Fanfest Global Finals start on the CCP TV Twitch channel at 17:00. Team RNG vs. No Fox Given. Remember: Safety red!
Still plenty on the docket at #EVEFanfest before we rock out tonight with @ztrip and @Mind1Official at the PARTY AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD! 🍾 Check out the main stage events at
@CCPGames: Into the third decade. The future of @EveOnline revealed at #EVEfanfest 2022!
@rosecg: Everytime I see news related to EVE Online I'm never disappointed. And I don't even play the game.
.@CCP_Fozzie wants you! … to enter the Proving Grounds! #evefanfest
Name a more iconic duo ❤️📈
@EveOnline Now it's time to really strategize and make that ISK.
Now @ccp_aurora will go into details about changes to Factional warfare. “We want to give you that war feeling”. #eveFanfest
Living Universe presentation on the new InterBus credits and the next level customization that is coming to EVE. #EVEFanfest
Watch the #EVEFanfest keynote from yesterday.
An ominous message from the Chairman of the Caldari.
@TheToadKing: Don't let your memes be dreams.
Scope wins the round, now with 16 points, Pulse trailing with just one point. It’s quiz time! #evefanfest
Don’t quite no what I’m watching here, has something to do with balls in buckets, but it seems fun. #evefanfest
Next up karaoke with Permaband songs, the crowd clearly loves Team Scope and this particular commentator agrees. But again @CCP_Convict and @CCP_Antiquarian with another snafu and points go to Team Pulse. We need to get @BrianSchoeneman and the CSM in on this. #evefanfest
Oh scratch that @CCP_Convict basically gives Team Scope the right answer, soooo we’re even?
Time for space Wordle, now it’s time for @CCP_Antiquarian to come to Team Pulse’s rescue as he uses Crane as an example of a word. Turns out the correct answer is Raven … stinks of favoritism this.
Domination by Team Scope here. After the first round they lead 4 to 1. This could get messy folks. #evefanfest
@QueenieandBlue: Live at @EveOnline FanFest!
In Reality they got a big fat goose egg, but a referee scandal by @CCP_Convict means a consolation point for Team Pulse. #evefanfest
Team Pulse doing the Market PvP, the crowd is providing not so helpful help. #evefanfest