OK, with all these things that aren't the new fluid mechanics, I have to ask: is it pushed back to 0.18?
OK, with all these things that aren't the new fluid mechanics, I have to ask: is it pushed back to 0.18?
That is still to be determined, it may be a post-stable feature, it may be a 0.18 feature, it may never happen.
Only time will tell, but it is not forgotten.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't thousand celsius be dull red glow? And orange is several thousand?
The factorio universe might just have a different Stefan–Boltzmann constant... ?
The FFF images aren't loading for me, but they load if I change their HTTP URL to HTTPS.
Should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know.
The heat pipes are also .18, they are post-stable.
The glowing heat pipes will be in the next 0.17 experimental
When will heat pipe glow be live on exp?
Next week (probably).