Get ready for Friday, it's going down (but in a very nice way and for the charity @ExtraLife4Kids)!
We're just getting warmed up for #BattleOfTheBricks competition like... Get ready to cheer us on as we go against @EveOnline while raising money for @ExtraLife4Kids. Starting at 16:00 UTC this Friday on:
@SharkyReilly: #newedennews #tweetfleet #EveOnline #AchurStateMountainReport
Further footage has been revealed…
Wait a minute ... ooohhhhh, I get it!
Tuesday 19 July, we'll be hosting a Q&A on our Discord server with CCP Stinger and CCP Aisling about the fight against botting and RMT. The question deadline is 18 July. Don't miss out on this dive into the inner workings of the irl CONCORD 🚔 #tweetfleet
@prince_boansi @RobertsSpaceInd @ExtraLife4Kids Nothing other than the community teams started some light trolling back in December and decided to turn that trolling into something fun :)
We received many awesome submissions for #BattleOfTheBricks! Here is a taste of some of these great feats of engineering. Don't miss our charity stream with @RobertsSpaceInd in support of @ExtraLife4Kids on 22 July, where you can watch our devs make complete fools of themselves!
The correct answer was Porpoise, aka the AT ship killer. It took @RRobertGI 7 minutes to get it right, which we think is a record long time for Guess That Fit! #tweetfleet
Long ago at the beginning of time, a competition was created to determine who is the most knowledgeable Capsuleer. This competition is called Guess That Fit. First one to guess the correct ship gets a prize. #Tweetfleet
Go head-to-head in furious 1v1 combat in this special Liberation Day Proving Ground event, piloting iconic Minmatar cruisers as you fight ferociously in arena with massive bonuses to overheating and a blistering tachyon cloud! 🔥🚀 #tweetfleet #eveonline
Hey @Nasa we knew we recognized these from somewhere ...
BREAKING: Minmatar authorities warn of imminent invasion by Amarr military in the Floseswin system. Counter-offensive has been ordered and Republic forces are authorized to disregard Yulai accords. #NewEdenNews #tweetfleet
@RobertsSpaceInd @EveOnline @ExtraLife4Kids This image is perfect for all the right reasons! Gotta appreciate the love between both communities! ❤️
@RobertsSpaceInd: Get ready to watch @RobertsSpaceInd and @EveOnline go head-to-head building the winning LEGO builds from their opponen…
The Battle of the Bricks live stream is coming! Tune in, join the EVE Online and Star Citizen community teams on 22 July as we build the best LEGO submissions, and donate to kids charity Extra Life. #Tweetfleet #BattleOfTheBricks
Long ago at the beginning of time, a competition was created to determine who is the most knowledgeable Capsuleer. This competition is called Guess That Fit. First one to guess the correct ship gets a prize. #Tweetfleet
Jump into a review and update from Team Security on efforts to combat botting and RMT in EVE throughout 2021 – and learn what YOU can do to both protect yourself and aid in the fight! 🕵️🤖#tweetfleet #eveonline
The Amarr Imperial Navy has launched a major counter-insurgency operation in the Eugidi constellation. Captain Marshal Sirdan xer Qosh has ordered all militia to pacify rebel forces and secure the area. #NewEdenNews #tweetfleet
Stunning! The Official @RixxJavix Art Print Collection is now live on:
The Official Rixx Art Collection! The Rixx Store is now OPEN! #tweetfleet #EveOnline
@RixxJavix We are super excited about this <3
Don´t forget to celebrate the 144th anniversary of the Great Rebellion and take part in exciting events & festivities including the Liberation Games, a new Proving Ground event, parades, historical reenactments, and more! 💥⛓️💥 #tweetfleet #eveonline
Get them while you still can: limited-time Liberation Day packs are only available for another 24 hours! Celebrate the 144th anniversary of the Great Rebellion with SKINs, Apparel, Skill Points, and more 💥⛓️💥 #tweetfleet #eveonline