over 4 years
ago -
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- Full English text proofreading and corrections.
- Fixed Trains gui listbox labels not being readable when hovered. more
- Fixed a crash when using LuaChunkIterator. more
- Fixed a desync related to placing blueprint with assembling machine with not yet researched recipe. more
- Windows with item and count to be selected are now merged into single window and double click on the item auto-confirms the window with the default count. Windows affected are logistic request, signal selection and (debug tool)infinity count selections.
- All mining results of resources are forced to be unlocked in the selection lists, even when recipe to create them exists as well. more
- Added ItemPrototypeFlags::always_show, which forces the prototype to be always visible in the selection lists regardless of related recipes.
- Added RecipePrototype::unlock_results bool (true by default). When set to false, the recipe doesn't unlock the item to be shown in selection lists.
- Added RotatedSprite::counterclockwise bool (false by default). Set to true to indicate sprites in the spritesheet are in counterclockwise order.
- Added CharacterPrototype::has_belt_immunity bool (false by default).
- Entities no longer require the order string be set when there's no item-to-place them.
- Added EntityPrototype::remove_decoratives. "true", "false", or "automatic". Defaults to "automatic".
- Added TurretPrototype::attack_target_mask and ignore_target_mask. more
- Changed roboport tooltip to not show robot recharge rate when the roboport has no charging slots. more
- Added LuaRecipePrototype::unlock_results read.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.
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