over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
Browser/General: Monday
  • Level up rewards from the castle system were sometimes shown with a multiplier instead of a percentage

App: Monday
  • The text size of the "Collect" button in the Forge Bowl quests was too small
over 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Browser/General: Tuesday
  • The sector reward icons in the province "Pisterrac" were misaligned. They are now shown on top the corresponding sectors.

App: Tuesday
  • No player related updates.
over 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Browser/General: Wednesday
  • The Quest screen was blank after finishing the 18th daily quest and needing to wait for the new one. It will now show the waiting quest text.
    (This change will not affect the Beta Server, but it will be fixed for the Live Release)
  • In rare cases it was possible to change your name, before you got the quest to name yourself. This can no longer happen.
  • The indicator for when you get the next Forge-Point did not appear for some players. It will now be shown correctly.

App: Wednesday
  • Opening the Log in Guild Battlegrounds, swiping to the sight and closing the window by tapping on a sector left a black area on the right side. This will now not happen anymore.
  • One exploration side from Venus was shown in the Space Age Asteroid Belt Continent Map. It will now appear on the correct map only.
over 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Browser/General: Thursday
  • The random rewards from residential buildings (for example pirates hideout) only provided 2 out of 5 goods. You are now able to recieve every good.
  • The amount of remaining coin and supply boosts from Great Buildings were decreased from collecting wishing wells. After reloading, the correct amount was shown again. Wishing wells will now longer decrease the amount.
  • The Castle System provided an attack boost for the attacking army. This was not intended and instead, the attack and defense boost for the attacking army was slightly increased.

App: Thursday
  • No player related updates.
over 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Browser/General: Friday
  • The firework above your town hall after reaching a new age did not appear. It will now explode and bang again!
  • For some players it was not possible to see more than 6 friend recommendations, as the buttons were missing. Your new future friends will now not hide anymore!

App: Friday
  • No player related updates.