over 4 years ago - /u/FactorioTeam - Direct link


  • Construction robots will attempt to batch build tiles.


  • Tooltips reworked. They now have a new structure and look.
  • Properties in tooltips have been reorganized and reworked. Common properties have been added to categories.
  • Added more information to tooltips, for example to be able to calculate steam power and nuclear ratios.
  • Recipe and item tooltips are now separate. Item tooltips will be shown for each product in the recipe, if relevant.
  • Descriptions and Total Raw can be hidden using the interface setting.
  • Reorganized the interface settings menu.


  • Fixed a crash when switching between the map editor and the ghost controller type. more
  • Fixed car movement animation played forwards when reversing. more
  • Fixed a crash related to using LuaCustomTables incorrectly. more
  • Fixed that accumulators wouldn't copy circuit signals correctly in some cases. more
  • Fixed a crash related to removing all collision masks from rails. more


  • Added ProductPrototype::show_details_in_recipe_tooltip. It determines if a product tooltip should be shown when hovering a recipe.


  • Added filtering support for several common Lua events.
  • Added LuaEntity::logistic_network write for construction and logistic robots.
  • Added "lifetime" optional entity creation parameter for speech-bubble entities.
  • Added LuaEntityPrototype::max_distance_of_sector_revealed and max_distance_of_nearby_sector_revealed read.
  • Changed RecipePrototype so it calculates catalyst from ingredients and products automatically if not manually defined.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

External link →