In all my years of playing I have never seen anyone seemingly lock into a ghost during a fight like this is it legit or is there some scripting going on here.
In all my years of playing I have never seen anyone seemingly lock into a ghost during a fight like this is it legit or is there some scripting going on here.
Will be fixed in 0.14
Hi Everyone !
@FawnIowa459019 I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that your in-game experience was impacted by another Player !
This thread has been moved to the Player Support section, in order to bring it the best possible visibility, and your message has been edited.
As public reports are not allowed on the forum, I invite you to reach out to us directly via our Help website, in order to provide us with all the elements that you gathered.
Should you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to message us !
Hacker UID: 6995076573112762369
Thank you for the report and the info u/Turtle835wastaken, we will send this on over to the security team so appropriate action can be taken.
I love all the wrong answers <3
To OP's questions; You've picked up a gun another player have skinned with their own preference. Clicking that button will allow you to reset the skin of the gun to your own.
That icon is the logo for the current Season, Escalation. The number is your current Battle Pass tier.
For an actual answer, that is a fallback texture to prevent a thing that is supposed to show a texture, show no texture. The image you’re seeing always exists in Unreal Engine (and always has, since the beginning), and will show up if something is missing or not downloaded or maybe somethin went wrong. No cause for alarm or worry
Onomastics? Like, the study of names and their etymology?
That's a shot in the dark, but at one point you hinted that something about the name generation in the game will change, and that the player might be able to influence it. Of course if I understood it correctly.
This is what we use to fly around the map. Dev exclusive. ;)