Tune in to Rampage Inc's stream to tonight to find out the results of their latest charity auction! 👇 #tweetfleet
Tonight at 01:30 @EveOnline time we will stream the end of our 2nd major charity auction(over $4.5k raised to date). This painting by @KSchoeneman will have 100% of the proceeds donated to @ASPCA 🐶🐱! eBay Auction - https://t.co/rHcF2LaMNP Stream - https://t.co/E7sBM0O7mk
You had us at unlimited maple syrup and bacon.
Hey @EveOnline #tweetfleet ! Eve Montréal is back for its 2022 edition! An all you can eat buffet with ulimited mapple syrup and Bacon. Come live the Canadian dream 😜 !!! We are also making it a family event. Just scan the QR code to get registered https://t.co/qqJYc286ym
Based on the pickup lines you submitted yesterday, it is clear EVE has the most romantic community. But this line jumped straight into our hearts. Congratulations Suitonia, you have a Valentine's gift in your DMs!
@EveOnline Are you in a DED site? Because I got a 10/10 on scan in your direction