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4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Why would you want to upgrade everything to higher quality, it makes 0 sense to me. Also, you can alter the blueprint to make just one entry for entity/item you care for, and make it quality < target -> target

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Ellisthion

You can’t use that for everything. Eg you can’t logistic request “uncommon or higher”, you can’t even request for two rarities of the same item because it says it conflicts.

Yes, you can't request uncommon or higher, because it would be very unclear what it means. And yes, you can order two rarities of the same item.

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Atreides-42

Quality feels really, really half-baked in its current implementation. The fact that absolutely everything in the game treats different quality items as entirely different items, and there're no "Highest available quality", "Any quality above X", "Any quality below Y", etc. options for anything is unbearably annoying.

Hello, what do you even mean by "highest available quality", where exactly would you like to use it? or "Any quality above X", These sentences are very abstract, and I can't imagine anything specific when reading these.

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Atreides-42

Wasn't quality talked about in the context of "Sprinkle a few quality modules throughout your factory, and statistics will mean you get random rares"?

Because Quality as-is does NOT work that way. You either have to absolutely 100% go all-in on quality, or ignore it for anything except the most final of end products. If you just throw quality modules into your machines the same way you would speed or production modules (or efficiency I guess) you're basically just guarenteeing your factory will choke up and come to a halt.

It's just such a weird mechanic. It really feels like it needed months more development, and tonnes of playtesting from average players, not just devs and streamers.

Yes, you can sprikle few quality modules into the factory (assuming it is a final product, and you properly filter it). But we never said that you can just sprinkle the modules everywhere, it is very clear.

Also you absolutely don't have to go 100% all-in on quality, there is a whole spectrum of the involvement of quality in the factory, from completely ignoring, to putting it everywhere and dealing with the complexity.

All I see is a complaint about "when I just randomly put modules into a factory, it will not just magically make everything better", and yes, it is not that simple, but I see it as a feature, not a bug.

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by QuantityExcellent338

I dont see the problem with that and it opens up a new challenge from the sole fact that you cant mix them. You choose where you incoorperate quality (either at top level where you craft machines, mid levels like circuits, or bottom level with ore and plates which is the most difficult), and as you work your way up and sort the quality objects you can get basically guaranteed quality.

If you could just mix quality ingredients, any of the satisfaction for setting it up right would be lame when you can just throw some quality on miners and get a free boost- thats whats Productivity is for.

Trust me, in a few months people will super optimize current Quality mechanics and learn to love it. I think people see Quality and incoorporate it too early and get frustrated when this is Factorio after all, it's entirely optional layer of complexity, not just a productivity stat. Though I agree it does lack some Quality of life and clarification that can easily be added in the future

It would be much worse, because people would complain, that their precious legendary items were consumed and lost because of a simple filter inserter misconfiguration.

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Mooncat25

There has to be a QoL update from Wube. Like a Quality Planner - select to upgrade / alt-select to downgrade.

But why? For what? Why would you ever want to upgrade every single item to a higher quality at one time?

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Liberum_Cursor

u/kovarex consider adding this! or hey, someone make a quick mod :)

But why? If something I would remove the "auto-upgrade" weird feature of an empty upgrade planner. Upgrades always work better when they are explicit decisions. Like, oh I have enough of rare bulk inserters already, lets update my upgrade planner to reflect that. As opposed to, yolo, lets upgrade everything to legendary.

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Mandlebrot

It's not just for bulk upgrades - but taking an old design and clicking on various bits - inserters, assemblers, modules, beacons... to tweak it up or down one quality level at a time. Like going from fast inserters to bulk inserters! (you don't have to worry about rotation either!)

(Upgrading belts and pipes for quality though, fair enough that's fairly useless)

In all of our playthroughts we were always choosing different kind of items to be upgraded at different times based on need, and then we upgraded the master upgrade planner to reflect that. The master upgrade planner could be used anywhere, even repeatedly, and it always upgraded stuff to the current tiers. Having an upgrade planner which upgrades everything to the next tier is quite theoretical need, the same as the current feature of an empty upgrade planner which upgrades evertyhing to the next tier of thing (normal belt->fast belt etc)

4 months ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Liberum_Cursor

lets update my upgrade planner to reflect that.

But then you have to modify every item in the upgrade planner by hand, which is quite tedious.

If there was an option in the upgrade planner that said "anything that's epic," -> "upgrade to any that's legendary," then that'd be the only addition necessary

Instead of having to change inserter(normal) -> inserter(uncommon), have the option be x(normal) -> x(uncommon)

Unless there's already a way to do that with parameters in the upgrade planner? I haven't tried that yet

I don't find it tedious. Lets say you spend hours expanding gleba production and quality related stuff, and then, finally you have enough of legendary stack inserters, so you can use them everywhere, but the part of few seconds to upgrade your upgrade planner is tedious? I don't understand.

You never want to upgrade every item in the upgrade planner at the same time, so why would there be a tool for that?

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