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Finally got this after lots of attempts ( 8? 9?). It was nice to play under a different kind of pressure, although it's something that I'll probably never do it again. Did it with 34 minutes to spare and I have no intention to improve that :) I can't wait to go back to regular Factorio where I can tame as much time as I want to do stuff.

Did it with yellow belts only, small poles only, stone furnaces. No bots/trains. No military science. I skipped almost every research not related to the rocket silo, with a few exceptions like toolbelts.

I also limited map size (1300x1300) and max starting area so I could "disable" bitters. I tried the island at 75% a couple of times but didn't like it. Iron and copper at maximum settings, coal and stone at 300% since you don't need those that much and maximize them would interfere with iron and copper. Uranium disabled. There's no need to maximize oil for a TNS run, so I left it at 400% and I still think it was overkill.

One thing I definitely had to do was a mall. All my failed attempts were handcrafting stuff, but I just lack the discipline to craft sh*t ahead of time, so I'm aways laking belts, pipes, etc. Since I wasn't going for any world records I decided to waste some time building an area that would provide everything I needed. I only handcrafted poles and a couple of stuff if the mall was too far away. Obviously I'm talking about typical mall stuff, I did handcraft refineries, chemical plants and stuff like that :)

I also wasted some time in the burner phase chopping enough trees so I wouldn't have to do that for the rest of the run. I got around 500 wood and it was more than enough.

Redo all my designs in the map editor before the run. I pretty much removed all the stuff produced locally and put them on the bus, so my science structures were way simplified. The exception was purple science. I didn't see any reason to bus stuff that are only used in 1 site, with the exception of raw materials and brick. BP everything and that made for a more relaxed run.

I built using 45SPM and 4 rocket parts PM with 4x prod modules 3 as a guide. I built science to ratio, but the rocket parts I only took rocket fuel and control units into consideration, since the plan was to cut production of everything not related to the silo after the research was done, still, towards the end, I was lacking red circuits and greens never seem to be enough. I did build a nice buffer for fuel and control units, and fortunately, that was enough. I used the purple science site to build an extra assembling machine to craft production modules 2, so I could craft the 4 production modules 3 for the silo.

My bus had everything, including a pipeline with all the liquids/gases. Pretty much anything needed for science paks and was there, with the exception of inserters/belts and the purple science stuff. 3 lines of iron, 4 of copper, 2 greens, 2 plastic, 1 steel, and 1 of each science stuff.

People who can speedrun this sh*t and others that can do in less than 6 hours showed there's a lot of room for error. Only after I launched the rocket I realized my red circuit setup was missing the output in 7 machines.

The smelting line is by far the most boring part of the whole thing. Building 10 of those with 500+ stone furnaces and no bots is not fun. I did build them on demand so it wasn't as painful as in other attempts were I build a most of them way too early.

80 steam engines total. I tend to build a 20 steam engine early in the game, so I don't have to worry about it for a while. Same thing here. I then upgrade to 40 after oil and this time decided to double that before it was needed (usually when yellows start being produced). Steam engine lines are not as painfully boring to build as smelting, so might as well finish asap, so you don't have to worry about power towards the end.

Anyway, I had fun doing it, but I'm glad I won't have to do it ever again - with bots someday, maybe? :)

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over 4 years ago - /u/kovarex - Direct link

Congratulations, explanation of this kind of attempt is actually quite useful to read. I have a confession to make, I never actually tried the achievement, when we were designing them, we kind of looked at the world records at that time and multiplied it by something (2 I think), and hoped it to be reasonably achievable. With the science packs update, we didn't change the time and I was afraid that it might be too short, but it is probably ok.I should try it one day :)

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