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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking any issues found in the 21.04 version of EVE Online, first released 25 April 2023.
Please use this thread for reporting and tracking any issues found in the 21.04 version of EVE Online, first released 25 April 2023.
Reserved for updates
9 May
Could you please send a bug report (F12 - Report Bug) about this including screenshots of such examples? It would be great, if you could also check, if the problem goes away by disabling antialiasing.
Due to an internal build issue, the gallente Shadow War sites are not dropping any loot. We’re working on it and hopefully it will be fixed for downtime.
We are aware that the “Historic Capsuleer Day Crate”, which was added in todays downtime, cannot be looted. This issue will be resolved tomorrow at downtime