about 1 month ago - /u/FactorioTeam - Direct link


  • Improved performance when removing roboports in large active networks by 60%. more


  • Removed reflections from lava. Tile transitions to lava now use the foam channel instead to keep their appearance. more


  • Fixed rocket silo GUI not fitting on small screens. more
  • Fixed a crash when writing LuaItem::entity_filters. more
  • Fixed that blueprint preview rendering did not work correctly. more
  • Fixed a crash with positional GuiEffect sounds with aggregation when dedicated UI sound resources were exhausted. more
  • Fixed upgraded blueprint entities would have their flip reverted more
  • Fixed worm shooting at fast moving target sometimes created multiple acid puddles with single spit and even outside of its range. more
  • Fixed that labs could try to research trigger based technologies. more
  • Fixed LuaEntity::get_logistic_sections was not always working with entity ghosts. more
  • Fixed selector combinator was using wrong open and close sounds. more
  • Fixed remote item requests leaving a visual deconstruction/ghost mark when inserters interacted with the slot. more
  • Fixed issue related to rendering items on belts when a belt was also rendered through a camera widget. more
  • Fixed that assembler input slots could exceed stack limits. more
  • Fixed a crash in assembling machine GUI when the output was full and a recipe containing a research progress product was being crafted. more
  • Fixed shooting actions missing vibrations when playing with a controller.


  • Added connection_category to LuaFluidboxPrototype::pipe_connections.


  • Added FluidStream::target_initial_position_only. It's used by worm acid spit.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at https://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

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