over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

15s [Music]
20s [Music]
29s [Music]
36s [Applause]
37s [Music]
60s [Music]
153s [Music]
178s of course in all of my testing to ensure
180s everything's working properly somehow
183s obs has the audacity to reset my audio
187s driver to default
192s uh excuse me no i uh i don't use the
195s default audio settings everything i said
198s in this own little room to myself was
200s flawless by the way was not my fault i
203s don't care you all think that it was a
205s problem i end may i say to the whatever
207s anyway hi welcome ladies and gentlemen
209s to the official rockfish game stream i
211s am your host and your guide through all
213s things everspace too eric schroeder your
215s community ambassador oh my gosh i did
218s not leave you i did not forget about you
220s guys geekbite was just taking over last
222s week and he had one heck of a good time
224s with you all during the course of the
227s launch of the summer update holy crap
230s super good super fantastic uh yes i
233s forgot to give him credits in that save
235s file i'm glad that he reminded you all
236s that but also he showed you just how
239s tough this new content is on that normal
242s difficulty setting which was partially
243s the the intent uh no geekbyte it wasn't
246s a ploy of mine to throw you under the
248s bus like that absolutely not but i do
250s think it's good to realize that the
253s further you're progressing into this
254s game right the
256s greater systems and the challenges that
258s are ahead of you are more challenging
260s and i do think that geekbite did a
262s phenomenal job showcasing that last week
264s now this week today i'm going to be
267s picking up kind of where he left off
270s okay so uh we just did the mission where
272s you like you use the zerulia bomber
275s and you access its codes and then you
278s send it over for coalition and the cohen
279s is like well hey we have another job for
281s you this is where he left off uh he did
283s some exploring in some of the other
285s locations which we'll be gladly doing
287s today
288s but i am going to be continuing that
289s mission chain so you can kind of see
291s what's going on in this gang wars now
294s through the course of this process of
296s course we will be answering your lovely
297s questions we'll have a showcase of
299s screenshots at the end and
301s maybe just maybe i'll uh show some other
304s stuff that we've already started working
307s on
308s for
309s maybe a hot fix in future updates
311s already all right like we just we just
313s pushed this out the door and we're
314s already like working hard on the next
317s improvements it's insane it's absurd i
320s don't even understand um but to all of
323s that i also want to point out one other
325s quick thing just one other quick thing
327s um
328s a lot of you guys probably don't care
329s too much because you're active in the
330s live stream but just for the record the
332s recap for last month it is still coming
336s right like it's it's still gonna be here
338s it was only minorly delayed uh through
340s uh
341s several reasons uh but in short you guys
343s know that i was out last week there's
345s been a lot of projects on our table to
346s get this update out for you and those
348s have been priority as opposed to making
351s a video so that video will absolutely be
353s here likely next week
356s uh so you can send it out to all your
357s friends who don't watch the streams and
359s say here's a quick recap of what you
360s missed you know yadda yadda but
362s otherwise uh yeah all is good
365s in the state of rock fishing and now i'm
367s going to show you exactly what i'm
369s talking about so
370s uh i did make uh my own little ship
373s by the way uh
375s don't worry i'm a i'm a professional
378s and uh yeah we definitely are flying
381s this bad boy i like this because it has
382s like these very neon vibes i also uh
386s because i'm super cheeky i also got a
388s laser
390s that shoots the same color
392s for extreme consistency
395s all right
398s i just like being color coordinated
399s sometimes all right this is like this
401s kind of like my neon fighter i also like
403s the vantage point it has in the cockpit
404s where you see the guns like they're
406s slapped directly in front of you like
408s look at this like look at this
410s here's the cockpit right there it's like
412s the guns are just right out in front of
414s it it's just
415s yeah that's just how that's how we do it
417s and i really like the way that this
418s looks
420s but anyway let's cover the build very
422s briefly and then we'll start
425s you know doing all the things so this
427s particular build uh it looks like i
429s don't have a lot unlocked and
430s technically i don't this save file is
432s very bare minimum outside of the main
434s mission chains uh so there's not a lot
437s of like tricks and mainframe expansions
439s and stuff like that that have been built
440s up we're mostly relying on equipment
443s alone for this particular build so what
445s i'm running is i've got defensive
447s massacre so i'm triggering my shields to
449s recharge when i get kills we're doing
450s play it safe this is mostly to protect
453s my shield from taking damage because
455s we're also using excessive force which
457s gives me a 30 increased damage
460s increase i said increase twice that's
462s how much it increases when the shield is
464s fully charged and then we also have
466s unyielding assault which if things get
468s tough things get really crazy and we're
470s just starting to soak damage we can pop
471s that gain our armor back at least in the
474s heat of the moment to capitalize on
476s those gains and according to this
478s particular build where we want our
479s shield to stay active and we also want
482s to pair it with probably devices since
484s we have that reactive armor going on
486s we have
488s ourselves a complimentary pulse laser
491s equalizer combo so one's for energy dps
493s one's for kinetic dps we have a
496s fantastic shield actually um which our
499s shields are higher than our whole
501s because the sentinel shield bonus is
503s absurd
505s right oh i'm blocking it you can it's
507s right there 220 increase from our shield
509s bonus so we have the star force shield
511s and then our
512s attribute points are distributed fairly
514s equally across the board with a little
516s less in resistance but we have a lot in
518s expertise so that 21.6 shield damage
521s reduction is gonna be important as well
523s as having a pretty healthy amount of
524s firepower
525s utility could be better but you know
527s what it is what it is
528s uh last but not least for our devices
532s this is gonna this is kind of like a
533s very important part of this
535s we have amp generator that hasn't been
537s uh evolved yet because i want to show
539s you something cool that we added um we
541s have energized boost that does damage
543s when you're flying at the speed of sound
545s or beyond that
547s we have magnetic repulsor which push
549s targets dropped energy orbs that's for
550s restoring shields
552s and then we have a mercy kill corrosion
555s injector which is going to be paired
557s with the uh magnetic repulsor uh resets
560s the cooldown if the target is destroyed
561s during the effect where i'm going to try
562s and be pushing them around and doing a
564s lot of damage etc etc
566s so we want to use our devices a pretty
568s healthy amount uh to get the reactive
571s armor keep our shields up uh blah blah
573s blah blah words so this is what's really
576s cool that we added we are adding a
577s preview so that even when you're looking
580s at a device before it's the highest
583s level before you've maxed it out and you
585s can see the mastery of it now you can
588s just hold the preview and boom it's
589s right there
591s so you can do a very quick comparison
593s even at level one this amp generator
595s hasn't been touched yet and upgrading it
597s we see that the standard format it's
599s basically 40 seconds and 500 range
603s right and it only does
605s uh
606s it does a small uh it doesn't do any
608s damage because it doesn't have that yet
610s it's 500 meters that's that's all you
612s have but you can see from the mastery
614s like what your options look like and
615s it's at 26 second cooldown 580 meter
618s range
619s so a quick very super fast comparison
623s just plugs in
624s uh sound and video a bit desynced uh oh
626s is it
628s test one two actually it looks fine on
630s my end i would suggest a quick restart
632s um uh reloading the stream that might be
635s what it is but yeah just a very minor
638s thing and then obviously we're gonna
639s upgrade this because we need it maxed
642s out for the purposes of being awesome
645s and
646s this is going to be a priority modifier
650s for this build restores 10 shield hit
653s points for every target hit by the blast
654s we want this because
656s we want our shields to be maxed out
658s we take a little bit of damage we pop
660s this we max it out and have disabled
662s targets and we've got that 30 increased
664s damage from our weapon bonus that we can
667s just lay it down right so that is how
669s we're going to be utilizing this build
672s all right
673s so
673s all that being said you got the build
676s you got the information oh you got all
677s the details of what's going on and now
679s we're going to continue this mission
681s and away we go
684s you have our gratitude for your brave
686s action
687s explosive device you sent us will help
689s us redress the balance of power in drake
692s so what's the real story here ming yun
696s what are you up to
697s the reason i was elected to lead is
699s because i understand that the
701s coalition's future is in trade and not
703s piracy we're not outlaws anymore but
707s that has placed us in the crosshairs of
709s the outlaws that still plague this
711s system two rival gangs the zurelia and
714s the retaliators
716s let me guess
717s as long as they remain at each other's
719s throats the focus stays off your
721s operations here
723s very astute however they have agreed to
726s start negotiations on a non-aggression
729s pact which if it succeeds will place our
732s peaceful future in peril
734s so these zerelia bombs i pilfered for
737s you you want to use them to provoke the
739s retaliators and blow up the negotiations
743s exactly the retaliators cannot know the
746s coalition was involved that is why we
748s need you
750s i'm not so sure i'm on board with the
752s ethical side of this i don't like the
754s deceit it's not my style
757s always comes at a price it is the only
760s way i can guarantee continued security
762s for my people
764s your pragmatism is terrifying but i can
766s see your reasoning
768s i'm sending you coordinates for the
770s retaliator hq the target houses no
773s civilians do this adam and you could
776s save many lives
778s i'm going to have to think about it
782s excellent so we're getting a lot more
784s information and just as you are all
787s already fairly aware
790s we will be adding authentic voices to
793s the characters
794s in the future
795s you you get to see all the
796s text-to-speech because it's a lot easier
798s to listen as opposed to just read
800s especially if we're in the heat of
801s combat that's why we plug that in for a
803s temporary
804s process through the course of early
806s access
807s but otherwise one other very quick thing
810s i wanted to talk about on these new
813s logos that you get these new decals on
815s the ship with your that you earn through
818s going through the jobs they do have
819s transparency effects that make the color
823s of the
825s ship part
827s shine through it specifically so i want
828s to show you this what i'm talking about
831s we'll get in the sun here
833s so like when we're looking at this
834s particular decal
836s see how it has that fade in the
838s background
839s see that fade that fade is because of
844s this color
845s not because of the color we chose on the
847s decal itself
848s so you could technically have four
850s different colors on a decal if you
852s wanted to with these new options and
854s there's going to be a couple more that
856s have like this faded gradient thing that
858s again the color here on your ship is
861s what's going to apply that just a fun
862s little thing to note
864s so if you're ever like tampering with
866s these new ones and you plugged it in on
867s your ship and you're like using red here
869s and you made it all blue and you're like
870s why does it still have this red color on
872s the back or maybe even starts to look
873s purple that's why all right because that
875s transparency effect applies based on
877s this
878s and not the colors that you're choosing
880s for it
881s really it's me again
883s hold on hold on oof sorry brain freeze
888s too much ice cream excellent listen i
890s could use some more intel what can you
893s tell me about the retaliator gang oh i
896s fought them before
897s nasty bunch
898s their ex-colonial fleet too but their
901s boss is even crazier than alice how so
904s oleg uh balakin this hierarchy guy he
909s claimed an ocean planet and took over
910s the abandoned terraforming structures
912s which he converted into an impenetrable
915s base it was an aquaculture facility of
917s some kind a major film kind of screwed
920s up utopia on the water they got some
923s robotics switches filled the place where
925s they aipoov tracks an admiral balakin
928s himself he's got to be like 100 by now
931s but his body is half android well i
934s think i gotta pay them a visit
937s thanks for the intel alec
940s excellent excellent so i'm already
943s seeing a couple questions uh go ahead
945s and cycling it so let's answer them very
947s quickly and then we'll get right back
948s into the game so the first question
949s comes from bearded frog uh why didn't we
952s get the last new companion in the summer
954s drake update like it was intended to be
955s according to the road map in short
957s because development happened because
959s certain things we decided this has to
961s take priority over these other elements
963s you know in the perfect world every
965s single thing that we say this is going
966s to happen here this is going to happen
968s here that's going to happen here would
969s actually happen right but you know
971s deadlines get pushed back
972s content gets shipped around right like
976s this type of stuff happens so while we
978s did have every intent to have that
980s companion come out with this particular
982s update
982s in short it wasn't ready yet if we would
985s have launched it i don't think you guys
986s would have been happy with the companion
987s you would have been happy with how you
989s obtained them you would have been happy
990s with what they provide and it just
991s wouldn't have been good and
993s you guys don't deserve that we don't
994s want to do that to ourselves so we're
996s going to work on that companion and
998s deliver it when the companion's actually
999s ready
1000s that's really what it comes down to it's
1002s a good question it kind of sucks and i'm
1004s sorry about that but the companion's
1006s still coming don't worry we didn't cut
1008s the companion out of the game
1009s but we want to deliver the companion in
1011s a state that is
1013s deliverable
1014s uh we got two other questions here and
1015s then we're going to get back to the game
1017s both from bill farson the first one is
1018s why isn't there main missions and drake
1021s if they are adding it when will it be
1022s out maine missions and drake will be
1024s coming out likely at 1.00 what
1028s all the way out in 1.0 eric tell me that
1031s isn't true i want more story-driven
1033s content well yes now also remember that
1036s in the spring update a lot of what we
1038s were conveying
1039s is that
1040s we don't want to release any more of the
1042s story from this point we want to
1043s withhold that until the 1.0 release so
1046s that you have a lot to look forward to
1048s and see how things
1050s shape and change in the dmz based on
1052s your interactions with these various
1054s persons and races etc okay so but at the
1057s same time because we're still delivering
1058s an early access product and you want
1060s more more we are of course still making
1062s side missions that you can participate
1063s in through drake like the gang wars as
1066s we are doing right now as well as a slew
1069s of new job types that have shown up i'm
1071s sure you guys have seen that and if you
1072s haven't we'll probably take on some of
1074s those today as well um and
1076s yeah that's that's the big that's the
1078s big reason then the last bit from bill
1080s farson before we get back in how does
1082s commissioner hawk's colonial cruiser
1084s jump from system to system given that it
1086s can't fit into a jump gate she has
1089s uh
1090s that's a good question
1093s uh in short it's going to be that the
1095s colonials have
1097s uh basically like gradient brunch
1099s technology like the warp gate technology
1102s it stems from
1103s the colonial warfront efforts okay a lot
1106s of gmb is basically
1108s uh the
1110s demilitarized aspects of the colonial
1112s fleet after the ocar colonial conflict
1115s right so
1116s in order to navigate the space during
1118s the wars the colonial ships absolutely
1120s had to have every means necessary to
1122s jump around before there were even jump
1125s gates available and they certainly
1126s weren't just exploring all the way
1128s through space to get to a point to build
1130s a jump gate no they were jumping around
1132s left and right as much as they could
1135s also because you know money wasn't a
1136s price for war they were putting as much
1138s into that as possible
1140s but uh now with gmb taking over they're
1143s collecting jump gates making it
1144s accessible for commercial uh freighters
1147s and you know uh
1149s industrial works and all of those types
1151s of things but the war efforts i mean if
1153s a warship needs to get somewhere and
1155s there's not a jump gate it's not going
1157s to be stopped
1158s it doesn't need to travel through that
1160s so yeah
1162s those are your three quick responses on
1164s that front and now back to the game
1169s so we have to head over to the i think
1171s it's the retaliators that where we're
1172s going next
1174s and we gotta do some bomb stuff
1181s yeah
1183s also music
1187s you guys said you wanted some beat
1188s boxing too so maybe we can do something
1190s with this
1204s [Music]
1210s [Music]
1215s next
1221s there you go
1231s i think it's this part right here
1241s [Music]
1246s oh above my mouse
1264s oh yeah
1265s so some of you may have noticed but the
1267s music changed
1269s i don't know why
1272s i like the old one i also like this one
1275s i hope you guys do too
1277s some decision was made and i wasn't
1278s aware of but i dig it
1280s [Music]
1284s all right
1286s so i'm gonna i see one really long uh
1288s message and i'm gonna answer it real
1290s briefly because it's about saves and i
1292s think this is important i think this is
1294s important uh so the question in short is
1297s um
1298s makes sense to start a new save game
1300s uh let's see
1303s uh current gear and chain stats really
1305s make a difficult thing at the moment yep
1307s uh
1308s time is so precious then when i still
1309s like to simply explore places so how was
1311s your experience did you start with a
1312s fresh save game or did you continue i
1314s think it's a great community question
1316s over on twitch i think you should all
1318s let our good man woken form know if you
1321s guys decided to start a fresh save or if
1323s you continued where you left off and
1326s what that did for your particular
1328s experience based on what we've seen on
1330s the forums like it is night and day when
1332s somebody has a suggestion with where
1334s they're at to sit to like know like if
1337s they were starting fresh in this new
1339s update or if they were continuing where
1341s they left off like the discrepancy
1343s between those two is actually a bit
1345s larger than you might think and i'm
1347s really particularly curious where you
1350s guys have been specifically over on
1352s twitch you guys should definitely answer
1353s that comment now if you guys want to
1355s start that discussion on youtube as well
1357s by all means but that's where the
1358s conversation's happening could be fun
1361s all right
1362s let's get into gilbert enabled based on
1364s the retaliator hq
1366s this place is quite something to behold
1368s i'm going in
1370s this location is extremely well defended
1373s be prepared for serious resistance
1376s i wouldn't expect anything less
1378s we've managed to steer the zerelia bomb
1380s drone to an unused access shaft half
1383s underwater once you reach it you'll need
1386s to find a way inside
1387s i'm taking your word that there are no
1389s sieves down here
1391s i promise you this is merely a strategic
1393s target
1396s how many of you guys have been exploring
1397s underwater
1399s have you found anything
1402s yet
1407s all right
1408s so i just wanted to kind of go
1409s underneath water because i didn't want
1410s to provoke any fighters yet
1413s i just want to get here somewhat safely
1421s up you see that
1423s you see that
1433s whoop whoop pressure warning
1435s too deep
1436s too deep
1440s all right
1447s is it possible to continue a save game
1450s when the game releases
1451s ah
1452s no we don't want it to be possible
1455s that would create a lot of issues for
1457s you and uh i don't think you deserve
1459s that
1462s all right here we are
1468s you have five seconds to turn around or
1470s it's time to drown whoa
1472s i don't like either of those choices
1475s is there an option c
1477s there's our bomb drone
1479s now i just have to figure out how to
1481s open that door
1488s i see some individuals are talking about
1490s more effects and details and stuff
1492s pertaining to like locations like
1494s underwater and stuff yeah no we totally
1496s agree
1497s i think that through the course of the
1499s stream you might see that there have
1500s been a couple of other like little added
1503s effects for certain things like for
1504s example let's turn our lights off
1512s do you hear that there must be an energy
1515s source that is powering the door
1517s if you can find it perhaps you can
1519s deactivate it
1522s simple little details like that don't
1524s you worry we got you all right so now we
1527s have to open this door
1529s follow the cables
1532s follow follow the cables
1536s might be a generator behind that panel
1538s just need to find a way to take it out
1541s ah okay yes
1548s let's get some gas tanks out of this gas
1551s tanks
1552s these cannot be ignited underwater
1554s neither can you shoot them ah shame
1562s all right so now we gotta grab these
1569s all right nice little alignment see if
1571s we can get them both in one shot
1573s that should have done something awesome
1575s let's get back to the drone and see if
1577s the doors open
1581s [Music]
1583s beautiful i am on the road
1585s it is open
1587s i would not celebrate yet
1589s my sensors indicate the access hatch is
1591s filled with traps and explosives
1594s yeah i should take care of those before
1596s sending our drone in
1601s all right so now it's time to explore
1605s this site so that when we send this
1607s thing in it doesn't just explode
1612s oh yeah i forgot you have to manually do
1613s this
1615s there's a reason why we did that too
1617s because you actually have to we want you
1618s to have to navigate
1621s instead of just
1622s all guns blazing
1632s so this this little mission uh
1635s you know we had a we had a lot of back
1637s and forth internally and and figuring
1639s out what we needed to do with this
1641s uh to make sure it wasn't too hard or
1642s too easy
1644s oh you were just we're pretty happy with
1646s uh
1647s where it's currently at most assuredly
1648s not
1651s another door
1652s it should come as no surprise that this
1654s facility was not designed to welcome
1657s strangers like yourself with open arms
1660s well if there's a door there's also a
1662s way to open it
1666s so as you can
1667s see i'm trying to sneak our way in we
1670s have to do that with our drone here
1675s uh-oh whoop
1679s to find a pathway in
1681s to open this door
1682s look at that
1688s success
1691s oh yeah when's the last time you ever
1694s opened a door smarty pants
1697s no comment
1701s excellent so we got ourselves a jager
1703s and a cloak field generator oh
1706s don't mind if i do
1719s yes
1727s nice little progress through the station
1730s all right
1744s so as you are leading your little bomb
1747s dispenser
1748s through this you can probably tell you
1750s don't want it to explode
1753s so there's a little bit of
1755s taking care of the path in front of you
1757s that needs to be handled
1758s for this side mission chain
1765s there we go excellent now we can bring
1766s that bomb forward oh
1768s maybe not quite yet
1771s i got some turrets and i think i heard
1775s i think i heard something else in there
1776s too
1778s oh i want our shields at max but this is
1780s okay
1783s ah it's on the other side of that shield
1785s all right
1797s excellent
1799s all right
1803s now we can go ahead and swim forward
1805s just didn't want to get blown away by
1807s those turrets that would have been sad
1811s and at any point in time we could
1812s technically stop this as well since like
1814s you see something ahead you're like oh
1816s crap you just stop it oh excuse me
1819s you're supposed to keep going i didn't
1820s tell you to stop i
1832s our spice have identified four nodes in
1835s total bombing them simultaneously will
1837s disable their war infrastructure and set
1840s them back for some time
1843s first one set up three to go
1848s excellent all right so we're going to
1849s keep moving forward since we've opened
1851s the way
1852s a bit at least
1854s uh we haven't
1855s gone through here yet
1857s around my deck like a little round
1860s nope just inspecting some cable routine
1863s maintenance calm situation normal
1867s this is admiral
1868s i do not take kylie to intruders
1870s i will find you down there
1872s and i will exterminate you
1874s yeah that's not gonna happen
1877s but look if you would set fantasy aside
1879s for a moment you might want to think
1881s about evacuating this place
1884s it's about to get real hot
1886s real hot are you one of zelda's men if
1888s that bastard sends you to piss in my end
1890s of the pool people suffer for it
1893s uh yeah
1894s that's me
1895s zealous little helper but again nothing
1898s personal so you might want to gather up
1900s some things and paddle yourselves
1902s upstream
1903s you're the one who will be swimming for
1905s fishes very same little rat
1907s well don't say i didn't try to warn you
1910s by now
1912s he seemed nice
1914s so many puns
1916s so many puns
1918s all right
1919s so we're just kind of like making
1920s progress you guys keep asking questions
1922s and i'm happy to answer them
1933s so let's see what else we got
1935s how many atmospheres can it handle it's
1938s specifically a spaceship so about one
1939s yeah technically
1941s um
1942s yeah
1943s i think that if we wanted to like
1945s evaluate what a spaceship could handle
1947s in regards to like pressure and
1949s temperature and you know all that fun
1950s stuff we could get like in like
1953s incredibly pedantic
1955s responses here like hyper accuracy and i
1958s do want to remind you all that this is a
1960s video game we want you to have fun and
1963s there are restrictions in place in order
1964s for you to focus in on said fun for
1967s example if we just let you go through
1970s like all of the planets water territory
1974s um you're probably going to be bored out
1976s of your mind uh so yeah we restrict that
1980s access by the pressure warning stuff
1982s like that absolutely uh eric what do you
1984s think of making your ship shoot out jets
1986s of water from the thrusters to propel
1987s the ship underwater instead of using
1988s conventional thrusters i think that's
1990s actually what we started out with and it
1992s didn't look very fun
1994s it didn't look very good so i think we
1995s changed it um but
1998s no i i do think that there will be
2001s let me rephrase that there will
2003s absolutely be more aesthetic touch-ups
2006s and tweaks for how the ship operates um
2009s much like how you know we have new
2012s freaking wings
2014s for the ship as we're going into like
2015s tier three now right um we're adding a
2018s lot more features and like doodads and
2020s trinkets and uh gizmos and whatsits
2024s oh my gosh it's starting to sound like
2025s we're going into willy wonka's chocolate
2026s factory or something but
2028s you get the point you get the point
2030s so yeah there will constantly be
2032s refinement of that uh and underwater i
2035s know is the point that we are continuing
2037s to develop
2038s so how deep can the player dive in
2040s meters before taking damage i have no
2041s freaking clue we just want you in the
2043s game
2044s area to do the things uh thank you for
2046s that question excelsior uh will all the
2048s systems left uh be used for the 1.0
2051s update or later on uh all the systems
2053s left
2055s oh you mean like
2057s like these locations and stuff
2059s uh probably
2061s we might have more to show and talk
2064s about in the fall but i'm not 100 sure i
2067s would assume that we won't
2070s for two reasons one we haven't made any
2071s claims that we would uh and two because
2074s i have seen what we've been working on
2077s right now
2079s uh and yeah systems are
2082s cool and awesome and fantastic uh but
2084s yeah these there are a lot of other
2086s priorities to ring together to make the
2088s gameplay experience priority first right
2091s uh and then the last but not least
2092s question uh from because that last one
2095s was from
2097s snippet
2098s stim beta snap so thank you for that
2100s from youtube and then our last one comes
2101s from kazaa for the moment how the team
2103s feel about the current difficulty of the
2105s israelia
2106s retaliator enemies um that took a lot of
2109s ironing out and we got to see a lot of
2111s your feedback uh through the course of
2113s the experimental over the course like
2114s that last week right um so we're pretty
2118s happy with it now there's still a couple
2120s kinks that we got to work out um we do
2122s know that there was a uh issue with the
2125s zurelia bombers being a little bit too
2127s powerful so i know that one's gonna get
2129s tweaked
2131s there were a couple other issues that we
2133s found um kind of like uh i don't know
2136s because uh maybe you're familiar with it
2137s like a parting gift a mine that you get
2140s from say teleporting was doing just a
2143s little bit too much
2145s of course that's not retaliations
2147s earlier elaine but i digress there's
2149s still lots of tweaks and whatnot that we
2151s we have been finding you guys have been
2153s finding uh so we'll be uh
2155s on the constant hunt for improving those
2158s qualities and features
2161s all right let's go through this bit and
2163s find
2164s another
2165s way
2186s excellent
2187s excellent
2194s that was close that almost threw us back
2196s into the first chamber
2197s that'd been silly
2201s all right
2203s easy does it
2205s slow and steady wins the race
2210s watch the suck yeah basically
2212s basically accurate all right get these
2215s retaliator drones out of here
2217s wonderful
2220s do a quick check and ensure that there's
2222s nothing else down this corridor
2227s i am so glad our shield is incredibly
2230s strong
2231s but look at that the saginaw shield
2233s breaks we're basically dead
2239s so
2244s ouch
2249s one must be very careful in these parts
2252s i think we got them all and if we didn't
2254s uh you'll know because i'll just explode
2258s all right
2260s much better
2263s let's get this uh
2265s bomb drone in working order
2270s ain't your rift spots enemies space well
2273s uh so yeah this this fall update that
2275s we're already starting to work on kind
2277s of
2278s i say kind of because we're still acting
2280s in all sincerity we're still tweaking a
2282s lot of the stuff that we released with
2284s the summer update uh because we just
2286s have recognized a number of things you
2288s guys recognized a number of things and
2290s we just want to make it better um
2293s so yeah there's still a bit of that
2296s but otherwise yeah i mean
2299s the fall update it's
2300s it's already growing closer only one
2303s left
2307s and there are fun times to be had on
2308s that front okay so
2312s don't you love the neon look that i put
2315s on this ship it looks even better that's
2317s burning it's literally burning
2324s don't worry i'm a professional oh my
2326s gosh all right anyway
2330s let's just bring this forward what could
2332s possibly go wrong
2334s looks like tron yeah it's kind of got
2336s some tron vibes
2338s ah that's a good point
2341s all right here we go let's take a dip
2343s you are approaching a flooded section
2345s stop abandoned i do not know what might
2348s be waiting for us down here and you know
2350s your weapons are non-functional
2352s underwater
2354s right
2355s thanks for the pep talk
2358s very good very good
2361s fantastic
2367s are there bubbles coming out of the
2368s engines anymore i know that we had that
2370s at a time
2372s did we remove that
2378s i i say that like you guys know i'm i'm
2380s kind of asking my co-workers
2383s we had like this general bubble effect
2385s at first
2387s um and i think it was either like too
2389s much or it was weird or something i
2390s can't even remember
2392s there was a reason we removed it
2394s but not probably permanently we just uh
2397s need to make sure the interactions that
2399s um
2400s we establish in the game they look
2402s proper and it feels good
2405s and uh as it stood it didn't
2412s all right
2413s so we need to go around this corner to
2414s get out of the water you're still moving
2416s right
2417s yes
2419s good
2430s ah yes the last one
2440s i think we need to get the bomb
2442s dispenser here first there we go
2446s excellent
2448s it's been a while since i did this
2450s mission
2458s bubbles fade away after diving as they
2459s supposed to
2461s okay
2462s i feel like
2463s all right that's fine
2468s oh i need to grab the bomb hat
2470s beautiful
2474s hell just happened
2476s it seems the exit door has been shut
2478s behind us oh i told you we would find
2480s you little rat how does it feel to be
2483s trapped inside with your own boss
2485s let's see how badly you really want to
2486s set those bones off enough that you'll
2488s go with them
2490s he makes a good point perhaps we should
2492s not signal the coalition to trigger the
2494s bombs
2495s we can find another way out of here
2498s there is a bulkhead door i believe its
2501s molecular structure has been weakened by
2503s years of salt water erosion
2505s on it
2518s wonderful
2527s what the hell are those
2529s things of some kind
2531s they are scattered
2533s scanning for one
2541s then we better not let them find the
2543s damn things
2558s we have a little defense mission here
2591s i
2605s i guess
2612s let's uh grab this content
2616s then we're gonna hide underwater
2621s or we'll just get out
2638s [Music]
2640s did you make it out in one piece
2643s amazingly yes and it seems like old
2646s balikin took the bait
2647s more than anticipated we're intercepting
2650s their comms and there are some fireworks
2652s i urge you to pay us another visit at hq
2655s you surely don't want to miss this i'll
2658s be there
2661s wonderful so now we can head back over
2664s ooh new decal for the retaliators
2669s need to head back to lethal starport
2673s delightful
2682s uh there's no change in ship speed and
2684s no water effects that will change later
2686s um i believe when getting submerged
2688s there is a subtle change to how the ship
2690s moves
2692s at least very first
2694s when it's going into the water
2697s because i know that i could definitely
2698s feel it in the play testing
2702s but for the most part what i will also
2703s say though is ossuary i believe is your
2706s username over on twitch is that we want
2708s to make sure
2710s that the vast majority of the game being
2712s played is not in a way where it's like
2715s you have to
2716s learn how to
2719s use the environments differently we want
2721s all locations to be felt pretty
2723s similarly so that overall the movement
2726s of your ship is consistent with what
2728s your play style is like if you do a
2730s light ship you're going to have a lot of
2732s free range moment regardless of what the
2734s environment is
2735s if you're a heavier ship you're going to
2736s have a greater impact on
2738s like your inertia stuff like that
2741s um it's also why like in atmo locations
2744s don't have a difference in how you're
2746s playing versus when you're in space we
2748s want that to be consistent
2751s so to my understanding we also want
2753s underwater to be pretty consistent to
2756s that as well
2758s but you will feel the change going from
2761s the atmosphere into the water
2767s all right let's answer a couple more
2769s questions someone said the rain doesn't
2770s seem to hit the ship does it um it does
2772s if you're in cockpit mode you can see it
2774s generate on the the cockpit and also
2776s when you're in third person you can
2777s actually see the spots hit your
2780s viewing camera you know your
2782s your monitor if you will
2785s but yeah
2786s uh when will the actual voice recordings
2787s be available um per usual update fashion
2791s it tends to be
2792s the
2793s next update after provides a lot of the
2796s vocal
2797s uh performances
2799s though i also know that
2802s that can get a little bit costly right
2804s because what we're doing is we're having
2805s you know thousands of lines of text that
2808s need to be read by a voice actor right
2810s and when we do that in these small
2813s pockets where it's like oh we do an
2814s update do these voice lines for us okay
2816s thanks bye and then you know another
2818s three four months rolls around hey we
2820s have these more lines for you do these
2821s okay thanks bye that's gonna be far more
2824s expensive than if we bring a big old
2826s handful of voice lines and say hey do
2828s these voices for us we gather all of
2830s that at once okay thanks bye it's a more
2833s cost-effective way to utilize the money
2835s that you guys gave us
2837s this is your money that you gave us
2839s supporting our game like we want to make
2841s sure that we're using that fruitfully we
2843s want to make sure that we're using that
2844s uh effectively and it wouldn't make
2847s sense for us to like every time we get a
2849s small update here or a small update
2851s there or a number of voice lines to just
2853s be like okay well let's go to the voice
2854s actors pay them the big bucks for doing
2856s just a couple of lines and then be on
2858s our way so we will wait to do that
2860s at a very cost effective time could be
2863s the next update it could also be until
2865s the 1.0 release itself michael might
2868s have a little bit more information to
2870s share on when that will specifically
2871s happen but just know we want to do so
2874s utilizing your funding effectively and
2877s fruitfully
2880s uh okay cool
2883s uh reflective effects such as bubbles
2886s trail heat and such didn't seem to be
2888s any visible refraction photos uh is
2890s there a bugger meant to be
2891s the safe performance for such in the uh
2894s photo mode okay i see i see
2897s from the crispy muffin uh yeah so i'm
2899s not really sure how much more is coming
2901s to the photo mode in regards to like
2903s being underwater i would have to
2904s completely defer that to
2906s uh
2908s uh another individual on the team i
2910s legitimately have no idea um but what i
2912s will do is i'll write that one down
2915s and i'll see what else is coming on that
2918s front since we do like our photo mode
2920s and it's pretty clear that you guys do
2922s too uh with the number of screenshots
2924s we'll be going through at the end of the
2925s stream especially and we would like to
2927s make as many of those pretty looking
2929s shots as possible
2931s and those those details are important
2932s those details are important so much like
2934s i've said already like you know the
2936s bubbles that we were able to see um as
2939s you're
2941s diving into the water like should there
2943s also be bubbles when fire hits the water
2946s underneath and you know or plasma or
2948s whatever's coming out of the jets uh you
2950s know whatever um should that be
2953s happening maybe will we plug it in maybe
2957s it's it's really hard to say at this
2959s point in time but we want it to look
2960s good that i can assure you so we'll see
2963s what we can do
2964s we will see time will tell
2969s i see a couple more questions about like
2971s tweaking rendered visuals regarding
2973s raining floating ice etc when you go
2975s into photo mode um
2977s man that that all kind of like it all
2980s kind of goes into the same sort of
2981s question uh that's from kazaa as well so
2984s we'll just have to see
2986s we will just have to see time will tell
2987s on that front um but i will be poking my
2990s teammates after the stream especially
2992s and maybe i'll have some responses for
2994s the discord or like frequently asked
2997s questions channel and the forums stuff
2998s like that
3000s or maybe if they're listening intently
3004s they'll even respond in the chat itself
3009s i know michael's been president he's
3010s he's always awesome our ceo ladies and
3012s gentlemen what a pleasure
3014s um
3015s speaking of michael he says we're adding
3017s voice acting every other update to make
3019s voice recording worthwhile since there's
3022s only one more update before 1.0 uh we're
3024s probably won't add any more voice acting
3027s with the latest early access update so
3029s that is straight from the big basketball
3032s big big bad boss man himself whoo
3037s excellent
3039s excellent
3041s and then the last question i have for
3042s the moment comes from bill farson once
3045s again lots lots of questions from bill
3047s on youtube uh thanks for that that's
3048s great by the way many cool characters
3050s from everest space one have made it into
3052s everspace too like our beloved ellick
3053s and also tyrion while other characters
3055s like throng and maurice do the same i
3057s sure would hope so i sure would hope so
3059s this also goes in the same question
3061s where we have people saying man i super
3064s wish that x weapon would make its return
3066s in everspace too and i sure hope so
3069s i do like the hard work that we put into
3072s everspace one and we establish like this
3074s world building and where things came
3076s from and how that has shaped and changed
3078s through the events of aerospace one into
3079s everspace too we'd like to bring back as
3082s much of that as possible
3083s the question is are we able to
3088s and that's a great question for us to
3090s ask ourselves based on the deadlines
3092s that we have and the content that we
3094s want to ensure that we hit from a
3096s gameplay perspective you know now we're
3098s also adding into those factors of
3100s narrative and story based uh gameplay
3102s components
3104s it can get pretty crazy right it can get
3106s pretty crazy
3107s but sincerely the long and the short of
3109s it is
3110s time
3111s is going to reveal just how much we're
3113s able to bring in because if we could
3115s have our way we'd bring back every
3117s single reference every single weapon
3119s every single device consumable character
3122s everything and just make everspace 2
3124s just
3125s every space one but more right like
3127s that's what we would want to do that's
3129s what we would want to do
3131s so we will see also note that we have
3133s mentioned that we will be making a dlc
3136s so maybe there's also room in that to
3138s include more references and and
3140s characters and items and stuff like that
3142s uh based on our deadlines and timelines
3144s and whatnot
3145s cool
3146s all right
3148s commander
3150s adam roslin i'm glad you came
3153s i generally like to finish what i
3155s started has the ruse worked
3158s better than i could have hoped the two
3160s gangs are about to engage in all-out
3162s battle for supremacy i hope it's worth
3165s it i assume you have a backup plan in
3167s place for when they start talking
3170s i assure you that will never happen
3172s their hatred is too great to bend to
3174s reason
3175s that sounds more like overconfidence
3177s than wisdom
3179s you do not know me well enough to take
3181s such an informal tone yeah that tone
3183s yeah maybe but if any of them stop
3186s shooting long enough to ask questions
3188s it'll lead right back to the coalition
3191s and what will you do then
3192s there are perhaps precautions we could
3195s take if it's not too late
3198s and by we i suppose you mean me
3200s you said you wanted to finish what you
3202s started it would mean flying almost
3205s directly into the middle of their battle
3207s and just hoping not to be seen
3210s sounds suicidal what's the goal
3213s there's a long range comms network in
3215s the sector left over from the war if you
3218s jam their transmissions they won't be
3220s able to get word out about the deception
3222s or put two and two together
3225s okay but i'd have to jam every single
3228s radio dish manually right not an easy
3231s play
3232s it's my fault for not thinking of this
3234s sooner i can't ask more of you adam
3237s rosalind strom but if i do nothing the
3239s station could end up in even more danger
3242s than before i put these events in motion
3244s also true please adam for the sake of
3246s the children
3248s i can't say i fully agree with your way
3250s of doing things or using alex kids to
3253s pull my heart strings
3254s but we are dealing with lunatics here
3259s all right so uh we'll answer a couple
3261s more questions uh with this story
3263s driving forward it's exciting i know and
3265s our ship looks busted up actually let's
3267s just let's repair that real quick oh
3269s that shine
3271s it's brand new oh i love it
3274s i love it all right so let's answer a
3276s couple more questions one is a really
3278s important question and i have seen it
3280s kind of hovering a lot and i'd really
3282s like to give everybody some details on
3284s it um first
3286s umia umi from twitch asks the diffuse
3289s drones have the same hp slash tank as a
3292s capital ship turret in the corridor door
3295s will that change later on as it seems
3296s weird and breaks immersion um i'm not
3298s sure how much that's breaking immersion
3300s for you specifically but rest assured we
3303s are constantly refining and shaping and
3306s changing values of certain types of
3309s enemies or what enemies grant with xp or
3312s how much they fill up a boss meter or x
3314s y and z
3316s there's a lot that's still getting
3317s shaped and changed on that front
3318s considering that we just went through
3320s the experimental of the drake system uh
3322s like two weeks ago and we are this is
3325s week one of this particular update i'm
3328s sure we're going to see a lot more
3329s community elements uh brought to the
3331s table that
3333s invoke proper meaningful change on our
3335s front and uh yeah that could potentially
3338s be one of those things if you guys have
3339s suggestions by the way i'm already
3340s starting to see
3342s uh the discussions like people are going
3344s oh i've got an idea oh i've got a
3345s suggestion i got this that i got that is
3347s awesome sincerely i love it but please
3350s keep in mind the course of these streams
3352s i am answering questions yes but it's
3354s not really a place for us to discuss
3357s those ideas and those suggestions and
3358s whatnot in fact that would kind of like
3360s sideline the stream a bit with the focal
3362s points that we have and what we're
3363s trying to cover so i highly encourage
3365s you to take your ideas and your
3367s suggestions and either consolidate them
3370s in a way to have a discussion with other
3371s people in the channel or take them over
3374s to the steam forums that's gonna be the
3376s best place forever because you drop it
3378s in there it's not gonna get lost other
3380s people can join that front discuss it
3382s that's where we catalog all of those
3384s ideas and suggestions that could
3386s potentially aid us in the future
3388s but yeah just note that i'm not really
3390s gonna be
3390s commenting towards those ideas and
3393s suggestions you have in the chat itself
3395s i'm gonna be answering questions
3397s uh
3398s cool all right this was an important
3400s question i just feel like it really
3401s really needs to be addressed and then
3403s we're to get into some really cool
3404s combat bearded frog asks will there ever
3407s be tweaks to the sensors to allow them
3410s to discover puzzle objectives better the
3413s range is terrible and it often means you
3414s have to use photo mode to find stuff i
3417s don't think that it means you have to
3418s use photo mode but i understand why you
3420s would particularly do that especially if
3422s you're a completionist who can't stand
3424s that you have 95 percent unlocked
3426s whereas the heck is that last thing i
3427s have to find it i get it i totally do
3429s i'm a completionist myself sincerely um
3433s but do know that internally we have been
3436s talking about that we've been kind of
3438s crunching our numbers and saying okay
3440s well does this feel good does this feel
3442s right or does it feel like a burden is
3444s this hindering players ability to move
3447s forward in their experience and i can
3450s tell you that
3451s we have an idea as to what we are going
3453s to do on this front pertaining to
3455s completionists out there um it may or
3457s may not be a big change all right um and
3461s as of right now like there's still more
3463s discussion that has to go around it but
3464s just know very much so we are discussing
3467s this we do think that this is important
3470s to iron out um and even if we don't
3473s necessarily think it's an issue
3476s which we don't i'm being clear here
3478s being super clear we don't really think
3480s that this is an issue we do see how it
3482s can become one for certain types of
3485s players and if we can alleviate that
3488s we will
3489s we will so
3490s we'll see
3492s if there is something that we can do on
3494s that front
3497s to alleviate
3498s that 100 completion stress that anxiety
3502s that you have about not having a
3505s location
3506s finalized all right
3508s so uh cool
3512s what a fun little question that was
3514s wasn't it
3515s okay yeah and uh gigabyte is cataloging
3518s all of your questions like a madman so
3520s uh you guys if i don't answer your
3522s question
3522s immediately just know that i am
3525s backtracking to that just in case uh
3527s thanks geekbite by the way for doing
3528s that because seriously it's amazing
3531s all right so now we're on to the next
3533s part of the
3534s gang wars
3536s we gotta go pay another visit to uh
3539s what's where's it
3540s that's right the crimper belt
3547s i think our build's pretty successful uh
3549s so far by the way i think that drone
3551s defense you didn't get to see oh what am
3554s i doing i need a super light
3556s the uh i think the drone mission because
3559s everything wasn't consolidated it was
3560s like scattered that made our build a bit
3562s harder to bring together but
3564s rest assured
3566s uh it's been pretty effective i love how
3568s strong our shield is that's like the
3570s bread and butter of this particular
3571s build and i think that is working
3574s particularly well
3577s 268k money you are a rich man well i
3579s mean considering where we're at in the
3581s game and the story and all that that
3583s type of stuff i don't think it's too
3584s much it's certainly a lot more than
3586s geekbite had last week
3591s ah
3592s i'm so sorry i really am
3599s oh goodness
3610s zero i had big fat zero money all right
3612s i know
3615s it was not intended it really wasn't
3618s oh yeah i guess
3621s it goes to show how much you can prep
3623s and plan and prepare for and still
3625s there's like the dumbest stuff that
3627s sneaks said we got this massive update
3629s everything's great everything's
3630s wonderful it's super cool and then
3631s somebody's like oh yeah you know your
3633s photo mode i can exploit that and do
3635s ridiculous things to your weaponry
3638s thanks for that
3644s all right cutscene time
3648s i see them looks like they're just
3651s approaching
3659s those are quite big fleets
3664s and there are presumably even more units
3666s waiting outside the perimeter
3676s i have located the long range dishes
3678s commander ming yun spoke of there are
3681s four in this sector
3683s good
3684s mark the coordinates for me
3686s i just need to watch out that no one
3688s sees me
3691s all right
3696s gosh i don't know about you guys but
3697s like i really missed these ice asteroid
3700s fields like this was something that i
3702s really enjoyed from everspace one
3705s like when we started working on
3706s everspace 2 it took you need to get
3708s close enough for me to upload a wideband
3710s frequency
3712s it just took so long for us to get to
3714s this point and it's just like man i love
3716s the ice asteroids what are they coming
3718s back and
3719s how it's the little things i love i love
3721s it so much should you wish to listen in
3723s to live calms from the battle
3725s sure that should be entertaining
3730s all going to die for what you have done
3733s it's only you fools who died today you
3735s deranged murmur
3737s i was willing to let the past lie but
3738s you just couldn't resist taking a cheap
3740s shot
3741s just keep telling yourself that right to
3744s your grave
3749s all right let's get another one of these
3751s terminal onlines
3756s you get that jammer uploading
3758s yes
3759s and i am continuing to tap their lines
3764s your losses are becoming unsustainable
3767s so are yours admiral
3769s maybe you should have thought twice
3770s before throwing your bombs away
3773s i've never thought twice about anything
3779s oh whoops over here
3787s we're trying to read chat and activate
3789s these terminals
3794s you should tell your forces to just give
3796s up already
3797s you're the one to talk
3799s spare your men additional losses and
3801s surrender
3802s never especially not to someone who
3805s steals our tech
3806s as if i would ever dream of acquiring
3808s your ill-begotten ordinance here with
3810s the lies again it really is getting
3812s pathetic i know it was your people
3815s it is your people who lie you wouldn't
3817s know truth if it hit you in the face
3820s hive i don't like the direction this
3822s conversation is going straight need to
3825s get that last dish jammed fast
3830s this conversation reminds me of the
3831s struggles i had with my brothers growing
3833s up
3836s last one down
3840s enough of this charade just admit your
3842s snake in the grass attack and let's end
3844s this
3845s i'm telling you we didn't attack
3847s damn it hi
3849s how are they still talking
3851s there appears to be one last calms dish
3853s but it's too low power i cannot locate
3856s it scanning oh scan faster
3860s come on zealous i know it was you your
3862s signature bombs were planted all over
3864s our base
3868s are you kidding me why the hell would we
3870s steal your bombs to bomb ourselves
3872s something's not right i'm starting to
3874s think we've been duped oh but who
3878s cease fire everyone scrap i think we're
3882s screwed
3883s hey boss i'm picking up a boogie he's
3886s been watching us this whole time oh well
3889s admiral what do you say we give them a
3891s warm welcome
3893s attack
3896s this could be a sticky situation here
3904s here we go
3908s what the hell are you playing it
3911s just making sure none won't leave you
3913s alive
3928s good good good damage output
3939s now
3953s all right shields are still up max oh i
3956s don't know how much more of this the
3957s ship can take
3963s all forces cease fire or prepare to be
3965s eliminated
3969s i had a change of heart it would be
3971s wrong to abandon you after what you have
3973s done for us
3975s if i cannot save your life how can i
3977s guarantee the lives of my people
3980s well your change of heart saved my ass
3982s just in time we were fine the coalition
3986s young you were behind all this
3988s you tried to deceive us
3994s that's cold enough
4020s to maintain what little sanity i have
4022s left i stopped asking such questions a
4024s long time ago
4027s oh my gosh
4039s oh yeah we're keeping a very consistent
4041s full shield i'm very pleased with this
4043s build
4044s very pleased with this build
4048s we are playing on very hard right like
4050s i'm not oh my gosh
4054s what
4055s what
4057s what is that i felt like things were a
4059s little easy
4061s oh what is this nonsense
4064s what is this nonsense all right
4067s okay
4068s i was like looking at that coalition bar
4070s not moving at all
4074s should definitely be moving
4078s oh man i do we start the stream over is
4081s that what we do we do that
4083s do we start
4085s what
4087s how dare how dare i
4090s that's that's on me guys that's
4091s completely my bench
4093s oh well
4095s look at me all talking about how oh no
4098s very hard work dirt been playing a
4099s normal the whole time wow
4102s all right all right okay
4107s look at this guy oh my goodness
4113s still getting our shields matched good
4115s good
4117s at least the build is coming together
4118s all right that's nice
4122s all right
4127s now we did have some discussions about
4128s the xeria drones and i believe um they
4131s are actually one element that's gonna
4133s get modified either through a hotfix or
4135s just to the next update
4137s um because they're actually a little bit
4139s too beefy
4140s they are actually a little too hard
4143s just a little bit
4150s hold still
4152s thank you
4162s pardon me coalition
4164s excellent
4170s i will have a little bit more to show
4171s you in regards to these battles though
4178s this is all your fault zealous there was
4180s no part of me that ever trusted you
4182s that's all this fiasco has doing don't
4184s call me in the future
4187s i've lost too many fighters this would
4189s never have happened without you balakin
4192s amounted here
4194s commander both zelis and balakon have
4196s escaped
4198s let them go their forces are diminished
4200s their peace pact is dead and they have
4202s been reminded of the coalition's
4204s strength it won't bother us again
4207s damn we actually did it
4210s you did it adam rosslyn none of this
4212s could have happened without you or easy
4214s mode i'm still not sure if there could
4217s have been a better way
4218s it was dirty work but necessary tell
4221s elix that his children will forever have
4223s a special place with us and that he is
4226s welcome to pay
4227s us a visit his past indiscretions are
4230s forgotten
4231s he'll be very happy to hear that
4234s travel safe
4236s excellent so we've completed the gang
4239s wars
4241s you guys got to see the conclusion of
4243s how everything kind of gets
4246s wrought together but we also see that
4248s the bosses of both factions are let go
4252s they are still out and about doing their
4254s things which is important to the other
4256s events that take place inside of the
4258s drake system itself
4260s which is now what i would like to show
4261s you next
4263s i think let me double check my notes
4265s because i think there's also something
4266s else that i might be able to sneak in
4268s here
4270s i did show you the device masteries can
4271s be previewed which is a really cool new
4273s thing um we also changed here let me i
4277s don't i don't think this was in the
4278s hotfix i don't think it was
4280s um but downtime warrior you can actually
4283s see now weapons require 15
4286s less energy that used to be 25
4289s so either this was added in the hotfix
4291s or this is going to be something we add
4293s in the future um
4294s but yeah 25 less energy for each device
4297s on cooldown at tier 3 ships when you can
4299s shoot four devices down to where you
4302s effectively have completely free energy
4305s we were seeing some unfortunate exploits
4307s through that
4308s so
4309s you can still do that like you can still
4312s have a very
4313s nice 60
4315s reduced energy cost for your weapons by
4318s having all four devices on cooldown
4320s which is massive uh it's just not going
4322s to be where you can i don't know say
4325s fire a pulse laser on a gun ship for 12
4329s days straight
4330s uh doing an absolute absurd amount of
4333s damage
4334s based on the added hardpoints and uh
4336s overarching powers of the pulse laser
4339s because of its high energy cost so uh
4342s yeah there's that uh and then there were
4344s also a couple other little tweaks and
4345s whatnot that are likely gonna show up
4348s soon yeah this zone the zarelia drone
4350s damage is gonna be reduced
4352s um and we're also gonna be buffing the
4354s retaliator units so kind of hey you know
4356s i guess you could say it was a little
4357s too hot we gotta cool things off
4365s wait wait wait for it i know i've got
4367s this somewhere
4371s timed oh my gosh anyway um so that's
4374s that and then there's uh some other
4376s things uh too but we'll cover that uh
4379s probably in the future
4380s so yeah fun fun times fun times so now
4383s what we want to do is we're going to fly
4384s around we want to explore some drake
4387s if you guys haven't done this yet you've
4389s got an opportunity to do so yeah there's
4391s a lot of really cool really fun places
4393s to go um and just like the little
4396s secrets and nuances that they hold too
4398s uh are just they're pleasant we're gonna
4400s go over here because this is one that
4401s you've probably seen in the trailers uh
4403s there's some cool stuff to find
4405s underwater
4406s which
4408s should i reveal at all i don't know but
4410s we can definitely look at some stuff and
4412s we'll also have to do a couple unknown
4413s signals here and there because there can
4414s be fun things going on inside of them
4417s too
4421s [Music]
4428s all right so here we just have oh it's a
4430s standard
4431s standard battle going on we just have
4433s some retaliators
4435s we got some coalition in the background
4437s i see
4439s oh blueprint nice
4446s man my aim is absolutely garbage right
4449s now here let's uh focus on this bomber
4451s and get him
4453s going with some corrosion damage
4458s that way we don't even have to worry
4459s about his shields
4469s much better
4470s much better oh yes
4476s enemies happen to be way easier when
4478s they can't you know damage you at all
4486s all right we got uh more retaliators
4488s fighting the coalition i think they'll
4490s be fine let's just keep going
4492s they'll be they'll be fine
4494s my location sure did look a lot like an
4496s ever space one site though that's for
4498s sure
4502s oh my goodness
4509s don't reduce earlier bombers and drones
4511s dang it oh we're not reducing the
4512s bombers just the drones the drones are
4514s doing a little too much
4516s the bombers are still we i think we like
4518s where the bombers are at honestly
4521s the bombers uh hit well
4525s they're in a good range
4526s they need to be tough
4528s [Music]
4530s all right so we're at this new site and
4532s uh we want to answer one more question
4541s listen can we in the future have less of
4543s the uncolorable
4545s silver areas on ships some ships have
4548s tons of that and it really ruins being
4550s able to style them
4552s that sounds like such a particular
4556s uh
4557s preferential
4558s question for me that i don't even know
4560s how to answer that um you know the way
4562s that we're designing each of the systems
4564s and uh like when i say systems i'm
4567s talking about all of these like we want
4568s them to stand out for their own ways
4570s right like zarkov it's very it's very
4573s orange right it's got debris and and
4575s dust scattered everywhere like space
4577s dust and you know the locations you
4579s stopped by you know it's clear that the
4581s outlaws are in a bit of turmoil and
4583s surviving out here you've got the kite
4584s nebula with which is rampant with the
4586s redeemers um and the various colors that
4589s pop out of the nebula as well as the
4591s planets that you can fly by or in um you
4594s know you got union which is kind of like
4596s your
4598s sort of
4600s standard sort of space and orange blue
4603s contrast with uh plasma fields and and
4607s stuff uh
4609s sort of experience there and then ceto
4611s is your very calm beginning uh opening
4614s sort of system where everything is just
4616s you know it's it's
4618s it's mysterious
4619s but it's not super crazy challenging
4622s it's a great introduction into this
4624s whole space-faring environment that
4625s you're going towards i think drake um
4628s offers a lot at its planetary locations
4631s uh as you can see here
4634s and we wanted that to be its standout
4636s features like when you go to these
4638s environments yeah the star and flying
4640s around in super light nothing shouts at
4643s you nothing screams and you says oh my
4645s gosh look at how distinct this location
4647s is but we also kind of wanted to do that
4649s um in fact
4650s the super light music is kind of
4652s indicative of that the super light music
4654s is meant to be this calm before the
4656s storm it's setting the stage where you
4658s know there's stuff going on you just
4660s can't quite see it in fact it looks
4663s almost fine
4665s if you're flying around you're looking
4666s at things it seems
4668s good but then when you go into these
4671s sites and when you're looking at you
4672s know the the turmoil
4674s that
4675s zorelia and retaliators are are
4677s utilizing in order to just survive each
4680s other
4680s and how distinct their forces are
4684s and the
4685s various opportunities you have
4688s that was some wonky boosting
4690s like it starts getting it starts getting
4693s more definitive based on those marks
4695s where you're starting to like peel back
4697s the layers this is actually here this is
4699s there's these secrets to unfoil
4703s there's more than what's
4705s meeting the eye
4707s no not really but since you're already
4709s here so
4711s basically
4713s thank you for that alec um but yeah i
4715s mean long story short um can we do x y
4720s and z for colors
4721s sure will we we have a plan we have
4724s certain things that we want to
4725s accomplish with each system much like i
4727s described and future systems that are
4729s coming um you know we want to make sure
4732s that they are distinct in their own
4734s right in their own way so yeah
4737s but anyway don't mind me i'm just kind
4738s of like
4740s going too deep oh gosh we're going too
4741s deep
4744s all
4747s fight right activated
4768s oh that's the one i need to be targeting
4775s oh yeah destroyed before he can even get
4778s his armor boom
4780s that always feels good
4793s excellent
4799s oh yeah that damage increase for having
4801s full shields that's coming in
4803s quite handy on this sentinel
4808s i'm enjoying this little combo
4810s all right
4825s a couple more of these punks
4831s oh
4833s oh that was sick
4837s i enjoyed that very much
4846s somebody's watching didn't your mother
4847s tell you not to play with your food
4849s sorry having too much fun can't hear you
4852s oh my gosh
4859s [Applause]
4864s there's no way he survives that there's
4866s no way
4868s ah
4870s gosh i love this
4873s all right let's see what else we got
4874s it's really a scout
4876s let's clear out the rest of these is
4878s that a turret
4879s is that a turret
4881s oh my gosh there's a turret over here
4883s guys how did i miss this
4887s dirt right
4892s i'm sure we could find things to
4895s open these doors and whatnot like this
4897s shield generator i don't want to do all
4899s of it though i don't want to spoil the
4901s fun of discovery for you all
4905s just want to mainly showcase you know
4906s these environments and just how detailed
4908s we ended up going
4911s as we added these
4913s you know
4914s adding this underwater component overall
4916s like it was not a small decision to make
4918s we could have just left it to where you
4919s only fly above water
4922s you know we had a lot of uh
4925s we had a lot of positive thoughts of
4926s like
4927s how can we make this system stand out
4929s even more even more even more you know
4934s we're pretty happy with these results
4935s pretty happy with it
4939s some pretty cool little details
4943s that you can find more and more about
4946s the further you dive
4950s excellent
4954s all right let's go over to these
4955s coalition fighters take a quick break
4957s answer some more questions
4959s what's up buddy
4961s how's it going
4962s how's it going
4964s all right
4969s is pressure the only underwater threat
4971s is there something that could come up
4972s from the briny dubs and drag us to ryla
4974s for example oh my gosh
4977s nice
4978s um
4980s uh
4981s look i don't want to get like into super
4982s crazy spoiler territory we have had
4984s internal discussions about like what
4986s would happen if we incorporated sea
4988s monsters um i want you guys to consider
4990s something okay sincerely
4993s as of right now in the current game
4995s space and this entire
4998s game
5000s there are two locations where you can go
5002s underwater
5007s in all of this
5010s two locations where you can go
5011s underwater
5013s if we were to put a lot of effort as to
5016s something that only existed underwater
5020s we're talking a very nice situation
5024s in a game that's already technically in
5026s a niche genre
5029s space games aren't exactly the most
5031s popular thing out there all right so um
5035s keep that in mind like we want to make
5037s sure that the content that we're adding
5038s to the game it's going to be not only
5041s discoverable but
5042s experienced through the bulk of the game
5044s state so yeah we want to have these
5046s wowing moments and these little
5047s intricate details and whatnot for sure
5050s for sure um and we want to have like
5052s those stand out
5054s uh impactful sequences
5056s but we also need to be mindful of the
5058s fact that you know
5060s we are making a pretty expansive game
5063s here for the size of our team and we
5065s want to make sure that the assets that
5066s we're bringing in can be utilized
5070s for the bulk of the that experience
5072s right
5074s so
5075s yeah just just keep that in mind
5078s keep that in mind
5079s uh that being said we've definitely
5081s talked about underwater creatures
5084s we've definitely talked about it um but
5087s we'll just have to see
5089s how that could potentially be further
5091s developed if at all
5092s and
5093s what could come to the table in future
5095s dlcs
5096s okay
5097s but uh i want to set a very clear
5099s expectation it would not make a lot of
5102s sense for us to put a lot of attention
5103s to that in the current game space okay
5107s i know it's upsetting a couple of you
5108s you're like dang it would be so cool if
5110s yes
5111s don't disagree with that but just keep
5113s that in mind like
5115s that's a lot of work for very little
5117s impact over the bulk of the game right
5121s so just keep that
5124s in
5125s mind ooh fasium it's like one of my
5128s favorite resources it just looks so
5129s shiny and prismatic
5154s okay whoo that one took some effort
5159s excellent
5161s excellent
5165s goodness gracious i mean just play
5167s subnautica that's not the that's not the
5169s point that's
5174s oh my gosh
5177s thank you for that bearded frog i
5178s appreciate that i appreciate you okay
5181s all right
5184s goodness gravy all right let's uh let's
5186s go ahead and grab some more stuff here
5190s uh oh
5191s a slightly stronger pulse laser i'll
5193s take it
5200s [Music]
5202s oh i like that
5203s i like that a lot i think we are going
5205s to use mines instead of the scorpion
5207s missiles wait they are magnetic okay
5209s sweet uh yeah we're gonna definitely
5212s keep that i'm gonna salvage the one that
5214s was probably better but i'm just not
5215s high enough level four and i'm being
5216s stubborn
5217s uh in an intuitive cargo unit with
5219s structure
5224s oh they were both structured okay so
5225s that's literally just straight better
5226s okay awesome and a jager oh we picked
5229s this up earlier no we want to use this
5231s bad boy oh my gosh
5233s remove that level restriction heck yeah
5237s all right boom
5238s you're right pulse laser now we got a
5240s jaeger
5241s delightful
5248s all right
5250s much better let's take out a couple more
5252s retaliators then we'll be on our way to
5253s another location
5269s oh he went under the water you see that
5271s see that big old splash
5273s you do it again
5277s oh yeah that feels good just like
5279s forcibly saying up
5281s you have to swim
5282s get wrecked nerd
5287s it's not your choice it's mine
5296s look at these guys just dropping down
5298s into the water
5300s i love it
5303s i love it
5305s all right so now i'm gonna go try and uh
5308s i wanna try and get a job
5310s for these new battles that show up
5313s uh for any of you who missed these like
5315s if you haven't been looking at the job
5316s boards uh
5318s they're pretty they're pretty fun so
5319s let's go back to aletho starport
5324s oh my goodness
5331s i see some people uh
5332s some new individuals kind of asking
5334s questions and chatting so thank you for
5336s being here i see one individual spectre
5339s spur
5342s download the demo now awesome i hope
5344s that you'll find a lot of delightful
5346s little treats from the demo
5348s um generally speaking we want to keep
5350s that demo fairly up to speed with all of
5352s the updates even though you can only get
5354s up to level five um i do know that as of
5357s right now it has not received the update
5359s treatment for the summer update so the
5362s content that uh even at that first level
5365s one to five experience it's not uh
5367s perfectly fluid and what you would get
5370s from the summer update experience
5374s but i don't think it would be too much
5375s of a dare i just want to point that out
5376s there
5377s like it's it's gonna be subtly different
5380s um
5381s maybe not that subtle gosh it's hard to
5384s describe
5385s i don't know how many of you all started
5387s over a new save but for me the opening
5389s segments of the game were completely
5391s different especially around that level
5393s 7-10 mark i've talked about this on the
5395s stream before but it's important to note
5397s because like
5399s it was incredibly different from the
5401s last time that i went through that
5402s process
5403s the first time it was a little bit
5405s savage to get through that it's like you
5407s were fighting the enemies who were
5409s scaling past you as you're trying to
5411s just get equipment that works at all but
5413s because we've revamped mainly marco has
5416s revamped how that system progresses and
5419s how weapons cataloged weapon damage is
5421s catalogued how enemy damage and defenses
5424s are uh how they operate as you're going
5426s through the game like it's
5428s much more um
5431s according to where you're at it's much
5433s better okay so now we've got these
5436s missions here from the coalition
5438s where we can search and destroy we can
5440s destroy base
5442s uh we have battle support battle support
5444s is the one i want to do but i also like
5446s to destroy base ones so let's do a one
5448s that's way too high of a level for us
5450s and see what we can accomplish there
5452s um and
5454s yeah we'll do these two i only have one
5456s battle support that's unfortunate
5459s i should also note
5462s ah this was brought to my attention
5465s whenever i go into the job board and you
5466s see like an absurd number of these
5468s that's because dev
5470s i've got dev cheats right now my dev
5473s build is like oh hey
5476s uh all of this stuff is populating an
5478s absurd amount because def that's why
5480s generally speaking you shouldn't see an
5481s absurd number of these this is for
5483s testing purposes for us um but yeah
5487s anyway i'm also informed that the demo
5489s was in fact updated with the summer
5491s update content so i am glad to be wrong
5494s on this front thank you so much for that
5496s uh um
5497s that insight casper really good to know
5500s really good to know so the demo is in
5502s fact updated for uh with all the summer
5504s update uh materials
5508s even though i feel like we had a
5509s conversation about how it probably
5510s wasn't going to was it last week but
5512s that's again i'm glad that i'm wrong i'm
5516s super glad that the demo has been
5519s updated
5520s very very good so try before you buy as
5523s nightbot says you can click on that demo
5525s link right there
5527s have a go oh my gosh okay okay so we got
5530s these jobs
5531s we want to go chat champion at least one
5533s of them before we transition into some
5535s screenshots we got lots of screenshots
5537s uh lots and lots and lots of screenshots
5540s uh let's see let's go let's do the
5542s battle support one first
5546s and i'm pretty sure the big bad bug on
5548s these has been fixed
5549s i hope
5554s and uh while we're flying over here i'll
5556s answer a couple more questions oh no did
5558s i close my questions no oh there it is
5562s some parts of some particular types of
5564s ships like the stinger for example don't
5565s change color and have a fixed color can
5567s you change that um can we change it
5570s i'm guessing yes will we change it i'm
5574s guessing no um i know that we've had
5576s that's also been a part of an internal
5578s discussion where we have like the gray
5580s parts um in fact i i colored my ship in
5583s particular to make it look like all of
5585s it's just gray and unpainted um
5588s but i digress
5589s i digress uh yeah we have like that the
5592s standard parts in between and then you
5594s like paint three certain territories of
5596s the ship
5598s um
5599s it's possible
5601s granted it is not likely
5604s that we could add like a fourth color
5607s option that's like the base tone which
5609s would be those grays
5610s but um with all sincerity it's not
5614s likely going to happen
5616s because we've already done a lot of
5617s stuff with
5618s the aesthetics of the ship at this point
5621s that we're really happy with and we do
5623s have some plans of additional
5624s customization in the future
5626s that uh we're also getting pretty happy
5629s with um so
5631s to do more outside of that
5634s could get really crazy so
5636s would it be cool i'm not gonna say no
5639s but again really tempering that
5640s expectation there it's not
5643s likely
5645s that you would uh that you'll be able to
5648s adjust that base sort of gray color in
5650s the future
5653s all right
5655s so anytime you do a battle support
5657s mission
5658s you are effectively
5660s going up against uh
5663s one faction while you are defending the
5666s coalition
5667s so you're a team coalition basically so
5670s long as you are in the drake system
5672s and you are trying to best the enemy
5675s before they best the toilet
5690s now i know that this actually went
5691s through a number of balance passes as
5693s well
5695s um but i also want to want you guys to
5697s know that like on very hard mode because
5700s it doesn't look like this is happening
5702s yet
5703s but i know that we've talked internally
5704s about very hard mode being very much a
5706s race
5707s to best of the enemies before the
5709s coalition in a weakened state is
5711s overcome
5712s and right now this doesn't look to be
5714s too bad because coalition hasn't even
5717s taken any losses yet
5720s but it has been something of a
5721s discussion point we've had
5724s because you know it doesn't need to be
5725s challenging
5727s especially if you're on very hard
5737s oh man you see that coalition guy who
5738s just got frosted
5741s i look like it hurt
5752s so the coalition are the good guys
5754s very much yes
5757s very much
5760s yeah the coalition are actually a
5762s faction that was um
5764s created by one of our fans
5768s um and also was in everspace one as well
5773s a faction that was overarchingly good
5776s even though they are technically outlaws
5778s they have a much stronger sense of honor
5780s than most
5782s and the uh
5783s traits that they have
5786s their virtues if you will are generally
5788s aligned with far better behaviors
5791s than that of a standard filtering
5794s outlaw
5796s [Music]
5805s [Music]
5820s whew
5828s look we got just a couple more to bring
5830s down
5839s here let's just let's just do this
5841s we're at max
5842s shield so this should be a heck of a lot
5844s of damage
5849s i'll give my shields back there we go
5857s [Music]
5861s man none of the other enemies are
5862s fighting me they're fighting the
5863s coalition how dare they
5869s well this certainly kept their uh drones
5871s at bay that's for sure
5876s oh we're frosted
5878s let me back in put me in coach all right
5886s here comes
5896s [Applause]
5901s now we just have like one more enemy to
5903s take out i think oh that's just a drone
5905s we need something bigger
5908s a little bigger
5914s oh we got him
5915s we got him
5918s excellent
5920s okay
5921s you will receive your payment thank you
5925s delightful
5927s so yeah that's how that works
5934s and of course there's like there's other
5936s little trinkets and and things to be
5938s found when you're doing jobs and whatnot
5940s um
5942s with coalition and otherwise
5944s so yeah i really like the battle support
5946s job it's pretty nice then of course we
5948s also had the you know go rate a base
5950s which is pretty cool too
5965s oh are you speaking about microsoft uh
5968s ingmar
5970s is that what you are bringing to the
5971s attention of all
5974s i believe that's correct
5976s okay yeah so uh quick announcement from
5978s egmar so um i know that several of you
5981s guys out there uh in fact use uh
5984s the the was it the freaking i always
5987s forget what it's called
5988s it's embarrassing i really shouldn't
5990s it's the the pass or whatever
5992s um which you have access to everspace 2
5995s through right um that is getting updated
5999s there are always a number of issues that
6001s come up whenever we go through
6003s certification it's pleasant um look it's
6006s it happens development is a fickle beast
6008s at times uh long story short we do have
6011s a fairly decent eta into when things are
6014s coming through
6015s um
6017s and so ingmar's letting us know that it
6020s looks like uh
6023s eta changed from tuesday-ish
6026s to in four hours-ish
6029s uh so four hours-ish meaning four hours
6032s from now because that's
6034s way faster than tuesday of next week
6038s uh that would be fantastic so
6041s thank you for that update that's that's
6043s huge
6044s game pass yes thanks thank you geekby
6047s for informing me on things that i should
6049s absolutely know already
6051s uh but yes so for all of you game pass
6053s owners out there wondering where the
6055s heck the update is we finally got
6056s everything pushing through certification
6058s appropriately and microsoft is like yay
6062s this can happen so four-ish hours and
6064s that bad boy should be going live so
6067s thank you for the update ingmar that's
6069s actually that's actually huge uh that's
6072s that's pretty dope so yay
6075s yeah that's good
6077s awesome all right so now i'm kind of
6080s lolly gagging around because it's time
6081s to go over to screenshots we need to go
6083s back to base though we should always go
6084s back to base
6085s if you can go back to base always choose
6087s to do that
6088s uh when you save your game otherwise
6090s weird things happen
6095s subject to no issues that's that's a
6097s really good important thing to state
6099s subject to no issues
6103s [Music]
6108s see if we can do this again
6127s that's fun i just like adding to it
6130s do you guys i'm sure you guys do this
6132s too it's like when you're listening to
6133s something you're just like you're adding
6134s like your own little beat it's just what
6135s i do this is what i do it's fun
6141s [Music]
6147s [Music]
6149s that man's a little too much
6153s ah this is what it is
6161s i'm just glad you guys enjoy it oh my
6163s gosh
6165s i guess i guess you enjoy it
6184s [Music]
6187s you guys are silly i love each and every
6189s one of you you're a pleasure to be here
6192s you guys have been asking some freaking
6193s amazing questions by the way and i'm
6195s really happy that uh you continue to be
6197s a part of these streams you know um i
6200s know that i can be somewhat entertaining
6202s uh but i know that you come to be
6203s informed and our goal here at rockfish
6205s games is to make sure you are informed
6208s that you have the right expectations
6209s that we can have these meaningful
6211s discussions about game development and
6213s ensure that you know
6215s your desires are being met or at least
6217s there's an understanding as to why it
6218s might not be being met right um so
6220s sincerely like huge shout out to each
6222s and every one of you for showing up and
6224s just being a part of these streams uh
6227s bringing your energy and bringing your
6230s questions just for these exchanges it's
6232s so positively fantastic speaking of
6234s questions let's lock in uh a couple more
6237s as we dock
6239s and then we are going to jump over to
6241s screenshots as we continue to answer
6243s more questions of course uh so we have
6245s one from
6246s uh specter sprec sprectum i think on
6251s twitch coalition is then freelance
6253s police force effectively more or less
6256s more or less um
6258s that's
6259s i mean
6260s [Music]
6264s yeah we go with that like they're yeah
6267s they're
6268s good people that don't necessarily
6271s follow the law
6273s if that makes sense
6276s [Laughter]
6278s um so yeah
6281s all right well a spatial bypass this
6282s question comes from
6285s uh bearded frog will a spatial bypass
6287s point be added to drake in the future
6289s before 1.0 so we can use fast travel
6291s perk there every other system has at
6293s least one yeah there is actually a space
6295s guys point in drake uh there is one um
6298s ah that's actually something we could do
6299s next i'm just going to pinpoint it on
6301s the map so you know but yeah there's
6303s totally one in the drake system
6306s uh and we did that intentionally uh next
6309s question and last one before we
6311s transition is from finns uh is there
6314s there is a side mission and sido
6316s involving a choice whether to let the
6317s old bloodstar historian keep his data or
6319s not does or will this choice affect
6321s anything in game so um i do like this
6324s question i think it's important to note
6326s that
6327s while we are using a lot of the
6330s proverbial rpg mechanics uh in regards
6334s to
6334s player progression and driven story and
6338s you know a lot of these elements where
6340s you embody this character you're role
6342s playing this character uh that's going
6345s through a very specific story um we did
6348s not so much make it to where you decide
6350s how the story transpires okay um that is
6354s not what we had intended in the first
6356s place we always wanted to be a little
6359s bit on the sandboxy side when it comes
6361s like your action right um and the loot
6364s gains but for the story we had it very
6366s much focused in on this is the story
6368s that you are experiencing through the
6370s lens of adam rosslyn a clone of adam
6373s rosslyn so in regards to the choice that
6376s you decide on does it affect anything
6379s not necessarily
6381s a lot of the choices that you get to
6383s choose back and forth there's maybe like
6385s a couple in the original everspace for
6386s example it's not going to be uh
6389s transforming of an entire nation or
6392s faction or station or
6394s system you know anything like that it's
6396s going to be minuscule
6398s um in comparison to like the grand
6400s scheme of things it just gives you a
6401s little bit of that uh freedom of choice
6404s um in you just deciding do i feel like
6407s adam would do this or do i feel like
6409s adam would do that so
6411s both are palpable both are appropriate
6415s uh there's not really a
6418s a best way solution and it's that's just
6420s kind of like how we designed uh those
6422s particular missions okay
6424s all right so we got all that stuff
6425s squared away we're saving for the stream
6427s right here right now done again dismiss
6430s because now it's time to jump over to
6432s our screenshots
6437s um if it's gonna load please load
6442s hang on a second
6445s i think my screenshot folder decided to
6447s die quick break
6448s quick break ladies and gentlemen and
6450s we'll be right back in to the game uh or
6454s screenshots rather in just a moment so
6457s thank you all for being super awesome
6459s uh in through your patience uh but also
6461s keep in mind all the things that you see
6463s scrolling on the screen right now these
6465s are places where you can go to get more
6466s information if you're curious like you
6468s can be part of more conversations within
6470s the community space we'd love to have
6472s you we are constantly having discussions
6475s and we're constantly oh my gosh excuse
6478s excuse me uh we're constantly having
6480s just a really good time like sharing
6482s memes and uh fantastic screenshots that
6485s you're about ready to see um all sorts
6487s of things all these places pick your
6489s poison i would recommend discord heavily
6492s there's just been so much positivity on
6494s that front so many wonderful discussions
6497s to be had we also have an ask questions
6498s channel specifically it's called ask rfg
6501s there so if there was something that
6502s perhaps you
6503s asked me but i missed somehow on this
6506s stream you can just follow up with me
6508s over there and then myself or somebody
6510s in the community will just poke you and
6512s say yo this is how it'd be it is a
6514s fantastically good time all right
6517s it's being a good time you guys have
6519s been going
6521s ham with screenshots um so we are going
6523s to be covering over the course like the
6525s last two weeks i think
6528s and it's nuts it's nuts how much stuff
6530s is cataloged here as i'm getting so many
6532s texts on my phone goodness go away phone
6534s i'm working here uh and we just want to
6537s highlight these we're going to zip
6538s through them a little bit faster because
6540s my daughter is now starting to go back
6541s to school which means at three o'clock i
6543s have to be done and when i say three
6545s o'clock that's like 13 minutes from now
6547s so
6548s uh let's give you guys that praise and
6549s attention that you deserve them
6551s let's start things off with high barf
6553s highbarf gave us several photo dumps
6556s which were delightful you can never go
6558s wrong with photodump even though as
6560s geekbyte will also mention it does take
6561s a little bit more time to comb through
6563s everything but don't let that stop you
6566s so i chose some of your best ones high
6568s barf
6569s really like this one just having a bend
6571s across the scene so many vibrant colors
6573s and i love those trails i think that the
6576s distinction of the um
6579s it's technically like the redeemer style
6581s ship like the freelancers ship here um i
6584s love the way that it comes across it's
6587s i love those engine trails super cool
6589s super cool so very nice shot i also love
6591s those cockpit shots of course i like the
6593s way that this one's captured almost it's
6595s almost like you're watching a cut scene
6596s here
6598s with how it's taken um i just i love the
6600s way the presentation of this
6603s where you have a very clear focus but
6605s you don't necessarily know all the parts
6607s of the story did you destroy this did
6608s you witness somebody else was this
6610s something you were supposed to protect
6611s and you failed was this a target you
6613s were supposed to destroy and you
6614s succeeded like why are you using an
6616s efficient flack on such a large enemy
6619s like th this so many questions to be
6621s answered it's beautiful i love it i love
6624s it so keep it up definitely keep it up
6626s flori you had so many frosty icy photos
6630s i started looking at my screenshots
6631s overall and i was like man everything is
6633s blue i hope this is okay but that's how
6635s we're gonna roll so flora's first shot
6638s comes from a location that i haven't
6639s ventured to yet but it has this
6641s dynamic crystalline form inside of this
6645s ice asteroid and here's a really great
6648s shot of just what that looks like you
6650s can see all of these different crystals
6652s um atheium crystal that you can gather
6656s it's dotted all the heck over it's a
6658s very rich site for atheism so if you've
6661s managed to somehow miss this very
6663s populous resource throughout the game
6666s going here is going to catch you up to
6668s speed
6669s very fast uh it's incredibly dense at
6671s this site so very cool shot we got ace
6674s of blades also coming in with several of
6676s their photos as well um it was a little
6679s bit harder to pilfer through yours but i
6681s think that this one was probably the
6682s best one captured because it's telling
6684s that story right you're seeing this ship
6686s flying forward into the crevasse of ice
6689s asteroids and i love the way that the
6693s effects like the this icy effect you see
6696s a little bend around that the ice
6698s i love the way that that comes across
6700s like this one that i really enjoyed
6702s about everspace one i just love it
6705s i just love it it's so good
6707s it's so good so nice little shot there
6709s is of blades then spoon knight's all
6712s coming in and he's all being like yo
6714s check this out and he had way too many
6716s that were great so i just like
6719s i just grabbed like your incredible ones
6720s and i left some of the great ones still
6722s back in the discord so if you want to
6724s see more spoon knight he's a galactic
6725s photographer and he's definitely earned
6727s this badge he's got so many delightful
6730s shots uh that i highly recommend seeing
6732s and you can also see the detail of these
6735s underwater textures where we wanted them
6736s to look like they're rusted out and
6739s corroded through the wear and tear of
6740s water damage okay like that is something
6743s our team paid attention to and i love
6745s how it's captured here you got this
6747s light shining down you're like what's
6748s going on here what can we find it's
6751s comes together so well very very well
6753s captured spoot knight and also can i
6756s just say i love your ship oh my gosh i
6758s love the way that you captured it i love
6760s the way that you colorized it um and i
6763s love the way you have it compared to
6764s another ship that's in the dock
6766s i don't know if you like colored both of
6768s these or if this bottom was a standard
6770s coloration uh that you can get i think
6773s it is a standard coloration but
6774s regardless the way that you lined
6776s yourself up dang near perfectly like
6778s you're you're a little bit like this is
6780s a little
6782s you're slightly off
6785s look at me look at me critiquing spoon i
6788s look you're a galactic photographer
6789s you're great at these but your alignment
6791s could use some work um sincerely though
6794s i love the way this came together so
6796s fantastic um i dig it immensely so keep
6798s it up
6799s fantastic shots easy bake uh threw a
6803s couple at us as well
6804s wanna highlight this one it's nothing
6807s crazy new
6808s but man do i enjoy these just simple
6812s scenic shots
6813s it just gives you a moment to just rest
6816s just kind of like it's a momentary
6817s reprieve from all that combat and all
6819s that blue that we've been looking at oh
6821s my gosh
6823s uh it's solid and it gives you this this
6825s uh sense of scale as well when you're at
6827s these uh locations where your ship is
6830s just a spec in all of this
6832s and there's these planets are just so
6834s massive
6836s super love it super love it
6838s oh my gosh
6841s all right next one up we've got comes
6844s from
6845s florey this one probably looks familiar
6847s for those of you on youtube
6849s because this was the the thumb art that
6852s was chosen for it this was it's so good
6854s it's so great so uh fantastic work on
6857s that front uh flory
6860s we chose it
6861s we chose it for this for the thumbnail
6863s it's
6864s man it's just so freaking oh i
6868s i'm trying to think of an ice pun but
6870s you've heard plenty of them so we're
6871s just gonna leave it as is just
6874s it's great it's great it's great this is
6876s what it is so fantastic shot
6879s fantastic shot all right moving on to
6882s the next ones trying to keep up with my
6884s timing i've got seven minutes oh okay
6886s laser speed sport night showing off more
6889s of these beautiful tier three ships i
6891s love the way that he's you know going
6893s for similar color schemes but still is
6895s very much you know distinct like that
6898s orange we actually do have the exact
6899s same reddish color that's in gmb as a
6903s choice on your ship you can choose that
6904s exact color but spoon knight's like nah
6907s i want to stand out from a crowd and
6909s chooses that nice fresh orange i think
6911s that's the harvest gold if i'm not
6912s mistaken and i love it i love the way
6915s that he makes that stand out and the
6916s details of the ship in comparison to the
6918s details of the planet also using that
6919s nice depth of field look oh my goodness
6922s bring it all together flory i believe no
6924s high barf hi barf
6926s all right with another really nice shot
6928s i love these cockpit shots you guys know
6929s that i'm a sucker for them and i love
6931s the way that this is
6933s you know
6934s exploring the depths of the interior
6937s of an asteroid that has definitely seen
6939s some sort of base attempt maybe there
6942s was a base and it was destroyed by an
6944s earlier adam russon clone or otherwise
6947s uh but there's so many wonderful things
6949s that are showing up here it's like i
6951s need to know more i need to see more and
6953s seeing it from the cockpit's first
6954s perspective of course this is this is
6956s more like from the belly button i feel
6958s like you're kind of
6961s you're kind of looking up uh as opposed
6963s to
6963s don't worry about that front hi barf
6965s it's not a critique it's beautiful
6967s there's short people that exist in the
6968s world um and i love it it's great it's
6971s great
6973s geometry prime
6974s started a new save file and wanted to
6978s go a little bit tony stark i guess i
6981s love the way that he's recolored his
6982s ship and the way that he's blasted off
6985s uh it's almost like an iron man
6987s challenge if you will it's it's
6989s phenomenal so definitely looking forward
6991s to your feedback if you haven't provided
6993s already you probably did because the
6994s forums are crawling with your ideas and
6996s suggestions or your points um which is
6998s great by the way um
7001s yeah it's uh it's super cool super cool
7003s so speaking of cool check out this
7005s legend oh my gosh we got captain milo
7009s cruising around in zurelia's location
7011s with his very hot chip
7015s uh that's too close to the law by the
7017s way he's totally taking damage but i
7019s don't think he cares uh i think he was
7021s going for the cool factor and it has
7022s definitely been achieved so well done
7025s captain milo we got sarah who's showing
7027s off this particular ship style that he
7030s acquired i believe this is a tier three
7033s vindicator if i'm not mistaken but
7036s man i love the detail work going on oh
7038s my gosh matthias
7040s oh i love this i love how it all comes
7043s together and again like i've said this
7045s before like the vindicator is probably
7047s my favorite looking ship even though
7049s it's not my favorite one to fly but i
7051s love the way that comes across
7053s great shot serif and showing us that
7055s snag it's beautiful it is beautiful
7059s very very good
7061s um spoot knight showing us the fireworks
7064s i'm not even 100 sure i know what's
7066s happening here i don't know if this was
7068s part of the exploit uh the one that we
7071s are totally patching out because it
7073s doesn't actually really affect you guys
7075s that much if we're being completely
7076s honest but i don't think we like it
7078s being in the game um so i shouldn't say
7081s it will be patched out it might be
7082s patched out um
7085s anyway uh it's awesome it looks really
7087s cool
7088s it looks really cool
7090s so don't question the fireworks just
7092s tomorrow okay all right good good
7094s excellent
7095s very very good yup so yeah i think it
7098s looks phenomenal it's funny because like
7100s if you're looking at this it's just like
7101s a screen like a um
7103s a thumbnail
7105s really really small it almost looks like
7106s you're looking at a galaxy it's like it
7108s looks like you're looking at a space
7110s scene but then when you look at it up
7111s close it's totally not that it's
7113s explosions all around
7114s very very good so speaking of exploits
7117s thank you t3 cube for your hard work um
7123s oh
7124s man that's not supposed that's not how
7126s that's supposed to happen uh
7128s but does it look cool yes so thank you
7130s for the share absolutely delightful
7132s again not entirely sure we're gonna fix
7134s this because it doesn't really affect
7136s game play um but we'll see we'll see
7139s time will tell geometry prime
7141s uh swooping in with some very sexy
7144s colors oh my goodness look at that it's
7147s very like it's like rustic but also like
7151s very almost noble or royal
7155s um even though there's no purple but
7158s still like it's it's almost got like
7159s this crowned gold sort of stylization
7162s there definitely dig that i also think
7165s that it was an appropriate choice to add
7166s that depth of field to makes it stand
7168s out even further to get all those rich
7170s details of the ship um so
7172s uh as always geometry prime fantastic
7175s work with your shots i love it
7177s then we got kazaa also doing some weapon
7179s exploits like day
7181s uh
7182s that flak is uh
7185s that penumbra specifically that's uh
7187s that's some serious uh fire rates going
7190s on there but i love it i love it all
7192s right i've got two minutes left this is
7194s the fast lane we're just going through
7196s all right we got excel who has this
7198s beautiful bridge between a planet and an
7200s asteroid field almost looks like a
7202s before and after scene uh it's crazy i
7205s love how that was accomplished very well
7207s done excel major kudos spoot night we
7209s got this lovely shot of gmb nearby this
7212s cola uh sites in union
7216s uh definitely love the the vibes it
7218s gives as you're seeing it kind of depart
7220s from this uh space station near this
7222s planet and the sun's the background
7223s hitting the moon also delightful we've
7225s also got key sky who plugged in a couple
7227s shots through the course of the last
7229s week i just love the the
7231s standardized approach to gmb cruising
7234s through neptune's planes you can't
7236s really go wrong with the nice solid
7237s formation which they accomplished nicely
7239s might i add we also have um another one
7243s from keysky capturing more of that gmb
7245s goodness you don't have to over
7246s complicate things sometimes simplicity
7248s is beauty and this is a prime example of
7250s that nothing super crazy and yet it
7253s gives all that detail and rich
7255s stylization galore oh my gosh what a
7259s delight we got geometry prime who is uh
7262s going for a new color scheme i believe
7264s you're saying that you kind of fell in
7266s love with that i'd like to know more
7268s i think it's particular i think that
7270s it's definitely got potential i want to
7271s see more shots for sure i love this shot
7274s i think it's a prescott maybe it's hard
7277s to tell
7278s but i love the use of your depth of
7280s field as always we have salt can who
7282s captured this
7284s and it just gave me the giggles because
7286s you know
7288s asset overlapping is definitely a thing
7290s you get things that like
7292s you've got like a wall here and a shape
7294s here it just goes through and you're
7296s like that's not how physics work and yet
7299s this legitimately looks like the ship
7301s authentically got stuck in the station
7305s and i just love that so much that was so
7309s well captured
7311s so thank you for that at the very least
7313s they put a smile on my face very good
7314s job salt can flory we got flory
7317s capturing some looks over at prescott
7319s seeing some of the um the under city if
7322s you will uh and how transports operate i
7325s love it very great shot as well uh
7328s wrapping things up with geometry prime
7331s again we've got these color schemes that
7333s are kind of like just subtly different
7334s enough to stand out it's like i love how
7337s the greens kind of match but then the
7339s orange now this is more like a red and
7341s then this is more like a gold and it's
7343s just off enough that it pisses me off
7346s but i can't really be mad because i love
7348s this shot it's a great capture
7351s i love what you guys do like oh my
7353s goodness every time every time just like
7355s the colors themselves ah i dig it we got
7358s crispy muffin here who had only just
7360s started diving in today was it and
7363s finished all the gang war stuff and was
7365s super pumped about bringing everything
7366s together oh my gosh i love this shot i
7369s love your symmetrical shots as a whole
7371s crispy muffin so keep it up i know you
7373s had a lot of questions uh about the
7375s photo mode today we'll see what happens
7378s i'm gonna try and get some more
7379s information regarding photo mode and
7381s what could potentially be changing on
7383s that front guys but do note i don't
7385s think it's much i really don't think
7387s it's much i think that photo mode is all
7389s but wrapped up if more features come to
7391s it it's gonna be maybe like an after 1.0
7393s thing um but still um i will see if
7397s there's anything on that front to talk
7398s about next time and last shot comes from
7401s crispy muffin
7402s i didn't even realize this was like the
7404s appearance of the asteroids on the site
7407s i don't know if like you just timed that
7409s perfectly or or what but i love this
7412s i love the way you brought that together
7414s that looks so freaking dope
7416s that looks so freaking cool
7419s i love how it's all jagged inside and
7422s you're flying towards it and there's a
7423s great mystery uh to unpack as we're
7426s going into this wormhole
7429s very very stinking cool and guys
7431s that is going to wrap it up for today's
7433s stream i'm glad to be back i'm glad that
7435s you guys enjoyed this uh you had some
7438s fantastic questions again if i missed
7440s any of your questions do note it's not
7442s because i hate you it's not because i'm
7443s ignoring you it's simply because there's
7445s a lot that i do on these streams and i
7447s just didn't get to it so follow up with
7449s us you can do so of course over at the
7452s discord you can ask questions in the
7453s forums too many people will respond
7456s including myself
7458s otherwise you guys have been absolutely
7460s awesome today i have absolutely been
7462s eric schrader your community ambassador
7465s uh don't stop being awesome and next
7468s week we'll probably have more stuff to
7471s show you
7472s already i'm not even joking i was kind
7475s of hoping i would accidentally run into
7476s some of it and show you today on a whim
7478s but it didn't happen so
7480s awesome all right toodles and there's no
7482s after stream thing because i beatboxed
7484s in the middle of the stream and my wife
7485s is coming downstairs right now to go
7486s pick up my daughter from school i gotta
7488s go doodles
7505s [Music]
7510s [Music]
7516s you