |
12160s | for what I'm trying to say in the second |
12162s | game after the break so yeah just one or |
12164s | two kills every now and then it's not |
12166s | going to make a break anything it's |
12167s | definitely a bit more different than |
12169s | what we saw at game number five where as |
12171s | soon as it turned night number one we |
12173s | saw red swords flashing everywhere on |
12175s | the bottom side of our screen yeah looks |
12177s | like uh these teams are planning to be a |
12179s | lot more safe I think obviously we do |
12180s | have Rox and Mir J they don't want to |
12183s | really uh take any any unnecessary |
12185s | fights as checkpoint they need just need |
12186s | to scale up you know as much as possible |
12189s | for the late game here we do have team |
12190s | cartel and team farle Esports maybe |
12193s | taking this fight here these two teams |
12194s | they still need to get some kills they |
12196s | still need get some points there is the |
12197s | hel tack stat going to get uh launched |
12200s | in with the Felix engage but it's not |
12202s | going to be enough here a great peel |
12204s | back from Team Spar Esports playing the |
12206s | triple range so well all of them just |
12208s | going to be able to kite back after the |
12210s | Felix engages there and they are going |
12212s | to find they're going to get another |
12214s | kill fors sitting on four field kills |
12216s | already mhm massive massive macro play |
12218s | coming through for team Sparkle Esports |
12221s | another team that we really need to see |
12223s | kind of stepping up on the stage here |
12224s | today too right see another fight |
12226s | between Team Auto Arms it's going to be |
12228s | BN FX as they're getting caught out |
12229s | tetron inside for the CIA just getting |
12231s | bounced around like a bounce out down |
12233s | goes one sadand also taken down there's |
12235s | the damage coming in from Soler but Yan |
12237s | is just going absolutely crazy T needs |
12239s | to get the damage in but that grenade |
12240s | launcher a little bit too difficult for |
12242s | T young to deal with will be the reso |
12244s | back onto sad hand they should be able |
12246s | to secure the tree whereas on headed |
12248s | side down goes Boma and CMB picks up the |
12250s | kill onto romatic he's just trying to |
12251s | secure that one for some reason |
12253s | execution Bon is not going to save you |
12254s | there my friend yeah one cirle is going |
12257s | to be able to clean up with uh danana |
12259s | there so Mar picking up two kills going |
12261s | to be able to get these wolves as well |
12262s | so just trying to scale they're playing |
12264s | for this late game uh for this late game |
12268s | these late game items as uh they're |
12270s | sitting all all all on already 300 plus |
12273s | credits so they're looking in they're |
12276s | looking in a pretty nice comfortable |
12277s | position for themselves they're probably |
12278s | going to get their Buys in in archery |
12280s | and look to try to snowball this game |
12282s | this is also a definitely Ry brain thing |
12284s | where I don't know if you saw the |
12286s | inventory of s hand but his inventory |
12288s | was full of chocolate milk or hot |
12291s | chocolate and he didn't have a single |
12292s | food |
12293s | item that's that's Ry play right there |
12296s | dude oh here's engage coming onto the |
12298s | haze here one Circle going to follow up |
12300s | are they going to be to kill him great |
12301s | ultimate from donana to pull him back in |
12303s | rtic cting back so well bom not going to |
12305s | be able to find any more here Ros are |
12307s | going to try looking for some damage to |
12308s | try to kill one Circle but the healing |
12310s | coming out from the Theodore is going to |
12312s | be too much a nice spark going to be |
12314s | able to connect and that is going to be |
12315s | Mir Ser picking up another kill so |
12317s | sitting on five heal kills already they |
12319s | are uh they're getting uh their credits |
12322s | from these kills and they're getting a |
12324s | lot of Mastery so they're looking in a |
12326s | really nice comfortable position I don't |
12327s | think they were able to get the first uh |
12330s | RNG like a tree or a meteor but look at |
12333s | the amount of credits they're just going |
12335s | to start buying here and yeah they're |
12337s | going to be looking in a nice spot |
12339s | there's another four score being built |
12341s | up for the Theo that should be the holy |
12342s | orders coming up on online is the Alonzo |
12344s | going to call to small items or will it |
12347s | be the force core for his they there it |
12350s | is yeah the meter coming online that |
12352s | should be I think the white rhinos |
12353s | coming through no it's actually deadly R |
12356s | so there it is and then another meter |
12358s | right into the hands of the bernes |
12360s | there's another meter right uh there's |
12362s | the Moonstone coming through and Spector |
12364s | coming online massive transitions coming |
12366s | online for team me and S but on the |
12368s | North side huge fights coming through |
12370s | down goes one obliterated is going to be |
12372s | hungi but H he actually does end up |
12374s | getting the tag with the final Auto |
12376s | attack down goes one down goes two nice |
12378s | recovery from s rocks they're going to |
12380s | get themselves started up in this game |
12381s | as well nicely done yeah Don needing to |
12384s | invest to hard all there as they just |
12385s | were able to win that nice 3v3 cartel |
12389s | Unfortunately they didn't uh or they're |
12392s | coming in from the top side here so |
12394s | they're going to be um down a lot of |
12396s | timer they're going to have to fight |
12397s | into a haze oh with the Rockets here |
12399s | this is looking going to look kind of |
12401s | doomed but they do have theida there to |
12402s | provide some Shields Pang just going to |
12404s | have to send it on forward here ooh the |
12406s | sun can jump gets completely blocked out |
12407s | from the Estelle Shield so another one |
12410s | goes through and yeah they're just |
12412s | they're just taking out taking so much |
12413s | damage and look at their timers they |
12415s | have to they're starting to tick ncmp |
12418s | does end up falling there to the grenade |
12420s | and that's going to be it for team |
12422s | cartel one and boom it is going to be |
12425s | Team suom rocks going to be able to win |
12427s | this battle zone so they do get a mythal |
12429s | and they're going to be able to call in |
12431s | very shortly here it was an uphill |
12433s | battle for team cartel they tried their |
12434s | best but those Haze Rockets are |
12436s | definitely good |
12438s | he's not going to be able to play the |
12439s | game fa also not really being able to |
12441s | play the game but he's got a thing |
12442s | called pressing an R button down goes |
12444s | take down goes kcw I apologize not tag |
12447s | young bubo is going to have to back away |
12448s | from this fight it will be a clean two |
12450s | for zero in favor of Team Sparkle |
12451s | Esports just seems like DHC andj not |
12454s | able to get the one up up against team |
12456s | Sparkle Esports ever since this series |
12458s | kind of started actually huh yeah |
12461s | they've had a lot of skirmishes in |
12462s | Sparkle Esports they always able to get |
12463s | the advantage here G we going to land |
12465s | the full Queen combo but it is onto a |
12467s | tank it is going to be the St forced to |
12469s | pop the Checkmate actually so team Asher |
12472s | going to be on the back foot here |
12473s | another queen combo going to hit the |
12477s | Adena so Adena really down to half HP |
12479s | but uh yeah looks like the the fight |
12481s | kind of shifted here as team cartel is |
12483s | going to be the one to force away as |
12485s | their HP bars are getting relatively low |
12487s | perfectly fine just a simple disengage a |
12489s | little bit of weapon Mastery game for |
12491s | the Adela nothing more nothing less |
12493s | Spectre online now for Auto Arms we're |
12495s | going to see that online for the ronzi |
12498s | sanan just missing the transition on his |
12500s | weapon itself right we should be seeing |
12502s | the high noon being saved up for that |
12503s | team anytime soon 45 credits so they |
12506s | have a long way to go but there is still |
12507s | a lot of game left for game number six |
12511s | only night number two about to turn to |
12512s | day number three which means we should |
12514s | see our second rotation of meteorites |
12516s | and Tree of Life start to spawn in just |
12518s | a moment here Auto Arms trying to |
12520s | position themselves for the stream Tree |
12522s | of Life although I don't know if it's |
12523s | going to be a free one for them yeah RX |
12525s | actually going to make try taking this |
12527s | fight here as ha is going to try getting |
12529s | some poke down T young does have the |
12531s | engage here going to try looking for an |
12534s | angle but not going to send it too far |
12536s | and as looks like the ha is going to |
12538s | back off here here's the engage from |
12539s | Cinema here are they going to be able to |
12541s | get a freeze they're getting so much |
12543s | damage great Focus fire from Team Rox |
12546s | they do actually end up killing him so |
12548s | Team Auto arm just going to be forced to |
12550s | back away minus 250 for this team look |
12551s | at the on the side of Team Auto Arms |
12553s | wait a second |
12556s | Al comes through at the perfect time |
12559s | will able to kill sad hand sad hands |
12560s | nice fancy and the rocket does end up |
12562s | finishing sad hands and Rox they end |
12566s | getting third party by team DHC andj and |
12568s | they're going to be forced to lose a |
12569s | member as uh the dial is just going to |
12571s | continue chasing here probably going to |
12573s | play for this purple box and that's a |
12574s | minus uh maybe 500 but sad hands I think |
12578s | he's starting the self reses here I |
12580s | think he's is he is going to be able to |
12581s | get back up in time down on the south |
12583s | side though another fight as bam top pop |
12585s | goes to weasel Scarlet is going to get |
12586s | taken down gwor with not even Checkmate |
12589s | to knock down that the Emma Emma full on |
12591s | rotation is going to be enough nice |
12593s | targeting from pxu but it just gets him |
12595s | killed instead there's the quick spin a |
12596s | lot of good damage SL soaked up but it's |
12598s | not going to be enough tarox also |
12600s | starting to rack up the number of kills |
12602s | actually one uped the number of kills |
12605s | against muten Zong and you know what |
12606s | super I think overall sdam rocks is now |
12609s | in the lead because this late into the |
12610s | game you actually start getting credits |
12612s | the rewards from killing players and the |
12614s | weapon Mastery count is going to be a |
12616s | lot more because people are just |
12617s | inherently much more tankier they are in |
12619s | the earlier stages of the game soarx and |
12622s | S they are desperately fighting for that |
12624s | first place in this game right now they |
12626s | want to end it in game six yeah they did |
12628s | they they did minus 250 but a nice |
12630s | pickup they're able to uh you know kill |
12632s | two members of the hcnj dcj they use |
12635s | their D Al but a great reaction from |
12637s | this cell just instantly stunning them |
12638s | out and yeah this is going to be our is |
12640s | going to be able to pick up those kills |
12642s | they're looking pretty comfortable here |
12644s | the haze sitting on or sorry not the |
12645s | haze but the |
12646s | heart sitting on 4 credits probably |
12648s | saving for this Blood weapon for that |
12650s | Haze and they are looking pretty good |
12654s | here there is going to be a box spotting |
12656s | into police station I think they |
12657s | definitely want to play for that as DHC |
12658s | andj they're kind of just hovering they |
12660s | don't really know what to do I think |
12661s | they're just going to walk back into |
12662s | hospital here on the top side though |
12665s | mang they are completely split actually |
12668s | one circle is playing |
12670s | for one Circle and Don playing for the |
12672s | purple box as romatic did end up coming |
12675s | into red here they he should know |
12677s | there's a team nearby as he did just |
12679s | take console so he has to play a little |
12681s | safe I think that's why he's kind of |
12683s | taking those animals cuz he knows |
12684s | exactly where they are they're staying |
12686s | right around that super open area right |
12687s | next to the bear which is where the cctp |
12689s | actually |
12691s | covers a little bit of an awkward |
12693s | situation pemer get going to get |
12695s | completely denied down goes down goes |
12698s | and down goes hangi that's one of our |
12702s | two team checkpoint teams gone and now |
12704s | be hon looking for a fight on the north |
12705s | side bnk FX rosner's already down Auto |
12708s | attacks being pumped out from bum but |
12710s | this is aadia he's trying to snipe down |
12712s | these kills but the blink away is good |
12714s | one Circle knocks down buom as well are |
12718s | Oh's see oh just barely dodged out but |
12721s | the coming through there one and a two |
12724s | let's see he's dead he's dead he's |
12727s | dead bnk FX will get eliminated they are |
12731s | saved the fate of going eth again in yet |
12733s | another game but it is not the day of |
12736s | being FX SX down now it's me and hedong |
12741s | on the driver SE with s rox's |
12744s | composition this could be bad good |
12746s | double sniper skills oh my God they do |
12748s | catch up they do end up catching the uh |
12752s | stal and they're going to instantly fall |
12753s | here ping they they didn't know placing |
12756s | the shield up but it just wasn't enough |
12757s | damage reduction as the damage coming |
12759s | out from the queen combo is way too much |
12761s | G going to try looking for some more |
12762s | going to drop the queen over the wall |
12764s | but not going to be able to Chase but |
12766s | yeah the the the double sniper skills |
12769s | making it so Hayes has to play this |
12770s | little mini game where where they need |
12771s | to dodge uh unfortunately pushed them |
12775s | back into the hands of danana and danana |
12777s | was able to blose it out there very very |
12779s | BR all all right here we go another |
12780s | fight on the North side team M and S |
12782s | they desperately trying look at the |
12783s | first damage maab is com in let's see if |
12787s | s can turn this around he's getting the |
12789s | damage down but it's not enough just |
12791s | barely he could have knocked down |
12793s | romatic it will leave taking at least |
12795s | the AL but he is hobbling away with |
12797s | about an eighth of his health bar left |
12799s | on his hands none of his teammates are |
12801s | alive mid and song 10 kills with their |
12804s | OG comp their credits as well they are |
12807s | going to be able to buy some Bloods here |
12809s | and it's going to be be trouble for |
12812s | these other teams here wow they are |
12815s | playing such a master class on this comp |
12817s | we know how strong uh they've been with |
12820s | this uh Team comp they do get that blood |
12822s | it looks like he's going to go for a |
12823s | blood Crown over that |
12827s | uh what's it called that racing helmet |
12830s | but I think the blood Crown you know |
12831s | having that extra defense because you |
12833s | know there are so many of these teams |
12834s | that do try to look for that backline |
12835s | angle if the theor can live for you know |
12838s | slightly longer and get those heals off |
12840s | his uh his que I think it is going to be |
12843s | able to you know help them win these |
12844s | team fights you and I have also seen one |
12846s | Circle walk out of situations we |
12848s | genuinely think is impossible for a Theo |
12850s | to get out of as well and that's without |
12852s | using his Passive by the way he just |
12854s | casually walks on out of fight using |
12856s | energy blast field even while sitting in |
12858s | the thick of three different enemy |
12860s | players I have no idea how he does it a |
12862s | blood TR you're right maybe the |
12863s | additional defense will allow him to |
12865s | live that does mean Photon Cannon is not |
12868s | going to be available for this Theo and |
12872s | CMB he hyper looped in into a little bit |
12875s | of an awkward spot nice blink away but |
12876s | everybody else also has blink Char |
12878s | trying to get the damage down he doesn't |
12879s | have the wind scar is trying to get |
12881s | everything done but he will not is |
12883s | coming as well wait a so late I just |
12889s | going to die as well so it will just be |
12892s | a minus 500 to the hands of Team cartel |
12896s | as bnga oh no B's caught as well and |
12899s | that's going to be Cartel Cartel |
12902s | Fallen a big misplay I think on the |
12905s | Estelle you know alting at the very end |
12907s | there and yeah will be cartel just going |
12911s | out in uh sixth place they are in |
12915s | checkpoint now right they only needed |
12917s | one they were sitting on 54 but it's not |
12919s | really looking to be in a good game |
12922s | right now maida and song still sitting |
12923s | on 10 kills they are in such a dominant |
12925s | spot on |
12927s | top Sparkle Esports |
12931s | Sparkle in between two teams second |
12934s | there is cams I think that is Sparkle |
12936s | Esports cams so they shouldn't take this |
12937s | fight I think they should recognize this |
12940s | they're going to take the cams here and |
12941s | they will just get away it will be |
12942s | Sparkle Esports going to be able to take |
12944s | this Wick line and I think that's going |
12945s | to be a blood Crown probably going to go |
12946s | over to the to the hands of fa fa |
12948s | sitting only on that's weapon wait a |
12951s | second are they going to check they |
12953s | do the spark on three and the lock down |
12957s | coming in for this Emma totem is proed |
12959s | but there's totem is kind of useless |
12961s | into a b as B can just drop a trap on |
12963s | you and you will get red right after |
12965s | yeah I'm surprised there's a lot of |
12966s | counters to Emma's totem in the |
12969s | series there's the the RO yeah then BR |
12974s | is just able to drop that uh |
12977s | that trap on you and then if uh the |
12979s | players are good as well they're able to |
12980s | you know time the CC right as you come |
12982s | out of the totem and you know most of |
12984s | these players are able to do that I |
12985s | think we've seen it uh quite a bit where |
12988s | a Yan is just able to you know get that |
12989s | roundhouse kick as soon as the ammo |
12992s | comes out of that totem we've also seen |
12993s | shinomi using the red carpet perfectly |
12995s | on time as well to pull EMS away from a |
12998s | hatrick for example kcw trying to keep |
13001s | himself alive PBA same thing pxu doing |
13003s | the exact same thing as well they see be |
13005s | in s's composition and say h n n nuh I |
13008s | don't want to fight that right now |
13009s | they're getting coralled into a corner |
13011s | there is nowhere to run after this we |
13012s | just saw kcw and getting his STS here A |
13015s | whole lot of timer indeed SE don't even |
13019s | want to entertain that they don't have |
13020s | any information they don't have any |
13022s | control over the Deep alley area but |
13025s | look at their back team uh Auto arms are |
13028s | pushing in so they got to be a little |
13030s | careful here I think they do have a ward |
13031s | behind them so I think they should know |
13033s | that there is a team that is coming they |
13036s | need to either take this fight right now |
13038s | or they need to just get on out of here |
13040s | I think the only I think the only camera |
13042s | they have is the one we see on the right |
13044s | side of our screen now they're putting |
13045s | down a little bit more but if they get |
13046s | caught out like this it's a little bit |
13047s | bad trying to use the soul stealer they |
13050s | did have some information trying to get |
13051s | the fight in they're putting |
13054s | themselves in that back there yeah looks |
13056s | like Team Auto Arms is going to try |
13057s | sending it though but this Alina is too |
13060s | far forward instantly fall the damage is |
13063s | coming out they do actually kill uh |
13065s | romatic or is they actually one as well |
13068s | and the ratio here are are they going to |
13070s | be able to kill wait danana is going to |
13072s | try to get the rest but get instantly |
13073s | canceled here oh no on M is getting |
13076s | completely teamed on by these other |
13079s | teams and DJ is back up and Don is |
13082s | forced to run away I think he's going to |
13083s | fall here Lumi is just running back into |
13087s | red as well maybe wait a second maybe |
13088s | don can TP to Temple he's he's going to |
13090s | try he's definitely going to try all |
13092s | these teams are trying to at least deny |
13094s | the Lumi typer looping the temple has to |
13096s | come is going to go to Temple as well he |
13098s | has here he does get a good but I think |
13101s | going to make it in time first yeah's |
13104s | going to make it there first ah this is |
13106s | bad this is bad look at the health bar |
13108s | on Auto Arms though denana can't get |
13110s | control no he's not going to go for it |
13113s | oh there's the res coming |
13115s | in yeah cuz if he if he does end up |
13118s | going for the res on either Dio or ber |
13119s | he just going to instantly die he's just |
13121s | going to have to walk away here maybe |
13123s | catch Lumi on the way into pond but it's |
13126s | not looking good for team Mel I mean |
13128s | Auto Arms they know what they're just |
13129s | going to guard it they're going to guard |
13131s | it yeah they're just going to be able to |
13132s | reset it like maybe five or six times |
13134s | but it is going to go into red |
13137s | so oh oh they do get buy it's coming |
13140s | it's coming to but team Sparkle Esports |
13143s | maybe they're there to intercept I think |
13144s | they do recogniz how far does Lumi go |
13146s | how far does Lumi go let's see they they |
13148s | are there so they should be able to |
13150s | intercept him yeah |
13152s | it's it's cooked it's absolutely C there |
13156s | is still a world where it can happen |
13158s | assuming maybe you can t into like |
13159s | stream or Cemetery it but you can't |
13163s | catch Lumi while she's while he's |
13165s | speeding and there's the hyperloop that |
13167s | was pinged out Meen song is going to get |
13169s | taken down we're going to have ourselves |
13170s | at game number seven |
13172s | a yeah I would have t the cemetery |
13175s | myself but I don't think they would have |
13176s | had enough timer to walk in anyways so |
13178s | yeah it was it was a little doomed is |
13180s | really unfortunate for team Mir I don't |
13182s | think you can even interact with Lumi |
13184s | while while it's in r no no you can can |
13186s | you can I tried doing that before and |
13188s | just sped away no teams teams have |
13190s | definitely uh like have the Lumi and red |
13191s | and like temp and it's it it is like a |
13195s | strategy where you could where you could |
13196s | teleport into a Red Zone intercept Lumi |
13198s | get the res and you all TP out but in |
13200s | this situation I don't think there's |
13201s | anywhere any any place for them to TP |
13204s | aside from think cemeter would have been |
13206s | the only one but I don't think it would |
13207s | have had enough time to walk in anyways |
13208s | so it was a little doomed for them as |
13211s | babo does end up getting caught by |
13212s | Sparkle Esports they're going to fall |
13214s | here think we're going to have a lot lot |
13215s | of teams maybe entering into checkpoint |
13217s | here as uh Asher maybe going to look for |
13220s | some more as well Asher has control over |
13223s | the final Zone the temporary Zone |
13225s | there's the kill going over into the |
13226s | hands of Team Sparkle Esports sitting on |
13228s | eight looking for 11 oh he finds an |
13230s | angle |
13231s | onto he has the Ghost Fire I he will |
13235s | will there he goes down goes the Seline |
13237s | so much damage coming |
13239s | from ah this is bad no soul link was |
13242s | activated there is the activation going |
13244s | in for scarlet but he's going to get |
13245s | taken down to FAA on the last straights |
13248s | he doesn't have anywhere to go not have |
13250s | Nina there's no way yeah fa is just |
13254s | going to be an Asher win for this battle |
13257s | looks like fa is or Nina is back up and |
13259s | so link is popped but it's not going to |
13261s | be enough as team Asher they going to be |
13262s | able to win that temporary zone for |
13265s | themsel going to score another three |
13266s | kills so sitting on 10 field kills I |
13268s | think that might put them into |
13269s | checkpoint as well and team uto arms if |
13271s | they were if they are able to win this |
13272s | game might put them into checkpoint too |
13274s | and super when was last time you and I |
13276s | saw a temple final Zone in a in in an |
13279s | ERM by the way I yeah it has been it has |
13283s | been a while and there are extra White |
13285s | Lies this season uh actually it's |
13287s | actually no no no it's not the |
13289s | mid-season patch just yet with the |
13291s | midseason patch there's a white lily on |
13292s | the bottom side but uh it's not here so |
13295s | it's only that white lily from police if |
13297s | you do want to use that and it looks |
13299s | like they do cuz he's doing the G get a |
13302s | lot of damage on to the Adella but is s |
13306s | going to be able to maybe clutch this up |
13307s | here he's not going to be able to get |
13308s | enough damage and it is going to be team |
13310s | Asher gwor finding that angle able to |
13313s | get that damage onto that yawn and they |
13315s | are able to close out the game gwor |
13316s | knows a little bit too much about the |
13317s | flanking Elena I think Cinema doing |
13320s | basically what is in the handbook of |
13322s | gworks gameplay style he knows how to |
13324s | deal with it he's going to go straight |
13326s | on towards sad hand instead well played |
13328s | over on to Team master they're going to |
13330s | take away first place for game number |
13331s | six deny our two checkpoint teams from |
13334s | finishing our series in the game number |
13336s | six we will go on to a game number seven |
13338s | which means we have ourselves a breakup |
13340s | coming in just a moment yeah and I |
13343s | wonder if team uh sdam rocks if they're |
13346s | going to sub Theo back out because the |
13348s | Lono comp is still on the table I don't |
13351s | think any bands uh were really put |
13355s | through for game number six to game |
13357s | number seven mhm not at all so many |
13359s | unique character picks coming |
13361s | in be and seong almost did it with the |
13364s | composition of num rocks it really would |
13366s | have been a massive disrespect if it did |
13368s | happen but it did not come to fruition |
13370s | some unfortunate happenings inside of Al |
13374s | yeah they they got they got hard ratio |
13377s | there I think um M they need to send it |
13379s | a little before um Auto Arms was able to |
13383s | get into the Zone but they also just I |
13386s | don't I guess didn't really have any |
13387s | Vision they didn't really put any Wards |
13389s | behind them or if they did put any WS |
13390s | behind did know uh it was like a little |
13393s | too late so a little unfortunate for |
13394s | team sergeant J the very end you know |
13396s | they did end up getting uh you know |
13399s | basically hand shook by both teams so |
13402s | you know it is what it is when you are a |
13403s | team in checkpoint that's that's kind of |
13404s | what's going to happen like you need to |
13406s | play basically like as perfect as |
13408s | possible to you know avoid those |
13410s | situations but you know just didn't |
13411s | happen sir yes sir okay now we really |
13414s | really really have ourselves a series on |
13417s | our hands my friend we're going to have |
13419s | to see what ends up happening with game |
13421s | number seven are Subs going to come in |
13423s | exactly as you said are we going to see |
13424s | roster changes in a pivotal game such as |
13427s | number seven how many teams are we going |
13429s | to be seeing going into checkpoint |
13431s | although that we'll see in a couple |
13433s | moments here soon as the checkboard |
13434s | checkpoint starts checkpoint sorry the |
13437s | scoreboard starts coming up on the |
13438s | screen a lot of things for us to |
13440s | consider during super Cartel Cartel is |
13444s | also going to go into checkpoint here so |
13445s | it's probably going to be about like |
13446s | four maybe five teams boy in checkpoint |
13449s | I know Asher probably got in with that |
13451s | game cuz it did get a really nice pop |
13452s | off game it was like about a 13 14 kill |
13454s | game here we go here is the uh standings |
13458s | and it is going to be oh no another 40 |
13461s | another 54 oh no the |
13466s | curse another 54 today and it is out |
13469s | arms but yeah s rocks and miring are |
13471s | tied in first place now with 74 field uh |
13474s | with 74 points the placement does still |
13477s | matter for these teams because there is |
13479s | some extra prizing that you can get um |
13481s | depending on your placement in terms of |
13484s | points so even if if you don't win and |
13487s | you don't get that final checkpoint win |
13490s | um you want to be as high uh a placement |
13493s | as possible exactly Auto Arms if they |
13496s | did minus two earlier on the series they |
13498s | will be over into the checko but is a |
13501s | good points that is a good point I guess |
13504s | I guess tongam rocks going into |
13505s | checkpoint exactly with 55 points like |
13508s | cursed the anger the 54 Point gods or |
13511s | something at this point cuz we had two |
13512s | teams now that had to deal with that |
13514s | cartel sitting inside of that area same |
13517s | thing for now Team Auto Arms maybe if we |
13519s | have a game number eight we'll have |
13520s | another team that has to deal with the |
13522s | 54 Point curse and at that point we know |
13524s | something went wrong the script has been |
13526s | written at that stage but other than |
13529s | that guys that was the end of game |
13531s | number six I genuinely thought it was |
13532s | going to be the end at game number five |
13534s | but Meen s counters team is hung Down |
13537s | rocks and then this time around I said |
13539s | seven games so you know might up to |
13541s | fruition here there are four teams at |
13542s | checkpoint so technically it's a 50/50 |
13545s | you know if uh the next game does end on |
13548s | uh on game number or not but I think |
13550s | with that we are going to just send you |
13551s | guys over to the break here yes sir now |
13554s | this time really go take a stretch go |
13556s | grab some water and go grab a snack This |
13557s | is highly going to be a last rotation |
13560s | for us this week and we'll see you guys |
13562s | back here for game seven and maybe maybe |
13564s | maybe a game number eight as soon as the |
13566s | break is over take care take |
13574s | care for |
13627s | speech spe |
13650s | spee |
13694s | spee fore |
13754s | la |
13772s | fore |
13784s | for |
13788s | fore |
13790s | fore |
13803s | fore fore |
13824s | [Music] |
13839s | theye |
13844s | fore for |
13893s | you're ready to get in the game now the |
13896s | last thing you want is to wait WD Black |
13900s | Performance storage purpose buil for |
13902s | gaming SSD speed that literates load |
13905s | times performance to transform your game |
13909s | expanded capacity to store more |
13912s | customizable RGB WD black because the |
13916s | game never Waits WD black drive your |
13925s | [Music] |
13934s | game |
13944s | [Music] |
13951s | foree speee |
13984s | welcome to the era of the aipc powered |
13988s | by the world's most advanced processor |
13990s | of its kind images come to life in an |
13993s | instant |
13995s | write themselves languages translate in |
13998s | real time are you joking and with AMD |
14000s | rise in AI built in you can create from |
14003s | anywhere the unbelievably thin and light |
14006s | AI PC Advanced by AMD ryzen AI the |
14010s | biggest innovation in personal Computing |
14012s | ever |
14065s | Hello everybody welcome back from the |
14067s | break again I hope you guys had a |
14070s | fantastic break this time around |
14072s | hopefully I don't have to go any further |
14073s | because I can't think up of any wors any |
14075s | further than fantastic we are here for |
14078s | game number seven that is upcoming for |
14080s | the eternal return Master season 5 phase |
14082s | number one finals and super |
14085s | uh they yeah I think we're just going to |
14087s | jump straight into it here I'm very |
14089s | excited all the picks are back on the |
14091s | table are they going are we going to see |
14093s | a yeah looks like we do have the sub |
14095s | back in so ddl is going to be out and |
14099s | saram is going to be back in with that |
14100s | do so they are going to be playing their |
14102s | signature Alonzo Dio bernes comp but |
14106s | wait a second is that romatic and is |
14108s | here I'm seeing it he's hovering there |
14110s | right now I highly doubt it's going to |
14111s | happen because it is such an early hover |
14114s | probably just kind of scoping out the |
14115s | lobby to see what's going to be |
14116s | happening waiting to see maybe if |
14118s | there's going to be another William |
14120s | coming in but of course with DDO out of |
14122s | the picture we shouldn't see a third |
14123s | William by any means yeah he's going to |
14125s | unlock that one most likely going to go |
14127s | back onto o oh oh the match up okay okay |
14133s | we do have a mirror match up between |
14135s | mirang and Rox mirang says you know we' |
14139s | played this conference we think we could |
14140s | play better than you guys so we're going |
14142s | to be we're going to be picking the |
14143s | exact same thing and yeah we're going to |
14145s | have to see which team comes out on top |
14147s | we also can can our other teams that are |
14148s | also in checkpoint like te team cartel |
14151s | and team Asher as they've been having a |
14155s | pretty stellar performance as well oh |
14156s | yeah this is going to be a fun one guys |
14159s | four teams are in checkpoint as of this |
14160s | game right now we are going to have at |
14163s | least half of the lobby at that point |
14166s | any of those teams win we're going to |
14167s | end it with a game number seven as our |
14169s | final game for season 5 phase number one |
14171s | eternal return Masters otherwise if |
14173s | something else extrem this happens well |
14175s | we are going to a game number eight and |
14178s | possibly even more teams that are going |
14179s | to go into checkpoint I know you guys |
14182s | want it I kind of want it but at the |
14184s | same time I |
14186s | don't this was a pretty good series |
14188s | already to begin with I would have been |
14189s | completely content with I think game |
14191s | number five being the end game number |
14193s | six being the end but here we are with a |
14195s | game number seven that is now I guess |
14197s | seven games so we'll have to see if it |
14199s | does come through fruition here we do |
14200s | actually also have E8 subing in as the |
14203s | coming back for being FX we did see this |
14205s | comp uh did work out somewhat well for |
14208s | them I think in the qualifiers they were |
14210s | able to get some kills I think they were |
14212s | able to win one game we have to see if |
14214s | they will be able to close out this |
14215s | series or if they are if they are going |
14218s | to be able to you know stop you know |
14220s | these other teams that are in checkpoint |
14221s | here as I don't know if you saw shui but |
14223s | we will have an Alonzo ban back on the |
14226s | table going back into game number eight |
14228s | indeed indeed indeed if we do ever get |
14230s | to a game number eight that will come |
14232s | into fruition but for now these players |
14234s | and these teams that are already in |
14235s | checkpoint are going to do everything in |
14236s | their power to deny that actually |
14238s | becoming a reality much more possible |
14241s | now that we have four teams in |
14243s | checkpoint and all of these teams again |
14245s | I think it was the same case when Meen |
14247s | sedong and SRO each individually went |
14249s | into checkpoint too all of them have |
14251s | been very very dominant throughout the |
14253s | course of the series so far every single |
14255s | one of them finding opportunities |
14256s | against pretty much every other team in |
14260s | contention I think I've seen a single |
14262s | one of them struggle up against any of |
14263s | these Rost one after another it's been |
14267s | pretty consistent performances from so |
14269s | many of them getting kills left and |
14270s | right from every single one of the teams |
14272s | of oh my God gwor is actually out and |
14275s | they don't not able to get the kill |
14276s | there but wait a second they're going to |
14277s | turn their sights onto the rzi here gwor |
14279s | or Ro are going to try looking for gwor |
14280s | here does get that extra Auto attack |
14283s | just barely not enough The Bookmark does |
14286s | end up going a little wide here they're |
14287s | going to turn onto the Ry they're going |
14290s | to get a lot of damage Ry not five there |
14292s | so doesn't even have their ultimate and |
14294s | as they will be able to kill the Alonzo |
14297s | instead and yeah Rosner picking back up |
14299s | the Su that's what I like to see y FX |
14302s | starting out strong game number game |
14304s | number seven they're finally starting |
14305s | out with an early kill and here we go |
14308s | finally Sparkle Esports getting jumped |
14309s | on by team DHC andj are they actually |
14311s | going to be able to get something not at |
14313s | the moment as f is going to be getting |
14315s | out just leaving their teates there as |
14318s | they're just going to focus their sights |
14320s | on the Scarlet instead and DHC andj |
14322s | they're going to be able to pick up |
14323s | another kill |
14325s | game finally up against team Sparkle |
14327s | Esports too right they've been |
14328s | struggling for pretty much the entire |
14329s | series up against that team but this |
14331s | time around they do get something Yi |
14333s | really nice damage up against romatic |
14335s | but as you know he was by himself not |
14337s | really going to be able to get too much |
14338s | done will well like that uh I don't know |
14340s | if you saw there but Cinema ended up |
14342s | calling in a camera to get that uh |
14344s | camera hop cuz I don't think they had |
14345s | any of their inventory and it we'll |
14347s | secure them a free kill for uh the side |
14349s | of Auto Arms as Auto |
14351s | Arms they were one point away from |
14353s | checkpoint so now they should be in |
14355s | checkpoint now okay well here we go |
14358s | we're if this goes to a game number |
14361s | eight right if really really if it goes |
14363s | but if there's any team I think that can |
14365s | stop these other teams from getting that |
14367s | checkpoint win it is I think going to be |
14369s | team auts they've been showing up |
14371s | winning a lot of these uh nice |
14374s | 3b3 and yeah I think they would be the |
14377s | ones to you know shut down these |
14379s | checkpoint teams I don't know if you saw |
14381s | that by the way just now but swanang |
14382s | buffered the the four stack Electro uh |
14386s | not electrostatic surge what it is it |
14389s | her ultimate I'm forgetting the name |
14390s | real quick but she buffered her for |
14393s | stack so she got hit by the Striking |
14394s | Tiger but because it was buffered it |
14396s | still went off and as soon as the |
14398s | Striking tiger hit the for stack went |
14400s | off and it killed the dial so really big |
14402s | kill for Swang but it gets straighted |
14404s | back right afterwards anyway so it's a |
14406s | one for one overall between Sparkle |
14407s | Esports and D hcj oh my God that is so |
14413s | satisfying to watch as wait a second p x |
14416s | might wipe here as it's going to be |
14418s | Alonzo at the very end so it's going to |
14419s | be an early wipe for sang rocks and that |
14422s | is one of our checkpoint teams an |
14424s | amazing fine from gwick able to get that |
14426s | double Queen into that checkpoint and |
14428s | just able to just wipe out the |
14430s | backliners and that is a disaster for |
14432s | team s d rocks such an early wipe and |
14435s | they won't have a chance they're going |
14436s | to have to pre that team Asher team |
14438s | cartel and team merang aren't going to |
14441s | be able to win this game they can't even |
14442s | affect the rest of the games outcome |
14444s | either they only fed additional kills |
14446s | over on team Asher if anything they |
14448s | helped the series end even faster than |
14450s | they really wanted to our first team |
14452s | into checkpoint just getting completely |
14454s | annihilated by team Asher a beautiful |
14456s | catch exactly as you said two stack onto |
14459s | the night Fork double knock up into a |
14460s | double Checkmate it is the worst |
14463s | possible scenario that you could be |
14464s | asking for as a double backline this |
14465s | early into a game too that is the way |
14468s | the you know the cookie crumbles for |
14469s | team s num rocks that is the hand that |
14471s | they were dealt unfortunate for them |
14473s | beautiful early wipe and here's ncmp |
14476s | trying to find an angle on |
14478s | totic and he will be able to instantly |
14480s | kill him by himself here one Circle |
14482s | going to be forced to get away but a |
14483s | great find from ntmp and wait a second |
14486s | are we going to have another checkpoint |
14487s | team going to there oh my God but one |
14489s | circle with the fancy Fe able to dodge |
14491s | out so so well played from one Circle |
14495s | dodging out on that done from that Adena |
14497s | and then just able to Juke the members |
14500s | of Team cartel and yeah M Sergeant going |
14502s | to be able to live another fight here on |
14504s | the top side here Team Auto Arms going |
14506s | to be able to get a nice clean fight |
14508s | into team bnk f going to be able to |
14511s | trade two for one actually didn't really |
14512s | drop any kills there as it will be a |
14514s | nice clean 20 for team UTS beautifully |
14517s | done beautifully done only one team |
14519s | fully down though still a lot of other |
14521s | teams trying to recuperate from these |
14523s | losses in the earlier stages of the game |
14524s | of course death timer is not as long as |
14526s | you might want but still there still |
14529s | there bnk furx going to be coming up in |
14531s | just a moment they still need more |
14533s | points they still need more kills to get |
14535s | in the checkpoint it's not happening as |
14537s | of yet gwor getting taken down Char is |
14539s | going to have to just leave Astra down |
14541s | the player it's going to be into the |
14542s | hands of Team Sparkle Esports they're |
14544s | also making their way up towards the |
14546s | checkpoint |
14547s | spot yeah they get a nice kill they're |
14549s | going to get their buyin here they're |
14550s | all sitting at about uh 300 plus credits |
14553s | so going to get these small buys I think |
14555s | song is probably going to get his four |
14557s | score here oh looks like Tang is |
14559s | completely isolated DJ they always |
14562s | Thrive off these um picks they always |
14564s | drive off these players are a little |
14565s | slightly mispositioned but pong just |
14567s | going to walk back into the hands of |
14569s | Auto Arms maybe they're going to look to |
14571s | turn here but I don't think they do want |
14573s | to take this fight it looks like they're |
14574s | just all going to back away sir yes sir |
14577s | it's all good and d and d |
14579s | okay just a little bit of a blast plan |
14582s | straight into the face of pixu it's all |
14583s | right though not that much damage dealt |
14585s | actually to test up just but here we go |
14587s | this could be a really big my play nope |
14588s | getting taunted all over the place |
14590s | getting disrupted everywhere there's |
14591s | exclusive being forced up a lot of |
14593s | skills |
14595s | down goes Cinema Tak getting caught out |
14598s | by the bottom shelf he's going to get |
14600s | slowed down but pxu missing the Striking |
14602s | tiger I mean it doesn't matter it is a |
14604s | battle Zone this should be a win for |
14606s | team DHC andj there we go mythal picked |
14608s | up for that team nicely done for those |
14611s | guys trying to move up towards the alpha |
14613s | but there is a team already there so I |
14614s | don't think they're going to be able to |
14615s | pick up a second objective in this game |
14617s | for night number two and nicely played |
14619s | by DJ recognizing that the ma was a |
14621s | little too far forward focused their |
14622s | attention onto the ma and then the |
14624s | you know just dying without uh uh Auto |
14629s | being able to follow up here but wait a |
14630s | second we have an engage onto f f |
14632s | already forced to pop the soling going |
14633s | to jump on forward going to fall as well |
14635s | a great find from ncmp going to be able |
14637s | to as well and it will be team Sparkle |
14640s | Esports going to probably lose down to |
14642s | cartel does end up getting trading one |
14644s | for one but yeah the four bomb is just |
14646s | not enough not enough damage yet on the |
14648s | Seline and it will be team cartel going |
14650s | to be able to win that one out kcw |
14652s | getting tagged by the signature Fireball |
14654s | ball will get slowed down massively bum |
14656s | blinking in trying to get a stun with |
14658s | the wind up not going to get it still |
14659s | pubba trying to just jump back in maybe |
14661s | get a little bit more damage done not |
14663s | going to find it we'll see a two for |
14665s | zero in favor of Team bnk Fair X pretty |
14668s | nice kill is coming through for guys |
14670s | double |
14671s | transition or yes it was two they were |
14674s | both tree of lives though so maybe not |
14676s | the best in the world maybe a meteorite |
14678s | tree of life would have been a nice I |
14679s | think it's totally fine because uh yeah |
14682s | they get some Transitions and they could |
14683s | probably use another tree to get you |
14685s | know maybe a four score here if they do |
14687s | cuz I think the is pretty close to |
14689s | getting that meteorite call so that is |
14691s | uh that is a great find for team P FX |
14693s | and to get that remote kios as well heck |
14696s | yeah good stuff good stuff all right |
14699s | what is the game State now the only team |
14701s | without a kill is going to be sunam |
14702s | rocks they can't get any more in this |
14704s | game every other team in the lobby has |
14706s | at least something going for them which |
14707s | is good to see for us 30 seconds to go |
14710s | until day three will hit oh we got we |
14713s | still have a lot more left in this game |
14715s | man we've already seen quite a bit in |
14717s | this game already it's a really nice |
14720s | consistency pattern right again where we |
14722s | come off of a break and everybody's just |
14724s | looking for fights immediately as the as |
14726s | the game begins that's at least stay |
14729s | consistent but everything |
14731s | else oo the stakes are so much higher |
14733s | than before and gwor uh sitting on 0% |
14738s | CDR but um has a lot of amp here with |
14741s | that Persona going to use the |
14744s | Rook over the wall here does have the |
14746s | queen prep if if they are if he is going |
14747s | to be able to find an an angle on this |
14749s | back line does end up hitting the queen |
14751s | on the but very very great reaction able |
14753s | to buffer that stun with their Dash and |
14757s | yeah they're just going to get on out of |
14758s | their tree will go over to gwor here |
14760s | yeah looks like Jor is just playing a |
14762s | build without any CDR is going to build |
14764s | that blood Coke as well just going to |
14766s | try getting these one shot angles onto |
14767s | the on these backliners cataclysm coming |
14770s | from ey of Aros is doing a lot of damage |
14772s | you saw with f even buff offing the the |
14775s | dash away he still got chunked out for I |
14777s | think about a quarter of his HP just |
14779s | from a queen alone that is the danger of |
14781s | this built of inela this late into the |
14783s | game well I say late but it's only day |
14785s | number three he's been built up pretty |
14787s | well he's been fed pretty well by team |
14790s | Asher just really goes to show that |
14792s | there is a lot of pressure on these |
14793s | teams to really make zero Z mistakes |
14796s | here we go another fight on the North |
14797s | side aliot it's going be between team |
14798s | Meen sedong and cartel two of our |
14800s | checkpoint teams trying to get something |
14802s | done there's double Sparky land on to |
14804s | the two members doesn't go the auto |
14806s | attack doesn't go through the shield so |
14807s | it doesn't split but ncmb trying to |
14811s | buy there's not really much uh Team Mir |
14814s | Sergeant can do as ncmp is just on the |
14816s | backside just using their uh the Felix |
14819s | is using their Dodge and a Felix into a |
14822s | bernes they're just able to uh Dodge on |
14824s | all the auto attacks no damage is going |
14826s | to be done onto the Felix there is going |
14828s | to be Mir song they're going to be |
14829s | forced to actually give this and they're |
14831s | going to be down minus 250 that's tragic |
14834s | but look at the zones that are opening |
14836s | at least they're going to have a bit of |
14837s | breathing space even if they do end up |
14839s | staying in alley we do see the meteorite |
14841s | also spawning a gas station on top of it |
14843s | but this ping should notify team cartel |
14846s | some kind of shenanigans is happening on |
14848s | the North side same thing for team DHC |
14850s | andj a little bit split apart is |
14852s | reallyit so they can't actually take |
14854s | advantage of this Resurrection but they |
14856s | do know that there is me and sedong |
14858s | sitting inside a fire station the CCTV |
14860s | control is still in their favor so I |
14862s | don't think they're in a bad enough spot |
14864s | but looking to contest for the purple |
14865s | box at least is going to be both of |
14867s | these teams still fire station is |
14868s | reopening and Kel is going to be |
14870s | positioned there to grab that meteor so |
14871s | it might have to watch their backs here |
14872s | as they probably are just going to walk |
14874s | down to contest for this box as well we |
14876s | do have another team TP Sparkle Esports |
14878s | TP into uh I think that is a fire |
14882s | station to so got to be a little careful |
14885s | here looks like danana is just going to |
14887s | stick the box and team they're just |
14890s | going to walk up or wait a second |
14892s | actually going to look for an angle here |
14893s | they are going to full send it onto kcw |
14895s | K taking a lot of damage romatic good |
14897s | angle is going to be get sent onto |
14899s | romatic romatic does end up actually |
14901s | finishing uh kcw there they're going to |
14903s | get the body thirst here as one circle |
14904s | is going to be on the back foot from |
14907s | that di going to get that Southall |
14909s | protocol proc they are going to be in a |
14910s | one one situation here B also Fallen |
14913s | here but the Striking tiger is going to |
14915s | land and it is Fallen theana here is |
14918s | going to try to save one Circle I think |
14921s | they're going to be able to get the res |
14922s | off as it is going to be D dcj going to |
14924s | lose two members really lucky for M Song |
14927s | 2 look at their positioning cartel not |
14929s | going to be able to take advantage of |
14930s | this the CCTV will be taken and that |
14932s | should alert me andong that there is a |
14934s | team around they can't physically see |
14937s | the console being taken remember the |
14938s | vision thing has been changed a little |
14941s | bit so if you don't have physical vision |
14943s | of the CCTV console you're not going to |
14945s | be able to see somebody else take it but |
14947s | you can still see the fact that somebody |
14949s | else has the camera control inside of |
14951s | the zone as soon as it turns red they're |
14953s | just going to back it on out of there |
14955s | everybody is still safe we're still at |
14956s | 21 Alive only team down ham Rock still |
14960s | going into day four yeah as long as long |
14962s | as you had the console before you should |
14963s | be able to know because your conso |
14964s | vision would disappear so I I don't |
14967s | think M had the conso vision though so I |
14970s | don't think they would have known but I |
14972s | think they did you know end up |
14974s | uh kind of sniffing you know another |
14976s | team out you know above them cuz you |
14978s | know cartel was making pings up I think |
14980s | in uh you know gas station and you know |
14983s | it's obvious that they would just walk |
14984s | down exactly sitting inside of stream at |
14988s | this point looking for the me right that |
14990s | is going to spawn in just a few seconds |
14992s | denana sitting on 26 seconds he's going |
14993s | to stand right on top of it |
14996s | there is so split look at the |
14998s | positioning here as team uh bnk f are in |
15002s | the zone so they might be able to catch |
15003s | one of these two are going to TP on in |
15007s | and the pings are made so team b f they |
15009s | should know the vision plant was just |
15012s | hit as well so yeah yeah looks like both |
15014s | teams are just going to back away |
15016s | objectives wise I think cemetery is |
15018s | closed which should guarantee the fact |
15020s | that it is going to be a spawn for Wick |
15022s | line in |
15024s | Forest they have a long way to go look |
15026s | at how many teams are on the north side |
15028s | of the map look at this mini map at the |
15029s | moment I don't even know if there's any |
15031s | team on the south side of the map right |
15032s | now a couple of them are tping over I |
15034s | think that's team Asher trying to |
15035s | hyperloop in towards Forest outside of |
15038s | that every other team mostly towards the |
15040s | north side of the map yep there is the |
15042s | wick line spawn guaranteeing it's going |
15043s | to inside of forest as's the one with |
15045s | the jump on it everybody else kind of on |
15049s | back ends they have a long way to walk |
15050s | to and open zones man it will be dhj |
15054s | maybe going to come in to contest though |
15056s | but look at their items they not looking |
15057s | that strong so the D with on four think |
15059s | the Yan was only on two I don't know how |
15061s | strong D is but dhj you know one of |
15064s | these teams they always you know sort of |
15066s | struggle to the mid to late game I |
15067s | wonder if they will be able to maybe |
15069s | find an angle onto this back line if |
15070s | they are able to get you know kill onto |
15072s | Ry or onto the |
15074s | this could be pretty big for them yes |
15075s | sir yes sir d h just backing away Team |
15078s | master still with full control over |
15081s | Forest no one else really looking to TP |
15083s | in the zone right now either I don't see |
15085s | anything in the chat that signifies |
15087s | people hyper looping into the Zone it's |
15089s | going to be a clean Wick take for team |
15091s | Asher that's going to give them a |
15092s | massive Advantage going into the late |
15094s | game if anything control over the few |
15096s | zones that will be open after the next |
15099s | set closes that's going to be huge going |
15101s | into the final zones cuz we know how |
15103s | teams hung on rocks plays and if Team |
15104s | master is able to do it too they're |
15107s | going to be so safe until final Zone |
15109s | there will just be a blood going over to |
15111s | the hands of the Ry get their credit |
15113s | counts Asher sitting on about 900 |
15115s | credits each so they're going to be able |
15116s | to spike pretty well here into the late |
15119s | game I wonder what else they're going to |
15120s | buy maybe they're going to give you know |
15121s | another Blood over to maybe gwor for him |
15125s | to get that blood weapon so we could try |
15126s | looking for these one shots Rosner going |
15128s | to Blink on forward to try to look for |
15130s | an angle on the back line but not going |
15131s | to be able to find anything I think |
15133s | little too hasty there to pull the |
15135s | trigger the blink is going to be on cool |
15137s | down now for about 90 seconds for the |
15139s | sua I be able to find an angle here |
15142s | looks like they don't really want much I |
15144s | think uh Mira seang they do know there's |
15146s | another team in the zone so they don't |
15148s | really want to really take this fight |
15150s | here as team cartel is just sitting on |
15152s | the bottom side in that blind spot I |
15154s | think I did see blinks coming through |
15156s | from at least one of the two backliners |
15158s | of M and SED so that is still something |
15160s | invested from that team to get away from |
15161s | that so I would say the Co down is |
15164s | relatively worth it Su can still jump in |
15166s | if she really |
15168s | wants jumping at the same time into do |
15172s | oo I like this play cuz doc was closing |
15174s | so it is a relatively safe TP and they |
15176s | all do at the same time the reason why |
15178s | you want all you you all want to TP at |
15180s | the same time there just in case you |
15181s | know a team is able to maybe stop your |
15183s | TP if you don't go at the same time you |
15185s | know you are going to be delaying it for |
15187s | quite uh quite a while but here's Auto |
15189s | arms are going to send it onto cartel |
15190s | but Fe ax is right behind them they need |
15193s | to disengage here but bomb is on the top |
15195s | side they're going to be able to maybe |
15197s | find an angle here and auto arm going to |
15199s | be able to all the rewards as well they |
15201s | are there is just oh wait uh cartel is |
15204s | actually going to be able to live here |
15205s | pain oh does get caught by Rosner and I |
15208s | think that's going to be one of another |
15209s | one of our checkpoint teams that's |
15210s | probably going to fall here it is day |
15212s | five look at the look at the credits on |
15214s | team Cartel Auto Arms is going to focus |
15216s | down team cartel and they are going to |
15217s | fall here and another third party is |
15219s | here from Sparkle Esports as it's going |
15221s | to be FX going to drop as well |
15224s | oh no sixth place for team bnk forx but |
15227s | now Auto arms are in a little bit of an |
15228s | awkward situation they're trying to jump |
15230s | in on towards something but they use are |
15231s | a lot of um tools already to initiate |
15233s | onto the other team shvil is pretty good |
15236s | cinema still alive but for uh Auto Arms |
15239s | the tetron goes down too that's another |
15241s | big yeah they do not have timer cinon |
15244s | needs to stay in here he need to try |
15245s | getting some kind of Health going for |
15247s | himself it's not going to happen the |
15248s | four stack lands at to sadan he's still |
15250s | alive totem for the Emma he's still |
15252s | alive on the back |
15259s | Emma alive maybe going to get the res |
15262s | off no swong is going to cancel it |
15264s | trying to get the jump bu over into |
15266s | something he gets it Cinema gets the |
15268s | kill over on to fa |
15271s | though cema he needs to get something |
15274s | going he has full information of what's |
15275s | going on right now but he can't res |
15277s | because he can't rest because the |
15279s | chicken was on him |
15280s | too yeah I think he just had to leave |
15282s | there I think he's probably is going to |
15284s | maybe get a Lumi res here but I think |
15286s | these teams they know they're going to |
15288s | try to deny this res and that will be |
15290s | Team Auto Arms kind of in shambles here |
15293s | one of our teams to try to deny the |
15295s | checkpoint but we do have we do still |
15296s | have Team sple Esports and team THC andj |
15299s | looks like they're going to get sniffed |
15300s | out by team Jang they're going to be |
15302s | forced into red they're probably going |
15303s | to TP and oh here is the res here's Lumi |
15305s | res in red this is perfect for Team Auto |
15308s | Arms I think Mong does know as they do |
15310s | see the pings on the map so they're |
15312s | goingon to Pat back and going try |
15314s | looking to maybe to maybe deny autor |
15316s | from coming into the Zone should see red |
15318s | sword starting to flare in just a moment |
15320s | we're seeing a couple already between |
15322s | AST and team DHC and Jay on the North |
15324s | side though of course exactly as you |
15325s | said Meen Hong versus Team Auto Arms |
15329s | there were so many coming back in as |
15332s | well oh no I think is going to get REI |
15335s | as on the other side here have the Zone |
15338s | completely for free and oh my God the |
15340s | damage coming out a great uh combo |
15343s | coming out from gck able to knock up the |
15346s | di di sitting at 1 HP G tried to look |
15349s | for an angle there end up jump over the |
15351s | wall as the dial in yeah he's cornered |
15353s | down here surprice is actually going to |
15355s | walk in from the top side but just going |
15357s | to walk down going to burn a lot of red |
15358s | timer where where did where can a is go |
15361s | from this point though oh where at least |
15363s | it's not going to close just yet right |
15365s | so he has a little bit of time to work |
15367s | with I like this idea where he's just |
15368s | going to hyperloop using the factory oh |
15371s | wait they're all moving over to hospital |
15374s | oh my God four teams in hospital no |
15377s | three teams in hospital in a situation |
15379s | like this m s they're on the North side |
15382s | now they're the ones that don't have to |
15383s | watch their back Auto Arms the one that |
15385s | are going to be kind of squished in the |
15387s | middle we do actually have four teams |
15389s | sitting inside the Zone what is going on |
15392s | here no one's going to be able |
15394s | to this is going to be so bad for Mar |
15397s | aut is just going to send it straight |
15398s | onto Mar here comes the third party from |
15400s | Sparkle Esports the timers are taking |
15402s | though look at the time they're going to |
15403s | be forced to stay in into this corner |
15405s | and that's perfect for a team like |
15407s | sparkle Esports they have so much AOE |
15408s | damage and they're going to have to play |
15410s | into it there is another team though DHC |
15412s | andj probably going to contest team |
15413s | Sparkle Esports so maybe Miron can |
15416s | contest here as uh oh dcj they're |
15420s | posturing up for this third party split |
15422s | set here's the fight they are locked in |
15424s | here so they can't have any they don't |
15426s | have anywhere to kite back and I think |
15427s | Mir is going to fall here they do end up |
15429s | trading one for one for sad hands one |
15430s | Circle actually able to live for so long |
15434s | but yeah looks like on the other the two |
15437s | teams are fighting on the bottom side so |
15440s | wait a second DJ is coming down to Elmo |
15443s | one they're getting the res and they're |
15444s | going to come oh this could end this |
15447s | could end right now they need to somehow |
15449s | deny this but Emma versus Emma doesn't |
15451s | end that fast em each other is coming in |
15455s | they're going to reap all the rewards |
15457s | and they're going to win this final Zone |
15460s | and game seven is going to come down to |
15462s | Asher versus Mir oh my goodness and Emma |
15466s | versus Emma final 1 V one is what ends |
15469s | the series as a whole Meen hedong versus |
15472s | Asher looking for seven Meen Hedon |
15474s | looking for 12 and that should be the |
15477s | end of the series no not should that |
15480s | will be the end of the series final |
15482s | couple calls coming in for team be song |
15484s | I'm not exactly sure what they're going |
15485s | for it's a tactical skill Ono I think |
15488s | that should be the soul stealer they're |
15490s | looking for it there's the shield gone |
15492s | 30 seconds go before the zones are going |
15494s | to close jumo pushing his way in they |
15497s | know they have an advantage without the |
15500s | shieldo playing as far back as he can oh |
15503s | romatic romatic you're caught out in the |
15504s | corner my guy denana he's trying to go |
15507s | in he's trying to buy a little bit of |
15508s | space here we go energy blast field is |
15510s | up jumo soaking up a lot of damage |
15511s | there's a blink out from one Circle so |
15513s | many things invested by team me they |
15516s | have a long way to go with the walk yes |
15519s | they have such a long way to track can |
15520s | they do this yeah looks like it's going |
15522s | to be Ash just completely zoning them |
15524s | out denying them any entrance into the |
15526s | Zone it looks like uh danana going to |
15529s | try walking on forward here they don't |
15530s | have really have any ultimat to work |
15531s | with Ser uh not having that Theodor Al |
15534s | is big as they don't have that hard |
15537s | engage here timers are ticking both |
15539s | teams taking a lot of timer down Asher |
15542s | up about 5 to 6 seconds so if they are |
15544s | able to win in this fight here they |
15546s | should be up here a lot of investment |
15548s | onto both the tanks the lzo are taking a |
15550s | lot of damage gwor trying to use a |
15552s | checkmate not going to be enough |
15554s | dramatic just blinks on out of there and |
15556s | that's going to be it it's going to be |
15557s | Mir serong winning phase five the |
15560s | champion or phase one season five the |
15563s | champions of eternal return Master |
15565s | season 4 they are going to take away the |
15567s | first phase of of season five returning |
15571s | as the Champions holding on to their |
15572s | crowns congratulations to team Meen |
15574s | seong 12 kills on hand will take away |
15577s | the final game with the composition |
15579s | that's hung n rocks boyed for most of |
15582s | the series today today congratulations |
15584s | and really really brutal end for every |
15587s | single one of our other teams but they |
15588s | played so well here today what an |
15590s | amazing weekend we had yeah very well |
15593s | played for R Jang they came back |
15596s | swinging you know they they went forth |
15598s | in the National League and they came out |
15600s | they got first place in the ERM so you |
15603s | know they're they're |
15605s | definitely they they're definitely you |
15607s | know giving uh giving some hope back you |
15609s | know to their fans as uh yeah it looks |
15611s | like they are going to claim their spot |
15613s | as the best team in Korea for phase |
15616s | number one yeah GG's to GG's to all the |
15620s | other teams that played here today I |
15622s | guess now for us we since we know who |
15624s | won we're going to have to take a look |
15625s | at the scoreboard to see what the |
15627s | placements look like from second all the |
15629s | way down into eth UNG they were tied |
15632s | with I believe sunam rocks in first |
15633s | place after game number six with that |
15635s | performance of course they're going to |
15636s | Skyrocket their way to first place no |
15639s | doubt about it all just comes down to |
15641s | who ended up getting second all the way |
15643s | to eth because that also super we didn't |
15645s | really discuss about this today cuz or I |
15648s | guess this weekend as a whole because |
15649s | they just been breezing through the |
15651s | format stuff all the placements are also |
15653s | going to decide how many Circuit points |
15655s | you get for the season finals yeah I |
15657s | don't know if you know or if you read on |
15659s | the update for the circuit for this |
15661s | season but even if you top 12 so if you |
15664s | made it to the wild cards you actually |
15665s | do get a couple bit or a tiny bit of |
15667s | circuit points yep so that's kind of |
15669s | nice you know for the teams that did you |
15671s | know group stage they still will be |
15673s | walking away with a tiny amount of |
15675s | circuit points but obviously compared to |
15678s | the amount of circuit points you get |
15679s | from making into the finals it's uh not |
15681s | much in comparison yeah it's still going |
15683s | to add up we've seen some really close |
15685s | entries into season finals just by what |
15687s | maybe five 10 points I think in season 4 |
15690s | so every single one of those points are |
15692s | really going to add up will matter a lot |
15694s | ladies and gentlemen so hopefully all of |
15696s | these players are able to get something |
15698s | going at least for the season the teams |
15701s | that really scored up towards the top of |
15702s | the top of the leader boards we'll |
15704s | hopefully see them in the next phase and |
15706s | the phase after that to continue what |
15708s | they were able to do today look for that |
15711s | Victory instead of rounding out whatever |
15713s | place they in end up in |
15715s | instead yeah you know I'm I'm a little s |
15718s | the last game you know we didn't get the |
15720s | the Mira S Young versus sangam Rock |
15722s | Showdown with you know the mirror comp |
15724s | because s rocks went out really fast but |
15727s | you know it was team Asher that did end |
15729s | up you know putting the nail in the |
15730s | coffin for team sangrock so you know |
15732s | it's only fair that they were the ones |
15734s | to try to play for the win into mirang |
15738s | fortunately yeah it just wasn't enough I |
15740s | think they focused way too much of their |
15741s | attention on Alonzo with Theo engage so |
15744s | both Alonzo were taking a lot of the |
15746s | damage and then G trying to go in there |
15749s | but you know the Checkmate coming out |
15752s | just just didn't connect because romatic |
15754s | was just able to Blink on out of there |
15756s | for sure and if anything this is pretty |
15758s | much the duality of man when it comes to |
15760s | the Alonzo Theo bernes compositions one |
15763s | hand you go fast eighth with zero kills |
15765s | and on the other hand you go first place |
15767s | with like 20 kills that is just the way |
15769s | that you know this kind of composition |
15771s | works it small snowballs extremely well |
15773s | but at the same time it does have its |
15774s | weaknesses at the beginning of the game |
15776s | when you are lacking transitions but |
15778s | ladies and gentlemen here we go the |
15780s | final scoreboard of this weekend of the |
15783s | ERM season 5 phase one be didn't heading |
15786s | as we said first place for both the |
15787s | Champions and the placement points |
15790s | they're going to get 2 million Korean |
15791s | one off of this weekend so |
15793s | congratulations to them in second place |
15795s | will be team asers 76 points in third |
15798s | place hung num rocks with 74 to round |
15800s | out our top three yeah unfortunately s |
15803s | rocks they won like three out of our |
15805s | four our first four games but just |
15807s | weren't able to capitalize and to to |
15809s | finish the series they do end up placing |
15812s | third as team Asher they had a nice |
15814s | final game there s marks went out an e |
15816s | and yeah taster spot so second RS coming |
15820s | coming in in third place and Mir sang |
15823s | you know they they just uh take take |
15825s | back their Throne indeed indeed indeed |
15828s | the rightful Kings of eternal return in |
15830s | the Korean side of things they're going |
15832s | to maintain actually not even take back |
15834s | their Throne because they already have |
15835s | the throne after season 4 that is true |
15838s | that is true they're going to hold on to |
15839s | it at least for now there is still two |
15841s | more phases to go before the season |
15843s | finals is upon us which means all the |
15846s | other teams in Korea still have |
15847s | opportunities to knock them down a Peg |
15849s | and say hey we want to have a taste of |
15851s | the throne for ourselves but for now M |
15854s | sedon can go to sleep easy tonight |
15855s | knowing they did hold on to it they |
15857s | played an incredible incredible series |
15860s | is here today with some funny |
15861s | disrespectful moments up against one of |
15863s | their main adversaries and it does seem |
15865s | to be a case where they did take revenge |
15867s | for what ended up happening in the |
15869s | National League Super as they will win |
15870s | out over team ham rocks yeah you know |
15874s | they did end up going forward and they |
15876s | just take sang Rock comp or they take |
15878s | their comp back I would I would say and |
15881s | they just win over sang rocks there the |
15883s | very end so very nicely played from Mar |
15885s | Jang showing us why you |
15887s | know uh they're the best team in uh in |
15890s | Korea absolutely fun series we had here |
15893s | over the course of the weekend super I |
15894s | believe the Korean side of things are |
15896s | going to do their Korean interviews |
15898s | which means you know what time it is I |
15900s | know what time it is all of you guys |
15902s | know what time it is if you guys have |
15903s | drops that are still going well you had |
15906s | about four and a half hours to be here |
15908s | so uh suck |
15910s | suck I love you guys of course but we're |
15913s | going to head off for the weekend we'll |
15914s | see you guys in here a couple of weeks |
15917s | from now of course for the next set of |
15920s | eternal return Master it will be two |
15923s | weeks for Phase 2 but we will have uh na |
15928s | uh Esports for ercs coming up next week |
15931s | and I will be playing in that so if you |
15932s | guys are interested in some more eternal |
15934s | return Esports make sure you guys come |
15936s | back um next week I think it will be at |
15938s | 700 p.m. EST yep exactly yeah 7:00 p.m. |
15941s | EST 6 p.m. Central and for ERM it's |
15944s | going to be about the same time I don't |
15946s | know if uh next week or the next ERM is |
15951s | the one with uh daylight savings is it |
15953s | is no no no no no that's that's pH three |
15956s | that's phase three okay yeah if you guys |
15957s | are in the states uh keep an eye out on |
15960s | that we'll we'll try to let you know at |
15963s | phase two as well probably in the finals |
15964s | we'll let you guys know that daylight |
15965s | saving time is going to affect it a |
15967s | little bit but for phase two we're just |
15969s | going to go on with our regular schedule |
15971s | 5:00 a.m. Central Time 6:00 a.m. uh |
15973s | eastern time and 3:00 a.m. Pacific time |
15976s | it's going to be the same old same old |
15979s | yeah we'll see you guys back here in 2 |
15980s | weeks you know thank you guys so much |
15981s | for watching it's been a pleasure |
15983s | casting once again and yeah I'm excited |
15985s | I actually don't think I'll be here for |
15988s | the phase two so wow I see how it is I'm |
15992s | getting abandoned again man yeah it is |
15995s | phase two again but yeah you know it is |
15998s | what it is I'm going to be a little busy |
15999s | but I W be back for phase three and for |
16001s | the fin sounds good well again for all |
16003s | of you guys in the chat thank you so |
16005s | much for staying with us thank you so |
16006s | much for giving us your time this |
16008s | weekend I hope you guys all had fun |
16010s | watching eternal return Masters the |
16012s | return of this circuit for season 5 I |
16015s | definitely had a lot of fun myself and |
16017s | for those of you guys who are looking |
16018s | for those extra couple percent of drops |
16022s | JP is still going to be streaming so |
16023s | make sure you guys go check out the JP |
16025s | stream Kil kushin as well as the other |
16028s | JP Caster are absolutely fantastic |
16030s | analytics if you guys want to go watch |
16032s | their VOD are amazing with their |
16033s | reactions as well it's not just us that |
16036s | cast eternal return it's also a lot of |
16038s | other languages and they're also |
16040s | fantastic yeah go and support our other |
16042s | casters but I think with that I think we |
16044s | are going to be signing off here thank |
16046s | you guys so much for watching and we |
16047s | will see you guys back in two weeks one |
16050s | week if you guys are going to be here |
16051s | for ercs and yeah I think that's going |
16054s | to be it have a good night everybody and |
16056s | we'll see you guys later have a great |
16057s | rest of your Sunday bye-bye bye |