Not sure if that's what you meant, but - we already have hierarchical pathfinding in the game for a long time.
Before units do their normal a*, they do path search on a bigger chunks layer.
Holy hell the goat himself ! I hope you didn't take my post in bad taste , I just wanted to share some opinions that had been bothering me .
Thanks for the 100s of hours of fun Maxim
all good. Can't wait to see future posts about the actual thing
To make units smaller compared to buildings
Also there are traits that affect unit size. To have the same pixel size would mean less fun stuff
If Maxim did reply, he’d probably say some cryptic ass single-worded answer like “yes” or “oof”.
yeah, some posts are a bit too much
also, explained here why this update can't be in chunks:
It's already out there
It's already out there
Then, can we combine different subspecies, for example: (orc+demon) + (orc + bear)?
not atm. But you can add their traits
Hey Maxim what are the possibilities of hybrids on a species level or will it only be on a subspecies level?(if any type of mixed species will be available of course)
Only at subspecies level
Female rulers were always there mechanically. They just weren’t translated separately
why not
Gonna be a love-hate situation
You can copy saves from android using third party file managers to pc
Gonna be a bit more cooked
When you uninstall the game on steam - steam only removes original files. Not the mod files.
Hope it helps