With a brand-new NPE coming in September there will be more Capsuleers than ever taking their first steps in EVE.
Show them why your corp is the best and take part in the corp propaganda contest starting today! 🎨
Command the Empires’ powerful tech 1 destroyers as you duel one-on-one in a vicious contest of strength and skill in a new Abyssal Proving Grounds event, open from 27 - 31 August💥 #tweetfleet #eveonline https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/relentless-battle-in-the-proving-grounds?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1630076419&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
The Starter Pack sale is only on for another 48 hours so come get these deals while you can! Save 10% on the Soldier of Fortune, Enforcer, and Starter Packs in the EVE Store! ⚡️👉
As with most Thursdays, we're feeling a little bit nostalgic. So share with us your favorite old EVE Online screenshot💾 📸Tim Taylor #ThrowbackThursday #Tweetfleet
Coming in September, identifying which skills are worth training in EVE Online should get easier for all the new players flocking to the MMO.
How well do you know your EVE ships? What vessel is this?
"EVE Online has spawned so many great real-world stories that they could make a Top 10 List of their own."
💥 @IGN pick the Top 10 MMORPGs
Prepare yourselves for the GM Week Cosplay Contest, coming soon!
Show off your EVE style in the upcoming celebrations from 20–24 September, and compete for fabulous rewards, including in-game cosmetics, PLEX, and up to $1000 in cash! #tweetfleet https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/gm-week-cosplay-contest-coming-soon?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629907226&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
EVE Online has a new Capsuleer training program!
Check out the dev blog for full details on corporate newcomer AIR and the updated new player experience – available for testing now on the Singularity test server. https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/improved-new-player-experience?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629890460&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
@CCPGames: We love meeting our players around the world! Though many restrictions still apply and safety measures must be met, we're hap…
The new Skill Plans feature is coming to EVE in September to help new & established pilots plan their skill progression to achieve their interstellar aims! Read the dev blog for all details, then head over to the Singularity test server and give it a try! https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/updates-to-skill-training?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629842411&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
A new Capsuleer training experience is now available for testing in EVE Online on the Singularity test server! New Skill Plans are also ready for testing to help new and established pilots plan their skill progression to achieve their interstellar aims. https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/align-to-gate-updates-for-skills-and-npe?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629820825&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
The Association for Interdisciplinary Research is proud to announce its debut onto New Eden's corporate landscape.
To find out more about the Association for Interdisciplinary Research's debut👇 https://community.eveonline.com/news/news-channels/world-news/the-association-for-interdisciplinary-research-makes-its-public-debut/?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629758640&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
EVE Anywhere, a cloud-based platform that allows a fully-featured EVE Online to be played in-browser, has moved into the next phase of beta testing and has expanded to include many new territories! https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/eve-anywhere-expands?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_content=1629475225&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
Last chance to take advantage of the New Eden Store summer sale! #tweetfleet
Have you been eyeing up those packs in the EVE Store? 👀
Well now's your chance, get 10% off select packs until 29 August! 👉
Have a glorious weekend capsuleers! What's your plan in New Eden this weekend?
📸 Derglim I #Tweetfleet
On August 16 Alliance Tournament XVII applications closed with an incredible 75 alliances having applied to compete and over 618,000 PLEX submitted for the blind auction entries!
We can't get enough of this fantastic community-made video by Orange Eagle! Some might even say it perfectly shows the beauty and brutality of New Eden. #tweetfleet