over 4 years
ago -
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- Improved 8px versions of circuits so they look better on belts when zooming out.
- Improved 8px versions of inserters so they retain their color better.
- Tweaked Steel plate and Plastic bar icons to improve contrast between them.
- Constant combinator and infinity chest filters can now be confirmed using Enter. more
- Made grey virtual signal a bit darker to have more contrast with white virtual signal. more
- Fixed building entity seemingly colliding with rolling stock ghost would delete the ghost. more
- Fixed Tutorial campaign level 05 had non-translated train stop names. more
- Fixed tiny maps hanging in PvP. more
- Fixed Wave defense bonuses being lost when technology effects were reset. more
- Fixed progression block in Tutorial level 01 if you don't close the furnace GUI while smelting the iron plate. more
- Fixed redundant title in modded Container gui. more
- Fixed changelog gui not reacting properly to window resize. more
- Fixed premature goal completed notifications in Tutorial level 03. more
- Fixed transport belt madness script error when trying to handle highlight-box entities. more
- Fixed tightspot output chest deleting items when starting the level. more
- Fixed tutorial level 01 start cutscene could be zoomed with the scroll wheel causing glitchy rendering. more
- Fixed can_insert logic related to ammo and guns on the character entity. more
- Fixed crash when clearing infinity pipe filter. more
- Added 'tank_count' to fluid wagon prototype. Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3. Default value is 3. more
- Added start_position and start_zoom to cutscene controller initialisation.
- Made final_transition_time of cutscene controller optional. If not given, the cutscene won't loop back to the start position.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.
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