almost 6 years
ago -
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Includes version 0.17.27 Bugfixes
You can get experimental releases by selecting the '0.17.x' beta branch under Factorio's properties in Steam.
- Fixed a crash when hovering over some inventory-like GUI elements.
Includes version 0.17.27 Bugfixes
- Fixed that pollution statistic values from entities were reversed and didn't increase evolution. more[]
- Fixed a crash when mods would set special_signal = true for virtual-signal prototypes.
- Fixed a crash when a mining drill is destroyed during the resource-depleted event.
- Fixed a crash when loading modded saves related to recipe migrations and fluidboxes.
- Fixed a desync related to the blueprint library and keeping outdated blueprints between versions.
- Fixed crash when undoing manual removal of entity marked for deconstruction. more[]
- Fixed that the technology GUI would show 100% researched for near-100% values. more[]
- Fixed crash when calling LuaGameScript::take_technology_screenshot for force that doesn't have any technologies enabled.
- Fixed that action bar link to blueprint in the inventory had tooltip size limited too much. more[]
- Fixed that blueprint cost table width wasn't correct for UI scale different than 100%.
- Added surface_index to the on_robot_mined_tile event.
You can get experimental releases by selecting the '0.17.x' beta branch under Factorio's properties in Steam.