EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by Capable_BO_Pilot

And why nearly 50 % of the Goon Bots killed in Yulai seemingly knew their fate and managed to drop corp right before ?


if they dropped corp before they were teleported it's because a GM kicked them out. this isn't done when they are banned as bots really.


Originally posted by CCP_Mechanic

The greatest concerns I hear about are, can my graphic card "insert name" run this game on high settings?

hello yes will my voodoo II handle EVE on supa dupa?


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for your reply. I'm a Security Analyst working on EVE and I deal mostly with bots and RMT.

I can't really give away too much here but CCP is tooling up heavily in this department right now; we are also actively investigating client side detection but it's still too early for Real News on that.


Originally posted by DWA_Yarr

What's the best story you experienced as a GM?

my best GM story is when i was hired as a GM in 2006 and now its 2020 and i still work at CCP


Originally posted by StalkingMantis

When will Faction Warfare get a proper rework? Aside from the non tethering in hostile space nothing has happened to FW since the inferno patch. In particular how easy it is to abuse FW missions.

are you seeing bots abusing fw missions in particular or is it players? please report bots in-game with the good button: https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000249125-Reporting-suspected-bot-users


Originally posted by zaxiob

another one, though probably not directly for GMs: supercarrier size rework when? the larger aeon model was amazing

hmm probably nobody from the PX department can answer this :(


Originally posted by GM_Lelouch

  1. Nope, sorry :) I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that there have probably been CCPers in every major powerblock over the years though. I personally used to be a member of one, but it's been a few years now since I did nullsec wars.
  2. At least 20!

our hamsters all live in the cloud now


Originally posted by zensins

Why were so few botters dropped into Yulai?

had a hard time finding more as they had all been nuked from orbit :(


Originally posted by Cutterbuck

1) How do you keep motivated when we are such a bunch of whinging narcissists 2) pineapple on pizza, yes or no 3) what’s your biggest challenge and how can we help

  1. medication
  2. ya
  3. people botting and RMT'ing - dont and dont pls :(

Originally posted by Cephei_Eve

why arent botting bans and punishments extended to the entity they're a part of? especially when its a serial problem for them?

They are to the extent that we're able to do it accurately and within reason... Which is not good enough right now, I 100% recognize that.

16 Sep

    on News - Thread - Direct

As part of the Zenith Quadrant, the new Rolling Thunder update will go live on 22 September, providing a fresh balance pass for the new EDENCOM line of ships. There will also be changes to Gallente and Minmatar Force Auxiliaries, plus Black Ops ships.

In addition to the ship changes, there will also be daily login rewards from 25 - 27 September, including new unique SKINs for all three EDENCOM ships, as well as boosters designed to benefit Vorton Projector weapons, and free Skill Points!


No it isn’t, this is my bad skills at writing the changes down :slight_smile: Thanks for spotting that.
We’ll update the post. The Sin just has changes to Thermal and Kinetic shield/armor resistances.


Screenshot 4K - 3840 x 2160 (1)1920×1080 1.08 MB

We have just published a short news item about upcoming balance changes to EDENCOM ships and daily login rewards that will be available for you from 25 - 27 September. The changes will be available on our Singularity Test Server momentarily, but for your convenience, I am also adding them below.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this b...

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