almost 5 years ago - /u/Twinsen01 - Direct link

Originally posted by sorahn

A couple questions:

  1. will there be a quick action button to turn on and off logistics? (like roboport and legs have)

  2. Using inventory/stack transfers in the player inventory will transfer the items either to weapons and armor slots or to trash slots depending on the selected tab, regardless of item type.

    If I have the crafting tab open, and you ctrl or shift click items in your inventory (right now it trashes them) what would happen? Nothing?

  1. The button will not be in the tools GUI, but a keyboard shortcut was added
  2. In the crafting tab, shift clicking weapons and armor will get them equipped; anything else will get trashed. It's intended as a more veteran shortcut
almost 5 years ago - /u/Twinsen01 - Direct link

Originally posted by ReikaKalseki

but it's made this way to solve the problem of robots bringing you items before you finished setting up your request.

Finally! That has always been a nuisance for me.

Why did you remove all the personal logistics upgrade techs, though?

Since we merge logistic requests with auto trash, and auto trash was infinite, we didn't want to nerf auto trash slots to be limited.

Also we felt like a limited number of requests slots was not a very meaningful limitation. I always used the grid to keep my requests organised by leaving empty spaces, but I was always forced to fill those empty spaces due to limited number of request slots.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Twinsen01 - Direct link

Originally posted by masterpi

Could we also get keyboard shortcut settings for the individual panes of the new character gui? Maybe shift-c and shift-l?

That's implemented. They are F1 F2 F3 by default

almost 5 years ago - /u/Twinsen01 - Direct link

Originally posted by ansermachin

This makes obsolete one of my favorite old posts from this subreddit:

Roses are red, violets are blue

Character logistics trash slots 2

Hah, that was one of my favorite posts also.