about 4 years
ago -
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Minor Features
- Decider combinator can output an Anything signal, which returns exactly one matching signal. more
- Various small changes and fixes related to how temperatures are shown. more
- Fixed inconsistent usage of Optimisation and Optimization in the changelog and codebase. more
- Fixed tooltip item lists not showing in some cases. more
- Fixed missing "Can't reach" message when trying to build out of build reach. more
- Fixed corner case of fast belt dragging back and forth. more
- Fixed that belt traversing when ghost building didn't work outside manual building reach distance. more
- Fixed changing belt direction by dragging when underground part is present. more
- Fixed cancelling planned belt upgrade by ghost belt dragging. more
- Fixed that using undo on recently mined entity didn't work in latency state and produced a memory leak instead.
- Fixed that using smart belt building traverse when using ghost cursor (instead of shift building) was generating underground belts for free. more
- Fixed various problems related to latency state and belt building.
- Fixed a crash when entity ghost with self connection was destroyed. more
- Fixed items held by inserters would not draw light layer. more
- Fixed that power switch state was not saved in blueprint strings.
- Fixed that furnace alt-mode didn't show the last recipe, same as map view "Recipe Icons" option. more
- Fixed locomotive rebuilt through undo operation would not have its schedule restored. more
- Fixed that overlapping ghosts were removed when they shouldn't while other entities marked for deconstruction were present. more
- Fixed Train GUI crash when a temporary stop expires and no stops are valid. more
- Fixed that steam turbines fed with steam of lower temperature would show as producing more electricity in electric network info. more
- Fixed tiles would be rendered with 1px gap between them at some positions, zoom levels and screen resolutions. more
- Allowed to freely fast-replace underground pipes by pipes. more
- Fixed belt upgrading by dragging with belt gap present. more
- Fixed that tips and tricks were not animating on clients in multiplayer. more
- Increased build reach check distance for finishing belt turns to avoid unexpected gaps when moving and building. more
- Fixed a crash when rendering modded mining drills in some situations. more
- Fixed a network error related to hosting a game using the continue button. more
- Improved the manual building behaviour when building on (or behind) the edge of the reach while moving.
- Fixed that enemy ghost indications could be shown when hovering enemy chest. more
- Fixed tile ordering of nuclear ground.
- Changed tile order strings to the commented style.
- AttackParameters::turn_range greater than 0.5 but less than 1 will be clamped to 0.5 as targeting in arcs larger than half circle is not implemented. more
- Writing nil to LuaEntity::trains_limit disables the limit (sets maximum possible value).
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.
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