over 5 years ago - /u/Klonan - Direct link

Originally posted by Roxas146

So G2A gets to choose the auditing company? I'm sure that the auditors will be completely objective and reasonable towards the company that's paying them for an audit!

Its going to be one of the Big 4 accounting firms.

over 5 years ago - /u/Klonan - Direct link

Originally posted by ChristianNilaus

Dear Wube

Since the "mega packet" update MP has been frustrating to play due to rubber-banding and latency. This manifests most obviously when you take a small step and it moved 4-5 tiles instead of <1 tile as it should. This is not always happening, but certainly more than 50% of the time.

I have played on the same server for many months and it suddenly went from "usual MP latency" to "OMG I CANNOT CONTROL MY CHARACTER!1!" from one day to the next. I have asked around and it seems this is commonly experienced.

Is this one of your 28 remaining bugs? if so I would like to upvote that in your backlog if possible ;)

Yea, we have also fixed that for the next release