EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

26 Apr

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As part of the continuous work to provide solid quality of life changes and iterations, this release will see a host of small changes aimed at making the life of a capsuleer more convenient. From color coded fleet watchlists to the inclusion of ship types in broadcasts for remote repair, as well as more filters in module comparison and additional tooltips, there’s something in the March release for every pilot!

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The Monitor is the first ship in a new group called “Flag Cruisers”. It will be completely focused on survivability at the expense of all other attributes, intended for pilots who absolutely need to be able to survive uncloaked in a battle. It has no cargo bay, weapons, or drones, and focuses on staying power to allow fleet commanders and other important pilots in a major engagement to stay on the field longer.

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Pilots across the cluster will benefit from balance changes to several hulls with this release that are aimed at keeping the combat meta in New Eden fresh and engaging. Increases in lock range and cargo capacity for battleships as well as the ability for Attack Battlecruisers to fit Medium Micro Jump Drives are coming, as well as a number of tweaks to several Battlecruisers and Heavy Assault Ships.

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As we look more and more toward the future and prepare for the journey toward the third decade, the retirement of EVE Voice with the March Release opens new potential for the EVE Online client and allows for further performance improvement work and futureproofing of New Eden, making the world a better place for every capsuleer!

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Jump Fatigue will see some significant changes in this release, including a 95% reduction in the cap on fatigue accumulation, ensuring that capsuleers are free to move around more freely and engage in combat further afield.

A reduction in the Jump Fatigue Timer takes the maximum possible fatigue accumulation from 4 days to 5 hours, and also results in a Jump Activation Cooldown now taking the maximum possible cooldown from 9.6 hours to 30 minutes.

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Alongside other changes to Jump Fatigue and Sovereignty Capture with this release, capsuleers will also benefit from iteration on tethering mechanics that will make it a little riskier to travel from structure to structure via cynosural field. There will now be a slight tethering delay after jumping through a cynosural field to a destination structure.

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The March release will also include a set of tweaks to the Entosis Link module and to Sovereignty capture events. The primary goals of these changes are to shake up the sovereignty combat metagame and give pilots new gameplay options to optimize and master.

With increased score gains for node capture, as well as a reduction in the number of starting nodes, and an increase in random spawning, capsuleers will encounter a more streamlined experience. In addition to this, changes to the Entosis Link will provide for more varied gameplay and more tactical options when engaging in Sovereignty capture.

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With this release, capsuleers will be able to enjoy the introduction of a new XMPP based chat back end that’s coming to New Eden.

While the appearance of the chat system won’t change for now, the underlying technology behind it is undergoing a radical upgrade to improve server performance and to provide more flexibility for future development.

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From March 20th through to April 3rd, capsuleers will be able to enjoy the latest event in New Eden.

The Hunt begins as pilots across the cluster are tasked with finding Guristas installations scattered throughout New Eden and putting an end to their illegal cloning research.

Collect derelict capsules before they’re stolen by Guristas forces and turn them in for rewards, as well as collecting agency points by completing various challenges for rewards that include Cerebral Accelerators, a new module, Boosters and event exclusive SKINs.

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The Guardian's Gala will see the appearance of the Eros Blossom SKIN in the New Eden Store in celebration of Valentine's Day.

In addition to this SKIN on a total of seven hulls, the Eros Blossom Firework will also be available in the New Eden Store for the duration of the event.

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The February Release will see a substantial balance pass on Assault Frigates.

This is the first stage of creating a powerful distinction for Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers in specific roles, while avoiding too much direct overlap with classes like Tactical Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Strategic Cruisers.

With this change, capsuleers will benefit from increases to velocity, reductions in mass and better capacitor capacity on their Assault Frigates, as well as redefined roles and improved slot and weapons configurations for several individual hulls.

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This February the Guardian's Gala has returned, with all manner of rewards up for grabs including a new line of Spirit SKINs for additional hulls, Agency Combat Boosters, modules and fireworks.

The Guardian's Gala will also feature new challenges in The Agency, with a new line of rewards to grab that include modules, accelerators and fireworks.

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This release will see significant changes to the operation of Upwell structures with the aim of making sizable quality of life improvements.

With these changes, capsuleers across the cluster will benefit from more balanced reinforcement timers, improvements to structure takedown and combat mechanics, as well as more evenly scaled reinforcement and destruction mechanics depending on the area of space a structure is deployed in.

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As the pirate factions of New Eden ramp up their efforts to occupy more and more space, their Forward Operating Bases will become more numerous and easier to discover, increasing the chances capsuleers across the cluster being able to earn rewards from them.

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It’s always been common knowledge that capsuleers love shooting at each other’s spaceships. With this release, the reloading system will receive a backend rework to improve performance and resolve several issues.

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As part of the January release, many more structures found in deadspace areas across the cluster have had a visual makeover to update their textures, taking advantage of our latest shader technology.

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The Agency will be receiving a significant update with the January release, when pilots will be able to take advantage of many pieces of game content being moved into its user interface. With this release, Faction Warfare, Incursion and Expeditions will all be moved to The Agency’s interface, and the Agent Finder will be retired, with The Agency now serving as the location to find Agents to work with.

18 Apr

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Come join us in Reykjavík, Iceland for the fourteenth EVE Fanfest, as we celebrate the Fifteenth anniversary of EVE Online.

With roundtables, presentations, the first ever EVE Online parade and a community like no other, EVE Fanfest 2018 is going to be the biggest, best, and most bad ass fanfest yet as we march toward the third decade of New Eden.

15 Feb


Hey Zluq,

I’ll chime in here as the current stakeholder of the CCL division of ISD. So, our current focus is on working out a sustainable and simple process to get these fits from forum to client, and ensure they get audited and revised in a regular manner. The first draft of this process was presented to Stall, Fractal, and some devs yesterday for wave 1 of feedback. Now that’s underway we should be in a position to get this project back up and running.

Apologies for the lack of communication surrounding this up til now, but we are now back on track and I’ll be talking to CCL about kicking off a new wave of threads, and getting some of the already harvested fits into the client once we iron out the finer points of the process.



  • Press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard while pressing R (this will open a run window).
  • Copy and paste the following line into the run window: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\
  • You should see a few folders there. One will be named after where your sharedCache folder is located on your hard drive such as (c_programdata_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility)
  • Copy the folder to another location on your hard drive.
  • If you lose your settings again copy the folder back and your settings should be restored to what they were when the folder was copied. If you make any changes to your settings, you should create a new backup.