about 4 years ago - /u/FactorioTeam - Direct link


  • Updated the technology icons.
  • Updated the "Make a copy of blueprint" icon.


  • Added simple credits gui.
  • Updated the style of progressbar dialogs.
  • Updated the style of map editor.


  • Changed the default debug settings to only show grid and nothing else.


  • Fixed that Blueprint books in the library didn't propagate its modded icon backups properly into the game.
  • Fixed that Blueprint books in item form did loose its modded icon backed up state when saved between versions 0.18.37 and 0.18.42
  • Fixed that swapping ghost cursor with an item didn't clear the quickbar selection immediately.
  • Fixed PvP script error when starting a new round with duplicate starting areas. more
  • Fixed PvP scenario not restoring character bonuses after respawn. more
  • Fixed that most of the windows were not squashing as they should when they couldn't fit the screen.
  • Fixed squashing of save name label in the load/save map dialog and load/save map progress windows.
  • Fixed that biters could attack entities beyond their attack range. more
  • Fixed crash when opening train gui through non-locomotive while in map view in latency state. more
  • Fixed that the deconstruction planner was ignoring specified tile filters when removing tile ghosts.
  • Fixed that the deconstruction planner with normal tile setting was ignoring tiles when the selection contained only tile ghosts + tiles.
  • Fixed that the deconstruction planner with tile ghost filter selected didn't select (with whitelist) or ignore (with blacklist) the tile ghosts.
  • Fixed that the deconstruction planner with tiles and rocks only and blacklist always ignored tiles.
  • Fixed lights of entities just outside of right or bottom border of screen were drawn twice sometimes.
  • Fixed drag-placing ghost item in zoomed-to-world view would drag the view instead. more
  • Fixed that barreling recipes were generated for "fluid-unknown".


  • Empty LuaPrototype collision masks will now return an empty table, rather than nil.
  • LuaEntity::circuit_connected_entities and LuaEntity::circuit_connection_definitions return data for entity ghosts. more

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

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