Strategic capsuleers, The Upwell Consortium has closely monitored the performance of its revolutionary Equinox suite, and following extensive feedback from power users, significant enhancements are set to be rolled out in an orbital skyhook security update coming in early October. A certain vulnerability to raiding will be addressed, taking some of the advantage away from attackers seeking to raid skyhooks. These changes will bolster the attractiveness of the structures by improving their output while also reducing the logistical burdens placed on their owners.

TIMED RAIDING WINDOWS To address the imbalance in raid dynamics, orbital skyhooks will only be vulnerable to raids during specific windows that are visible to all pilots. These periods are based on the structure owner’s preference, but feature a significant randomized offset, introducing an element ... Read more

TIMED RAIDING WINDOWS To address the imbalance in raid dynamics, orbital skyhooks will only be vulnerable to raids during specific windows that are visible to all pilots. These periods are based on the structure owner’s preference, but feature a significant randomized offset, introducing an element ... Read more