Original Post — Direct link

Basically as the title says. My friends and I went through about 3 hours of troubleshooting to no avail. I get their messages and can actively and accurately follow their activity and vice versa, but they simply do not receive invitations from me, and vice versa. We can all play the game just fine, as far as connection goes, and the other two can connect with eachother without issue. I however, cannot.

My NAT as well as their is open (after a very, very, *very* grueling and painstaking process that I never would've been able to do on my own), and all the Ubisoft adjacent apps, namely Ubisoft Connect, seem to run fine on the side. All threads relating to this process seem to tie back to a developer fix in 2019 - which doesn't help me here! I would very much appreciate some assistance. Much thanks.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@finalstalfos12 Sorry to hear you're having these issues with friend invites in For Honor! Just to make sure, have you gone through our official Connectivity Troubleshooting here?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @finalstalfos12 ,

Thanks for getting back to us!

Glad to see it's since sorted itself!

You know where we are if there's anything more you need any help with.

Take care!