over 3 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Hello, everyone,

A new monthly deployment (Version 19.09) is live today. Please use this thread to monitor any official known issues that our teams are working on and to report anything you believe might not be working as intended.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

over 3 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


Game Systems:

  • ESS Main and Reserve banks are appearing in systems other than Null security space (see comment). As of 15:15 UTC on 13 October, no new ESS should activate in unexpected locations. Any existing ESS Banks will continue operating until the next downtime.


  • NPCs are issuing sell orders instead of buy orders for Rogue Drone Infestation Data

Missions & NPCs:

  • Agency Escalations page does not load. Hotfix has been applied. Please restart all clients at your earliest convenience.

Native Mac Client:

  • Fitting window panels do not slide in/out and instead appear/disappear when clicked on macOS Big Sur.
  • Market groups do not sort correctly in Japanese, Korean, and Russian.
  • On Portuguese keyboards, Cmd+ç’ also acts as a shortcut to select all text inside text fields.
  • The ‘Track Plan’ button does not display the Skill Plan until the window has been closed and reopened.
  • Rarely, face tattoos may not appear on the character model during character creation. The tattoo is still applied to the character, but isn’t visible immediately.
  • If a new player refuses the macOS privacy permissions popup when first launching the client, the player will still be able to load into game. This results in some custom settings not being saved. If you notice some settings are not being saved, goto: ‘System Preferences’ > ‘Security & Privacy’ > ‘Privacy’ tab and make sure EVE has ‘FIles & Folders’ > ‘Documents folder’ access toggled ON.
  • Macbook trackpads can be overly sensitive and may trigger a long-left-click, opening the radial context menu. If you experience this, you can increase the ‘Radial Menu Delay’ in the ‘General Settings’ > ‘Inflight’ options menu.
  • macOS 10.14 (Mojave) may experience graphical corruption on older hardware. If you encounter this, we recommend upgrading to macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or higher.


  • Refresh rate is lowered when multi-tasking back into a fullscreen game client. This is most noticeable on high refresh rate monitors (such as 120 or 144hz).
    • To workaround the issue, you can disable v-sync. To do this navigate to: ‘Display & Graphics’ settings tab > ‘Display’ category > ‘Present Interval’ > select ‘Interval Immediate’ from the dropdown. This will prevent the frame rate from being capped to the refresh rate.

User Interface:

  • On Portuguese keyboards, the ‘§’ key is not shown correctly when assigned as a shortcut and uses the incorrect character in text fields.
over 3 years ago - CCP_Leonidas - Direct link

Sorry to hear that. Sending in a bug report would be the best option for the time being.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Leonidas - Direct link

The defect has been logged and we’re currently aiming to fix it in one of our hotfix patches. It should be a fairly quick fix, but unfortunately I can’t make any promises about when the fix will be ready for release.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Leonidas - Direct link

Those screens appear to be working on our side on macOS.
In what way are they non-functional for you? If you submit a bug report (F12), include any details you have, and screenshots; we’ll investigate.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Leonidas - Direct link

If you’re having trouble launching the game, please try verifying your shared cache.
You can do this by opening the launcher settings under: EVE Launcher (menu bar) > Preferences > Tools/Cache > Shared Cache > Verify

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please submit a support request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Today we released more fixes:

  • A fix for certain AMD GPUs having freezes or crashes when using a jump gate. The same fix may also help with general client stability.

  • Launching EVE is now possible on case sensitive file systems

If you are using an Nvidia card and 10.14, please see my post here: EVE X Apple - #120 by CCP_Caffeine

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

I think this is the eGPU one?
We’re not specifically testing eGPUs right now (There are simply too many combinations), but I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sure if it’s a 6900XT specific issue, as we’ve not seen this issue on other AMD-based cards on macOS.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

We have made some window changes for the next release. It should reduce (or hopefully eliminate) the need to click in the window more than once to receive input.

It’s should be live on Singularity now, so if you’d like to give it a shot and give us any feedback, just select Singularity in the bottom right of your launcher.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you both for the feedback :grinning: Glad it’s working the way we intended.
We’ll try to get it out in this monthly release.

@Caffeine_Coma - We’ve not been able to replicate the mouse issue you’re having. Do you have an EBR number (Eve Bug Report)? If not, please create one and include as many details as possible (your mouse, OS, hardware etc…) and we’ll see if we can reproduce it :slight_smile:

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you.
A fix should be live on Singularity now, so if you’d like to give it a shot and give us any feedback, just select Singularity in the bottom right of your launcher and let us know :slight_smile:

It should make its way into the next monthly release.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi @Lan_Aurilien
I’m sorry for the issues you’re experiencing.

Could you provide me with your ticket numbers / EVE Bug Report information?

We are aware that some users are experiencing a ‘mouse lag’ issue, where the cursor appears to jump around the screen. We have been unable to replicate this internally, but we have seen videos of the issue from players. I assure you we are investigating it, but without a reproduction, we can’t find out the root cause and fix :frowning:

I’m also interested in the stability issues you’re experiencing. An EBR with system information and any steps you have taken for the crash to happen would be very useful for us to investigate.

Many thanks