Original Post — Direct link
over 4 years ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Just wait for 1.1

over 4 years ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Originally posted by Zr4g0n

Good thing they're not working for free, then! They've made somewhere over 2 million sales of the game, most on steam. Because of regional pricing, let's assume it's 10€ average per sale. And let's call it 2.5m sales, with steam promoting 1.0 and all. Currently the team size is 20, so let's have fun and assume that's been the case for the entire time, all 7 years. That leads to around 178K € per head per year, currently. Some of that is lost to steam, some is lost to overhead, and some is gained from having not 20 devs for all 7 years. And the average sales price might be different, as it seems most players are in europe. They also have sales of merch that I haven't taken into account. Wube isn't making the game for free.

As for possible DLCs, I'm sure there are potions out there that would not split the player-base. Without much effort put into it, maybe something like an additional campaigns or handcrafted maps using available-for-all resources would work. Or having a custom skin/model for your character that would work on all clients etc. Though that might be too much data...

Well, you have Steam cut, taxes, offices, hardware etc.
Also, you need to factor the "Risk reward", if we decide to do anything, we never know if it is going to be financial success or not, so the successful projects need to cover for the failed attempts in the long run.
Also, the company can make profit, it doesn't need/shouldn't stay on zero in the long run obviously.

And lastly, this way of thinking is not really correct, it doesn't matter how much the company or the individual people make, the thing that matters is if the product value for the customer is big enough for its price.

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