almost 5 years
ago -
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- New offshore pump graphics.
- Removed the sound effect from the console-only electric-energy-interface.
- Item localised name takes priority over place-result localised name when showing item's tooltip. more
- Offshore pump is now buildable on ground tile adjacent to water instead of water tile adjacent to ground.
- Fixed that the map generator GUI didn't reset to the correct defaults when changing presets. more
- Fixed blueprint window sizing for wide blueprints.
- Fixed some cases of not considering dark background icon when drawing alt mode overlay. more
- Fixed that burner generator idle_animation and animation could have different frame counts.
- Fixed icons with overlays were drawn incorrectly when used in sprite widget. more
- Fixed crash when loading map after removing fluid recipes with indexes. more
- Fixed spitters would not break from attacking an obstacle when the obstacle moved away. more
- Added Instrument Mode to support mod development tools.
- Added optional burner generator prototype properties always_draw_idle_animation, performance_to_sound_speedup and min_perceived_performance.
- Added optional offshore pump prototype properties min_perceived_performance, adjacent_tile_collision_box, adjacent_tile_collision_mask and center_collision_mask.
- Changed offshore pump graphics definition. Old definition will still be accepted, but is deprecated.
- Added optional parameters daytime and water_tick to LuaGameScript::take_screenshot() function.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
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