Original Post — Direct link

For some reason my rank is not getting updated. Im able to connect to a ranked duel and finish it, but afterwards i receive "we're sorry, but our servers are taking longer to respond than anticipated" error message. I already played dozens of duels in past few days but my rank is still "unranked 0/8". No other game mode affected in my case, just this.
I receive rewards, steel etc. but not the rank update.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@gronthxxl Hey! Sorry to hear that you are encountering this issue and thank you for linking the other article. When you get this error do you get an error code also?

If so can you please provide it here.

Thank you.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mercury - Direct link

Thanks for providing these details @gronthxxl! To confirm, have you already tried the steps from this connectivity troubleshooting guide?