almost 6 years ago - /u/FactorioTeam - Direct link


  • Fast replacing power poles will keep existing connections but also try to connect to further away power poles if possible. more
  • 0-255 numbers are now allowed in [color] tags. The game will detect if you want to use floats or 0-255, just like the /color command. more


  • Solved transport line compression related to splitters for various corner cases. more
  • Fixed texture-compression config values that were valid in 0.17.15 but are not valid since 0.17.16 would cause error on startup. more
  • Fixed that reverse/forward speed limits of the train movements were mixed up. more
  • Fixed that reverse locomotive power was the same as forward.
  • Fixed item transfers tutorial giving combinators instead of wood. more
  • Fixed tutorials showing migrations dialog.
  • Fixed slow inserters on transport belt madness level 3. more
  • Fixed massive biter clumps in Wave defense. more
  • Fixed a crash when importing save files into saves with different technology levels researched.
  • Fixed that swapping Command and Option keys on macOS caused neither one to work in Factorio. more
  • Fixed that the technology GUI would list all technology levels if the technology was fully researched. more
  • Fixed a crash when using /swap-players. more
  • Fixed a crash when rotating some modded underground pipes. more
  • Fixed poor performance when large chat messages are rendered. more
  • Fixed a crash when a train traveling to a temporary stop has its schedule copy-pasted. more
  • Fixed a crash when using "Join server after sync" for server hosted over Steam Networking. more
  • Fixed hand missing from quickbar when selecting shortcuts to the blueprint library. more


  • Added LuaControl::open_technology_gui(technology) which will open the technology GUI and select the given technology.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at

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