My son (6) got excited about it when he saw me play. He played creative for a bit, then i got fed up watching him so set up my laptop with a new steam account, bought a second copy and now we play freeplay multiplayer.
1st game he made all the sciences. I did oil. I also expanded things he had already built by copying them. I did the make everything factory and his armour.
This game he even did basic oil on his own.
His builds are a marvel to behold. Belts go EVERYWHERE the bus is a mild inconvenience for him, things are built wherever. Explaining ratios starts with actually explaining ratios rather than their role in factorio...
Then he threw grenades at me and killed me and i sulked .
Anyone else got any experience playing with kids?
P.s. his first nuclear plant was fantastic. I told him it needed a lot of water so he ran a huge pipe half way across the base and plugged it straight into the reactor.
pps - screens in a post below.
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