EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

03 Feb

Greetings capsuleers,

Strategy, knowledge, and preparedness are vital to succeed in the harsh competitive world of New Eden. For many playstyles in EVE, access to and understanding of data can spell the difference between victory and defeat.EVE has been referred to as spreadsheets in space, and there will soon be even better opportunities to excel at the game (see what we did there?).

Data extraction from the game is about to become easier than ever before with a new EVE Online Microsoft Excel add-in, developed in collaboration with Microsoft, which will allow players to log in and pull in-game data directly into spreadsheets. This can be both generic New Eden data as well as character-based stats, such as wallet balance, recent market orders and asset information. The ability to easily work with these figures in any number of ways will even the playing field in data driven warfare and democratize intelligence gathering, without requiring coding knowledge.

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

27 Jan

Bargain hunting Capsuleers,

PLEX stands as one of New Eden’s core spacefaring currencies, and right now, if you pick up select PLEX packs in the EVE Store, you get 10% off the regular price, and a free dynamic color-changing SKIN.

The PLEX sale runs until 31 January, giving you an opportunity to grab one of the following:
  • 1500 PLEX + Vindicator Red Stargazer SKIN
  • 3000 PLEX + Barghest Red Stargazer SKIN
  • 6000 PLEX + Nightmare Red Stargazer SKIN
Furthermore, the Red Stargazer SKINs will display specific visual effects whenever a PvP kill is made by your ship, and they are affected by subsequent kills and ship speed too - a first in EVE!

There’s also a separate sale in the New Eden Store letting you save 10% on 3M, 6M, and 12M Omega time packs that all include a free and new Red Stargazer Skin.

The following offers are available in the New Eden Store, this time until 9 February:
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Jan

Sound spotting capsuleers,

The Uprising expansion brought several new developments into the soundscape of New Eden, with a view to making EVE more immersive, convincing, and richly detailed. In this blog we’re going to walk you through the design and composition principles behind many of those new sound effect (SFX) and music features of Uprising – namely the new turret SFX, the Upwell Hangar soundscapes, new login music, and the adaptive battlefield music.

And if you like the idea of taking the sounds of the star cluster with you into the rest of your life, make sure not to miss EVE’s latest music release! We’re very excited to announce that all of the music of Uprising has now arrived on Spotify[open.spotify.com] and other streaming platforms as a new album. With 10 tracks to lose yourself... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Jan

Hello spacefriends, and welcome to the latest Community Beat! Let's take a look at some of the things that have caught our attention in the community over the last couple of weeks.

The 2nd SvB 2v2 Frigate Tournament
If you're itching to get involved in some competitive PvP while you're waiting to hear more about the next Alliance Tournament you should check out the SvB 2v2 Frigate Tournament which is coming up in February with some cool prizes up for grabs!

For full details including the rules and Discord link check out ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Jan

Attention capsuleers,

Get ready for Lunar New Year celebrations in New Eden! From 19 to 31 January, all players can take advantage of daily login rewards, including Serenity ship SKINs, boosters and Skill Points, and more. Don't miss out on the red star orbital stash hunt, where you can uncover even more exciting prizes – Stay tuned on social media. On 20 January, tune in for the community team roam on CCPTV[www.twitch... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

11 Jan

Factitious capsuleers, 

Coat yourself in camo and prove your potential in the next exciting Abyssal Proving Ground event, colliding in fierce 1v1 combat aboard the four Empires’ ruthless navy battlecruisers! 

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 14 January, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 16 January. 

The ruleset is as follows: 
  • Only the Prophecy Navy Issue, Ferox Navy Issue, Brutix Navy Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Harbinger Navy Issue, Drake Navy Issue, Myrmidon Navy Issue, and Hurricane Fleet Issue may enter this event. 
  • 100% bonus to afterburner speed boost. 
  • 50% reduction to overheat damage taken by modules.
  • Pilots receive 100 million ISK payout per match where they deal at least 10,000 damage. 
  • Sensor dampeners, weapon disruptors, shield boost amplifier, recharger, power relay, and flux coil modules, and core defense field purger rigs cannot be fitted. 
  • M...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Factitious capsuleers, 

Coat yourself in camo and prove your potential in the next exciting Abyssal Proving Ground event, colliding in fierce 1v1 combat aboard the four Empires’ ruthless navy battlecruisers! 

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 14 January, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 16 January. 

The ruleset is as follows: 
  • Only the Prophecy Navy Issue, Ferox Navy Issue, Brutix Navy Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Harbinger Navy Issue, Drake Navy Issue, Myrmidon Navy Issue, and Hurricane Fleet Issue may enter this event. 
  • 100% bonus to afterburner speed boost. 
  • 50% reduction to overheat damage taken by modules. 
  • Pilots receive 100 million ISK payout per match where they deal at least 10,000 damage. 
  • Sensor dampeners, weapon disruptors, shield boost amplifier, recharger, power relay, and flux coil modules, and core defense field purger rigs cannot be fitted. 
  • ...
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Story-loving capsuleers,

Following its previous release in comic stores, the hardcover edition of EVE: The Capsuleer Chronicles[www.eveonline.com] is now available through retailers both physical and online, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and bookstores of all kinds near you!

Experience the intersection of the lives of four independent capsuleers during the Triglavian Collective’s invasion of Raravoss, the first of twenty-seven systems that would eventually fall to the Collective and their ardent supporters and be woven into the liminal domain of Pochven, as the Triglavians alter the very stars of New Eden in pursuit of their ambitions – inspiring both conflict and cooperation alike between these immortal empyreans.

... Read more

10 Jan

Attention capsuleers,

It’s time to kick off yet another action filled year, as EVE gets closer to its 20th anniversary and the start of the third thrilling decade in New Eden. This year promises to be filled with intrigue, action, and events. In last week’s Producer’s Letter[www.eveonline.com] the roadmap for this year was revealed, followed by an in-depth look at the bright future of EVE in a CCPTV live stream[www.twitch.tv].

The future is now, and it’s time t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

06 Jan

Uprisen capsuleers,

It’s an incredibly thrilling time to be a capsuleer in New Eden as we embark on a new year in EVE Online. The frontlines have been buzzing with activity and some big shifts are happening in the political landscape. Since the launch of the Uprising expansion in November 2022, the activity in New Eden has exceeded our wildest expectations with active player counts swelling since release and - more importantly - pilots being more active in space. Particularly notable has been the sharp 75% increase in PvP kills in lowsec as well as the 11% PvP kill increase in highsec despite the additional restrictions on ganking and changes to Abyssal Deadspace following the release. This has pushed industry and mining significantly, with navy ship production rising 14,709% and capital manufacturing seeing a 34% bump!

Now that we have entered a new year and are marching toward EVE’s 20th anniversary, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on last year, the latest e... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

30 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.