Original Post — Direct link

My brother and I use internet providers that have Restricted NAT [Red]. As far as I know, For Honor is the only Ubisoft game that restricts device communication under these conditions. Could someone please give me an idea of how we could solve such a problem?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @lovespammer

Are you and your brother both on the same internet connection, or are you at different locations? You can try doing the troubleshooting steps found here, or the suggestion I posted to the user above this comment to help get around this.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Dino - Direct link

Thanks for confirming that detail @lovespammer!

A good place to start would be using our connectivity troubleshooting guide to see if this can quickly go away for you. I know it can sometimes be tedious, but please be sure to try the port forwarding too if the other steps don't improve or resolve this for either of you.