almost 6 years
ago -
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- Dragging power poles over ghosts of the same type will revive them. more
- Replaced the hand graphic in the quickbar with a selected graphic, so blueprint books are visible.
- Solved train positioning when being built by robots. more
- Fixed that playing Factorio in full-screen mode on macOS would hide all notifications. more
- Allow commas with spaces after in color tags. more
- Fixed the mechanic of saving a scenario locally when joining a multiplayer game that uses a scenario you don't have didn't work correctly. more
- Fixed that the burner light would still glow even when the entity is sleeping. more
- Assembler copy/paste now works correctly when pasting both recipe and direction with fluid mixing around. more
- Tool shortcut bar selection list can be closed with ESC. more
- Fixed that some technologies wouldn't show in the technology list if they were fully researched. more
- Fixed incorrect zooming speeds when using keyboard to zoom. more
- Blank property expression names in map gen settings JSON are ignored. more
- Seed1 arguments above 255 to noise functions no longer crash the game, warning about the upper bits being ignored, instead. more
- Fixed broken supply challenge. more
- Fixed slow horizontal trackpad scrolling in the tech tree view. more
- Fixing one situation of underground pipe connection over a ghost. more
- Fixed blueprint icons not disappearing when using set_quick_bar_slot more
- Fixed PvP force modifiers were being overwritten. more
- Fixed "graphics_variation" was read-only on entities of type "corpse". more
- Fixed buildability check of some fluid entities in blueprints. more
- Fixed gui layouting related to having more squashable elements with different minimal sizes in one row/column.
- Fixed possible crash when hovering the statistics graphs.
- Fixed a crash when using LuaGameScript::show_message_dialog during on_init.
- Fixed headless server would hang when shutting down on Windows. more
- Fixed interaction of pipe underground connections of different reach. more
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
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