over 2 years ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s hello hello hello
72s [Music]
84s [Music]
119s [Music]
140s [Music]
148s [Music]
151s excuse me
153s oh my goodness we are almost prepped and
156s ready to go
157s and michael if you are listening i did
159s ask one quick return question
166s [Music]
170s i'm excused oh great i appreciate that i
173s appreciate that
219s so
227s [Music]
247s all right ladies and gentlemen
252s i think that it's time where we just
254s dive right in
257s hello and welcome to the official
259s rockfish game stream i am your host and
261s your guide everspace 2. this is eric
264s schrader that we're working on reverse
267s that and my goodness i'm the community
269s ambassador got my twisted tongues today
272s oh it's delightful we are diving right
275s into the drake system opening right now
277s we've we got in the background we are
279s gonna be literally flying around
281s checking this out you guys voted on this
283s by the way anybody who didn't know uh we
286s had a little poll in the discord started
288s this morning or for i guess some of you
290s might have been this evening depending
292s on where you're in the world you are at
293s um and i just asked four hours prior to
295s the stream if you wanted to see a hot
297s location or a cold location and the
301s viewers
302s man you guys like you just completely
304s ratioed it like freaking i feel bad for
307s anybody who wanted to see more fire
309s because uh
310s we're not showing that today we are
312s focused on ice which means we're gonna
315s be checking out one of the retaliator
317s bases
318s as well as exploring what those ships
321s look like in combat now i should also
324s state for the record per usual
327s that what you see here is in fact early
330s access and to that the summer update
333s it's not done yet you know this because
335s it's not in your hands granted it's also
337s not quite summer yet but i digress still
341s we have a couple more little tweaks and
343s updates even to like the ship models
345s that you are about to see so if you see
348s something that looks a little off or
350s weird that's why because this of course
352s is an early access build and uh what i
355s am showing you is in fact not complete
358s there we go so now that we got that out
360s of the way i think it's time that we uh
363s check this out
365s oh my gosh
366s oh goodness hello everybody oh i see
369s lots of howdies and highs and and
370s welcomes
372s how are you doing i'm doing great i'm
374s excited
375s i'm excited to get up in this that's
377s what i'm excited to do
380s oh my goodness where are we
383s where are we
390s curious
403s all right well guys we are of course
406s going to be exploring a bit of this
408s location and talking about retaliator so
409s let's turn on our hud
411s let's see what uh we got going on here
413s oh yeah quick uh quick talk about our
415s builds um so we are flying a vanguard oh
418s i didn't change my perks whoops that
420s would have been important this is a
421s precision based vanguard build um so the
424s idea here is that we have some close
426s range weaponry this scatter gun it's a
428s star forged rapid repeater
431s and we are going to just be getting all
432s up behind our opponents we've got one of
434s the very new passives in fact that i'm
437s in the complete complete way of here let
439s me go to the other side there we go
442s flying closely behind an enemy grants 20
444s increased weapon damage
446s so the name of the game for us is
448s maximizing this expertise which was
451s modified we did make an adjustment here
454s um let me find the exact wording that
456s hans christian gave me for it in fact um
459s but the vanguard needed a little bit of
460s love so the rear the critical rear
461s attack expertise um is now
464s multiplicative instead of additive so
466s that's a
468s that's quite the change um in fact and
470s you'll be seeing that uh
472s oh you know decently so
475s um
476s from this particular build because of
478s our precision here
479s so uh just to give you an idea of what
481s that means so that none of you guys are
483s like looking at this and trying to
484s calculate and then we'll get to the
486s location i know so many people are eager
488s to see the location um so the rear
490s attack critical chance that i've got
491s going on here is 310 percent
494s sony might look at that like you can't
496s have over 100 critical hit chance that's
498s not what that means this is an increase
502s to this
503s value of your critical hit
505s chance so 310 of
508s 17.4
510s right so just take 17.4 and multiply
512s that effectively by three and that is
515s what our critical hit chance is going to
516s be when we are behind our opponents that
519s is not a small number for a percentage
522s increase i think it's almost 50
525s chance to get a critical hit
526s when we are behind them and also keep in
528s mind this passive or the one that i'm
530s blocking
531s 20 weapon damage increase on top of that
534s which again is multiplicative twenty
536s percent of this
539s added on so uh yeah it's gonna
542s we're gonna have some
544s pretty nice hits uh flying behind
547s so let's go in here and let's talk about
549s some of the stuff that we see
553s first off like
554s my goodness
557s environmental though uh we're pretty
559s happy with the results you can see
560s little floaty bits of ice down here
565s oh yeah
570s all right
571s we have a frost shield drone over here
574s it looks like
577s let's go see what that's all about a
579s couple more of them
581s all right here we go
585s gonna let them get a little bit closer i
587s see that frost shield drone is working
589s its magic on one of its nearby allies so
592s see if we can take it out a little bit
593s further away
596s okay
611s what
627s feeling pretty good so far
629s so these frost shield drones as you can
631s probably imagine
633s are providing a shield to nearby targets
636s now unlike
637s an armored drone that gives just a
639s passive benefit to everything these
640s frost shield drones have to focus on one
643s single target nearby that belongs to
645s their respective faction
647s the frost shield
649s as you probably can imagine
652s dang near negates all shots fired at it
655s and it also gives these enemies one
657s other passive benefit and we'll let him
658s hit us a couple times
662s or not he's just a terrible shot
664s there we go up at the top you see we've
667s got a frost percentage thing start to
669s accrue
671s but we're not gonna let it maximize are
672s we
675s at least not yet
679s because all the retaliator ships
683s have weaponry that will slowly cool your
686s ship off over time
691s and if that reaches a hundred percent
694s i mean you've seen the trailer right
696s you've seen the trailer
701s all right
705s so those frost shield drones they can
707s they can put their shield on basically
709s any other ally nearby and they're
711s generated from the retaliator bombers ah
714s here's one now
715s we also have a slew more of retaliator
717s drones
721s oh yeah let's look at this real quick
734s like we're underwater and we don't get
735s the the rain effect anymore it's like we
738s know what we're doing and how to like
740s put the game together that's nice
742s oh goodness
746s oh that water looks
749s looks like it'd be such a splash to dive
751s into
757s oh
758s all right let's head on over here
766s so we're gonna take a quick look at
767s these models um and
770s there's a cerulea bomber in here
773s and we've got cerulea scouts
776s my goodness zurelia you're not supposed
778s to to be here for the showcase we're not
780s ready to show you yet what are you doing
781s here the people asked for retaliators
785s ask you they're here why not we'll take
787s a quick we'll take a quick peek so here
789s this is one of the retaliators drones
792s now again these models are incomplete we
795s still have a little bit more work to do
796s but you can tell they are very much
798s they've got this nice cool theme across
801s their looks right
803s the icy blue
805s the lights is shining through don't
807s worry about this weapon poking through
809s the front all right early access is fun
812s let me tell you what these are getting
814s close to finished up
816s you get a two for the prices one in here
818s i can't believe it we're gonna just pass
819s by that zerulia nice and slow like for
822s anybody wants to take a quick capture
823s but this is what we're looking at here
826s look at this retaliator bomber
830s you can see they've got a couple more
832s pieces and parts that separate them out
834s from the other variants of bombers
837s and against that nice frosty finish
839s going
840s man look at that look at that detail my
843s my goodness
844s matthias you mad lad
847s all right
851s and this is one of the
853s fresh shield drones in effect
856s has a very similar look to the armored
858s drone yep
860s but again has a couple of distinct
861s features that set it apart
865s and that little frosty effect with the
867s frost shield i'm gonna say frost a lot
869s but look at this and then isn't this
870s neat i like this
873s i like this a lot how it comes together
879s man that almost looks like there's a
882s comet streaking out of the sky that's uh
884s that's pretty nuts
888s but this is the overarching theme that
890s we have for the retaliators as many of
891s you kind of already guessed from the
893s concept art which we might show again uh
896s today
898s possible
899s if we got some time
901s and we probably do
904s we're going to head away from those
906s zurelia
907s units though and we're going to go to
909s this retaliator drone carrier now now
912s this one is much more in a work in
914s progress phase in fact the drones i
916s don't believe are correct yet
918s but the ship model has some tweaks that
921s have hit it and uh i'm eager to show you
923s something
924s so we're gonna do that as well
935s all right here we are
937s see here's this retaliator drone oh look
940s at that icy beam
942s oh
944s beautiful
951s and here we are with it's slow
953s stylization taking hold i don't think
955s the lights are actually done yet i think
957s those lights need to be changed to light
958s blue still and there's again like
960s there's going to be a couple other
961s little tweaks and stuff
966s you can start to see the variation it
968s has
969s of course from the other style of drone
971s carriers that are in the game
973s which i think there's only one other one
980s how it all comes together
985s all right and then also their little
987s drones which these have not been uh
989s fixed yet
991s so all right let's get back into this
1016s i'm not saying frost enough oh goodness
1029s whew
1046s oh yeah
1048s that rear crit chance and damage is nice
1069s even the explosions look at that
1074s look at that
1077s neat
1083s wow that's a good
1086s you can also see it in their missiles
1088s too look at this it's like everything's
1089s just been coated
1092s everything's been coated those aren't
1094s even missiles they're just launching
1095s giant icicles at us that's
1100s excellent
1101s fantastic
1111s so overall you can see the theming uh
1114s we've been ringing home pretty hard here
1118s pretty hard in regards to how the
1120s retaliators are represented
1122s and what they can accomplish
1127s now i know some of you uh
1130s are wanting me to do a few things here
1132s and we may or may not we'll see what
1134s happens
1134s with the time that we have
1139s oh my goodness so many missiles what's
1141s latching all those things
1156s whew
1171s well they want to try and get these
1172s frost shields out why am i doing this
1174s i'm in a vanguard i can go fast
1179s all right
1180s that's what i like to see
1185s beautiful now the air is a little bit
1187s more cleared up
1189s and get a little closer to the ground
1191s here and have a light conversation about
1194s some of the stuff that you have thus
1196s seen
1202s so many missiles
1206s secure container oh of course we've got
1208s some puzzles in the area to accomplish
1210s oh is this is this just a simple one
1214s oh please so i just want your loot
1216s that's all
1219s all the turrets and everything are all
1221s nice and decked out
1225s as well
1227s goodness
1228s they're not gonna let me have a break so
1229s i'm just gonna go hide
1233s this is nice
1235s all right
1240s this looks awesome
1242s yeah no it's nice
1244s we've been we've been pretty happy with
1245s the effects and um like bringing all
1248s this together and
1249s making sure that the world feels right
1251s for
1252s uh
1253s you know the space that we're
1254s cultivating in this part of the story um
1256s and we also have some really fun new
1258s side missions
1260s that will have you venture not only to
1262s this location but you know to the fiery
1264s sites as well
1267s to get a really good handful of
1270s new contents
1272s that's dropping in the summer update
1274s that comes out this summer
1285s it's feeling pretty good we also we also
1287s stylized our ship for no particular
1289s reason just like this
1292s you know
1293s no particular reason why
1296s just felt appropriate for the moment
1300s yeah
1301s looks good
1304s looks good
1307s oh my gosh
1308s all right all right so i'm sure you guys
1310s have some questions um let's have some
1312s of them and then we'll fly around a
1314s little bit longer and then we're gonna
1315s bounce over to our save where i can talk
1317s about some other changes improvements
1318s and features uh that we've been doing to
1320s the base game as well that i can in fact
1323s openly talk about and or show if it's in
1325s a showable state
1328s so yeah
1330s the cockpit view about that looks even
1332s better yeah we can we can absolutely fly
1334s around in this view oh yeah
1336s oh yeah we uh i'm i'm digging that
1338s already that's a good uh
1339s good choice good choice
1341s but yeah we're gonna we're gonna pause
1342s right here uh as we're getting frozen
1345s let's answer a couple questions
1362s did i really kill the music is the music
1363s just gone come on i want i want
1365s something in the background
1367s give me some give me some music give me
1369s some new music that'd be great
1375s please some new music please
1380s you're just gonna deny us game come on
1383s trigger the music
1388s there we go excellent excellent all
1390s right
1395s i'm pretty sure i'm going to fill that
1396s ice meter with the gun chip probably
1398s yeah no um in my and my poultry testing
1401s of the locations thus far i would say
1404s that i have been frosted uh very easily
1407s in the heavier ships because i'm also
1409s not as good in the heavier ships as you
1411s guys know
1412s but the light ships i'm mostly evasive
1414s on that front but we'll see what happens
1416s to you guys whenever this launches this
1418s summer of course
1421s i wonder what the buoyancy of a vanguard
1423s is i would love to test that out so i
1426s know some of you are really really
1427s really desiring me to take a dive and to
1430s show you what it looks like underwater
1431s however our underwater systems aren't
1434s 100
1435s ready to show
1438s ah so um
1441s but
1441s that will probably change by next week
1445s fingers crossed so maybe we can uh maybe
1447s we can convince michael that next week
1449s we'll be able to take that uh specific
1452s dip
1452s under there
1454s but i do want to make sure that all of
1455s you are aware you can in fact go under
1458s the water at least that's going to be
1459s the plan that's going to be the full
1461s course of action uh as of right now in
1463s the showcase here we are mainly talking
1465s about retaliators and showing you the
1467s location uh from above the waves
1471s that is the primary focus here today
1474s and we'll definitely fight a few more
1476s retaliators and shoot if zurelia show up
1478s again
1479s i guess we'll have to talk about them
1481s too we'll see we'll see what happens uh
1483s could i let the ship freeze for once i
1485s probably can i think i can do that but
1487s if i start going too fast uh towards to
1490s the watery grave
1491s i will uh likely have to
1494s cut that out
1495s [Laughter]
1496s oh my goodness
1499s how deep is the water so um yeah so
1502s i'm i know a lot of you guys are
1503s wondering about like the underwater
1504s mechanics so in short
1506s just like there's a range of motion for
1509s the areas that you explore there's also
1510s a range of motion as you go deeper
1512s underwater um and
1515s uh that's just gonna be how consistent
1517s it is as a whole i mean the same applies
1519s to the lava planets and kind of like
1521s your access and where you would go in
1523s that uh even though we're not really
1524s talking or showing about that today
1526s because you chose ice uh but yeah so
1530s yeah big thing is that there are certain
1533s points where you just can't go any
1534s further and you have to come back
1536s you know
1537s the primary focus especially and this is
1539s going to be true in a lot of
1541s handcrafted uh design work right like we
1544s want you to stay in the areas that you
1546s are meant to explore the areas that are
1548s rich
1549s with detail
1550s the areas that have meaningful
1553s content
1556s because while it would be
1559s realistic to go flying out here over the
1562s horizon and just seeing water as far as
1564s the eye can see um and you know some ice
1567s shards from here and there the main
1569s point is that in this particular area at
1571s this location
1573s is this
1574s base
1577s are these ice walls here
1580s and whatever else is beneath here
1582s that is the most important and integral
1586s elements
1587s of this space right
1591s and that is going to be how all of our
1593s handcrafted locations are like you're
1595s you enter in a location and you're going
1596s to be kind of in a center point
1599s that you should focus on and as you go
1601s out further to the edges
1603s less and less interesting things you
1605s know
1606s that's how it does sometimes you got to
1608s make that sacrifice i know some people
1610s were like man i want the whole planet to
1612s explore we you know technically we could
1614s have done that procedural generation
1616s though it's hit and miss sometimes and i
1618s feel like recently it's been more on the
1620s miss side and so
1621s handcrafted is just the direction that
1623s we took and that's why
1624s we put that focus in there and why i'm
1626s also speaking towards this and how it
1629s loops you back around there's a
1630s limitation towards the directions you
1632s can go
1635s perfect
1637s perfect
1638s all right
1643s so let's see a couple more questions
1648s will the lava and the fire planet be
1649s more ready to show today no
1652s no no were you a bit more concerned all
1653s voted for eyes no not at all um like
1656s both the fire and ice planets are in an
1658s acceptable place for showcasing but of
1661s course there are still limitations as i
1663s said in my disclaimer uh just as the
1665s stream started what we can and can't
1668s show
1671s so um yeah zerulia units aren't fully
1673s fleshed out as well either so just like
1676s the retaliator you know we've got a
1677s little bit more work on that front uh
1679s the same applies to zurelia units
1685s let's see if we can uh have this guy
1687s come out here
1689s yeah here we go
1693s now i don't think this guy's got enough
1695s uh of a punch to freeze us he would have
1697s to have a couple of
1699s of those uh frost shield drones
1702s because not only do they provide a frost
1704s barrier but when they shoot their shots
1706s through that shield it increases the
1708s frost chance so it's both an offensive
1712s and defensive shield and when you see it
1715s uh keep that in mind because it can
1716s seriously pack a punch you can change
1718s the fire uh of a ship that has that
1721s shield
1721s to be very very deep in the frosts
1728s all right
1732s is there underwater fauna oh my gosh i
1734s love these questions i mean just with
1736s any locations that we're trying to
1738s detail we want to make sure that there's
1740s a a point
1741s to flying around and to those sites um
1745s in regards to asking a very specific
1747s question of like what's the content look
1749s like underwater that's just something
1750s that we'll have to find out in the
1752s future when it drops this summer
1766s i don't even know what to ask i'm too
1767s awestruck
1768s all right
1770s could you show us the under lava system
1772s oh my gosh you guys you're ridiculous
1774s come on i want some i want some sincere
1776s question i'm looking through
1788s i hear people talking about pressure
1795s cold vacuum of space i mean actually is
1797s it is it truly cold though wasn't there
1800s like a
1801s i feel like there was a there was an
1803s argument recently about space not
1805s actually being cold
1807s i think it came up in this chat too i'm
1809s not trying to start something i'm just
1810s uh pointing it out
1812s but i digress oh my gosh you guys where
1815s are the questions
1819s any new resources i like this question
1821s um so as of right now um regarding
1824s crafting um i would say the most
1826s regarding new resources would be just
1829s the consumables and their crafting as a
1831s whole
1832s which we've talked about in the previous
1833s streams but there are uh there's a slew
1836s of new consumable options of course but
1838s they are still work in progress as well
1840s as you can see the way they look is
1842s identical to the damage booster here for
1844s example still damage booster there still
1846s damage booster there but they're all
1848s unique um but in regards to like the
1850s crafting inventory no the same stuff uh
1852s applies thus far though there still are
1855s resources that haven't been fully
1858s utilized in all cases you know i've got
1860s this plasma here and this dark matter
1863s and this biomass just just kind of like
1865s casually pointing out
1866s um
1868s and what you know the future holds on
1870s that front
1872s but uh otherwise
1874s uh yeah
1877s so that's a that's a decent question i
1878s like that i like that
1880s do we have multiple locations of ice and
1882s fire or just what each i don't know
1883s we're we're planning on having um we're
1886s have we're definitely we have
1888s we have places
1892s that's a little telling of a question um
1895s but yeah like we didn't i feel like with
1897s a whole fire and ice uh update this
1900s whole theme that we're going for i feel
1902s like if we just did one location for
1904s each that would probably be a little
1906s um but obviously you can see what the
1908s retaliators know you know no matter
1910s where you face them no matter when you
1912s face them they're always going to be
1914s equipped
1915s with this
1916s these frost weapons that's going to
1918s carry over with them
1921s so it's definitely something to keep in
1923s mind all right so we're gonna we're
1924s gonna see what happens if we take uh
1926s pummeling from these missiles this
1927s missile barrage
1929s our goal is to get frozen without dying
1933s we'll see how effective it is
1936s oh they're shooting down their own
1937s missiles that's that's silly
1940s i didn't want to dodge the missiles come
1941s back
1942s come back missiles
1952s man my dodging skills are too good just
1953s pushing wasd let me tell you what guys
1960s are almost there we're almost there
1966s whoa okay that's a nice big icy blast so
1970s you can see once the uh the percentage
1972s meter reaches 100
1974s um
1975s then yeah this happens
1977s this happens to your ship
1979s nice big explosion that's actually this
1981s is i might just save this shot uh one
1984s second that's nice this is cool
1988s ah puns uh but uh it's pretty neat
1993s i'm particularly a fan of of how this is
1996s uh
1997s is how this is going hang on a second
1999s let's just
2000s yep
2006s oh yeah perfect perfect
2008s oh oh did it just did the game just die
2011s oh no game come back game come back okay
2014s it's better
2016s but we are completely frozen oh i just
2019s got control back
2021s but yeah when you're frozen and we were
2023s just getting lined up shots there
2025s uh you just keep taking a pummeling
2027s because you can't move
2030s you can't move you can't fire you can't
2032s boost you can't do anything on that
2033s front it's kind of similar to an emp
2038s but you can also shake it off a bit
2039s faster
2041s due to its unique properties as well
2044s so for example um you know we have this
2046s resistance thing
2048s uh your whole damage reduction and you
2050s also have this debuff duration reduction
2052s that's going to be incredibly important
2054s when it comes to this stacking ice
2057s effect and how frequently you can uh
2060s hold that off there are a couple other
2062s modifiers that i believe have been
2064s talked about probably
2067s i hope um
2069s that also indicate um stacking effects
2073s that can occur on your ship
2074s and those are going to directly impact
2078s like this
2079s ice stacking property
2083s so yeah
2085s absolutely
2093s can you tell us what the max level will
2094s be uh michael's responded um you guys
2097s are looking up at the corner here and
2098s you see level 23 and i'm building
2100s experience because you guys are
2102s incredibly observant we can't sneak
2104s anything past you uh but yeah we cannot
2107s uh we cannot state what the level is
2109s going to be at this time uh will will we
2112s have enough time to reach the next set
2114s of perks i don't know honestly not sure
2117s will will those be ready
2119s that's that's a great question to ask
2122s but sincerely you know that's going to
2124s take a lot of time effort and energy to
2126s accomplish when we've already been
2127s working so heavily on these units on
2130s these locations and the missions that
2133s surround them i think is very important
2136s to address here even though i would be
2139s totally spoiling everything if i showed
2141s the missions and i'm not going to you
2143s deserve to experience that
2145s when it goes live this summer oh my
2148s goodness
2149s so
2151s press e i love you guys not going to
2153s happen though on that front i will say
2155s we did add shortcuts to where you can
2157s access different menus
2159s just from here so like when i do press i
2163s i can go straight to the inventory i
2164s think that was probably already there
2165s but there's other buttons i can push to
2167s go straight to all of the different
2169s pages now and no i'm not going to go to
2172s all the different pages not through this
2174s demonstration because
2176s you probably understand that i've
2177s cheated to get here to show you this
2180s stuff and i'm not going to reveal more
2182s than what needs be but uh this will be
2185s opened up and you'll have all those
2186s features to bring it all together uh
2188s pretty dang soon so with all of that
2191s being said we're gonna bounce back to
2193s our stream save and we're going to talk
2195s a little bit about uh some of the other
2197s features that we have been working on um
2200s just little tweaks here and there mainly
2202s but also pretty happy with the results
2204s that have been bringing it all together
2208s oh i missed a i missed a question that
2209s somebody said hey can you get this
2211s question as well
2229s what was the awkward oh car faction oh
2232s car okar is how you pronounce it okay
2234s faction inspired by babylon 5 ship
2236s designs i know that we are a big fan of
2238s sci-fi and we've taken a lot of
2240s inspiration drawn a lot of inspiration
2242s from a lot of the classics um you know
2245s and babylon 5's definitely in there
2248s i would have to specifically ask our
2250s concept artists and our um and our
2253s incredible designers
2254s on where they drew that particular
2257s inspiration even from you know ever
2258s space one where the old cars origin kind
2260s of appears at all um
2263s probably is my guess
2266s i i wouldn't be surprised by that
2268s whatsoever
2270s be surprised but at all
2272s ah let's see
2275s ship freezes eject yeah basically ice
2278s fishing
2279s why does everyone ask if you can fish in
2281s every video game well we have a
2283s defrosting device so there's actually a
2285s i love that question because uh there's
2288s actually a consumable
2291s um
2292s let's see
2296s where's that
2298s not damaged not that one
2302s ah there we go system recovery routine
2305s removes most debuffs and resets any
2307s debuff buildups
2309s so what you're seeing with the ice
2310s effect that's a debuff build up effect
2313s so this right here
2315s this would counter that so if we crafted
2317s this bad boy
2320s now we have this capability
2322s oh i also i also spoke to tease so
2325s uh he confirmed that whenever you craft
2327s a consumable you craft it at its max
2329s capacity much like when you craft a
2331s missile you get the max capacity of it
2333s as well so upon crafting a consumable
2337s you will get the maximum that it
2338s provides so i got four system recovery
2341s routines upon crafting
2344s and we would have that ability so you
2346s get frozen you pop that immediately and
2347s you can keep on your merry little way
2350s especially if you have low resistance
2351s like i do that
2353s probably is a good tool for you to use
2361s does your ship navigate the same
2362s underwater you will find out
2365s soon
2370s i will i will give you i i'll let you
2372s know that it's a little different it is
2375s a little different but um i don't want
2376s to be too revealing in that because
2378s again it's going to be uh
2380s that's going to be details for you guys
2381s to experience and explore
2391s oh
2394s we might just leave this ancient alone
2399s because they are mean now let me tell
2401s you what also this is a level 25 ancient
2404s what did i do to deserve this
2406s probably not giving you all the
2407s information you guys spawned this in
2408s didn't you
2409s somehow it was you
2419s he's behind the rock
2421s ah
2422s unfortunate
2426s well going into the icy water also give
2428s you the frozen debuff that would be
2429s telling
2436s oh come on we should be at range
2441s right let's see what's our what's our
2443s expertise range yeah we got plus 50
2445s bonus to range and we have
2452s okay so maybe we don't quite have them
2454s in range
2456s let me get a little closer
2460s looks like we found the level cap for
2462s the build did you
2463s oh i don't i don't see how you would
2465s come to that conclusion
2474s baked potatoes on lava planet you guys
2475s are so strange sometimes
2478s will we be able to go into the lava too
2480s or not so you know it's interesting that
2482s you asked that question um you know i
2484s think there's this strange concept that
2486s a lot of video game makers have taken
2488s with lava and they're like oh let's just
2490s make it like water except it's hot
2495s that's that's not lava that's hot water
2497s um
2499s so
2503s um
2507s not sure where to go from that uh
2509s [Laughter]
2520s oh yes the hot red orange water mmm
2523s tasty
2525s yeah we'll we'll learn more about the
2526s lava places uh in the future maybe next
2529s week we'll do a little showcase of uh
2531s zurelia that sounds like a good plan
2532s since you guys chose ice today
2535s and we'll also sneak back in and do more
2537s uh retaliator stuff
2539s um a little bit later in the stream once
2541s again i just want to see if i can take
2542s out this ancient warden
2544s without actually dying
2546s from rain
2548s it's good
2559s yay
2560s all right
2567s with a healthy bit of malamite
2569s that's two
2571s i didn't choose ice fire nation attack
2572s oh my gosh you guys
2589s nice delicious malamite
2600s that precision mining though
2603s tell you what
2607s somebody's really mad at me for doing
2609s that
2612s oh my gosh
2617s fun fact lava is a lava when it's
2618s underground it's magma oh my goodness
2620s you you're all dorks
2626s and i love each and every one of you
2627s thank you sincerely
2629s don't change
2633s mmm
2635s all right let's answer some questions
2636s with this delicious music
2641s [Music]
2651s i see a couple repeat questions just in
2653s different ways um guys and i do want to
2655s i want to put a lot of emphasis on this
2657s um i want to answer your questions about
2661s future content
2663s future content so badly but i cannot
2666s reveal stuff
2667s that has not been properly revealed yet
2670s so um while i might be able to give you
2673s a little bit of details surrounding the
2676s concept of an idea that you're trying to
2679s get at and yes that was incredibly vague
2681s intentionally um you know i can't i
2683s can't give you those answers but i'm
2685s more than happy to answer more questions
2687s you have about like the retaliators and
2688s their weapons
2690s maybe even a little bit about the lore
2692s if you are interested on that front uh
2694s and like i said we'll also head back
2695s over to their planet here um in a little
2698s bit and we're also going to be
2700s showcasing some
2702s uh community content as well like you
2703s guys have been taking some pretty
2704s awesome screenshots and i want to make
2706s sure that we're putting that focus on
2708s you guys too
2711s um
2712s but yeah
2713s let me
2714s jump over here really quick because i
2716s know that
2717s you know i've already told you a little
2718s bit about the rebalancing of the
2719s vanguard making it a bit more effective
2722s on that front of uh changing the
2724s critical rear attack expertise
2727s um it might not be like a massive change
2730s but um i've been feeling it in my play
2732s testing and i think anyone who really
2734s likes the vanguard and is attempting to
2736s obtain that expertise bonus they're
2738s probably gonna get that feeling from it
2740s as well like it's it's a nice little
2742s bump up in the right direction
2744s um so a couple other things oh yeah hang
2747s on let's um
2749s let's find a good spot for this uh
2753s we need to look around
2755s [Music]
2758s we're going to look around here i'm
2760s going to head back over here we got
2761s something else to talk about
2764s this is going to be uh probably a fun
2766s little point of conversation whoop
2769s whoop
2771s [Music]
2779s [Music]
2791s [Music]
2801s uh we will we get a reset camera setting
2804s sometimes i miss the focus up so much or
2806s blur it and reset you have to unpause
2808s and retake it that's actually a nice
2810s little suggestion i would post that on
2812s the forums sirloin um i love that i love
2815s that um i love that idea i haven't i'm
2818s not sure if i've seen that yet on the
2820s forums posted or not so you might just
2822s check it out and search for like a
2824s camera reset option or something like
2826s that
2827s because if it's not on there that could
2829s definitely be something we could uh
2831s evaluate and see if we could plug in i
2833s know that we've been tweaking some of
2834s those uh camera settings
2836s um at least andy told me about them a
2838s little bit i don't know if any of them
2840s are present here yet i don't think they
2842s are
2843s these all look the same to me
2849s so but uh yeah i know there have been
2851s further tweaks on that front
2857s so i want to go do uh i want to go do a
2859s thing we're going to go do a thing
2865s we're going to fly over the uh call over
2867s the flying duchess
2874s hello there and i thought i was all
2876s alone out here
2877s sorry for disturbing
2879s no no it's fine stay
2884s so as we dock with the flying duchess
2888s you may or may not notice something
2890s that's changed
2899s can you accidentally reveal the hot
2900s planet no
2902s absolutely not
2906s so
2907s something that you guys have been uh
2910s talking about for a while
2912s is that the accessibility of ships has
2915s been less than ideal in the current game
2918s space and to this we do agree in fact so
2921s uh
2922s one of the ways that we are adjusting
2924s that we explored this kind of this
2926s option and we're pretty happy with it
2929s now this is not
2931s finished
2933s it's not done all right so you're
2935s looking at this you're excited i know i
2937s know you're excited we have a ship
2939s dealer
2940s over here at the flying duchess now
2944s two things
2946s first thing there's three stinking ships
2948s here that's it
2950s man that sucks only three ships what
2953s kind of tricks are you trying to pull
2955s well let me tell you what type of tricks
2957s i'm trying to pull
2959s is that this is something you will
2961s unlock
2963s so even though these ships are they're
2965s new ships these are not from your base
2970s they're not from your base
2973s even though that's also been requested a
2974s lot um these particular ships you only
2976s get three choices that you would earn
2979s and maybe
2982s there's some ways to earn more
2984s of what could be offered here
2987s from marie defense and the flying
2988s duchess in the future
2991s possibly
2993s perhaps
2994s this is something again that we've been
2995s exploring internally because you guys
2997s have been requesting it we've been
2998s seeing this uh on the forums we've been
3000s seeing it in the discussions
3002s about just ship accessibility and just
3004s new opportunities so that is uh going to
3008s happen you will be able to call her in
3010s and that's going to generate new ship
3012s opportunities for you as well in
3014s addition to you know probably more ship
3016s dealer uh appearing in the future of the
3019s game
3020s um just to provide even more on top of
3022s that and of course we talked about this
3025s last week but i just want to put a lot
3026s of emphasis on it here
3028s you will be able to have
3030s more opportunities with ship selections
3033s as well um we've talked about how maybe
3036s certain bases will offer certain types
3039s of ships
3040s maybe there would be a way to hold a
3042s ship
3043s stuff like that
3045s this is a bit up in the air right now
3048s with us internally since we are really
3050s heavily focused on delivering drake
3052s right for the summer update that's
3054s releasing this summer
3056s um but we do hear your pleas
3058s and
3060s some of that stuff we think would be
3061s really cool so uh just keep your eyes
3063s peeled because this screen right here
3065s what you're looking at right here in the
3066s ship dealer this is not done yet
3068s this is not done there's still more to
3071s come
3072s all right exciting exciting time
3077s exciting time
3078s uh what do we got here
3080s we found a new
3081s shield st
3084s goodness i like that too
3088s i'm losing i'm losing a little bit of my
3090s precision but um
3094s i think we're gonna go with this shield
3095s st
3097s that's interesting i i really like speed
3098s words but uh we're gonna go with that
3100s i'm gonna go ahead and sell this
3114s [Music]
3116s now i'm just like swapping because i can
3117s but honestly
3128s uh i think i'm gonna
3135s i want the i want a combination of both
3139s oh my goodness
3143s summer lasts a while yeah but it's um
3147s it has an immediate start though
3151s right we buy her ship no no no no
3154s uh special passives uh
3157s can you be more specific
3161s oh in regards to the ships that she's
3163s sailing um well right now like what you
3164s see again like this is the everything
3167s i've alluded to um you know this is
3168s still a kind of work in progress
3170s situation that we're going for here um
3172s but yeah i mean the passives that
3174s generate on these ships it's going to be
3175s very similar to the passives of the
3177s ships that generate everywhere else
3179s right now because they're just like
3180s randomly spawning in
3183s but we recognize that there should be a
3184s little bit more control over that so
3187s that if you wanted to go somewhere to
3188s get a specific thing then you would have
3190s that opportunity so uh yeah that was the
3193s the whole sort of diatribe that i went
3195s off of talking about um the ship dealer
3197s and what's going to be new to that
3201s so yeah no worries
3202s no worries
3206s summer just ended over here general yeah
3207s i guess i should be talking about like
3209s the you know
3210s american summer uh
3213s however you want to
3214s determine that or the was it what's the
3216s official term man calling it american
3219s that sounds like really it kind of
3221s sounds dickish if i'm being honest
3223s that's a special name
3230s i'm looking this up because i now i need
3232s to know
3235s the northern hemisphere summer is that
3238s is that there it is
3241s goodness
3245s thanks geekbite i appreciate that i i
3247s googled it i should have trusted you
3249s guys could've just looked
3250s but uh regardless yes the northern
3253s hemisphere summer
3255s that uh that good old time that's what
3257s we'll be uh addressing the summer update
3262s i think i'm gonna keep i'm gonna use
3263s this new one we're gonna use this new
3265s one
3268s we have a lot of different weapons
3272s that we've kind of been plugging around
3273s i almost feel like we should change our
3275s ship
3276s we could go over to a stinger
3280s since it's here
3283s this vanguard is too expensive also
3284s those wings are not done because that's
3286s not a three three plus wow um
3290s but yeah
3300s so a couple of the other updates that we
3302s have been working on
3304s aside from marie now sells ships um some
3307s of you probably have noticed this but
3308s like all the buttons
3311s all of the buttons that have that are
3312s kind of like floating around at the base
3315s like in the menu
3316s all of these including i think uh
3319s i think it's also here yeah
3321s like over here too
3323s they just got like a little border
3325s around them just to make them stand out
3326s just a little more
3328s and also to bring it together in the
3330s overarching ux
3333s design there's also a new device mastery
3336s sound let's uh let's have a listen to
3338s that
3340s if we have enough
3343s components
3346s we don't have enough components we need
3347s more plasma
3350s we need more plasma well let's go
3351s destroy some bases so we can listen to
3353s that new sound
3357s [Music]
3361s so like i said it's work in progress
3364s uh with the new ships at murray defense
3367s flying duchess so that's important wow
3371s the lag spike
3373s hold the phone let's just
3376s let's
3378s my goodness so as you can see
3381s uh
3382s we have accomplished a thing
3387s what just happened uh it's very likely
3389s that i ran into the ship that was in the
3390s ship dealer when i immediately spawned
3392s because i was looking at the ship and i
3394s didn't despawn it
3396s again issues
3398s early access don't worry about it it'll
3399s be fixed before you even know it
3403s so instead we're gonna head back over to
3405s union i think to have a gander at those
3408s ship opportunities
3413s uh probably prescott's gonna be our best
3416s bet
3418s oh we can we can fast travel
3438s the ship being in the ship yeah
3439s basically
3440s that's what happened
3447s all right here we go
3450s here we go
3452s much better
3456s [Music]
3457s ow
3462s 3fps mode confirmed oh my gosh you found
3465s it
3466s yes the very elusive very rare
3469s 3fps mode
3472s by popular
3473s requests could we please return to using
3476s jump gates
3477s jump gates where we're going we don't
3480s need jump gates
3481s nice reference excellent excellent
3485s i love it
3487s all right
3490s so let's see if there's a new ship that
3491s we can procure that's over here
3494s we've got a cyclops three those wings
3496s aren't done we got a liberator two plus
3502s i'm kind of feeling bomber or a gunship
3504s i'm kind of feeling gunship
3506s [Music]
3510s just for lots of firepower you know
3513s i think we're gonna we're just gonna you
3515s know i'm not even gonna think about it
3516s we're just gonna buy it we're gonna go
3517s in
3527s goodness
3529s all right
3530s uh we're also gonna change our style
3534s um
3534s [Music]
3538s more colonial look how's that
3542s we'll go with
3543s that
3544s and uh we do need to find some
3547s uh we need to find some bases we find
3550s some bases so we can get some plasma
3552s because plasma always drops
3555s from
3557s debrief debris from like bases and stuff
3562s and that's actually explained if you
3564s read the description of plasma
3568s drops from fuel tanks and other
3570s destructibles near stations and wreckage
3574s it's in the description
3576s so i'm not giving you like some secret
3578s information it's in the game
3580s so let's see what jobs we've got
3586s we don't have any
3588s any base specific stuff the search and
3591s destroy might not give us what we want
3593s so instead we're just gonna go searching
3596s for tunnel
3597s that's how we're gonna do things
3600s and even though our loot isn't fully uh
3602s filled out let's go ahead and just put
3605s our
3606s mining beam laser there
3610s our rapid auto cannon with our syncro
3612s pulse that's going to feel pretty good i
3614s think
3614s [Music]
3619s and away we go
3620s let's go looking for trouble
3625s [Music]
3627s that's a lot of jobs yes
3629s yeah we did receive some reports from
3631s people saying like
3633s the jobs aren't working properly and
3636s like there's only like one that would
3637s spawn in or so
3639s and just just be aware you know
3641s there's some bugs that go with that so
3660s so yeah i'm sure it'll get fixed
3668s unknown signal let's do it come on base
3670s come on
3671s first attempt let's do it
3674s give me a base
3676s give me a base
3680s now we know how eric dances at weddings
3681s oh it's never been a secret
3686s no base ah
3688s we got a whammy all right well that's
3690s okay
3691s oh man
3693s gunship firepower though
3696s that's pretty nice i didn't even look at
3699s our passives at all i just was like
3701s gunship big guns
3703s chosen let's see what we rolled let's
3705s see what we rolled true will also attack
3707s mines at 50 and
3709s 50 increased boost speed my big dumb
3712s faces in the way hang on a second look
3713s at that beauty that is a new passive
3716s that will be added in the summer update
3718s 50 increased boost speed i'm calling
3721s that a win
3722s because i love i love boosties
3724s give me those sweet sweet delicious
3726s boosties
3728s look at us go oh my gosh
3742s whew
3762s oh yeah oh yeah that's that's nice
3766s this is nice
3767s all right let's check out uh whatever's
3770s in the shipwreck maybe we can find some
3771s plasma if we're really lucky
3774s or just straight up the memory
3775s recalibrators that would be amazing
3780s come on game
3781s don't fail me
3783s i want to show everybody the new sound
3785s it's nice
3801s all right
3806s and some titanium all right i'll take it
3816s i don't want that atheium though it's
3818s it's too common
3820s screw that
3828s what does the gunship do more gun what
3830s does the ultimate do more gun absolutely
3832s this is correct
3834s this is absolutely correct
3851s so will there be any development on the
3853s haptic feedback on the playstation
3855s controller now that they have released
3856s some pc tools and drivers for it they
3858s being sony
3860s uh i mean we can only hope
3862s that would be a question that i would
3864s need to uh you know dig out our team
3866s with
3868s i don't believe that's been any sort of
3870s point of development right now
3873s but uh i mean we can always hope right
3877s we can always hope
3879s i know that in the sense of like um gyro
3882s controls that's always been
3884s it's always kind of like a fickle
3886s territory to start diving into it can be
3888s really hit or miss sometimes it's so
3890s easy and then sometimes it's
3893s needlessly difficult
3895s so um
3896s we'll just have to we'll just have to
3898s find out
3899s maybe i'll have more information for you
3901s um
3903s the beginning of next week or maybe even
3905s the discord if you want to ask us a
3907s question in the appropriate channel
3908s there the ask devs question channel and
3911s i can follow up with you
3916s my instincts are telling me i don't
3918s think we are but um
3920s but i'd really like to get confirmation
3926s because that's a good question
3930s that's a good question
3932s are you planning on supporting the steam
3933s deck steam decks definitely possible
3936s it's definitely possible um we will
3940s let you guys know what opportunities uh
3943s let me let me start this over just in
3945s case anybody
3946s uh is curious out there so i know
3948s there's a lot of console players
3950s consoles can be incredibly convenient
3952s especially with pc prices kind of like
3954s going through the roof for there for a
3955s while you know they are coming back down
3957s but we get it you know there's an
3959s accessibility there that's wonderful
3961s it's fantastic and we are coming to
3963s consoles we are in fact coming to
3965s consoles which consoles
3968s we will be making that announcement at
3969s the time of gamescom this year now we
3972s won't have um
3974s i don't think there's gonna be like
3975s anything um
3979s i'm trying to think of trying to think
3981s how to word this uh but the the main
3983s thing to note is that we will have an
3986s announcement that's going to cover a lot
3987s of what that looks like uh the audiences
3990s that are going to uh be jumping all over
3992s the opportunities that we'll have with
3994s everspace 2 and um you know some people
3997s who've already been playing with the
3998s steam decks uh they've been running
4000s everspace too they've been giving us
4002s feedback saying like man this is really
4004s good it would be really nice if you have
4005s the full support and you know we're not
4007s going to deny that that would be amazing
4008s so we're thrilled that you know the
4011s tests that you guys have done do seem to
4014s be going in the right direction but
4015s again we will make all of the
4017s appropriate official announcements for
4019s all the consoles that we're coming to
4021s around gamescom this year all right
4026s cool
4032s some
4033s i i know that there was a joke question
4035s from tiberius but michael did answer it
4037s i want to share this with everyone
4038s somebody asked can i play everspace 2 on
4040s my phone and the only way that you'd be
4042s able to do that michael's already
4043s answered is that you do it so through
4046s like a streaming service uh we are not
4048s going to
4049s make this into a mobile game nope not
4051s gonna happen
4054s not gonna happen at all and i look over
4056s at the youtube chat and all i see are
4060s it's
4060s what what is happening
4068s i'm a little lost i'm looking to make
4069s sure that there weren't any questions
4071s that i missed
4074s well we have the ability to sell
4075s resources for extra cash
4077s cobalium
4079s yeah i want to make sure that you're not
4080s left out uh and just drowned out by
4082s whatever else is going on over there um
4085s yeah so um we haven't like fully dove
4088s into what we want to do like what our
4090s vision looks like for the sort of
4093s marketing and trading side of everspace
4095s 2. you've probably heard me directly say
4098s in the streams maybe you haven't but i
4100s have said directly in the streams that
4102s what we'd really like to do with this is
4104s we'd like to create um like trade lanes
4107s we'd like to create opportunistic routes
4109s where you can profit off certain
4112s resources like certain stations having
4115s uh greater profit margins for an item
4118s versus another one um that you would
4120s then be able to like carry around and
4121s you know especially with the resources
4124s like this on the map being added where
4126s it's like you can see which places are
4128s rich with iron it's currently on iron
4130s you know you could probably assume like
4132s union they're probably going to pay a
4133s bit of a
4134s bigger price for iron versus zarkov and
4137s especially ceto you know you go over to
4140s sito like at al cyane station they're
4144s iron's gonna be super cheap there and
4146s you try to sell it to them it's going to
4147s be super cheap what they're going to
4149s give you but over here in union without
4151s any iron to boot
4153s it would make sense that you would sell
4155s it for a higher price now that is what
4157s we would like to do and i believe it's
4160s still technically planned
4162s i believe
4163s i'm i hope i'm not getting in trouble
4165s andy i'm sorry if i'm saying that wrong
4167s um or hans christian
4169s um but yeah that is still very much what
4171s we would like to do with these systems
4174s with this marketing and um
4176s trading sort of aspects so um
4179s it's also an interesting uh space to get
4182s into since the crafting inventory as a
4184s whole is something we'd like to make
4187s fairly separate
4189s from your trading commodities especially
4192s so like nano fibers small arms
4195s um mining equipment etc etc
4200s like those are going to be the goods
4201s that we'd really like to put more
4202s emphasis on when it comes to
4204s these features that are coming down the
4206s line um but yeah we've we've heard the
4209s question before and you know in the
4210s prior state of the game these were
4214s by like they were sellable right and you
4216s can buy them now like you can go to
4217s specific stations to buy them um so it's
4220s something that we still have to explore
4222s but there's going to be a lot of
4223s gamification that surrounds that
4225s dialogue internally and there's going to
4227s be a lot of decisions that are made for
4228s the sake of how that functions in the
4232s gameplay experience as a whole so we
4234s can't just say oh yeah you can trade
4236s them freely and sell them and all that
4237s type of stuff like i can't necessarily
4239s guarantee that
4240s um we'll just have to see
4242s what those opportunities look like
4244s and with a little bit of hope a little
4246s bit of luck maybe
4248s uh we'll see a fruitful outcome for a
4252s trading and marketing sort of uh design
4255s to the game
4261s it would be surprising if there was
4263s still research being conducted here i
4266s was passed right through that let's try
4267s getting inside and see what we can find
4269s so excellent
4288s we got this power core sockets
4296s i always get confused on this mission
4297s now
4298s i'm going to blame all of you for it
4302s because there was that one time i
4304s streamed and i died like
4306s three times to mines do you guys
4307s remember that
4309s and so i'm like kind of scared to to go
4310s back in here and do it again
4320s wait i thought targeting mines was a
4322s passive it it is yeah that's that's one
4324s of the passives i have
4325s turret will also target mines that's why
4327s i was using it yes
4329s yeah i figured i might as well use the
4331s feature
4338s it's gonna be a little bit of a punk
4339s here
4344s i want your loot
4359s so what's kind of fun about this game is
4361s that we constantly have these little
4363s sound effect bugs oh my goodness
4366s oh my gosh
4376s [Music]
4385s no big deal no big deal everything's
4386s fine
4388s just gonna do some testing later oh my
4390s goodness
4392s it never ends
4401s you see that audio bug a lot yeah it
4403s happens here and there and it's ah
4406s it's one of those that's like hard to
4408s isolate
4410s now is this yes finally this is where we
4413s were trying to get to
4426s i kind of like the way it sounds
4429s but uh
4430s definitely not preferred
4433s oh goodness
4437s definitely not intended is what i mean
4439s to say
4441s all right
4471s all right let's see if we can find some
4477s uh what are we looking for plasma
4490s oh ouch
4493s oh we didn't quite break the shield
4494s unfortunately
4497s that'll do it though
4522s all right here's that platform we were
4523s looking for that's what i like to see
4528s delicious
4530s see just these little destructibles
4531s that's what you want to be looking for
4539s surely we got a little bit more
4549s [Music]
4552s that should be enough
4554s at least for the moment
4558s so
4558s uh we want to make some more memory
4561s recalibrators ah yes perfect
4563s so um i also got a little bit of clarity
4566s from tees from last time uh who did
4569s inform me that
4570s the craft multiple opportunity here so
4573s like i just crafted two independently
4575s from one another we will have it to
4577s where you can craft multiple at the same
4579s time so if you wanted to just make four
4582s all of a sudden you could do that
4584s you could do that
4585s so let's see if there's anything
4587s that i can no everything has four or
4590s nothing all right
4594s so we still need to get two more of
4596s those we need more plasma
4599s and if i can't find it fast enough i'm
4601s just gonna
4602s i'm just gonna make it
4608s hey the sounds fixed awesome
4612s gotta love it when games randomly are
4613s like up everything's fine
4617s pretty sure gabriel's just hating this
4619s stream right now he's
4620s probably not happy with how it's turned
4622s out
4624s well my weekend plans are shot
4630s all right
4632s some more titanium
4643s all right we're gonna keep searching for
4644s more plasma
4652s can my ship have a rainbow trail
4656s so i actually love this question
4660s um
4661s you know engine trails are not really
4663s something that we've seen or we've
4665s talked about too much
4666s engine trails you know they're very
4668s consistent to um
4670s [Music]
4671s it's how we feel as a whole that
4673s engine's trails would be
4675s uh distinguished
4678s in our kind of like
4679s universe if you will so like
4681s your um your side of like
4684s your standardized controls all your
4686s engines are orange
4688s your thrusters are blue
4691s we kind of like that distinction you
4693s know i know some people are like man
4694s it'd be so cool if you could change that
4697s or do something with it we've heard that
4700s it kind of goes into that territory of
4702s like
4704s we agree that would be awesome but that
4706s would be like another extra level of
4709s customization that
4711s we're just not sure if we can get to
4713s that or not right
4714s would it be cool yes it would be awesome
4717s it'd be so neat you know to be able to
4720s go in here and change a billion and a
4722s half things with your ship customization
4724s i cannot guarantee
4728s what is going to make the cut and what's
4730s not because there's still a lot more
4732s content we have to do first
4734s and being an aesthetic option
4737s that's going to be kind of last on the
4739s list
4742s so
4742s maybe in the future
4744s there might be some means to having a
4746s multi-colored engine trail
4749s maybe and that is an incredibly strong
4751s maybe ladies and gentlemen we're talking
4754s like chances of happening this is a
4757s hundred this is zero we're talking like
4761s it's
4762s i'm saying there's a chance
4771s so
4773s take that with a grain of salt if you
4775s will
4778s now let's look for more destructibles
4780s i'm sure there's several in here
4784s around here there's gotta be
4788s this place is nothing but stations right
4792s that's all i need i guess
4794s i gotcha i gotcha
4795s no i mean i would love to be more
4797s specific on that front because again
4798s like i think it would be really cool
4801s but um
4802s at the end of the day
4805s we have to make sure that the gameplay
4807s is centralized around these core
4808s mechanics and features that have to make
4810s into the game first and foremost that
4812s work together
4813s to create a pretty awesome product and
4815s then after that we can start talking
4817s about that gravy to smother it all under
4821s and customizations
4823s a bit of that
4827s uh let's see
4829s where are all my destructibles at
4831s i'm getting so caught up in your
4832s questions i can't remember where
4833s anything's up
4836s thanks for answering a detail yeah yeah
4837s no worries i'm i am happy to help i love
4840s giving you guys information
4843s let's go around the back side here maybe
4845s there's uh
4847s maybe what i'm looking for is around
4849s there
4851s a little nook and cranny behind here i
4853s think
4856s yeah
4857s this is what i'm looking for
4863s this is this is not what i'm looking for
4865s all right
4866s i'm getting ready to just make the
4868s memory recalibrators by using a cheap
4869s menu because it's taking a while oh my
4872s gosh
4875s but keep on the questions you guys are
4877s asking some really good questions today
4878s and i really appreciate it when you do
4880s that uh because there's a strong focal
4882s point here in the community speaking of
4884s which and speaking about the community
4885s you know always know that you can get
4887s more information by joining us over at
4889s these other places like discord uh we've
4892s got twitch youtube uh twitter
4895s we also have a subreddit as well which
4897s has just always been a
4899s fantastic place to ask questions and you
4901s know engage with
4902s all of us
4904s so it's uh you know it's a remarkable
4906s place to get all of that uh information
4909s it's delightful we're always answering
4911s we're always uh
4913s being as fruitful as we possibly can
4914s with you all uh it's good times it's
4916s good times so uh yeah
4920s uh but anyway um while you guys were
4921s away um a title i just found some plasma
4925s um
4926s so we're just gonna make uh some memory
4928s recalibrators
4930s i'll show you this little sound effect
4931s because we can
4932s and maybe come up with a couple extra
4934s ones
4935s for next time
4937s so we're just gonna we're just gonna
4938s reset this and then put it all back on
4942s so
4942s when you upgrade
4944s you have the normal sound
4946s when you max out this is what was added
4953s wonderful ah
4955s all of that for a single little sound
4957s but hey it's important those little
4960s details
4961s they can really make things work so
4962s excellent that's another little detail
4964s that we have plugged in um
4966s there are a lot of other tweaks though
4968s that we have been working on um like for
4971s example dismantling and how this all
4974s kind of works let me see if i can kind
4975s of show this
4978s you can kind of see it above me
4982s you might notice like the amount of
4983s goods
4985s there's uh there's some variety there
4987s right
4989s now this is stacking the numbers are
4991s stacking from everything that we've done
4994s at once this is just gonna be a single
4996s flack option hang on a second you know
4998s what am i blocking this
5001s we got one circuitry and one spare part
5005s okay
5006s again same thing
5010s same thing
5013s one of the things we noticed is that in
5016s this crafting um like you can even tell
5018s right here i have over 2 000 spare parts
5021s i have over 1 000 circuitries
5024s um and i have 41 star charge conduits
5029s now through the natural progression of
5031s the game
5032s it does make sense that you're going to
5034s have a lot more commons than you're
5035s going to have of like superiors yes of
5037s course but that's a bit of an extreme
5039s and so we are going back through this
5042s and saying how much actually makes sense
5044s here this is something i said that we
5046s would be doing you know we've talked
5048s about how like certain uh items are
5050s gonna require certain
5053s things to bring them all together the
5054s consumables is probably the best example
5056s of this right now since that's a
5057s combination of those uh crafting
5060s ingredients mixed with components right
5064s so this is still a bit of a work in
5066s progress
5067s but the values the amounts that you're
5069s getting um we're kind of scaling back
5072s the common resources that come out
5074s so in order to get a lot of that common
5076s stuff you're just gonna have to scrap a
5078s lot of common stuff but also higher tier
5079s stuff uh ends up still giving you that
5082s too so like when we scrap this barren
5084s executioner you're still getting common
5086s parts so it's not like they're hard to
5089s find like no matter what you're getting
5091s it we just had to like scale back how
5092s much the baseline standard was accruing
5095s since again like these numbers are it's
5098s pretty nuts so little balances and
5100s tweaks on that front
5102s um i can assure you that this is
5103s actually going to be a headache saver
5105s more than anything else
5107s it might not seem like it right now
5110s but we also are increasing the rarity of
5112s items uh of an item
5116s hang on a second let me reword that
5117s increasing the rarity of an item through
5119s modification it leads lower numbers of
5122s rarity parts so um
5130s what i mean by that is like taking this
5133s pulse laser if i wanted to increase the
5135s rarity these values have been adjusted
5137s the spare parts in the circuitry now
5139s they're only 12.
5141s [Music]
5143s so stuff like that it's just scaling
5145s these numbers down to be a bit more uh
5148s digestible
5150s shall we say
5154s and through that i think that kind of
5156s ties into the prior question about
5159s selling
5160s our crafting materials
5162s for goods
5163s because if as we're going through this
5166s direction and you're going to have less
5167s of these spare parts and stuff that
5169s means it kind of makes more sense to
5171s open this up for
5173s some level of trading perhaps
5176s since you're not gonna have like so much
5178s you just sell it all for a billion
5181s credits and then you go on your way
5182s because it doesn't affect you at all
5183s right like
5185s by balancing that out it's going to
5186s promote new opportunities
5188s blah blah blah design design
5190s game dev
5194s um and
5195s let's see is there anything else that's
5197s super important to kind of cover at this
5199s time not really
5201s not really at this point in time
5209s doing a quick double check
5220s oh yeah okay okay so uh we did we
5223s updated the explorer descriptions as
5225s well
5227s so explorer descriptions have also
5228s received a tweak i think before it was
5229s just like each one was like go explore
5232s this the cedo go explore the union go
5235s explore zarkov is like super basic so we
5237s just you know just a little change but
5239s you know
5240s add a little bit of flavor text to the
5242s game so if you guys who really like to
5244s read want all those little details you
5245s can uh go through there and read them
5247s all like ceto explorer it's now take a
5249s tour and tidy up your new neighborhood
5251s in the remote hinterlands of the dmz
5254s and they're all there you'll see them
5256s eventually
5258s eventually
5260s excellent
5265s excellent
5269s all right
5271s [Music]
5274s there's a new person here could we get
5275s another sneak peek of ice world all
5277s right
5278s all right
5279s all right twist my arm
5283s twist my arm let's head back over
5288s to our lovely little ice planet
5291s for sure
5301s yes
5304s yes
5332s oh yeah
5357s frost shield drones
5359s providing a shield for this retaliator
5362s scout and also again this increases his
5365s frost damage that he does to you
5369s so if he were to hit me
5372s we are really fast and i'm moving a bit
5376s his frost effect would be a lot more
5380s with multiple repeat shots
5389s and this guy's fast
5404s how did that not get you all right
5428s oh that doesn't work oh that's
5430s unfortunate
5432s i was hoping to put a turret on that ice
5467s thing
5486s so all the retaliators
5488s no matter where you're at
5491s they're gonna have this nice frosty
5493s weaponry
5497s and if you're not fast enough
5499s you'll get frozen
5502s oh a drake signal decoder we should use
5504s that and do that right
5517s oh yeah
5541s drake signal decoder confirmed i mean
5543s it's another system it's gonna happen ah
5546s yes the drone carrier their frost beams
5570s [Music]
5577s really hope we get a mission to this
5579s planet called let it go
5587s [Music]
5596s please don't ever change
5602s i'm so
5604s i don't have words all right
5607s bomber
5609s oh ouch
5635s oh
5654s i think the frost shield drones like
5656s they um
5659s they really start to transform oh gosh
5661s we got frozen
5662s oh
5669s ouch
5671s that was painful
5678s wow
5684s just uh doing this to recover our armor
5687s and our shields more effectively
5693s wow
5694s that was painful
5702s i also want to just get the most
5703s effective use
5708s out of our shots there wow all right
5710s well now that that turned the tide for
5712s us quite a bit more
5717s you do not want to get frozen let me
5719s tell you what
5723s oh
5724s oh we're not supposed to show you yet
5727s but thank you teammates
5729s hang on hang on a second
5731s hang on a second
5733s we're not supposed to show this yet
5734s [Music]
5736s we're not supposed to
5737s this isn't supposed to be here but nice
5739s colors i like your colors
5741s it's pretty it's pretty nice
5745s pretty it's pretty pretty great
5747s coloration if i do say so myself
5750s right
5751s definitely
5752s definitely like the theming going on
5754s there
5756s go away you're ruining the stream all
5758s right
5765s all right
5775s whew
5792s oh so yeah this is a pleasant little
5795s location or mad chaos ensues right
5799s i still really like how when you're like
5800s under objects it's not raining on you
5810s whoop
5824s all right
5851s oh
5852s ouch
5859s i'm really hoping i don't get frozen
5861s again because i feel like
5862s right over here we would just meet our
5864s demise
5865s and also for anybody who's wondering
5866s like when we got frozen last time if
5868s there's any reason why we didn't just
5870s like explode instantaneously
5872s we do have a perk
5875s that saves us
5877s when we reach uh zero help
5883s and that's a very impor important perk
5885s to have when you're um
5888s live streaming
5891s oh my goodness look at all these turrets
5893s on this place though goodness crazy
5910s all right
5913s yeah i'm very much centralizing all my
5915s stuff going on right around here for
5917s very intentional purposes
5919s as you can all imagine but uh
5922s yeah
5923s i hope you've enjoyed this incredibly
5925s brief look at um
5930s one of the new systems inside of drake
5933s a site that the retaliators hold
5936s and their frost shield drones
5939s that we're seeing for the first time
5941s providing those benefits of
5944s defense as well as offense
5947s and their ability to freeze your ship
5958s and that's about all the time we have
5960s for this uh space
5967s what
5969s but i guess we'll see what happens in
5971s the next stream and maybe we can show a
5973s little bit more
5975s of the lava worlds
5978s and crack open the doors for discussing
5980s the zerulia faction
5985s what's new what did i do what did i do
5988s i'm just
5989s i'm showing this the site that we
5991s discussed
5993s about takes note to include that perk in
5995s my streams yeah no seriously uh
5998s highly recommend 10 out of 10 uh going
6001s for that perk
6002s especially if you're doing like very
6004s hard um and you know
6006s being rather um
6009s chaotic in your approach you know
6011s there's there's definitely some
6013s lack of intentionality behind
6016s my equipment my loadout i could probably
6019s deal with optimizing this a little bit
6020s further but you know for all intents and
6022s purposes i'm happy with how it's come
6024s along
6026s i'm happy with how it's all let's uh
6027s let's see what this has
6030s corrosive death okay so yeah this is
6032s obviously a new item that you haven't
6034s seen yet but that's a signal decoder in
6036s drake
6037s corrosive
6038s death all right interesting
6044s we'll put a peacemaker on there but yeah
6047s so at this point we are going to jump on
6049s over to the segment where we talk and
6051s show a lot about what you guys have been
6054s up to
6056s um because you know we like to highlight
6058s that as well you guys are pretty awesome
6060s on that front um and have shown
6063s um some incredibly quality photos like
6067s your photo taken skills through our
6069s experience and um it's just very
6071s pleasant it's very pleasant
6073s so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna crack
6075s open
6076s uh
6077s this bit where we can talk about the
6078s shots you've been taking
6081s and i went a little bit more detailed in
6084s my approach this time around so we're
6085s gonna see a number of people multiple
6088s times
6090s a number of people multiple times
6092s with their
6093s stuff being shown
6096s but we need a we need like a little
6097s transition here between this and uh
6101s the images so let me just let me let me
6104s pull a maneuver here let's do this
6106s because it's fun right
6109s we're just gonna play this trailer again
6110s just for kicks and giggles because
6112s everybody loves the trailer
6116s [Applause]
6146s oh yeah that's that's just that's just
6149s wonderful oh that's just wonderful all
6152s right so uh we're gonna go into this
6154s segment now where we talk about you guys
6156s and the images that you've taken
6159s um if you guys don't know that little
6162s snippet trailer that's just a 30 second
6164s long little trailer for you um but
6167s there's actually another trailer that
6168s was uploaded to our youtube channel so
6171s if you have not been to the youtube
6173s channel yet i highly encourage you to
6175s cycle on over there it's a i think it's
6177s a minute long so it's got twice as much
6180s content as that little snippet did what
6183s and uh you might be able to focus in on
6185s a couple new and really cool details
6187s perhaps maybe possibly
6190s it's it's fun it's nice so the shots
6193s that we have today to present to you
6194s we've got uh just a handful just a
6196s handful we're going to really focus in
6198s on these
6199s the first one comes from high bar
6202s this one got a lot of uh arrows up
6205s in the discord
6206s you guys really like this i think maybe
6208s it was because of the color palette kind
6210s of getting echoed around here with these
6211s oranges and sort of teals
6214s so that's nice ah
6216s i'm not sure how i feel about this this
6218s these color preferences but you know i
6220s can't be one to judge because i've had
6222s some incredibly weird looking spaceships
6224s myself
6225s uh but yeah it's very distinct i'll say
6228s that
6229s very distinct
6230s so good good stuff i love it
6237s you're impr uh kazaa speaking about the
6240s the trailer and the location uh impress
6242s how clean it looks with all the lighting
6243s effects and the enemies i'm imagining
6245s it'd be a pain to optimize for
6246s performance oh believe you me when i say
6249s the team has had their fair share of
6252s issues and bringing these new locations
6254s to fruition um there were
6257s more than a handful of times where we
6260s were doing play testing it's like we'd
6263s try this space out and it was just like
6265s oh hi i heard you like frame rates well
6267s you're not getting them here you know so
6269s it's it's a process it's absolutely a
6271s process
6272s i really enjoy this photo from excel
6275s who's who's actually in the the chat
6276s right now
6278s um i love these alignment shots i don't
6280s i
6281s i'm not gonna explain why other than
6283s there's a bit of nostalgia
6286s that's happening for me and uh through
6288s the history of our teammates here
6292s but also it's just you know
6295s when you get that truly symmetrical shot
6297s and when you're looking at this like
6299s look at look at the lines coming across
6301s the ship we're talking dang near in the
6304s middle
6305s almost near perfect symmetry happening
6307s here with the planet
6309s uh and the moon
6311s like that is
6313s no that's chef's kiss this this shot was
6316s not conceived by just pushing z and like
6318s let me see what i can do like that one
6320s took a lot of effort a lot of attention
6323s very very clean so nicely done excel i
6326s dig it
6328s really comes together
6331s it makes me happy
6335s there's been a lot of screenshots in the
6336s last three or so weeks yeah there have
6338s been
6339s yeah yeah but i kind of i kind of
6341s filtered through that and i just chose a
6343s few
6344s this time around i also wanted to talk
6346s about some fan art as well since we
6348s haven't really seen too much fan art
6350s recently
6351s and pop that open
6355s we have another one from high barf uh
6357s this one i
6359s i'm not sure how this happened i believe
6361s this shot was taken before my recent
6363s streams but my color palette
6366s on my scout that i've been using
6368s was similar to this
6371s it was awfully similar to this i just
6373s saw that i was like there's no way what
6375s how in the world did that happen um
6377s complete coincidence
6379s but i did i dig it
6380s i dig it a lot
6382s uh i'd like to see um
6385s i'd like to see more of your
6386s personalities come out of your ship
6388s designs you know several screenshots you
6390s know obviously there's some that are
6392s like more focused on environments like
6393s this but um
6395s being able to see
6396s what style your ship is and the color
6398s palettes that you're using that's
6400s something i find a lot of fun because
6402s then when you see a ship that's styled a
6404s certain way or has the right silhouette
6405s you just know you can like look at it
6407s and be like that's spook night's ship
6409s that's excel's ship that's the chemical
6411s bros ship that's
6414s insert username here's ship like i love
6416s that stuff so share your ship just take
6419s a photo of it if you've done any level
6420s of customization to it at all plop that
6423s into the screenshots channel because i
6424s want to see it i love that i love that
6426s so much
6428s really cool
6430s next up we have the chemical bro um
6432s using his dynamics and his angles always
6436s to great effectiveness per usual
6439s per usual
6441s and i really dig the way that he's
6442s brought this one together of course
6446s zipping away from the planet
6449s you know we got these these lines they
6451s almost look like little heartbeats you
6453s know
6454s that's particularly interesting
6458s you know you got the little waves there
6460s i think that's interesting but i love
6461s how that all comes together
6465s i can zoom in with my mouse in this
6467s application
6468s how have i
6470s guys
6470s this is revolutionary
6472s this revolut i didn't realize that i
6474s could zoom in and i can i can do this
6478s nobody told me
6480s this is amazing with all the high-res
6482s images that you guys shoot that i'm i'm
6484s so happy now
6485s wow
6487s the i
6488s i'm i'm kind of mind blown how did i not
6490s know this okay maybe i'm just dumb
6491s anyway i love this shot i love this ship
6494s uh we got a slew of these ships that are
6496s like
6497s especially the darker tones that the
6499s chemical bro usually likes the more
6501s reflective tones i should say with a
6503s highlight color
6505s does a dang good job on that front so
6507s the chemical bro we've got one more this
6509s is a great example of that
6511s once again where he's putting a lot of
6512s emphasis on the lights in a darkened
6515s environment this one like
6518s this make it looks like it's a toy that
6521s somebody's like holding and showing you
6522s like check this out you know what it's
6523s talking like that's what a fantastic
6525s macro shot
6528s of the vanguard here
6531s just really highlights all those little
6533s details
6535s hey guys you know you can use your mouse
6537s to
6538s zoom in
6539s um but i just i love how this comes
6541s together
6543s love it so much
6546s such fantastic work and there's just
6548s enough detail to see that you know it's
6550s actually in outer space you got that
6552s planet there you got the light behind it
6554s this might even be a prescott
6556s uh but uh regardless just
6560s the quality of
6565s how do you even describe this like it's
6566s almost like a
6570s it's almost like an emotion
6573s so well done the chemical bro love the
6575s way that it's being brought together per
6577s usual
6583s wait was there a question that i missed
6584s oh no hang on a second
6589s oh no you guys are just bantering that's
6590s fine that's totally fine uh reminder
6592s though if you guys do still have
6593s questions while we're looking at
6594s community screenshots and stuff please
6596s ask it's totally fine we are a very open
6599s development team
6601s very transparent
6606s all right
6608s so we've got uh this next shot from dark
6611s chaos who
6612s does some really amazing uh environment
6616s shots he actually posted one more that i
6618s didn't quite have enough time to plug in
6620s here uh just dropped it in the discord
6622s like right before the stream started
6624s but i love his use of purples and
6626s yellows uh in this particular scene
6628s believe it or not purple and yellow i
6630s mean
6631s i know somebody's gonna argue so that's
6633s orange yeah okay it's technically orange
6635s but the ship is yellow i'm counting that
6638s but purples and yellows are incredibly
6641s delightful complementary colors much
6643s like orange and blue much like green and
6647s red
6648s so there's a bit of that happening where
6650s we have these blues on the verge of
6653s being purples and these oranges on the
6655s verge of being yellows uh really coming
6658s together in this sequence
6661s and uh it creates it creates a happy
6663s moment for me
6664s as a viewer that just makes it truly
6667s stand out
6668s even in the midst of all of these
6670s vibrant colors you still have this
6672s detail of this um you know asteroid in
6675s the background with something going on
6677s there what could it be a base you know
6679s what have you uh all the while this
6682s little
6683s this little turd is zipping around
6685s teleporting making it hard as heck to
6687s shoot him down
6689s but very nicely done very nicely done
6692s and frankly speaking i love the look of
6693s that stinger i love the look of that
6696s stinger
6697s i think that comes together as well
6700s really good stuff
6703s [Music]
6706s really clever really great
6708s of all the vindicator drone names chat
6709s has come up with today what was your
6711s favorite or can you please come up with
6712s one yourself i was reading through those
6715s and it was incredibly hard to like pick
6717s an authentic drone name that was just
6719s like my favorite because there were
6721s too many there there's too many um
6724s honestly like if i could name a drone
6727s it would be very simple it's just simple
6730s names you know just like
6731s jeff
6733s bob
6734s frank
6736s delilah you know that's where i'm gonna
6738s go so you know it doesn't need to be
6740s complicated
6743s [Music]
6745s all right next one up we have yet
6748s another from
6750s dark chaos i love this one so much more
6752s environmental it's it's almost got like
6754s this
6756s horror movie vibe to it with how the the
6758s colorations going the light source you
6760s know hitting over here on the side uh
6762s and you've got like this foggy
6765s uh
6765s space
6767s right before we have this entry point
6769s that's way too dark to see inside of is
6772s there a shadowy figure or creature
6774s lurking in the distance i don't know
6776s maybe there's something there it's hard
6778s to say but these cables giving it
6780s somewhat of like almost an organic tone
6782s and organic structure in there makes it
6785s all the more creepy because like at
6787s first glance
6788s those almost look like tendrils coming
6790s down almost like something something's
6792s lurking right so very great use of
6798s framing on the front of this imagery i
6801s love how it comes together and all the
6804s lines are drawing you into what's around
6806s that bend like what's what's coming up
6809s what's what are we going to face what's
6811s the next challenge
6812s all the while still doing what uh dark
6816s chaos does best and highlighting these
6818s figures and utilizing those light
6820s sources
6822s to make things stand out even this
6824s lonesome little red light he's playing
6826s his part in all of this it's showing you
6829s just how dark everything is in that
6831s lower left corner it's nuts
6833s it's nuts the thoughts of how you guys
6836s carefully craft these shots like it's
6838s it's beautiful so thank you for your
6840s hard work and determination of bringing
6842s this all together because i cannot get
6843s enough of it it's so stinking delicious
6846s makes me so happy
6851s you guys still coming up with more drone
6853s names oh my goodness
6859s oh did i not did i miss another question
6863s [Music]
6865s okay i see i see all right cool
6878s may i guess that you didn't name your
6879s kids then oh my gosh sir loin that is so
6882s incredibly savage
6884s oh my gosh
6886s oh goodness
6889s my wife and i tag teamed that process
6892s thank you very much all right let's look
6893s at sputnik's photo here i love this shot
6897s i love it i love everything about it
6900s the end period just absorb
6903s let your eyeballs receive the beauty
6906s that is it's just freaking awesome i
6908s love it
6909s great shot spoon knight
6912s i love explosions i love the look of the
6913s ship
6917s great use of dynamic angles
6920s great use of the depth of field
6923s framing's perfect
6925s color grading is perfect i don't even
6927s know if like you adjusted the color at
6929s all
6930s it looks like an authentic screenshot
6931s but man it's great
6934s fantastic
6936s yeah there's a there's a small group
6940s maybe it's a little bit larger than i
6941s think it is but there's a there's a
6942s group within our community that has this
6945s huge appreciation for like jet fighters
6947s and if i'm not mistaken sputnik's one of
6949s them
6951s um
6953s like authentic authentic like military
6955s fighters and whatnot
6957s and uh some of you guys like man you
6959s really go ham with the interceptor and
6960s just like it's the only ship don't
6962s choose anything else i love it you guys
6964s are great
6967s shout out to ace combat okay excellent
6971s very very good all right
6977s see more silly questions
6983s [Music]
6986s and the last shot uh standard shot that
6988s you guys have offered
6990s that i chose was again from chemical bro
6993s which is of course highlighting his bold
6996s colorations
6997s it's the
6998s the light
7000s and darkness of these shots this one
7003s i believe was
7005s modified however
7007s it was in the screenshots channel but i
7008s believe it was modified so i'm going to
7010s consider this fan art
7014s but uh it's pretty cool still
7017s how
7019s just
7020s taking those extremes of light and dark
7022s and just
7024s sending them even further
7026s can create something that truly looks
7028s pretty epic
7030s very very good stuff
7039s you guys want more beatboxing i haven't
7040s done beatboxing in a while oh my gosh
7045s i i can do some beatboxing it's not
7047s gonna be good i hope that you're okay
7048s with that
7050s oh my gosh all right so now with all of
7053s these screenshots out of the way like
7054s really want to give a shout out to
7056s highbarf here today the chemical bro
7058s dark chaos sputnite uh excel you guys
7061s have been
7062s continuing to pump out uh excellent shot
7065s out after excellent shot after excellent
7067s shot
7068s um
7070s dang it excel i think it might be time
7072s for you
7073s i think it might be i think it might be
7075s time
7076s so when we head back into the discord
7078s i think that we are going to update you
7081s with a particular role that you have
7082s been attempting to get for a while
7086s i think you've earned it
7088s so uh excel i believe is going to join
7090s our league of galactic photographers we
7094s are going to slap that on you but i want
7096s more content because anybody who slows
7098s down with their streams of beautiful
7101s shots
7102s i can just as easily as i can give roles
7104s i can take them away so don't let me
7106s down
7108s don't let me down alright so now we're
7110s gonna pull up the fan art
7113s segment and uh here we've got the
7115s chemical bro
7117s who obviously modified this one a bit
7120s uh but
7122s still love it i love that exchange
7124s between the orange and the blue with
7126s this vessel that i don't even know what
7128s color it is i feel like this is one of
7130s those is the dress
7132s uh
7133s what's the color of the dress sort of
7134s things uh but i think that's green
7138s i can't quite tell
7140s um but i love it i love every single
7142s thing about this shot um great use of
7145s framing of course and and identifying
7148s all the necessary ingredients to to draw
7151s a person into this everything from the
7152s debris field to her to the lower right
7154s to the chunks of asteroids above there's
7157s a story to be told that i want to know
7158s more so excellent work per usual the
7161s chemical bro
7163s [Laughter]
7166s very very neat does that mean potential
7169s for galactic builder role if i get some
7171s more builds done joshua you know that's
7173s a good point
7174s that's a good point you have been
7176s pouring your heart and soul out for
7177s those
7178s um maybe maybe we'll talk
7181s oh my gosh detroit being uh an
7184s individual who
7185s has these like plastic pieces that
7187s they've put together to make different
7190s ships in everspace uh franchise so it's
7192s good stuff next up we've got another one
7195s from the chemical bro um i
7199s i love this
7201s i love this i love this very much
7205s um
7207s but uh it all comes together incredibly
7209s well i mean just
7210s explosions are great right
7212s exp you can never go wrong with
7214s explosions and those dang outlaws like
7218s we gotta we gotta take care of them
7220s those nerds
7222s it's a good time
7223s uh but i also like the way that this
7225s ship looks i think it's a it might be
7227s one of the standard color palettes but
7229s still i think it's pretty clean
7231s um just again wanting to shout out you
7233s guys who do take the time effort energy
7236s to customize your ship a little bit
7238s further because i love seeing those
7239s shots
7240s and uh you know the photoshop work going
7243s on you can tell this is photoshopped
7245s because there's no way that ship's
7246s actually that color
7248s obviously that's that's what's
7249s photoshopped here uh but it's fun it's
7252s good time keep it up next up the
7255s chemical bro once again this is
7257s basically the chemical bro section at
7258s this point in time i've already talked
7260s about how i love alignment shots
7262s [Music]
7265s it's great there you go this one's
7267s highlighting the harbinger
7269s d3
7270s tier two whoops whoops i didn't mean to
7273s go to the next one hang on harbinger dt
7275s d3 tier two vanguard you can see all the
7278s way down this little lower left corner
7280s that my face is still kind of blocking
7281s there it is boom you can't miss it
7284s wow what a zoom in i'm so glad i learned
7286s about this feature with the mouse wheel
7289s but what a fantastic shot i love it it's
7291s not perfectly aligned so uh five points
7294s from gryffindor for that but still um
7297s i love it i think it comes together
7299s so powerfully well
7302s and also glad that we're uh changing
7305s things up uh the chemical bro is
7306s constantly changing what ship he's
7308s flying for photography and that's always
7310s a pleasure
7311s so good good stuff
7313s excellent all right last but not least
7316s is the chemical bro and one more shot
7318s that he has captured um echoing the
7322s photo from left to right so
7325s it's technically one shot that was then
7328s um
7329s made into two like this is basically the
7331s shot
7333s this is the shot that actually
7334s technically it's it's this side
7336s this is the shot that he took and then
7337s he just duplicated it but i love it it's
7340s great
7341s there's a clever trick
7342s and i don't think almost anybody can
7345s notice unless you look at this uh photo
7348s for a little bit and realize how there's
7350s certain things
7351s that
7355s that
7357s are asymmetrical
7360s and certain things that aren't but
7362s regardless i love it
7364s i love it i love everything about what
7366s you guys have accomplished from the
7368s screenshot side and things that you've
7370s been capturing and talking about um it's
7372s all been so rich and so good and i want
7374s you guys to keep it up especially as we
7376s welcome excel into the new group of
7378s galactic photographers know that any of
7381s you could potentially get this role all
7383s you have to do is go to our discord take
7386s some photos slap them in there
7389s and keep doing it the longer you keep
7390s doing it the longer you keep the roll
7392s now i do go in there and i prune every
7394s now and then to see uh
7396s who's keeping up with their duties
7398s and who's not
7400s i don't like taking things away though
7402s so it's it's it's pretty locks honestly
7404s it's pretty chill but uh yeah aside from
7406s that um i guess i should also give
7409s sputnik a little shout out because he
7411s recently gave got the um
7414s uh
7415s he got the
7417s very rare badge of bragging rights we
7420s had some incredibly good conversation
7422s recently and um you know anytime you
7425s guys are like engaged with the community
7427s you're going to get out of it just about
7429s as much as you put into it and sputnik
7431s he's put a lot into this community he's
7433s really looking out for
7435s um you guys like and how he's responding
7437s to you and he's been very responsive to
7440s me he's asked really solid questions and
7442s i know that you're like in the chat
7443s right now spoon knight and you don't
7444s know what to say don't worry about that
7445s too much i just wanted to give credit
7447s where his credits do and so now we have
7449s two individuals who have bragging rights
7451s incredibly rare role uh its description
7453s was also updated in the discord so if
7456s you're looking to get any of those sweet
7458s roles
7459s again it's all a matter about what
7461s you're truly pouring into this space as
7464s we are creating more space
7467s ah wonderful and if you want to be a
7469s part of that um you know i've flashed
7470s the screen a number of times but
7472s sincerely you can always join us by
7475s heading over to the discord heading over
7477s to reddit and twitter and twitch and
7480s youtube and all these things
7482s and you can provide information and
7484s insight and ask questions and you know
7487s truly be like an authentic member
7489s of what we're trying to craft here and
7492s just being a good sport about it and
7493s just being positive and or even just
7495s being uh like having constructive
7498s criticism all of these things are what
7500s help shape and transform uh everything
7502s on the front of our community and it's
7504s incredibly valuable so thank you
7507s sincerely for all of you
7509s uh who have
7511s done this thank you for everybody who
7513s has continued to pour their hearts into
7515s this uh sincere it's such a wonderful
7518s time so um be a part of it with us it's
7521s it's fun i promise we're we're fun we're
7524s fun so uh last time you're gonna see my
7527s face
7529s you have been awesome today i have been
7531s eric schrader your community ambassador
7533s for all things everspace 2 related this
7536s is a screenshot this is an older
7537s screenshot of this location that we
7539s showed you
7540s today
7541s we are excited to show you so much more
7544s about these environments um and
7548s yeah
7549s i won't stop being an x-rater you don't
7550s stop being awesome and i'll catch you
7552s next time all right toodles
7576s [Music]
7584s [Music]
7603s [Music]
7617s hey
7619s just a reminder every space too
7622s uh
7623s is that is it on sale right now
7625s hang on a second is it on sale
7629s yeah it's on sale right now do you
7632s believe that
7633s it is 20 off
7635s right now
7637s right the heck now that's actually the
7639s most everspace 2 has ever been off and
7642s the existence of it and also note that
7644s whenever space 2 is completed in the
7647s first quarter of 2023 that's next year
7650s for those of you who can't math very
7651s well it's totally fine i understand the
7653s struggle is real
7654s that price point will in fact increase
7657s so
7659s 20 off right now
7661s if you want to pick it up and wait
7663s that's fine it's the cheapest it'll
7664s probably ever be if you want to hang on
7667s to your money that's also fine i'm just
7669s making sure you are aware i want you to
7671s have all of these details all right you
7674s guys ask me to beatbox i guess i will
7677s i don't know how good this is going to
7678s be i didn't prepare for this so let's
7679s just do it all right we'll just get out
7681s of the way
7698s [Music]
7702s my lips are dry oh my gosh
7714s that's all i got all right we're done oh
7716s my goodness seriously my uh
7720s so we're going to go raid we're going to
7721s go raid corbett
7724s we're going to go raid corbin now and
7726s we're going to tell him that he has to
7728s be bucks and he's not allowed to not
7730s beatbox
7731s because we did it okay
7733s you hear me
7735s that's what's gonna happen
7737s that's how it's gonna happen all right
7739s so we need to uh
7742s we need to we need to do this it's this
7745s is how it happens okay
7748s he is obligated
7752s he's obligated now that's how it's going
7753s to work
7754s i suppose
7756s in some way shape or form wait a second
7757s is he not streaming
7759s he's not streaming how dare he has
7763s ah
7764s oh that devious devious individual okay
7768s so we need somebody we need somebody to
7769s raid guys who are we who are we raiding
7772s who are we raiding we have to find
7775s somebody
7777s we have to find how dare he
7780s how dare he
7782s i look over at his channel and he's
7783s hosting rockfish games thanks for that
7785s by the way corbin but still
7787s oh my gosh
7792s how is he not streaming off i know right
7795s that's what i'm saying
7797s that is what i'm saying
7801s goodness
7805s here we go you know we're gonna we're
7807s gonna surprise this random person
7810s who apparently is streaming ever space
7813s one they have they have 27 followers
7817s they're a tiny little channel um i have
7819s no idea who this person is whatsoever
7822s maybe this is an incredibly bad idea i
7824s don't i don't care they're playing
7826s everspace one let's go give them some
7828s love all right
7829s let's go give them some love so uh we
7832s are going to uh
7834s we're gonna raid them they do have a
7836s follower subscriber only chat so just
7838s keep that in mind but we might as well
7840s give them some love anyway um
7843s and uh yeah
7844s so there we go all right guys don't stop
7847s being awesome i'll stop being here
7849s toodles
7868s you