4 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

74s hello everybody good evening good
76s afternoon good morning we'll be with you
78s very shortly just setting up a few final
81s things and then we'll be diving right in
185s hello everybody how are we all good
187s evening good afternoon good morning
189s welcome along yes we're back again and
191s this time it's me in the seat of power
194s but not to Fear The Lovable Rogue that
198s is Eric is with us and we're going to
199s bring him in he can say look there he is
201s that happy smiley face see that is what
203s you want to see on a Friday isn't it
205s that gets you through the week just to
206s see Eric's smiley face how are you Eric
209s hello I'm good I am I am alive I have
212s been created because you pushed a button
215s and I am satisfied that's all you got to
217s do now we just got to press a button or
221s two but uh yeah here we are uh two weeks
224s flown by flown by since our last stream
226s and uh yeah we're going to dive in on my
228s playthrough this time so we could still
230s expect to see some deaths uh I know Eric
233s was doing a wonderful job of that the
235s the last time but you know he does play
236s on nightmare I only play on hard you
238s know he's got you know I've got skill
241s issues I'll admit that you know Eric's a
243s wonderful pilot so uh now we'll dive in
245s with a hard game playay uh we'll be
247s doing the q&as as always every 30
250s minutes or so so if you do have any
251s questions then do fire them in uh Eric
254s will be collecting those questions and
256s we'll try and answer them between us you
257s know obviously if I can't answer
259s anything I'm sure Eric will have the
261s answer uh as he always generally does oh
263s we've got Lee in the chat as well if we
264s need some more specifics so uh please do
267s ask those questions and we shall uh fire
269s through them when we can we've got some
271s screenshots as well as we always do we'
273s got some wonderful ones that have coming
275s uh and also a couple of videos to show
277s you as well just a couple of videos
279s which is very very nice to see thank you
280s very much for those that have sent those
281s in uh but yeah we'll take a look at
284s those later on but uh yes I think it's
287s time to bring some game sound in you'll
289s see my game I shall get rid of Eric you
291s say bye-bye now Eric bye-bye
294s Eric
295s byebye there he's gone he's gone he's
298s gone right let's just just uh get you
301s out of the way for the time being so
303s here we are um continuing on with our
306s game play uh we are here at fall on Veil
309s looking at um just opening this little
312s puzzle here so uh let's go find some
316s shall
317s we specifically another one of
321s these not in here uh one of these little
325s rooms that we need which one are you in
329s you in that one
330s this that's find you no you w that one
334s either here all day looking for this
338s maybe in this one third time looking I
340s can feel it I can feel it I can feel
342s it maybe yes I like
345s this that over there debris bit more
349s over
353s there of that bit debris love it right
357s ancient Rune here we are thank you very
359s much let take you over here and get you
361s planted where you should
365s be over
371s there right let's find which specific
376s rotation we need cuz we need to open
378s that one oh more debris
383s unbelievable messing about with debris
385s everywhere right okay rotate this one
388s around
392s there got this
395s one okay we got a little symbol
399s there
401s turn
403s again there we go
409s lovely see okay
414s this ration lovely
417s lovely go and the last one is over
422s here that little symbol
426s again around and
435s see ah indeed oh that's not so good who
440s put that in the
445s wayen the warden our friend the warden
449s just what we
457s want okay it to be fusing with that
465s Q okay
485s and he's back
493s again awesome room very easy to get to
496s clome
502s person see you here
508s n using again
514s come on come on yeah know you want
523s to I'm done
529s bash oh yeah you can't hide from me you
532s can't hide from me sneaking over
538s there all right
543s be I hope everybody's well hope You' all
545s had a fabulous week and you've all been
548s just waiting for the weekend so you can
549s dive in and play some more games SP two
552s will be top of that list everybody's
555s going to play that on the weekend I be a
558s l could enforce that but I'm sure it' be
561s a wonderful thing to uh to
565s have there we oh he's jumping about
567s there he
568s is I see
571s you that's not good that's not
576s good thank
579s you
583s die not that close don't wouldn't be
586s that friendly
589s than have
593s B go uhoh uhoh it is collapsing I
598s recommend gaining some
603s distance we're still alive we're still
605s alive this Warden was different than the
608s ones we encountered in the past for one
611s it did not poly turn into a black F
614s that's always a good thing yeah I
617s remember better wrap things up around
619s here before it remembers too right let's
621s take this nice little inch right thank
625s you very much 10 to one but this is what
627s the Hacker's looking for time to get out
630s before another warden shows up indeed
632s let's return to the
634s surface it pointed the way out let's
637s take whatever this thing is back to
638s theer and never come back here I agree a
643s pessimist you want to come back here
645s it's a little
654s place that was fun a fresh air let's
656s head back
660s right let's make like a tree and
671s leave bad jokes are not optional here
677s sorry right let's go back to the outer
680s room let's go see a certain B Vine
683s person I'm sure we have some wonderful
686s thing to say to
687s us uh my death counter that's very a
690s question I think I'm probably
692s about 6 to seven I think totir sure I
695s can't
696s remember we haven't kept it updated
698s because it says four but I know that's
700s not correct oh I think he's definitely
707s correct how good
709s before I might have transferred a few of
712s mine onto yours you know I was going to
715s say I think I think you did yeah
717s goodness
721s eradicated everybody's memory you know
723s bit like um you know Will Smith ping
726s looking to the light there we go we
728s didn't see any deaths there at
733s all we are many black after all let's be
735s the black shirts but you know that's
740s right right let's head here and see what
743s is happening
751s a remote station that I cannot
755s see
758s docked is this what you wanted you found
761s it oh to swap this for a material
764s encrypter certainly but please be
767s careful with it it took me a long time
769s to perfect it indeed say with all this
772s information you're hoarding what can you
774s tell me about a man called Maddox I
777s assume you're referring to Henley Maddox
779s the comrade of Dexter Bashar whose
782s signature was broadcast alongside yours
784s when you were held by
786s bloodstar that's the guy I don't know
789s much he's a very private person and
792s always avoided doing business with his
794s fall and Pango I understand Superior
797s during the recent war and is now
799s searching for something very valuable
802s but the only objects of real value are
805s ancient things like the one you just
807s brought to me ancient and dangerous the
811s Oar guarding these artifacts closely by
815s the way you may care to know that they
818s are already on the Move who the
821s Oar yes a raid on aen rest it's been on
825s the wavelengths for some time now since
829s that's where you flew in from when
830s coming here I assume that is where your
833s friend clever is Fallen he's very very
835s clever got to go don't be a stranger
838s Adam
841s so obviously pH and Pango is a very
844s popular figure within the community what
845s is your most favorite NPC character that
848s we come across obviously there's a lot
850s of love for elic out there uh probably
852s because he reminds everybody of Eric you
854s know
856s nonsense but still uh who is your
860s favorite of Flor is like strating Hive
863s yes the sarcasm humor with with Hive is
866s uh very well loved across the community
869s and uh yeah plus he's got such a
871s fantastic British accent I mean why NE
874s says aluminium
877s correctly right let's see actually while
880s we're here let me do a little bit of
882s customization uh on my ship because I've
884s got a nice
886s little I quite like that color gape it's
888s very very nice although I'd like to have
890s a look at the engine effects obviously
891s if you don't have these These are part
893s of the supporter pack uh which is
895s available for you to purchase on Steam
897s we're hoping to bring them to other
898s storr
900s in the future uh but right now yeah
902s would only on Steam for these um but if
905s you want to very much optional DLC uh
908s there's no gamechanging you know
910s elements to it it literally is all
912s cosmetic uh but we'll be eternally
915s grateful for your support if you do
916s purchase them and a lot of you already
918s have and we're very very grateful but
920s let's have a look should we go for bit
923s of Sparkle there a bit of
927s Sparkle bubbles
934s okay Stardust I like Stardust we'll go
936s with Stardust Love That Let's have a
938s look at the
940s boosters we'll go with that that's a
942s good compliment I think maybe we can
945s just change
948s the probably stick with the we'll stick
951s with yellow and the blue always a good
954s uh good combo there we go that wasn't
957s too shabby was it there we go so let's
960s head out I'm just going to check
961s actually is there anything that we need
963s to sell not
966s really
968s no we'll leave that for the time
973s being anything good no he's only got
978s plasma okay we're definitely going to up
980s that cuz that's slightly better than we
982s got cuz that's level 12 that's level 13
985s um you do find an Eric will uh quantify
989s this as well when you're playing on the
990s higher difficulties keeping up with your
991s gear is probably more important than if
995s you're playing on slightly easier
996s because you can't get into so much more
998s trouble uh little having Firepower that
1001s will get you out of those situations is
1004s Handy obviously when you're at higher
1006s difficulty then yes it can be a bit more
1008s problematic so yeah do keep an eye on
1010s your uh uh your level of your gear uh do
1014s maintain if you find that you're not
1015s hitting things very hard you might find
1017s out that it's just because your gear is
1018s a little bit out
1020s got the 12 there on the
1024s sink stick with what we got stick with
1026s what we've got for the time right let's
1028s make like a tree and get out of
1033s here Eric was thinking he's going to say
1035s it again he's going to say it
1037s again
1042s nonsense and I can see his face all the
1044s time know you guys can't see it but I
1046s can see Eric's Face's he's kind of
1048s shaking his
1050s on is not responding just he's ignoring
1054s me and the Oar haven't gotten to him yet
1056s indeed right as we fly to a and rest
1059s here uh I'm just going to point out that
1061s there is an issue still with this
1064s particular Mission uh I'm sure a lot of
1065s you have already played through this
1067s particular part of um smoken mirers
1071s however we do have an outstanding issue
1072s to do with the scaling of madx uh
1075s obviously once you see the the little
1078s instance that I'm going to be going into
1080s at the lower levels of difficulty easy
1083s very easy and sometimes at normal Maddox
1086s can be a little bit squishy in terms of
1088s getting destroyed by the Ora we are
1090s aware of it um but what we found is if
1093s you play on normal or above so normal
1096s hard very hard nightmare his ability to
1099s survive is a lot higher the scaling is
1101s there so if you are finding a little bit
1103s difficult to uh to deal with the OA then
1107s that is why Try bumping up your
1109s difficulty a little bit uh it can be a
1111s challenge however certain
1114s other I just pause before go down there
1116s uh if you do use certain uh weapons
1119s certain devices it can make your life a
1121s little bit easier sometimes as well if
1124s you're finding that you just can't
1125s survive because you're just on level
1128s sometimes coming back again later on uh
1131s doing some more missions increasing your
1133s level will make it obviously a little
1134s bit easier but just be aware that we are
1136s we are aware of the issue uh and it will
1138s be re in the future but currently just
1141s bumping up your setting of difficulty
1143s will will help in this matter announ to
1146s all settlement occupants yeah we are
1148s conducting a routine raid do not hinder
1151s our access to storage facilities and
1154s vessels scrap the Oar are already here
1157s already here I need to get to mx's
1159s hanger and transfer the software before
1160s they can scan him indeed you have no
1162s authority to barge in on us like this we
1166s are a I just want to check actually uh
1169s okay that may help as well um in terms
1172s of the damage to the orar in this fight
1175s uh using a thermal gun is handy as well
1178s as uh something that does kind of AOE
1181s damage because you can kind of get the
1182s attention of the orar to yourself rather
1185s than nadic so we may switch to that just
1188s to make it a little bit easier although
1190s they are both kinetic
1192s so we shall see we shall see we we'll
1195s actually I'll just switch it back and
1196s we'll see and have complied with all the
1198s Reg material encrypted mic we are on the
1201s Tim those who imped our investigations
1204s will be dealt with
1207s severely the ship should be handled a
1209s lot like a diet it needs to be well
1212s balanced indeed indeed that's a very
1214s good analogy a little bit Yeah
1216s transferring it as we speak great now
1219s the Oar will probably register a change
1220s to the roster once I upload this to my
1222s system yes you try off my back long
1225s enough so I can get the whole shebang
1227s running I'm not so sure about taking on
1229s the Oar they'll be here any minute come
1232s on kid we're in this together now once
1235s I'm out I'll meet you back at rodia
1236s station as soon as I can make it well
1239s all right let's do this thing right we
1243s got one last chance before we dive in
1245s there uh we got EMP on as well so that
1249s might help corrosion injector and then
1251s teleporter if we need to get out of
1252s there so let's give it a world what can
1256s happen apparently nobody believes that
1258s my
1264s inter
1273s ofid over Sy shouldn't be long before I
1276s can launch here
1287s the St venturing MX and we need
1292s to uh we do need to kind of intervene
1295s like that one
1297s there of there is so many of them Adam
1301s you're
1304s right oh I'm very close to that through
1306s that get off madx get off come
1310s on on me thank
1325s hello he you go Z
1337s anywhere he like zipping
1342s about is not enjoying things either me
1346s oh
1347s jeez oh jeez
1353s oh
1355s Jee I love it I love what he says it's
1358s full of hints he this full of
1361s hints
1368s hey okay let's move on
1375s cool you
1377s know just oh hello the streamers don't
1380s work you know we have a tendency to not
1383s once to use G it's you know just feel
1386s quite anti is feel like there's no
1391s point really good
1396s excuse more coming in
1413s go and he's out of there so yeah whilst
1416s it is tough and I was struggling a
1418s little bit there um you're done good kid
1421s does help just to keep the aggro on
1424s yourself with a slight issue with the
1426s scaling if you're playing on the lower
1427s levels damn it's that Colonial Cruiser
1431s again Primary Weapons are what's all
1433s about you know secondaries are
1435s just last year crap screwed
1452s let's get on skip the memories you can
1455s all watch them I done lock over on
1457s Twitch I get that reference I get that
1460s reference you done good kid
1471s hey yes we getting to see what the oh
1484s yes see one of the very strong
1487s characters of the
1489s game want to mess with this lady are
1491s awake we meet again Mr Roslin um oh what
1496s I don't know I personally think she's uh
1499s her attitude's built off
1501s ofense I think she's hiding something is
1504s in theing Bay she might sound who handed
1508s it over to me along with your she got
1509s something it was you who landed the
1511s bloodstar base yes looking for you I've
1515s had quite a difficult time finding you
1517s you need me for something or I'd be dead
1519s already acutely observed Mr Roslin after
1523s all you shouldn't exist part of my remit
1526s was to erase every trace of the rosin
1528s clone cling facilities in the DMZ
1530s hundreds of loose cannons like you
1532s roaming the region and causing problems
1534s something had to be done about it I
1536s can't help what I am don't expect pity
1538s from me it's lucky for you that more
1541s serious matters are a foot pullup case
1543s File g72
1547s 844 do you know who this is yeah Oscar
1551s Blakemore reation a revelation good and
1555s this I only heard about it haven't been
1557s there vest a mining colony in the zarov
1560s system g&b Regional headquarters good so
1563s you seem to have some idea of the
1564s astropolitics situation in the DMZ look
1567s what's this about this is about you Mr
1570s Roslin that isn't me no but that is Adam
1574s Roslin Blake Moore's right
1576s hand you want me to be him exactly I
1581s need you to infiltrate the mining Colony
1583s as the other Adam Roslin and gather some
1585s information for me and in return I let
1588s your base stand I let you live I guess
1592s that's good enough incentive yeah it
1593s backed into a corner there I might have
1595s encountered him when not long ago the
1599s jump gate at Union Bridge well it must
1601s have been him since you were the only
1603s two rosin clones remaining only two
1607s that's right the cloning stations have
1609s been offline for some time now and many
1611s clones were identified and intercepted
1613s attempting to reach the home worlds we
1615s couldn't have that could we and now
1617s there is just the other Adam Roslin who
1619s is an agent for g&b and you who I can't
1623s really figure out yet you are already in
1626s a difficult position it is time to be
1628s clear about your allegiances you can
1630s rehabilitate yourself with the fleet and
1632s we can leave you in peace I can put you
1635s and your companions on a high priority
1637s eliminate list which will it be I would
1640s take the common sense approach
1643s good I have someone on the inside at the
1646s mining Colony she'll walk you through
1649s so we have an understanding yeah
1653s understanding so remember if you do have
1654s any questions please do F them in uh if
1657s you want to tag Eric uh in the questions
1659s he's going to collect them and we'll go
1661s through them uh in probably five minutes
1664s or so if we have any using the main jump
1666s gate to the zarov system where Vesta
1668s mining colony is located will not be an
1670s option as you will be immediately
1672s registered there's a smuggers route I've
1674s heard of I know someone who can get me
1677s through of course you do our agent will
1680s send you instructions once you are
1682s through to the system my technicians
1684s have uploaded further instructions to
1686s your hive unit you will require some
1688s extra coaching in order to convincingly
1690s portray the other Roslin in the meantime
1694s you and I will need to maintain radio
1696s silence until the task is finished if
1698s you are discovered I will deny any
1700s knowledge of your existence and as a
1702s fugitive rosin clone I will be obligated
1705s to hunt you down I have no intention of
1708s getting caught he's a harsh having a
1709s colonial Cruiser this close to your home
1711s base may cause irritation for your
1714s companions you're right I better check
1716s on him gives you that idea
1724s hi Bo testing the uh conditions of the
1728s ship Adam what the heck is going on why
1732s is there a great big Colonial Cruiser at
1734s our door they were my ride home yeah
1737s about that I realze this looks bad but
1739s maybe we can play things to our
1741s advantage first things first has Maddox
1743s shown up has he shown up you were
1745s expecting more company I was hoping but
1749s maybe it was too much to expect a
1750s mercenary like Maddox to follow through
1753s circumstances have changed I'm in a real
1756s bind now I need to do a top secret job
1759s for the fleet if I pull this off we'll
1761s be given some kind of reprieve from the
1763s colonial authorities but I don't know to
1766s what extent that means if I can trust
1768s this
1769s commissioner God damn it Adam what have
1772s you gotten us into hey Alec back when I
1775s was delivering the red plasma Jin no
1777s idea but I'm sure TJ
1780s see TJ okay I'm heading to cartright's
1784s wake to catch up with him you might not
1786s hear from me for a while if madx shows
1788s up tell him to sit tight we'll hold the
1791s fort let us cool there we go into the
1794s Vortex into the Vortex just going to dou
1796s check over okay we the rare rail gun
1800s okay that's
1801s good excellent we got some silver
1807s particles right so let's just do a
1809s little restock while we're
1810s here
1813s Rockets we're doing on these tractor
1816s beam repairs with
1821s Ben cooling units got power K and Tra to
1825s be [ __ ]
1828s super gel so me be on the lookout for
1832s that
1833s uh deia is always handy with the energy
1840s orbs Okay C D okay we'll put them into
1844s the power cell so we just need six more
1847s Crystal diods probably pick them up from
1850s somewhere
1852s hi uh we haven't got a sarcasm perk
1855s unfortunately so we can't do anything
1857s with that one
1861s right so right let's go off and see if
1863s we can catch with
1865s tarac I wonder who else will find hey hi
1869s those Fleet techs been tinkering with
1870s you you still yourself in as much as I
1873s have still not been updated to the attor
1875s network and have been grossly insulted
1878s by being treated as illegitimate
1881s Machinery I am the same Hive as before
1885s what did they do to you I have been
1887s supplemented with with a coaching
1889s protocol based upon the personality
1891s profile of your target subject Adam
1894s Roslin commander of the g&b Elite Squad
1897s in the DMZ I am to Aid you in becoming
1901s like him and to intervene during moments
1903s when you are not playing the part
1905s properly so my onboard AI is now here to
1908s show me how to act more like me crazy C
1913s oh right let's get jumped to Union
1916s bridge and out of that
1919s crazy
1924s stuff fast forward Quicky liy splits the
1928s union Bridge get through the
1938s gate avoid the big rocks right what I'm
1941s going to do is I'm just going to land
1943s here see if we've got anything that we
1944s can purchase at the training station and
1946s as we do we can ask and answer some of
1951s those questions that have come in let's
1953s see what we can find we'll bring the
1954s wonderful Eric in and he's happy smiley
1956s there he is The Lovable rug look at him
1960s Smiley there he is so what do we got
1963s Eric what do we got yeah we just have a
1966s couple of questions keeping it nice and
1967s light today so I'm going to ask a bonus
1969s question uh the first one uh a little
1972s bit more of a silly question it's fine
1974s we'll take it'll take it the question is
1976s when will we see an everspace Monopoly
1978s comes from harun on
1981s Twitch I I know where this has come from
1984s and it's something that we'd absolutely
1985s love to do uh I think to see an Ever
1988s space Monopoly board game would be
1989s fantastic I think uh everyone on the
1992s team would love to see something like
1993s that will it happen very good question
1996s uh we'll have to wait and see on that
1997s one but yes it something that we would
1999s love to see uh getting everybody playing
2002s obviously on on the weekend get the
2003s whole family around the board you know
2005s play
2006s Monopoly what more could you
2009s ever that's what just I've just seen
2011s like y never happening over on Twitch CH
2014s no no but no it' be something that we'd
2016s love to to say to be fair um it's uh
2019s it'd be nice but uh who knows who knows
2022s who
2024s know next question we have comes from
2027s kusami I think is how it's uh said um
2030s and this question is any plans to add
2033s more side mission content to expand the
2035s lore and give more goodies for your ship
2038s I'll go ahead and answer this one
2039s because we have actually said it in the
2041s past before uh the short answer is yes
2043s we are going to be building a little bit
2045s more content into ospace 2 um we've made
2048s it known that there is uh a future DLC
2051s planned so that's about as much as I can
2053s say on that front de excellent answer
2057s sir excellent answer the last question
2060s that we do have comes from Bearded Frog
2063s and it is bomber no inertial dampeners
2065s cockpit view scrap race win
2069s that would be awesome we might save that
2071s for a little bit further on in my playr
2074s um but we have got um a video too short
2079s uh pertaining to that exact race later
2081s on which we'll be showing off uh it's
2083s coming from a wonderful pilot who's
2085s attempted it we want to see more I want
2087s to see everybody with that challenge see
2089s how good you really are can you you know
2091s talk the talk and walk the walk that's
2093s the good question but uh now is that it
2096s for the time being Eric that's it for
2098s the time being I also did want to just
2100s casually ask you Gary um what's this
2104s build that you're working on here do you
2105s have a specific Direction you're taking
2107s it or are you just kind of slapping
2109s things together as you're leveling up uh
2111s pretty much I'm slap dab with this one
2113s to be fair I I think it was a case of we
2115s tried the Scout failed miserably with
2117s that so I went kind of back to something
2119s that's a little bit more familiar which
2121s is the Sentinel I have played a sentinel
2123s a lot as well as the gunship uh but uh
2126s yeah as I see um I may change again as
2130s we play through it's more for the you
2132s know entertainment of trying out the
2133s different ships rather than specifically
2135s something that I would want to play
2137s because you know I know you guys are
2139s producing some wonderful builds out
2140s there yeah uh our uh ever Space 2 guides
2143s and builds over on our Discord has been
2145s hit very very hard with uh some
2147s recommendations from some of you players
2149s and thank you very much for doing that
2151s it does uh cause quite a lot of
2153s conversation and uh Intrigue and uh
2155s entertainment so if you do want to look
2157s over on on our Discord check it out uh
2160s you may get an idea how you want to
2161s build out your ship with uh a
2164s specification that may get you through
2166s 2000 lunacy in the rift which is uh a
2169s lot of aims for a lot of people uh but
2171s yeah do check it out it's a wonderful
2173s resource that's there for you right then
2175s we shall fly on we shall SPID Eric
2177s goodbye for the time being if you do
2179s have any more questions do fire them in
2182s uh he's cataloging them all and uh
2184s yeah I can still see him waving after I
2187s turn the camera off as well well I was
2190s giving me a personal wave there but yes
2192s we shall uh we shall fly on and continue
2195s on with the
2196s story off we
2199s go right let's
2201s go the
2204s gate get this container containers for
2207s me are a bit like side quests once I see
2210s them I just have to dash off and go get
2212s them cuz you never know what goodies
2214s they're going to
2215s contain after all that I got scrap
2218s met it's so worth the
2222s effort something jumping in so I'm just
2225s about to jump out go through the G we
2242s go I loving the interactions on the chat
2245s uh Hive I need to ask you something I am
2248s your captive audience I've been having
2251s these weird dreams these
2254s Visions they seem to be connecting me
2256s with something but I can't quite figure
2258s it out firstly I can report that many
2261s clones have reported such phenomena
2263s which have been hypothesized as a form
2265s of tissue
2268s memory secondly I must remind you that I
2271s am on board AI not a psychotherapist and
2274s cannot help you in dream interpretation
2278s okay thanks for the
2284s help he's so helpful he's Hive at
2287s times and then not so helpful at other
2289s times he provides in ship
2296s entertainment I get bit frog over on
2299s YouTube I can imagine he's very straight
2301s talking I can't imagine that he'd have
2303s anything uh nice to say he would be very
2306s direct and straight to the point and
2308s probably have you in tears about them
2309s telling you some home truths as
2315s well okay having a
2318s little fire thank you go way
2323s to him shooting at me with these
2325s missiles o not
2331s today
2333s right have a little bit of distance to
2335s get away and then I can attack at my
2337s leisure
2346s yeah hiding
2349s here avoid
2356s that another little turret
2360s there you're making a great use of the
2363s abilities of your different weapons I
2364s would like to add thank you very much
2367s yeah I like to get out of the hell out
2369s of there myself some distance between
2371s the enemy and
2374s myself right look inside we might find
2378s some nice goodies anything in here
2381s bulletproof
2383s container did we get o we got the nanot
2386s transmitter supp device and a
2389s s have a little look see the sensor is
2393s that an upgrade 5.9 we do have the cell
2398s perusa which is quite
2400s nice um does blast as it it does
2403s increase our fire power
2406s uh wave pulse analyzer possibly I mean
2410s that' be quite nice if we can get
2411s another part of the tides of Simon SE
2413s set obviously for the increased alt
2415s generation as long as you remember to
2416s press the G key does come in very handy
2420s got
2422s them but currently we've only got that
2425s one for the time being so uh okay it's
2428s telling us corrosion missiles could do
2429s it a little bit of an upgrade so if you
2431s do see the little red down icon that's
2433s flashing there on the corrosion missile
2436s it is just to tell you and to remind you
2438s that that gear is slightly under your
2440s level you can see that this is a level 9
2442s and we're level 13 so it may not be as
2445s effective against enemies and at some
2447s points it could become very ineffective
2449s so again it might be something that you
2451s need to look at to swap
2453s out so through to that one gives us a
2457s little bit more
2459s Firepower yeah we're not using the
2461s Blaster so I think we're going to swap
2463s that out we're not using the Blaster at
2464s the moment we could do we could switch
2466s to the Umbra there but for the time
2468s being give ourselves a bit more range on
2471s detecting ships up into that gas tank
2479s silly just avoid all those here we are
2483s that freighter sure looks familiar it
2485s does doesn't it Adam I wonder who that
2488s could
2490s be I'm looking for tjack seen him around
2494s as I live and breathe Adam Terin wow so
2499s that's your freighter outside thought I
2501s knew it from somewhere it has been a
2504s long time I had wondered what had become
2507s of you indeed he's awesome you used to
2510s visit my shop quite frequently even
2513s twice at one time which I thought was
2516s unusual and then and your visits tapered
2519s off happen who would wonder you have
2524s survived the NeverEnding turmoil that is
2526s the DMC inde that I have Terin just
2530s barely I tried to played straight for a
2532s while and got a proper job prop jobs
2534s didn't quite work out yeah exactly for
2537s the like of you and me Adam we outcasts
2540s our best following our own paths Amen to
2544s that you still in the trading business
2547s indeed and I have moved up to bigger
2550s clients now good for
2553s youing tarjac he passed through some
2556s time ago but it's present I don't
2559s suppose you would know a way into the
2560s zarov system without getting noticed
2562s I've heard from our old mutual friend Al
2565s Traders around through there that is
2568s true and since you are such a valued and
2571s trusted old customer and
2575s friend I would oblige you with
2578s actually find it fascinating when we see
2580s uh the actual pictures of our voice
2582s actors and you see how they look prise
2586s location in comparison to how they
2587s portray their character it is quite
2589s fascinating you're a star it's good to
2592s see you again let's catch up properly
2594s soon now that we have found one another
2597s again that can be a distinct possibility
2600s I will be in zarov soon on the Run okay
2603s let's keep an eye excellent excellent
2605s right let's just have a look a little
2607s bit of look at the
2610s shop sustained gauze
2613s Cannon
2616s interesting thermal
2619s gunit down on there nothing
2622s else potential with the G
2625s Cannon does more kinetic and DPS
2628s slightly less range 10% of energy B
2631s passes the
2633s armor that's level 12 so
2637s yeah I think I'm probably going to stick
2638s with the synr pulse for the time being
2640s because synr pulse is still quite
2641s powerful so
2643s uh let's stick with that for the time
2646s being let's go find hidden Jump game
2649s isn't very hidden because over
2652s there again it's a small Universe such
2656s reencounters are not so improbable
2659s considering the degree of social
2661s engagement you want to take within the
2662s confines of the DMC you just got to take
2666s the mystery out of everything don't
2684s damn another
2689s sensor get
2692s that over
2695s here turret
2698s get
2699s rid thank
2700s you do
2703s okay I'm tell
2706s there inject your solar panels
2711s Bess attack that terminal where we go I
2716s sure hope this sketchy looking gate is
2717s stable don't want to come out the other
2719s side well if he's not Adam it's going to
2721s be a bit squishy
2733s there we go welcome the zarov
2737s zov I am receiving an encrypted message
2740s addressed to your signature that must be
2743s Hawk's agent put him through you made it
2746s in first things first I'm your contact
2749s for this Mission you can call me Tammy
2752s rosin is out of the system if he jumps
2754s back in we'll know right away and we'll
2755s have to abort before venturing further
2758s into the system you need to pick up a
2760s data package with the required signature
2762s you'll find it inside the gas Vortex
2765s which is frequented by scavengers do
2767s your best not to be seen communicate
2769s over well that was rather blunt could
2772s even get a high or how are
2775s you indeed indeed right so where are we
2782s getting St so far obiously that's the
2784s commission that we just found one the
2786s missions
2787s retrieve rosin's signature the crash
2790s site is over here head crash as we
2796s can if you do have any questions please
2799s do fire them over to Eric he will colate
2801s them and we answer them a little bit
2803s further along some of my favorite music
2807s This Love It
2828s the data package is located inside a
2831s wreck you are advised to avoid the
2834s lightning rod crystals which can cause
2836s electrical damage to our craft
2841s freaky see if we can get in here without
2844s getting Zapped Too Much and buffered it
2846s around always possible but you
2850s know it is what it
2862s is some resources while we're here as
2870s well hello that careful
2883s good
2889s yeah go Dr this is
2897s it and say
2900s are there we go right Elite fighter
2903s signature nice got theage I was always
2906s so impressed with areas like this
2909s whenever we were going through
2910s development just the way that the
2913s lightning just illuminates the space of
2916s all of the I guess you could call them
2918s clouds and gosh it I love these spaces
2922s so much like I I still remember even my
2924s experience in everspace one and going
2927s into one of the um nebulas for the first
2930s time and just going wow like it just I
2932s love it it's it just it fills me with
2935s such Joy yeah the te do a wonderful job
2939s um with the effects and everything just
2942s said there the effect that we see from
2945s the lightning rods and how it
2946s illuminates the tunnels uh really gives
2949s you a sense of uh the environment being
2952s there and getting Zapped on your
2955s Sentinel just right on Q and another one
2960s scavengers we got some press runs we
2962s need to take those out authoritative and
2964s order them to disperse they will believe
2967s that you are the Elite Squad Commander
2969s you there you have 60 seconds to leave
2972s the area you shouldn't be piing fights
2978s out of the son of a
2982s switch the I need to get rid of the
2985s suppressors otherwise I'm stuck
3008s them pesky little mines that dropped me
3010s out caught me out earlier in the
3014s Run fall to that trap again bad CS
3027s need to do something with regard to my
3030s energy because I'm running out very
3051s quick yeah
3065s right K
3070s away down avoid
3074s that yeah the Vista and the landscape
3077s around here is so spectacular with h
3079s with the clouds and and the lighting as
3081s Erica said it's a real sense of um
3086s imposing d or impending doom that's
3088s around every corner and usually in the
3090s in the case of Mines that are left like
3093s these
3095s here we always had um some really
3098s healthy discussions during development
3100s uh Tony is really great with level
3103s design he's responsible for over a 100
3105s handcrafted locations not by himself
3108s like obviously we come together as a
3109s team to to put it all together and we've
3111s gone through various iterations of the
3114s levels as well uh to make certain
3117s puzzles feel more natural or more
3119s forgiving if they needed to be uh many
3122s iterations on that front um but every
3124s single space that we've been able to
3127s work into the game I would say the
3129s entirety of the team has just been
3132s impressed and Amazed by how it all comes
3135s together I don't think there is a single
3137s location where we look at it and go this
3138s doesn't feel like it belongs in the DMZ
3141s or it doesn't feel um like it adds value
3144s like every single space is important to
3146s us and and every single space in a way
3148s can't tell a greater story that's
3151s happening uh throughout your own
3153s experience in our space too and through
3155s that that's a win for us like through
3157s and through it just it's so exciting
3159s it's so it brings you into the mix and
3162s uh that's that's one of the reasons why
3165s like just watching you play and kind of
3167s getting wrecked right now and that's
3168s okay just like seeing the space you're
3170s in like it's it just it makes me want to
3172s jump back in and play I just I love I
3175s love the work that we've accomplished
3176s here and I know that sounds like I'm
3178s patting ourselves on the back um it just
3181s oh gosh it's just I love it I love it
3185s deeply yeah hats off to the the rest of
3187s the team the the the work that they've
3189s put in to make the game so enjoyable
3191s that you want to play it again and again
3192s and again um and yeah I think at times
3196s we do need to that rock there a good pat
3198s on the back you know because I think we
3200s have done uh a wonderful job and
3203s certainly if you guys uh put any kind of
3206s comments and pray onto any of the
3208s socials or on Steam uh anything like
3211s that then we will definitely pass it on
3213s to the rest of the team because we want
3215s to show those people maybe don't see
3217s them because they're not on the
3218s community side they're not on the social
3219s side look you've done an amazing job and
3222s people are really happy with what you've
3223s produced uh and we're more than happy to
3226s share that with them and uh you know it
3228s makes them feel good you know which we
3230s all try and do in our own little way so
3232s yeah thanks very much for the praise if
3233s you do offer any e and one thing to kind
3236s of tag on to that is if you haven't
3238s already do consider leaving uh a review
3240s for us on Steam it's very very handy for
3244s a small developer uh to have such a high
3247s rating in terms of um positive reviews
3251s it does help us quite a lot uh so please
3253s if you haven't already do consider it uh
3255s it's not a demand but it'd be very very
3257s nice and you can help us out uh in that
3259s way and we'd very much appreciate it so
3261s uh so please please do consider it when
3263s you have a spare moment love to hear and
3267s see and read your
3269s reviews yeah I'm definitely getting
3270s wrecked with this
3274s thing yeah something I've caught myself
3276s doing uh with my my wife and I like to
3279s watch a lot of like movies and shows
3281s together I mean when we can we don't
3282s watch them very often but anytime we
3284s watch something that has like sci-fi
3286s flare it's funny because like if it
3289s doesn't look like everspace 2 then that
3291s means it's not doing so great but if
3292s it's like oh man this looks like
3293s everspace 2 like that's like the
3295s compliment we like man this really good
3298s um it's it's so funny uh but gosh dang
3301s there have been there have been a couple
3302s like sci-fi things that have come out
3304s lately which is like man this just why
3306s why couldn't they like play some video
3308s games to get some inspiration like Lally
3310s it's the other way around but dang it's
3313s it's
3314s crazy we destroy it he's getting in the
3317s way somewhat I think we need to take him
3325s out and
3330s go boom
3334s there another one of those dramatic
3336s deaths there he
3340s goes right let's clear up some of the
3343s stuff around here all the freebies grab
3346s all the
3347s freebies
3349s containers resources you name it let's
3353s crash into
3354s everything hello you
3364s something ooh that was sneaky look that
3367s blow that
3373s up hello CAU by that a little bit of
3377s damage we're smoking just a
3380s smidge fine
3384s that's debris
3391s right just over here hopefully out of
3393s the range
3396s that
3400s oh oh
3403s yeah we just got rammed in the uh from
3407s behind shoved into that let's get out of
3409s here while we can
3412s we anywhere right what did we pick up
3415s there we got a nice little beam laser
3417s okay very more handy we got nice Flack
3420s again got the penumbra still for that
3423s one so we
3425s may that there capacity on The Shield is
3430s quite
3432s good okay shut down recharge so it does
3435s hold 25% more speed and it's a
3438s significant so I might just swap that
3439s out just for a bit of a benefit cuz
3442s that's only a level 10 whereas we're
3445s level 14 now so that help
3453s us push
3455s on give me the stuff give me the stuff
3457s we all want the
3466s stuffit okay we got one valuable
3469s shipwreck in
3472s there do these mines that we're just
3474s going to clear out can
3478s before we get smacked in the face with
3480s anything yeah valuable shipwreck is all
3483s good what do we got a main friend
3486s component and some Mison
3490s plating whenever I see Mison plating I
3493s always think of y ya Binks from Star
3495s Wars that's all I have in my
3501s head I know it says everybody just died
3504s inside there thinking of Y being
3509s can we swap the me on plating for the
3511s Blood star probably not because we get a
3513s nice boost on the kill and yeah 20%
3517s probably not probably not let's have a
3518s look so we can do the main frame that's
3521s combine that gives a
3524s point so we've got two on there so if
3528s you have any um uh suggestions in terms
3531s of what attributes you think a sentinel
3534s should have uh then please do uh stick
3537s them in the chat we can you know I've
3539s got three in the Firepower one in
3540s Precision I could put maybe one more in
3542s Precision uh what would you suggest I'm
3546s always open to ideas I like to see what
3548s people think uh with various craft and
3551s various builds again it does uh go into
3554s our uh everspace 2 guides uh and builds
3557s that we have on the Discord uh certainly
3560s uh plenty of options there anything else
3564s we got got more to go down there
3567s do you only have Firepower and precision
3569s buffed is that and that's it
3572s yeah all right
3575s hey we don't need
3578s resistance just going guns blazing you
3581s know it's always funny whenever we get
3583s uh like reports from user SP like man
3585s this game is so hard like I'm doing a
3587s ton of damage but I just die instantly
3589s yeah what what's your resistance app
3591s what's uh how many points do you have
3594s well I don't do that because it's not
3596s important it's not are you are you sure
3599s cuz you were just complaining a second
3601s ago
3604s about you would think I would know this
3606s I I play quite a lot of MMOs and
3608s obviously resistance is are quite a high
3611s priority in a lot of MMOs and uh yeah
3614s with this game I'm like gun's
3618s blazing uh B vog said uh Firepower
3622s Precision utility
3627s we like this good
3630s conversation uh offense is the best
3632s defense I kind of I kind of agree to a
3634s to well to a degree until I die uh mesy
3639s right I think we can get out of here now
3640s I think we've collected everything and
3641s uh head on our way let's use the super
3647s light while we're flying back over uh I
3650s think we've only got maybe one more
3651s question Eric do you want to dive in
3653s with that one while we're flying over
3655s there enjoying the music
3658s sure why not that would be fine uh so we
3660s do have one more sort of memish question
3663s and you know what it's okay we'll we'll
3665s toss it in there um so the question says
3667s any plans for a do you guys not have
3670s phones moment and have a mobile version
3672s of everspace
3673s 2 a mobile version of everspace 2 I
3676s think would be very tough on mobile
3679s phones I mean obviously uh people know
3681s the heritage of the company uh of the
3685s well what if they don't oh yeah yes well
3686s indeed if you don't if you don't um uh
3689s if you've ever played a game or a series
3691s of games called Galaxy on Fire then you
3693s will know that some of the original team
3695s that created that are indeed here with
3698s us at Rockfish games obviously Michael
3700s and um Christian um were very much
3703s involved in that being the owners of the
3705s previous company that did create that
3706s Series so we've got a great heritage
3708s there um for one of the probably best
3712s mobile games ever uh certainly of the
3715s genre that you will found been installed
3717s on millions of phones across multiple
3720s years and uh yeah we have a great
3722s heritage with that series could we get
3724s EV Space 2 onto
3727s mobile I mean I know they're powerful
3729s now but I'm not too sure to be fair that
3731s that will ever happen currently um
3734s obviously we you've got to be very aware
3736s of the the resources that are required
3738s to run such a game and it's very much a
3740s a difficult process to refine it down to
3743s what a mobile phone can handle so
3746s probably no I think he's the answer on
3749s that one yeah to add a little bit more
3751s clarity of detail there one of the big
3754s reasons why U Michael and Christian as
3757s well as many of the original team
3759s members uh from that mobile territory
3762s and days of old moved into the console
3765s and PC market is so that we could have
3768s much more power much more control much
3771s more basically everything than what that
3773s mobile market was able to uh to do from
3777s the development side it was incredibly
3778s restricted and through that you know uh
3780s like Hans Christian for example he had
3782s learned so many tricks on how to
3784s optimize because he had to he was forced
3786s to um and taking that knowledge into the
3789s PC and console space has given us quite
3792s a bit of an edge which is why we have
3794s such visuals going on uh without your
3797s computer completely frying itself to
3799s death um furthermore um for those who
3802s are
3803s unaware um we did look at like Nintendo
3806s switch for everspace 2 um throughout
3808s development and we came to the
3811s conclusion that it was just too large um
3813s it's not capable of getting uh squished
3816s down into that space and we didn't want
3818s to over optimize it uh to present
3821s something that we didn't feel was a
3822s quality product so uh similarly speaking
3826s that's on account of how we are not
3828s going to go in a direction back to
3830s mobile it's simply not a space that we
3832s want to do um we love the direction
3834s we've taken uh our our experience and it
3838s will continue moving in this direction
3840s MH I think as well it was something that
3842s we looked at with the older generation
3845s of consoles with the PlayStation 4 and
3847s obviously the Xbox One um they just
3850s weren't capable of running the game to
3852s the standard that we would have been
3853s happy with and we didn't want to release
3854s a product that was subpar because it
3857s does reflect on on yourself as as a
3859s development team so yeah that's why uh
3862s we didn't go with the older generation
3864s but you know it was originally in the
3866s plan but um Time Slips Away on that one
3869s right let's head to
3871s vzna anything else question good yep
3874s snuck in from Wizard Jerry YouTube mhm
3879s he asks I'm curious if your respective
3882s positions meaning your position as
3884s Community manager and my position as
3886s Community Ambassador have any different
3888s areas of focus did you want to speak to
3891s that yeah I mean we can both speak to
3893s this because we both uh suppose we can
3895s yeah do
3896s a similar role we have a lot of
3898s crossover between myself and Eric and
3900s and thank you very much for this
3901s question wizard Jerry um we're hoping
3903s that people could chime in with this
3904s kind of question to just peek behind the
3906s curtain a little bit about what goes on
3908s at at Rockfish games now I was brought
3911s on board um nearly a year ago now for a
3914s full time how time has flown a year
3916s where has that gone um and pretty much I
3919s help run the community in the social
3922s aspect in terms of support now the
3925s support is my big thing uh so if you
3928s guys send in anything to the support
3931s email I pick it up on a daily basis and
3934s then with um coordination with the rest
3936s of the team we'll try and resolve the
3938s issues so that is really my focus either
3940s on Discord be on um Steam on the support
3945s emails even on the socials like uh
3947s Facebook YouTube comments as well
3949s sometimes we get some support things in
3950s there so every day um and because of the
3953s difference in the time zones I'm you
3955s know very similar to to the German
3957s office uh guys so I work from like say
3960s 8:00 in the morning till 5:00 my time
3962s and then Eric comes on a little bit lat
3963s so we have a good uh coverage through
3965s the day and it's always uh a nice thing
3968s that we have everything covered because
3970s we have such a wide gamut of um time
3973s zone coverage because then we think most
3976s things get covered you know obviously
3978s some things are very very lit for Eric
3979s and I pick them up in the morning but
3981s generally overall keeping the community
3983s safe uh doing all the support issues uh
3987s cating with the team trying to do some
3989s kind of video work as well that's pretty
3992s much my role and I know Eric does
3994s something very very similar in his time
3996s so if you want to speak to your role
3998s Eric as The Ambassador please do yeah
4000s for sure um so a lot of people kind of
4003s actually not a lot of people you guys
4004s don't ask a lot and that's fine it
4006s doesn't really need to be asked U but
4008s the term Ambassador it's really just a
4011s glorified term for manager I am a
4014s community manager to you all the reason
4016s why I'm referred to as Ambassador is
4019s because whenever I joined the team which
4021s was 7 years
4025s ago man that's crazy um I was serving
4029s directly in even before I was hired uh
4032s some of you know this that the everspace
4035s one uh development had forums associated
4039s with it and I was chatting with people
4040s all the time on there so that's how I
4042s kind of built my way up into the
4044s position that I'm at where I was con
4045s constantly serving the community and
4048s through that um the team also liked my
4050s voice so as the Ambassador I also speak
4055s on a lot of the videos that we produce a
4058s lot of trailers that have commentary
4060s stuff like that you're going to hear my
4062s voice or maybe see my face from time to
4064s time uh so in a way I'm kind of like you
4067s know the
4068s spokesman of the company in a way of
4070s course like Michael is the head doog and
4072s I'm never taking that away from him that
4074s man is brilliant uh he is seriously he's
4077s incredible um I'm just more here for
4079s doing the tasks that he doesn't have
4081s time for because he is a busy man so
4084s that is why I'm called the community
4086s Ambassador and those are going to be the
4087s tasks that I kind of have in addition to
4090s uh the general Community Support now
4092s there's more to both of our roles that
4095s we do as well um because as you many of
4097s you know as a community manager it's not
4100s just to make sure everybody's keeping in
4102s line on the forums or on Discord or on
4104s Reddit or you know wherever that we're
4106s checking that space out uh we do have a
4109s couple of other tasks that were assigned
4111s simply because we're a small team and
4114s through that Gary's been able to dable
4115s in some new territories I've been able
4117s to dobble in some um and get our hands
4119s in the mix of uh various things like
4122s production development things like that
4125s um to just kind of like wiggle our
4127s creative fingers about uh and see where
4130s things can move from there but that's
4132s kind of getting to the nitty-gritty and
4134s isn't necessarily associated with title
4137s um ultimately um yeah we just we really
4141s like you guys we like talking we like
4142s answering questions we like having fun
4145s uh and that's why we have the jobs that
4147s we do so yeah yeah we like talking to
4151s you uh we we're very very lucky we have
4153s discussed this before um that we have a
4156s wonderful Community um that are
4158s passionate about the game their interest
4160s in the game and they keep coming back
4161s wanting more and more which is more than
4163s we could ever hope for uh and obviously
4166s it's Testament to producing a great game
4167s but also uh having a wonderful group of
4170s players that do come along and play our
4172s game so so regularly so thank you for
4174s that and sticking with us even if you've
4176s been from Galaxy of fire days up to ever
4178s space to um it's a long journey and may
4181s continue PR I've got one more question
4184s that snuck in as well sneaking in at the
4187s last minute fire in right from sorine
4190s tson thinking of going to Gamescom will
4193s you two be there we to be there um we
4197s have plans to attend uh but we haven't
4199s got any details on that at the moment um
4202s so as soon as we have things nailed down
4205s I will be letting people know but
4206s nothing to uh to say on that just yet so
4209s your ears and eyes peeled for
4212s any whenever we have news to share on
4214s this front we will let you know um as of
4217s right now I mean we we want as many team
4219s members there as possible but there's
4220s always a lot of complications with
4222s scheduling so yeah just stay tuned to
4224s our uh scheduling and we'll tell you
4227s what we know when we can um but we will
4230s absolutely be pres at Gamescom I mean
4232s it's it's not too far away from our home
4234s uh in Hamburg Germany so uh if you're in
4237s the area we would love to see you
4239s there cool right any more questions
4243s before I bid you AER
4246s again let's get him going that's it
4248s There He Go
4250s BYO he'll be back again soon so if you
4253s have any more questions please do fire
4254s them in again if you want any more
4255s information about our roles here at
4258s Rockfish then please do ask those
4260s questions we can't go into some personal
4261s details but if you want to know what
4263s happened behind the scenes and want to
4265s have a little bit of information then
4266s we're more than happy to share that
4267s where we can right I need to do a little
4270s bit of a repair cuz I did get beaten up
4272s I mean the ship looks fine doesn't it
4273s just a little bit of you know scratch
4276s dirty paint and you know damage across I
4278s mean even the damage models are cool
4280s aren't they let's be fair I mean they
4282s they look awesome not so much for your
4284s pocket but they do look good good they
4286s do look good right let's just repair and
4289s a restock of the Rockets let's check the
4292s shop what we got okay we need cooling
4294s units which is Ben for o that'll be
4296s quite handy because we need Ben for
4299s repairs let's buy two of those shall we
4303s go we'll just plunk those in before we
4308s forget coing units
4311s right more power casings can we craft
4314s those power casings can
4316s can we craft those power
4320s cases there how many can we
4323s craft oh several there we
4327s go need
4334s nine okay
4336s clicking there we go right there we go
4339s give those
4341s two there there we go that's that one
4344s completed nice
4347s nice little uh
4348s freebie uh when we dock so that's handy
4352s that's
4353s handy okay how are we doing for those
4355s Crystal di we've got some more of those
4359s two of those craft any of those all
4362s these little things will obviously make
4363s your journey uh a little bit easier I
4368s haven't got any plasma ah B some
4370s shouldn't they although they have some
4371s here how many do we need in the crafting
4374s in the crafting so whilst crafting isn't
4377s uh a be all and end all in this game it
4379s can help you especially even in a tough
4381s fight if you want to pause the game and
4383s then go in and craft something as you
4384s think I haven't got anything I need
4385s something to help me you can craft it on
4387s the Fly don't think you can only do it
4389s when you do uh just uh check in and just
4391s help yourself if you can that's a good
4395s thing uh so we need
4397s four we need so we four so we're going
4400s to need 16
4403s plasma unbelievable there we go
4408s 16 guessing
4410s maths
4415s right then we can give that to
4417s deia the energy orbs there we go that's
4422s giving us that nice Improvement there
4425s time I could do that nice so en will
4429s also repend some Shield energy again
4432s very very handy startup delayers little
4436s bit L them hey what are your ship perks
4440s on the Sentinel real quick I know that
4443s question you know traditionally it's an
4445s energy fighter and it does have some
4446s perks associated with um energy orbs I'm
4449s just curious uh passive wise yeah
4453s passive uh I've got 20% reduced cool
4455s down for Warfare devices and while
4457s Shields are at least 50% charge gain
4460s corrosion
4461s immunity all right all
4464s right just car
4470s right so okay tell you what we'll do put
4473s a point in
4475s there one is utility just to try and
4477s give us a little you can change them
4479s around as well at any point uh so don't
4481s worry if your attributes you think oh
4483s okay I've got you know Precision I've
4485s got too much Firepower maybe
4487s survivability with resistance might be a
4489s little bit better then you can switch
4490s things around uh at any point uh just
4492s remember that your first uh level cost
4495s you one main frame expansion two will
4498s cost you two and then the third level
4499s will cost you three so it does cost uh
4502s more as you progress up that
4504s column right crafting okay that's just
4508s that that's fine I also like to check
4509s what I've got yeah we'll get rid of that
4512s let's sell some stuff shall
4514s we that flak is better medicine's good
4521s SK okay we'll dismantle that Shield
4532s well get the blueprint sell that money
4536s solar panels
4540s money the difference between these two
4542s do we need okay that can go that one
4546s that one Thal gun should we need it as
4549s well I don't think there was anything
4550s else that I wanted to purchase from them
4553s nothing there rubbish nothing
4556s nothing right there we
4562s go right so uh moving on we need to go
4566s to Deana gas orbit okay we're on a
4569s little bit of Journey over there AR
4573s we fine
4577s place
4579s that's why over there
4589s I'll have to take care of that
4590s assignment before docking or it'll raise
4592s flags do you think you bought the ruse
4594s hiive it is difficult to ascertain but
4597s it was a jolly convincing performance
4600s good call on him being new to this
4602s detail yeah well I do have some recent
4604s and unpleasant dealings with this guy
4607s I'll have to try to find out from him
4608s how he ended up in an Elite Squad role
4611s do not bother to dig too deep our
4613s mission is only to infiltrate the
4616s I'm guessing the failed cedo system
4617s mission was the unsuccessful capture of
4619s Dax this I suppose adds an emotional
4622s element to your approach which I suggest
4624s forgetting for
4627s now jolly good performance always sounds
4630s like a backhanded compliment from hive
4632s doesn't
4637s it a
4639s card Okay so we've got to destroy fuel
4642s tanks energy coils
4645s turrets missile sailers bomb throwers
4647s and all mobile
4653s units I know perfectly well what needs
4655s to be done never assume
4657s otherwise of course sir I'll leave you
4660s to it yeah Cal you'll leave me to nice
4663s TCH I'm getting into my r
4693s use a little bit of the scenery to
4696s dodge you need improve our
4720s shielded so we need to hello is
4725s the
4727s there how rude
4737s I want to respond to uh just a comment
4741s on
4742s YouTube aala says one thing that really
4744s bothers me is that when I shoot at
4746s stations it literally has no impact and
4749s you know I can understand that I can I
4750s can appreciate that um uh it's it's such
4754s a a fascinating Point um because through
4758s the ideation of everspace 2 there was a
4761s lot of questions regarding how
4763s destructible we could make all the
4764s environment and what would happen and um
4767s at the end of the day though in any
4769s development you have to re in those
4771s thoughts and create an overarching
4772s vision and in order to accomplish the
4775s Feats that we were able to do here in
4778s everspace 2 present was by gamifying
4781s certain aspects and putting more
4784s emphasis in others and this is no
4787s different on account of that uh yeah you
4789s shoot a station and you just see like a
4792s little damage to the posterior um and
4794s that's it
4796s and we do that because the emphasis of
4798s the game is far more on the combat it's
4800s far more on the loot we put emphasis on
4802s the story driven mechanics which is why
4804s certain characters and events occur
4806s whether you like it or not and they have
4808s plot armor to make it so like these are
4810s all features that were done in for the
4814s sake of that initial Vision uh being
4817s able to run around and blow literally
4819s everything up sounds amazing and I can
4822s almost guarantee you that every single
4825s developer who's ever created any sense
4827s of even a pseudo open world game also
4830s wants to do that and yet they know that
4832s if they were to do that there would be a
4834s tremendous amount of sacrifices made
4837s both in their initial vision and the
4839s development thereof and also Frankly
4841s Speaking of the processing power
4843s surrounding it so I hear you I wanted to
4846s speak to that just because like I'm a
4847s big fan of fully destructible
4848s environments as well uh but we're here
4851s we put the focus elsewhere cool yeah
4854s thanks for that Clarity yeah I mean I
4857s think everybody would love that kind of
4859s um ability within a game to destroy
4861s every single element should they wish
4863s but it's just so difficult to do and I
4866s don't think we're there with in terms of
4867s processing power with CPUs
4870s gpus um for probably a long long time
4873s but uh yeah it would be nice uh but as
4876s uh as Eric did say we do have to kind of
4878s reain in certain elements uh to make the
4881s game usable playable uh and enjoyable um
4886s I would even say that for a lot of like
4888s destructible environments it it's less
4890s about um the overarching power and it's
4894s far more about the
4896s optimization so I do have to mention one
4899s point that Flory says over on Twitch he
4901s says sounds like deep rock Galactic blow
4903s everything up and that's actually a
4905s sound example of it they have a voxal
4907s format to their game um and it's heavily
4910s optimized if you look at the size of
4912s that uh in comparison to so many other
4914s games out there it is tiny and they're
4916s able to do a lot with that for those
4919s reasons now of course going in that
4921s direction they're still sacrificing
4923s certain things which is going to be in
4925s that visual Fidelity of course um but
4928s that was a Direction they were able to
4929s take so yeah really sound example there
4932s just helping everyone understand kind of
4935s like how games are made and how a
4937s decision uh takes a pretty big turn in
4942s uh regards to completing
4945s every functional piece of equipment and
4948s interaction
4950s thereof oh yeah yeah there's so many
4954s elements um kind of behind the scenes in
4956s terms of developing a game that uh
4959s whilst you want to include everything
4961s because you have the idea doesn't mean
4963s you can include it and whil that might
4966s seem disappointing to to some players
4968s but it's a difficult thing to achieve uh
4972s and you know uh I think every developer
4974s in the world would love to have every
4977s possible idea that they've ever created
4978s put into the game but you know it's just
4981s not
4982s feasible got it we try our best we try
4985s our best the rest of the elite squ
4987s coming here do not allow yourself to be
4990s distracted and simply concentrate on the
4993s present
5001s task pass
5008s good oh just as I
5013s looked just
5016s as well that
5019s blows he's there all week folks not too
5022s sure why but he's here all
5027s week but you never knew Eric sh comedy
5030s genius not only community and Community
5033s genius and comedy he he's FY oh we've
5036s done it again just as I was just about
5038s to take a
5041s breath happens to the best of us right
5045s let's uh push back
5055s it let's get through here it starts
5058s turning again there we go oo just got
5062s clipped at that precise moment hello
5065s I have full control of the vents you'll
5068s never make it back out alive we'll see
5070s about
5072s that
5074s oh could you look at YouTube chat real
5077s quick uh looks like will be here allw oh
5080s slower
5082s in I I could be that right I managed to
5085s get through it
5087s eventually oh that's great for the
5090s twitchers who aren't able to see YouTube
5091s chat basically um uh the the comment
5094s about me being here all week s t said
5097s looks like Gary will be here all week
5100s just absolutely
5103s Savage all good it's all good banter we
5106s take it in our stride we're never
5110s offended as one
5118s should
5120s okay crossing over so I'm going to cross
5123s the other way
5129s and just keep dipping in and out yeah
5134s yeah I can do this I've got
5141s this
5143s oh oh he is he is cheesing that isn't
5148s he what do you mean what do you mean
5155s he was sitting right on the shield so he
5156s was able to shoot from both sides
5157s earlier that was uh that was
5164s tough got this in
5172s control oh he got me he got me he got
5176s his shield
5177s up D that's at least I think we're on
5181s two deaths
5182s now uh you're actually at7 deaths that's
5186s impressive wow anybody think I had
5189s control of that um that option let's di
5193s back in
5194s then so the official counter that we
5197s have says five now but uh I you know if
5201s that's true I mean that's you're doing a
5202s great job you know I think we might have
5204s to go back through the previous streams
5206s that I've done and just
5208s check oh yeah you go ahead and do that
5210s and then let me know actually wait no we
5212s can't trust you uh let's see
5221s I got this in
5228s control wow he just literally ruined me
5232s literally ruined me
5236s a
5240s six yeah so this is um this is a part of
5244s the game where it starts yelling at the
5248s player and says hey have you spent time
5251s with your ship build because if you
5252s haven't it's time to chew you up and
5254s spit you out
5259s yeah just through
5279s definely cheesing it never ends oh yeah
5283s does believe
5291s me I got this in
5294s control now he's got his shield
5297s definitely don't want to be on the same
5302s side oh man bearded Frog's already
5305s calling a seventh
5307s death as where's the belief where's the
5313s belief I believe in here good somebody's
5316s got
5318s to just loving that
5322s Shield know he's got his little Weber
5324s drum friend there as well thank
5331s you the other side
5338s okay that side don't dead don't
5347s dead he's been a
5350s nasty yeah but you're navigating us
5352s pretty
5354s well we Dr where are
5359s you that's good Bly
5371s NOP you have ready he start stick his
5375s nose through
5378s oh all right nice work excellent the
5382s Harvester is ours again Shame about the
5385s hostages though can't trust a frog can
5388s you never mention anyes no belief they
5391s threaten to kill them if we refuse to
5392s pay the ransom but don't worry they were
5395s just low grade workers easy to replace
5398s low grade workers you piece of careful
5402s now hey chief care to join us out here
5405s it's one hell of a party it appears the
5408s rest of your squad has arrived I
5410s recommend joining them as soon as
5412s possible all this is taking the charade
5415s too far yeah now Bearded Frog does make
5416s a good point he says I'm sure seven is
5419s still right around the corner maybe
5420s literally just due to the nature of the
5422s story progression here yes literally um
5425s thinking just to that I'm actually just
5427s thinking what can I craft that's going
5428s to help me in this next battle having a
5431s little bit of um knowledge of what's
5433s coming because this is a tough fight uh
5436s coming up so we may just look to
5440s see uh can we actually craft some more
5444s rocket what's that expression out of the
5446s fire and into the frying pan that's the
5448s one y I think we we definitely so I'm
5451s just going to craft some more rockets
5453s for myself I think be good or is it or
5456s is it the opposite out of the frying pan
5458s and Into the Fire way yeah yeah we'll go
5460s with
5461s that yeah either way I'm
5466s hungry absolutely absolutely yeah Shield
5470s we've see what doesn't help either is
5472s our Synchro pulse has had a little bit
5474s of damage
5476s there so we may need to just switch
5481s a off to them
5485s we do need to upgrade that at some point
5487s our boost is a little bit lacking Shield
5490s maybe as well uh but remember these
5492s thing kind of things uh it's not all
5494s plain sailing all the way through uh you
5496s may need to
5499s um just grab something and and build it
5502s to get you through cuz my shield is a
5503s little bit lacking uh so let's see what
5506s we can
5508s craft something okay we'll equip it see
5513s it's any better
5517s um took off you know ironically this is
5521s actually better than what we just
5524s crafted how bizarre it's just a recharge
5527s on that is cu it's an
5529s st
5531s okay we can try it as is uh that beam
5535s laser does give us more than that
5537s disintegrator
5538s actually okay we'll try that we'll try
5541s that instead but yeah we do have a a
5544s little little bit of an issue coming
5551s up what we also me need to craft is we
5556s are struggling a little bit with our
5558s energy so our energy core is a Shiva
5561s tuned
5564s 12 let's see energy
5568s core CFT one of
5571s those accept it we'll just check what
5574s how good it is in comparison yeah so
5576s that's take a little hit on the weapons
5578s but overall um increasing Firepower more
5582s boost more Shield I think that's not a
5584s bad tradeoff if I'm honest uh I think we
5586s can uh we can take that uh we could also
5589s modify it if we do struggle um not going
5593s to pop out just yet cuz I just want to
5598s see when my Rockets come off cool out
5601s cuz they're going to be quite invaluable
5603s there we go
5607s there you are take your P Chief I
5610s already have my seven kills for today
5612s rest is bonus all right this may
5619s betic and app
5623s sh I right all right CH
5628s yeah what's up Chief you normally get a
5631s lot more enjoyment out of this
5648s there erosion
5672s what's going on around
5677s here did you get back anyway I thought
5681s you were still out there searching for
5682s those
5683s old yeah an ongoing
5687s matter going matter Chief me and boys
5691s wanted to talk to you about the new guy
5694s yeah he's uh a bit of a
5697s jerk yeah has to be expected I mean he
5700s has to T
5703s cruelties well got a few more coming in
5705s he's never good that's ay
5711s okay
5713s sleed team
5715s from and their out give his he
5721s seem is that so that's so CHS coming
5726s back on
5749s line behind
5756s SP you scrapping
5758s tools you
5780s Scot I think I just got another one
5783s slowly wearing them down as they're
5784s wearing me
5788s down fishing
5801s bar oh excuse
5804s me sneezing away
5809s sneezing there you go you
5817s okay there's a detonated drone stuck in
5819s there that's good I was starting to
5821s panic there it's inside the
5825s tunn
5833s right
5838s those okay I'm going to I'm going to
5839s vocalize this cuz there was a a little
5841s conversation in YouTube about the
5843s exploitation
5844s perk and if
5847s EMP uh effectively triggers the use of
5850s it um so for those of you who are not
5852s aware exploitation is a level 25 pilot
5855s perk that when selected it provides a
5859s 50% increased critical hit chance bonus
5862s when attacking enemies whose movement is
5864s impaired now um I had it understood uh
5868s that when we're speaking on account of
5871s movement being impaired it's being
5872s slowed down but I am actually incorrect
5875s on this front uh so I just did a double
5878s check movement being impaired is also
5881s when a unit is uh effectively unable to
5884s control itself so EMP does in fact uh
5889s trigger
5890s exploitation um so yeah just wanted to
5893s correct that so everybody is
5895s aware um thanks for that
5898s question uh your boy
5904s down here we got something to pick up
5905s yeah thank you for that Clarity on
5908s that if there's ever anything that me
5910s and Eric can't answer during this stream
5912s then you're always more than welcome to
5914s hit us up on the Discord and we can
5916s check it up and follow up with the team
5918s um they're very knowledgeable guys so um
5920s we might just need to uh dig in a little
5923s bit further um to find the correct
5925s answer and the information for you and
5928s obviously with development some things
5929s do change so uh you know from time to
5931s time we may need to correct ourselves
5932s which we're happy to do
5934s um just to make sure that you guys get
5936s the proper answer that you deserve and
5939s that we want to give you so uh let me in
5942s here you going to let me
5944s in there we go oh that's just rude
5948s that's just rude let just thank you
5952s thank you for that
5955s Shenanigans well we survived and there's
5958s B frog did say you know that when he
5960s lose his faith or has no faith in me I
5963s seem to fly better so have have little
5966s faith in
5967s me makes me concentrate more love it
5971s right let's just get everything
5973s restocked repaired uh we'll just check
5976s on our inventory as well see there we go
5979s we picked up after just crafting a
5982s replacement we picked up a new Shiva how
5985s good is that that one but it is what it
5989s is one of these things that happens in
5991s the
5992s game so yeah yeah do need to change our
5994s booster out at some point as well it's
5997s looking a little bit tired uh we'll do a
6000s quick repair on that well so that that
6004s can help us there so I'm just being
6007s mindful of the time uh CU I think we're
6008s going to have to transition over to some
6010s screenshots and um also looking at a
6013s couple of videos that we've got as well
6015s so uh um for the next time that I stream
6018s uh B frog I just see a comment there we
6020s may need to defer for my um
6024s bomber challenge for another time um
6027s because it means I got to go switch to a
6029s bomber and and then get everything set
6031s up for it but um we can always try that
6035s another time so yeah anything else there
6038s nothing perks are looking good level
6044s 14 too
6047s bad another Flawless corver just
6050s slightly short on
6052s there that
6054s credit into there we just need one more
6056s Flawless Culver to get that um
6061s onwards anything else for
6069s deia yeah still lacking in super gel but
6071s we can make them up right what we're
6074s going to do then is we've got about 20
6076s minutes left and uh we'll answer some
6079s questions we'll look at some screenshots
6082s well we're doing so have a look at the
6084s couple of videos that we've got in as
6085s well and uh yeah let's uh let's just do
6089s a quick transition over so just give me
6091s a moment while we sort this out I'll get
6093s the save done because I always forget
6097s there we go stream save hard send to go
6100s look for it and find it there we go
6103s right we shall transition over we'll be
6104s back in a moment don't go nowhere
6117s right where are you screenshots I see
6133s you we'll have the lovely delectable
6136s Eric back on screen with us as well so
6140s uh all you all you ladies just calm
6143s yourself
6144s oh my
6146s gosh there we go right let's bring that
6149s into full screen mode with our first
6152s wonderful screenshot that comes I
6155s believe this is one I grabbed from Steam
6158s uh if you have those screenshots uh
6161s posted up on there I do check those out
6163s as well I will comment uh and see how
6166s how much of a wonderfulness you are
6168s posting there and this is from Hartman
6170s over there um I was a bit confused with
6173s the angle this um but obviously normally
6175s you're approaching these gas tanks uh
6177s and the puzzles here of um from a
6180s slightly different angle but I think
6182s it's an amazing thing and I think it
6183s also shows off the wonderful lighting
6185s within the game um that we have
6188s obviously either through Lumen or our
6190s normal Global illumination methods that
6192s are baked in so um I thought it was
6195s fantastic just because of the depth of
6197s the shadows and also the lighting uh
6200s creating it's almost like he's stepping
6202s out of the door into the Blazing
6204s Sunshine should you do so um but do we
6208s have any questions while we're answering
6210s or going through these screenshots edic
6212s if we go see anything yeah we we have at
6214s least one um and I'm G to go ahead and
6217s answer this one um and we just got a
6219s second one so I'll let you answer one as
6220s well so first question is is the paid
6223s DLC the next update for everspace 2 or
6225s is there something coming before
6227s them look we've had situations where
6231s something has arisen when we didn't
6232s expect it exactly where the supporter
6234s pack came from so even if I told you no
6237s we don't have any plans I could actually
6239s be incorrect something could come up so
6242s the best way to answer this is honestly
6244s just saying we have plans for DLC and
6246s that's it whatever else happens from
6249s there can be something of an organic
6250s process where we're at in development
6252s right now so yeah just wait and see and
6255s we will be happy to show you what comes
6257s up when it
6258s does so the next question we have is
6262s from Excel who asks without getting too
6265s specific did the supporter pack match
6267s exceed or underperform your expectations
6270s do you want to have a go with this Gary
6271s yeah I mean I think uh as we know that
6275s we the supporter pack was there as a an
6279s option because it's purely cosmetic no
6282s microtransactions of our community to
6284s say hey you guys over at Rockfish are
6286s doing a wonderful job uh and we'd like
6288s to support you a little bit further uh
6290s if we can which you know were very
6292s humbled by and we're very very
6294s appreciative of because it helps us be
6298s you know who we are uh and develop a
6300s wonderful space game that you guys are
6302s enjoying um I think Michael would
6305s probably be the best person to answer
6306s this question in you know literal terms
6309s of whether he considers it successful
6311s but we consider it successful purely
6313s because you guys have reached out and
6314s said this is brilliant we like it we
6317s love it here here's the money for it we
6319s appreciate what you're doing so to us
6322s that is a success irrespective of the
6324s monetary aspect uh or anything like that
6326s but that does fund obviously everspace
6328s 2's development and and Beyond and
6331s allows us to to do what we're passionate
6333s about and that is making great games so
6336s in a in a in a way it's probably
6339s exceeded our expectations uh and we're
6341s just extremely thankful that you guys
6343s have picked up on it and wanted to be um
6345s a part of that continuous Journey that
6348s we're on uh by helping us uh so much uh
6351s if there's anything you want to add to
6352s this Eric um please please
6354s do well the considering the start of the
6357s question was without getting too
6358s specific I think you've said enough I I
6361s I'm you Eric I'm you too many words it's
6364s all good it's all good it's With all
6366s sincerity I mean like and we've
6368s mentioned this before like the supporter
6370s pack came into fruition because uh it
6373s was requested from the community we
6375s really didn't have too much of an
6376s expectation for it we just know we've we
6379s just knew that you guys wanted to
6380s continue supporting us and instead of
6382s just creating like a little option to
6383s donate money just didn't feel like the
6386s right way to approach it we thought well
6387s you know what if we can give something a
6388s little bit back for kicks and Giggles
6391s cool and that's when we played around
6392s with the idea of the supporter pack
6394s launched it and you know what you guys
6395s are having a lot of fun with it that's
6397s the win just as Gary was saying you guys
6400s are enjoying it and we're thankful as
6401s well as the fact that we can keep our
6403s lights on too that's definitely a plus
6407s so keeping the lights on always helps
6409s always helps but yeah we're we're very
6411s very humbled um and we're we're we're
6413s actually amazed as well as humbled that
6415s you guys are so supportive of us um as a
6417s development team I know obviously myself
6419s and and Eric are very much the face and
6421s the contact but everybody on the team is
6423s very appreciative too and we do pass
6425s those messages on uh because it's
6428s feedback for us you know is it something
6429s that has worked is you know whatever we
6431s do whatever changes we do whether it's
6433s in the game or as a supporter pack is it
6436s something that is received well uh and
6438s we live off that feedback whether it's a
6440s review or a comment uh you know good or
6442s bad you know you've got to take the roof
6444s with this smood because you know you
6446s can't think everything is always Rosy
6448s and that so uh we are appreciative that
6451s you give us that uh that feedback So
6453s yeah thank you very very much to you all
6455s uh we love you dearly for it um next up
6458s we have a uh a screenshot now this uh
6461s user is on Steam again but they had a
6463s very odd username that I couldn't
6465s actually pronounce so I've just called
6467s them steam user um so uh yeah a
6470s wonderful shot there I think it's very
6472s very close clever how they frame this uh
6475s with their ship in the background taking
6477s on the attack run and doing quite a bit
6479s of damage uh to this Redeemer ship uh
6483s it's doing a a wonderful job um of and
6487s intentionally blowing it up as you can
6488s see at the bottom so yeah do go check
6490s these screenshots out on Steam as well
6491s as obviously the ones that I picked up
6493s from uh from our Discord as well but uh
6496s it's uh the wonderful creations and we
6498s love people being creative with the with
6500s the improved photo mode as well we made
6503s it even more easier for you all to do so
6506s right next
6507s up everybody loves a bit of blue don't
6510s we look at that look at that uh
6512s obviously somewhere that we've just
6513s recently been slight spoiler territory I
6516s I could say a little a little bit on
6518s this but uh obviously at vzna uh some
6521s very strong turret action going on there
6524s which is going to be uh doing some
6526s potential damage to that ship which is I
6528s think actually doing some damage to
6530s nearly that ship at that angle probably
6533s not good for the skin no no yeah I don't
6537s think any Factor 50 is going to stop
6541s that
6543s go but yeah if You' have any more
6545s questions do fire them in we'll get them
6547s answered uh for your uh delation uh
6551s hopefully we'll um we'll be able to
6552s answer them as uh as we see fit uh so
6555s that one was from Exel niik over on
6558s Steam I near forgot their name but yes
6560s they are a wonderful wonderful
6562s screenshot as well well uh we we do like
6565s the different screenshots I know it's
6567s very very difficult with how good ever
6569s Space 2 is in terms of visuals just not
6573s to just every other second you pause and
6576s take a photo but when you specifically
6579s think about a shot or you thought wow
6580s that was an amazing shot and you capture
6582s it we we do look out for those ones that
6584s just stand out but they're you know the
6587s whole game is is just beautiful and
6590s speaking of one of the brilliant
6591s screenshots if I can just zoom in a
6592s little little bit there we go uh this
6594s one is from AJ over on Steam as well
6599s again a different angle that you
6600s generally approached this station from
6602s but I think they've captured with the
6604s depth of field uh of the ship in the
6606s foreground and the station being the The
6608s prominent figure but then obviously you
6610s see the the star uh that's looking like
6613s it could blow up any moment uh very very
6616s close to the station uh wonderful
6618s screenshots um just the cruising home
6621s maybe you know whatever this pil doing
6624s you could always imagine the story that
6626s is there uh for that pilot and that
6628s pilot themselves you know in a in a
6630s world of um uh of law of ever space so
6634s have we got another
6636s question yeah we have one sneak in
6638s Bearded Frog is asking um specifically
6641s how is it going with the art book any
6642s the update on making it more available
6644s worldwide or elsewhere now I'm going to
6646s have to defer this question over to Lee
6649s pretty sure that he's still hanging out
6650s in the chat um so Lee if you are there
6653s and you want to answer this by all means
6655s if I do not see a post in a couple of
6657s minutes then we will answer that more
6658s directly as we can so otherwise continue
6662s showing these beautiful screenshots
6663s excellent we shall indeed continue on uh
6666s next up uh this one is from uh bird
6670s encantador again over on Steam uh
6673s wonderful angle they're firing off uh a
6675s cruise missile uh and other Rockets
6678s heading in the general direction of the
6680s camera uh giving off a nice vibe of you
6683s don't want to be where that is aimed so
6686s uh again slightly different variation
6688s it's not your average over the you know
6689s just behind the ship kind of shot
6691s they've really thought about this and
6692s how they can make it work I can imagine
6694s with a lot of people uh they have to
6696s reload and reload and reload because
6698s they don't get the perfect shot and they
6699s have to try again but this is what we
6701s love this is the passion that we're
6703s we're here for so uh please do keep
6705s sending them in wherever you want to
6706s post them we will pick them up uh next
6709s up another one uh wonderful depth of
6712s field I mean that is just superb great
6715s um collage of color and uh and
6717s everything with that gunship and the
6719s turret that we're seeing and this is
6720s from De demoniac milk yes even milk is
6724s demonic these days um a wonderful shot
6727s from them uh from
6729s Steam brilliantly done and you could
6731s just have these as uh Johan said over on
6734s YouTube that you can have a lot of these
6736s as just wallpapers you could create a
6739s desktop wallpaper for your PC your
6741s laptop your phone whatever it is from of
6743s the screenshots that you can create with
6744s this game and I think it's just a nice
6746s additive to not only is it a great game
6748s to play but it has this extra bonus of
6750s being visually stunning right that
6753s actually ties into a really good
6754s question we have that came in um so
6756s exeler is asking since the photo mode
6759s update aperature and depth the field is
6762s always turned on or am I wrong is there
6764s an option to disable it completely this
6766s to my understanding that it is not
6768s turned on by defaults when you go into
6770s the photo mode um and if uh C here if
6773s that's somehow happening to you and I
6775s know that you're very good at the
6776s photography in the game if that is uh
6778s happening to you please report that to
6780s our uh respective channels so we can
6782s have a look maybe if you have a save or
6784s something uh cuz it should not be doing
6787s that uh it should be completely off by
6789s default yeah yeah um we also do have a
6792s followup on the account of the art books
6795s um nice but uh Lee said what he can say
6799s is he says I hate having the same answer
6801s regarding getting the art book in
6802s additional Amazon stores we're
6804s continuing to chip away at the
6805s logistical issue while looking at other
6808s options as well so there you have it we
6811s our update is that we don't have an
6813s update it's uh one of those things but
6816s thank you for that Clarity Lee and thank
6817s you for the question Bearded Frog indeed
6819s indeed uh same again this is one for
6822s demoniac milk uh a wonderful shot again
6824s very different depth of field focusing
6826s on that Central Thruster uh there on the
6829s ship but you can see the the planetoid
6831s in the background as well well I just
6834s love the the different composed ones and
6836s speaking of a different one is is our
6838s next screenshot uh which I don't know if
6841s you've SE this one before but it is a
6843s very very happy uh picture as you can
6848s see uh somebody's very very happy in the
6851s rift and this one's from
6852s notson uh now that is very well worked
6856s out uh it must have taken probably quite
6858s a while to actually uh build this one up
6861s but to get two Rift portals that close
6864s together and then position your ship
6866s perfectly so it looks like a happy
6868s smiley Rift what more could you ask for
6870s cuz they're not always happy and smiley
6872s Rifts but you know this one was
6873s obviously a bit more of a pleasant day
6875s have we got any more questions have we
6876s got things
6878s flying yeah so we have a question from
6881s yorl um any plans for Merch I'd love to
6884s take my coffee and my everspace 2 mug
6885s while wearing my everspace 2 shirt under
6887s my everspace 2 sweater having my feet
6889s warm in my everspace 2 socks wow if
6892s that's not fan mode enabled I don't know
6895s what it is um again we we have spoken of
6898s this before it was something that we'd
6899s love to do there's a lot involved with
6902s creating that kind of merchandise Etc
6906s but it's definitely something we
6908s consider as as being important but you
6911s know if we ever go down that route we
6913s will'll let you know uh but you know
6914s just wait for news if we have
6916s any and I'll click on to another one uh
6920s this one is from White Shadow uh again
6922s this one over on Steam uh beautiful shot
6925s with uh a little ship skin applied to
6928s this one but I just love the coloration
6929s how the red against the silver of the
6932s ship uh and also the the blue of the
6935s weapons is just so intense a great shot
6939s love it love how they've colored that
6940s one so any any more questions of all
6944s flying in yeah so this one uh it's I'll
6949s just ask it it comes from Jon cross um h
6952s r support update question mark um as
6956s many of you will know HDR is something
6959s that is just left as experimental um for
6962s everspace 2 um we realized early in
6966s development that it was problematic um
6969s and we didn't want to spend too long on
6972s you know creating uh a workable version
6975s but it did work for some people so we
6977s left it there as experimental um it's
6980s there to be used okay it's not perfect
6983s would we go you know in the future to
6985s look at something along L maybe uh that
6988s would be down to the team to decide
6990s whether it's worthwhile for them to to
6992s spend that time doing anything in that
6996s regard because it's very you know
6998s expensive in terms of development time
7000s and when you're a small team and many
7002s people are doing many things um Dev time
7005s is so so precious so maybe it'd be nice
7009s to have but there's no promises on that
7011s one I think we we have to make hard
7013s calls that's that's the short of it and
7015s sometimes those calls are not fun um
7017s there have been a number of things that
7019s we wanted to do with everspace 2 that
7021s simply couldn't happen um and HDR kind
7025s of Falls in that territory so it's just
7028s kind of the state of how things move but
7030s we are very happy with the direction
7032s we've been able to take the game uh on
7034s account of not being able to do HDR
7036s support and we hope that you are as well
7039s EXC excellent this one will quickly fly
7041s through this we've got both three or
7042s four more to do and they've got a couple
7044s of videos and we're we're crashing in on
7046s the time already where's it all going
7048s this one obviously a lot of people may
7049s have seen this before um it's very
7052s iconic in its picturing but this one was
7054s from joury over on uh on uh sorry steam
7058s uh and it was the name that caught me to
7061s be fair uh this one was called entering
7063s Cocoa Puffs field Shields and spoons
7068s engaged incredible incred and I'm hungry
7071s again oh my God too too much food
7073s reference too much food Eric's going to
7076s be eating his microphone shortly he's
7078s getting that
7079s pish there he is that's another one and
7083s next up we have again that shows off the
7085s fabulous lighting uh within the game uh
7088s that we have and this is one onx Aboud
7091s uh over on there on Steam uh amazing and
7095s I think it's just Testament to the art
7097s team of how wonderful they make this
7099s game look and it's only when you take
7101s that photo mode and you take that
7102s specific picture you realize how
7106s astronomically pdon the Beautiful the
7108s game actually is um and sometimes you
7111s just got to sit there and look and View
7114s and enjoy the scenery uh and a great
7116s shot from omx [ __ ] do we have any
7119s questions while I'm looking through yep
7121s I've got one more question I'm GNA just
7123s I'm gonna take it and answer it real
7124s quick uh so this one comes from Ronnie
7126s Patterson where is the flight stick
7128s support on console is the question and
7130s the answer is we don't have any um
7133s console integration through inputs is uh
7136s rather taxing it's a it's a difficult
7138s process we are thrilled to have brought
7141s key binding or rather button mapping to
7143s the mix for console users um but beyond
7146s that it's very limited and what we would
7149s be doing from this point so uh if you
7152s are interested in playing the game with
7153s a flight stick then your only option is
7157s going through the PC side yep yeah there
7161s we go there we go oh quickly this one is
7164s neon again hard name to to pronounce uh
7168s wonderful use of depth of field uh the
7170s ship is almost like you know trying to
7172s get out of a a bit of a dangerous
7175s situation with that Freer there that's
7177s just about to blow up um which is um
7179s pretty pretty B dangerous uh next up a
7183s wide screen shot Ultra wide screen shot
7185s this one as you can see it's quite
7187s zoomed out from one of our users which
7189s is Red Frog uh a wonderful shot of there
7191s drone which can be the most wonderful or
7194s the most painful uh adversary that you
7196s can come up against and uh you can see
7198s even the closeup the detail is quite
7200s phenomenal on that drone again Testament
7203s to the designers and the art team for
7205s knocking that together and then lastly
7209s uh we have one which if anything shows
7211s off the wonderful tron-like glowing
7214s effects from Skipper wraith uh from our
7216s Discord um if you want to see what you
7219s can create in this kind of way then
7223s obviously you need the supporter pack um
7225s which will allow you to have these kind
7227s of skins um they're wonderful and we
7229s want to see more of these designs if you
7231s do um have a ship that you're very proud
7234s of that you've been flying around the
7235s DMZ in and you like The Styling let us
7238s see it we'll show it we like to see what
7241s uh what you've been creating and what
7242s elements you like to uh fly Style with
7246s uh as we say so yeah definitely a a nice
7249s looking ship that shows off um that
7251s coloration as well right quickly while
7254s we have a few moments time I'm just
7255s going to get rid of that come over there
7257s we're just going to go I'm going to
7258s answer a question while you're doing
7259s those things there's a question from
7262s Federico um haptic feedback support yes
7265s there is haptic feedback support on the
7267s controllers uh that's definitely there
7269s and if you're having any sort of issues
7270s please let us know uh we have had a
7272s couple of reports here and there but to
7274s my understanding they've been addressed
7276s uh so yeah that's definitely there it's
7278s there and working and I also want to
7280s just give a quick shout out to David J
7282s wow uh I think I'm pronouncing that
7285s correctly no let me rephrase that I know
7287s I'm pronouncing that incorrectly uh but
7289s they've actually completed lunacy 2000
7292s in all nine ship classes that is no
7295s small feed there are very few people who
7297s have done that uh I think that's
7298s incredible so there's your shout out uh
7301s very nicely accomplished indeed right
7304s this is one of the videos that I want to
7306s show you very very quickly and this is
7309s not my run definitely not type Kibbles
7311s uh did the bomber run on scrap race in
7314s first person in cockpit view with the
7317s Nera dampeners off so we shall see how
7320s he got on shall we let's play Roll
7324s tape I'll be checking to see if there's
7327s any uh edits any Cuts in the
7334s video Turn off nice and smooth
7337s definitely better than
7339s me I've watched this several times
7341s actually it's very very very well done
7343s to be fair yeah yeah one of the things
7346s to note um is that they're taking their
7349s time and they're not live streaming yes
7352s no
7356s pressure yeah you always feel the extra
7358s element of pressure when you know that
7360s there's many people watching you and
7362s every tiny little detail it's like when
7364s it goes wrong it just goes really wrong
7366s especially with the inertia damping is
7369s off yeah I mean it depends you know of
7371s course but
7373s it's uh It's Tricky there's a lot of
7375s areas of um skill involved here a lot of
7378s a strong understanding of the controls
7380s that you have that's a better way of
7381s putting that a strong understanding of
7383s the controls um and it's impressive to
7385s watch you guys do this type of stuff I
7387s want to see more of this so um gosh it's
7391s so cool yeah if it's not just scrap R
7394s here at fds if you're doing any of the
7396s other races please do send them out way
7398s we just record a little video uh send us
7401s a DM over on Discord and we can have a
7403s look and you know just be astounded by
7405s your flying abilities good or bad you
7407s know we're happy to show it at least
7408s you've tried there see he got bronze he
7411s got bronze I mean well done to that you
7413s know Well Done indeed let me just get
7415s rid of that and then the last the last
7417s video I want to show you before we say
7419s farewell um sometimes you should do
7423s things and sometimes you shouldn't and
7425s one of those things is something that we
7428s um there was a a little social media
7430s message that was going around
7433s regarding increasing Loot drop by 1,000
7438s and it isn't always necessarily a good
7439s thing to do and you'll see why so I'll
7442s just play this video
7463s more
7465s credits the poor frames the poor frames
7469s now this was uh uh H Christian that did
7472s this uh and as you can see when this
7475s ship explodes the poor CPU and all the
7478s calculations and everything it just
7480s freezes like yep not doing anything
7484s today and then oh the the frames so yes
7489s people may say oh we want epic drops we
7491s want to see theep loot we want to see
7493s everything you can see why we have to
7495s limit things because you cannot
7498s literally feasibly play the game like
7500s that as much as it seems brilliant it's
7502s just like you can do it but should you
7505s do it really uh but yeah fair play to
7508s SDK for creating that for us it's not
7511s going to be in the game you're not going
7512s to see anything like that we're not
7513s leaving it in so don't don't get like
7515s yay we're going to be dropping all this
7517s uh all this wonderful kind of loot uh
7519s whether he good or bad uh for your
7521s credit to selling or anything like that
7523s it literally is just for a bit of fun on
7526s one of the uh the dev systems and it
7528s brought it to its knees so uh yeah there
7530s we go good and bad
7534s uh not necessarily something you want to
7536s say but uh I'm going to stop there
7538s because we're going over time and uh you
7540s know time is precious for everybody but
7542s uh thank you very much for joining us
7544s it's flown by literally those two hours
7546s have just disappeared uh as always uh
7549s we're we're very happy that you come
7551s back and join us for these we do love
7552s doing them um we talk about things when
7555s we can you know we're a very transparent
7558s company um we're working very very hard
7561s on future content uh you know be patient
7564s we're getting there um support pack is
7566s available if you want to dive in for
7568s that uh again we've touched on it we're
7570s very appreciative of that we're all you
7572s know uh very very humbled by it uh and
7575s if you haven't and you want to please
7577s leave us a review over on Steam uh see
7580s how much you love the game uh give us
7582s feedback across everything that you come
7584s in contact with in the game we're happy
7586s to hear it it helps us make a better
7588s game because we then know what the
7590s community like so uh is there anything
7592s you want to add Eric before we dash off
7594s for the weekend not really I I I
7597s seriously have to zip out of here so uh
7599s yeah too much other than it's been great
7601s having all of you you're all incredible
7604s and don't stop being awesome cuz that's
7608s that's what you're commanded to do by me
7610s every week every every other week
7612s technically so yeah just thank you very
7616s much for joining us uh it's always a
7618s pleasure we love the interaction and we
7620s shall see you in a couple of weeks time
7624s hope you can join us then but in the
7625s meantime folks take care be good and
7627s we'll see you again soon toodles for now
7630s toodles