over 8 years ago - /u/V453000 - Direct link

Hi, I just feel like sharing my latest discovery:


full zoom: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20419525/_FACTORIO/Smelting-FuelCircuit-fullZoom.png

4 belt smelting for burner furnaces, only 14-15 tiles wide, roughly 104 tiles long.

I find the biggest downside of steel furnaces is that they need fueling, not because I would care about spending the fuel, but because you need to get the fuel there somehow, which uses some belt throughput.

The interesting part of this design is to use circuit network to detect if there is enough fuel on the belt, and adding fuel only if necessary. That way I can put more ore on the belt! Early on I am not sure how big of a gain it would be, but if you like to use steel furnaces even in the late game with solid/rocket fuel, the efficiency of the design is pretty great.

The inserter unloading isn't the greatest, I kind of hate to unload to underground belts and call it a fully packed belt solution, but here it is probably fine enough, since you are missing a few ore pieces here and there.

It requires an overflow to keep things going. I have a very basic one here, I believe to achieve full deadlock-proof potential, it would need some extra stuff to take care of situations when the outgoing iron plate line is full, to prevent that there is iron ore everywhere and fuel can't get to the furnaces.

But I have yet to test this in a long game, so far I just had it running with SpawnBelt. :)

I am pretty happy about it, will definitely be using it for now. What do you think?

Update: coal deadlock-proof version http://imgur.com/gallery/0v7VQ

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