about 4 years
ago -
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- Changed wire drawing to always have the same opacity regardless of ghost/electric poles being connected.
- More specific error message when a blueprint cannot be flipped.
- More specific message when copy pasting spidertron with equipment grid.
- Color differentiation for robot overview on the map (yellow = construction, white = logistics, cyan = mobile, green = personal).
- When dragging electric pole, the next pole is built once the max distance was reached instead of when it was exceeded.
- Fixed that blueprints containing offshore pumps couldn't be flipped. more
- Fixed spidertron leg could get permanently stuck when many ghost and entity avoidance requests stack up. more
- Fixed script error in entity transfers tutorial. more
- Fixed objective sound duplication in Tutorial level 01. more
- Renamed interface settings "show tutorial notifications" to "show tips and tricks notifications".
- Fixed fast rebuilding pump to change direction. more
- Fixed that it wasn't possible to build train stop next to ghost rails. more
- Fixed uses of Enter as the confirm key. more
- Fixed that power pole dragging did not power all ghosts. more
- Fixed crash related to radar status. more
- Fixed that script was able to place overlapping rails when they were of different type. more
- Fixed that spidertron didn't move leg preventing ghost curved rail to be built in some cases.
- Fixed that E to confirm didn't work on the connection error notice boxes.
- Fixed ghost fast replace of pipe to ground.
- Fixed that rail ghost was considered as colliding with rail to be deconstructed. more
- Fixed inserter's custom vector flip behavior in blueprints. more
- Fixed that power poles didn't keep their connection configuration when they died.
- Fixed inserter status related to placing items into full chest in some cases. more
- Fixed a crash when installing mods due to the background simulation. more
- Fixed copying spidertron logistic filters didn't work correctly with empty filters. more
- Fixed trains limit could be violated when pasting settings onto train stop when it changes station name. more
- Fixed desync when changing value of LuaEntity::tree_stage_index. more
- Fixed that building constant combinator over ghost with different direction would not keep settings. more
- Fixed a crash related to modding rail signal wires. more
- Fixed that burner rocket silos didn't work correctly. more
- Fixed that the lab GUI would show incorrect research level if multiple levels were queued. more
- Fixed that the max-players settings didn't persist correctly between hosting games. more
- Fixed a crash when exiting the game while some notice boxes are visible. more
- Fixed blueprint chart rendering of rotated blueprints wasn't correct in some cases. more
- Fixed using script rendering animations in simulations would crash the game. more
- Fixed fast electric pole dragging logic with obstacles in the way. more
- Widened campaign level selection list box, so all of our level names can fit. more
- Fixed blueprint setup window left part being cut a little when there are so many components that they need a scroll bar. more
- Fixed that tips & tricks notification window was visible also when playing tutorial.
- Fixed tips & tricks notice not being cleared when the tip was finished by playing tutorial before marking as read. more
- Fixed that changing parent style of a gui element didn't clear the internal style values and didn't resize it until the game was reloaded. more
- Setting a tooltip on a 'slider' custom gui element will set the tooltip to both the body and the notch. more
- Added override_sound_type to LuaPlayer::play_sound, LuaSurface::play_sound, LuaGameScript::play_sound, and LuaForce::play_sound. more
- Added "item" to LuaSurface::create_entity. more
- Added create_build_effect_smoke to LuaEntity::clone(), LuaSurface::clone_area(), ::clone_brush(), and ::clone_entities().
- Added LuaRecipePrototype::allow_inserter_overload read.
- Added defines.train_state.destination_full.
- Added LuaEntity::torso_orientation read/write.
- Added LuaGameScript::font_prototypes read.
- Added LuaFontPrototype.
- Added LuaItemStack::create_grid().
- Added RecipePrototype::allow_inserter_overload bool (true by default). When true, it increases the ingredient overload of the recipe by 4 times the current stack inserter stack size.
- Added dynamic_recipe_overload_factor, minimum_recipe_overload_multiplier and maximum_recipe_overload_multiplier to utility constants.
- Added train_auto_without_schedule_penalty to the train pathfinder utility constants.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.
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