some hype stats - SPOILERS
its big, really
dont need any fuel?!?!?!?! OP!
can move above buildings!
can move above small water (the other edge must be in reachable distance)
can move above cliffs (ok, all spiders can, no big deal)
can move above trains!
if sitting above starting rocket (silo), the animation is slightly weirdo (probably is also immune to shooting artillery, but untested)
have 10x6 grid, putting extra exo dsnt add extra leg, just make him faster
coming with 4 rocket launchers
its not made by inserters, like prototype, have new unique fancy design, but not inserters, new players will enjoy, old players will get mods
safe travels and no more Watch your step achievement!!!!!!!!!!
have fancy spiderman-like icon on map
can autoshoot by rockets - its optional and independent switch for both auto mode and with driver/gunner - watch your nukes!, rly, watch your nukes with auto mode! Spidy will shoot every rocket launcher in sequence, and will do that really quickly - big rocket swarms incoming - and watch your nukes!
comes with remote, 1st link - pair remote to spider, then you can order him to move to specific location, works in similar way to artillery remote, but spidertron is bad at pathfinding, trying to move only straight to the target, so we have to manually click points around bigger water to navigate, still funny
traaaaaaaain immunitieeeees!!!!!!