
Worldbox Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by Kendja

On your screenshot it shows clans, not kingdom/village population.

You sure only one person in them?

Actually can see that for pink - there's a leader and king avatar. So it's at least two


On your screenshot it shows clans, not kingdom/village population.

You sure only one person in them?

22 Jul


Originally posted by WaterBottleSix

If you put down a bunch of ice towers, then turn all the cold ones into zombies, then you have a bunch of white walkers who hang around their houses and reproduce.

Excuse me wat

21 Jul


Originally posted by LukXD99

They’re herd animals, they’ve been doing that for years. Unfortunately none of the other animals have similar behavior.

Gonna be more

20 Jul


If you mean early access - no.

There's still a lot of stuff that we want to add before 1.0


Press Alt-enter or check settings. Option already exists

12 Jul


Originally posted by wailot

"Showing stuff to early"



Yeah, planning to make a new Steam post soon.

It's a tough decision between showing some content too early, as we still don't have a release date, and keeping the most important and fun stuff closer to release without spoiling much

04 Jul

01 Jul



20 Jun


cannibalistic chickens that reproduce by spores

19 Jun

14 Jun


Thought about it, would have been fun!

But still so much to add to WorldBox.


Originally posted by Nuclear-LMG

it would be super cool. but we get onion men instead. Am I the only one kinda pissed about that btw?

we wait for so long for new races and the two confirmed ones are lemon and onion people? what the f**k? who asked for that? I need names, people.

your mom

08 Jun


Both are cool! And I love that the second one has a smiley face