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My friends and I have started playing For Honor again and after about a week of playing I started getting disconnected from Dominion and Deathmatch matches after finishing one duel into the game or sometimes before you are allowed to move your character. I have been able to play some Duel matches but not sure if there is a way to get around this. I even deleted and re-installed the game but began getting the error after playing one Dominion match with my friends.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @smileyasia

I'm sorry to hear you are getting disconnected. Does this only happen when grouped with your friends or does it happen if you queue solo too?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @smileyasia

Glad to hear it's not affecting you now at least. I don't know if someone else is using your friends PS5's at the same time as their PS4 is trying to play the game, but if they are on the same network trying to play the game together, this may also be the cause for them.