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I want to play with a friend, but we both have different views on how to manage a base. So I thought it would be cool if we could have separate research trees, and we'd build our own bases near each other so that we can frequently visit each other, help each other, blueprint things.

I tried doing this with the LUA commands provided: /c game.create\_force("Faction Name") /c game.players\["Player Name"\].force = game.forces\["Faction Name"\] /c game.forces\["Faction Name"\].set\_cease\_fire("player", true)

This did indeed solve the issue of the research trees, because we both have different trees now and we're not hostile to each other. Unfortunately when I tried to interact with my buddy, it said I can't. I also cannot blueprint buildings that he placed.

Does anyone know of a way to circumvent this?

Ideal scenario:

  • Separate research trees
  • Not be hostile to each other
  • Be able to interact with each other's buildings
  • Be able to blueprint his buildings
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about 4 years ago - /u/Klonan - Direct link

You need to use set_friend: https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaForce.html#LuaForce.set_friend

Also the PvP scenario has options to ally different teams, just set the same 'Team number'